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Search results for: nonlinear systems
Generation and Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in a Towing Tank
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the research focused on linear and nonlinear wave generation and propagation in a deepwater towing tank equipped with a single flap-type wavemaker of variable draft. The problem of wave generation and propagation has been theoretically formulated and solved by applying an analytical method; linear and nonlinear solutions were obtained. The linear solution has been verified experimentally. The...
On the geometrically nonlinear vibration of a piezo-flexomagnetic nanotube
PublicationIn order to describe the behavior of thin elements used in MEMS and NEMS, it is essential to study a nonlinear free vibration of nanotubes under complicated external fields such as magnetic environment. In this regard, the magnetic force applied to the conductive nanotube with piezo-flexomagnetic elastic wall is considered. By the inclusion of Euler-Bernoulli beam and using Hamilton’s principle, the equations governing the system...
Nonlinear Backstepping Ship Course Controller
PublicationStatek, jako obiekt sterowania charakteryzuje się nieliniową manewrową funkcją opisującą. Metoda backstepping jest jedną z metod, które mogą być wykorzystane w procesie projektowania nieliniowych układu sterowania kursem statków. Metoda została zastosowana w celu zaprojektowania dwóch konfiguracji nieliniowych regulatorów kursu.Regulatory zostały przebadane w układach regulacji kursu statku. Jedna z konfiguracji w fazie projektowania...
Modeling of nonlinear generation in a bubble layer
PublicationPraca prezentuje numeryczne podejście do zagadnienia liniowego i nieliniowego rozpraszania w warstwie z pęcherzykami. Badania numeryczne niekoherentnego rozpraszania wykonano stosując metodę Monte Carlo. Propagację i wsteczne rozpraszanie sygnałów badano w oparciu o równanie Rayleigha-Plesseta.
Analysis of nonlinear generation in bubble layer
PublicationRozważano zagadnienie liniowego i nieliniowego rozpraszania w warstwie z pęcherzykami. Badania numeryczne dotyczyły rozpraszania koherentnego i różnych własności rozchodzenia się fal wewnątrz warstwy z pęcherzykami jak odbicie od brzegu, dyspersja, tłumienie. Badania dla różnych rozkładów pęcherzyków przeprowadzono w oparciu o równanie Rayleigha-Plesseta.
Analysis of nonlinear effects as a diagnostic tool
PublicationMetody analizy efektów nieliniowych nieliniowej analizy sygnałów na wyjściu testowanych obiektów umożliwiają badanie występowania defektów i uszkodzeń w materiałach i elementach elektronicznych, co jest niezbędne w predykcji niezawodności. W odniesieniu do elementów biernych bardzo skutecznym narzędziem okazuje się być wskaźnik trzeciej harmonicznej (THI - Third Harmonic Index). W artykule bardziej szczegółowo opisano pomiary parametru...
Correlation experiments in nonlinear quantum mechanics
PublicationPokazano w jaki sposób należy obliczać wieloczasowe i wielocząstkowe funkcje korelacyjne w nieliniowej mechanice kwantowej, aby zagwarantować lokalność formalizmu.
Nonlinear modelling of eathquake induced pounding.
PublicationZaprezentowano nieliniowy model lepkosprężysty siły zderzenia w czasie kontaktu między konstrukcjami podczas trzęsień ziemi. Efektywność modelu sprawdzono przez porównanie wyników analizy numerycznej z wynikami eksperymentalnymi. Wyniki badań pokazują, iż rozważany model najdokładniej symuluje siłę zderzenia w czasie.
Generalized quazilinearization for systems of degenerate singular perturbation problem
PublicationPraca dotyczy ogólnej metody kwazilinearyzacji dla układów równań różniczkowych z parametrami.
Nonlinear resultant theory of shells accounting for thermodiffusion
PublicationThe complete nonlinear resultant 2D model of shell thermodiffusion is developed. All 2D balance laws and the entropy imbalance are formulated by direct through-the-thickness integration of respective 3D laws of continuum thermodiffusion. This leads to a more rich thermodynamic structure of our 2D model with several additional 2D fields not present in the 3D parent model. Constitutive equations of elastic thermodiffusive shells...
Supervised Model Reference Adaptive Control of Chlorine Residuals in Water Distribution Systems
PublicationControl of integrated quality and quantity in Drinking Water Distribution Systems within recently proposed hierarchical framework is considered in the paper. A supervised nonlinear Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Controller is derived for the lower control level of the control structure to operate as the fast feedback controller of chlorine residuals in the monitored nodes. The major supervisor role is to manage switching between...
