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Search results for: airport runoff waters,
Synchronization system for underwater acoustic communications using in shallow waters
PublicationA reliable synchronization system of the transmitted data frame has a significant impact on the efficiency of the underwater communication system. This applies in particular to communication systems dedicated to work in shallow waters, where the phenomenon of multipath permanently occurs. To overcome these difficulties, the concept of a synchronization system consisting of two broadband signals of opposite monotonicity was presented....
Influence of dissolved organic nitrogen on surface waters
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) contained in biologically treated wastewater disposed from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to biodegradability and bioavailability in a water environment. Additionally an evaluation was performed of the participation of this organic nitrogen fraction, including bioavailable DON (bDON), in the nitrogen balance for the Baltic...
The possibility of the application of a potentiometric sensor with all-solid-state electrodes for the quality control of different natural waters
PublicationThe quality of various natural waters was examined by a new potentiometric sensor with six all solid state electrodes containing an appropriate lipophilic compound in a polymer membrane. Physicochemical parameters such as conductivity and acidity of tested waters were also tested. All waters were neutral or slightly alkaline and contained different ions (e.g., Cl–) due to the place of their sampling (a coastal zone and a moraine...
Combination of instrumental and qualitative descriptive analysis for evaluation of selected tonic waters quality features
PublicationThe combination of sensory and instrumental analysis was applied for quality assurance of selected tonic waters. The Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) in terms of fourteen sensory attributes (aroma, astringency, bite, burn, numbing, tongue heaviness, carbonation, mouth coating, sweet taste, sour taste, bitter taste, sweet aftertaste, sour aftertaste, bitter aftertaste) of selected tonic waters was performed by sensory experts....
The influence of humic substances in treated sewage on the quality of surface waters
PublicationAt present the evaluation of WWTP effectiveness is based upon organic matter and nutrients removal. Recently it was found out that sewage treatment leads to formation of resistant to biochemical degradation organic compounds, similar to humic acids. The humic acids formed during sewage treatment process play diversified functions when discharged to surface waters - for instance they can act as carriers of hydrophobic organic pollutants...
PublicationThe concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved in water (CO2(aq)) was measured in consecutive phases of the hydrological cycle. Its potentially possible degassing from groundwaters to the atmosphere was also assessed. The research was conducted in the area of occurrence of carbonate rocks of the Lublin Upland and Roztocze (SE Poland). The results of the measurements of CO2(aq) concentration varied as follows (min-max/mean): precipitation...
Heavy Metals in Waters and Sediments of Rivers Affected by Brown Coal Mine Waters
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Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Selected Tonic Waters by Potentiometric Taste Sensor With All-Solid-State Electrodes
PublicationTaste sensor with five all-solid-state electrodes (ASSE) III (third version) was used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of selected tonic waters (J.Gasco, Kinley, Jurajski, Jurajski with citrus flavor, Carrefour, Schweppes Indian Tonic, and Schweppes Bitter Lemon). The results obtained by this taste sensor analyzed with principal component analysis, agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods show that this sensor can...
Organic Pollution in Surface Waters from the Fuglebekken Basin in Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic
PublicationThe Fuglebekken basin is situated in the southern part of the island of Spitsbergen (Norwegian Arctic), on the Hornsund fjord (Wedel Jarlsberg Land). Surface water was collected from 24 tributaries (B1-B24) and from the main stream water in the Fuglebekken basin (25) between 10 July 2009 and 30 July 2009. The present investigation reveals the results of the analysis of these samples for their PAH and PCB content. Twelve of 16 PAHs...
On Some Aspects of Fish Target Strength Estimation in Shallow Waters
PublicationThe theory of acoustic surveys for determining fish abundance are well established in fishery acoustics. The origins of the estimation are related to overcoming the problem of unknown position of target in the beam using statistical inversion. Although recently researchers use more sophisticated echosounders that provides more informative data allowing for direct solution it is known that the results are biased due to not ideally...
Impact of Climate Change on a Runoff Formation in Seaside Catchment Area on the Example of the Babica River Catchment
PublicationThe paper presents the impact of taking into account climate change in the perspective of 2050 on the results of hydrological calculations of characteristic flows in the hydrographically diverse seaside catchment area on the example of the Babica river catchment. A mathematical model of the Babica river catchment was made in the HEC-HMS program. The SCS method was used. The outflow from the basin was analysed for waters with...
