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Search results for: DRUG-DRUG INTERACTIONS
Vapor correction of FTIR spectra – A simple automatic least squares approach
PublicationFTIR spectroscopy is one of the best techniques to study intermolecular interactions. However, such an application requires high quality spectra with as little noise as possible, which are often difficult to obtain. One of the main sources of unwanted interference is water vapor. Here a robust method is proposed for automatic, fast and reliable vapor correction of FTIR spectra. The presented least squares approach of vapor subtraction...
Numerical solutions for large deformation problems in geotechnical engineering
PublicationThe problem of large deformations often occurs in geotechnical engineering. Numerical modeling of such issues is usually complex and tricky. The chosen solution has to implicate soil-soil and soil-structure interactions. In this paper, a review of the most popular numerical methods for large deformation problems is presented. The Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) method, the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method, the Smoothed...
Modeling the impact of surface currents in a harbor using graph theory
PublicationEnsuring security in a harbor requires research into its infrastructure using spatial environmental data. This paper presents a methodology that defines the design of a graph for modeling the interactions between surface currents and moving objects. Combining this graph with port charts that integrate electronic navigation charts with coastal orthophotographs allows us to perform a multidimensional analysis. In addition, the complete...
approximation of photonic crystal fibres with large air holes by the step index fibre model
PublicationAn equivalent step index fibre with a silica core and air cladding is used to model photonic crystal fibres with large air holes. We model this fibre for linear polarisation (we focus on the lowest few transverse modes of the electromagnetic field). The equivalent step index radius is obtained by equating the lowest two eigenvalues of the model to those calculated numerically for the photonic crystal fibres. The step index parameters...
Superconductivity in Ternary Mg4Pd7As6
PublicationThe synthesis and characterization of a new compound Mg4Pd7As6, which is found to be a superconductor with Tc = 5.45 K is reported. Powder X-ray diffraction confirms the U4Re7Si6 structure (space group Im-3m, no. 229) with the lattice parameter a = 8.2572(1) Å. Magnetization, specific heat, and electrical resistivity measurements indicate that it is a moderate-coupling ( = 0.72) type-II superconductor. The electronic and phonon...
Fast Simulation-Driven Design of a Planar UWB Dipole Antenna with an Integrated Balun
PublicationThe paper presents a design of an ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with an integrated balun. A fully planar balun interfacing the microstrip input of the structure to the coplanar stripline (CPS) input of the dipole antenna is introduced. The electromagnetic (EM) model of the structure includes the dipole, the balun, and the microstrip input to account for interactions over the UWB band. The EM model is adjusted for low reflection...
Quenching of bright and dark excitons via deep states in the presence of SRH recombination in 2D monolayer materials
PublicationTwo-dimensional (2D) monolayer materials are interesting systems due to an existence of optically non-active dark excitonic states. In this work, we formulate a theoretical model of an excitonic Auger process which can occur together with the trap-assisted recombination in such 2D structures. The interactions of intravalley excitons (bright and spin-dark ones) and intervalley excitons (momentum-dark ones) with deep states located...
Preventing of earthquake-induced pounding between steel structures by using polymer elements – experimental study
PublicationPounding between two, or more, adjacent buildings during earthquakes has been identified as one of the reasons for substantial damage or even total collapse of colliding structures, so it has been the subject of numerous studies in the recent years. A major reason leading to interactions between adjacent, insufficiently separated structures results from the differences in their dynamic properties. A number of different methods...
Solubility of carbon dioxide in water: Some useful results for hydrate nucleation
PublicationIn this paper, the solubility of carbon dioxide (CO2) in water along the isobar of 400 bar is determined by computer simulations using the well-known TIP4P/Ice force field for water and the TraPPE model for CO2. In particular, the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact with the CO2 liquid phase and the solubility of CO2 in water when in contact with the hydrate have been determined. The solubility of CO2 in a liquid–liquid...
The effects of the IM1-12Br ionic liquid and the oxytetracycline mixture on selected marine and brackish microorganisms
PublicationThe number of applications and commercialized processes utilizing ionic liquids has been increasing, and it is anticipated that this trend will persist and even intensify in the future. Ionic liquids possess desirable characteristics, such as low vapor pressure, good water solubility, amphiphilicity, and stability. Nevertheless, these properties can influence their environmental behavior, resulting in resistance to biotic and abiotic...
