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Frequency of use, moral incongruence, and religiosity and their relationships with self-perceived addiction to pornography, internet use, social networking and online gaming
PublicationBackground and Aims Moral incongruence involves disapproval of a behaviour in which people engage despite their moral beliefs. Although considerable research has been conducted on how moral incongruence relates to pornography use, potential roles for moral incongruence in other putative behavioural addictions have not been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of moral incongruence in self‐perceived...
Application of the Flipped Learning Methodology at a Business Process Modelling Course – A Case Study
PublicationFlipped learning has been known for a long time, but its modern use dates back to 2012, with the publication of Bergmann and Saams. In the last decade, it has become an increasingly popular learning method. Every year, the number of publications on implementing flipped learning experiments is growing, just as the amount of research on the effectiveness of this educational method. The aim of the article is to analyze the possibilities...
Emotion Recognition from Physiological Channels Using Graph Neural Network
PublicationIn recent years, a number of new research papers have emerged on the application of neural networks in affective computing. One of the newest trends observed is the utilization of graph neural networks (GNNs) to recognize emotions. The study presented in the paper follows this trend. Within the work, GraphSleepNet (a GNN for classifying the stages of sleep) was adjusted for emotion recognition and validated for this purpose. The...
Assessment of the Speed Management Impact on Road Traffic Safety on the Sections of Motorways and Expressways Using Simulation Methods
PublicationMethods used to evaluate the impact of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) services on road safety are usually based on expert assessments or statistical studies. However, commonly used methods are challenging to apply in the planning process of ITS services. This paper presents the methodology of research using surrogate safety measures calculated and calibrated with the use of simulation techniques and a driving simulator. This...
PublicationINTRODUCTION: β-Galactosidase is an enzyme which catalyzes the hydrolysis of O glycosidic bond in β-galactosides. Another activity of β galactosidase is a transglycosylation activity. The main industrial use of this protein is the hydrolysis of lactose in milk in a cooling conditions. Synthesis of galactooligosaccharides, which are mostly used as a prebiotics added to some foods or available as dietary supplements, is only one...
Evaluation of Respiration Rate Using Thermal Imaging in Mobile Conditions
PublicationRespiratory rate is very important vital sign that should be measured and documented in many medical situations. The remote measurement of respiration rate can be especially valuable for medical screening purposes (e.g. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), pandemic influenza, etc.). In this chapter we present a review of many different studies focused on the measurements and estimation of respiration rate using thermal imaging...
Kombucha from alternative raw materials – The review
PublicationNowadays, people's awareness about the role of diet in maintaining well-being and good health has increased. Consumers expect that the products not only provide them with essential nutrients but will also be a source of biologically active substances, which are beneficial to their health. One of the "healthy trends," which has appeared among the consumers worldwide is kombucha, a tea drink with high antioxidant potential, obtained...
An new method of audio-visual correlation analysis
PublicationThis paper presents a new methodology of conducting the audio-visual correlation analysis employing the gaze tracking system. Interaction between two perceptual modalities, seeing and hearing, their interaction and mutual reinforcement in a complex relationship was a subject of many research studies. Earlier stage of the carried out experiments at the Multimedia Systems Department (MSD) showed that there exists a relationship between...
Influence of the internet and electronic commerce growth on polish small and medium enterprises. PODAĆ POLSKI TYTUŁ.
PublicationTechnological development in communication creates new possibilities for commercial activity . Each new medium was changing business processes . Internet does the same - implies rapid changes in every stage of commercial activity.The aim of this paper is to show that the Internet and Electronic Commerce are influencing the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) development in Poland. For achieving this another issue had to be under...
Strategies toward Green Deal implementation in the context of SCG reuse and recovery in the circular economy model
PublicationThe article explores the future outlook on integrating and using a resource database for the recovery and reuse of coffee industry residues, focusing on economic and environmental perspectives within the Circular Economy Model (CEM). With the continuous rise in global coffee consumption, the production of Spent Coffee Grounds (SCG) has also surged worldwide, presenting significant opportunities for resource recovery and recycling....
A conceptual framework for digital tax administration - A systematic review
PublicationTax administrations worldwide have become highly digitised with a diverse and sophisticated array of e-services to enhance the taxpayer experience. Nevertheless, given the high rates of failure of e-government services, it is critical to understand the factors that are essential to the success of a digital tax system. Drawing on a systematic review of ninety-six publications across the digital taxation, taxation, and information...
Improved maximum power point tracking algorithms by using numerical analysis techniques for photovoltaic systems
PublicationSolar photovoltaic (PV) panels generate optimal electricity when operating at the maximum power point (MPP). This study introduces a novel MPP tracking algorithm that leverages the numerical prowess of the predictor-corrector method, tailored to accommodate voltage and current fluctuations in PV panels resulting from variable environmental factors like solar irradiation and temperature. This paper delves into the intricate dynamics...
