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Search results for: ex situ modification
Przenośne urządzenia analityczne do przeprowadzania pomiarów in-situ
PublicationZe względu na złożoność procedury analitycznej, jej czasochłonność oraz koszty jakie należy ponieść w celu oznaczania zanieczyszczeń obecnych w powietrzu atmosferycznym, zaczęto interesować się analizą zanieczyszczeń powietrza, wykonywaną w konkretnym miejscu lub na danym obszarze. Dlatego coraz powszechniejsze stają się urządzenia, które umożliwiają przeprowadzenie analizy w danym miejscu (in situ) bez konieczności transportowania...
Establishing Relationships between Parameters of the controlled Compaction Soil by Using Various In-Situ Tests
PublicationThe aim of research was evaluating reliable correlations between chosen soil parameters describing state of surface layers of soil. The paper presents site comparative tests based on the light falling weight deflectometer (LFWD), the static plate load tester (VSS), the dynamic probing light tester (DPL) and the bearing ratio tester (CBR in-situ) with relationships between soil state parameters. All featured in-situ...
Właściwości kompozytów Al-Si-Fe-Cu otrzymanych in situ
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania wybranych właściwości kompozytów o osnowie Al-Si z wydzieleniami fazy AlSi4Fe utworzonej in situ przez mieszanie proszków Fe i Cu z ciekłym stopem Al. Zbadano zachowanie materiału przy ściskaniu, twardość oraz zużycie ścierne w warunkach tarcia suchego o płytkę stalową poruszającą się ruchem posuwisto zwrotnym. Przeanalizowano obrazy SEM powierzchni tarcia oraz przekrojów, w celu określenia mechanizmu zużycia...
Numerical analysis and in situ tests of the Grot Rowecki Bridge in Warsaw
PublicationThe paper presents the FEM analysis of the reconstructed the Grot-Rowecki Bridge over Vistula river in Warsaw. The bridge has seven spans and consists of two independent structures with the longest spans of 120 m. After reconstruction the bridge is over 10 m wider. The numerical, nonlinear analysis has been con-ducted on a global and local FEM models. These models are defined so as they strictly comply with global structural bridge...
Mobilne urządzenia analityczne przeznaczone do przeprowadzania pomiarów in-situ
PublicationAnaliza jakości powietrza atmosferycznego wykonywana w danym miejscu (in-situ) z wykorzystaniem mobilnych urządzeń analitycznych staje się coraz częściej praktyką analityczną. W artykule zamieszczono informacje na temat urządzeń wchodzących w skład wyposażenia mobilnych laboratoriów wykorzystywanych do monitorowania i oceny jakości powietrza atmosferycznego. Ponadto zamieszczono przegląd przenośnych chromatografów gazowych oraz...
Permeability of the small intestinal mucus for physiologically relevant studies: Impact of mucus location and ex vivo treatment
PublicationThe small intestinal mucus is a complex colloidal system that coats the intestinal mucosa. It allows passage on nutrients/pharmaceuticals from the gut lumen towards the epithelium, whilst preventing it from direct contact with luminal microorganisms. Mucus collected from intestinal tissue is often used in studies looking at inter-mucosal transport of food particulates, drug carriers, etc. However, detaching the highly hydrated...
Influence of Laser Modification on the Surface Character of Biomaterials: Titanium and Its Alloys—A Review
PublicationLaser surface modification is a widely available and simple technique that can be applied to different types of materials. It has been shown that by using a laser heat source, reproducible surfaces can be obtained, which is particularly important when developing materials for medical applications. The laser modification of titanium and its alloys is advantageous due to the possibility of controlling selected parameters and properties...
Influence of Laser Modification on the Surface Character of Biomaterials: Titanium and Its Alloys—A Review
PublicationLaser surface modification is a widely available and simple technique that can be applied to different types of materials. It has been shown that by using a laser heat source, reproducible surfaces can be obtained, which is particularly important when developing materials for medical applications. The laser modification of titanium and its alloys is advantageous due to the possibility of controlling selected parameters and properties...
