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Search results for: railway electric traction
Multiaspect measurement analysis of breaking energy recovery
PublicationNowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest, which is connected both with a growth of environmental awareness in the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. That is why the reduction of energy consumption by increasing electrified urban transport, such as trams, trolleybuses, light rail and underground is becoming an increasingly important issue. Energy...
Metoda określania maksymalnej prędkości jazdy na łukach, dostosowana do specyfiki tras tramwajowych
PublicationW artykule określono potrzebę obliczenia prędkości z jaką maksymalnie można poruszać się pojazdem tramwajowym na wybranych odcinkach trasy. Określono jakie wartości są niezbędne do wykonania obliczeń trakcyjnych. Dostosowano metodę do dostępnych danych, pochodzących z Mobilnych Pomiarów Satelitarnych. Porównano wyniki z algorytmami przeznaczonymi dla zastosowań kolejowych. Przeprowadzone analizy wykazały, że przy zastosowaniu proponowanego...
Reduction of Tire Rolling Resistance by Optimization of Road Surfaces and Tires
PublicationDuring interaction between tire and road surface three very important phenomena are always in effect. One of them (very desirable) is friction that is important for traction, braking and cornering. Two other phenomena are not desirable at all, that is rolling resistance and noise. This paper discusses relations between road surface and tire parameters versus tire rolling resistance. Road surface texture, porosity, impedance, strength...
Comparative analysis of switched reluctance motor control algorithms
PublicationПредмет исследования. Развитие микропроцессорной техники и силовой электроники позволило создавать недорогие и эффективные системы управления различными электромеханическими объектами, которые ранее широко не использовались из-за сложности управления. К таким устройствам можно отнести вентильно-индукторные электрические машины. Данные машины широко применяются в различных практических разработках, например, в тяговом электроприводе,...
Ocena klimatu akustycznego w przestrzeni pasażerskiej elektrycznego zespołu trakcyjnego serii EN57
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań poziomów dźwięku w przestrzeni pasażerskiej elektrycznego zespołu trakcyjnego (EZT) serii EN57 podczas postoju, rozruchu, jazdy oraz hamowania. Badania przeprowadzono na podstawie autorskiej metodyki badawczej bazując na normie PNEN ISO 3381:Kolejnictwo. Akustyka. Pomiar hałasu wewnątrz pojazdów szynowych. Badania przeprowadzono na linii kolejowej nr 250 od przystanku Gdańsk Śródmieście do stacji...
Mathematical modelling of the overhead contact line for the purpose of diagnostics of pantographs
PublicationThe overhead contact line (OCL) is the most effective way for supplying railway electric vehicles. The increase of the speed of the vehicles increases power consumption and requires ensuring proper cooperation of pantographs with OCL. The paper describes the novel mathematical model of the OCL system and the simulation results. The primary objective is a more accurate analysis to increase the reliability of the evaluation of monitoring...
Hybrid energy storage forelectric multiple units to operate at the partially electrified line Gdynia -Hel
PublicationThe article presents calculations enabling the selection of an on-board energy storage device to replace diesel-powered trains with modern storage multiple units on the example railway line Gdynia Główna -Hel. The pioneering and currently used storage electric multiple units, mainly in Europe, were presented. The condensed results of the inventory of the line in question, including the technical condition...
Optymalizacja rozkładu jazdy na kolei z uwzględnieniem efektywności hamowania odzyskowego.
PublicationNa wstępie artykułu przybliżono czytelnikowi, czym jest rozkład jazdy na sieci kolejowej, na czym polega jego optymalizacja oraz odwołano się do literatury opisującej proces jego konstrukcji. W dalszej części przedstawiono kryteria optymalizacji rozkładu jazdy i zaproponowano podejście od strony efektywności wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z hamowania rekuperacyjnego, realizowanego metodą odzysku bezpośrednio do sieci trakcyjnej....