<title>Nonlinear glasses and metaglasses for photonics, a review: Part I. Nonlinear electrical susceptibility and refractive index</title>
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The application of nonlinear curvature sections in the turnout diverging track
PublicationThe paper presents the analytical method of modelling the diverging track of railway turnout with nonlinear curvature sections. These sections were used for smoothing the graph of curvature in the extreme areas of turnout. The problem of the curvature distribution was identified with the use of differential equations. The resulting solutions are of universal nature for example the ability of assuming any values of curvature at...
Features of Nonlinear Sound Propagation in Vibrationally Excited Gases
PublicationWeakly nonlinear sound propagation in a gas where molecular vibrational relaxation takes place is studied. New equations which govern the sound in media where the irreversible relaxation may take place are derived and discussed. Their form depends on the regime of excitation of oscillatory degrees of freedom, equilibrium (reversible) or non-equilibrium (irreversible), and on the comparative frequency of the sound in relation to...
Survey on fuzzy logic methods in control systems of electromechanical plants
PublicationРассмотрены алгоритмы управления электромеханическими системами с использованием теории нечеткой логики, приводятся основные положения их синтеза, рассматриваются методы анализа их устойчивости на основе нечетких функций Ляпунова. Эти алгоритмы чаще всего реализуются в виде различных регуляторов, применение которых целесообразно в системах, математическая модель которых не известна, не детерминирована или является строго нелинейной,...
Homoclinics for singular strong force Lagrangian systems
PublicationWe study the existence of homoclinic solutions for a class of generalized Lagrangian systems in the plane, with a C1-smooth potential with a single well of infinite depth at a point ξ and a unique strict global maximum 0 at the origin.Under a strong force condition around the singular point ξ, via minimization of an action integral, we will prove the existence of at least two geometrically distinct homoclinic solutions.
Direct estimation of linear and nonlinear functionals of quantum state
PublicationWe present a simple quantum network, based on the controlled-SWAP gate, that can extract certain properties of quantum states without recourse to quantum tomography. It can be used as a basic building block for direct quantum estimations of both linear and nonlinear functionals of any density operator. The network has many potential applications ranging from purity tests and eigenvalue estimations to direct characterization of...
Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations in optic fibers theory
PublicationIn this paper a detailed derivation and numerical solutions of CoupledNonlinear Schr¨odinger Equations for pulses of polarized electromagnetic wavesin cylindrical fibers has been reviewed. Our recent work has been compared withsome previous ones and the advantage of our new approach over other methods hasbeen assessed. The novelty of our approach lies is an attempt to proceed withoutloss of information within the frame of basic...
Identification of nonlinear viscoelastic properties of the ''Panama'' fabric
PublicationTkanina techniczna Panama wytwarzana przez firmę Sattler (Niemcy)wykazuje cechy nieliniowe w tym właściwości lepkosprężyste w czasie testów długoterminowych. Na podstawie jednoosiowych testów płynięcia i regeneracji przeprowadzonych dla pięciu poziomów obciążenia przeprowadzono identyfikacje nieliniowych lepkosprężystych właściwości tkaniny. Do opisu zależności konstytutywnych użyto całkowego modelu Schapery'ego. Zastosowano funkcję...
<title>Measurements of nonlinear optical fibers</title>
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Linear and nonlinear Stark effect in a triangular molecule
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Ordinar differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions
PublicationPraca dotyczy zwyczajnych równań różniczkowych z nieliniowymi warunkami brzegowymi. Sformułowano warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązania (jedynego lub ekstremalnych) zakładając pewną regularność na prawe strony równania i warunek brzegowy. Warunki brzegowe typu okresowego lub antyokresowego są szczególnymi przypadkami ogólnego warunku dyskutowanego w tej pracy.
A nonlinear approach to modelling gas bubble deformation.
PublicationPrzedstawiono model wyjaśniający wpływ deformacji pęcherzyka na występowanie zjawiska chaosu podczas generowania pęcherzyków gazowych z pojedynczej dyszy zanurzonej w cieczy.
Advanced differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions.
PublicationBadano problemy istnienia rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych z nielinowymi warunkami brzegowymi. Podano też warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązań ekstremalnych. Przedmiotem badań były również nierówności różniczkowe z wyprzedzonym argumentem.
On delay differential equations with nonlinear boundary conditions
PublicationStosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie kwazirozwiązań lub ekstremalnych rozwiązań rozpatrywanego zagadnienia. Problem jednoznaczności rozwiązania był również przedmiotem badań. Zajmowano się również nierównościami różniczkowymi z opóżnionymi argumentami.
Nonlinear Influence of Sound on the Vibrational Energy of Molecules in a Relaxing Gas
PublicationDynamics of a weakly nonlinear and weakly dispersive flow of a gas where molecular vibrational relaxation takes place is studied. Variations in the vibrational energy in the field of intense sound is considered. These variations are caused by a nonlinear transfer of the acoustic energy into energy of vibrational degrees of freedom in a relaxing gas. The final dynamic equation which describes this is instantaneous, it includes a...