The effect of thermal modification on the quality of the milled surface of beech and pine wood
PublicationThe article deals with the effect of thermal modification on the quality of the created surface during milling on CNC milling cutters. The quality of the created surface is evaluated based on surface roughness, specifically its roughness parameter Ra. The observed surface is created by a shank cutter with a diameter of 20 mm and three cutting edges in a spiral at a standard speed of 18,000. min-1. The article compares thermally...
An in situ technique for the assessment of adhesive properties of a joint under load
PublicationSlow crack propagation in adhesive bonded joints has been characterised using an asymmetric wedge test. Crack position was evaluated from strain gauge measurements, both in the debonded partof the joint and in the bonded zone. Test temperature was changed during loading, giving insight into bond evolution. The technique allows accurate, and virtually continuous, determination of crack position to be made, and therefore the evaluation...
Estimation of blood pressure parameters using ex-Gaussian model
PublicationThe paper presents an example of model-based estimation of blood pressure parameters (onset, systolic and diastolic pressure) from continuous measurements. First, the signal was low pass filtered and its quality was estimated. Good quality periods were divided into beats using an electrocardiogram. Next, the beginning of each beat of the blood pressure signal was approximated basing on the function created from the sum of two independent...
Effectiveness of a dual surface modification of metallic interconnects for application in energy conversion devices
PublicationA dual surface modification of an SOFC metallic interconnect with a Gd2O3 layer and an MnCo2O4 coating was evaluated. The tested samples were oxidized for 7000 h in air at 1073 K. Oxidation products were characterized using XRD, SEM-EDS, and confocal Raman imaging, and ASR was measured. The effect of gadolinium segregation at grain boundaries in Cr2O3 was evaluated using S/TEM-EDS. Area specific-resistance was measured and fuel...
Modification of Titanium (IV) Dioxide with Small Silver Nanoparticles: Application in Photocatalysis
PublicationThe surface of commercial TiO2 compounds (P25 and ST01) has been modified with Ag nanoparticles induced by radiolysis. On P25, the Ag nanoclusters are very small (1−2 nm) and homogeneous in size while on ST01, two populations of nanoparticles are obtained, small nanoparticles (1−2 nm) and larger ones (mean diameter 7 to 12 nm depending on the silver loading). The photocatalytic properties of Ag-modified TiO2 have been studied for...
Time-scale modification of speech signals for supporting hearing impaired schoolchildren
PublicationA study of time scale modification algorithmsapplied to hearing impaired schoolchildren supporting ispresented. Variety of algorithms are considered, namely:overlap and add, two variations of synchronized overlapand add, and the phase vocoder. Their effectiveness as wellas real-time processing capabilities are examined.
Badania in situ i analizy numeryczne mostu typu extradosed w Gdańsku
PublicationJednym z najnowszych typów konstrukcji wśród obiektów mostowych są mosty typu extradosed. Pierwsze konstrukcje tego typu powstały w latach 70-tych XX wieku. Stanowią one hybrydę pomiędzy sprężonym mostem belkowym, a mostem podwieszonym. W pracy przedstawiono analizy numeryczne oraz przeprowadzone badania in situ dla mostu typu extradoes w Gdańsku .Przedstawiono założenia, wyniki oraz wnioski z przeprowadzonych badań oraz analiz...
The home-made in situ passive flux sampler for the measurement of monoterpene emission flux: preliminary studies
PublicationThe paper presents the construction and metrological characteristics of the home-made in situ passive flux sampler, an analytical tool representing small-scale emission chambers working in situ and passively sampling analytes from the gaseous phase. The sorption element was a cylindrical container made of stainless steel net, packed with a carbon sorbent bed-graphitized charcoal, Carbograph 4 (35/50mesh). The recommended working/exposure...
