total: 371
filtered: 332
SPME as a method of sample preparation for GC analysis of VFAs
PublicationW niniejszym artykule omówiono szczegółowo technikę mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej, stosowaną na etapie przygotowania próbek, w celu oznaczania lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych.
Membrane-SPME the best 'green' sample preparation technique for the gas chromatographic determination polar organic pollutants in polar media
PublicationOne of the most popular technique for sample preparation, which fulfill requirements of green analytical chemistry, is solid phase microextraction (SPME). Because of the undoubted advantages of SPME technique, solvent-free character of the extraction process and the enormous potential in analytical practice, a series of studies has been undertaken to develop new technical solutions, where improving the sensitivity and the extraction...
Sample preparation and chromatographic analysis of acidic herbicides in soils and sediments
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono różne techniki przygotowania próbek i oznaczania herbicydów z grupy pochodnych fenoli i pochodnych kwasów karboksylowych w próbkach gleby. Opisano wybrane metody wzbogacania i izolacji analitów, m. in.: ekstrakcję za pomocą wodnych roztworów zasad i rozpuszczalników organicznych płynem w stanie nadkrytycznym, wodą w stanie podkrytycznym, cieczą pod zwiększonym ciśnieniem, cieczą wspomaganą mikrofalami. Niski...
Applications of sample preparation techniques in the analysis of pesticides and PCBS in food
PublicationPestycydy oraz anality z grupy polichlorowanych bifenyli (PCB), można znaleźć w żywności w niewielkich stężeniach, jednak ich zdolność do kumulacji i toksyczność powodują konieczność oznaczanie tych związków w żywności. Analiza próbek żywności pod kątem obecności pestycydów i analitów z grupy PCB przysparza wiele trudności ze względu na specyfikę przygotowania próbki w oparciu o wieloetapowe operacje oczyszczania próbki zawierającej...
Surfactants application in sample preparation techniques: Insights, trends, and perspectives
PublicationSince the implementation of Green Chemistry into analytical practice, significant efforts have been made to improve the sustainability of chemical analysis. These include reducing the use of hazardous chemicals and solvents, minimizing waste, and improving energy efficiency. Surfactants can be applied in chemical analysis as an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional solvents and chemicals. The use of surfactants can...
Applications of Graphene-based Materials in Chromatography and Sample Preparation: A Review
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Sample preparation and recent trends in volatolomics for diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases
PublicationThe analysis of the human volatilome can be successfully used for rapid and non-invasive diagnostics of gastrointestinal diseases. However, the introduction of techniques based on detection of volatiles is limited, among other factors, by difficulties which arise during the sampling stage and instrumental analysis. The aim of this article was to review and discuss medical and analytical literature on the analysis of volatiles in...
Analysis of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables using QuEChERS sample preparation method and gas chromatography with electron capture detection
PublicationPesticides are a numerous and diverse group of chemical compounds. They are some of the most toxic substances contaminating the environment, which are used to eliminate pests in agriculture and the household. Despite considerable progress in the development of methods for preparing samples for analysis and for the final determination of analytes, the analysis of pesticides in biological samples continues to present challenges to...
Green sample preparation techniques for chromatographic determination of small organic compounds
PublicationAccurate monitoring of the state of the environment requires the introduction of additional isolation and/or preconcentration step prior to the chromatographic determination. In this work the information about novel methodological and instrumental solutions in relation to different variants of microextraction techniques are presented. Attention is focused on analytical procedure and suitable analytical tools for extraction of the...
Analytical applications of membrane extraction for biological and environmental liquid sample preparation
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono informacje dotyczące technik ekstrakcji membranowej wykorzystywanych do oznaczania związków organicznych w ciekłych próbkach środowiskowych i biologicznych. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono podstawom teoretycznym tych technik, możliwości połączenia z technikami oznaczeń końcowych oraz obszarom praktycznego ich wykorzystania.
