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Search results for: experimental study
Experimental Study on Effectiveness of a Prototype Seismic Isolation System Made of Polymeric Bearings
PublicationSeismic isolation is identified as one of the most popular and effective methods of protecting structures under strong dynamic excitations. Base isolators, such as Lead Rubber Bearings, High Damping Rubber Bearings, and Friction Pendulum Bearings, are widely used in practice in many earthquake-prone regions of the world to mitigate structural vibrations, and therefore minimize loss of life and property damage during seismic events....
Experimental study on the effectiveness of polymer damper in damage reduction of temporary steel grandstand
PublicationA large number of accidents, involving collapses of temporary grandstands during different types of events, were observed in the past. If the synchronized movement of people is tuned with the natural frequency of the affected part of the structure, resonance might occur. It may lead to severe damages of grandstands, their collapse or panic among the spectators. The aim of the paper is to assess, through preliminary experimental...
Experimental Study on Dynamics of Wooden House Wall Panels with Different Thermal Isolation
PublicationWood frame buildings are very popular in regions that are exposed to different dynamic excitations including earthquakes. Therefore, their seismic resistance is really important in order to prevent structural damages and human losses. The aim of the present paper is to show the results of experimental tests focused on the dynamic response of wall panels of a wooden frame building with thermal isolation made of mineral wool and...
Shaking table experimental study on diagnosis of damage and its evaluation in steel structure
PublicationCelem artykułu jest pokazanie wyników badań eksperymentalnych przeprowadzonych na stole sejsmicznym dotyczących identyfikacji uszkodzeń modelu dwukondygnacyjnej konstrukcji stalowej. Uszkodzenie zdefiniowano poprzez spadek sztywności i symulowano poprzez zamianę słupów modelu na elementy o mniejszym przekroju poprzecznym. Wyniki badań pokazują charakterystyczny spadek wartości naturalnych częstotliwości konstrukcji wraz ze wzrostem...
Particle Shape Effect on Macroscopic Behaviour of Underground Structures: Numerical and Experimental Study
PublicationThe mechanical performance of underground flexible structures such as buried pipes or culverts made of plastics depend not only on the properties of the structure, but also the material surrounding it. Flexible drains can deflect by 30% with the joints staying tight, or even invert. Large deformations of the structure are difficult to model in the framework of Finite Element Method, but straightforward in Discrete Element Methods....
Experimental Study of the Influence of Small Upward Seepage on Open-Channel Flow Turbulence
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Eye Tracking Based Experimental Study on Basic Digital Control Panel Usability
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Experimental Study and Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Column Having an Opening
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Experimental Study of the Rolling Friction Coefficient in Highly Loaded Supports of Rotary Kilns
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PublicationPaper presents the results of shear stress measurements of a commercial magnetorheological fluid using a plate-plate type geometry with a modified working surface. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of changing the roughness of the measuring plate on the obtained shear stress results. Controlled shear rate tests and Magneto Sweep measurements were carried out for three MR fluid layer heights. The tests were...
Experimental study of corrosion in reinforced concrete by acoustic emission and electrochemical noise techniques
PublicationTechnika emisji akustycznej jest znaną metodą badań korozji zbrojenia żelbetu. Źródłem aktywności akustycznej są zawsze zjawiska o naturze mechanicznej. Przedstawiono wynik badań akustycznych zbrojonego betonu w warunkach polaryzacji anodowej, przyspieszającej procesy korozyjne. Symultanicznie prowadzona była rejestracja szumu elektrochemicznego. Dla umożliwienia korelacji wyników, uzyskanych obiema technikami, wykonana została...
Triaxial compression and shear strength characteristics of two stage concrete: an experimental study
PublicationThe research necessity stems from the need to understand and evaluate the performance of Two- Stage Concrete (TSC) under triaxial compression conditions, as prior studies have predominantly focused on uniaxial and biaxial testing of conventional concrete (CC). This study represents the first comprehensive investigation into the triaxial compressive strength and related mechanical properties of TSC, addressing a critical gap in...
Is mesh fixation necessary in laparoendoscopic techniques for M3 inguinal defects? An experimental study.