Investigating the combined impact of plasticizer and shear force on the efficiency of low temperature reclaiming of ground tire rubber (GTR)
PublicationIn the present work, ground tire rubber (GTR) was mechano-chemically reclaimed at ambient temperature using two-roll mills. Road bitumen and styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS)-modified bitumen at variable content (in range: 2.5–20 phr) were applied as reactive plasticizers to enhance reclaiming of GTR. For better understanding the plasticizing effect of bitumen on the quality of obtained reclaimed rubber, mechano-chemically reclaimed...
Comparison of classical and modern approach of determination of highly polar compounds by High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Tandem Mass Spectrometry
PublicationAbstract: Sugars and sugar alcohols are known as highly polar compounds. Four analytes were taken into consideration for comparison of classical and modern approach of separation of highly polar substances. Mannitol was chosen as an example of simple sugar alcohol, sucrose and lactulose as examples of disaccharides and structural isomers, raffinose as an example of complex trisaccharide. Raffinose was also used as internal standard...
Taurine as a water structure breaker and protein stabilizer
PublicationThe enhancing effect on the water structure has been confirmed for most of the osmolytes exhibiting both stabilizing and destabilizing properties in regard to proteins. The presented work concerns osmolytes, which should be classified as “structure breaking” solutes: taurine and N,N,N-trimethyltaurine (TMT). Here, we combine FTIR spectroscopy, DSC calorimetry and DFT calculations to gain an insight into the interactions between...
Characterization of diatomaceous earth coated with nitrated asphaltenes as superior adsorbent for removal of VOCs from gas phase in fixed bed column
PublicationAsphaltenes isolated from bitumen possess unusual adsorption characteristics that can be further enhanced by chemical modifications to promote interactions with VOCs’. Herein, nitrated asphaltenes are used as an active layer coated on a surface of a diatomaceous earth, in order to prepare an efficient adsorbent (AsfNitro). Breakthrough experiments with benzene, pyridine, and 1-nitropropane revealed significant increase in adsorption...
Anion binding by p-aminoazobenzene-derived aromatic amides: spectroscopic and electrochemical studies
PublicationThe synthesis and complexing properties of p-aminoazobenzene-derived mono-, bis-, and trisamides were described. Ligands 3 and 4 bind anions, including fluorides, chlorides, bromides, acetates, benzoates, dihydrogen phosphates, hydrogen sulfates, and p-toluenesulfonates, in chloroform forming 1 : 1 complexes. The highest value of stability constant was evaluated for the 4-F− complex (log K = 5.63 ± 0.21). On the basis of 1H NMR,...
Crystal structures of (E)-3-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)chroman-4-one and (E)-3-(3-hydroxybenzylidene)-2-phenylchroman-4-one
PublicationThe synthesis and crystal structures of (E)-3-(4-hydroxybenzylidene)chroman-4-one, C16H12O3,I, and (E)-3-(3-hydroxybenzylidene)-2-phenylchroman-4-one,C22H16O3,II, are reported. These compounds are of interest with respect to biological activity. Both structures display intermolecular C—H---O and O—H---O hydrogen bonding, forming layers in the crystal lattice. The crystal structure of compound I is consolidated...
The dimensions of national competitiveness: the empirical analysis based on The World Economic Forum’s data
PublicationThe aim of this research is to determine the minimum number of uncorrelated dimensions which can describe national competitiveness (NC). NC is thought of as the ability of a nation to provide a conducive environment for its firms to prosper. It is shown that the environment affects national productivity catalytically through the interactions with the production factors while itself remaining unchanged. Selected World Economic...
Ultrasound monitoring for evaluation of damage in reinforced concrete
PublicationThe paper deals with automated monitoring of damage evolution in concrete elements subjected to three-point bending tests. The monitoring is based on the nonlinear interactions of traveling ultrasonic waves with micro-crack zones inside the concrete specimens and surface-breaking cracks. The developed procedure assumes semi-continuous ultrasonic testing during the element full loading cycle and generation of the power spectral...
The Role of Proteins in Food
PublicationThis chapter describes the effect of proteins on the sensory attributes and the biological value and safety of foods. The role of proteins depends on their amino acid composition and structure, on changes due to storage and processing, as well as on interactions with other food components. The effect on the sensory quality of foods is brought about by hydrophobicity, solubility, water holding capacity, gelling, film formation,...
