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Experimental verification of a new method of loop resistance testing in low voltage systems with residual current devices
PublicationA periodical verification of the effectiveness of protection against electric shock shall be performed in low voltage systems. The scope of this verification includes loop impedance/resistance testing. If a residual current device is installed in a tested circuit, this testing is problematic. A residual current device trips out during the test, because of the high value of measurement current. This precludes the execution of the...
Factors Affecting the Rheological Properties of Foods
PublicationIn this chapter, engineering aspects concerning real body mechanics and the impact of respective food ingredients on said properties are presented together. Food is a complex matrix and each of macro and micro ingredients plays its role in the formation of rheologic properties, and minor changes in the basic ingredient structure may affect the change of these properties significantly. Basic analytic techniques are presented for...
Studies of the mechanism of metal metal dusting of 10CrMo9-10 steel after 10 years of operation in trhe semi-regenerative catalytic reformer
PublicationThe study showed that metal dusting mechanism of 10CrMo9-10 steel operated in industrial environment differs from models developed in laboratories. Significant differences lie in the fact that the models developed in laboratories only assume the formation of metastable carbide M3C, while studies have shown that the formation of M3C carbides is associated with the transformation of primary carbides and in the next stage is preceded...
Superconducting properties of vn-sio 2 sol-gel derived thin films
Publicationin this work studies of structure and superconducting properties of vnsio2 films are reported. the films were obtained through thermal nitridation (ammonolysis) of solgel derived v2o3sio2 coatings (in a proper v2o3/sio2 ratio) at 1200 ◦c. this process leads to the formation of disordered structure with vn metallic grains dispersed in the insulating sio2 matrix. the structural transformations occurring in the lms as a result...
Depth Determination Accuracy of the Modified Prony Method in a Swath Mapping Application
PublicationThis article presents the performance of the modified Prony method in a swath mapping application. Depth determination accuracy is assessed by processing raw signal acquired by an EdgeTech 6205 swath bathymetry system over flat seafloor. An updated version of the method, proposed previously by the authors, is used to determine the number of signal echoes. The number of signal echoes is essential for performing the low-rank approximation...
Adaptive dynamic control allocation for over-actuated dynamic positioning system based on backstepping method in case of thruster faults
PublicationThe objective of the research considered in this paper is dynamic positioning of a nonlinear over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of limited information about thruster forces. First, the adaptive backstepping method is used to estimate the input matrix which will compensate partial loss of actuator effectiveness in the presence of actuator dynamics. Then, the adaptive commanded virtual forces and moment are allocated into...
Titania nanotubes infiltrated with conducting polymer PEDOT modified by Prussian Blue – a novel type of organic-inorganic heterojunction characterised with enhanced photoactivity.
PublicationA highly ordered p–n heterojunction was formed based on titania nanotubes containing a conducting polymer with Prussian blue matrix. The study demonstrates, for the first time, cases when a composite based on titania array scaffolding and Prussian blue embedded in PEDOT exhibits reversible FeII/FeIII redox activity. Highly enhanced photoactivity and capacitance of the obtained material are depicted in comparison to pristine titania....
Analiza działania rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości w szerokim zakresie zmian prędkości maszyny indukcyjnej
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z odtwarzaniem zmiennych stanu maszyny indukcyjnej. Wykorzystano obserwator oparty na modelu matematycznym maszyny z dodatkowymi zmiennymi. Przedstawiono macierz stanu zlinearyzowanych równań błędu odtwarzania. Opisano sposób definiowania wyznacznika jakości na podstawie rozkładu biegunów obserwatora. Zaproponowano metodę korekcji wzmocnień wraz ze zmianą warunków pracy maszyny. Wykazano...
PublicationZaprezentowano organizacji, w której charakterystykę wpisano następujące cechy: strategiczne uwarunkowanie, maksymalną innowacyjność, atrakcyjność dla interesariuszy, rozwijanie osobowości pracowników oraz twórczość w działaniu. Te atrybuty, tworzą koncepcję organizacji SMART (akronim od pierwszych liter powyższych cech), która wyróżnia się dodatkowo strukturą opartą o dynamicznie kreowane zespoły oraz skutecznym wspomaganiem...
Enhanced photocatalytic properties of lanthanide-TiO2 nanotubes: An experimental and theoretical study
PublicationA series of Er-, Yb-, Ho-, Tb-, Gd-, Pr-TiO2 nanotubes (RE-NTs) was prepared via an electrochemical method. The as-prepared photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV–vis absorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and luminescent spectroscopy. The experiments demonstrated that toluene in the gas phase was successfully degraded under visible light (LEDs λmax = 465...
