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Search results for: trust
Trust-Based Model for the Assessment of the Uncertainty of Measurements in Hybrid IoT Networks
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to introduce a NUT model (NUT: network-uncertainty-trust) that aids the decrease of the uncertainty of measurements in autonomous hybrid Internet of Things sensor networks. The problem of uncertainty in such networks is a consequence of various operating conditions and varied quality of measurement nodes, making statistical approach less successful. This paper presents a model for decreasing the uncertainty...
A method of trust case templates to support standards conformity achievement and assessment
PublicationOsiąganie i ocena zgodności ze standardami stanowi poważne obciążenie finansowe dla współczesnych gospodarek. Pomimo znacznej wagi tego problemu, nie znalazł on jednak zadowalającego przełożenia na rozwiązania dostępne na rynku. W tej pracy zaproponowano metodę nazwaną Standards Conformity Framework (SCF), która wspiera stosowanie standardów. Jest ona oparta na spostrzeżeniu, że osiąganie i ocena zgodności ze standardem polega...
Network relationship’s transformation as the effect of the development of trust in cooperation with a foreign partner
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Using Dempster-Shafer approach to support reasoning about trust in IT infrastructures
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie podejścia Dempstera-Shafera do do wnioskowania o poziomie zaufania do infrastruktur TI.
Trust, Collaborative Culture and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management–a Relationship Model
PublicationThe aim of this research is to study the relationship between Trust, Collaborative Culture, and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management as a source of Team Creativity in the context of delivering value through knowledge. For this purpose authors conducted a study of 514 Polish professionals with different functions and experience in managing projects in construction industry. The data collected during the study has been analysed...
Zastosowanie szablonów Trust Case w pracy z normą BS 7799
PublicationTrust Case stanowi strukturę danych zawierającą argumentację oraz związany z nią materiał dowodowy uzasadniający, że interesujący nas obiekt (system, infrastruktura, organizacja) posiada wskazane własności. Wykorzystanie Trust Case do analizy i uzasadniania zaufania do systemów IT jest przedmiotem aktywnych badań. Podejście to znalazło zastosowanie w stosunku do systemów związanych z bezpieczeństwem (ang. safety critical), a ostatnio...
Assessing the time effectiveness of trust management in fully synchronised wireless sensor networks
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the time effectiveness assessment of the distributed WSN Cooperative Trust Management Method - WCT2M in a fully synchronized Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). First we introduce some basic types of synchronization patterns in WSN based on the idea of sleep scheduling. Then we explain how WCT2M works in the network applying the fully synchronized sleep scheduling pattern. Such networks were subjected...
Molecular dynamics and verisimilitude - to what extent can one trust a computational simulation?
PublicationFor the last several tens of years, computer simulations have become of undeniable importance. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation techniques are used to examine the phenomena which occur at the level that cannot be observed directly. Thus, they can be successfully exploited in many different scientific fields such as: materials science, applied mathematics and theoretical physics, biochemistry, biophysics or drug design. Despite...
Design centering of compact microwave components using response features and trust regions
PublicationFabrication tolerances, as well as uncertainties of other kinds, e.g., concerning material parameters or operating conditions, are detrimental to the performance of microwave circuits. Mitigating their impact requires accounting for possible parameter deviations already at the design stage. This involves optimization of appropriately defined statistical figures of merit such as yield. Alt-hough important, robust (or tolerance-aware)...
Consumer Trust in Online Advertising - How Negative Perception Impacts its Effectiveness
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Using trust management model for detection of faulty nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Belief in the importance of socially responsible behaviors – the significance of trust and personal experiences with COVID-19
PublicationA vast number of studies have shown that trust is related to socially desirable traits and behaviors. In the present research we have investigated the relationship between generalized trust and beliefs about the importance of socially responsible behaviors (SRB) during the pandemic – namely, following the sanitary regime and getting vaccinated. Basing on the previous findings we assumed that trustful people...
Trust and electoral technologies throughout the election cycle: Comparing the USA, Netherlands, Poland, and Kenya
PublicationTechnology and election organization are increasingly intertwined, encompassing voting systems and supporting infrastructure. This interaction puts at the spotlight aspects related to trust and public confidence, fuelled by threat actors from actors aiming to disrupt electoral integrity using publicized attacks and disinformation campaigns against the use of such technologies. In the literature, there is still a lack of a cohesive,...
Expedited Design Closure of Antennas By Means Of Trust-Region-Based Adaptive Response Scaling
PublicationIn the letter, a reliable procedure for expedited design optimization of antenna structures by means of trust-region adaptive response scaling (TR-ARS) is proposed. The presented approach exploits two-level electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. A predicted high-fidelity model response is obtained by applying nonlinear frequency and amplitude correction to the low-fidelity model. The surrogate created this way is iteratively rebuilt...