Publicationrepairs, in case of large direct hernias (M3) mesh fixation is recommended to reduce recurrence risk. Despite lack of highquality evidence, the recommendation was upgraded to strong by expert panel. The authors conducted a research experiment to verify the hypothesis that it is possible to preserve the mesh in the operating field in large direct hernias (M3) without the need to use fixing materials. Method The authors conducted...
Unlocking the Secrets of River Pollution: Analyzing Organic Pollutants in Sediments—Experimental Study
PublicationUntreated wastewater released into rivers can result in water pollution, the spread of waterborne diseases, harm to ecosystems, contamination of soil and groundwater, as well as air pollution and respiratory problems for nearby humans and animals due to the release of greenhouse gases. The current study aims to investigate the recent input of anthropogenic loads into the rivers using linear alkylbenzene (LAB), which is one of the...
Electron Scattering from Methyl Formate (HCOOCH3): A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study
PublicationElastic low-energy electron collisions with methyl formate have been studied theoretically at the level of various theories. The elastic integral cross section was calculated using Schwinger multichannel and R-matrix methods, in the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization levels of approximations for energies up to 15 eV. The absolute total cross section for electron scattering from methyl formate has been measured...
Experimental Study of Polish Sausage Drying Kinetics and Contraction by Image Data Analysis
PublicationThe goal of this paper has been to add an experimental data set for drying a meat product and provide a comparison with well-established thin-layer drying models. This article presented experimental investigations on the convective drying of Polish sausage slices at a temperature of 40°C. Slices have been in the thickness of 3 to 8mm. Measurements of mass loss and size change were performed. The data have been presented in the...
Flow through a prosthetic mechanical aortic valve: Numerical model and experimental study
PublicationThis research presents a numerical model dedicated for virtual patient diagnostics in the field of synthetic valve implantation. The model operates based on computational fluid dynamics solver with implemented rigid body motion solver. Characteristic indicators related to the prosthetic valve were determined to assess the correctness of cardiac system operation after implantation. A novel approach for dynamic time discretization...
Experimental study of flow pattern and heat transfer during steam drying of wood
PublicationBadania wysokotemperaturowego suszenia drewna zostały zainspirowane koniecznością instensyfikacji wymiany ciepła i masy na potrzeby przemysłu drzewnego, a w szczególności meblarskiego, w zakresie doskonalenia metod suszenia drewna, modelowania intensyfikacji wymiany ciepła i masy w elementach suszonych, opracowania ekologicznych i energooszczędnych systemów suszarniczych, ochrony środowiska związanej z racjonalnym zużyciem energii,...
Shaking table experimental study on the effectiveness of polymer bearings for seismic isolation of structures
PublicationSeismic isolation has been recognised to be a very effective way of protecting structures from damage during earthquakes. It allows us to extend the natural period of the structure and therefore avoid resonance with the ground motion. Moreover, by increasing damping in the isolation devices, more energy can be dissipated and thus the structural response can be further reduced. The aim of this paper is to show the results of the...
Particle Shape Effect on Macroscopic Behaviour of Underground Structures: Numerical and Experimental Study
PublicationAbstract: The mechanical performance of underground flexible structures such as buried pipes or culverts made of plastics depend not only on the properties of the structure, but also on the material surrounding it. Flexible drains can deflect by 30% with the joints staying tight, or even invert. Large deformations of the structure are difficult to model in the framework of Finite Element Method, but straightforward in Discrete...
Theoretical and experimental study on scattering of low-energy electrons by dimethyl and diethyl ethers
PublicationWe report a joint theoretical and experimental investigation on low-energy electron scattering by dimethyl and diethyl ethers. The experimental elastic differential cross sections were measured at impact energies from 1 eV up to 30 eV and scattering angle range of 10◦ to 130◦. Theoretical elastic differential, integral and momentum-transfer cross sections are calculated at impact energies up to 30 eV, employing the Schwinger multichannel...
Shaking table experimental study on models of steel buildings with different types of joints
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to study the response of models of steel buildings with destroyed and non-destroyed joints. The study was conducted experimentally using the shaking table tests. Two steel models were considered. Several types of joints were taken into account: totally destroyed joints, partially destroyed joints, welded joints and joints stiffened with additional metal. Six ground motions were taken into account. The acceleration...