PublicationIn our work, a further development of the authors model of thermo-chemical flow of fuel, air, oxygen, steam water, species, ionic and electron currents within nano channels and nano-structures of novel devices is presented. Different transport enhancement models are taken into account -among them the most important are: the velocity slip connected with complex external friction, the Darcy mobility and the Reynolds transpiration....
The retrofitting of ships by applying retractable bow hydrofoils: a case study
PublicationIncreasing environmental requirements and a relatively long ship life of 30 years mean more attention is needed to retrofit existing ships. One possibility is using hydrofoils to reduce the ship’s resistance and improve comfort and safety in rough sea conditions. This study investigates the influence of retractable bow hydrofoils on the seakeeping performance and operational conditions of a selected case study vessel (V-shaped...
The complexity of minimum-length path decompositions
PublicationWe consider a bi-criteria generalization of the pathwidth problem, where, for given integers k, l and a graph G, we ask whether there exists a path decomposition P of G such that the width of P is at most k and the number of bags in P, i.e., the length of P, is at most l. We provide a complete complexity classification of the problem in terms of k and l for general graphs. Contrary to the original pathwidth problem, which is fixed-parameter...
Non-Perfect Propagation of Information to a Noisy Environment with Self-Evolution
PublicationWe study the non-perfect propagation of information for evolving a low-dimensional environment that includes self-evolution as well as noisy initial states and analyse the interrelations between the degree of objectivization and environment parameters. In particular, we consider an analytical model of three interacting qubits and derive its objectivity parameters. The numerical analysis shows that the quality of the spectrum broadcast...
Effect of native air-formed oxidation on the corrosion behavior of AA7075 aluminum alloys
PublicationThe microstructure of aluminum alloys plays a key role in their corrosion resistance. In particular, the presence of intermetallic precipitates differing in the potential from the alloy matrix induces local corrosion. The study presents the effect of native air-formed oxidation on the corrosion behavior of AA 7075 aluminum alloy. Various microscopic and spectroscopic techniques were used to examine the changes occurring in the...
Challenges in preparing honey samples for chromatographic determination of contaminants and trace residues
PublicationThe determination of contaminations and residues in honey is of growing concern over past few years, especially that these compounds can not only diminish beneficial properties of honey but more importantly, if present in significant amounts, can pose serious threat to human health. Since honey is characterized by complex composition of the matrix sample, it is often necessary to apply clean-up step, in order to eliminate interfering...
Novel 5.1 Downmix Algorithm with Improved Dialogue Intelligibility
PublicationA new algorithm for 5.1 to stereo downmix is introduced, which addresses the problem of dialogue intelligibility. The algorithm utilizes proposed signal processing algorithms to enhance the intelligibility of movie dialogues, especially in difficult listening conditions or in compromised speaker setup. To account for the latter, a playback configuration utilizing a portable device, i.e. an ultrabook, is examined. The experiments...
Microcapsules and their applications in pharmaceutical and food industry.
PublicationMicroencapsulation is a process in which tiny particles or droplets are surrounded by a coating or embedded in a homogeneous or heterogeneous matrix, to generate small capsules in size range from a few to few thousand micrometers. The material inside the microcapsule is referred to as the core, internal phase, or fill, whereas the wall is sometimes called shell, coating, wall material, or membrane. It has found application in...
Geometric Algebra Model of Distributed Representations
PublicationFormalism based on GA is an alternative to distributed representation models developed so far-Smolensky's tensor product, Holographic Reduced Representations (HRR) and Binary Spatter Code (BSC). Convolutions are replaced by geometric products, interpretable in terms of geometry which seems to be the most natural language for visualization of higher concepts. This paper recalls the main ideas behind the GA model and investigates...
Common methods for the chiral determination of amphetamine and related compounds I. Gas, liquid and thin-layer chromatography
PublicationThis article reviews the most common, useful methods for the chiral determination of amphetamine (AM) and AM-deriveddesigner drugs in different of matrix, including blood, hair, urine, medicaments or standard solutions, taking into considerationarticles published in the past 15 years. We consider chromatographic methods (e.g., gas, liquid, high-performance liquid, and thinlayer). We describe several types of chiral derivatization...
