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Search results for: MULTI-AGENT SYSTEM
Multi-core processing system for real-time image processing in embedded computer vision applications
PublicationW artykule opisano architekturę wielordzeniowego programowalnego systemu do przetwarzania obrazów w czasie rzeczywistym. Dane obrazu są przetwarzane równocześnie przez wszystkie procesory. System umożliwia niskopoziomowe przetwarzanie obrazów,np. odejmowanie tła, wykrywanie obiektów ruchomych, transformacje geometryczne, indeksowanie wykrytych obiektów, ocena ich kształtu oraz podstawowa analiza trajektorii ruchu. Ang:This paper...
Nodal cooperation equilibrium analysis in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks with a reputation system
PublicationMotivated by the concerns of cooperation security, this work examines selected principles of state-of-the-art reputation systems for multi-hop ad hoc networks and their impact upon optimal strategies for rational nodes. An analytic framework is proposed and used for identification of effective cooperation-enforcement schemes. It is pointed out that optimum rather than high reputation can be expected to be sought by rational nodes.
A high-accuracy complex-phase method of simulating X-ray propagation through a multi-lens system
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. For solving the problem for an electromagnetic wave, a finite-difference method is applied. The error of simulation is analytically estimated and investigated. It was found that a very detailed difference grid is required for reliable and accurate calculations of the propagation of X-ray waves through a multi-lens...
Groundwater flow modelling of multi-aquifer systems for regional resources evaluation: the Gdansk hydogeological system, Poland
PublicationW celu oceny regionalnych zasobów gdańskiego systemu hydrogeologicznego zbudowano matematyczny model przepływu wód. Obszar badań objął około 2800 km2. Dane pozyskano z ponad 1700 otworów badawczych. Na podstawie modelu oszacowano zasoby dla wszystkich pieter wodonośnych: plejstoceńskiego, neogeńsko-paleogeńskiego i kredowego. Na podstawie analizy równania Bredehoef'a ustalono, że aktualna eksploatacja jest zbliżona do poziomu ''zrównoważonego...
Modelling of Objects Behaviour for Their Re-identification in Multi-camera Surveillance System Employing Particle Filters and Flow Graphs
PublicationAn extension of the re-identification method of modeling objects behavior in muti-camera surveillance systems, related to adding a particle filter to the decision-making algorithm is covered by the paper. A variety of tracking methods related to a single FOV (Field of Vision) are known, proven to be quite different for inter-camera tracking, especially in case of non-overlapping FOVs. The re-identification methods refer to the...
Multi-objective optimization of the ORC axial turbine for a waste heat recovery system working in two modes: cogeneration and condensation
PublicationDue to the demand of the district heating network and electric power grid ORC turbines can operate in the condensation and cogeneration modes. This approach requires the design of an expander which is characterized by high efficiency in each mode of operation. The paper is devoted to a multi-objective efficiency optimization of a one stage axial ORC turbine working on MM (Hexamethyldisiloxane). An Implicit Filtering algorithm (IF)...
Oriented Gaussian beams for high-accuracy computation with accuracy control of X-ray propagation through a multi-lens system
PublicationA highly accurate method for calculating X-ray propagation is developed. Within this approach, the propagating wave is represented as a superposition of oriented Gaussian beams. The direction of wave propagation in each Gaussian beam agrees with the local direction of propagation of the X-ray wavefront. When calculating the propagation of X-ray waves through lenses, the thin lens approximation is applied. In this approximation,...
Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Poland)
PublicationThis study focuses on the modeling of groundwater flow and nitrate transport in a multi-aquifer hydrosystem in northern Poland, adjacent to Puck Bay (Baltic sea). The main goal was to investigate how changes in land use and farming practices may affect groundwater recharge and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to the sea and the associated N-NO3 fluxes. An integrated modelling approach has been developed, which couples the...
Multi-source-supplied parallel hybrid propulsion of the inland passenger ship STA.H. Research work on energy efficiency of a hybrid propulsion system operating in the electric motor drive mode
PublicationIn the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, Gdansk University of Technology, design has recently been developed of a small inland ship with hybrid propulsion and supply system. The ship will be propelled by a specially designed so called parallel hybrid propulsion system. The work was aimed at carrying out the energy efficiency analysis of a hybrid propulsion system operating in the electric motor drive mode and at...
