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Search results for: FACE-TO-FACE CONTACTS
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Molecular Diagnosis of COVID-19 Sudden and Unexplained Deaths: The Insidious Face of the Pandemic
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Normalization of face illumination using basic knowledge and information extracted from a single image
PublicationThis paper presents a method for face image normalization that can be applied to the extraction of illumination invariant facial features or used to remove bad lighting effects and produce high-quality, photorealistic results. Most of the existing approaches concentrate on separating the constant albedo from the variable light intensity; that concept, however, is based on the Lambertian model, which fails in the presence of specularities...
Curb-to-Barrier Face Distance Variation an a TB51 Bridge Barrier Crash Test Simulation
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of road safety regarding barrier placement as relative to the curb. A short summary of existing regulations is presented. Numerical simulations using the explicit finite element system Ls- Dyna are shown. In the analysis, variable distance between the barrier and the curb is assumed. The obtained result reveals that the distance has little impact on the working width of the barrier.
Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdańsk University of Technology in the face of knowledge-based society challenges.
Publicationw artykule przedstawiono Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej w obliczu wyzwań, jakie niesie ze sobą rozwój społeczeństwa opartego na wiedzy. W ocenie wydziału posłużono się kryteriami baldrige'a.
Recovery of facial expressions using functional electrical stimulation after full-face transplantation
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Waste-based nanoarchitectonics with face masks as valuable starting material for high-performance supercapacitors
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A Residential Building Extension Prototype to face Post-Pandemic Needs: Foreseen Challenges and Impacts
PublicationThe COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of outdoor spaces for maintaining physical and mental well-being. However, many urban residents lack private outdoor areas, which led to harmful health consequences during lockdowns. The research project aims to address and solve this issue by developing a physical/digital prototype called “X-TEND” that extends living space outdoors by attaching it to existing multi-story residential...
PublicationIn this paper the relationships between the alternative machining paths and flatness deviations of the aluminum plate part, were presented. The flatness tolerance of the main surface of the plate part has crucial meaning due to the assembly requirement of piezoelectric elements on the radiator. The aluminum bodies under investigation are the base part of the radiators with crimped feathers for the train industry. The surface of...
Pose-Invariant Face Detection by Replacing Deep Neurons with Capsules for Thermal Imagery in Telemedicine
PublicationAbstract— The aim of this work was to examine the potential of thermal imaging as a cost-effective tool for convenient, non- intrusive remote monitoring of elderly people in different possible head orientations, without imposing specific behavior on users, e.g. looking toward the camera. Illumination and pose invariant head tracking is important for many medical applications as it can provide information, e.g. about vital signs, sensory...
The clamping selection method to reduce the vibration of large-size workpieces during the face milling process
PublicationThe article introduces a method for selecting the best clamping conditions to obtain vibration reduction during milling of large-size workpiece. It is based on experimental modal analysis performed for a set of assumed, fixing conditions of a considered workpiece to identify Frequency Response Functions (FRFs) for each tightening torque of the mounting screws. Simulated plots of periodically changing nominal cutting forces are...
Incorporating Iris, Fingerprint and Face Biometric for Fraud Prevention in e-Passports Using Fuzzy Vault
PublicationA unified frame work which provides a higher security level to e-passports is proposed. This framework integrates face, iris and fingerprint images. It involves three layers of security: the first layer maps a biometric image to another biometric image which is called biostego image. Three mapping schemes are proposed: the first scheme maps single biometric image to single biostego image, the second scheme maps dual biometric images...
Changing Face of Inflammatory Activation in Complex Coronary Artery Disease during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Polish Academic Libraries in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Crisis Management and Communication within the Organisation
PublicationThe developing SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, which was announced in March 2020, has had a significant impact on the activities of universities and their academic libraries. The article aims to present the activities of academic libraries at the time of introducing restrictions on their activities and closing for several months to users and reformulating the services they provide, on the example of the Library of the Gdańsk University...