Polarisation effects in low-energy positron–molecule scattering
PublicationThe UK molecular R-matrix method has been adapted to treat positron collisions from polyatomic targets. A simple empirical enhancement factor which corrects for the underestimation of electron–positron polarisation and correlation effects in the calculations performed with the static-plus-polarization model at low scattering energies is presented. Application of this model to positron scattering from carbon dioxide at energies...
Low energy differential elastic electron scattering from acetonitrile (CH3CN)
PublicationMeasurements of elastic differential cross sections for electron scattering from acetonitrile (CH3CN) have been performed utilizing a crossed electron-molecular beam experiment and with the relative flow method, for the incident electron energy range of 0.7 eV–30 eV and the scattering angle range of 10◦–130◦. These differential cross sections have been used to calculate the elastic integral and momentum- transfer cross sections,...
High-density polyethylene/EPDM rubber blend composites of boron compounds for neutron shielding application
PublicationNovel materials with neutron shielding property were fabricated by incorporating boron compounds into highdensity polyethylene (HDPE)/Ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber (EPDM) blends. A detailed investigation on the morphological, thermal, mechanical, and neutron attenuation properties of suitable proportion of HDPE/EPDM blend with boric acid (BA), boron carbide (BC), and nano boron carbide (NBC) were performed. Morphology...
Activated persulfate and peroxymonosulfate based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for antibiotics degradation – A review
PublicationSulfate radical AOPs (SR-AOP) were successfully utilized in degradation of antibiotics in water and wastewater treatment. The review discusses details on SR-AOPs mechanisms and applications for antibiotics degradation. The progress in this field was discussed, highlighting the most promising developments and remaining challenges. The applicability of SR-AOPs was summarized revealing the most susceptible and persistent to oxidation...
Badanie wybranych właściwości wyłączników różnicowoprądowych typu F
PublicationW instalacjach elektrycznych niskiego napięcia instaluje się coraz więcej przekształtników energoelektronicznych (systemy fotowoltaiczne, instalacje ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych, układy napędowe o regulowanej prędkości obrotowej silnika), a mają one wpływ na dobór typu wyzwalania wyłączników różnicowoprądowych (AC, A, F lub B). W obwodach, w których pojawia się prąd różnicowy zawierający składowe o częstotliwości innej niż...
Conducting polymers for biodegradable metallic implants
PublicationNowadays permanent metallic cardiovascular stents are long-term implants. The long-time presence of such an implant in human body can cause overgrowth of tissue within the treated portion of the vessel, blockage of the circulatory system and many other clinical complications, such as thrombosis, prolonged physical irritations or chronic inflammation. Therefore, in recent years, there is an interest to create biodegradable metallic...
Generation of large finite-element matrices on multiple graphics processors
PublicationThis paper presents techniques for generating very large finite-element matrices on a multicore workstation equipped with several graphics processing units (GPUs). To overcome the low memory size limitation of the GPUs, and at the same time to accelerate the generation process, we propose to generate the large sparse linear systems arising in finite-element analysis in an iterative manner on several GPUs and to use the graphics...
Processing, mechanical and thermal behavior assessments of polycaprolactone/agricultural wastes biocomposites
PublicationIn this paper, brewer’s spent grain (BSG) was applied as potential lignocellulose biofiller in biocompos-ites based on polycaprolactone (PCL). The PCL/BSG biocomposites filled with varying content of biofillerswere prepared via low-temperature melt-compounding. These conditions allow limiting thermal degra-dation of used biofillers during processing. The influence of biofiller content (ranging from 25 to 200parts by weight on 100...
Microcrystalline Cellulose Management in the Production of Poly(ether-urethane)s- Structure, Morphology, and Thermal Characteristic
PublicationIn response to the demand of polymer industry for reducing the use of synthetic chemicals, eco-friendly materials are investigated. In the presented study, bio-based poly(ether-urethane)s were prepared by using microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and polyether polyol and 1,3-propanediol derived from corn sugar. A step towards sustainability was taken by incorporating bio-based compounds and cellulose, consequently, bio-waste are utilized...
Thermal-Resistant Polyurethane/Nanoclay Powder Coatings: Degradation Kinetics Study
PublicationIn the present study, thermal degradation kinetics of polyurethane (PU) powder coatings reinforced with organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT) was investigated. PU nanocomposites were prepared in different concentrations of 1, 3, and 5 wt.% of OMMT via the extrusion method. The microstructure of the nanocomposites was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) illustrating uniform dispersion of OMMT nano-clay platelets in the...
