total: 164
filtered: 157
A method for optimizing potential-energy functions by a hierarchical design of the potential-energy landscape: Application to the UNRES force field
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Optimization of the UNRES Force Field by Hierarchical Design of the Potential-Energy Landscape. 3. Use of Many Proteins in Optimization
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Three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon derived from natural resources for highly efficient treatment of polluted water
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Nitrogen/Oxygen Enriched Hierarchical Porous Carbons Derived from Waste Peanut Shells Boosting Performance of Supercapacitors
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One-step converting biowaste wolfberry fruits into hierarchical porous carbon and its application for high-performance supercapacitors
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From ashes to porous hierarchical nanocarbon electrode: Upcycling secondary waste materials through self-catalytic chemical vapour deposition
PublicationMetal and metal oxide particles are abundant in various ash-based wastes. Utilizing these as catalyst sources for the fabrication of carbon nanomaterials could present a valuable approach to reduce our reliance on non-renewable and costly catalyst sources, thereby facilitating large-scale nanomaterial production. In this context, secondary waste materials (SWMs) are by-products resulting from the (complete or partial) combustion...
Red phosphorus as self-template to hierarchical nanoporous nickel phosphides toward enhanced electrocatalytic activity for oxygen evolution reaction
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Co-etching effect to convert waste polyethylene terephthalate into hierarchical porous carbon toward excellent capacitive energy storage
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Supervised Model Reference Adaptive Control of Chlorine Residuals in Water Distribution Systems
PublicationControl of integrated quality and quantity in Drinking Water Distribution Systems within recently proposed hierarchical framework is considered in the paper. A supervised nonlinear Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Controller is derived for the lower control level of the control structure to operate as the fast feedback controller of chlorine residuals in the monitored nodes. The major supervisor role is to manage switching between...
Optimization of the UNRES Force Field by Hierarchical Design of the Potential-Energy Landscape. 2. Off-Lattice Tests of the Method with Single Proteins
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Three-dimensional porous carbon with big cavities and hierarchical pores derived from leek for superior electrochemical capacitive energy storage
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Mixed integer nonlinear optimization of biological processes in wastewater sequencing batch reactor
PublicationWastewater treatment plays a key role for humanity. The waste entering lakes, rivers, and seas deteriorates daily quality of life. Therefore, it is very important to improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment. From a control point of view, a biological wastewater treatment plant is a complex, non-linear, multidimensional, hybrid control system. The paper presents the design of the optimizing hierarchical control system applied...
Optimization of the UNRES Force Field by Hierarchical Design of the Potential-Energy Landscape. 1. Tests of the Approach Using Simple Lattice Protein Models
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One-Step Synergistic Effect to Produce Two-Dimensional N-Doped Hierarchical Porous Carbon Nanosheets for High-Performance Flexible Supercapacitors
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Non-linear optical study of hierarchical 3D Al doped ZnO nanosheet arrays deposited by successive ionic adsorption and reaction method
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An Analysis of Contextual Aspects of Conceptualization: A Case Study and Prospects
PublicationIn this chapter we present a new approach to development of modularized knowledge bases. We argue that modularization should start from the very beginning of modeling, i.e. from the conceptualization stage. To make this feasible, we propose to exploit a context-oriented, semantic approach to modularization. This approach is based on the Structural Interpretation Model (SIM) presented earlier elsewhere. In the first part of thischapter...
PublicationW artykule rozpatruje się konstrukcję sterownika mikrosieci elektroenergetycznej. Sterownik zarządza zasobamienergii elektrycznej w celu pokrycia zapotrzebowania lokalnych gospodarstw domowych z uwzględnieniem kwestii ekonomicznych. Przedstawiono strukturę sterowania, zdefiniowano zadanie optymalizacji, dokonano badań symulacyjnych dla przykładowej mikrosieci o zróżnicowanych sposobach generowania i magazynowania. Zaproponowano...
Algorithms and Tools for Intelligent Control of Critical Infrastructure Systems
PublicationCritical Infrastructure Systems (CIS) are spatially distributed and of a network structure. The dynamics are nonlinear, uncertain and with several time scales. There is a variety of different objectives to be reliably met under a wide range of operational conditions. The operational conditions are influenced by the disturbance inputs, operating ranges of the CIS, faults in the sensors and actuators and abnormalities occurring in...