Wpływ sposobu odwzorowania pojazdu szynowego na odpowiedź dynamiczną przęsła mostowego
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty analiz numerycznych oraz badań eksploatacyjnych dwóch przęseł mostowych wymuszonych ruchomym pojazdem szynowym. Pojazd odwzorowano za pomocą czterech modeli uproszczonych: strumienia sił skupionych, strumienia mas skupionych oraz strumieni oscylatorów jedno- i dwumasowych. Analizy numeryczne wykonano przy wykorzystaniu MES. Potrzebne parametry dynamiczne wyznaczono na podstawie wyników identyfikacji...
Increasing the Utilization of dc-link Voltage of a Five-Leg VSI Based on Rotor Angle Control of Dual Induction Motors
PublicationThis paper introduces an increased utilization of the dc-link voltage of a five-leg voltage source inverter (VSI) based on the rotor flux angle control technique for dual induction motors, IM. The main purpose is to utilize additional abilities provided by a multi-motor drive system in limited operating conditions. Generally, a multi-motor drive system is widely used in electric vehicles (EVs), traction systems and in several industrial...
A Simplified SVPWM Technique for Five-leg Inverter with Dual Three-phase Output
PublicationThis article proposes a simplified space vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) technique five-leg inverter with dual three-phase output. An idea to fed the dual tree-phase machine by the multiphase voltage source inverters (VSIs) is not new. Dual- and multi-motor drive systems are widely used in the industry applications. The most popular fields are: electric vehicles (EVs) and traction systems. Moreover, the specific characteristic...
Modeling of Electrified Transportation Systems Featuring Multiple Vehicles and Complex Power Supply Layout
PublicationThe paper proposes a novel approach to modeling electrified transportation systems. The proposed solution reflects the mechanical dynamics of vehicles as well as the distribution and losses of electric supply. Moreover, energy conversion losses between the mechanical and electrical subsystems and their bilateral influences are included. Such a complete model makes it possible to replicate, e.g., the impact of voltage drops on vehicle...
Model organizacji ruchu na sieci kolejowej z uwzględnieniem rekuperacji energii
PublicationNa wstępie przeanalizowano aktualny stan wiedzy z zakresu metod wykorzystywania energii z rekuperacji oraz istniejących modeli optymalizujących ich efektywność. Na tej podstawie za główny cel pracy wyznaczono opracowanie metody modyfikacji kolejowego rozkładu jazdy, która doprowadzi do zwiększenia efektywności wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z rekuperacji. W związku z powyższym postawiono tezę, że możliwe jest zwiększenie efektywności...
Trolleybus with traction batteries for autonomous running
PublicationIn 2009 the transport company of city Gdynia (Poland) introduced in the operation trolleybuses fitted with traction batteries. This solution was designed for emergency situations, such as: damage of overhead lines or power loss. Transport company also considering the use of batteries in regular use. The article presents the operational experiences gained during the current operation. Furthermore, there are presented new trends...
Trolleybuses with traction batteries for autonomous running
PublicationIn 2009 the transport company of city Gdynia (Poland) introducet in the operation trolleybuses fitted with traction batteries. This solution was designed for emergency situations, such as: damage of overhead lines or power loss. Transport company also considering the use of batteries in regular use. The article presents the operational experiences gained during the current operation. Furthermore, there are presented new trends...
Sieć sensorowa do rejestracji drgań górnej sieci trakcyjnej w celach diagnostyki eksploatacyjnej
PublicationWraz ze wzrostem prędkości kolejowych pojazdów elektrycznych zwiększają się wymagania utrzymania sieci trakcyjnej w odpowiednim stanie technicznym. Ciągły monitoring i diagnostyka pozwalają wykrywać pogarszającą się jakość odbioru prądu z sieci jezdnej. Jedną z metod jest umieszczenie czujników przyspieszenia na przewodzie jezdnym. Analiza przebiegu przyspieszenia pozwala określić jakość współpracy sieci jezdnej z pantografem....
PublicationPracę wykonano na zlecenie Przedsiębiorstwa Badawczo-Wdrożeniowego "HYDRO-POMP" Sp. z o.o. ul. Wróblewskiego 19, 93-578 Łódź. Wykonawcą zlecenia jest Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Chemiczny, Katedra Elektrochemii, Korozji i Inżynierii Materiałowej, 80-233 Gdańsk, ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12. Celem pracy była analiza stanu technicznego i badania dwóch rurociągów: solanki oraz wody przemysłowej. Badania wykonywano w warunkach terenowych...
