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Vitamin D and Human Health
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Musical Instrument Tagging Using Data Augmentation and Effective Noisy Data Processing
PublicationDeveloping signal processing methods to extract information automatically has potential in several applications, for example searching for multimedia based on its audio content, making context-aware mobile applications (e.g., tuning apps), or pre-processing for an automatic mixing system. However, the last-mentioned application needs a significant amount of research to reliably recognize real musical instruments in recordings....
PublicationThe article presents an overview of the most important issues related to the phenomenon called big data. The characteristics of big data concerning the data itself and the data sources are presented. Then, the big data life cycle concept is formulated. The next sections focus on two big data technologies: MapReduce for big data processing and NoSQL databases for big data storage.
The supramolecular organization of self-assembling chlorosomal bacteriochlorophyll c, d, or e mimics
PublicationBacteriochlorophylls (BChls) c, d, and e are the main light-harvesting pigments of green photosynthetic bacteria that self-assemble into nanostructures within the chlorosomes forming the most efficient antennas of photosynthetic organisms. All previous models of the chlorosomal antennae, which are quite controversially discussed because no single crystals could be grown so far from these organelles, involve a strong hydrogen-bonding...
Data on LEGO sets release dates and worldwide retail prices combined with aftermarket transaction prices in Poland between June 2018 and June 2023
PublicationThe dataset contains LEGO bricks sets item count and pricing history for AI-based set pricing prediction. The data spans the timeframe from June 2018 to June 2023. The data was obtained from three sources: (LEGO sets retail prices, release dates, and IDs), official web page (ID number of each set that was released by Lego, its retail prices, the current status of the set) and web page (the retail...
A Low-Profile 3-D Printable Metastructure for Performance Improvement of Aperture Antennas
PublicationIn order to increase the radiation performance of aperture-type antennas, this paper demonstrates a low-profile, planar, single-layer, three-dimensional (3-D) printable metastructure. The proposed hybridized metastructure is highly transparent as it is made out of novel hybrid meta-atoms having transmission coefficient magnitudes greater than -0.72 dB and fully complies with the near-field phase transformation principle. The hybridized...
Data on the identification of microsatellite markers in Eisenia fetida and Eisenia andrei
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Manufacturing Data Analysis in Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) Scenario
PublicationComputer integrated manufacturing (CIM) has enormous benefits as it increases the rate of production, reduces errors and production waste, and streamlines manufacturing sub-systems. However, there are some new challenges related to CIM operating in the Internet of Things/Internet of Data (IoT/IoD) scenarios associated with Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems. The main challenge is to deal with the massive volume of data flowing...
Synthesis of 2-amino-2,6-dideoxy-D-glucitol-6-sulfonic acid as a potential antifungal agent.
PublicationGlucosamine-6P (GlcN-6P) synthase catalyzes the first committed step in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the formation of UDP-GlcNAc, a sugar nucleotide precursor providing D-glucosamine for the formation of chitin and manoproteins. 2-Amino-2,6-dideoxy-D-glucitol-6-sulfonic acid is an analog of 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucitol 6-phosphate (GlcN-ol-6-P), a known inhibitor of GlcN-6-P synthase, in which the phosphate group of the latter...
Vitamin D signaling and melanoma: role of vitamin D and its receptors in melanoma progression and management
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New D−π–D−π–A Systems Based on Phenothiazine Derivatives with Imidazole Structures for Photovoltaics
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La construction d`une chambre d`etalonnage a l`Universite Technique de Gdańsk.
PublicationOmówiono konstrukcję stanowiska badawczego komory kalibracyjnej. Przedstawiono stosowane warunki brzegowe z systemem sterowania oraz kalibrację pływakowych czujników przemieszczeń. Podano sposób formowania masywu gruntowego.
Assessment Of the Relevance of Best Practices in The Development of Medical R&D Projects Based on Machine Learning
PublicationMachine learning has emerged as a fundamental tool for numerous endeavors within health informatics, bioinformatics, and medicine. However, novices among biomedical researchers and IT developers frequently lack the requisite experience to effectively execute a machine learning project, thereby increasing the likelihood of adopting erroneous practices that may result in common pitfalls or overly optimistic predictions. The paper...