Bovine Serum Albumin – Hydroxyapatite Nanoflowers as Potential Local Drug Delivery System of Ciprofloxacin
PublicationIntroduction: Hybrid nanoflowers are structures consisting of organic (enzymes, proteins, nucleic acids) and inorganic components (mostly metal phosphates) with a flower-like hierarchical structure. Novel hybrid nanoflowers based on bovine serum albumin (BSA) and hydroxyapatite (HA) were obtained and characterized. Study on BSA-HA nanoflowers as potential drug delivery system is reported for the first time. Methods: Embedding ciprofloxacin...
Methodology for Text Classification using Manually Created Corpora-based Sentiment Dictionary
PublicationThis paper presents the methodology of Textual Content Classification, which is based on a combination of algorithms: preliminary formation of a contextual framework for the texts in particular problem area; manual creation of the Hierarchical Sentiment Dictionary (HSD) on the basis of a topically-oriented Corpus; tonality texts recognition via using HSD for analysing the documents as a collection of topically completed fragments...
Knowledge management approaches among KIBS companies and their determinants – case study analysis
PublicationThis paper aims to present knowledge management (KM) approaches manifested by knowledge intensive business service (KIBS) companies together with their potential determinants (company size, type of services offered, and organizational structure). In particular, two types of approaches have been selected and examined, i.e. emergent KM approach and deliberate KM approach. Indeed, although KM approaches have been abundantly investigated...
Determinanty i efekty uczenia się wydziałów ekonomicznych publicznych szkół wyższych województwa pomorskiego
PublicationPubliczne uczelnie wyższe jako twory przez lata bardzo zhierarchizowane, ze znacznymi przejawami biurokratyzmu i silnie scentralizowaną władzą, w XXI wieku mają przed sobą długą drogę w dążeniu do doskonalenia własnej zdolności do uczenia się. Głównym celem pracy było zdiagnozowanie stanu determinant i efektów uczenia się badanych organizacji. Postawiono następujące hipotezy badawcze: poziom determinant uczenia się wydziałów ekonomicznych...
Open Data Capability Architecture - An Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach
PublicationDespite of increasing availability of open data as a vital organizational resource, large numbers of startups and organizations fail when it comes to utilizing open data effectively. This shortcoming is attributable to the poor understanding of what types of capabilities are required to successfully conduct data related activities. At the same time, research on open data capabilities and how they relate to one another remains sparse....
Nested Space Mapping Technique for Design and Optimization of Complex Microwave Structures with Enhanced Functionality
PublicationIn this work, we discuss a robust simulation-driven methodology for rapid and reliable design of complex microwave/RF circuits with enhanced functionality. Our approach exploits nested space mapping (NSM) technology, which is dedicated to expedite simulation-driven design optimization of computationally demanding microwave structures with complex topologies. The enhanced func-tionality of the developed circuits is achieved by means...
Enhanced electrochemical performance of sulfur-doped laser-induced graphene supercapacitors: Synergistic effects of doping and plasmochemical surface modification
PublicationThis work introduces a novel, scalable methodology for rapidly fabricating sulfur-doped laser-induced graphene with enhanced porosity and wetting characteristics, targeting advanced supercapacitor applications. An infrared laser scribing technique was employed to create a three-dimensional porous graphene network, with in-situ sulfur doping achieved through physical evaporation using powder precursor. A second-pass laser process...
Fiscal decentralization in the European Countries: a cluster analysis approach
PublicationThe scope of public authority depend on many factors. One of them is a declaration, usually expressed in the constitution of a given country (Sferlea, 2014, Libman, 2010, Nehmelman, Vetzo, 2016) of the application of the decentralisation principle in the performance of public tasks. Despite this declaration, the structure of the public sector and the tasks carried out at different levels in particular countries are not identical....
PublicationSnow samples were collected during winter 2011/2012 in three posts in the Western Sudety Mountains (Poland) in 3 consecutive phases of snow cover development, i.e. stabilisation (Feb 1st), growth (Mar 15th) and its ablation (Mar 27th). To maintain a fixed number of samples, each snow profile has been divided into six layers, but hydrochemical indications were made for each 10 cm section of core. The complete data set was subjected...