The impact of freeze-thaw processes on a cliff recession rate in the face of temperate zone climate change
PublicationFreeze-thaw action is a common type of geomorphological processes eroding cliff faces in the temperate climate zone. In our previous study, we assessed the geomorphological effects of freeze-thaw fluctuations occurring within the cliff of Jeziorsko Reservoir (central Poland). Based on those findings, we have now determined the number of freeze-thaw cycles to assess their historical impact on the studied cliff. We have also traced...
A method of predicting the best conditions for large-size workpiece clamping to reduce vibration in the face milling process
PublicationThe paper presents an innovative method of solving the problem of vibration suppression during milling of large-size details. It consists in searching for the best conditions for clamping the workpiece based on a rapid modal identification of the dominant natural frequencies only and requires repetitive changes in the tightening torque of the clamping screws. Then, by estimating the minimum work of the cutting forces acting in...
Psychopathological responses and face mask restrictions during the COVID-19 outbreak: Results from a nationwide survey
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Effect of the Relative Position of the Face Milling Tool towards the Workpiece on Machined Surface Roughness and Milling Dynamics
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Evaluation of Surface Topography after Face Turning of CoCr Alloys Fabricated by Casting and Selective Laser Melting
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Challenges for universities in the face of knowledge-based economy - directions for higher education institutions in the Baltic Sea Region
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present new challenges that are faced by universities in the knowledge-based economy. There are several phenomena that can presently be observed like the need for life-long learning or interdisciplinary approach, and universities should prepare their graduates for those challenges. One of the crucial questions that universities need to ask is how to teach and what to teach. Knowledge becomes obsolete...
Challenges for universities in the face of the knowledge-based economy - Directions for higher education institutions in the Baltic Sea Region
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present new challenges that are faced by universities in the knowledge-based economy. There are several phenomena that can presently be observed like the need for life-long learning or interdisciplinary approach, and universities should prepare their graduates for those challenges. One of the crucial questions that universities need to ask is how to teach and what to teach. Knowledge becomes obsolete...
Architects and urban planners in the face of energy transition - smart cities energy aspects in shaping building structures and cities
PublicationContemporary architects and urban planners are facing steadily increasing challenges. The growing problems around environmental issues, shrinking natural resources and climate action are just some of them. Currently, planning should also include balancing with all the aspects of sustainable development such as not only the environmental issues, but also social and economic ones. How to meet them in the era of energy transition...
Effects of manufacturing and face /core bonding on impact damage in glass/polyester - PVC foam core sandwich panels
PublicationZbadano podatność na inicjację uszkodzeń pod wpływem spadającego obciążenia w konstrukcjach przekładkowych poliestrowo szklanych z rdzeniem z pianki PVC przy dwóch sposobach łączenia okładek z rdzeniem: przy pomocy 2 klejów proponowanych do tego celu przez ich producentów oraz czystej żywicy. Zastosowano oprzyrządowany młot spadowy , określając rozmiar zniszczeń na powierzchni próbki metodą wizualna i ultradźwiękową. Inicjacja...
Real-time mask-wearing detection in video streams using deep convolutional neural networks for face recognition
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Experimentally Aided Operational Virtual Prototyping to Predict Best Clamping Conditions for Face Milling of Large-Size Structures
PublicationVibrations occurring during milling operations are one of the main issues disturbing the pursuit of better efficiency of milling operations and product quality. Even in the case of a stable cutting process, vibration reduction is still an important goal. One of the possible solutions to obtain it is selection of the favorable conditions for clamping the workpiece to the machine table. In this paper, a method for predicting and...
An Experimentally Aided Operational Virtual Prototyping to Obtain the Best Spindle Speed during Face Milling of Large-Size Structures
PublicationAbstract: The paper presents an original method concerning the problem of vibration reduction in the general case while milling large-size and geometrically complex details with the use of an innovative approach to the selection of spindle speed. A computational model is obtained by applying the so-called operational approach to identify the parameters of the workpiece modal model. Thanks to the experimental modal analysis results,...