Dynamics of changes in the concentration levels of organic pollutants in the proglacial waters of the Scott River (Spitsbergen, SW Svalbard)
PublicationThe study area covered the NW part of the Wedel Jarlsberg Land. The present study concerns participation of organic pollutants inflow from glacier and seaside plane of Calypsostranda to proglacial waters of the Scott River due to occurrence of precipitation. Concentration ranges for phenols and formaldehyde in water samples are respectively:
Speciation of heavy metals in wastewater and rejected waters from multistage bioreactors (MUCT)
PublicationThe objective of the study is to investigate the occurrence and availability of selected heavy metals after subsequent stages of treatment in WWTP with activated sludge (enhanced biological N and P removal). To achieved the target it was necessary to recognize the allocation of selected heavy metals between aqueous and solid phase in wastewater and reject waters. Application of sequential extraction of such metals as Cd Zn, Pb,...
Sensory Characteristics of Tonic Waters with Various Sweetening Substances vs Young Consumers' Opinion
PublicationThe attitude of young consumers towards food products containing low calorie sweeteners was analyzed as well as consumers’ awareness to the medical recommendations regarding artificial sweeteners. The questionnaire was carried out within the group of 97 respondents at the age of 21 – 30. Strongly negative attitude towards consumption of food products containing low calorie sweeteners was declared by almost half of respondents....
Multistage treatment wetland for treatment of reject waters from digested sludge dewatering
PublicationThe paper presents the influence of sewage composition on treatment in pilot-scale facility for reject waters (RW) from sewage sludge centrifugation. The facility consisted of mechanical (two tanks with 10 d retention each) and biological parts composed of three subsurface flow reed beds working in batch. Two years of monitoring of the facility proved high efficiency removal of predominant pollutants: COD 75–80%, BOD 82.2–95.5%...
Relativity of the simplified runoff calculations for rainwater drainage system
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono problem względności wyników uproszczonych obliczeń spływu wód opadowych dla potrzeb systemów kanalizacji deszczowej, wynikającą zarówno z uproszczeń przy wyborze modelu obliczeniowego, jak i dostępności danych i szacunkowości stosowanych współczynników obliczeniowych. Szczególny nacisk został położony na rolę współczynnika spływu oraz sposobu określania czasu koncentracji i czsu trwania deszczu w zlewni....
Technology Concept of TLP Platform Towing and Installation in Waters with Depth of 60 m
PublicationThe article is part of the design and research work conducted at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, in cooperation with a number of other research centres, which concerns offshore wind farms planned to be built in the Polish zone of the Baltic sea in the next years. One of most difficult tasks in this project is building suitable foundations for each power unit consisting of a...
Performance of underwater data transmission using incoherent modulation MFSK in very shallow waters
PublicationEnsuring universal and stable underwater communication in shallow waters for various environmental conditions is a difficult scientific and engineering task. In particular, this applies to underwater communication systems that use acoustic waves in very shallow underwater channels, where multipath propagation permanently occurs. The article provides assumptions for a system working with incoherent M-ary Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK)...
The Impact of Spatiotemporal Changes in Land Development (1984–2019) on the Increase in the Runoff Coefficient in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
PublicationNowadays, geospatial techniques are a popular approach for estimating urban flash floods by considering spatiotemporal changes in urban development. In this study, we investigated the impact of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes on the hydrological response of the Erbil basin in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI). In the studied area, the LULC changes were calculated for 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014 and 2019 using the Digital Elevation...
Hydrographic echosounder for sounding inland waters.
PublicationNowy model echosondy zaprojektowanej specjalnie dla instytucji administrującymi śródlądowymi drogami wodnymi, sztucznymi i naturalnymi zbiornikami oraz morskimi wodami przybrzeżnymi jest opisany. Podstawowym wymogiem wynikającym z sondażu wód płytkich jest pomiar możliwie najmniejszych głębokości. Przez zastosowanie oddzielnych przetworników (nadawczego i odbiorczego) i ich wytłumienie oraz przez wprowadzenie układu TVG o dużej...
A method of determining and visualizing safe motion parameters of a ship navigating in restricted waters
PublicationThe paper presents a method of displaying ship collision avoidance information which is based on an unconventional Collision Threat Parameters Area (CTPA) technique. The solution presented here extends CTPA's functionality from past works by supporting navigation in restricted waters and handling ship domains analytically instead of numerically. It visualizes potential navigational threats as well as possible collision avoidance...
MSP for port areas – To what extent should we interfere with governance of ports’ waters? Case study of Polish seaports
PublicationThe EU MSP Directive imposed the requirement to develop plans for all water areas under the jurisdiction of an EU country by the end of March 2021. Poland is the only country in the Baltic Sea Region whose maritime administration has decided to elaborate detailed maritime spatial plans for port waters. The aim of the paper is to draw conclusions from the work carried out so far on the MSP for Polish port water areas. For this purpose,...
Skill of remote sensing snow products for distributed runoff prediction
The role of atmospheric precipitation in introducing contaminants to the surface waters of the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen.