Synthesis of 3-D Graphene via Combustion Synthesis of Magnesium and Calcium/Magnesium Oxalates
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Machine-to-Machine communication and data processing approach in Future Internet applications
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Practical guidelines for the supplementation of vitamin D and the treatment of deficits in Central Europe — recommended vitamin D intakes in the general population and groups at risk of vitamin D deficiency
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An Ultra-Low-Energy Analog Comparator for A/D Converters in CMOS Image Sensors
PublicationThis paper proposes a new solution of an ultra-low-energy analog comparator, dedicated to slope analog-to-digital converters (ADC), particularly suited for CMOS image sensors (CISs) featuring a large number of ADCs. For massively parallel imaging arrays, this number may be as high as tens-hundreds of thousands ADCs. As each ADC includes an analog comparator, the number of these comparators in CIS is always high. Detailed analysis...
The Efficacious Benefit of 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D to Prevent COVID-19: An In-Silico Study Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
PublicationThe environment has rapidly looked at proven specialist task forces in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic to build public health policies and measures to mitigate the effects of emerging coronaviruses. According to the researchers, taking 10 μg of 25-hydroxy vitamin D daily is recommended to keep us safe. There have been several studies recently indicating that there is a reduced risk of contracting Coronavirus by 25-hydroxy...
The Bridge of Data Project Objectives
PublicationOpen Research Data (ORD) is one of the emerging trends for researchers across the globe. However, it has to be stressed that the level of implementation and awareness of ORD varies between countries. Many initiatives have been created in Polish scientific institutions to support the process of opening publications. These are mainly Open Access (OA) repositories, implementing the so-called green road of OA. However, only a few universities...
Mono- and bimetallic (Pt/Cu) titanium(IV) oxide photocatalysts. Physicochemical and photocatalytic data of magnetic nanocomposites’ shell
PublicationSurface modification of titania with noble and semi-noble metals resulted in significant enhancement of photocatalytic activity. Presented data, showing the photocatalytic properties of TiO2-M (where M is Pt and/or Cu) photocatalysts were further used as Fe3O4@SiO2/TiO2-M magnetic nanocomposites shells in "Mono- and bimetallic (Pt/Cu) titanium(IV) oxide core-shell photocatalysts with Vis light activity and magnetic separability"...
Graphitic Carbon Nitride and Titanium Dioxide Modified with 1 D and 2 D Carbon Structures for Photocatalysis
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Structure–property relationships and third-order nonlinearities in diketopyrrolopyrrole based D–π–A–π–D molecules
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Processing of Satellite Data in the Cloud
PublicationThe dynamic development of digital technologies, especially those dedicated to devices generating large data streams, such as all kinds of measurement equipment (temperature and humidity sensors, cameras, radio-telescopes and satellites – Internet of Things) enables more in-depth analysis of the surrounding reality, including better understanding of various natural phenomenon, starting from atomic level reactions, through macroscopic...
Application of the Heavy-Atom Effect for (Sub)microsecond Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and an All-Organic Light-Emitting Device with Low-Efficiency Roll-off
PublicationThefeatureof abundantandenvironmentallyfriendlyheavyatoms(HAs)like bromineto acceleratespin-forbiddentransitionsin organicmoleculeshas beenknownforyears.In combinationwiththe easinessof incorporation,brominederivativesof organicemittersshowingthermallyactivateddelayedfluorescence(TADF)emergeas a cheapand efficientsolutionforthe slowreverseintersystemcrossing(rISC)problemin suchemittersand strongefficiencyroll-offof all-organiclight-emittingdiodes(OLEDs).Here,we...
D-Band High Gain Planer Slot Array Antenna using Gap Waveguide Technology
PublicationA D-band high gain slot array antenna with corporate-fed distribution network based on gap waveguide structures is proposed at 140GHz. To overcome the fabrication challenges at such high frequency, the gap waveguide technology is deployed in which good electrical contact between different parts of the waveguide structure is not required. The proposed sub-array has four radiating slots that are excited by a groove gap cavity and...
PublicationThe main aim of this work is to provide insight into a bibliometric analysis of Data Journals and Data Papers in terms of research areas, disciplines, publication year and country. In particular, we calculated many bibliometric indicators, especially: the number of publications and citations. Furthermore, this work also investigated the top 20 journals in which scientists published the largest number of Data Papers. It was found...
Vitamin D in the skin physiology and pathology.
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A novel cold-active beta-D-galactosidase from the Paracoccus sp. 32d - gene cloning, purification and characterization
PublicationBeta-D-galactosidase (EC catalyze the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing beta-D-galactose residues in beta-D-galactosides. Cold-active beta-D-galactosidases have recently become a focus of attention of researchers and dairy product manufactures owing to theirs ability to: (I) eliminate of lactose from refrigerated milk for people afflicted with lactose intolerance, (II) convert lactose to glucose and galactose which...