Centrally Pivoted Tilting Pad Thrust Bearing with Carbon-Based Coated Collar—Experimental Results of Low- and Medium-Speed Operation
PublicationExperimental results of the research on a tilting pad thrust bearing with symmetrical pad support in the conditions of high loads and low speeds are presented in the paper. As described in the literature review, experimental results of tilting pad bearings at low speed/high load regime and transient conditions are rare. Unusual material selection - steel pad against a DLC-type coating on the collar was utilized. Such material combination...
Threats to Rural Landscape and Its Protection in Poland
PublicationThe article describes the premises and conditions for the implementation of a pro-landscape spatial policy in rural areas in Poland. It presents the erosion of spatial order in a large part of the country’s territory. Firstly, the state of protection of the rural landscape and the legal aspects of shaping the space of rural areas are described. Secondly, the location is depicted, and the main physiognomic and environmental threats...
Sustainability reporting in the airline industry: Current literature and future research avenues
PublicationSustainability reporting (SR) allows organisations to communicate their non-financial impacts to stakeholders. It has also become a widespread business practice in aviation, a transport sector that contributes significantly to global warming. Academia has begun to examine SR in the context of airlines surprisingly late, and no comprehensive reviews of its respective developments have been made so far. Consequently, a systematic...
Towards Use of OntoClean for Ontology Contextualization
PublicationOntologies are formal systems of concepts used to describe numerous domains of interest. Ontologies are usually very expressive, but it comes at a price of computationally expensive reasoning over them. In our previous work we discussed the possible performance benefits that can be obtained by decomposing an ontology into contexts. While the benefits are appealing, we discovered that, in our case, the main obstacle against using...
Edge-Computing based Secure E-learning Platforms
PublicationImplementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in E-Learning environments have brought up dramatic changes in the current educational sector. Distance learning, online learning, and networked learning are few examples that promote educational interaction between students, lecturers and learning communities. Although being an efficient form of real learning resource, online electronic resources are subject to...
Wykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych do promocji otwartości w badaniach naukowych na przykładzie Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationMedia społecznościowe są jednym ze sposobów na skuteczną promocję zasobów oraz usług bibliotecznych w obecnym świecie cyfrowym. Stanowią również niedocenianą możliwość komunikacji pomiędzy naukowcami, bibliotekarzami a czytelnikami. Biblioteka akademicka może aktywnie angażować się w proces upowszechniania dorobku naukowego uczelni, podejmując w tym celu różnorakie działania marketingowe, wykorzystując takie serwisy jak: Facebook,...
Nowe wyzwania, nowe rozwiązania. Jak przedsiębiorstwo branży IT odnajduje się w erze VUCA?
PublicationZmienność, niepewność, złożoność i niejednoznaczność, określane akronimem VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) towarzyszą funkcjonowaniu każdego przedsiębiorstwa. Jak wykorzystać te nieodłączne cechy otoczenia przedsiębiorstw jako szanse dla ich rozwoju to wy-zwania stojące przed nimi, a zarazem pytanie badawcze artykułu. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie, na przykładzie przedsiębiorstwa branży IT, że analiza zmienności,...
(Re)Shaping Open Access Policy to Scientific Resources at Polish Technical Universities: Gdańsk University of Technology Perspective
PublicationDeveloping European Open Access policy to scientific resources is one of the most important issues undertaken during the public debate about future scholarly communication trends. The Open Access landscape is determined by several factors (e.g. mandates). The open mandate: voluntary or mandatory, can be implemented at the institutional, national or international level. It requires scholars to use open repository to deposit results...
Analysis of ring cracks in ceramic rolling elements using the boundary element method
PublicationCeramic materials have been increasingly used in bearing technology for over a dozen years. This is due to the characteristic properties of ceramic materials such as: high hardness, corrosion resistance, the possibility of use in aggressive chemical environments, as well as due to the lower specific weight compared to steel materials. However, the use of ceramic materials is connected with many limitations. The main disadvantages...
Digital Filtering of Railway Track Coordinates in Mobile Multi–Receiver GNSS Measurements
PublicationThe article discusses an important issue in connection with the technique of mobile Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements of railway track coordinates, which is digital filtering performed to precisely determine railway track axes. For this purpose, a measuring technique is proposed which bases on the use of a measuring platform with a number of appropriately distributed GNSS receivers, where two of them determine...
Nanodiamond phantoms mimicking human liver: perspective to calibration of T1 relaxation time in magnetic resonance imaging
PublicationPhantoms of biological tissues are materials that mimic the properties of real tissues. This study shows the development of phantoms with nanodiamond particles for calibration of T1 relaxation time in magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a commonly used and non-invasive method of detecting pathological changes inside the human body. Nevertheless, before a new MRI device is approved for use, it is necessary...