Oddziaływania taboru na mosty kolejowe przy zmiennych parametrach ruchu
PublicationW pracy poruszono zagadnienia związane z identyfikacją oraz modelowaniem układu dynamicznego most-pojazd ruchomy. Za element szczególnie istotny uznano czynnik obciążający. Opracowano i wdrożono metodykę identyfikacji cech dynamicznych rzeczywistego pojazdu szynowego. Eksperyment badawczy przeprowadzono dla jednostki trakcyjnej EN57, jednak nie ma żadnych ograniczeń w stosowaniu metody dla innego, konwencjonalnego taboru szynowego....
PublicationThe article presents a comprehensive method for using vibration signals to diagnose railway tracks. The primary objective is to gather detailed information on track conditions through a passive experiment. This involves using mobile diagnostic tools and techniques to assess railway infrastructure. The article elaborates on the range of diagnostic activities conducted in accordance with detailed railway regulations and highlights...
A new approach to determination of the two-mass model parameters of railway current collector
PublicationThe paper presents two mathematical models of railway current collectors both with two degrees of freedom. The first one, hereinafter Pantograph Articulated Model (PAM), has one degree of freedom in rotational motion and the second degree of freedom in translational motion. The second model, called henceforth as Pantograph Reference Model (PRM), has both degrees of freedom in translational motion. Differential equations of the...
Computer application for railway track realignment
PublicationThe topic of this article is the issue of railway track realignment. For this purpose, a computer software application was created that supports computations and generates a report needed for regulation of the trajectory of the railway. This program gives the ability to import data from measurement of the railway trajectory and then perform the calculation of the mathematical realignment. The result of this calculation is the basis...
Power converter interface for urban DC traction substations - solutions and functionality.
PublicationThis paper focuses on extending an urban DC traction substation functionality by means of an additional power converter interface (PCI). In particular, by enabling bidirectional energy exchange between LV DC traction grid, AC grid and V2G chargers. Among other things, the presented material compares general attributes of the most promising DC/DC converters that can be used in a PCI, meet the requirements of galvanic isolation and...
Innovative Railway Stations
PublicationIn relation to modern demographic trends, evolving technologies and environmentfriendly solutions increases the potential of rail considered as sustainable form of public transport. Contemporary tendencies of designing railway stations in Europe are focused on lowering energy consumption and reducing carbon emission. The main goal of the designers is to create a friendly and intuitive space for its users and at the same time a...
Historic railway stations, documentation and revitalization of the railway infrastructure facilities - protection of cultural and social heritage
PublicationThe article presents problems of documentation and adaptation of buildings which constitute the cultural heritage of the railway infrastructure facilities in Pomerania in Poland. Shows the potential and possibilityto be adopted for various purposes. This problem affects many sites and buildings, railway stations, railway warehouses, residential buildings, technical buildings, water towers, trackman shelters, bridges, viaducts,...
Nowa metoda diagnostyki stanu technicznego nakładek stykowych
PublicationThe current collection system, which consists of the overhead contact line and a current collector, is particularly important in electric rail vehicles, where their reliability is concerned. Faultless current collection is conditioned not only by suitable construction of these elements but also by their proper maintenance. Retaining permanent electrical contact is essential in DC systems, where current demand is relatively high. In...
Medium-Voltage Drives: Challenges and existing technology
PublicationThe article presents an overview of state-of-art solutions, advances, and design and research trends in medium-voltage (MV) drive technologies - and also discusses the challenges and requirements associated with the use of such drives. The choice and deployment of MV drives in industries are associated with numerous requirements related to the front-end converter (grid side) and inverter (machine side). The focus is on solutions...
Technical diagnostics and monitoring of traction current collectors
PublicationNew evaluation methods of the technical condition of rolling stock current collectors are proposed in this paper. The method of automatic measurement of the pantograph static force characteristic, realized when the vehicle runs through the test section of the track with especially prepared overhead line height distribution, has been practically implemented by the Polish Railways. The method of testing the slipper spring suspension...