PublicationAlthough the Svalbard Archipelago is located at a high latitude, far from potential contaminant sources, it is not free from anthropogenic impact. Towards the Fuglebekken catchment, in the southern part of Spitsbergen, north of Hornsund fjord, contaminants can be transported from mainland pollution sources. In the precipitation and surface water collected in the catchment, the following elements were detected and quantified: Ag,...
Assessing climate change threats and urbanization impacts on surface runoff in Gdańsk (Poland): insights from remote sensing, machine learning and hydrological modeling
PublicationThis study investigates the impacts of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) changes and climate change on surface runoff in Gdańsk, Poland, which is crucial for local LULC planning and urban flood risk management. The analysis employs two primary methodologies: remote sensing and hydrological modeling. Remote sensing was conducted using Google Earth Engine and Land Change Modeler in IDRISI Terrset software to analyze historical (1985–2022)...
Characterization of various drinking waters by new potentiometric taste sensor with lipid, lipid-like polymer membranes
PublicationA new sensing system comprising five all-solid-state electrodes with lipid, lipid like-polymer membranes was applied for rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of various drinking waters. The results elaborated by chemometric methods revealed sensitivity to CO2 content in drinking water, suggesting that this sensing system could be used as a taste sensor. The ability of taste sensor to perform quantitative analysis of minerals...
Multibeam Echosounder and LiDAR in Process of 360-Degree Numerical Map Production for Restricted Waters with HydroDron
PublicationIn order to increase the safety of inland navigation and facilitate the monitoring of the coastal zone of restricted waters, a model of multi-sensory fusion of data from hydroacoustic and optoelectronic systems mounted on the autonomous survey vessel HydroDron will be developed. In the research will be used the LiDAR laser scanner and multibeam echosounder. To increase the visual quality and map accuracy, additionally side scan...
A GIS based approach for the mitigation of surface runoff to a shallow lowland reservoir
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Constructed wetland systems for aerial runoff treatment in the Gulf of Gdansk region
PublicationW artykule przywołano przykłady udanych wdrożeń obiektów hydrofitowych oczyszczania spływów obszarowych na terenie aglomeracji trójmiejskiej. Zespół obiektów hydrofitowych wybudowany w ZOO w Oliwie wykazał szczególnie wysoką skuteczność usuwania związków azotu. Obiekt hydrofitowy na Potoku Swelina spowodował znaczną poprawę jakości wód Potoku, a co za tym idzie i czystości kąpieliska w rejonie Kamiennego Potoku w Sopocie. Podjęte...
The sensitivity of bacteria to heavy metals in presence of mineral ship motor oil in coastal marine sediments and waters.
PublicationThe sensitivity of bacteria, isolated from coastal marine sediments and waters of Sopot beach, Gdańsk Bay (Poland), to heavy metals in the presence of mineral ship motor oil were studied. All isolated heterotrophic bacteria were resistant to the 0.1 mM lead concentration occurring in the environment. Metal resistance of bacteria isolated from coastal water was strongly related to mineral ship motor oil concentration. At 0.1% mineral...
Zooplankton in the investigations of mercury in the nearshore waters of the Gulf of Gdansk
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Application of ionizing radiation in decomposition of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in waters
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Monitoring surfactant concentrations in surface waters in Tricity agglomeration.
PublicationCelem prowadzonych badań było monitorowanie zawartości związków powierzchniowo- czynnych w wybranych rzekach Trójmiasta i Zatoki Gdańskiej. Badania prowadzono w okresie od listopada 2001 do maja 2002 r. W badanych strumieniach wodnych zanotowano niskie stężenia anionowych związków powierzchniowo czynnych (5-10ćg/dm3). Najwyższą zawartość surfaktantów zaobserwowano w potoku Strzyża i rzece Kacza. Najmniej zanieczyszczonym...
Hydrodron — New Step for Professional Hydrography for Restricted Waters
PublicationHydrographic surveys in restricted areas are becoming increasingly important, but often impossible to carry out with conventional hydrographic vessels. Presumably in this case an employment of unmanned vehicles is the only reasonable solution. As restricted water areas include, among others: harbours, roadsteads, rivers or lakes. The HydroDron platform, due to its mobility, can operate in the above-mentioned areas. It is adapted...
Spatial Differentiation of the Maximum River Runoff Synchronicity in the Warta River Catchment, Poland
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Comparison of PCBs and PAHs levels in European coastal waters using mussels from the Mytilus edulis complex as biomonitors
PublicationMussels from the Mytilus edulis complex were used as biomonitors for two groups of organic pollutants: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, congeners: 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene,...
Evolutionary sets of cooperating ship trajectories: open waters and restricted waters = Ewolucyjne zbiory współpracujących trajektorii statków: wody otwarte i wody ograniczone
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono nową metodę rozwiązywania sytuacji spotkań wielu statków na wodach otwartych i wodach ograniczonych. Metoda łączy niektóre z elementów podejścia opartego na teorii gier z programowaniem ewolucyjnym i szuka optymalnego zbioru bezpiecznych trajektorii wszystkich statków zaangażowanych w potencjalną sytuację kolizyjną. Pozwala ona nawigatorowi przewidzieć najbardziej prawdopodobne zachowanie statków obcych...