Buzz-based recognition of the honeybee colony circadian rhythm
PublicationHoneybees are one of the highly valued pollinators. Their work as individuals is appreciated for crops pollination and honey production. It is believed that work of an entire bee colony is intense and almost continuous. The goal of the work presented in this paper is identification of bees circadian rhythm with a use of sound-based analysis. In our research as a source of information on bee colony we use their buzz that have been...
What matters most to patients? On the Core Determinants of Patient Experience from Free Text Feedback
PublicationFree-text feedback from patients is increasingly used for improving the quality of healthcare services and systems. A major reason for the growing interest in harnessing free-text feedback is the belief that it provides richer information about what patients want and care about. The use of computational approaches such as structural topic modelling for analysing large unstructured textual data such as free-text feedback from patients...
A Study in Experimental Methods of Human-Computer Communication for Patients After Severe Brain Injuries
PublicationExperimental research in the domain of multimedia technology applied to medical practice is discussed, employing a prototype of integrated multimodal system to assist diagnosis and polysensory stimulation of patients after severe brain injury. The system being developed includes among others: eye gaze tracker, and EEG monitoring of non-communicating patients after severe brain injuries. The proposed solutions are used for collecting...
Measurement of expenditure efficiency of Polish cities with county rights in the context of quality of life
PublicationThe article is devoted to the measurement of efficiency of overall expenditures. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of use of budget resources by local government units in the context of fostering quality of life. The subject of the study is 65 Polish cities with county rights (county status). Calculations were carried out using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results of analysis confirm the two research...
The impact of training and neurotrophins on functional recovery after spinal cord transection: cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to motor improvement
PublicationBeneficial effects of locomotor training on the functional recovery after complete transection of the spinal cord indicate that in chronic spinal animals spontaneous recovery processes are enhanced and shaped by the training. The mechanisms of that use-dependent improvement are still not fully understood. This review tackles three aspects of this issue: (1) neurochemical attributes of functional improvement...
Current advances in membrane processing of wines: A comprehensive review
PublicationBackground Membrane-based operations, especially pressure-driven membrane operations, are today well-established procedures for various applications in the wine industry thanks to their intrinsic properties and undoubted advantages over traditional methods. Emerging membrane processes, such as pervaporation, electrodialysis and osmotic distillation, forward osmosis, membrane contactors, offer new and interesting perspectives to...
Olfactory receptor-based biosensors as potential future tools in medical diagnosis
PublicationThe detection of biomarkers is the future of non-invasive medical diagnosis and screening. Discovery and identification of reliable disease specific volatile organic compounds is dependent on repeatable, accurate analysis of trace level gaseous analytes mainly in breath samples. Natural variety of the olfactory systems and the compounds capable of gas molecules binding creates wide possibilities of acquisition and implementation...
PublicationPolska, podobnie jak i inne kraje europejskie doświadcza w przyspieszonym tempie zmian demograficznych, które w krajach o rozwiniętych gospodarkach rynkowych rozpoczęły się w latach 60. XX wieku. Procesy nieodwracalne, związane ze starzeniem się społeczeństwa na początku zaobserwowano w Skandynawii, następnie proces ten objął kraje Europy Zachodniej, Europy Południowej, w latach 90. XX wieku – również Europę Środkową i Wschodnią....
Justifying the prolongation of the service life of the bearing structure of a tank car when using Y25 bogies
PublicationThis paper substantiates the use of Y25 bogies under tank cars in order to prolong their service life. The reported study has been carried out for a tank car with rated parameters, as well as the actual ones, registered during full-scale research. Mathematical modeling was performed to determine the basic indicators of the tank car dynamics. The differential equations of motion were solved by a Runge-Kutta method using the Mathcad...
A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic
PublicationForecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...
Comparison of traditional district heating with low temperature district heating systems featuring organic Rankine cycle and heat pump
PublicationPaper presents a comparison between a traditional district heating system with conventional boilers as a source of heat and electricity purchases from power utilities and a low temperature DH system incorporating the CHP with organic Rankine Cycle providing electricity and local heat pump raising the temperature of the DH fluid to the required temperature in the dwelling, meaning that both heat and electricity are produced within...
An innovative approach to the forecasting of energetic effects while wood sawing
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, the cutting forces (power) problem may be tackled with an innovative, up-to-date fundamental analysis of the mechanics of sawing based on modern fracture...
An Innovative Approach to the Forecasting of Energetic Effects While Wood Sawing
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specifi c cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, the cutting forces (power) problem may be tackled with an innovative, up-to-date fundamental analysis of the mechanics of sawing based on modern fracture mechanics....
