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Modeling of Common Mode Currents Induced by Motor Cable in Converter Fed AC Motor Drives
PublicationInvestigation of conducted EMI generation in AC motor fed by pulse width modulated frequency converters requires to consider parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related common mode currents are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. An analysis of frequency converter load impedance-frequency characteristics...
Analytical Estimation of Power Losses in a Dual Active Bridge Converter Controlled with a Single-Phase Shift Switching Scheme
PublicationMicro-grid solutions around the world rely on the operation of DC/DC power conver- sion systems. The most commonly used solution for these topologies is the use of a dual active bridge (DAB) converter. Increasing the efficiency and reliability of this system contributes to the improvement in the stability of the entire microgrid. This paper discussed an analytical method of energy efficiency and power loss estimation in a single...
Research of electric drive systems with real time software configurable control
PublicationПредмет исследования. Представлен учебно-лабораторный стенд для исследования систем управления элек- троприводами. Стенд используется для обучения студентов системам управления электроприводами и предна- значен для повышения эффективности усвоения материала. Метод. В основу предлагаемого решения положен метод взаимного нагружения электрических машин, питаемых от силовых преобразователей с общим звеном постоянного тока. Это позволяет...
Dynamic variables limitation for backstepping control of induction machine and voltage source converter
PublicationDynamic variables limitation for backstepping control of induction machine and voltage source converter The paper presents the method of control of an induction squirrel-cage machine supplied by a voltage source converter. The presented idea is based on an innovative method of the voltage source converter control, consisting in direct joining of the motor control system with the voltage source rectifier control system. The combined...
Errors in the analysis of series resonant inverter/converter assuming sinusoidal waveforms of voltage and current
PublicationIn this paper the theory and simulation results of the series resonant inverter / converter are presented. In this work the authors carried out a detailed comparative analysis of results obtained using the method of AC analysis in the steady state for the first harmonic with the results of computer simulation. The AC analysis under certain conditions can lead to errors disqualifying this method. In particular, these errors appear...
Electromagnetic interference frequencies prediction model of flyback converter for snubber design
PublicationSnubber design for flyback converters usually requires experimental prototype measurements or simulation based on accurate and complex models. In this study simplified circuit modelling of a flyback converter has been described to dimension snubbers in early stage of design process. Simulation based prediction of the transistor and diode ringing frequencies has been validated by measurements in a prototype setup. In that way obtained...
Isolated High Step-Up Current-Fed DC-DC Converter With Low Input Current Ripple and Wide Full-Soft-Switching Capability
PublicationThis paper presents a current-fed isolated, high step-up dc-dc converter that has low voltage stress on the power switches. The suggested configuration achieves isolation between the input and output using a High-Frequency (HF) transformer. The leakage inductance of the transformer is harnessed to achieve Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) during power switch turn-on and Zero Current Switching (ZCS) for power diodes across a broad range...
Power converter interface for urban DC traction substations - solutions and functionality.
PublicationThis paper focuses on extending an urban DC traction substation functionality by means of an additional power converter interface (PCI). In particular, by enabling bidirectional energy exchange between LV DC traction grid, AC grid and V2G chargers. Among other things, the presented material compares general attributes of the most promising DC/DC converters that can be used in a PCI, meet the requirements of galvanic isolation and...
Control structures of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator connected to Current Source Converter
PublicationThe control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator can be achieved through various techniques. At present, many works published in the literature show the application of Voltage Source Converter in conjunction with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator. Recently published articles rarely involve the operational characteristics and technical aspects of the Doubly-Fed Induction Generator...
Multi-transformer primary-side regulated flyback converter for supplying isolated IGBT and MOSFET drivers
PublicationThis paper presents primary-side voltage regulated multi-transformer quasi-resonant flyback converter (MTFC) for supplying isolated power switch drivers. The proposed topology offers distinct advantages over frequently used flyback converter possessing one high frequency transformer with isolated multiple outputs. Particularly, when a large number of separate dc supply units is required, then MTFC enables improved regular distribution...
Client-side versus server-side geographic data processing performance comparison: Data and code
PublicationThe data and code presented in this article are related to the research article entitled “Analysis of Server-side and Client-side Web-GIS data processing methods on the example of JTS and JSTS using open data from OSM and Geoportal” (Kulawiak et al., 2019). The provided 12 datasets include multi-point and multi-polygon data of different scales and volumes, representing real-world geographic features. The datasets cover the area...
rysunek pt. QR Code – Klepsydra
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Modern control strategy of bidirectional DAB converter with consideration of control nonlinearity
PublicationThis paper focuses on the control strategy for modern universal bidirectional Dual Active Bridge (DAB) converters for microgrid systems. An analysis of the converter equations was carried out, and typical problems related to the influence of dead time on the system operation were discussed. A closed control loop was developed, then tested by simulation and on a laboratory stand.