Nonlinear phenomena of small-scale sound in a gas with exponential stratification
PublicationThe nonlinear dynamics of perturbations, quickly varying in space, with comparatively large characteristic wavenumbers k: k>1/H, is considered. H is the scale of density and pressure reduction in unperturbed gas, as the coordinate (H is the so-called height of the uniform equilibrium gas). Coupling nonlinear equations which govern the sound and the entropy mode in a weakly nonlinear flow are derived. They describe the dynamics...
A Novel Approach to Fully Nonlinear Mathematical Modeling of Tectonic Plates
PublicationThe motion of the Earth's layers due to internal pressures is simulated in this research with an efficient mathematical model. The Earth, which revolves around its axis of rotation and is under internal pressure, will change the shape and displacement of the internal layers and tectonic plates. Applied mathematical models are based on a new approach to shell theory involving both two and three-dimensional approaches. It is the...
Nonlinear Interaction of Magnetoacoustic Modes in a Quasi-Isentropic Plasma Flow
PublicationThe nonlinear interaction of magnetoacoustic waves in a plasma is analytically studied. A plasma is an open system. It is affected by the straight constant equilibrium magnetic flux density forming constant angle with the wave vector which varies from 0 till . The nonlinear instantaneous equation which describes excitation of secondary wave modes in the field of intense magnetoacoustic perturbations is derived by use of projecting....
PublicationThe effect of nonlinearity is high sensitivity in damage detection, especially for closed cracks and delamination. This review illustrates the results of several researchers dealing with nonlinear effects caused by the closure of cracks in the structure, i.e., beam and plate structures. Early detection of damage is an important aspect for the structure and, therefore, continuous progress is being made in developing new and effective...
Nonlinear increase in bubbles radii caused by sound in a bubbly liquid
PublicationThe nonlinear interaction of acoustic and entropy modes in a bubbly liquid is considered. The reasons for interaction are both nonlinearity and dispersion. In the field of intense sound, a decrease in the mixture density is predicted. That corresponds to the well-established growth of bubbles volumes due to rectified diffusion. The nonlinear interaction of modes as a reason for a bubble to grow due to sound, is discovered. The...
Numerical Characterization of Thresholds for the Focusing 1d Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
PublicationThe focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation arises in various physical phenomena and it is therefore of interest to determine mathematical conditions on the initial data that guarantee whether the corresponding solution will blow up in finite time or exist globally in time. We focus on solutions to the mass‐supercritical nonlinear Schrödinger equation (1) in 1D case. In particular, we investigate numerical thresholds between blow...
Nonlinear fuzzy control of the dissolved oxygen in activated sludge processes
PublicationWastewater treatment plant is generally a complex, multivariable, time varying and nonlinear large scale industrial system. Moreover, interactions between the components are very strong. The dissolved oxygen tracking problem is one of the most complex and fundamental issues of biological processes. Air for the aerated tanks is supplied by aeration system (blowers, pipes, diffusers). It is a complex dynamic system. The new control...
Certain family of analytical solutions of nonlinear von Neumann equations
PublicationIn this paper we present a slight generalization of certain type of Darboux transformation, that may be used sub-sequently in a convenient way. This method allows to obtain families of solutions of nonlinear von Neumann equations, that are used in particular in DNA modeling.
Identification of Parameters Influencing the Accuracy of the Solution of the Nonlinear Muskingum Equation
PublicationTwo nonlinear versions of the Muskingum equation are considered. The difference between both equations relates to the exponent parameter. In the first version, commonly used in hydrology, this parameter is considered as free, while in the second version, it takes a value resulting from the kinematic wave theory. Consequently, the first version of the equation is dimensionally inconsistent, whereas the proposed second one is consistent. It...
On rotational instability within the nonlinear six-parameter shell theory
PublicationWithin the six-parameter nonlinear shell theory we analyzed the in-plane rotational instability which oc- curs under in-plane tensile loading. For plane deformations the considered shell model coincides up to notations with the geometrically nonlinear Cosserat continuum under plane stress conditions. So we con- sidered here both large translations and rotations. The constitutive relations contain some additional mi- cropolar parameters...
On Non-holonomic Boundary Conditions within the Nonlinear Cosserat Continuum
PublicationWithin the framework of the nonlinear micropolar elastic continuum we discuss non-holonomic kinematic boundary conditions. By non-holonomic boundary conditions we mean linear relations between virtual displacements and virtual rotations given on the boundary. Such boundary conditions can be used for modelling of complex material interactions in the vicinity of the boundaries and interfaces.