Assessment of the Steering Precision of a Hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) along Sounding Profiles Using a Low-Cost Multi-Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver Supported Autopilot
Publicationhe performance of bathymetric measurements by traditional methods (using manned vessels) in ultra-shallow waters, i.e., lakes, rivers, and sea beaches with a depth of less than 1 m, is often difficult or, in many cases, impossible due to problems related to safe vessel maneuvering. For this reason, the use of shallow draft hydrographic Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) appears to provide a promising alternative method for performing...
Co-gasification of waste biomass-low grade coal mix using downdraft gasifier coupled with dual-fuel engine system: Multi-objective optimization with hybrid approach using RSM and Grey Wolf Optimizer
PublicationThe looming global crisis over increasing greenhouse gases and rapid depletion of fossil fuels are the motivation factors for researchers to search for alternative fuels. There is a need for more sustainable and less polluting fuels for internal combustion engines. Biomass offers significant potential as a feed material for gasification to produce gaseous fuel. It is carbon neutral, versatile, and abundant on earth. The present...
Project Team Management Supported by an Agent-Based Model
PublicationThis work is a continuation of a series of works about research into the use of multi-agent systems to support IT project management. Previous studies have shown the possibility of using a multi-agent in order to optimize management decisions concerning the selection of methods for project implementation. It was noted that the project manager's decisions are influenced by three fundamental parameters: the entropy of the project,...
Business processes implementation using agent systems
PublicationThis paper will show that some complex and repetitive actions performed in a company can be modelled for the sake of optimization and automaton. It is achieved by connecting business processes management and agent paradigms. Moreover it shows that organization structure can be mapped to distributed multi agent system. Finally it states that interorganization communication can be automated on the same basis as intra-organization...
GROUP COMPOSER - System for Modeling Agents’ Team Building for Tasks
PublicationMulti-agent systems consist of many autonomous units, called agents, that can interact when trying to achieve their goals. The selection of interaction partners is called team formation. Three basic approaches can be considered to match multi-agent system resources to the problem at hand. To research the properties of different approaches, a software for modeling team formation in multi-agent systems has been created and is presented...
Security Information Sharing for the Polish Power System
PublicationThe Polish Power System is becoming increasingly more dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to cyberattacks, including the evolved and highly sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats or Distributed Denial of Service attacks. The most exposed components are SCADA systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. When addressing this situation...
Software Agents for Computer Network Security
PublicationThe chapter presents applications of multi-agent technology for design and implementation of agent-based systems intended to cooperatively solve several critical tasks in the area of computer network security. These systems are Agent-based Generator of Computer Attacks (AGCA), Multi-agent Intrusion Detection and Protection System (MIDPS), Agent-based Environment for Simulation of DDoS Attacks and Defense (AESAD) and Mobile Agent...
Model of management of knowledge bases in the information technology evaluation environment
PublicationThe paper presents the model of management of knowledge bases in multi-agent system for evaluation of information technologies (IT_MAS). Such system is being developed in Gdansk Uni-versity of Technology by Information Technology Management Team. Multi-agent system is supposed to support manager level specialists during decision processes when there is identified need to buy or change any information technology. The main goal of...
Consolidating logs in varying formats into a structured repository = konsolidacja logów w zmiennych formatach do strukturalnego repozytorium
PublicationDuring multi-agent systems development, testing and re- search, possibly voluminous logs are created at distributed agent loca-tions. These logs describe individual agents behavior and state changes. To get the complete picture of the multi-agent system working, it is necessary to consolidate these logs and to store them in a format appropriate for diverse analyzes. Specic issues arise during consolidation if the log formats are...
Application of Majority Voting Protocols to Supporting Trading Decisions
PublicationA broad spectrum of analysis and prediction indicators and methods exists to support trading decisions, but no hard knowledge exist to tell in advance which of them will fit best in a given timeframe. To support trading decisions, a multi-agent self-organizing system has been proposed. The system is based on history based dynamic weight voting and selects the right indicators based on their past performance. The formal analysis...
PublicationA broad spectrum of analysis and prediction indicators and methods exists to support trading decisions, but no hard knowledge exist to tell in advance which of them will fit best in a given timeframe. To support trading decisions, a multi-agent self-organizing system has been proposed. The system is based on history based dynamic weight voting and selects the right indicators based on their past performance. The formal analysis...
