total: 680
filtered: 556
Conjugated control of triple active bridge converter with common HFT
PublicationPaper presents synthetic analyses of single input, dual output DC/AC/DC converter with common high frequency transformer. Rise the problem of cross-coupling power flows between secondary terminals, under asymmetrical control operating condition. It also proposes a new approach to converter control, based on conjugated phase shift modulation and defines its limitations. Finally, the developed control technique was verified by simulation...
Coupling between the photoactivity and CO2 adsorption on rapidly thermal hydrogenated vs. conventionally annealed copper oxides deposited on TiO2 nanotubes
PublicationHighly ordered spaced titanium dioxide nanotubes were fabricated via electrochemical anodization and modified with titania nanoparticles and copper oxides. Such materials were rapidly annealed in hydrogen atmosphere or conventionally in a tube furnace in air, in which the temperature slowly increases. Applied synthesis procedure can be considered as simple, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly as it allows for reduction...
Highly stable organic–inorganic junction composed of hydrogenated titania nanotubes infiltrated by a conducting polymer
PublicationA poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) conducting polymer doped with poly(2-styrene sulfonate) (pEDOT:PSS) was efficiently electrodeposited on a layer composed of ordered titania nanotubes. TiO2 nanotubes were formed during an anodization process and, after calcinations, a layer was subjected to hydrogen plasma. Hydrogenation leads to Ti(III) formation, a decrease in resistance, and a huge increase of donor density when compared with...
Preparation and characterisation of iron substituted Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 spinel oxides (x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5)
PublicationSpinel oxides with the general formula Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 (x= 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) were prepared and evaluated in this work for their properties at high temperatures. The effect of partially substituting Cu by Fe has not been studied so far for this group of materials and is thus evaluated in this work. Mn1.7Cu1.3-xFexO4 powders were synthesised by a soft chemistry process and studied in terms of crystallographic phase analysis, electrical...
Gas sensors based on conducting polymers-recent developments
PublicationThis work discusses sensing performance dependence of PEDOT polymer and its composites on the counter ions used in the polymerization process. The sensors based on PEDOT-RGO composite show reversible response to NO2, while on PEDOT/LiClO4 irreversible. As a result, PEDOT-RGO could be used as a typical gas sensor, while sensor based PEDOT/LiClO4 could be used as an integrating gas sensor, also known as an accumulating gas sensor....
Starch as a Green Binder for the Formulation of Conducting Glue in Supercapacitors
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Positron-annihilation monitoring of reduction processes in conducting glasses.
PublicationW publikacji podano wyniki badań metodą anihilacji pozytronów szkieł bizmutowo-krzemianowych, bizmutowo-germanianowych i ołowiowo-krzemianowych. Stwierdzono istnienie defektów wywołanych redukcją w atmosferze wodoru. Przeprowadzono analizę głębokości występowania defektów oraz ich rozmiarów.
Triple dermoid sinus in sacro-caudal region in Rhodesian Ridgeback dog.
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Triple helical collagen-like peptide interactions with selected polyphenolic compounds
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Triple-objective models for portfolio optimisation with symmetric and percentile risk measures
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MCSA with Normalized Triple Covariance as a bearings diagnostic indicator in an induction motor
PublicationStatistics of bearing failures in induction motors indicate, that they constitute more than 40% of IM damage, therefore bearing diagnosis is very important. Vibration methods for bearing diagnostics have one major disadvantage - they require the availability of the machine for sensors installation. This is the reason for seeking new methods based on motor supply current analysis. Diagnosis of induction motors, conducted remotely...
Effect of iron oxides scaling on the MD process performance
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Thermodynamics of solid phases containing rare earth oxides
PublicationRare earth elements (RE) are incorporated into a large variety of complex oxide phases to provide tailored mechanical, electrical, optical, and magnetic properties. Thermodynamics control phase stability, materials compatibility in use, corrosion, and transformation. This review presents, in one compilation, the thermodynamic properties of a large number of such materials and discusses systematic trends in energetics and the factors...
CO2 capture enhancement by metal oxides impregnated coal fly ash: a breakthrough adsorption study
PublicationCoal fired power plants are significant contributors to CO2 emissions and produce solid waste in the form of coal fly ash, posing severe environmental challenges. This study explores the application of dry-impregnated coal fly ash for CO2 capture from gas stream. The modification of coal fly ash was achieved using alkaline earth metal oxides, specifically CaO and MgO, to alter its physical and chemical properties. Characterization...
Fe-modified Mn2CuO4 spinel oxides: coatings based on abundant elements for solid oxide cell interconnects
PublicationThe current state of the art steel interconnect coating materials are based on critical raw material - Co-oxide spinels. Replacing Co-oxide spinels with alternative, abundant materials can reduce the dependence on the critical raw materials. Cobalt-free coatings with the general formula Mn2-xCuFexO4, where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3, were electrophoretically deposited on a ferritic stainless-steel support and evaluated. Prior to deposition,...