AlP compound and P-doping for promotion of electrocatalytic activity of N-doped carbon derived from metal-organic framework
PublicationWater splitting plays a key role in future fuels, where two processes occur - the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Nitrogen-doped carbon derived from...
Towards spectroscopic monitoring of photoelectrodes: In-situ Raman photoelectrochemistry of a TiO2/prussian blue photoanode
PublicationHere, novel in-situ Raman photoelectrochemical measurements are performed. The obtained results have proved that it is possible to track the progress of a photoelectrochemical reaction that takes place on a semiconducting electrode using the spectroscopic method. As an exemplary system, the Ti/TiO2/Prussian blue electrode is investigated. Since TiO2 is an n-type semiconductor, it cannot act as an efficient anode in dark conditions....
Analiza procesu zniszczenia kompozytu warstwowego aramidowo-szklanego przy zginaniu metodą in situ
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania na zginanie in situ w komorze mikroskopu SEM kompozytów: winyloestrowego zbrojonego tkaniną aramidową i szklaną oraz epoksydowego zbrojonego hybrydową tkaniną aramidowo-szklaną. Otrzymano sekwencję obrazów postępującego zniszczenia laminatów. Określono przyczynę małej wytrzymałości laminatu winyloestrowego w porównaniu z laminatem epoksydowym o zadowalającej wytrzymałości.
Bulk-Surface Modification of Nanoparticles for Developing Highly-Crosslinked Polymer Nanocomposites
PublicationSurface modification of nanoparticles with functional molecules has become a routine method to compensate for diffusion-controlled crosslinking of thermoset polymer composites at late stages of crosslinking, while bulk modification has not carefully been discussed. In this work, a highly-crosslinked model polymer nanocomposite based on epoxy and surface-bulk functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) was developed. MNPs were...
Determination of p-y curves for offshore piles based on in-situ soil investigations
PublicationOffshore piles are subjected to complex loads with considerable lateral component. The pile-soil response to lateral loads can be described with the p-y method. For a given depth the load–deflection relationship is built to simulate the surrounding soil stiffness. This state-of-art paper presents a brief discussion of determination methods for the p-y curves using a standard approach based on the soil parameters derived from laboratory...
Composite Sandwich Footbridge – Numerical ESL FEM Calculations vs. In Situ Measurements
PublicationSelected results of the static analysis of composite sandwich footbridge with the corresponding in situ measured values are compared in the paper. The analysed bridge is a research object, which was built in 2015 and is currently located at the Gdańsk University of Technology campus. Since it is a novel structure, a proper definition of the bridge numerical model, allowing its safe design, is very important. Therefore, instead...
A novel sandwich footbridge - Practical application of laminated composites in bridge design and in situ measurements of static response
PublicationA novel sandwich composite footbridge is presented in the paper, as an example of practical application of laminated composites in civil engineering. The in situ static load tests of the footbridge before its acceptation for exploitation are shown and discussed. The results are compared with the corresponding ones from a numerical equivalent single layer model of the sandwich structure created within the framework of finite element...
Inspired by Nature: The Use of Plant-derived Substrate/Enzyme Combinations to Generate Antimicrobial Activity in situ
PublicationThe last decade has witnessed a renewed interest in antimicrobial agents. Plants have received particular attention and frequently rely on the spontaneous enzymatic conversion of an inactive precursor to an active agent. Such two-component substrate/enzyme defence systems can be reconstituted ex vivo. Here, the alliin/alliinase system from garlic seems to be rather effective against Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whilst the glucosinolate/myrosinase...
Underwater in situ local heat treatment by additional stitches for improving the weldability of steel
PublicationIn this paper the influence of in situ local heat treatment performed by additional stitches on the weldability of high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) S355J2C+N steel was tested. The investigated steel is characterized by high susceptibility to cold cracking. It is necessary to find a method to improve the quality of welded joints. The local heat treatment was applied as an eect of bead-on plate welding made on the face of a Tekken...