Accurate modeling of layout parasitic to forecast EMI emitted from a DC-DC converter.
PublicationThis paper illustrates how to account for all parasitic due to the layout of a power converter (inductive and capacitive), in order to forecast electromagnetic interferences (EMI). The method is generic, and is validated here in the simple example of a DC-DC converter, realized on different technologies: insulated metal substrate (IMS), printed circuit board (PCB). In addition, several layouts aspects will be investigated. Conclusions...
Motor Cable Influence on the Conducted EMI Emission of the Converter Fed AC Motor Drive. - Vol. 1
PublicationInvestigation of conducted electromagnetic interference in AC motor drives fed by pulse width modulated voltage converters requires considering parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related conducted electromagnetic emission are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. The levels of intensity of these phenomena...
Starter for Voltage Boost Converter to Harvest Thermoelectric Energy for Body-Worn Sensors
PublicationThis paper examines the suitability of selected configurations of ultra-low voltage (ULV) oscilla-tors as starters for a voltage boost converter to harvest energy from a thermoelectric generator (TEG). Important properties of particularly promising configurations, suitable for on-chip imple-mentation are compared. On this basis, an improved oscillator with a low startup voltage and a high output voltage swing is proposed. The applicability...
Unidirectional DC/DC Converter with Voltage Inverter for Fast Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries
PublicationThe paper proposes the adaptation of the industrial plant’s power network to supply electric vehicle (EV) fast-charging converters (above 300 kW) using renewable energy sources (RESs). A 600 V DC microgrid was used to supply energy from RESs for the needs of variable speed motor drives and charging of EV batteries. It has been shown that it is possible to support the supply of drive voltage frequency converters (VFCs) and charging...
Neutral point balancing technique for 3-level neutral point clamped converter with servo system
PublicationNeutral point voltage drift compensation technique in 3-level NPC multilevel converter and servo system is described in the paper. Analytical expressions are obtained for power subsystem elements parameters of servo drive system. Simulation of servo system, based on PMSM motor with 3-level NPC converter is considered.
Modular power converter topologies for energy storage and electric power distribution systems
PublicationThis paper describes selected issues concerning realization of energy storage system (ESS) designed to operate in power distribution system. In order to achieve scalability of the system a modular approach is proposed. In addition to this different configuration of the system are analyzed, where depending on requirements and application a scalability in power, in energy capacity of energy storage resource and both in power and...
Feasibility Study of Three-Phase Modular Converter for Dual-Purpose Application in DC and AC Microgrids
PublicationThe modern concept of a universal converter is intended as a power converter suitable for application in both dc or ac grids using the same external connectors. This novel family was recently proposed to allow an easier integration of renewable energy sources and energy storage systems, interfacing with dc/ac grids and/or loads with a minimum redundancy of power switches and passive elements. This kind of solution and applications...
Partially Isolated Multi-Active Bridge DC-DC Converter with Bidirectional EV Charging Ports
PublicationThere is a growing interest in multiport converters due to their ability to interconnect various energy sources and loads using reduced number of components. Regarding electric vehicle (EV) chargers connection, existing multiport solutions either lack scalability, featuring only one isolated charging port or the operation of ports depend on each other, complicating the converter control algorithm. This article proposes a partially...
Multi-Transformer Flyback Converter for Supplying Isolated IGBT and MOSFET Drivers
PublicationA multi transformer flyback converter topology for supplying transistor drivers is presented. The topology presents some advantages over typical multi output single transformer, as reduction of effective leakage inductance, equal magnetic coupling between primary and secondary circuits and better isolation between outputs. Simulation study carried out in the LTSpice IV program and preliminary experimental results indicate high...
Design of the LLC Filter for AC Grid-Based Converter
PublicationThis paper emphasizes reducing harmonic distortion in the electrical current delivered by photovoltaic (PV) inverters to the power grid. It highlights the issue of significant harmonic components present in the output voltage of inverters, which is attributed to pulse width modulation (PWM) switching techniques. This necessitates the deployment of LCL filters as a strategic approach to limit current harmonics effectively. Additionally,...
Four Level Diode-Clamped Back-To-Back Converter with Active DC Link Voltage Control
PublicationThis article presents the design and control of 4L-DC back-to-back converter. To solve the DC link voltage balancing problem in four-level converter a new three-level double chopper topology based on PO-PWM modulation was designed and successfully tested. Also, the paper describes two phase space vector pulse width modulation 2P-SVPWM based on the shape function of finite elements. The control structure with modified Dead-Beat...
