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Search results for: ontology driven architecture
Contemporary Spaces of Memory - Towards Transdisciplinarity in Architecture
PublicationThe paper explores new phenomena in the contemporary practice of commemoration implemented through architecture. Architectural objects related to memory can be a place where new trends and phenomena appear earlier than in other architectural objects. The text is an attempt to prove that these new spaces of memory are a kind of laboratory where new ideas taking place in architecture and related disciplines are being tested. Research...
Call and Connections Times in ASON/GMPLS Architecture
PublicationIt is assumed that demands of information soci- ety could be satisfied by architecture ASON/GMPLS comprehended as Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) protocols. Introduction this solution must be preceded by performance evaluation to guarantee society expectations. Call and connections times are in ASON/GMPLS architecture important for real-time applications. Practical...
A Novel Multicast Architecture of Programmable Networks
PublicationIn the paper a multicast architecture for programmable networks based on separation of group management and network control tasks is proposed. Thanks to this separation, services which want to make use of multicast communications no longer have to implement low-level network functionalities and their operation is greatly simplified. Abstracting service’s view of the network into a fully connected cloud enables us to transparently...
Architecture and Basic Assumptions of RSMAD
PublicationThe study presents the architecture of Radio System for Monitoring and Acquisition of Data from Traffic Enforcement Cameras (in short RSMAD) which is used for transmission (realized using GSM, UMTS or TETRA networks, and through the Internet network), archiving and exploring image data of traffic offenses. The paper also presents selected basic assumptions of the RSMAD system, which are relevant to the implemented by the system...
The Brick Face of Modernism and Architecture of Gustav Oelsner
PublicationThere are many reasons that make the work of Gustav Oelsner worth to present. One of the reasons is comparison of two different ways of development of two cities, Gdynia (an exhibition of work of Gustav Oelsner was presented in Gdynia in April and May of 2011) and Altona, were Oelsner created his architecture. These two cities has grown at the side of their big neighbours, Gdansk and Hamburg. They are harbour cities and their...
PublicationGreenery around and within buildings is an integral part of architectural space. Although science is providing more and more knowledge about the impact of greenery on human well-being, there is still a lack of guidelines on how to apply this knowledge in architectural design. The purpose of this review article is to prepare the ground for further research on how to support architectural design in integrating greenery as a co-creative...
PublicationThe need to create ecological and energy efficient architecture is evident today. In the contemporary discourse on architecture more and more attention is dedicated to the aesthetics that expresses the idea of sustainability. The article is a voice in this debate, concentrating on the architecture that features daylight. Solar light comes from the natural environment and brings some substantial benefits for the architectural space,...
Aesthetic perception of steel-glass architecture in Japan
PublicationAesthetic perception of steel-glass architecture in Japan
Current trends of the steel-glass architecture in Japan
PublicationCurrent trends of the steel-glass architecture in Japan
Long way to awareness. Architecture and Aesthetic at the crossroads
PublicationThe architectural criticism is not invited to the common analysis of the architecture together with the aesthetics. The aesthetics judges entireties whereas criticism describes the architecture from the aesthetic point of view without using common scientific language. Research areas are not located in the joint research space! The result is the ambiguity of critical judgments, the ambiguous estimation of an architectural work....
Geographical and chronological knowledge in teaching the history of architecture
PublicationThe subject of this article is the analysis of examination results from the course, the History of Polish Architecture. These Bachelor studies present the political, economic and cultural issues of medieval and early modern architecture, and their changes over time. Basic knowledge of the administrative division and historical regions is needed for a proper understanding of the regional diversity of cultural heritage monuments...
Algebra of ontology modules for semantic agents
PublicationW środowisku Sieci Semantycznej problem precyzyjnego manipulowania jednostkami wiedzy nabiera szczególnego znaczenia. W tej publikacji dyskutujemy możliwość zaadaptowania do tego celu elastycznego aparatu algebry relacyjnej. Na bazie dysksji szkicujemy pewną szczególną analogię pomiędzy bazami danych a bazami wiedzy i używamy tej analogii do wprowadzenia algebry modułów semantycznych.
Ontology oriented threat detection system
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiony jest projekt opartego o ntologię systemu wykrywania zagrożeń w różnego typu monitorowanych środowiskach (OOTDS). Zakłada się, że umieszczone w środowisku czujniki na bieżąco dostarczają systemowi zdarzeń odzwierciedlających zmiany zachodzące w środowisku. Korzystając z sieci asynchronicznych bloków rosnącej złożoności OOTDS dokonuje analizy otrzymanych zdarzeń. Bloki wstępnego przetwarzania konwertują...