Dempster-shafer theory-based trust and selfishness evaluation in mobile ad hoc networks
PublicationThe paper addresses the problem of selfishness detec-tion in mobile ad hoc networks. It describes an approach based on Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Special attention is paid to trust evaluation and using it as a metric for coping with (weighted) recommendations from third-party nodes. Efficiency and robustness of the pre-sented solution is discussed with an emphasis on resil-iency to false recommendations.
Expedited Trust-Region-Based Design Closure of Antennas by Variable-Resolution EM Simulations
PublicationThe observed growth in the complexity of modern antenna topologies fostered a widespread employment of numerical optimization methods as the primary tools for final adjustment of the system parameters. This is mainly caused by insufficiency of traditional design closure approaches, largely based on parameter sweeping. Reliable evaluation of complex antenna structures requires full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. Yet, EM-driven...
Trust in the source of received information as a factor related to public perception of shale gas drilling
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Building Confidence and Trust in Ireland's National Maternity Services Workforce –What matters most and how?
PublicationNational surveys on care experiences are increasingly adopted as regulatory mechanisms for improving care quality and increasing public trust in healthcare services. Based on data collected as part of Ireland's 2020 National Maternity Experience Survey, this study investigates care-related factors that contribute most to confidence and trust in the professional workforce (or carers) within Irish maternity services. The survey covered...
The KLC Cultures Synergy for Organizational Agility. Trust, Risk-Taking Attitude, and Critical Thinking as Moderators
PublicationOrganizational agility is visible in organizational change adaptability, and it is based on the development of dynamic capabilities, strategic sensitivity of leaders, accuracy and timing of decision-making, learning aptitude, flexibility in thinking and acting, and smooth resource flow across organizations, including the knowledge resource. In such a context, this study aimed to expose how the knowledge, learning, and collaboration...
Fast EM-driven size reduction of antenna structures by means of adjoint sensitivities and trust regions
PublicationIn this letter, a simple yet robust and computationally efficient optimization technique for explicit size reduction of antenna structures is presented. Our approach directly handles the antenna size as the main design objective, while ensuring satisfactory electrical performance by means of suitably defined penalty functions. For the sake of accuracy, the antenna structure is evaluated using high-fidelity EM simulation. In order...
Effect of User Mobility upon Trust Building among Autonomous Content Routers in an Information-Centric Network
PublicationThe capability of proactive in-network caching and sharing of content is one of the most important features of an informationcentric network (ICN). We describe an ICN model featuring autonomous agents controlling the content routers. Such agents are unlikely to share cached content with other agents without an incentive to do so. To stimulate cooperation between agents, we adopt a reputation and trust building scheme that is able...
A Novel Trust-Region-Based Algorithm with Flexible Jacobian Updates for Expedited Optimization of High-Frequency Structures
PublicationSimulation-driven design closure is mandatory in the design of contemporary high-frequency components. It aims at improving the selected performance figures through adjustment of the structure’s geometry (and/or material) parameters. The computational cost of this process when employing numerical optimization is often prohibitively high, which is a strong motivation for the development of more efficient methods. This is especially...
EM-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of a Generic Monopole Antenna by Means of a Nested Trust-Region Algorithm
PublicationAntenna structures for modern applications are characterized by complex and unintuitive topologies that are difficult to develop when conventional experience-driven techniques are of use. In this work, a method for automatic generation of antenna geometries in a multi-objective setup has been proposed. The approach involves optimization of a generic spline-based radiator with adjustable number of parameters using a nested trust-region-based...
Expedited Design Closure of Antenna Input Characteristics by Trust Region Gradient Search and Principal Component Analysis
PublicationOptimization-based parameter tuning has become an inherent part of contemporary antenna design process. For the sake of reliability, it is typically conducted at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. This may incur considerable computational expenses depending on the cost of an individual EM analysis, the number of adjustable variables, the type of task (local, global, single-/multi-objective optimization),...
Optimization of the Hardware Layer for IoT Systems using a Trust Region Method with Adaptive Forward Finite Differences
PublicationTrust-region (TR) algorithms represent a popular class of local optimization methods. Owing to straightforward setup and low computational cost, TR routines based on linear models determined using forward finite differences (FD) are often utilized for performance tuning of microwave and antenna components incorporated within the Internet of Things systems. Despite usefulness for design of complex structures, performance of TR methods...
Data-Centric Dempster-Shafer Theory-Based Selfishness Thwarting via Trust Evaluation in MANETs and WSNs
PublicationPrzedstawiono ramy wymiany informacji reputacyjnej pomiędzy terminalami sieci mobilnej ad hoc lub sensorowej, prowadzące do efektywnej lokalizacji terminali egoistycznych i jednocześnie zapobiegające skutkom fałszywych rekomendacji. Integrację miar zaufania i rekomendacji reputacyjnych oparto na teorii Dempstera-Shafera.