Behaviour of deformed steel columns exposed to impact load during earthquakes - experimental study
PublicationIt has been observed during major earthquakes that the so called soft-storey failure of an upper floor of a structure results in large impact load acting on structural members of the lower storeys. It may further lead to progressive collapse of the whole structure substantially intensifying human and material losses. The aim of this paper is to investigate experimentally the behaviour of horizontally deformed columns (deformation...
Enhancing the Seismic Resistance of Columns by GFRP Confinement Using Flexible Adhesive-Experimental Study
PublicationIn this paper, the results of two experiments, focused on testing the effectiveness of a method of enhancing the seismic (dynamic) resistance of masonry columns with the use of flexible polymer adhesive, are shown. The first experiment was devoted to investigate the damping properties of a polymer working between two stiff layers, whereas the aim of the second one was to verify if the identified damping properties of the polymer...
Experimental study and comparison with predictive methods for flow boiling heat transfer coefficient of HFE7000
PublicationThis article describes an experimental study of flow boiling of HFE7000 inside a smooth vertical channel. The investigation has been carried out in a circular stainless-steel tube with an inner diameter of 2.3 mm. The data have been collected for the applied heat fluxes q ranging from 61 to 205 kW/m2, the mass flux G ranging from 214 to 1006 kg/(m2 s), the saturation temperature Tsat ranging from 30 to 54 °C and the full range...
Shaking table experimental study on damage mechanism of the disconnecting switch under seismic excitation
PublicationThe efficiency of the energetic network is a very import safety issue in the region experienced by the earthquake. High voltage disconnecting switches are important elements of the energetic infrastructure used to separate electric circuits (i.e. during repairs), which should not be damaged remaining fully operational. The aim of the paper is to show the results of the shaking table experimental investigation focused on damage...
Experimental study on models of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes
PublicationThe aim of the study is to show the results of complex shaking table experimental investigation focused on the response of two models of cylindrical steel tanks under mining tremors and moderate earthquakes, including the aspects of diagnosis of structural damage. Firstly, the impact and the sweep-sine tests have been carried out, so as to determine the dynamic properties of models filled with different levels of liquid. Then,...
Experimental study of bubble size distribution in a liquid column exposed to a rotating magnetic field
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An Experimental Study of Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Marine Diesel Engine with Fuel Injector Malfunctions
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An experimental study of emission and combustion characteristics of marine diesel engine with fuel pump malfunctions
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Large-scale Rowe cell experimental study on coefficient of consolidation of coal mine tailings
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Does Human Potentiality Affect IT Professionals’ Organizational Behavior? An Experimental Study in Poland and Germany
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The experimental study of compaction parameters and elastic after-effect of fine fraction raw materials
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Are firefighters able to perform blind endotracheal intubation via LMA Fastrach? An experimental study
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Experimental study on the behaviour of steel columns under seismic-induced axial impact load
PublicationIt has been observed during major earthquakes that the so called soft-storey failure of an upper floor of a structure results in large impact load acting on structural members of the lower storeys. It may further lead to progressive collapse of the whole structure substantially intensifying human and material losses. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate experimentally the behaviour of columns under bending (observed...
Impact of the inclination angle of the condenser with refrigerant R410A on heat transfer coefficient – experimental study
PublicationIn the paper the authors present results of a laboratory test of the condenser with refrigerant R410A. The effect of the inclination of this condenser on the heat transfer coefficient value has been considered. The test has proved that there is an optimal inclination angle of the condenser which gives maximal value of this coefficient.
Experimental study on the effect of selected sterilization methods on mechanical properties of polylactide FFF specimens
PublicationPurpose: Biodegradable polymers are widely used in personalized medical devices or scaffolds for tissue engineering. The manufacturing process should be finished with sterilization procedure. However, it is not clear how the different sterilization methods have an impact on the mechanical strength of the three-dimensional (3D)-printed parts, such as bone models or personalized mechanical devices. This paper aims to present the...