Diatomaceous earth as a drug-loaded carrier in a glass-ionomer cement
PublicationThe effect of a natural filler (diatomaceous earth [DE], a promising drug-delivery agent) and its content was investigated on the performance of a model glass-ionomer cement (GIC). Three sample series, differing in DE content (0, 2.5 and 5 wt%), were prepared using a commercial GIC as a matrix (3M Ketac Molar Easymix). The resultant surface microhardness and roughness, wear performance, and compressive strength of the samples were...
The Effect of Surface Treatment with Isocyanate and Aromatic Carbodiimide of Thermally Expanded Vermiculite Used as a Functional Filler for Polylactide-Based Composites
PublicationIn this work, thermally expanded vermiculite (TE-VMT) was surface modified and used as a filler for composites with a polylactide (PLA) matrix. Modification of vermiculite was realized by simultaneous ball milling with the presence of two PLA chain extenders, aromatic carbodiimide (KI), and 4,4’-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) (MDI). In addition to analyzing the particle size of the filler subjected to processing, the efficiency...
Inverse Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem Framework for the Synthesis of Coupled-Resonator Filters With Nonresonant Nodes and Arbitrary Frequency-Variant Reactive Couplings
PublicationA novel, general circuit-level description of coupledresonator microwave filters is introduced in this article. Unlike well-established coupling-matrix models based on frequency-invariant couplings or linear frequency-variant couplings (LFVCs), a model with arbitrary reactive frequencyvariant coupling (AFVC) networks is proposed. The engineered formulation is more general than prior-art ones—with the only restriction that the coupling...
Design and Experiments of a Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators
PublicationThis paper represents a numerical and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor. The proposed design consists of three individual cells that are integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. Each of the cells is characterized by a traveling wave and rotating mode motor. A finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain optimal...
A Wideband Corrugated Ridged Horn Antenna with Enhanced Gain and Stable Phase Center for X- and Ku-Band Applications
PublicationIn this letter, a structure and design procedure of a novel double-flared conical horn antenna with an improved gain and a stable phase center is presented. The antenna incorporates a hybrid ridged and corrugated structure. A double-ridged section is responsible for ensuring a wideband operation, whereas the corrugated section supports the hybrid mode. The antenna impedance bandwidth (VSWR < 2) is 6 GHz to 20 GHz. Excellent performance...
Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical characterization of photoanodes based on titania nanotubes modified by a BiVO4 thin film and gold nanoparticles
PublicationTitania nanotubes (TNT) modified with thin films of bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) and gold nanoparticles (GNP) were photoelectrochemically characterized as photoanodes for water photooxidation. Presence of bismuth vanadate enhanced efficiency of photocurrent generation in comparison with pristine TNTs under visible light illumination. Besides an extended range of absorbed light, the presence of both BiVO4 and GNP reduced the charge...
Strontium-based nanosized phosphates as anticorrosive fi llers of epoxy and polyurethane coating compositions
PublicationAnticorrosive epoxy and polyurethane coatings were compounded using zinc-free nanosized phosphates of strontium (SP) or strontium and aluminum (SAP). For comparison, a nanosized calcium aluminum ammonium phosphate (CAP) and a microsized zinc phosphate (ZP) were tested. Results of salts spray and cyclic corrosion tests revealed better anticorrosive properties of the SAP-based coatings...
Few-Layer Black Phosphorus/Chitosan Nanocomposite Electrodes via Controlled Electrodeposition for Enhanced Electrochemical Kinetic Performance
PublicationThis study presents the preparation and characterization of few-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) chitosan electrodes by controlled electrochemical deposition of chitosan nanoparticles on FLBP-modified glassy carbon electrodes. FLBP was prepared by solvent-assisted exfoliation of bulk BP and was further modified with chitosan forming together a nanocomposite, including easy cross-linking with nanomaterials and film-forming properties....
Electrical Interface Parameters of PEDOT: PSS: Effect of Electrodeposition Charge Evaluated Under Body Conditions for Neural Electrode Applications
PublicationThis study explores the influence of the deposition charge of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) on its electrical interface parameters. For this purpose, PEDOT:PSS was fabricated by electrodeposition on commercial platinum electrodes with the time limited by different charges (1, 3, 6, 9 mC). Further, the electrodes were characterized regarding their electrical interface such as interfacial...
Reduction of Tire Rolling Resistance by Optimization of Road Surfaces and Tires
PublicationDuring interaction between tire and road surface three very important phenomena are always in effect. One of them (very desirable) is friction that is important for traction, braking and cornering. Two other phenomena are not desirable at all, that is rolling resistance and noise. This paper discusses relations between road surface and tire parameters versus tire rolling resistance. Road surface texture, porosity, impedance, strength...