Exploring COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories: Education, Religiosity, Trust in Scientists, and Political Orientation in 26 European countries
PublicationThe COVID-19 virus disseminated globally at an accelerated pace, culminating in a worldwide pandemic; it engendered a proliferation of spurious information and a plethora of misinformation and conspiracy theories (CTs). While many factors contributing to the propensity for embracing conspiracy ideation have been delineated, the foremost determinant influencing individuals’ proclivity towards CT endorsement appears to be their...
Reduced-cost constrained miniaturization of wideband antennas using improved trust-region gradient search with repair step
PublicationIn the letter, an improved algorithm for electromagnetic (EM)-driven size reduction of wideband antennas is proposed. Our methodology utilizes variable-fidelity EM simulation models, auxiliary polynomial regression surrogates, as well as multi-point response correction. The constraint handling is implicit, using penalty functions. The core optimization algorithm is a trust-region gradient search with a repair step added in order...
Employee Well-being in the Perspective of Positive Psychology and of the Job Demands-Resources Theory. The Role of Trust Within the Organization
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Exploring COVID-19 conspiracy theories: education, religiosity, trust in scientists, and political orientation in 26 European countries
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Trust and distrust in electoral technologies: what can we learn from the failure of electronic voting in the Netherlands (2006/07)
PublicationThis paper focuses on the complex dynamics of trust and distrust in digital government technologies by approaching the cancellation of machine voting in the Netherlands (2006-07). This case describes how a previously trusted system can collapse, how paradoxical the relationship between trust and distrust is, and how it interacts with adopting and managing electoral technologies. The analysis stresses how, although...
Reduced-cost electromagnetic-driven optimisation of antenna structures by means of trust-region gradient-search with sparse Jacobian updates
PublicationNumerical optimisation plays more and more important role in the antenna design. Because of lack of design-ready theoretical models, electromagnetic (EM)-simulation-driven adjustment of geometry parameters is a necessary step of the design process. At the same time, traditional parameter sweeping cannot handle complex topologies and large number of design variables. On the other hand, high computational cost of the conventional...
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Reconfigurable Antennas for Trustable Things
PublicationIn modern applications, the Internet of Things plays a significant role in increasing the productivity, effectiveness or safety and security of people and assets. Additionally, the reliability of Internet of Things components is crucial from the application point of view, where a resilient and low-latency network is needed. This can be achieved by utilizing reconfigurable antennas to enhance the capabilities of the wireless sensor...
Metoda TrustCritic oceny wiarygodności sklepów internetowych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę oceny wiarygodności sklepów internetowych TrustCritic. Powszechnie występujące nadużycia w handlu elektronicznym sprawiają, że zaufanie do przedsiębiorcy staje się kluczowym czynnikiem decyzji konsumentów. Przedsiębiorca narażony jest na niezgodność z prawem, utratę wizerunku i klientów. Artykuł omawia problematykę nadużyć w sferze e-biznesu oraz proponuje wielokryterialny model oceny sklepu internetowego,...
Collaborative approach to trustworthiness of it infrastructures
PublicationArtykuł wprowadza koncepcję ''trust case'' i wyjaśnia jak jest ona używana w celu uzasadnienia zaufania do systemów i infrastruktur IT. W szczególności skoncentrowano się na procesie budowy trust case, wyjasniono jego strukturę oraz podkreślono konieczność włączenia do procesu właściwych udziałowców. Załączono również informację na temat funkcjonalnej struktury narzedzi wspomagających zarządzanie trust case w ramach jego cyklu...
Focused crawler for trustworthy healthcare information search
PublicationArtykuł zawiera opis prac wykonanych w projekcie 6 Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej: Personalised Information Platform for life and health Services (PIPS). Głównym celem projektu jest zapewnienie obywatelowi Unii kompleksowego wspomagania w zakresie zagadnień ochrony zdrowia oraz odżywiania. Do realizacji tego celu konieczne jest pozyskanie i dostarczenie obywatelowi wiarygodnej, prawdziwej i aktualnej informacji z tych dziedzin....
Defining trustworthiness in Semantic Web by ontological assertions
PublicationW artykule opisano model systemu zarządzania wiedzą z uwzględnieniem aspektów wiarygodności. Zaproponowano również metodę definiowania wiarygodności w Sieci Semantycznej i wnioskowania z wiedzy wzbogaconej o opis jej wiarygodności. Opisana metoda dostarcza sposobu wzbogacenia ontologii o opis wiarygodności asercji zdefiniowanych w tej ontologii. Definiowanie wiarygodności jest rozumiane jako przypisanie zbioru cech do asercji binarnych...