Mutually polarizable QM/MM model with in situ optimized localized basis functions
PublicationWe extend our recently developed quantum-mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach [Dziedzic et al., J. Chem. Phys. 145, 124106 (2016)] to enable in situ optimization of the localized orbitals. The quantum subsystem is described with ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory and the classical subsystem – with the AMOEBA polarizable force field. The two subsystems interact via multipolar electrostatics and are fully...
Optoelektroniczne narzędzia do badania in-situ przebiegu procesu syntezy cienkich warstw diamentopodobnych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono optoelektroniczny system do diagnostyki in-situ plazmowych procesów CVD, wykorzystywanych do wytwarzania cienkich warstw diamentopodobnych. W systemie zastosowano przestrzenną optyczną spektroskopię emisyjną SR-OES i spektroskopię ramanowską. Pozwala to na jednoczesne badanie rozkładu cząstek w plaźmie i parametrów rosnącej warstwy. Opisano konstrukcję systemów pomiarowych, sprzęgniętych z komorą CVD za pomocą...
Optoelektroniczne narzędzia do badania in-situ przebiegu procesu syntezy cienkich warstw diamentopodobnych
PublicationPrzedstawiono optoelektroniczny system do diagnostyki in-situ plazmowych procesów CVD, wykorzystywanych do wytwarzania cienkich warstw diamentopodobnych. W systemie zastosowano przestrzenną optyczną spektroskopię emisyjną SR-OES i spektroskopię ramanowską. Pozwala to na jednoczesne badanie rozkładu cząstek w plaźmie i parametrów rosnącej warstwy. Opisano konstrukcję systemów pomiarowych, sprzęgniętych z komorą CVD za pomocą dedykowanych...
Ground improvement with in situ Soil Mixing
PublicationOmówiono metodę wzmacniania słabego gruntu za pomocą technologii wgłębnego mieszania na sucho i mokro. W metodzie mokrej stosuje się składniki wiążące (głownie cementy) wymieszane z wodą, podawane w formie zaczynu. W metodzie suchej materiały wiążące podawane są w postaci sproszkowanej z udziałem sprężonego powietrza. Przedstawiono główne obszary zastosowania w geotechnice oraz podano przykłady kilku realizacji.
Dynamics analysis of footbridge mode shapes the s8 expressway on the basis of the results of in situ tests
PublicationNon-destructive diagnostics for structure may use dynamic measurements realized during vibrations of a facility induced by dynamic environmental impact, enforced by the use of inductors or impulse impact. Dynamic tests and the analysis were undertaken for a footbridge situated over the expressway S8. The studies in situ allowed for dynamic characteristics to be determined: frequency, shape modes and damping for respective frequency...
Peptide modification with thiomalonoamide moiety
PublicationAbstract: Meldrum acid derivatives under the thermal decomposition are well known source of ketenes. Recently we investigated chemical properties of thiocarbamolyl meldrum acids. We found that 5-(α-alkylamino- α'-sulfhydryl)methylene Meldrum's acids hated in the presence of amines produce thiomalonamides. We used this reaction to the one pot synthesis of series of short peptides containing thiomalonoamide motif.
In situ transformation boosts the pseudocapacitance of CuNi-MOF via cooperative orientational and electronic governing
PublicationThe disordered arrangement and thereof inferior conductivity of 2D MOF sheets seriously hinder their practical application. Herein, we propose in situ transformation strategy to architect vertically oriented bimetallic CuNi-MOF as a self-supporting electrode, leading to a decuple high specific capacitance of 1262 C g-1 in comparison with the pristine Ni-MOF powder of 114 C g-1 at 2 A g-1. DFT calculations reveal that introduction...