Experimental study on shear localization in granular materials within combined strain and stress field
PublicationLokalizacja odkształceń stycznych w materiałach granulowanych była przedmiotem badań doświadczalnych podczas przemieszczania się sztywnej ścianki. Wykonano pomiary przemieszczeń stosując metodę korelacji obrazów cyfrowych. Natomiast pomiary średnich naprężeń wykonano stosując metodę foto-sprężystości. Zastosowano jako materiał granulowany piasek oraz szklane kulki.
Preventing of earthquake-induced pounding between steel structures by using polymer elements – experimental study
PublicationPounding between two, or more, adjacent buildings during earthquakes has been identified as one of the reasons for substantial damage or even total collapse of colliding structures, so it has been the subject of numerous studies in the recent years. A major reason leading to interactions between adjacent, insufficiently separated structures results from the differences in their dynamic properties. A number of different methods...
Shaking table experimental study on pounding between adjacent structures founded on different soil types
PublicationThe aim of this study is to extensively investigate the effect of the soil type on the response of colliding structures based on shaking table experimental tests. Two single-storey models of steel buildings with different dynamic parameters were considered in this study. Three pounding scenarios were taken into account by applying different seismic gaps (0.5 cm, 1 cm and 1.5 cm as well as the no pounding case). First, the effect...
Mechanical response of human thoracic spine ligaments under quasi-static loading: An experimental study
PublicationPurpose This study aimed to investigate the geometrical and mechanical properties of human thoracic spine ligaments subjected to uniaxial quasi-static tensile test. Methods Four human thoracic spines, obtained through a body donation program, were utilized for the study. The anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL), posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL), capsular ligament (CL), ligamenta flava (LF), and the interspinous ligament and...
Experimental study of pressure rise at the evaporator of capillary pumped loop with acetone and water as working fluids
PublicationIn this work studied is the possibility of fluid pumping using capillary forces in the capillary pumped loop. Experimental and theoretical studies have been performed to understand the phenomena associated with heat transfer in porous structure of the evaporator. The capillary effect was studied during operation of two different capillary porous structures with two different working fluids, namely water and acetone. The results...
Experimental study on earthquake-induced pounding between structural elements made of different building materials
PublicationCelem artykułu jest pokazanie wyników dwóch eksperymentów dotyczących zderzeń pomiędzy elementami wykonanymi z różnych materiałów budowlanych, takich jak: stal, beton, drewno i ceramika. Pierwszy z nich polegał na zrzucaniu kul na płaską powierzchnię, drugi dotyczył zderzeń modeli konstrukcji poddanych wymuszeniom sejsmicznym na stole wstrząsowym. Wyniki testów pokazują, iż wpływ materiału elementów kolidujących ze sobą na zachowanie...
Experimental study of temperature gradient on solid dissolution process exposed to transverse rotating magnetic field
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An Experimental Study of Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Marine Diesel Engine in Case of Cylinder Valves Leakage
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Experimental study of shear strength and failure mechanisms in RC beams scaled along height or length
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Influence of Debris on Water Intake Gratings in Small Hydroelectric Plants: An Experimental Study on Hydraulic Parameters
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Washboarding during cutting on frame sawing machines II. Experimental study of the saw blade behaviour
PublicationPraca jest swego rodzaju suplementem do referatu przedstawianego na 15th Inernational Wood Machining Seminar w Los Angeles, CA, USA. Opisano uzyskane wyniki badań doświadczalnych prowadzonych w oparciu o plan badań Hartley`a.Czynnikami badanymi były: naprężenia napinające brzeszczotu piły, częstotliwość skoków ramy piłowej oraz wysokość cięcia przedmiotu obrabianego. Czynnikami wynikowymi były: wysokość sfalowania powierzchni oraz...
Experimental study of the fuel jet combustion in high temperature and low oxygen content exhaust gases
PublicationPrzeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne spalania pojedynczego strumienia paliwa gazowego. Paliwo podawano współosiowo do generowanych przez konwencjonalny palnik gazowy spalin o wysokiej temperaturze i niskiej zawartości tlenu. Badano wpływ zawartości tlenu w utleniaczu na widzialność płomienia i skład produktów spalania.