PublicationThe article presents a general discussion on the direction of contemporary architecture. We can freely speak that postmodernity, understood in its philosophical core as a search for meaning in architecture, as a strategy of building our environment is over. What comes next? Some say, from lack of better naming, that we live in post-postmodern times. Term post-postmodernity is a call for new strategy of shaping our societies and...
Time for temporariness! Temporary architecture - whim or necessity?
PublicationWhat are the qualities of temporary architectural objects that make them helpful instruments for evolving the image of contemporary urban space? Six hypotheses provide rationales for why current temporary architecture seems to be a remedy for dysfunctional city structures. The research was limited to the temporary architectural objects constructed in open-air city zones, including the architecture of events. The temporary objects'...
The Application of the IODA Document Architecture to Music Data
PublicationThis paper is concerned with storing music data with the use of document architecture called Interactive Open Document Architecture (IODA). This architecture makes it possible to create documents which are executable, mobile, interactive and intelligent. Such documents consist of many files that are semantically related to each other. Semantic links are defined in XML files which are a part of a document. IODA documents with music...
Module architecture as alternative approach to traditional construction processes
PublicationModule architecture today is a special type of building construction process that combines repetitive design, low-cost production based on prefabricated elements and fast erection. Module does not mean the same as modular. In general, module architecture today refers to the design of any system composed of separate components, manufactured before in factory, that can be connected together at the building site much faster than normally....
Neural Architecture Search for Skin Lesion Classification
PublicationDeep neural networks have achieved great success in many domains. However, successful deployment of such systems is determined by proper manual selection of the neural architecture. This is a tedious and time-consuming process that requires expert knowledge. Different tasks need very different architectures to obtain satisfactory results. The group of methods called the neural architecture search (NAS) helps to find effective architecture...
Ships - inspiring objects in architecture
PublicationSea-going vessels have for centuries fascinated people, not only those who happen to work at sea, but first and foremost, those who have never set foot aboard a ship. The environment in which ships operate is reminiscent of freedom and countless adventures, but also of hard and interesting maritime working life. The famous words of Pompey: “Navigare necesseest, vivere non estnecesse” (sailing is necessary, living – is not necessary),...
„Space, architecture and infrastructure “in-between cities”.
PublicationThe article presents contemporary city problems, like division of the city, infrastructural barriers, empty spaces, chaotic development, cuting-off areas, threatening the city image and functioning. These problems can be best observed in the areas in-between cities. One of the main questions for urban planners and architects seems thus to be: how to connect the city spaces instead of creating the barriers, how to create the areas...
The Realization of NGN Architecture for ASON/GMPLS Network
PublicationFor the last decades huge efforts of telecommunication,Internet and media organizations have been focusingon creating standards and implementing one common networkdelivering multimedia services - Next Generation Network.One of the technologies which are very likely to beused in NGN transport layer is ASON/GMPLS optical network.The implementation of ASON/GMPLS technology usingopen source software and its results are the subject...
Contemporary architecture within the context of architectural education
PublicationAnalysed in this article are the diploma projects of students of architecture in European countries. The aim was to examine how students approach an important issue related to sustainable development, i.e. the integration of newly designed architecture into the existing historical, cultural and natural context. The rational use and protection of the environment requires the skilful shaping of urbanised space. Many changes in the...
Improved Modeling of Microwave Structures Using Performance-Driven Fully-Connected Regression Surrogate
PublicationFast replacement models (or surrogates) have been widely applied in the recent years to accelerate simulation-driven design procedures in microwave engineering. The fundamental reason is a considerable—and often prohibitive—CPU cost of massive full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analyses related to solving common tasks such as parametric optimization or uncertainty quantification. The most popular class of surrogates are data-driven...
The Optical Transport Network Control Based on SDN Architecture
PublicationThe aim of this publication is to present research results on the usability of the Software-Defined Networking concept to control transport networks. For this purpose, an easy-to-use connection scheduler was developed capable of controlling connections in optical transport networks. The authors would like to present this solution and details of constructed SDN architecture implemented for modern optical transport solutions based...
Dis/Trust and data-driven technologies
PublicationThis concept paper contextualises, defines, and systematises the concepts of trust and distrust (and their interrelations), providing a critical review of existing literature so as to identify gaps, disjuncture, and continuities in the use of these concepts across the social sciences and in the context of the consolidation of the digital society. Firstly, the development of the concept of trust is explored by looking at its use...
Performance-Driven Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures
PublicationThe development of modern high-frequency structures, including microwave and antenna components, heavily relies on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. Notwithstanding, EM-driven design entails considerable computational expenses. This is especially troublesome when solving tasks that require massive EM analyzes, parametric optimization and uncertainty quantification be-ing representative examples. The employment of...