Configurational and Conformational Preferences in Stereoselective Acylations of N-Methyl-1,3-diaminopropane with Acyl Chlorides
PublicationEvidence for a stereoinduction profile of the reaction of N-methyl-1,3-diaminopropane with acyl chlorides was provided. A possibility to engage in intramol. CH2···HN and Cl···H-N interactions and the proton migration process to the methylamino group leads to the E secondary amides carrying the N···H+···N or N-H···N bridges, that show unusual spectroscopic images. Empirical relations between the ΔδC chem. shift differences,...
Anomalous decay of quantum correlations of quantum-dot qubits
PublicationWe study the evolution of quantum correlations, quantified by the geometric discord, of two excitonic quantum-dot qubits under the influence of the phonon environment. We show that the decay of these correlations differs substantially from the decay of entanglement. Instead of displaying sudden-death-type behavior, the geometric discord shows a tendency to undergo transitions between different types of decay, is sensitive to nonlocal...
Ammonium <i>O</i>,<i>O</i>'-diethyl dithiophosphate
PublicationIn the title compound, NH4+·(C2H5O)2PS2−, the ammonium cation is connected by four charge-assisted N−H···S hydrogen bonds to four tetrahedral O,O'-diethyl dithiophosphate anions, forming layers parallel to (100). The polar and non-polar constituents of the layers are stacked alternately along [100]. Interlacing of the external ethyl groups...
The Application of Vibration Recording and Analysis in Tribological Research on Sliding Friction
PublicationThe paper reports on a tribological research on the macroscopic manifestation and characteristics of sliding friction. The aim of the task was to measure friction in lubricated sliding contacts and test the interactions between the environment (the test rig) and the experimental friction contact. Friction-induced vibrations were observed and studied as a manifestation of the process. The typical set of velocity and force/torque...
Nonlinear Interaction of Magnetoacoustic Modes in a Quasi-Isentropic Plasma Flow
PublicationThe nonlinear interaction of magnetoacoustic waves in a plasma is analytically studied. A plasma is an open system. It is affected by the straight constant equilibrium magnetic flux density forming constant angle with the wave vector which varies from 0 till . The nonlinear instantaneous equation which describes excitation of secondary wave modes in the field of intense magnetoacoustic perturbations is derived by use of projecting....
Solubility of dapsone in deep eutectic solvents: Experimental analysis, molecular insights and machine learning predictions
PublicationBackground. Dapsone (DAP) is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial active pharmaceutical ingredient used to treat, e.g., AIDS-related diseases. However, low solubility is a feature hampering its efficient use. Objectives. First, deep eutectic solvents...
The effects of selected factors on pedestrian crossings in urban areas
PublicationPedestrian crossings are designed to help pedestrians cross a road. There are at-grade pedestrian crossings with or without traffic lights and grade separated crossings such as subways and footbridges. Pedestrian crossings may be located next to a junction or on road sections between junctions. Where at-grade crossings are involved, pedestrians and motorists interact, which may lead to dangerous situations and road traffic conflicts....
On the Equations of the Surface Elasticity Model Based on the Theory of Polymeric Brushes
PublicationMotivating by theory of polymers, in particular, by the models of polymeric brushes we present here the homogenized (continual) two-dimensional (2D) model of surface elasticity. A polymeric brush consists of an system of almost aligned rigid polymeric chains. The interaction between chain links are described through Stockmayer potential, which take into account also dipole-dipole interactions. The presented 2D model can be treated...
Microstructure and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses
PublicationThe structure, optical and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses of the composition xMnO–(80 − x)SiO 2 –20B 2 O 3 (x = 40, 50, and 60 mol%) were investigated. The dependence of the glass structure on its composition was discussed and related to electrical properties. A separation of two amorphous phases was observed. It was suggested that one phase is MnO-rich and the other is SiO 2 -rich. It was found that...
The effect of processing on the safety and nutritional value
PublicationAgricultural crops as well as animal food raw materials are usually somehow processed before being used by humans. Processing should make them more useful, increase their safety and nutritional value, extend the shelf life, and modify the sensory properties. However, changes and interactions of various compounds in the conditions of processing may generate products toxic or otherwise unsafe for the human organism. The food industry...
Methods of Cyclist Training in Europe
PublicationThe following study aims to address the issue of cyclist training methodologies. Recent European bicycle accident statistics reveal a troubling upward trend. A potential solution to mitigate such incidents involves providing cyclists with comprehensive training encompassing traffic regulations and interactions with fellow road users. We conducted a comparative analysis of the cycling education approaches and cyclist training systems...