The excitation controller with gain scheduling mechanism for synchronous generator control
PublicationThe power systems, including the synchronous generators and power systems networks, are complex nonlinear systems with configuration and parameters which change through time. That leads to electromechanical oscillations occurring in that system. Thus synchronous generator excitation controller must be capable of providing appropriate stabilization signal over broad range of operating conditions and disturbances. In this paper,...
Elastoplastic material law in 6-parameter nonlinear shell theory
PublicationWe develop the elastoplastic constitutive relations for nonlinear exact 6-parameter shell theory. A J2-type theory with strain hardening is formulated that takes into account asymmetric membrane strain measures. The incremental equations are solved using implicit Euler scheme with closest point projection algorithm. The presented test example shows the correctness of the proposed approach. Influence of micropolar material parameters...
Control of nonlinear and linearized model of self-balancing electric motorcycle
PublicationSelf-Balancing Electric Motorcycle (SBEM) is a dynamic and nonlinear electro-mechanical system. In this paper, the process of mathematical modelling and line-arization of SBEM is presented. The model of the control system in Matlab envi-ronment is implemented. The control system using the PID controller is designed. The operation of particular structures of the PID controller on the simulation model is compared. Due to simulation...
Ship Dynamic Positioning Based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
PublicationThe presented work explores the simulation test results of using nonlinear model predictive control algorithm for ship dynamic positioning. In the optimization task, a goal function with a penalty was proposed with a variable prediction step. The results of the proposed control algorithm were compared with backstepping and PID. The effect of estimation accuracy on the control quality with the implemented algorithms was investigated....
Elastoplastic nonlinear FEM analysis of FGM shells of Cosserat type
PublicationThe paper is a continuation of [1] where the formulation of the elastic constitutive law for functionally graded materials (FGM) on the grounds of nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the 6th parameter (the drilling degree of freedom) was presented. Here the formulation is extended to the elasto-plastic range. The material law is based on Cosserat plasticity and employs the well-known Tamura-Tomota-Ozawa (TTO) [2] mixture...
Structural pounding models with Hertz spring and nonlinear damper
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono porównanie możliwości wykorzystania dwóch modeli zderzeń: nieliniowego modelu lepkosprężystego i modelu Hertz'a z dodatkowym tłumieniem. Efektywność każdego z modeli zbadano porównując wyniki analiz numerycznych z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych. Wyniki pracy pokazują, iż zastosowanie nieliniowego modelu lepkosprężystego prowadzi do mniejszych błędów w przebiegach czasowych siły zderzenia oraz do mniejszych...
Laminated shells in nonlinear six-parameter shell theory
PublicationW pracy proponowany jest związek konstytutywny dla powłoki warstwowej w ramach 6-paramatrowej nieliniowej teorii powłok z miarami odkształceń jak w ośrodku Cosseratów. Zaletą podejścia jest bezpośrednie zastosowanie inżynierskich stałych materiałowych.
Composite shells in 6-field nonlinear shell theory
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono równanie konstytutywne uwzględniające wielowarstwowość materiału powłoki. Równania wyprowadzono bazując na podejściu Equivalent Single Layer
Nonlinear and fluctuation phenomena as reliability predictors for foil capacitors
PublicationW trakcie procesu produkcyjnego kondensatorów przeciwzakłóceniowych wymagane jest przeprowadzenie testów jakości i trwałości. Do tego celu bardzo przydatna byłaby procedura szybkich testów nieniszczących. Rozwiązaniem problemu może być implementacja w systemie realizującym testy produkcyjne dodatkowych zadań związanych z bezpośrednimi pomiarami nieliniowości i/lub fluktuacji. Wybór wskaźnika trzeciej harmonicznej (THI), parametru...
CdS Nanocrystallines: Synthesis, Structure and Nonlinear Optical Properties
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Nonlinear Cointegration Approach for Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines
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On Nonlinear Dynamic Theory of Thin Plates with Surface Stresses
PublicationWe discuss the modelling of dynamics of thin plates considering surface stresses according to Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Taking into account the surface mass density we derive the two-dimensional (2D) equations of motion. For the reduction of the three-dimensional (3D) motion equations to the 2D ones we use the trough-the-thickness integration procedure. As a result, the 2D dynamic parameters of the plate depend not only...
Numerical modeling of the nonlinear wave propagation in a bubble layer
PublicationRozważano zagadnienie propagacji fali wewnątrz warstwy z pęcherzykami. Omówiono model matematyczny, przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki badań teoretycznych. Analizowano zmiany ciśnienia wewnątrz warstwy, falę odbitą i bieżącą w ośrodku otaczającym, badano gęstość widmową mocy. Badania teoretyczne przeprowadzono dla różnych grubości warstwy, koncentracji pęcherzyków i wartości parametrów fali padającej.