Rebuttal from L. E. K. Ratcliffe, W. Pijacka, F. D. McBryde, A. P. Abdala, D. J. Moraes, P. A. Sobotka, E. C. Hart, K. Narkiewicz, A. K. Nightingale and J. F. R. Paton
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Data Mining Applications and Methods in Medicine
PublicationIn this paper we describe the research area of data mining and its applications in medicine. The origins of data mining and its crucial features are shortly presented. We discuss the specificity of medicine as an application area for computer systems. Characteristic features of the medical data are investigated. Common problems in the area are also presented as well as the strengths and capabilities of the data mining methods....
Multi-Beam Antenna for Ka-Band CubeSat Connectivity Using 3-D Printed Lens and Antenna Array
PublicationIn this paper, the design of a passive multi-beam lens antenna is proposed for the CubeSat space communication system as an alternative application of a 2-D microstrip antenna array that has originally been designed for a 39 GHz 5 G MU-MIMO system. The half-ellipsoid lens is 3-D printed using stereolithography (SLA) technology. The antenna prototype is capable of selecting the main beam between 16 different directions with a gain...
Sharing research data across disciplines
PublicationThis monograph is a collection of experiences gathered by the team implementing the Bridge of Data project. However, it is not just a simple summary of the project implementation. It shows and systematizes the substantive and technical works performed by the teams and several issues related to data management itself in various disciplines, represented by members of the scientific team and other researchers from partner universities.The...
Synthesis of some quaternary N-(1,4-anhydro-5-deoxy-D,L-ribitol-5-yl)ammonium salts
PublicationOpisano matodę pomyślnego usuwania izopropylidenowych grup ochronnych z 1,4-anhydro-2,3-O-izopropylideno-5-O-tozylo-D,L-rybitolu i czwartorzędowych soli N-(1,4-anhydro-5-deoksy-D,L-rybitolo-5-yl)amoniowych. Struktury otrzymanych związków zostały określone przy pomocy analizy spektralnej, w tym 2D NMR. Otrzymano także dane dyfrakcyjne dla monokryształów 1,4-anhydro-5-O-tozylo-D,L-rybitolu i jego pochodnych 2,3-O-izopropylidenowych.
The Mediation Function of Job Satisfaction's between Organizational Culture Dimensions and Knowledge Sharing
PublicationIt is commonly acknowledged that organizational culture is a valuable element of intellectual capital and as a hidden source of competitive advantage can considerably affect the achieving of strategic business goals. The axiological dimension of organizational culture is mostly identified with a set of shared assumptions and values, while work practices mainly define its behavioral dimension. Both these dimensions influence, among...
High prevalence of Escherichia coli belonging to the B2+D phylogenetic group in inflammatory bowel disease
PublicationBACKGROUND: It is not clear which species of bacteria may be involved in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). One way of determining which bacteria might be likely candidates is to use culture-independent methods to identify microorganisms that are present in diseased tissues but not in controls. AIMS: (1) To assess the diversity of microbial communities of biopsy tissue using culture-independent methods; (2) to culture the bacteria...
Radar data fusion in the STRADAR system
PublicationThe main task of the Polish Border Guard is protection of the country’s border which requires utilization of multimedia surveillance systems automatically gathering, processing and sharing various data. The paper presents such a system developed for the Maritime Division of the Polish Border Guard within the STRADAR project and the problem of fusion of radar data in this system. The system, apart from providing communication means,...
Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphism and Vitamin D Status in Population of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease—A Preliminary Study
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Regression points in non-intrusive polynomial chaos expansion method and D-optimal design
PublicationThe paper addresses selected issues of uncertainty quantification in the modelling of a system containing surgical mesh used in ventral hernia repair. Uncertainties in the models occur e.g. due to variability of abdominal wall properties among others. In order to include them, a non-intrusive regression-based polynomial chaos expansion method is employed. Its accuracy depends on the choice of regression points. In the study a relation...
A Mesh Deformation Technique Based on Solid Mechanics for Parametric Analysis of High-Frequency Devices With 3-D FEM
PublicationIn this paper, a versatile technique for mesh defor- mation is discussed, targeted at the electromagnetic (EM) field simulation of high-frequency devices using the 3-D finite element method (FEM). The approach proposed applies a linear elasticity model to compute the displacements of the internal mesh nodes in 3-D when the structure geometry is changed. The technique is compared with an alternative approach...
Big Data in Regenerative Urban Design
PublicationWhy the use of Big Data in regenerative planning matters? The aim of this chapter is to study under what conditions Big Data can be integrated into regenerative design and sustainable planning? Authors seek to answer how – when related to the ecosystem and to human activities – Big Data can be used to: • both shape policies that support the development of regenerative human settlements, • support restorative design for practitioners...