Application of the IMO standard manoeuvres procedure for pod-driven ships
PublicationInternational Maritime Organisation (IMO) in the resolution MSC.137(76) Standards for Ship manoeuvrability presents the manoeuvring criteria that has to be satisfied by majority of seagoing ships. Together with the criteria, procedures for carrying out the manoeuvring tests are also presented. They however do not correspond directly to ships with non-conventional steering-propulsion devices, like pod drives. IMO is aware of this...
Knowledge-based performance-driven modeling of antenna structures
PublicationThe importance of surrogate modeling techniques in the design of modern antenna systems has been continuously growing over the recent years. This phenomenon is a matter of practical necessity rather than simply a fashion. On the one hand, antenna design procedures rely on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. On the other hand, the computational costs incurred by repetitive EM analyses involved in solving common tasks...
Cartometric: semantic ontology evaluation with cartographic methods
PublicationW ostatnich latach, głównie dzięki rozwojowi inicjatywy Sieci Semantycznej (ang. Semantic Web), staliśmy się świadkami powstawania coraz większej liczby gwałtownie ewoluujących ontologii. W takiej sytuacji zarówno użytkownicy Sieci, jak i komputerowe agenty potrzebują metody oceny właściwości ontologii, w szczególności takiej, która uwzględni jej cechy semantyczne, czyli kształt przestrzeni dozwolonych modeli. Niniejsza praca prezentuje...
Influence and selection of basic concepts on ontology design
PublicationOntologies as entities representing individual point of view on surrounding world introduce heterogeneity to knowledge representation. Common set of core concepts can introduce similarity big enough for further interoperability between ontologies. In this paper an experiment is presented proving that despite differences in detail ontologies stay similar in regard of core concepts. During the experiments NOIA methodology enhanced...
Knowledge management driven leadership, culture and innovation success – an integrative model
PublicationPurpose – This article examines the relation between knowledge management (KM) driven leadership, culture and innovation success of knowledge-intensive small and medium sized companies. By building on the previously reported research on leadership, culture, innovation, and knowledge management, we synergistically integrated KM-driven leadership and innovation success while exploring the meditational role of culture in that. Design/methodology/approach...
PublicationThe presentation of the exhibition “Architect Gustav Oelsner – Light, Air, Colour,”, which took place in Gdynia 1.04-29.05.2011, showed the clinker architecture of Gustav Oelsner in Altona. As a contrast to the white-plastered architecture of Gdynia, it provided an interesting background for the comparison of two different faces of modernism. The most important feature of the aesthetics of modernism was its cosmopolitan character,...
A novel architecture for e-learning knowledge assessment systems
PublicationAbstract. In this paper we propose a novel e-learning system, dedicated strictly to knowledge assessment tasks. In its functioning it utilizes web-based technologies, but its design differs radically from currently popular e-learning solutions which rely mostly on thin-client architecture. Our research proved that such architecture,while well suited for didactic content distribution systems is ill-suited for knowledge assessment...
A novel architecture for e-learning knowledge assessment systems
PublicationIn this paper we propose a novel e-learning system, dedicated strictly to knowledge assessment tasks. In its functioning it utilizes web-based technologies, but its design differs radically from currently popular e-learning solutions which rely mostly on thin-client architecture. Our research proved that such architecture, while well suited for didactic content distribution systems is ill-suited for knowledge assessment products....
A novel architecture for e-learning knowledge assessment systems
PublicationIn this paper we propose a novel e-learning system, dedicated strictly to knowledge assessment tasks. In its functioning it utilizes web-based technologies, but its design differs radically from currently popular e-learning solutions which rely mostly on thin-client architecture. Our research proved that such architecture, while well suited for didactic content distribution systems is ill-suited for knowledge assessment products....
A Model-Driven Solution for Development of Multimedia Stream Processing Applications
PublicationThis paper presents results of action research related to model-driven solutions in the area of multimedia stream processing. The practical problem to be solved was the need to support application developers who make their multimedia stream processing applications in a supercomputer environment. The solution consists of a domain-specific visual language for composing complex services from simple services called Multimedia Stream...
Performance Evaluation of Control Plane Functions in ASON/GMPLS Architecture
PublicationIt is assumed that demands of information society could be satisfied by architecture ASON/GMPLS comprehended as Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) protocols. Introduction this solution must be preceded performance evaluation to guarantee society expectations. Practical realization is expensive and simulations models are necessary to examine standardized propositions....
Design of residential buildings in architecture education
PublicationThis article is based on an analysis of residential building designs made by students of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology (FA-GUT), Poland, and on the results of a survey conducted among these students. The purpose of the survey was to verify the broad, interdisciplinary knowledge of the students required in preparation for taking up design issues, as well as their ability to use this knowledge in...