Proton Conducting Ceramic Powder Synthesis by a Low Temperature Method
PublicationMolten salt synthesis (MSS) is a simple method for the preparation of ceramic powders with specific morphology. The main role of the molten salts is to increase the reaction rate and lower the reaction temperature. It occurs because of much higher mobility of reactants in the liquid medium than in the solid state. In this work the molten salt synthesis was applied to produce ceramic powders of La0995Ca0005NbO4 and BaCe09−xZrxY01O3....
Scattering in junction by posts consisting of a segment of conducting cy linder.
PublicationWykorzystując zmodyfikowaną procedurę iteracyjną i metodę dopasowania rodzajów opracowano teorię rozpraszania fali elektromagnetycznej w złączu falowodowym na obiektach będących wycinkami metalowego cylindra. W wyniku analizy uzyskano wielorodzajową macierz rozproszenia złącza falowodowego zawierającego opisywane elementy. Zarówno zmiana położenia jak i obrót elementu w złączu powoduje zmianę jego parametrów elektrycznych....
Theory of scattering by an array of lossy dielectric, ferrite and conducting cylinders.
PublicationOpisano metodę analizy umożliwiającą określenie zastępczego pola rozproszonego od dowolnej konfiguracji prętów dielektrycznych, ferrytowych lub metalowych na zewnętrznym obszarze cylindrycznym w celu połączenia go z wybranym pobudzeniem i znalezienia macierzy rozproszenia układu. Prezentowane podejście znajduje zastosowanie w analizie struktur zamkniętych i określanie macierzy rozpraszania złączy falowodowych jak i otwartych...
Scattering by an array of conducting, lossy dielectric, ferrite and pseudochiral cylinders.
PublicationOpisano metodę analizy rozpraszania fali elektromagnetycznej w systemach zawierających cylindryczne pręty dielektryczne, metalowe, ferytowe i pseudochiralne i wykorzystanie w/w metody w problemach zamkniętych i znajdowanie macierzy rozpraszania wieloportowych złączy falowodowych oraz w problemach otwartych i badanie charakterystyk rozpraszania zarówno w strefie dalekiej jaki bliskiej.
Application of percolation theory for description of electrical properties of conducting coatings
PublicationPrzedstawiono pomiary elektryczne i elektrochemiczne powłok organicznych przewodzących prąd elektryczny i mogących pełnić rolę anody w systemie ochrony katodowej żelbetonu. Za pomocą pomiarów impedancyjnych dokonano oceny rezystancji powłoki w funkcji zawartości grafitu. Na tej podstawie oszacowano próg perkolacji powłoki epoksydowej domieszkowanej elektrografitem. Ocenę obciążalności prądowej powłok przewodzących dokonano wykonując...
Conducting composites as cable anodes in cathodic protection: a literature summary
PublicationPrzedstawiono podstawową charakterystykę systemu ochrony katodowej z wykorzystaniem anod kablowych. Anody kablowe różnią się od klasycznych systemów anodowych sposobem instalacji anod. System anodowy oparty na anodach kablowych nie jest instalowany punktowo; anoda umieszczana jest w niewielkiej odległości od chronionej konstrukcji i biegnie wzdłuż trasy konstrukcji. Materiałem anodowym proponowanego rozwiązania jest elastyczny...
Parametric study of radiation from circumferential slots on a conducting cylinder
PublicationBadania numeryczne dotyczące promieniowania z szyku szczelin umieszczonych na powierzchni przewodzącego walca. Zaproponowana została prosta i szybka metoda analizy zjawiska, przy uwzględnieniu efektu sprzężenia pomiędzy szczelinami. Metoda bazuje na transformacji Fouriera sumy pól wypromieniowanych przez każdą ze szczelin. Metodę zweryfikowano poprzez porównanie wyników z wynikami metody pełnofalowej. Zaprezentowano charakterystyki...
Multimodal coupling matrix for an array of rectangular slots on conducting cylinder
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje metodę wyznaczania sprzężeń wzajemnych pomiędzy aperturami promieniującymi położonymi na przewodzącym cylindrze. Pokazano sposób wyznaczania wielorodzajowej macierzy rozproszenia reprezentującej sprzężenia własne i wzajemne w badanej strukturze.
The triple-sorbents solid-phase extraction for pharmaceuticals and estrogens determination in wastewater samples
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A single and triple-objective mathematical programming models for assignment of services in a healthcare institution
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A Reference Point Method to Triple-Objective Assignment of Supporting Services in a Healthcare Institution
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Current based Normalized Triple Covariance as a bearings diagnostic feature in induction motor
PublicationDiagnosis of induction motors, conducted remotely by measuring and analyzing the supply current is attractive with the lack of access to the engine. So far there is no solution, based on analysis of current, the credibility of which allow use in industry. Statistics of IM bearing failures of induction motors indicate, that they constitute more than 40% of IM damage, therefore bearing diagnosis is so important. The article provides...
Influence of hydrophobization of fumed oxides on interactions with polar and nonpolar adsorbates
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Positron Annihilation Studies of Silicon Oxides and Oxygen Precipitates in Silicon
PublicationTechniki pozytonowe dają możliwości badania defektów i zmian strukturalnych nie obserwowanych innymi metodami. W tej pracy zastosowano 3 różne techniki pozytonowe do badania zmian strukturalnych i tworzenia wydzieleń SiOx w krzemie.