Hybrid approach to ontology specification and development
PublicationIn this chapter a first draft of a hybrid ontology development approach is presented. The context of this method encompasses the multi-agent system equipped with knowledge bases and inferring engine. The process of ontology engineering appears as a complex issue, as it addresses different point-views of both, a client and a modeler with a requirements/system analyst. Regarding this, an approach based on the knowledge preprocessing...
Centralized and Distributed Structures of Intelligent Systems for Aided Design of Ship Automation
PublicationA design process and accepted solutions made during this process, often base on non-formalized knowledge, obtained from designer (expert) intuition and practice. There are no formalized rules assuring the correctness of design solutions. The analysis of design process of ship automation, including ship power system, shows that this process can be supported by application of the artificial intelligence elements. The article presents...
Selected Features of Dynamic Voting
PublicationIn multi-agent systems composed of autonomous agents with local knowledge, it is often desirable to aggregate their knowledge in order to make an educated decision. One of the methods of agreeing to a common decision is voting. A new history-based dynamic weight protocol allows for identification of the agents which contribute to the correct system decision. The main advantage of this approach, compared to static weighted system...
Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes properties on the photocatalytic activity of bismuth-based composites synthesised via an imidazolium ionic liquid
PublicationThe use of various types of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in the synthesis of bismuth oxybromide semiconductors via imidazolium ionic liquid was studied in detail. The effect of the MWCNT shape, specific surface area, and various diameters on the morphology, surface properties and photoactivity of the Bi-based composites has been investigated for the first time. So far, the literature has only shown the enhancement of photocatalytic...
Potential applicability of ontologies for the evaluation of information technology
PublicationIn this article we present the possibilities of using ontologies as a part of a multi-agent system (MAS) designed for the evaluation of information technologies. This is a part of a broader idea devel-oped by the team of researchers at Gdańsk University of Technology. The article deals with defining ontologies, presenting main technologies for their design and implementation and proposes, initially, domains of the ontologies' interest...
Knowledge management in the processes of project requirements analysis
PublicationAuthors, based on one of popular software project management methods as RUP fo-cused on one of most important discipline in project management as requirements management. Authors decomposed the role of the business analyst and present methodological and realizational processes of knowledge managament in traditional and applied sources of knowledge tied with this role. An experiment was conducted in four project teams of all sizes,...
Protokół głosowania większościowego w narzędziu wsparcia decyzji handlowych
PublicationIstnieje szerokie spektrum narzędzi i metod wspierających decyzje handlowe, lecz brakuj jasnych reguł ich stosowania. Zaproponowano samoorganizujacy się system agentowy do wspierania decyzji handlowych. System bazując na glosowaniu z dynamicznymi wagami, wskazuje efektywne indykatory na podstawie ich poprzednich osiągnięć. Przedstawiono analizę formalną i wyniki weryfikacji, potwierdzającej cechy rozwiązania.
Reputacja i zaufanie w systemach teleinformatycznych z podmiotami anonimowymi podejście dynamiczne
PublicationAbstrakcją współczesnego systemu teleinformatycznego jest system wieloagentowy z autonomicznymi, racjonalnymi i wirtualnie anonimowymi agentami wchodzącymi we wzajemne interakcje dla wymiany usług. W referacie uzasadniono konieczność projektowania dla niego podsystemu budowy reputacji i zaufania oraz odpowiednich analiz w ujęciu dynamicznym. Dokonano przeglądu motywacyjnie zgodnych mechanizmów uczciwego raportowania usług oraz...
Optical properties of the chemotherapy drugs used in the central nervous system lymphoma therapy: monitoring drug delivery
PublicationOur aim is to optically monitor the delivery of the chemotherapy drugs for brain tumours, particularly used in the central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma therapy. In vivo monitoring would help to optimize the treatment and avoiding unnecessary medications. Moreover, it would be beneficial to be able to measure which of the multi-regimen drugs actually do penetrate and how well into the brain tissue. There exist several potential...
Koncepcja platformy wymiany informacji o incydentach cyberbezpieczeństwa dla krajowego systemu elektroenergetycznego
PublicationArtykuł opisuje wybrane zagadnienia związane z cyberbezpieczeństwem w sektorze elektroenergetyki. Jednym z elementów zapewniania bezpieczeństwa sieci elektro-energetycznej jest efektywna wymiana informacji o incydentach bezpieczeństwa. W jej ramach wszystkie zaangażowane podmioty systemu elektroenergetycznego, tj.: elektrownie, operatorzy systemów przesyłowych, operatorzy systemów dystrybucyjnych, dostawcy rozwiązań bezpieczeństwa,...