PublicationNowadays, the high level of urbanization forces the engineers to design closely-separated structures and to take into account many factors influencing their response, including collisions between them due to insufficient separation distance during moderate to strong ground motions. Recent observations as well as experimental and numerical investigations have confirmed that interactions...
PublicationIn the paper, the authors describe the method of model reduction of a rotor system. The proposed approach enables to obtain a low order model including e.g. nonproportional damping or the gyroscopic effect. This method is illustrated using the example of a rotor system. First, a model of the system was built without gyroscopic and damping effects by using the rigid finite element method. Next, this model was reduced. Finally, two...
Assessing Acute Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Potential of Selected Packages Internal Layers Extracts
PublicationThe focus of the present study is migration of toxic substances from food contact materials and its actual influence on the health of the final consumer. Two food packagings (metal cans, TetraPack®) and five simulants medias (water, ethanol, acetic acid, DMSO, artificial saliva) were selected for simulation studies. For assessment of acute toxicity and endocrine disruption potential of extract samples, two biotests (Microtox® and...
Tailoring diamondised nanocarbon-loaded poly(lactic acid) composites for highly electroactive surfaces: extrusion and characterisation of filaments for improved 3D-printed surfaces
PublicationA new 3D-printable composite has been developed dedicated to electroanalytical applications. Two types of diamondised nanocarbons - detonation nanodiamonds (DNDs) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNWs) - were added as fillers in poly(lactic acid) (PLA)-based composites to extrude 3D filaments. Carbon black served as a primary filler to reach high composite conductivity at low diamondised nanocarbon concentrations (0.01 to 0.2...
Types of Markov Fields and Tilings
PublicationThe method of types is one of the most popular techniques in information theory and combinatorics. However, thus far the method has been mostly applied to one-dimensional Markov processes, and it has not been thoroughly studied for general Markov fields. Markov fields over a finite alphabet of size m ≥ 2 can be viewed as models for multi-dimensional systems with local interactions. The locality of these interactions is represented...
On the Possibility of the Amphotericin B-Sterol Complex Formation in Cholesterol- and Ergosterol-Containing Lipid Bilayers: A Molecular Dynamics Study
PublicationAmphotericin B (AmB) is a well-known membrane-active antibiotic that has been used to treat systemicfungal infections for more than 45 years. Therapeutic application of AmB is based on the fact that it is moreactive against ergosterol-containing membranes of fungal cells than against mammalian membranes withcholesterol. In this paper, we examine the hypothesis according to which the selectivity of the AmB's membraneaction originates...
Study on polymer elements for mitigation of earthquake-induced pounding between buildings in complex arrangements
PublicationPounding between neighbouring buildings during earthquakes has been identified as one of the reasons for substantial damage or even total collapse of colliding structures, so it has been the subject of numerous studies in the recent years. A major reason leading to interactions between adjacent, insufficiently separated structures results from the differences in their dynamic properties. The problem is much more complicated for...
New 2-[(4-Amino-6-N-substituted-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)methylthio]-N-(imidazolidin-2-ylidene)-4-chloro-5-methylbenzenesulfonamide Derivatives, Design, Synthesis and Anticancer Evaluation
PublicationIn the search for new compounds with antitumor activity, new potential anticancer agents were designed as molecular hybrids containing the structures of a triazine ring and a sulfonamide fragment. Applying the synthesis in solution, a base of new sulfonamide derivatives 20–162 was obtained by the reaction of the corresponding esters 11–19 with appropriate biguanide hydrochlorides. The structures of the compounds were confirmed...
Ion recognition properties of new pyridine-2,6-dicarboxamide bearing propeller-like pendant residues: multi-spectroscopic approach
PublicationThe synthesis and ion binding properties of new amide derived from propeller-like tris(2-pyridyl)amine and 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid chloride were described. Amide binds divalent metal cations: copper(II), nickel(II), zinc(II), and lead(II) in acetonitrile. In acetonitrile:water mixture (9:1 v/v) amide interacts only with copper(II) and nickel(II) cations forming complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry. It was found that the introduction...
New potent STS inhibitors based on fluorinated 4-(1-phenyl-1H-[1,2,3]triazol-4-yl)-phenyl sulfamates
PublicationA series of fluorinated analogs based on the frameworks of 4-(1- phenyl-1H-[1,2,3]triazol-4-yl)-phenyl sulfamates have been synthesized as steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitors. The design of chemical structures of new potential STS inhibitors was supported by molecular docking techniques to identify potential interactions between inhibitors and amino acid residues located in the STS active site. The STS inhibitory potency was evaluated...