Benzophosphol-3-yl Triflates as Precursors of 1,3-Diarylbenzophosphole Oxides
On the distribution of aluminium and magnesium oxides in wustite catalysts for ammonia synthesis
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Titania nanotubes infiltrated with conducting polymer PEDOT modified by Prussian Blue – a novel type of organic-inorganic heterojunction characterised with enhanced photoactivity.
PublicationA highly ordered p–n heterojunction was formed based on titania nanotubes containing a conducting polymer with Prussian blue matrix. The study demonstrates, for the first time, cases when a composite based on titania array scaffolding and Prussian blue embedded in PEDOT exhibits reversible FeII/FeIII redox activity. Highly enhanced photoactivity and capacitance of the obtained material are depicted in comparison to pristine titania....
Study on population dynamics for triple-linked food chain using a simulation-based approach
PublicationThe procedures based on simulation have become a feasible testing method that does not require investing valuable resources to create a concrete prototype, especially with the increasing computational power of computers. Thus, design changes can be adopted and design errors can be fixed before it is too late. Simulation turns to be a cheap, safe and often more acceptable from an ethical perspective. In our work we summarize the...
On the Nonlinear Effects of Magnetoacoustic Perturbations in a Perfectly Conducting Viscous and Thermoconducting Gas
PublicationNonlinear effects of planar and quasi-planar magnetosound perturbations are discussed. The plasma is as- sumed to be a Newtonian thermoconducting gas with infinite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. Generation of the non-wave modes (magnetoacoustic heating and streaming) in the field of periodic and aperiodic magnetoacoustic perturbations is discussed. The results...
Preparation of methanation catalysts for high temperature SOEC by β-cyclodextrin-assisted impregnation of nano-CeO2 with transition metal oxides
PublicationThe aim of this work was to prepare and examine the catalytic activity of nanometric CeO2 decorated with transition metal oxides – Ni, Co, Cu, Fe and Mn – towards a high-temperature methanation process under SOEC CO2/H2O simulated co-electrolysis conditions. Samples were prepared using the wet impregnation method via the conventional process and with the addition of native cyclodextrin. The influence of β-cyclodextrin (βCD) onto...
Effects of Elevated Temperatures on the Properties of Cement Mortars with the Iron Oxides Concentrate
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Evaluation of BaY1−Pr Mn2O5+δ oxides for oxygen storage technology
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A review of rare earth oxides-based photocatalysts: Design strategies and mechanisms
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Synthesis and Characterization of K-Ta Mixed Oxides for Hydrogen Generation in Photocatalysis
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Metal Oxides and Low Temperature SWCNT Synthesis via Laser Evaporation
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Properties of nanocrystalline TiO2:V thin films as a transparent semiconducting oxides
Publicationw pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań cienkich warstw tlenku tytanu domieszkowanego wanadem. badany materiał charakteryzowano pod kątem wykorzystania, jako przezroczysty tlenek półprzewodnikowy (tos). warstwy zostały naniesione metodą rozpylania magnetronowego na szklane podłoża.
Electrochemical performance of Co3O4/CeO2 electrodes in H2S/H2O atmospheres in a proton-conducting ceramic symmetrical cell with BaZr0.7Ce0.2Y0.1O3 solid electrolyte
PublicationThe electrochemical performance of Co3O4/CeO2 mixed oxide materials as electrodes, when exposed to H2S/H2O atmospheres, was examined employing a proton conducting symmetrical cell, with BaZr0.7Ce0.2Y0.1O3 (BZCY72) as the solid electrolyte. The impact of temperature (700–850 °C) and H2S concentration (0–1 v/v%) in steam-rich atmospheres (90 v/v% H2O) on the overall cell performance was thoroughly assessed by means of electrochemical...
In Vitro Cytotoxicity Assessment of Betulinic Acid Organic Salts on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells
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Effective dielectric constant of two phase systems: Application to mixed conducting systems
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań spektroskopii impedancyjnej systemów dwufazowych oraz ich porównanie z wynikami oczekiwanymi przez różne modele.
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Effective one-band Hamiltonian for the copper-oxygen plane in the superconducting copper oxides
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Evaluation of Ln2CuO4 (Ln: La, Pr, Nd) oxides as cathode materials for IT-SOFCs
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The Influence of Hybridization of Epoxy–Glass Laminates Modified with Metal Oxides and Graphite Particles
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Could graphene construct an effective conducting network in a high-power lithium ion battery?
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High-conducting Bi4V2-xFexO11-δ ceramics containing Fe2O3 nanocrystals: Structure and properties
PublicationThe topography, structure, thermal, magnetic, and electrical properties of Bi4V2-xFexO11-δ ceramics substituted with x = 0.5 and 0.7 Fe were studied. The microscope analysis showed the presence of iron-rich nanocrystals formed on the Bi-Fe-V-O grains. The X-ray diffraction studies confirmed that grains are built mostly of tetragonal Bi4V1.5Fe0.5O10.5 phase. Thermal properties analysis showed an order-disorder type γ ↔ γʹ phase...