Application of algorithms for reasoning from imperfect knowledge in it evaluation environment
PublicationThe paper describes concept of building multi-agent system dedicated for information technology evaluation or selection for IT enterprises management (IT_MAS). Authors present the model of Knowledge Processing Environment, which is one of main components of the solution. Either facts or rules will be based on IT specialists' experience. However, knowledge which is being acquisited from IT domain is mostly imperfect - uncertain...
Cooperative control in production and logistics
PublicationClassical applications of control engineering and information and communication technology (ICT) in production and logistics are often done in a rigid, centralized and hierarchical way. These inflexible approaches are typically not able to cope with the complexities of the manufacturing environment, such as the instabilities, uncertainties and abrupt changes caused by internal and external disturbances, or a large number and variety...
Quality Model for Integrated Security Monitoring and Control in Water Distribution Systems
PublicationThis article addresses the problem of drinking water distribution system (DWDS) security in the terms of water quality which in the era of terrorist threat is of high importance to the public. The contribution of this paper is the development of the so called security module to extend a multi-species water quality model. This gives an insight to the situation in DWDS not only under normal operational conditions but also in case...
A Human Behaviour Model Agent for Testing of Voluntary Computing Systems
PublicationPaper presents a design and performance of a voluntary-based distributed computing system testing agent, implementing a human behaviour model. The agent, nicknamed iRobot, was designed and implemented to enable controlled, large scale testing of core algorithms of Comcute - a new voluntary distributed computing platform complementary to BOINC. The main agent design goals were: emulation of human behaviour when browsing web pages,...
Security and Anonymity in Agent Systems
PublicationMany agent systems have been developed and suggested for commercial application. However, in spite of the significant potential offered by the agent paradigm, the lack of such important properties as security, anonymity and untracebility especially in open dynamical environment, such as the Internet, has blocked the active implementation of agent technologies. Protecting agent systems poses a more demanding challenge comparing...
Scalable Maintenance of Address Mapping and Autodetecion in Environments Where Agents are Uncapable of Self-Registration
PublicationWhen working with multi-agent systems it is often desirable to manage the agent set. The existing methods of central monitoring stems from two different fields of application. The first has its roots in in computer network monitoring, the other in mutli-agent simulation environments. Both approaches are not general enough to cater for loosely controlled environments, where the total agent population is not known and often fluctuating,...
MAlSim - Mobile Agent Malware Simulator
PublicationOne of the problems related to the simulation of attacks against critical infrastructures is the lack of adequate tools for the simulation of malicious software (malware). Malware attacks are the most frequent in the Internet and they pose a serious threat against critical networked infrastructures. To address this issue we developed Mobile Agent Malware Simulator (MAISim). The framework uses the technology of mobile agents and...
APIS – Agent Platform for Integration of Services
PublicationThe paper presents an approach to creating the platform for development and evaluation of complex tasks execution algorithms. Proposed solution is based on an agent paradigm where independent peers can cooperate and negotiate in order to execute specified tasks which are defined only by the final output description. Tasks are realized by the means of services exposed by different peers. In case when there is no single service fulfilling...
Detection of immunological agent by optical fiber sensor: preliminary study
PublicationThe objective of this study is the application of optical methods for detection of immunological agent concentration. As the agent we used the Cyclaid, produced by Apotex Inc. In this article we investigated different Cyclaid concentrations in water. We used a Fabry-Pérot interferometer working in a reflective mode, the measurements were performed with source with central wavelength λ = 1550 nm. The preliminary investigation have...
Reliable Document-Centric Processing in Loosely Coupled Email-Based Systems
PublicationEmail is a simple way to exchange digital documents of any kind. The Mobile INteractive Document architecture (MIND) enables self-coordination and self-steering of document agent systems based on commonly available email services. In this paper, a mechanism for providing integrity and reliability of such an email based agent system is proposed to cope with message soft or hard bounces, user interrupts, and other unexpected events....