Induction Generator with Direct Control and a Limited Number of Measurements on the Side of the Converter Connected to the Power Grid
PublicationThe article presents an induction generator connected to the power grid using the AC/DC/AC converter and LCL coupling filter. Three-level inverters were used in the converter, both from the generator side and the power grid side. The algorithm realizing Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in inverters has been simplified to the maximum. Control of the induction generator was based on the Direct Field-Oriented Control (DFOC) method. At...
The instantaneous frequency rate spectogram
PublicationAn accelerogram of the instantaneous phase of signal components referred to as an instantaneous frequency rate spectrogram (IFRS) is presented as a joint time-frequency distribution. The distribution is directly obtained by processing the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) locally. A novel approach to amplitude demodulation based upon the reassignment method is introduced as a useful by-product. Additionally, an estimator of energy...
Optimization of a FDTD code for graphical processing units
PublicationArtykuł prezetuje implementację algorytmu FDTD w postaci jawnej przeznaczonej dla kart graficznych. Wykazany został wzrost efektywności obliczeń numerycznych w odniesieniu do implementacji przeznaczonej dla procesora komputerowego.
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Design and Evaluation of the Compact and Autonomous Energy Subsystem of a Wave Energy Converter
PublicationThis paper presents the results of the design process focused on the development of the energy subsystem (ES) of a wave energy converter (WEC). The ES is an important electrical part that significantly affects the energy reliability and energy efficiency of the entire WEC device. The designed ES was intended for compact WECs powering IoT network devices working in the distributed grid. The developed ES is an electronic circuit...
Adaptive estimation of the transformer stray capacitances for DC–DC converter modelling
PublicationNew low cost and accurate estimation method of transformer stray capacitances for wide band DC–DC converter modelling and design is proposed. The Wiener filter (WF) method is applied to estimate the transformer impedance – referred to the selected transformer winding configurations. Laboratory tests are used to adapt the filter, that is to find optimal impedance which minimises mean square error between measured, noise perturbed...
EMI attenuation in a DC-DC buck converter using GaN HEMT
PublicationA dc-dc buck converter using gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) is experimentally investigated at the discontinuous current mode (DCM) and at the triangular current mode (TCM) operation. The paper objective is to specify the power conversion efficiency and attenuation of common mode (CM) and differential mode (DM) noise voltage, measured at the line impedance stabilization network (LISN) for compared...
Voltage and frequency regulation of a standalone induction generator by reduced-rating power electronic compensators - comparative evaluation
PublicationIn this paper are considered two fundamental topologies of power electronic compensators for voltage and frequency control of a standalone self-excited induction generator (IG) system. These are voltage and current source inverter based shunt compensators with energy storage. The aim of this study is to assess main features of both topologies in dynamic and steady-state IG operation. The whole system is modelled with the aid of...
AC-DC-DC Converter for Small Power Energy Storage Systems
PublicationThe energy transformation driven by the development of renewable energy sources has become a reality for all power grid users. Prosumer energy, primarily utilizing photovoltaic installations, is one of the fastest-growing market segments. The advancement of technology, a decrease in electrochemical energy storage prices, and changes in the legal framework governing energy billing for grid-fed power have led to a growing interest...
Feasibility Study of Three-Phase Modular Converter for Dual-Purpose Application in DC and AC Microgrids
PublicationThe modern concept of a universal converter is intended as a power converter (PC) suitable for application in both dc or ac grids using the same external connectors. This novel family was recently proposed to allow easier integration of renewable energy sources and energy storage systems (ESSs), interfacing with dc/ac grids and/or loads with a minimum redundancy of power switches and passive elements. This kind of solution and...
Measurements of relative frequency instability
PublicationFrequency constancy can be determined by the change in time for the subsequent periods. The article shows that classical the method of digital period measurement is not suitable for the measurement process. Therefore, a method using an integrating circuit is being proposed. Errors in the measurement of the given method have been analyzed.
Analysis of AC/DC/DC Converter Modules for Direct Current Fast-Charging Applications
PublicationThe paper is a comprehensive laboratory comparison study of two galvanic isolated solution off-board battery chargers: (1) Si-based cost-effective case, and (2) SiC-bidirectional ready for vehicle to grid concept case. All circuits are modular, and in both cases the DC/DC converter can be replaced according to the end user requirements (the coupled transformer remains the same and is constructed based on 12xC100 cores to avoid...
Four level inverter's DC bus voltage balancing with 3-terminal DAB converter
Publication—Multilevel inverters become more and more popular, especially in the medium or high voltage and high power applications. Unfortunately, some of inverter topologies require additional DC bus voltage balancing systems. This paper presents a novel approach to such systems, which is based on a multiple terminal DAB converter. Along with the voltage balancing function the proposed solution enables the connection of energy storage devices...