The speciation and physico-chemical forms of metals in surface waters and sediments
PublicationWody powierzchniowe mogą być zanieczyszczone przez metale występujące w różnych formach fizykochemicznych przez metale w postaci jonowej jak i również metale związane z materia zawieszoną. Substancje nierozpuszczone występujące w postaci koloidów lub w postaci zaabsorbowanej na powierzchni materii zawieszonej mogą ulegać procesowi rozpuszczania w odpowiedzi na zamianę warunków chemicznych i fizycznych środowiska wodnego.Również...
Canthaxanthin in recent sediments as an indicator of heterocystous cyanobacteria in coastal waters
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Analysis of beam sharpening effectiveness in broadband radar on inland waters
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Comamonadaceae OTU as a Remnant of an Ancient Microbial Community in Sulfidic Waters
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Acidity trace pollutants of urban rain and roof runoff from selected roof coverings
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące chemizmu opadów atmosferycznych i wód spływnych pobranych na terenie dużej aglomeracji miejskiej. Oznaczane były: pH, aniony - chlorki, azotany i siarczany oraz metale ciężkie - cynk, ołów, miedź, kadm. Próbki były pobierane na terenie Trójmiasta i w Dąbrówce Tczewskiej koło Gdańska z budynków pokrytych nowymi i starymi pokryciami. Badania prowadzono od kwietnia do czerwca 2006.
Application of Rainfall - Runoff Model for the Analysis of Extreme Outflow from the Upper Strzyża Basin
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie hydrologicznego modelu opad - odpływ do wyznaczenia hydrogramu odpływu z górnej części zlewni Potoku Strzyża w Gdańsku. Obliczenia wykonano przy pomocy systemu obliczeniowego HEC-HMS, przyjmując do oszacowania opadu efektywnego metodę SCS-CN. Wykorzystując stworzony model zlewni obliczono odpływ w przekroju zamykającym zlewnię w miejscu lokalizacji zbiornika retencyjnego Nowiec II, który wskutek...
Modelling the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters with an innovative and interdisciplinary toolkit
PublicationThe changes taking place in the marine coastal zones are extremely important, as about 40% of the human population currently lives in the coastal areas (within 100 kilometres of the coastline) increasing anthropogenic pressure on the marine ecosystems. Agriculture is a significant source of nutrients to the marine environment that increase hypoxia, eutrophication and may pose a threat to the services provided by ecosystems. In...
Identifying Surface Runoff Pathways for Cost-Effective Mitigation of Pollutant Inputs to Drinking Water Reservoir
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Sensitive simultaneous determination of 19 fluorobenzoic acids in saline waters by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationA solid-phase extraction (SPE) procedure using C18 stationary phase was optimized for the preconcentration of 19 fluorinated derivatives of benzoic acid (FBA): mono-, di-, tri-, and tetrafluorosubstituted in the ring, trifluoromethylbenzoic acid and 3,5-bistrifluoromethyl benzoic acid from undiluted salt-rich (>20%) reservoir waters. Quantitative (>90%) retention/elution of 16 out of 19 analyte compounds was achieved allowing a...
A quantitative approach for risk assessment of a ship stuck in ice in Arctic waters
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Towards a probabilistic model for predicting ship besetting in ice in Arctic waters
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Monitoring of organic pollutants in coastal waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk, Southern Baltic.
PublicationPrzedstawiono zmiany zawartości zanieczyszczeń organicznych (np. VOC, PAH, PCB, chlorofenoli) w wodach Zatoki Gdańskiej na przestrzeni 5-ciu lat. Zawartość VOX i VOC zmieniała się od kilku ngdm-3 do kilkuset ngdm-3, podczas gdy zawartość chlorofenoli fenoksykwasów była na poziomie kilku ngdm-3. W większości próbek nie wykryto PCB.
Cyanobacterial toxins in fresh and brackish waters of Pomorskie Province (Northern Poland)
PublicationPraca dotyczy oznaczania toksyn należących do grupy hepatotoksycznych peptydów cyklicznych oraz neurotoksycznych alkaloidów. Są one odpowiedzialne za uszkodzenia ryb i ptaków, które powstają w wyniku zakwitu glonów. Badano zakwity w wodach słodkich Pomorza. Oznaczano hepatoksyny, mikrocysty oraz nodularynę. Opracowano w tym celu warunki analityczne przy zastosowaniu techniki HPLC-DAD. Do identyfikacji anatoksyny-A użyto techniki...