Using Container Structures in Architecture and Urban Design
PublicationAbstract. The paper presents the use of shipping containers in architecture and urban design. Even today, houses and apartments are still too expensive. Since 1923 architects have been improving the living conditions of citizens by building very simple, repeatable forms. With prefabrication technology it became possible to build quicker, causing house prices to decrease. Apartments in block of flats became affordable to more and...
Moving Towards Competence in Teaching Architecture: The Relationship of Research and Design in Academia
PublicationArchitecture is truly a profession of public trust requiring special care at all stages in academic education. European educational reforms initiated by the 1999 Bologna Process affected architecture education, and shifted the role of research. The number of doctoral programs increased, so the involvement of PhD students in teaching also expanded. This study aims to identify how these changes affect quality in architecture education....
Architecture Design of a Networked Music Performance Platform for a Chamber Choir
PublicationThis paper describes an architecture design process for Networked Music Performance (NMP) platform for medium-sized conducted music ensembles, based on remote rehearsals of Academic Choir of Gdańsk University of Technology. The issues of real-time remote communication, in-person music performance, and NMP are described. Three iterative steps defining and extending the architecture of the NMP platform with additional features to...
Simulation-Driven Design of Microstrip Antenna Subarrays
PublicationA methodology for computationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. Our approach takes into account the effect of the feed (e.g., a corporate network) on the subarray side lobe level and allows adjusting both radiation and reflection responses of the structure under design within a single automated process. This process is realized as surrogate-based optimization that produces designs...
Architecture in the field of art on the example of author’s realizations
PublicationThe aim of the article was to show the place of architecture in the space of art on the example of original projects. In the author's opinion, architecture, using an artistic object as a means of expression, influences the process of living by showing the recipient, who is an inhabitant, important values from the point of view of creating a house that ensures a good quality of life and strengthening the understanding of both various...
Media architecture for post-modern society - new forms of participation
PublicationThe article shows the relationship between the characteristics of the post-modern society, and the development of media architecture with the function of interactivity. In this context, the duality of the features of post-modern society was emphasized: taking into account its location between creativity and consumerism, as well as on the border between the real and virtual word. The development of media architecture has been linked...
DUABI - Business Intelligence Architecture for Dual Perspective Analytics
PublicationA significant expansion of Big Data and NoSQL databases made it necessary to develop new architectures for Business Intelligence systems based on data organized in a non-relational way. There are many novel solutions combining Big Data technologies with Data Warehousing. However, the proposed solutions are often not sufficient enough to meet the increasing business demands, such as low data latency while still maintaining high...
PublicationThe history of energetic use of the rivers of Pomerania (Pomorze) is traced from the late Middle Ages. Their potential due to geographical specificity of the region was still attractive in the era of electricity of the19th and the first half of the 20th century. Configuration of the terrain, geological, and natural restrictions, but mainly energetic potential of particular localization were crucial for economical success of the...
Vernacular and low-tech technologies in humanitarian architecture on the example of Senegal
PublicationHumanitarian architecture belongs to the broader trend of socially engaged architecture, whose main goal is to introduce new values to the quality of life of particular communities. Specifically, humanitarian architecture deals with aid to poverty-stricken communities. The context of economic constraints poses a particular challenge to architects and builders. It is a matter of natural necessity to look for cheap, locally available...
Architecture of ecumenical spaces in public buildings in the 21st century: Links among the architecture of multi-faith spaces, their names, and the functions they serve in Polish airports
PublicationThis study explores the architecture and arrangement of prayer spaces in public buildings. It examines whether Polish airports have prayers spaces and whether a correlation exists between the name (e.g., “multi-faith space,” “place of prayer,” and “place of focus”) and design. The study is supported by analyses of ecumenical spaces, which have recently been brought into service andwhere a visible symbiosis exists between their...
Information-driven network resilience: Research challenges and perspectives
PublicationInternet designed over 40 years ago was originally focused on host-to-host message delivery in a best-effort manner. However, introduction of new applications over the years have brought about new requirements related with throughput, scalability, mobility, security, connectivity, and availability among others. Additionally, convergence of telecommunications, media, and information technology was responsible for transformation...
Call processing performance in multidomain IMS/NGN architecture
PublicationThe Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, which bases on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) concept, is a proposition of a telecommunication network dedicated to the needs of the modern information society. The main goal of NGN is to provide Quality of Service (QoS), for which proper network design and dimensioning are necessary. This also requires appropriate traffic models, which should be efficient and not excessively complicated...