Influence of sensor design and optical properties of tissue on the photoplethysmographic signal
PublicationPhotopletysmography and an associated technique called pulse oximetry are still explored due to the expectations that they give a lot of information about the state of the patient and, also, due to the fact that they are non invasive. Knowledge about the impact of various parameters on the measured signal leads to a faster and a more reliable way of analyzing measurement results and finding the dependencies between the involved...
Kagome Lattice Promotes Chiral Spin Fluctuations
PublicationDynamical spin fluctuations in magnets can be endowed with a slight bent toward left- or right-handed chirality by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. However, little is known about the crucial role of lattice geometry on these chiral spin fluctuations and on fluctuation-related transport anomalies driven by the quantum-mechanical (Berry) phase of conduction electrons. Via thermoelectric Nernst effect and electric Hall effect experiments,...
Credit default swaps and banks
PublicationThis chapter aims to explore the evolving role of credit default swaps (CDS) in managing and transferring default risk from the perspective of banks from a holistic perspective. This chapter examines credit default swaps (CDSs) as derivative financial instruments that transfer credit risk on debt securities. While CDSs offer benefits such as risk management and risk trading, they also introduce potential systemic risks, as evidenced...
Are stabilizing osmolytes preferentially excluded from the protein surface? FTIR and MD studies
PublicationInteractions between osmolytes and hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions were studied by means of FTIR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics. A combination of difference spectra method and chemometric analysis of spectroscopic data was used to determine the number of osmolyte molecules interacting with the protein, and the preferential interaction coefficient in presented systems. Both osmolytes – L-proline and trimethylamine-N-oxide...
Charge-assisted N(+)–H···(−)S hydrogen bonds in the crystal structure of selected diammonium thiophenolates.
PublicationNew salts of thiophenol with three flexible aliphatic diamines H2N(CH2)nNH2 (n = 2, 4 and 6) have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses, IR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography in order to analyze their supramolecular architecture. Structural analyses indicate that in the crystals, proton transfer has occurred, with the –SH group giving (+)N–H···S(−) hydrogen bonding interaction. The structure of compound 1...
Efficient three-dimensional fluorescence measurements for characterization of binding properties in some plants
PublicationThe main aim of this research was to characterize some plants and to determine their similarities and differences, using spectroscopic methods. The interactions of soluble polyphenols of different plants with human serum albumin (HSA) were investigated by 3D-fluorescence. The obtained fluorescence results allow to classify the investigated plants according to their binding properties. The HSA-binding capacities of these plants...
Compressible gas density measurement by means of Fourier analysis of interferograms
PublicationThis paper describes a method for nonintrusive compressible gas density measurement by means of automated analysis of interferograms using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), and its implementation using DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform), that does make this measurement technique a fairly valuable and accessible experimental method. The presented approach makes it possible to use the finite fringe setting of the interferometer, thus reducing...
Haemocompatibility of Modified Nanodiamonds
PublicationThis study reports the interactions of modified nanodiamond particles in vitro with human blood. Modifications performed on the nanodiamond particles include oxygenation with a chemical method and hydrogenation upon chemical vapor deposition (CVD) plasma treatment. Such nanodiamonds were later incubated in whole human blood for different time intervals, ranging from 5 min to 5 h. The morphology of red blood cells was assessed along...
Dynamic Analysis of the Turnout Diverging Track for HSR with Variable Curvature Sections
PublicationThe paper presents an analytical method of identifying the curvature of the turnout diverging track consisting of sections of varying curvature. Both linear and nonlinear (polynomial) curvatures of the turnout diverging track are identified and evaluated in the paper. The presented method is a universal one, it enables to assume curvature values at the beginning and end point of the geometrical layout of the turnout. The results...
Amyloid fibril formation in the presence of water structure-affecting solutes
PublicationThe impact of the differently hydrated non-electrolytes (protein structure destabilizers) on the fibrillation of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) was investigated. Two isomeric urea derivatives i.e. butylurea (BU) and N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylurea (TMU) were chosen as a tested compounds. The obtained results show that butylurea exerts greater impact on HEWL and its fibrillation than tetramethylurea. Both substances decrease the time of...