Green analytical chemistry in sample preparation for determination of trace organic pollutants
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przyjazne środowisku techniki analityczne, stosowane w celu izolacji i wzbogacania analitów. Ilość używanych rozpuszczalników jest ograniczana przez stosowanie alternatwnych rozpuszczalników, technik bezrozpuszczalnikowych, ekstrakcji wspomaganych czynnikami zewnętrznymi oraz przez wprowadzanie mikrosystemów analitycznych.
Modern techniques of sample preparation for determination of organic analytes by gas chromatography
PublicationW pracy dokonano przeglądu szerokiego spektrum technik przygotowania próbki, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem technik o charakterze prośrodowiskowym. Opisu technik dokonano pod kątem wykorzystywanych mechanizmów izolacji analitów oraz stosowanych rozwiązań aparaturowych. Przegląd rozwiązań aparaturowych uzupełniono o podstawy teoretyczne izolacji bazującej na zjawisku podziału analitów.
Soxhlet Extraction and New Developments Such as Soxtec in: Comprehansive Sampling and Sample Preparation
PublicationSoxhlet extraction is one of the most popular techniques for extraction of analytes from solid materials. Since its discovery in 1879, the standard Soxhlet technique has been routinely applied in almost every analytical laboratory. Up to this day, Soxhlet extraction technique remains a standard technique to which the performance of modern extraction techniques is compared.Over the years, an intensive research on different modifications...
Current trends in analytical strategies for determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in samples with different matrix compositions – Part 1.: Screening of new developments in sample preparation
PublicationPolybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are ubiquitous compounds in the environment. Restrictions on the use of PBDEs introduced at the beginning of the 21st century have not eliminated these highly persistent and bioaccumulative compounds from the environment. Despite many existing regulations to control and phase out, extensive research on PBDEs is still necessary to fully evaluate the hazard their create to the environment. In...
A Robust Method for Sample Preparation of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour for LC/MS Untargeted Metabolomics
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Sample preparation for gas chromatographic determination of halogenated volatile organic compounds in environmental and biological samples
PublicationPodstawowym elementem przygotowania próbek środowiskowych i biologicznych do analizy jest etap izolacji i/lub wzbogacania polegający na przeniesieniu analitów z matrycy pierwotnej charakteryzującej się złożonym i często zmiennym składem (próbka oryginalna) do matrycy wtórnej z równoczesnym usunięciem substancji przeszkadzających (izolacja)i zwiększeniem stężenia analitów do poziomu powyżej granicy oznaczalności stosowanego przyrządu...
Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in atmospheric air. Part II. Sample collection and preparation
PublicationThe paper reviews literature information on air sampling techniques commonly used for monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) levels in atmospheric air. It describes containers for collecting samples of atmospheric air, such as vacuum canisters and bags made from synthetic materials. It discusses dynamic, passive and denudational techniques for sampling analytes from air combining isolation with preliminary enrichment, and...
Effect of sample-preparation methods on the quantification of selected flavonoids in plant materials by high performance liquid chromatography
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Experimental Evaluation of ND: YAG Laser Parameters and Sample Preparation Methods for Texturing Thin AISI 316L Steel Samples
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Matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) as simple and useful sample preparation technique for determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in dust
PublicationIn the present study a novel analytical procedure for the determination of polybrominated diphenylethers in dust samples was developed.The main aim of the research was the selection of the optimum conditions of the matrix solid-phasedispersion before thefinal determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in dust samples. In order toassess the best usefulness of this technique, a favourable ratio of sample amount to the mass ofdispersing...
Sample preparation procedure using extraction and derivatization of carboxylic acids from aqueous samples by means of deep eutectic solvents for gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis
PublicationThe paper presents a new procedure for the determination of organic acids in a complex aqueous matrixusing ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by injection port derivati-zation and GC–MS analysis. A deep eutectic solvent (choline chloride: 4-methylphenol in a 1:2 mol ratio)was used both as an extracting solvent and as a derivatizing agent to yield ion pairs which were next con-verted to methyl...