Analiza drgań przewodu jezdnego sieci trakcyjnej w aspekcie oceny jej stanu technicznego.
PublicationGórna sieć trakcyjna jest nadal najefektywniejszym sposobem zasilania kolejowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Sieć jezdna nie ma możliwości technicznych redundancji, co wymaga okresowej oceny stanu technicznego w celu zapewnienia prawidłowej współpracy z odbierakami prądu pojazdów. W artykule przedstawiono aspekty oceny stanu technicznego górnej sieci trakcyjnej na podstawie modelowania matematycznego i wybranych badań laboratoryjnych....
Measurements of displacement and acceleration of the railway bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line
PublicationThe purpose of this work is to perform a report of static and dynamic test realized on the bridge at km 333-254 of the Vilnius - Klaipeda railway line over the Salantas River in Kūlupėnų.
Harmonics produced by traction substations – computer modelling and experimental verification
PublicationVoltage and current harmonics have a detrimental effect on the components of a power system. Current harmonics may result in the overload and damage to power transformers. Voltage harmonics may result in, for example, damage to capacitor banks used to compensate reactive power. Devices which contribute to both current and voltage distortion include traction rectifiers. This paper presents results of the computer investigation of...
Monitoring of current collectors on the railway line
PublicationProper cooperation the current collectors and the overhead line is a pre-requisite for reliable and safe operation of railway transport. Instances of maladjustment and, in some cases, damage to the current collectors, occur between periodic inspections of the rolling stock. In order to detect such anomalies quickly, the test stand was developed, with the aim of monitoring the technical state of the current collectors under operating...
Modelowanie matematyczne górnej sieci trakcyjnej dla potrzeb diagnostyki odbieraków prądu
PublicationGórna sieć trakcyjna jest obecnie najbardziej skutecznym sposobem zasilania kolejowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Wzrost prędkości pojazdów zwiększa pobór mocy i wymaga zapewnienia właściwej współpracy odbieraków prądu pojazdów z siecią jezdną. Metody modelowania i projektowania wspomaganego komputerowo dla górnej sieci trakcyjnej są obecnie na całym świecie szeroko rozwijane. W artykule przedstawiono nowy model matematyczny elementów...
Safety of Single-Channel Railway Traffic Control
Publication -
The steel-glass art of railway stations in Japan
PublicationThe steel-glass art of railway stations in Japan
Prospects in elongation of railway transition curves
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the elongation of transition curves in relation to railway track alignment correction and modernisation. The analysis is based on numerical computations for a wide range of parameters describing a typical railway geometrical layout with transition curves. The differences between the horizontal ordinates of the existing layout and the layout with the elongated transition curves are evaluated and...
Modernization of tram lines with the use of railway design standards
PublicationThe article presents the main differences between the process of upgrading railway and tram routes. Geometrical layout designing is an issue of the interest. Railway designing rules that may be helpful in the design of the modernization are specified.
Battery Technologies in Electric Vehicles: Improvements in Electric Battery Packs
PublicationRestrictions on fossil fuels and related environmental pollution issues motivate many organizations and countries to set their focus on electric vehicles (EVs) rather than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles [1], [2]. EVs require an energy storage system to store converted electric power in another form of energy and then reconvert the stored energy to electric power whenever it is required. The energy stored can be...
Higher harmonics produced by traction substations – computer modelling and experimental verification
PublicationVoltage and current harmonics have a detrimental effect on the components of a power system. Current harmonics may result in the overload and damage to power transformers, although the rms value of load current does not exceed their current-carrying capacity. Voltage harmonics may result in, for example, damage to capacitor banks used to compensate reactive power. Devices which contribute to both current and voltage distortion...
Improvement of subsoil and railway substructure by explosive means.
PublicationQuick and effective method of subsoil and railway substructure improvement by using explosive means (registered trade name: microblasting) allowes design and construct railways on lowered bearing soils (i.e. wetlands, marshlands, industrial by-products, municipal wastes, degraded antropogenic embankments). It is usefull and recommendable technology to construct new railways, modernization or maintenance and repairing of old ones...