Modeling flatness deviation in face milling considering angular movement of the machine tool system components and tool flank wear
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Diasporic Identity in the Face of Trauma — Diasporic Identity and the Second World War Trauma in Kerri Sakamoto’s “The Electrical Field” (1998)
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A technique of experiment aided virtual prototyping to obtain the best spindle speed during face milling of large-size structures
PublicationThe paper presents an original method concerning vibration suppression problem during milling of large-size and geometrically complicated workpieces with the use of novel way of selecting the spindle speed. This consists in repetitive simulations of the cutting process for subsequent values of the spindle speed, until the best vibration state of the workpiece is reached. An appropriate method of obtaining a computational model,...
Mitigation effect of face shield to reduce SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission risk: Preliminary simulations based on computed tomography
PublicationWe aimed to develop a model to quantitatively assess the potential effectiveness of face shield (visor) in reducing airborne transmission risk of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 during the current COVID-19 pandemic using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. The studies with and without face shield in both an infected and healthy person have been considered in indoor environment simulation. In addition to the influence...
Mitigation effect of face shield to reduce SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission risk: Preliminary simulations based on computed tomography
PublicationWe aimed to develop a model to quantitatively assess the potential effectiveness of face shield (visor) in reducing airborne transmission risk of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 during the current COVID-19 pandemic using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. The studies with and without face shield in both an infected and healthy person have been considered in indoor environment simulation. In addition to the influence...
Surface Roughness Evaluation in Thin EN AW-6086-T6 Alloy Plates after Face Milling Process with Different Strategies
PublicationLightweight alloys made from aluminium are used to manufacture cars, trains and planes. The main parts most often manufactured from thin sheets requiring the use of milling in the manufacturing process are front panels for control systems, housing parts for electrical and electronic components. As a result of the final phase of the manufacturing process, cold rolling, residual stresses remain in the surface layers, which can influence...
Studies on the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Anthropogenic Pollution in the Glacial Basin of Scott Glacier in the Face of Climate Change (Fiord Bellsund, Spitsbergen)
PublicationThe study area covered the NW part of the Wedel Jarlsberg Land (SW part of the Svalbard Archipelago). The primary study object was the catchment of the Scott Glacier in the vicinity of the Research Station of of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin – Calypsobyen. The Scott River catchment (of glacial hydrological regime) has an area of approximately 10 km2, 40% of which is occupied by the valley Scott Glacier in the phase...
Differential scanning calorimetry for authentication of edible fats and oils - What can we learn from the past to face the current challenges?
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High-Performance Face Milling of 42CrMo4 Steel: Influence of Entering Angle on the Measured Surface Roughness, Cutting Force and Vibration Amplitude
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Wybrane metody lokalizacji twarzy na obrazie statycznym i ruchomym=Selected methods of face localization on still images and in video sequences
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano wybrane metody lokalizacji, wykorzystujące różne podejścia i rodzaje informacji: algorytm działający w oparciu o analizę barwy i kształtu, metodę map krawędzi oraz elastyczne wzorce służące do precyzyjnej lokalizacji cech. Oprócz tego przedstawiono dwie metody śledzenia twarzy na obrazie ruchomym.
Gas corrosion influence on the exhaust valve face of the marine engine = Wpływ korozji gazowej na stan przylgni zaworów wylotowych silnika okrętowego
PublicationIstotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na poprawność funkcjonowania silnika okrętowego jest szczelność zaworów. Szczególnie w odniesieniu do zaworów wylotowych brak szczelności prowadzi do pogorszenie warunków spalania a przede wszystkim do przyspieszonego zniszczenia zawory poprzez uszkodzenia przylgni.Przylgnia grzybka zaworowego współpracuje z przylgnią gniazda zaworowego tworząc cykliczny szczelny kontakt stykowy w trakcie pracy silnika....