A new dilution-enrichment sample preparation strategy for expanded metabolome monitoring of human breast milk that overcomes the simultaneous presence of low- and high-abundance lipid species
PublicationThe complex nature of human breast milk (HBM) makes samples difficult to analyze, requiring several extraction techniques and analytical platforms to obtain high metabolome coverage. In this work, we combined liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE) techniques to prepare HBM samples to overcome the challenge of low- and high-abundance lipid species, enabling the semiquantitative analysis of total HBM lipids...
Wykorzystanie membran na etapie ekstrakcji analitów organicznychz ciekłych próbek środowiskowych i płynów biologicznych = Analytical applications of membrane extraction for liquid sample preparation in biomedical and environmental analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono informacje dotyczące technik ekstrakcji membranowej wykorzystywanych do oznaczania związków organicznych w ciekłych próbkach środowiskowych i biologicznych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na podstawy teoretyczne oraz możliwości ich połączenia z technikami oznaczeń końcowych oraz obszarom praktycznego ich wykorzystania.
Can matrix solid phase dispersion (MSPD) be more simplified? Application of solventless MSPD sample preparation method for GC–MS and GC–FID analysis of plant essential oil components
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The solvent-assisted dispersive solid-phase extraction method revisited. Application for the determination of anionic surfactants
PublicationA new approach in solvent-assisted dispersive solid-phase extraction (SA-DSPE) procedure using a supercooled liquid was developed. It demonstrates the first use of a supercooled liquid in this technique, in particular, and in chemical analysis in general. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work devoted to the determination of the total concentration of anionic surfactants (as LAS, Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate)...
Challenges in preparing honey samples for chromatographic determination of contaminants and trace residues
PublicationThe determination of contaminations and residues in honey is of growing concern over past few years, especially that these compounds can not only diminish beneficial properties of honey but more importantly, if present in significant amounts, can pose serious threat to human health. Since honey is characterized by complex composition of the matrix sample, it is often necessary to apply clean-up step, in order to eliminate interfering...
Novel sorptive extraction techniques in bioanalysis evaluated by Blue Applicability Grade Index: The paradigm of fabric phase sorptive extraction and capsule phase microextraction
PublicationFabric phase sorptive extraction (FPSE) and capsule phase microextraction (CPME) are two sol-gel derived microextraction techniques that emerged in the last decade towards the minimization of the environmental impact of conventional sample preparation approaches. Complementary to the well-established green metric tools, Blue Applicability Grade Index (BAGI) was recently proposed for the evaluation of method’s practicability. In...
Miniaturized solid-phase extraction techniques
PublicationMore than 80% of analysis time is spent on sample collection and sample preparation, so sample preparation is a critical part of the analytical process. Traditionally, liquid-liquid extraction was developed and employed to screen for general unknowns. However, solid-phase extraction (SPE) is becoming highly popular as an alternative, due to its simplicity and economy in terms of time and solvent. This review summarizes the current...
Green aspects of techniques for the determination of currently used pesticides in environmental samples
PublicationPesticides are among the most dangerous environmental pollutants because of their stability, mobility and long-term effects on living organisms. Their presence in the environment is a particular danger. It is therefore crucial to monitor pesticide residues using all available analytical methods. The analysis of environmental samples for the presence of pesticides is very difficult: the processes involved in sample preparation are...
Measuring radioactive powder samples on the highresolution powder diffraction beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
PublicationThis laboratory note describes a new sample preparation technique to enable high-resolution powder diffraction experiments at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility on radioactive samples. The sample preparation involves setting the active material in resin and several layers of encapsulation suitable for measurement at the beamline. This has allowed low-temperature measurements on very small quantities of samples, providing...
Green aspects of techniques for the determination of pesticides in fruits and vegetables
PublicationApplied all over the world, pesticides are some of the most dangerous pollutants of the environment because of their stability, mobility, their ability to accumulate in the environment and their consequent long-term adverse effects on living organisms in general and human health in particular. Their presence in the environment is a particular danger. It is therefore crucial to monitor pesticide residues using all available analytical...
Hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents in microextraction techniques–A review
PublicationOver the past decade, deep eutectic solvents (DES) have been widely studied and applied in sample preparation techniques. Until recently, most of the synthesized DES were hydrophilic, which prevented their use in the extraction of aqueous samples. However, after 2015 studies on the synthesis and application of hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents (HDES) has rapidly expanded. Due to unique properties of HDES i.e. density, viscosity,...
Principles and Developments of Solid-Phase Microextraction
PublicationSample preparation has been commonly considered a critical step of the analytical process. In this sense, remarkable efforts have been made to develop efficient sample preparation techniques which could overcome the limitations of conventional approaches. Since its inception in the early 1990’s, solid-phase microextraction (SPME) has become a widespread miniaturized sample preparation technique for extraction and preconcentration...
Ionic liquids-based microextraction techniques
PublicationIn recent years, the development of highly efficient analytical techniques is of great importance, however, the direct analysis of complex sample matrix is still impossible in many cases. Therefore, the step of sample preparation is commonly involved in an analytical procedure. Over the years, it has been realized that the major source of inaccuracy and imprecision on general analysis results from the operations associated to sample...
Nowe rozwiązania metodyczne i techniczne w zakresie techniki mikroekstrakcji do fazy stracjonarnej
PublicationSample preparation has been recognized as a critical step of the analytical process, being even considered as the bottleneck of the overall process. Enrichment of target compounds, transfer of the analytes into a solvent compatible with the analytical instrumentation, minimization of potential interferences, and efficient sample clean-up, are among the main aims of sample preparation techniques. In this regard, liquid-liquid extraction...
Combined extraction and microextraction techniques: Recent trends and future perspectives
PublicationThe latest advancements in the analytical sample preparation indicate a trend of combining different extraction techniques with targeting an improvement in separation, cleanup, detection limits, enrichment factors, and dealing with complex matrices. This manuscript identifies mainly two groups of combined sample preparation techniques. The first group integrates conventional or enhanced extraction techniques with microextraction....
Ultrasound-Assisted Solvent Extraction of a Porous Membrane Packed Sample for the Determination of Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines in the Replacement Liquids for E-Cigarettes
PublicationThe content of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) possessing carcinogenic properties has been an important area of research since replacement liquids were introduced for e-cigarettes. A method for determining N′-nitrosonornicotine (NNN), 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), N′-nitrosoanatabine (NAT), and N′-nitrosoanabasine (NAB) in replacement liquids for electronic cigarettes was developed using liquid chromatography–tandem...
Algorithms of chemicals detection using raman spectra
PublicationRaman spectrometers are devices which enable fast and non-contact identification of examined chemicals. These devices utilize the Raman phenomenon to identify unknown and often illicit chemicals (e.g. drugs, explosives)without the necessity of their preparation. Now, Raman devices can be portable and therefore can be more widely used to improve security at public places. Unfortunately, Raman spectra measurements is a challenge...
The use of low-coherence interferometer for sugar content determination
PublicationIn this article, the implementation of low-coherence interferometer with signal processing in time domain for sugar content determination in aqueous solution is presented. The elaborated measurement set-up was tested with the use of synthesized source made of two low-coherence sources. The use of two sources with dedicated parameters enabled to obtain a proper metrological parameters of the measurement system. The elaborated low-coherence...
Methods and Instruments | Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
PublicationScanning electrochemical microscopy is based on the recording of electrolysis currents (Faradaic currents) at a microelectrode (ME) probe that is scanned over the sample. Different working modes are available to couple the electrolysis at the ME to reactions at the sample. The article explains their principles and provides examples of their application. The feedback mode, the sample-generation/tip collection mode, the redox-competition...