Document Agents with the Intelligent Negotiations Capability
PublicationThe paper focus is on augmenting proactive document-agents with built -in intelligence to enable them to recognize execution context provided by devices visited durning the business process, and to reach collaboration agreement despite of their conflicting requirements. We propose a solution based on neural networks to improve simple multi-issue negotiation between the document and the device, practically with no excessive cost...
Modelowanie i ograniczanie skutków ataków uzurpacji uprawnień w systemach teleinformatycznych wspierających różnicowanie poziomu QoS
PublicationW wieloagentowych systemach teleinformatycznych pracujących w paradygmacie Klient-Serwer i wspierających różnicowanie poziomu QoS poważnym zagrożeniem są ataki uzurpacji uprawnień metodą Fałszywego VIPa. Ich celem jest zapewnienie Klientowi nienależnie wysokiego poziomu QoS, co powoduje nadużycie zasobów Serwera i szkody dla innych Klientów. W referacie podjęto próbę sforma-lizowania modelu takich ataków oraz zaproponowa-no obustronnie...
JamesBot - an intelligent agent playing StarCraft II
PublicationThe most popular method for optimizing a certain strategy based on a reward is Reinforcement Learning (RL). Lately, a big challenge for this technique are computer games such as StarCraft II which is a real-time strategy game, created by Blizzard. The main idea of this game is to fight between agents and control objects on the battlefield in order to defeat the enemy. This work concerns creating an autonomous bot using reinforced...
Cognitum Ontorion: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning System
PublicationAt any point of human activity, knowledge and expertise are a key factors in understanding and solving any given problem. In present days, computer systems have the ability to support their users in an efficient and reliable way in gathering and processing knowledge. In this chapter we show how to use Cognitum Ontorion system in this areas. In first section, we identify emerging issues focused on how to represent and inference...
Designing optimal operational-point trajectories using an intelligent sub-strategy agent-based approach
PublicationW rozdziale opisuje się metodę projektowania optymalnej i bezpiecznego sterowania nieliniowymi procesami dynamicznymi. Poszukiwane sterowanie jest wynikiem zastosowania elementarnej strategii poszczególnych agentów, realizujących zadanie minimalizacji wspólnej miary kosztu sterowania. Zagadnienie projektowania optymalnego sterowania traktowane jest jako proces decyzyjny, w którym decyzje podejmowane są w kolejnych regionach przestrzeni...
Designing optimal operational-point trajectories using an intelligent sub-strategy agent-based approach
PublicationW rozdziale opisuje się metodę projektowania optymalnej i bezpiecznego sterowania nieliniowymi procesami dynamicznymi. Poszukiwane sterowanie jest wynikiem zastosowania elementarnej strategii poszczególnych agentów, realizujšcych zadanie minimalizacji wspólnej miary kosztu sterowania. Zagadnienie projektowania optymalnego sterowania traktowane jest jako proces decyzyjny, w którym decyzje podejmowane sš w kolejnych regionach przestrzeni...
Integrated monitoring, control and security of Critical Infrastructure Systems
PublicationModern societies have reached a point where everyday life relies heavily on desired operation of critical infrastructures, in spite of accidental failures and/or deliberate attacks. The issue of desired performance operation of CIS at high security level receives considerable attention worldwide. The pioneering generic methodologies and methods are presented in the paper project for designing systems capable of achieving these...
PublicationThe dissertation focuses on the augmentation of proactive document - agents with built-in intelligence to recognize execution context provided by devices visited during a business process, and to reach collaboration agreement despite conflicting requirements. The proposed solution, based on intelligent bargaining using neural networks to improve simple multi-issue negotiation between the document and thedevice, requires practically...
Cognitum Ontorion: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning System
Publication“If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.” (Isaac Asimov). Nevertheless, at any point of human activity, knowledge (besides practice) is a key factor in understanding and solving any given problem. Nowadays, computer systems have the ability to support their users in an efficient and reliable way. In this paper we present and describe the functionality of the Cognitum Ontorion system....
Anonymity Architecture for Mobile Agent Systems
PublicationThe paper presents a new security architecture for MAS, which supports anonymity of agent owners. The architecture is composed of two main elements: Module I: Untraceability Protocol Infrastructure and Module II: Additional Untraceability Support. Module I is based on the recently proposed untraceability protocol for MAS and it forms the core of the anonymity architecture, which can be supported by the ele- ments of the second...