Shape-controllable synthesis of GdVO4 photocatalysts and their tunable properties in photocatalytic hydrogen generation
PublicationNovel visible light responsive materials for water splitting are essential for the efficient conversion of solar energy into hydrogen bond energy. Among other semiconductors, gadolinium orthovanadate has appropriate conduction and valence band edges positioned to split water molecules and a narrow band gap that allows the use of visible light for hydrogen generation. Thus, we present here that hydrogen evolution under visible light...
Development of cluster analysis methodology for identification of model rainfall hyetographs and its application at an urban precipitation field scale
PublicationDespite growing access to precipitation time series records at a high temporal scale, in hydrology, and particularly urban hydrology, engineers still design and model drainage systems using scenarios of rainfall temporal distributions predefined by means of model hyetographs. This creates the need for the availability of credible statistical methods for the development and verification of already locally applied model hyetographs....
Sub-regional service centres in reality and regional planning in Poland = Podregionalne osrodki obsługi w sferze realnej i planowaniu regionalnym w Polsce
PublicationSub-regional centres are defined as towns where the services of the sub-regional level are concentrated. In Poland these are such services that can be located in several towns in a voivodeship (region), but not in every capital of a poviat (county). The transformation of civilization has influenced changes in Christaller’s model of settlement network, but re-gularities are still valid. Models derived from Christaller's Central...
Investigation into MPI All-Reduce Performance in a Distributed Cluster with Consideration of Imbalanced Process Arrival Patterns
PublicationThe paper presents an evaluation of all-reduce collective MPI algorithms for an environment based on a geographically-distributed compute cluster. The testbed was split into two sites: CI TASK in Gdansk University of Technology and ICM in University of Warsaw, located about 300 km from each other, both connected by a fast optical fiber Ethernet-based 100 Gbps network (900 km part of the PIONIER backbone). Each site hosted a set...
Categorization of Wikipedia articles with spectral clustering
PublicationAbstract. The article reports application of clustering algorithms for creating hierarchical groups withinWikipedia articles.We evaluate three spectral clustering algorithms based on datasets constructed with usage ofWikipedia categories. Selected algorithm has been implemented in the system that categorize Wikipedia search results in the fly.
Maritime Communication and Sea Safety of the Future - Machnine-type 5G Communication Concept
PublicationThe article presents the concept of a system based on 5G network and M2M communication increasing maritime safety. Generally, the focus was on presenting a proposal for a hierarchical, hybrid, cooperative system with M2M communication coordinated with BAN networks. The possi-ble applications of M2M communication at sea were also presented.
Settlement Networks in Polish Spatial Development Regional Plans
PublicationIn 1999, ten years after the great political changes in Poland, 16 self-governed regions (in Polish: voivodeship) were created. According to Polish law, voivodeship spatial development plans, or regional plans in short, determine basic elements of the settlement network. No detailed regulations indicate the specific elements of the settlement network or what features of these elements should be determined. For this reason, centres...
Induction of the common-sense hierarchies in lexical data
PublicationUnsupervised organization of a set of lexical concepts that captures common-sense knowledge inducting meaningful partitioning of data is described. Projection of data on principal components allow for dentification of clusters with wide margins, and the procedure is recursively repeated within each cluster. Application of this idea to a simple dataset describing animals created hierarchical partitioning with each clusters related...
Multi-level models of transport systems for traffic management
PublicationThe region of Pomorskie uses a variety of tools for forecasting and analysing transport. They can be operated, calibrated and updated with data that will be collected and stored in the TRISTAR system. An initiative of the Department of Highway Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology is designed to develop and implement an integrated and hierarchical system for forecasting and analysing transport called MST (Multilevel...
0-step K-means for clustering Wikipedia search results
PublicationThis article describes an improvement for K-means algorithm and its application in the form of a system that clusters search results retrieved from Wikipedia. The proposed algorithm eliminates K-means isadvantages and allows one to create a cluster hierarchy. The main contributions of this paper include the ollowing: (1) The concept of an improved K-means algorithm and its application for hierarchical clustering....
Simulator for Performance Evaluation of ASON/GMPLS Network
PublicationThe hierarchical control plane network architecture of Automatically Switched Optical Network with utilization of Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching protocols is compliant to next generation networks requirements and can supply connections with required quality of service, even with incomplete domain information. Considering connection control, connection management and network management, the controllers of this architecture...