Ionic liquids in the microextraction techniques: the influence of ILs structure and properties
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) are composed entirely of ions thus they possess unique properties, including negligible volatility, a liquid state in a broad range of temperatures and ability to change them depending on the chosen type of anion and cation, which make ILs unique and useful for many applications in sample preparation techniques. A deeper understanding of the nature of ILs and the impact of their structure on their parameters...
Trends in the new generation of green solvents in extraction processes
PublicationAnalytical chemistry, like other scientific fields, has undergone a number of changes to make it more consistent with the concept of sustainable development. Among the various steps of chemical analysis, without a doubt, sample preparation is the bottleneck in regard to following a green protocol, especially in terms of solvent consumption. Therefore, many attempts have been made to improve the environmental friendliness of this...
Comparison of different techniques for extracting Polychlorinated Biphenyls from bottom sediment samples using Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry
PublicationIn this work, problems that may occur during determination of trace levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in sediment samples are described. The main error sources are connected with extraction of analytes prior to final determination. During model studies, polychlorinated biphenyls have been extracted from sediment reference material (METRANAL 2) with the use of different solvents (dichloromethane, hexane, and toluene); the process...
Direct chromatographic methods in the context of green analytical chemistry
PublicationWe review analytical protocols based on gas and liquid chromatography (GC and LC), but involving no sample preparation.Green analytical chemistry seeks to minimize negative impacts of analytical chemistry. Direct analytical methods ideally fulfillthis requirement, as they preclude sample preparation - the most polluting step of the analytical procedure.We describe examples of GC methodologies for environmental and food analysis...
Multivariate Assessment of Procedures for Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Synthesis for Pesticides Determination in Environmental and Agricultural Samples
PublicationIn the case of quantitative and qualitative analysis of pesticides in environmental and food samples, it is required to perform a sample pre-treatment process. It allows to minimalize the impact of interferences on the final results, as well as increase the recovery rate. Nowadays, apart from routinely employed sample preparation techniques such as solid-phase extraction (SPE) or solid-phase microextraction (SPME), the application...
Determination of short-chain monocarboksylic acids in cattle farm and dairy industry wastewater
PublicationThe paper describes application of various techniques to determine short-chain monocarboksylic acids (SCMAs) in samples from the successive steps from milk production: from wastewater from cattle farm to wastewater from dairy industry. Each technique of sample preparation is followed by gas chromatographic analysis.
Recent developments and future trends in solid phase microextraction techniques towards green analytical chemistry
PublicationSolid phase microextraction find increasing applications in the sample preparation step before chromatographic determination of analytes in samples with a complex composition. These techniques allow for integrating several operations, such as sample collection, extraction, analyte enrichment above the detection limit of a given measuring instrument and the isolation of analytes from sample matrix. In this work the information about...
Direct determination of cadaverine in the volatile fraction of aerobically stored chicken breast samples
PublicationTo supplement the currently used methods for poultry meat shelf life assessment, it might be necessary to develop a technique for rapid headspace analysis of volatiles with no prior sample preparation step. Biogenic amines, in particular cadaverine, are considered meat spoilage indicators. Described in this article are the results of a preliminary investigation of the applicability of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry...
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł dotyczy kwestii poprawy dokładności estymacji położenia w systemie lokalizacji wewnątrzbudynkowej, bazującym na radiowych pomiarach odległości realizowanych przez modemy UWB. Proponuje się zastosowanie metody filtracji cząsteczkowej do zmniejszenia błędu wyznaczania pozycji obiektu przy braku bezpośredniej widoczności ze stacją referencyjną. W artykule opisano algorytm filtru cząsteczkowego, jego przykładową implementację...
Quality of Analytical Results: Classifiying Errors and Estimating Measurement Uncertainty
PublicationThe most important parameter of each analytical result is its reliability. An analytical result is not a constant value; each result has two properties, error and uncertainty. The sources of both these parameters have to be known and their values determined (estimated). All analytical results are obtained by applying an appropriate measuring procedure. The need for reliable results requires application of reliable analytical procedures,...