The Use of Big Data in Regenerative Planning
PublicationWith the increasing significance of Big Data sources and their reliability for studying current urban development processes, new possibilities have appeared for analyzing the urban planning of contemporary cities. At the same time, the new urban development paradigm related to regenerative sustainability requires a new approach and hence a better understanding of the processes changing cities today, which will allow more efficient...
3-D Printable Metal-Dielectric Metasurface for Risley Prism-Based Beam-Steering Antennas
PublicationA 3-D printable, planar, metal-dielectric metasurface-based, 2-D beam-steering system for aperture-type antennas is presented in this paper. This beam steering system, also known as the near-field meta-steering system, comprises two fully passive phase-gradient metasurfaces placed in the antenna’s nearfield region to steer the radiation beam. To address the non-uniform electric field phase of the aperture antenna, phase correction...
CPLFD-GDPT5: High-resolution gridded daily precipitation and temperature data set for two largest Polish river basins
PublicationThe CHASE-PL (Climate change impact assessment for selected sectors in Poland) Forcing Data–Gridded Daily Precipitation & Temperature Dataset–5 km (CPLFD-GDPT5) consists of 1951–2013 daily minimum and maximum air temperatures and precipitation totals interpolated onto a 5 km grid based on daily meteorological observations from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW-PIB; Polish stations), Deutscher Wetterdienst...
A Text as a Set of Research Data. A Number of Aspects of Data Acquisition and Creation of Datasets in Neo-Latin Studies
PublicationIn this paper, the authors, who specialise in part in neo-Latin studies and the his-tory of early modern education, share their experiences of collecting sources for Open Research Data sets under the Bridge of Data project. On the basis of inscription texts from St. Mary’s Church in Gdańsk, they created 29 Open Research Data sets. In turn, the text of the lectures of the Gdańsk scholar Michael Christoph Hanow, Praecepta de arte...
Thermostable Pyrococcus woesei beta-D-galactosidase - high level expression, purification and biochemical properties
PublicationGen kodujący termostabilną beta-D-galaktozydazę Pyrococcus woesei zamplifikowano z zastosowaniem techniki PCR i klonowano w komórkach Escherichia coli. Skonstruowany system ekspresji genu pozwolił na uzyskanie znacznej ilości termostabilnego białka w komórkach mezofilnego gospodarza. Enzym oczyszczono z zastosowaniem chromatografii powinowactwa po wcześniejszej denaturacji termicznej białek Escherichia coli i scharakteryzowano...
Enhanced uniform data sampling for constrained data‐driven modeling of antenna input characteristics
PublicationData-driven surrogates are the most popular replacement models utilized in many fields of engineering and science, including design of microwave and antenna structures. The primary practical issue is a curse of dimensionality which limits the number of independent parameters that can be accounted for in the modelling process. Recently, a performance-driven modelling technique has been proposed where the constrained domain of the...
Collaborative Data Acquisition and Learning Support
PublicationWith the constant development of neural networks, traditional algorithms relying on data structures lose their significance as more and more solutions are using AI rather than traditional algorithms. This in turn requires a lot of correctly annotated and informative data samples. In this paper, we propose a crowdsourcing based approach for data acquisition and tagging with support for Active Learning where the system acts as an...
Active Learning Based on Crowdsourced Data
PublicationThe paper proposes a crowdsourcing-based approach for annotated data acquisition and means to support Active Learning training approach. In the proposed solution, aimed at data engineers, the knowledge of the crowd serves as an oracle that is able to judge whether the given sample is informative or not. The proposed solution reduces the amount of work needed to annotate large sets of data. Furthermore, it allows a perpetual increase...
Streaming Real-time Data in Distributed Dispatcher and Teleinformation Systems for Visualization of Multimedia Data of the Border Guard
PublicationSurveillance of the sea borders is a very important task for the Border Guard. Monitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This task can be facilitated with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources and its supervision and visualization. This task can be accomplished using a technology that allows to collect information from distributed sensors of different...
On the impact of Big Data and Cloud Computing on a scalable multimedia archiving system
PublicationMultimedia Archiver (MA) is a system build upon the promise and fascination of the possibilities emerging from cloud computing and big data. We aim to present and describe how the Multimedia Archiving system works for us to record, put in context and allow a swift access to large amounts of data. We introduce the architecture, identified goals and needs taken into account while designing a system processing data with Big Data...