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Search results for: PLACE
Places of worship, spiritual healing and urban regeneration
PublicationMany researchers demonstrated that it is possible to help people achieve mental and physical regeneration with proper architecture, urban and landscape planning. The term therapeutic landscapes could also be applied to places of worship, where people gather for spiritual healing and renewal. Public space that they offer is inclusively open to all. Addition- ally, they serve to reinvigorate the places where they are located. Shrines...
PublicationThis paper summarises the results of the research carried out at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia, during the PhD visiting period of the first author from the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, in the framework of the PhD course "Sensitive urban places", leaded by the second author. Focusing to the specific problems of the Gdansk Osowa district in Poland, this research develops the idea of sensitivity...
PublicationThe contrast between the high rise buildings; with their mostly geometric shapes, and the organic form of the greenery was visible even in the idea of a skyscraper. Yet the realizations and recent projects show emerging interest and the link between them. To better understand the developing function of the greenery in the context of a skyscraper, both literature and case studies are conducted. The aim is to relate the location...
Resonant Frequencies in the Open Microstrip Structures Placed on Curved Surfaces
PublicationThe paper presents the research on open microstrip structures placed on curved surfaces such as cylindrical, elliptical or spherical. The numerical analysis of investigated structures is based on expansion of electric and magnetic fields into suitable function series. Utilizing the continuity conditions the boundary problem is formulated which is solved with the use of method of moments. The investigated structures find application...
Maximizing SDN resilience to node‐targeted attacks through joint optimization of the primary and backup controllers placements
PublicationIn Software Defined Networks (SDN) packet data switches are configured by a limited number of SDN controllers, which respond to queries for packet forwarding decisions from the switches. To enable optimal control of switches in real time the placement of controllers at network nodes must guarantee that the controller-to-controller and switch-to-controller communications delays are bounded. Apart from the primary controllers that...
Microphone placement through meta-heuristic algorithms
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Phylogenetic Placement and Taxonomy of the Genus Hederorkis (Orchidaceae)
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Abandoned places I-V, akryl 100x70
PublicationMiędzynarodowa wystawa zbiorowa malarstwa, fotografii i tkaniny, zorganizowana pod egidą Ambasad: Brazylii, Bułgarii, Łotwy, Mozambiku, Meksyku, Panamy, Polski i Południowej Afryki.
Fire evacuations of public places - theory and practise
PublicationPublikacja dotyczy ewakuacji pożarowych miejsc publicznych.
Architectural expression in designing museums as places of remembrance
PublicationMuseums commemorating tragic historic events require the application of particular means of architectural expression. Both the form of the building, the interior design, lighting and materials and its surroundings became a part of the exhibition. In this article the narrative role of architectural components is discussed based on three museums located in different cultural and geographical areas. These are: the Nanjing Massacre...
Justification tool for health-affirming urban places design
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Optimal placement of IMU sensor for the detection of children activity
PublicationIn this paper an investigation to determine the optimal placement of IMU sensors for the purpose of children characteristic activity detection is presented. The article compares four different placement of two IMU sensors on human body. Ten healthy volunteers participated within the study. Data were collected firstly from two wireless 9-axial IMU sensors placed at the left and right wrists, then sensors were placed at lower back...
Robust pole placement in delta domain for SISO plans
Effect of admixtures on fresh grout and two-srtage (pre-placed aggregate) concrete
PublicationPrzedstawiono rezultaty badań doświadczalnych przeprowadzonych dla betonu uzyskanego metodą dwuetapową. Główną przeszkodą szerokiego zastosowania metody betonowania dwuetapowego Polcrete była niska wydajność urządzenia wytwarzającego mikrozaprawę - ultramiksera (UM). Celem przeprowadzonych badań laboratoryjnych było dobranie odpowiednich dodatków i domieszek, które umożliwią wytworzenie mikrozaprawy o takich samych parametrach...
Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, and Magnesium Concentrations in the Placenta, Umbilical Cord, and Fetal Membrane from Women with Multiple Pregnancies
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Health-Promoting Places: Rain Gardens and Sustainable Water Management
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The methodology of identifying active aging places in the city - Practical application
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Organizacja procesu rewitalizacji z użyciem metody Placemakingu na przykładzie projektu społecznej rewitalizacji Parku Świętopełka w Gdańsku
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł służy prezentacji przebiegu oraz wniosków wyciągniętych z realizacji projektu badawczo-wdrożeniowego: Społeczna rewitalizacja przestrzeni z wykorzystaniem strategii Placemakingu. Projekt realizowany był w 2015 roku przez Stowarzyszenie Inicjatywa Miasto w ramach programu Obywatele dla Demokracji, finansowanego z Funduszy EOG. Realizację projektu poprzedzały działania inicjujące, trwające od 2013 roku.
The Efficiency of P-Removal from Natural Waters with Sorbents Placed in Water Permeable Nonwovens
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The emissions of monoaromatic hydrocarbons from small polymeric toys placed in chocolate food products
PublicationThe article presents findings on the emissions of selected monoaromatic hydrocarbons from children's toys placed in chocolate food products. The emission test system involved the application of a new type of microscale stationary emission chamber, μ-CTE™ 250. In order to determine the type of the applied polymer in the manufacture of the tested toys, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis coupled...
Idelalisib or placebo in combination with bendamustine and rituximab in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: interim results from a phase 3, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
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Investor focused placement and sizing of photovoltaic grid-connected systems in Pakistan
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Left-behind places in central and eastern Europe—labour productivity aspect
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A telemedical and an outpatient thoracic impedance measurements - a validation algorithm of the electrodes placement
PublicationThis paper presents the algorithm for validation of electrodes locations for the thoracic impedance measurements. In particular the presented algorithm was designed to perform the telemetric sleep apnea monitoring. One of the problems, during the clinical tests of a developed device, was to preserve the repeatability of measurements. It strongly depended on the appropriate electrodes placement on the examined person’s thorax. It...
The outdoor market places in the public space of a modern city. - Vol. I
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Influence of User Mobility and Antenna Placement on System Loss in B2B Networks
PublicationIn this paper, the influence of user mobility and on-body antenna placement on system loss in body-to-body communications in indoor and outdoor environments and different mobility scenarios is studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The novelty of this work lies on the proposal of a classification model to characterise the effect of user mobility and path visibility on system loss, allowing to identify the best...
City as a product. Architecture as an Economic Instrument. Are Global Cities People-Friendly Places?
PublicationWhile spending time in our everyday urban environment do we ever think how particular architecture influences the economic value of that space? Space has its measurable financial value. From the economic point of view a place can be treated as a product that fights for appearing in tourists’ and investors’ consciousnesses. Space - treated as an object of demand and supply - becomes an element in a marketing game. To reach its...
Integrating Art into Places in Transition - Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston as a Case Study
PublicationAmong the many projects realized in public spaces, some are truly unique – and these are the ones that build the identity of a place. The aim of this paper is to examine how integrating art and cultural strategies into public space can enhance and reinforce the sense of a place. Particular attention is devoted to urban spaces that we call “places in transition”, where public art improves the city’s imaginative capacity, enlivens...
Optimizing primary and backup SDN controllers' placement resilient to node-targeted attacks
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On joint primary and backup controllers’ placement optimization against node-targeted attacks
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A systematic approach to ultrasound-guided central venous catheter placement—desirable modifications
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Concrete Compressive Strength Under Changing Environmental Conditions During Placement Processes
PublicationThe technological process of concrete production consists of several parts, including concrete mix design, concrete mix production, transportation of fresh concrete mix to a construction site, placement in concrete framework, and curing. Proper execution of these steps provides good quality concrete. Some factors can disturb the technological process, mainly temperature and excessive precipitation. Changing daily temperature and...
Efficient Analysis of Noise Induced in Low-Voltage Installations Placed Inside Buildings with Lightning Protection Systems
PublicationThis paper describes an efficient approach to the broadband analysis of lightning protection systems (LPSs) using the method of moments (MoM) implemented in the frequency domain. The adaptive frequency sampling (AFS) algorithm, based on a rational interpolation of the relevant observable (e.g., voltage, current, electric or magnetic field) which describes the properties of the LPS, is employed to reduce the number of samples computed...