Earthworks calculations due to reconstruction of railway geometrical layout
PublicationThe paper characterizes continuation of ongoing work of computer program MUGO which is connected with earthworks. The program is related to the modernization of the railway track layout. The methodology for the calculating the size of earthworks in the areas of embankments on the two way railway line is discussed in detail.
Use of numerical methods in the analysis of traction energy systems—an overview of the practical examples
PublicationA characteristic feature of trolleybus transport is the random nature of traffic caused by congestion. It predestinates statistical and numerical methods for the analysis of trolleybus energy system. There are presented 3 methods of trolleybus traction system analysis: simulation of supply system based on Monte Carlo method, analysis of energy recovery potential based on statistical data analysis and benchmark of trolleybus supply...
Mobile satellite measurements on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway
PublicationThis paper presents the process of organization and execution of the mobile satellite measurements conducted on the tracks of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway before officially entry the line into operation. These measurements allowed for the accurate identification of the actual geometric shape of the line. In the paper the issues of both design and construction phase of this railway line has been described. Moreover, the geodetic...
Effect of Different Structure Type Traffic On Railway Line Capacity
PublicationThe article points to methods of analyzing railway traffic conditions based on two parameters: capacity and delay of trains. The impact of the differentiated railway type structure on the capacity of the railway line was presented. Particular attention has been paid to the assessment of commonly used simplifications in analyzes.
Multimodal analysis of traction forces and the temperature dynamics of living cells with a diamond-embedded substrate
PublicationCells and tissues are constantly exposed to chemical and physical signals that regulate physiological and pathological processes. This study explores the integration of two biophysical methods: traction force microscopy (TFM) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) to concurrently assess cellular traction forces and the local relative temperature. We present a novel elastic substrate with embedded nitrogen-vacancy microdiamonds...
System for tracking multiple trains on a test railway track
PublicationSeveral problems may arise when multiple trains are to be tracked using two IP camera streams. In this work, real-life conditions are simulated using a railway track model based on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM). Application of automatic clustering of optical flow is investigated. A complete tracking solution is developed using background subtraction, blob analysis, Kalman filtering, and a Hungarian algorithm. In total,...
System for tracking multiple trains on a test railway track
PublicationSeveral problems may arise when multiple trains are to be tracked using two IP camera streams. In this work, real-life conditions are simulated using a railway track model based on the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway (PKM). Application of automatic clustering of optical flow is investigated. A complete tracking solution is developed using background subtraction, blob analysis, Kalman filtering, and a Hungarian algorithm. In total,...
PublicationThe paper presents results of satel lite surveying of the railway's rout es, which have been conducted just after starting in Poland (in 2008) the Active Geodesy Network ASG-EU POS. Afterwards it was possible to effectively utilize the GNSS survey ing results for the inventory of the (exploring) railways in service. Already at the beginning of 2009, the research team from Gdansk University of Technology and Naval Academy in Gdynia,...
Dynamic analysis of the railway bridge span under moving loads
PublicationThe first part of this paper provides a review of the state of knowledge of the dynamic behaviour of railway bridges under moving loads. Particular attention is paid to developments in modelling railway bridge loading and dynamic vehicle-span (structure) interaction. The most important aspects determining the advancements in this area of knowledge are identified. The contemporary techniques for defining bridge span finite element...
Expert opinion on the effectiveness of protection against electric shock in case of fault in an installation for electric vehicles charging
PublicationThe opinion concerns the use of residual current devices for protection against electric shock by automatic disconnection of supply in a Norwegian installation intended for charging of electric vehicles.
An Overview of Bidirectional EV Chargers: Empowering Traction Grid-Powered Chargers
PublicationIn recent years, the number of electric vehicles has been at least doubling year after year. As a result, today electric vehicles already account for approximately 10% of the global automotive market, which positively affects environment in urbanized areas. However, to take full advantage of the EV integration it is necessary to use renewable sources for their charging; optimally place charging stations/terminals; optimally manage...