The influence of frequency separation on imaging properties in DFEIT
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wpływ wyboru składowych częstotliwościowych dla różnicowej tomografii impedancyjnej na wynik i własności obrazowania w dwuczęstotliwościowej różnicowej tomografii impedancyjnej.A Dual Frequency EIT is an extension of a traditional EIT that uses two sinusoidal signals for imaging. Appropriate selection of signals' frequency allows to achieve reasonable contrast of imaged structure. It has already been shown...
Self-tuning adaptive frequency tracker
PublicationAn automatic gain tuning algorithm is proposed for a recently introduced adaptive notch filter. Theoretical analysis and simulations show that, under Gaussian random-walk type assumptions, the proposed extension is capable of adjusting adaptation gains of the filter so as to minimize the mean-squared frequency tracking error without prior knowledge of the true frequency trajectory. A simplified one degree of freedom version of...
High Frequency Harmonics Emission in Smart Grids
PublicationPulse-width modulated rectifiers are nowadays commonly used for AC to DC power conversion. PWM rectification technology is very effective and allows for bidirectional power flow with the possibility of power factor improvement and low-order harmonic emission limitation. Unfortunately, employed PWM boost topology results with generation of input current harmonic distortions in a frequency range tightly correlated to modulation frequency....
Improvement of time difference of arrival measurements resolution by using fractional delay filters in a direct sequence-code division multiple access radionavigation system
PublicationThis study presents a method of improving time measurements resolution in a direct sequence-code division multiple access receiver by using a fine code tracking loop based on fractional delay filtering of a despreading sequence. It briefly describes the structure of a generic digital code tracking loop and the proposed modification which allows to measure time difference of arrival values with the subsample resolution, together...
High-Speed Binary-to-Residue Converter Design Using 2-Bit Segmentation of the Input Word
PublicationIn this paper a new approach to the design of the high-speed binary-to-residue converter is proposed that allows the attaining of high pipelining rates by eliminating memories used in modulo m generators. The converter algorithm uses segmentation of the input binary word into 2-bit segments. The use and effects of the input word segmentation for the synthesis of converters for five-bit moduli are presented. For the number represented...
Pulse-Width Modulation of Power Electronic DC–AC Converter
PublicationThe Second Edition of High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab®/Simulink delivers an updated and thorough overview of topics central to the understanding of AC motor drive systems. The book includes new material on medium voltage drives, covering state-of-the-art technologies and challenges in the industrial drive system, as well as their components, and control, current source inverter-based drives, PWM techniques for...
Code development of a DSP-FPGA based control platform for power electronics applications
PublicationThis paper focuses on the implementation of power electronics algorithms in control platforms based on DSP-FPGA. Today’s power electronics technology demands high power computation with high speed interfacing at the same time. The most popular configuration is a DSP for the former and a FPGA for the latter. The main goal of this work was to develop a generic control system for power electronics application, but it is explained...
Digital analysis of ethnic speech – extraction of information code
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Power electronic transformer based on cascaded H-bridge converter
PublicationIn this paper the control strategy of power electronic transformer (PET) is proposed. The analyzed structure of PET uses two seven-level cascaded H-bridge (CHB) rectifiers. The electrical power of PET is transferred between DC-links of CHB converters using dual-active-bridges (DABs) and low voltage high frequency transformers. The roposed solution allows for controlling the active and reactive power with a low level of harmonic...
Frequency Diagnostics of Transformer Insulating Parameters
PublicationIn the article is presented experimental analysis and diagnostics of insulating system oil-paper for power transformers, mainly by progressive frequency method – dielectric spectroscopy. In the 1-st part of the article is described base theory about measurement and diagnostics insulating part (oil and paper) of power transformers. In the 2-nd part of article is described measuring method of insulating frequency diagnostics - frequency...
Soft – Partial Frequency Reuse Method for LTE-A
PublicationIn the paper a novel SPFR frequency reuse method is proposed which can be used for improvement of physical resources utilization efficiency in LTE-A. The proposed method combines both SFR and PFR giving the possibility of more flexible use of frequency band in different regions of a cell. First, a short study on the problem of frequency reuse in cells is discussed including bibliography overview....
Modular power converter with superconducting magnetic energy storage for electric power distribution system — Analysis and simulation
PublicationThis paper describes selected issues concerning realization of energy storage system (ESS) designed to operate in power distribution system. This paper presents a modular approach of 300 kVA power converter operating with superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), which gives high dynamics together with high power and suitable capability for instantaneous energy storage. Analysis and simulation studies of selected power converter...
Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted DICOM Images Using Cyclic Binary Golay (23, 12) Code
PublicationIn this paper, a novel reversible data hiding method for encrypted images (RDHEI) is proposed. An efficient coding scheme based on cyclic binary Golay (23, 12) code is designed to embed additional data into the least significant bits (LSBs) of the encrypted image. The most significant bits (MSBs) are used to ensure the reversibility of the embedding process. The proposed scheme is lossless, and based on the receiver’s privileges,...