Real estate investment trusts in Turkey: Structure, analysis, and strategy
PublicationPurpose-Aim of this study is to make the determinations related to the problems mentioned in the REIT sector in Turkey, to offer a solution for this issue, and to ensure the classification in the sector by adhering to the financial data of the REITsMethodology-Financial data set of the REITs was firstly standardized by using median instead of mean. Then, the scoring was performed according to defined coefficients....
Data governance: Organizing data for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
PublicationThe rise of Big, Open and Linked Data (BOLD) enables Big Data Algorithmic Systems (BDAS) which are often based on machine learning, neural networks and other forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As such systems are increasingly requested to make decisions that are consequential to individuals, communities and society at large, their failures cannot be tolerated, and they are subject to stringent regulatory and ethical requirements....
Theory and implementation of a virtualisation level Future Internet defence in depth architecture
PublicationAn EU Future Internet Engineering project currently underway in Poland defines three parallel internets (PIs). The emerging IIP system (IIPS, abbreviating the project’s Polish name), has a four-level architecture, with level 2 responsible for creation of virtual resources of the PIs. This paper proposes a three-tier security architecture to address level 2 threats of unauthorised traffic injection and IIPS traffic manipulation...
Guessing Intrinsic Forwarding Trustworthiness of Wireless Ad Hoc Network Nodes
PublicationA novel node misbehavior detection system called GIFTED is proposed for a multihop wireless ad hoc network (WAHN) whose nodes may selfishly refuse to forward transit packets. The system guesses the nodes’ intrinsic forwarding trustworthiness (IFT) by analyzing end-to-end path performance rather than utilizing unreliable and incentive incompatible low-layer mechanisms. It can work with occasional IFT jumps, directional antennae,...
Towards trustworthy multi‐modal motion prediction: Holistic evaluation and interpretability of outputs
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Trustworthy Applications of ML Algorithms in Medicine - Discussion and Preliminary Results for a Problem of Small Vessels Disease Diagnosis.
PublicationML algorithms are very effective tools for medical data analyzing, especially at image recognition. Although they cannot be considered as a stand-alone diagnostic tool, because it is a black-box, it can certainly be a medical support that minimize negative effect of human-factors. In high-risk domains, not only the correct diagnosis is important, but also the reasoning behind it. Therefore, it is important to focus on trustworthiness...
Trustworthiness and Subversion in Large Service- Oriented Multi-Agent Systems under Virtual Anonymity and Blind Provider Selection
PublicationTo promote honest service provision in multi-agent systems, a Computational Trustworthiness and Rating scheme collects service ratings and computes agents' trustworthiness levels (TLs). Studies of existing schemes fail to reflect closed-loop dynamics of TLs arising from the mutual influence of agents' behavior and TLs, and to capture relevant properties. Recent simulative and analytical models produce results tied to a particular...
Helicobacter muridarum sp. nov., a Microaerophilic Helical Bacterium with a Novel Ultrastructure Isolated from the Intestinal Mucosa of Rodents
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Zaufanie w zespole badawczym – studium przypadku (projekt CD NIWA realizowany na Politechnice Gdańskiej)
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy tematyki klimatu pracy zespołowej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zaufania w zespole jako czynnika warunkującego zaangażowanie, efektywność i innowacyjność zespołu. Przeanalizowano znaczenie oraz wymiary zaufania w zespole badawczym na podstawie koncepcji International Team Trust Indicator, czyli dziesięciowymiarowego modelu zaufania. Celem artykułu jest analiza klimatu współpracy i poziomu zaufania w interdyscyplinarnym...
Defending against Fake VIP in Scant-Transparency Information Systems with QoS Differentiation
PublicationIn client-server information systems with quality of service (QoS) differentiation, Client may deplete Server’s resources by demanding unduly high QoS level. Such QoS abuse has eluded systematic treatment; known defenses using Client authorization, payments, or service request inspection prior to QoS assignment, are heuristic and environment-specific. We offer a game-theoretic approach on the premise that a service request is occasionally...
Zaufanie do siebie jako jeden z aspektów zaufania w aktywności przedsiębiorczej
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje znaczenie zaufania do samego siebie na tle zaufania w relacjach budowanych przez przedsiębiorcę w jego otoczeniu społecznym i biznesowym. Wyjaśniono koncepcję zaufania do samego siebie, odnosząc się do zróżnicowanych typów zaufania, na przykład: kalkulacyjnego, opartego na wiedzy i identyfikacyjnego. Wskazano jego potencjalne źródła i konsekwencje w kontekście budowania własnego wizerunku, podejmowania decyzji...
Supporting Assurance by Evidence-based Argument Services
PublicationStructured arguments based on evidence are used in many domains, including systems engineering, quality assurance and standards conformance. Development, maintenance and assessment of such arguments is addressed by TRUST-IT methodology outlined in this paper. The effective usage of TRUST-IT requires an adequate tool support. We present a platform of software services, called NOR-STA, available in the Internet, supporting key activities...