Spray deposited carbon nanotubes counter electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells
PublicationCarbon nanotubes due to their catalytic properties are a promising alternative to platinum counter electrodes (CE) for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). In this study, counter electrodes were made from double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) ink using the spray printing technique and afterwards thermally treated at temperatures ranging from 120 to 300 °C. Morphology and structure was studied using scanning electron microscopy and...
Spray-deposited carbon-nanotube counter-electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells
PublicationCarbon nanotubes due to their catalytic properties are a promising alternative to platinum counter electrodes (CE) for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). In this study, counter electrodes were made from double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) ink using the spray printing technique and afterwards they were thermally treated at temperatures ranging from 120 to 300 °C. Morphology and structure was studied using scanning electron microscopy...
Structural and electrical properties of titanium-doped yttrium niobate
PublicationIn this work, the influence of the substitution of niobium by titanium in Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ on the structural and electrical properties is reported. Several experimental techniques, i.e. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), were applied to investigate the system Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ. Titanium in Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ is an acceptor-type...
Using Synchronously Registered Biosignals Dataset for Teaching Basics of Medical Data Analysis – Case Study
PublicationMedical data analysis and processing strongly relies on the data quality itself. The correct data registration allows many unnecessary steps in data processing to be avoided. Moreover, it takes a certain amount of experience to acquire data that can produce replicable results. Because consistency is crucial in the teaching process, students have access to pre-recorded real data without the necessity of using additional equipment...
Hydrothermal Cobalt Doping of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes towards Photoanode Activity Enhancement
PublicationDoping and modification of TiO2 nanotubes were carried out using the hydrothermal method. The introduction of small amounts of cobalt (0.1 at %) into the structure of anatase caused an increase in the absorption of light in the visible spectrum, changes in the position of the flat band potential, a decrease in the threshold potential of water oxidation in the dark, and a significant increase in the anode photocurrent. The material...
Highly Oriented Zirconium Nitride and Oxynitride Coatings Deposited via High‐Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering: Crystal‐Facet‐Driven Corrosion Behavior in Domestic Wastewater
PublicationHerein, highly crystalline ZrxNy and ZrxNyOz coatings are achieved by the deposition via high‐power impulse magnetron sputtering. Various N2 and N2/O2 gas mixtures with argon are investigated. The chemical composition and, as a result, mechanical properties of the deposited layer can be tailored along with morphological and crystallographic structural changes. The corrosion resistance behavior is studied by potentiodynamic measurements...
Manganese–Cobalt Based Spinel Coatings Processed by Electrophoretic Deposition Method: The Influence of Sintering on Degradation Issues of Solid Oxide Cell Oxygen Electrodes at 750 °C
PublicationThis paper seeks to examine how the Mn–Co spinel interconnect coating microstructure can influence Cr contamination in an oxygen electrode of intermediate temperature solid oxide cells, at an operating temperature of 750 °C. A Mn–Co spinel coating is processed on Crofer 22 APU substrates by electrophoretic deposition, and subsequently sintered, following both the one-step and two-step sintering, in order to obtain significantly...
Convergence of rational multistep methods of of Adams-Padé type
PublicationRational generalizations of multistep schemes, where the linear stiff part of a given problem is treated by an A-stable rational approximation, have been proposed by several authors, but a reasonable convergence analysis for stiff problems has not been provided so far. In this paper we directly relate this approach to exponential multistep methods, a subclass of the increasingly popular class of exponential integrators. This natural,...
Dynamically positioned ship steering making use of backstepping method and artificial neural networks
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of designing a dynamic ship positioning system making use of the adaptive vectorial backstepping method and RBF type arti cial neural networks. In the article, the backstepping controller is used to determine control laws and neural network weight adaptation laws. e arti cial neural network is applied at each time instant to approximate nonlinear functions containing parametric uncertainties....
Larmor diamagnetism and Van Vleck paramagnetism in relativistic quantumtheory: the Gordon decomposition approach
PublicationWe consider a charged Dirac particle bound in a scalar potential perturbed by a classical magnetic field derivable from a vector potential A(r). Using a procedure based on the Gordon decomposition of a field-induced current, we identify diamagnetic and paramagnetic contributions to the second-order perturbationtheory correction to the particle's energy. In contradiction to earlier findings, based on the sum-over-states approach,...