The Association Between Physical and Mental Health and Face Mask Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparison of Two Countries With Different Views and Practices
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How to measure ego-resiliency in the face of various life-changing crises: Measurement invariance, convergent and discriminant validity and reliability of the Polish version of the Revised Ego-Resiliency Scale (ER89-R12)
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The Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Cluster Organizations
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is to explore how cluster organizations (COs) take advantage of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The paper addresses the research question: “How do cluster organizations take advantage of ICT in fulfilling their main roles?”. The research was carried out in the first half of 2016 in four purposefully selected cluster organizations. The main research strategy involved Grounded Theory; the...
Facial features extraction for color, frontal images
PublicationThe problem of facial characteristic features extraction is discussed. Several methods of features extraction for color en--face photographs are discussed. The methods are based mainly on the colors features related to the specific regions of the human face. The usefulness of presented methods was tested on a database of en--face photographs consisting of 100 photographs.
Unraveling the Interplay between DNA and Proteins: A Computational Exploration of Sequence and Structure-Specific Recognition Mechanisms
PublicationMy PhD dissertation focused on DNA-protein interactions and the recognition of specific DNA sequences and structures. I discovered that acidic amino acid residues (Asp/Glu) play a crucial role by exhibiting a preference for cytosine. Their contribution to binding affinity depends on nearby cytosines, balancing electrostatic repulsion with specific interactions. Acidic residues act as negative selectors, discouraging non-cytosine...
Analysis of High Resolution Clouds of Points as a Source of Biometric Data
PublicationThe article presents the analysis devoted to human face data obtained by means of precise photographic scanners. Collected point clouds were used to make high precision meshes of human face. The essence of these studies is the comparison of relative features as well as the comparison of absolute models which require as precisely as possible matching of face models. The article focuses on the analysis of various parts of the human...
Mechanism of recognition of parallel G-quadruplexes by DEAH/RHAU helicase DHX36 explored by molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationBecause of high stability and slow unfolding rates of G-quadruplexes (G4), cells have evolved specialized helicases that disrupt these non-canonical DNA and RNA structures in an ATP-dependent manner. One example is DHX36, a DEAH-box helicase, which participates in gene expression and replication by recognizing and unwinding parallel G4s. Here, we studied the molecular basis for the high affinity and specificity of DHX36 for parallel-type...
Topochemical, Single‐Crystal‐to‐Single‐Crystal [2+2] Photocycloadditions Driven by Chalcogen‐Bonding Interactions
PublicationThe face-to-face association of (E)-1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethylene (bpen) molecules into rectangular motifs stabilized for the first time by chalcogen bonding (ChB) interactions is shown to provide photoreactive systems leading to cyclobutane formation through single-crystal-to-single-crystal [2+2] photodimerizations. The chelating chalcogen bond donors are based on original aromatic, ortho-substituted bis(selenocyanato)benzene derivatives...
Facial feature extraction from a monochromatic picture.
PublicationFace pose determination represents an important area of research in Human Machine Interaction. In this paper, I describe a new method of extracting facial feature locations from a single monochromatic monocular camera for the purpose of estimating and tracking the three dimensional pose of human face and eye-gaze direction.
Facial Feature extraction from a monochromatic picture
PublicationFace pose determination represents an important area of research in Human Machine Interaction. In this paper, I describe a new method of extracting facial feature locations from a single monochromatic monocular camera for the purpose of estimating and tracking the three dimensional pose of human face and eye-gaze direction.
Emotion Recognition - the need for a complete analysis of the phenomenon of expression formation
PublicationThis article shows how complex emotions are. This has been proven by the analysis of the changes that occur on the face. The authors present the problem of image analysis for the purpose of identifying emotions. In addition, they point out the importance of recording the phenomenon of the development of emotions on the human face with the use of high-speed cameras, which allows the detection of micro expression. The work that was...
Technological vs. Non-Technological Mindsets: Learning From Mistakes, and Organizational Change Adaptability to Remote Work
PublicationThe permanent implementation of the change in working methods, e.g., working in the virtual space, is problematic for some employees and, as a result, for management leaders. To explore this issue deeper, this study assumes that mindset type: technological vs. non-technological, may influence the organizational adaptability to change. Moreover, the key interest of this research is how non-technological mindsets...