External Validation Measures for Nested Clustering of Text Documents
PublicationAbstract. This article handles the problem of validating the results of nested (as opposed to "flat") clusterings. It shows that standard external validation indices used for partitioning clustering validation, like Rand statistics, Hubert Γ statistic or F-measure are not applicable in nested clustering cases. Additionally to the work, where F-measure was adopted to hierarchical classification as hF-measure, here some methods to...
The preferable ways of decision-making in IT teams
PublicationSoftware development team collaboration requires various decisions regarding essential aspects of a project’s progress. General and particular decision-making models are considered, and their main aspects such as team types, problem solving categories, and decision-making ways are analyzed. The research concerns representative groups of IT specialists and their preferences in decision-making are investigated. Four possible cases were...
PublicationSoftware development projects are usually realized by traditional or virtual IT teams using computing clouds. Team collaboration requires decision - making regarding essential aspects of a project progress. The article concerns methods of decision – making process in the case of traditional and virtual teams’ work. The research results conducted in a group of IT specialists are presented, and to analyze their preferences in decision-making...
Retrieval of Heterogeneus Sevices in C2NIWA Repository
PublicationThe paper reviews the methods used for retrieval of information and services. The selected approaches presented in the review inspired us to build retrieval mechanisms in a system for searching the resources stored in the C2NIWA repository. We describe the architecture of the system, its functions and the surrounding subsystems to which it is related. For retrieval of C2NIWA sevices we propos three approaches based on: keyword...
Self–Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results
PublicationThe article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...
Dowodzenie w Policji – koncepcja zmian w zakresie dowodzenia formacją
PublicationThe dynamic development of human civilization at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries unfortunately generates not only positive developments. So we need to constantly improve crisis management systems. The purpose of the research was to improve the police command system. Primarily, the research was based on the methods of non-standard observation and analysis and logical construction. The article presents the command in the...
Self-Organizing Map representation for clustering Wikipedia search results
PublicationThe article presents an approach to automated organization of textual data. The experiments have been performed on selected sub-set of Wikipedia. The Vector Space Model representation based on terms has been used to build groups of similar articles extracted from Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps with DBSCAN clustering. To warrant efficiency of the data processing, we performed linear dimensionality reduction of raw data using Principal...
KTaO3-based nanocomposites for air treatment
PublicationA series of single semiconductors and their nanocomposites combination (such as KTaO3 + CdSe + SrTiO3; KTaO3 + CdS +WO3; KTaO3 + CdS + MoS2) were prepared using hydrothermal route. Photocatalytic activity of as-prepared nanocomposites was estimated by photocatalytic degradation of toluene in the gas phase using light-emitting diodes (LEDs, 375 nm) in four subsequent cycles. The nanocomposites were characterized by scanning electron...
Uogólniona metoda agregacji w sensie AHP w analizie ryzyka systemów technicznych.
PublicationPrzedstawiono problematykę badawczą związaną z uwzględnieniem czynników wpływu w ocenie bezpieczeństwa oraz jakościowej i ilościowej analizie ryzyka systemów technicznych. Podkreśla się znaczenie oceny czynników środowiskowych, ludzkich i organizacyjnych w procesie analizy ryzyka i podejmowania decyzji. Proponowana metoda stosowania HID (hierarchical influence diagrams)wspomagająca analizę i szeregowanie opcji sterowania...
Evaluation of Path Based Methods for Conceptual Representation of the Text
PublicationTypical text clustering methods use the bag of words (BoW) representation to describe content of documents. However, this method is known to have several limitations. Employing Wikipedia as the lexical knowledge base has shown an improvement of the text representation for data-mining purposes. Promising extensions of that trend employ hierarchical organization of Wikipedia category system. In this paper we propose three path-based...
Bringing Common Sense to WordNet with a Word Game
PublicationWe present a tool for common sense knowledge acquisition in form of a twenty questions game. The described approach uses WordNet dictionary, which rich taxonomy allows to keep cognitive economy and accelerate knowledge propagation, although sometimes inferences made on hierarchical relations result in noise. We extend the dictionary with common sense assertions acquired during the games played with humans. The facts added to the...
Clustering Context Items into User Trust Levels
PublicationAn innovative trust-based security model for Internet systems is proposed. The TCoRBAC model operates on user profiles built on the history of user with system interaction in conjunction with multi-dimensional context information. There is proposed a method of transforming the high number of possible context value variants into several user trust levels. The transformation implements Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering strategy....