Mikrostruktura kompozytów poliuretanowo-gumowych, otrzymywanych in situ z elastomerów uretanowych i recyklatów gumowych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące mikrostruktury nowej grupy kompozytów poliuretanowo-gumowych (KPG). Materiały kompozytowe otrzymano in situ z lanych elastomerów ure-tanowych (LEU) i różnej ilości recyklatu gumowego (RG), uzyskiwanego w wyniku kriogenicznego rozdrabniania poużytkowych opon samochodowych. Mikrostrukturę przełomów KPG zbadano przy wykorzystaniu mikroskopii optycznej (OM) oraz transmisyjnej mikroskopii...
Laser reflectance interferometry system with a 405 nm laser diode for in-situ measurement of CVD diamond thickness
PublicationIn situ monitoring of the thickness of thin diamond films during technological processes is important because it allows better control of deposition time and deeper understanding of deposition kinetics. One of the widely used techniques is laser reflectance interferometry (LRI) which enables non-contact measurement during CVD deposition. The authors have built a novel LRI system with a 405 nm laser diode which achieves better...
Processing and properties of Al-Si-Fe-Cr in situ composites
PublicationPraca jest kontynuacją badań nad wytwarzaniem tanich kompozytów in situ o osnowie stopu Al-Si wzmocnionego związkami międzymetalicznymi Al-Fe-Si lub Al-Fe-Cr-Si, otrzymanych poprzez reakcję ciekłego stopu Al (Al-Si11, Al-Si25) z proszkiem Fe lub Cr. Żelazo zostało wybrane ze względu na niską cenę, niską temperaturę wytwarzania, wysoką reaktywność z Al i heksagonalną sieć krystalograficzną związku Al-Fe-Si, co sprzyja tworzeniu...
Miniaturized passive emission test chamber for in-situ measurement of emissions of organic compounds
PublicationThe results of many different studies have demonstrated unequivocally that the quality of indoor air is often much worse than that of atmospheric air (outdoor). One of the main groups of chemical compounds present in indoor air, with proven harmfulness to health,are volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs present indoor comprise a wide variety of hydrocarbons and hydrocarbons derivatives including aliphatic, aromatics, alkylbenzens,...
Covalent DNA modification by products of myrosinase catalysed glucosinolate degradation in cell-free system
PublicationThe bioactive phytochemicals found in Brassica vegetables belonging to glucosinolates (GLS) and especially the products of their degradation isothiocyanates (ITC) and indoles are regarded as the most promising cancer chemopreventive compounds. These secondary metabolites constitute defence system repelling or preventing the development of agrophages attacking brassica plants. The antibiological properties of these compounds suggest...
Kombucha as a Potential Active Ingredient in Cosmetics—An Ex Vivo Skin Permeation Study
Publication -
Fabrication, microstructure and properties of Al-Si -Fe-Cu in situ composites.
PublicationW poszukiwaniu tanich kompozytów na bazie stopów Al powstała koncepcja otrzymywania kompozytów in situ o osnowie stopu Al-Si w reakcji ciekłego stopu Al-Si (Al-Si11, Al-Si25) z proszkiem Fe. Powstałe wydzielenia np. iglastego AlFe4Si w stopie AlSi25 o niezbyt wysokiej twardości (rys.2) stanowią skuteczne wzmocnienie stopu pod względem twardości, sztywności i wytrzymałości na ściskanie jak też obniżonej ścieralności. Jednak znaczny...
Modal modification of structural damping applied to increase the stability and convergence of numerical integration
PublicationThe presented paper refers to numerical tests done on systems fused of multibody and finite-element parts. The appearance of its multibody part gives rise to significant nonlinear components, i.e., second-order nonlinear differential equations express the dynamics. We usually solve these equations by “step-by-step” integration methods. When using the currently available integration algorithms, we approximate these initial systems...