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Application of analytical procedure based on accelerated solvent extraction and ion chromatography technique for determination of thiocyanate and other inorganic ions in human placenta samples
PublicationExposure of a pregnant woman during pregnancy is a special case of exposure to toxic substances. Samples of placenta collected for the studies had been prepared with the technique of accelerated solvent extraction and later analyzed for the presence of thiocyanate ion and other inorganic ions, with the use of the technique of ion chromatography. The concentration of thiocyanate ion in placenta samples collected from active smokers...
Exploring the meaning of night shift placement in nursing education: A European multicentre qualitative study
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Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Unit in Power System using Meta-Heuristic Algorithms
PublicationThe phasor measurement units (PMUs) play an important and vital role in power system monitoring and controlling, since they provide the power system phasors stamped with a common real time reference through a global positioning system (GPS). Indeed, from economical point of view it is not possible to set PMUs in all system buses due to the high cost and the requirement of more complex communication...
Modern era fortifications as public places = Fortyfikacje nowożytne jako miejskie przestrzenie publiczne
PublicationFortyfikacje nowożytne tworzyły systemy budowli ziemnych oraz szerokich fos. Ich powierzchnia przekraczała często powierzchnię otoczonego nimi miasta. Utrata znaczenia obronnego oraz tendencje do wzrostu terytorialnego miast spowodowały konieczność zmiany funkcji fortyfikacji. W XIX i XX wieku były one rozbierane, a ich tereny zabudowywane lub przekształcane w przestrzeń publiczną. Zagospodarowanie i konserwacja tych obiektów...
Automatic Threat Detection for Historic Buildings in Dark Places Based on the Modified OptD Method
PublicationHistoric buildings, due to their architectural, cultural, and historical value, are the subject of preservation and conservatory works. Such operations are preceded by an inventory of the object. One of the tools that can be applied for such purposes is Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). This technology provides information about the position, reflection, and intensity values of individual points; thus, it allows for the creation...
Qualitative Indicators Used to Select the Placement and Parameters of Energy Storage Installed in the Distribution Network
PublicationThe technology related to energy storage has developed in recent years. Continuous improvement of the solutions available on the market resulted in wider usability of energy storage. They are also increasingly used in a distribution network. This study contains a synthesised description of physical features of the energy storage used in distribution networks. Several criteria of algorithms used to determine the placement and...
Safety and efficacy of lenabasum in a phase 2 randomized, placebo-controlled trial in adults with cystic fibrosis
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Homeopathic remedies as placebo alternatives — verification on the example of treatment of menopause-related vegetative and emotional disturbances
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Safety and Outcomes of Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement in Oncology Patients: A Single-Centre Experience
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Infraclavicular, Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Approach to the Axillary Artery for Arterial Catheter Placement: A Randomized Trial
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Placebo Effect of Caffeine on Maximal Strength and Strength Endurance in Healthy Recreationally Trained Women Habituated to Caffeine
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Blood pressure lowering effect of renal sympathetic denervation or placebo? - building expectations for Symplicity-HTN 3
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Application of Time-Frequency Analysis of Acoustic Signal to Detecting Flat Places on the Rolling Surface of a Tram Wheel
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A universal standard for health-promoting places. Example of assessment -on the basis of a case study of Rahway River Park
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to contribute to development of approaches to the evaluation of the design of public open green spaces (POS). This paper presents a universal standard for the design of health-promoting urban places. The standard is a conceptual framework which was developed after visiting over one hundred public parks and therapeutic gardens in Europe and the United States. The universal standard is a simple and...
Non-places in the centre of the historic Main Town in Gdansk? – Design Thinking as a method of solving problems in cities
PublicationThe interiors of reconstructed extensive blocks of the historic Main Town in Gdansk are nowadays degraded areas, full of cars, with “holes” after never-finished archaeological excavations. It is not surprising that inhabitants avoid them. These are NON-PLACES. This situation prompts social movements to act. The first step towards the change was the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of revitalization of one of the...