Study of the NO2 sensing mechanism of PEDOT-RGO film using in situ Raman Spectroscopy
PublicationIn this work, the mechanism of the NO2 reaction with PEDOT-RGO composite film has been investigated via in situ Raman spectroscopy. Reduced graphene oxide (RGO), poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene)-reduced graphene oxide (PEDOT-RGO) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene)/ClO4− (PEDOT/ClO4−) films were fabricated using an electrodeposition method and used as resistance sensors of gaseous nitrogen dioxide. The experimental results indicate...
Compatibility of Sustainable Mater-Bi/poly(ε-caprolactone)/cellulose Biocomposites as a Function of Filler Modification
PublicationDespite their popularity and multiplicity of applications, wood–polymer composites (WPCs) still have to overcome particular issues related to their processing and properties. The main aspect is the compatibility with plant-based materials which affects the overall performance of the material. It can be enhanced by strengthening the interfacial adhesion resulting from physical and/or chemical interactions between the matrix and...
Modification of Selected Propagation Models in Terms of Path Loss Estimation in Container Terminal
PublicationIt is particularly important to look for any propagation model that could be useful for designing mobile radio networks in container terminal environment. Selected propagation models have been investigated. Firstly - basing on measurements results - they have been evaluated in this scope and the analysis has shown, that the adjustment is needed. This modification improved significantly the accuracy of path loss modelling. For the...
Wzmacnianie gruntu in situ metodą wgłębnego mieszania.
PublicationOpisano technologie mieszania wgłębnego na sucho i mokro. Przedstawiono przykłady zastosowania przy budowie dróg w Polsce na słabym podłożu.
Ground improvement with in-situ wet soil mixing
PublicationOpisano rozwój technologii mieszania wgłębnego gruntu na świecie i w Polsce. Przedstawiono bliżej aktualnie wykorzystywane metody mieszania, wprowadzane przez specjalistyczne firmy. W syntetyczny sposób podsumowano zasady projektowania oraz doświadczenia wykonawcze. Zamieszczono bliższe informacje odnośnie kilku przykładów zastosowania w Polsce.
Assessment of tensile forces in Sopot Forest Opera membrane by in situ measurements and iterative numerical strategy for inverse problem
PublicationAssessment of tensile forces in newly build Sopot Forest Opera roofing membrane is presented. The procedure is based on in situ measurements and solution of the inverse problem by an iterative procedure. The goal of the analysis is to determine whether the stress state of the membrane is consistent with the design assumptions. The paper contains the description of measurements, used instruments, applied loadings, numerical investiga-tions...
Eco-friendly modification of bitumen: The effects of rubber wastes and castor oil on the microstructure, processability and properties
PublicationThe bitumen industry in the European Union is facing several difficulties, including rising demand, unstable oil supply, rising prices for synthetic polymer modifiers, and a focus on lowering carbon footprint. Bitumen modification with crumb rubber (CR) is one of the most promising solution to these challenges. However, CR-modified bitumen have poor processability and low storage stability. To overcome these flaws we are introducing...
A simple modification of PCR thermal profile applied to evade persisting contamination
PublicationThe polymerase chain reaction (PCR), one of the most commonly applied methods of diagnostics and molecular biology has a frustrating downside known as the false positive signal or contamination. Several solutions to avoid and to eliminate PCR contaminations have been worked out to date but the implementation of these solutions to laboratory practice may be laborious and time consuming. A simple approach to circumvent the problem...
Titania modification for photocatalytic wastewater treatment.
PublicationW celu polepszenia efektywności katalitycznej za pomocą separacji ładunkowe-/n+ TiO2 został zmodyfikowany jonami i klasterami platyny. Badania degradacji z wykorzystaniem promieniowania UV wykazały, że domieszkowanie powierzchniowe (adsorpcja) powoduje znaczne zwiększenie efektywności katalizatora od domieszkowania wewnętrznego
Computational modelling of the modification of epoxy resins
PublicationSymulacja komputerowa właściwości fizycznych sieci żywic epoksydowych (DGEBA/DDM) modyfikowanych związkami akrylowymi przy użyciu programu Cheops® MillionZillion Software.