Uncertainty quantification of modal parameter estimates obtained from subspace identification: An experimental validation on a laboratory test of a large-scale wind turbine blade
PublicationThe uncertainty afflicting modal parameter estimates stems from e.g., the finite data length, unknown, or partly measured inputs and the choice of the identification algorithm. Quantification of the related errors with the statistical Delta method is a recent tool, useful in many modern modal analysis applications e.g., damage diagnosis, reliability analysis, model calibration. In this paper, the Delta method-based uncertainty...
Property sustainable value versus highest and best use analyzes
PublicationThis article proposes the possibility of applying fuzzy logic theory to perform the tasks of determining the market value of agricultural lands. These tasks are of a multi‐criteria character, as multiple factors are taken into consideration during the land value valuation process. The market value of agricultural land plots, calculated using fuzzy logic methods, can provide a basis for further use in the processes that are directly...
Optimization of the Relative Humidity of Reactant Gases in Hydrogen Fuel Cells Using Dynamic Impedance Measurements
PublicationWater management is a key factor affecting the efficiency of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). The currently used monitoring methods of PEMFCs provide limited information about which processes or components that humidity has a significant impact upon. Herein, we propose the use of a novel approach of impedance measurements using a multi-sinusoidal perturbation signal, which enables impedance measurements under dynamic...
The effectiveness of financial and economic regulation of land relations in the context of stimulating entrepreneurial activity in the regions of Ukraine
PublicationSolving the problem of enhancing the efficiency of the financial and economic regulation of land relations contributes to the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The purpose of the paper is to determine new incentives for encouraging entrepreneurial activity by increasing the efficiency of the financial and economic regulation of land relations by local governments. The study is based on applying the method for predicting...
Changing Attitudes in Cross Cultural Diversity through International Senior Capstone Projects
PublicationIn this global world, today’s engineer is likely to have to work in global international teams with colleagues from other nationalities. The challenge for many engineering curricula is how to include, in a realistic way, this global dimension and increase the student’s awareness of the issues that are encountered. In the Purdue University Engineering Technology program, an international capstone project was created to increase...
Survey on fuzzy logic methods in control systems of electromechanical plants
PublicationРассмотрены алгоритмы управления электромеханическими системами с использованием теории нечеткой логики, приводятся основные положения их синтеза, рассматриваются методы анализа их устойчивости на основе нечетких функций Ляпунова. Эти алгоритмы чаще всего реализуются в виде различных регуляторов, применение которых целесообразно в системах, математическая модель которых не известна, не детерминирована или является строго нелинейной,...
Building Information Modeling in Small and Middle Sized Buildings – Case Study
PublicationBuilding Information Modeling (BIM) is a technology designed to improve and integrate all engineering aspects in the construction design process. Tools that incorporate the idea of BIM are becoming more advanced and also more popular. Available software solutions have already reached an assumable high level of development, but still are not as widespread and used on nearly as many construction projects as could be expected. Therefore...
Analytical methodologies for determination of artificial sweeteners in foodstuffs- a review
PublicationArtificial high-intensity sweeteners are more and more frequently used for food production. Food industry tends to highlight beneficial aspects of their use, such as tooth-friendliness, rising-up quality of life of those suffering from different forms of diabetes and possibility of weight control without sacrificing favorite unhealthy drinks or snacks. On the other hand some of the consumers are deeply concerned about safety of...
Energy Router: A Sustainable Solution for Future Residential Buildings
PublicationElectric energy consumption is increasing much faster than the predicted growth in energy generation. Although the installed capacity of renewable energy sources is also expanding, grid congestion remains unavoidable without adopting smart energy management systems (EMS) and flexible power electronics structures. Given the significant installed capacity of photovoltaic (PV) systems in the residential sector, moving towards zero-emission...
Additive Manufacturing as a Solution to Challenges Associated with Heat Pipe Production
PublicationThe aim of this review is to present the recent developments in heat pipe production, which respond to the current technical problems related to the wide implementation of this technology. A novel approach in HP manufacturing is to utilise hi-tech additive manufacturing techniques where the most complicated geometries are fabricated layer-by-layer directly from a digital file. This technology might be a solution to various challenges...
Impact of Intelligent Transport Systems Services on the Level of Safety and Improvement of Traffic Conditions
PublicationThe positive effects of the services of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on the level of transport systems operation was confirmed by long-term studies conducted, inter alia, in the USA, Japan and Europe. Benefits resulting from the application of ITS services can be presented through performance indicators. The indicators represent in a numerical or qualitative manner to what extent ITS services can contribute to improving...
Experimental Study of Silent Sonar
PublicationStealth is a frequent requirement in military applications and involves the use of devices whose signals are difficult to intercept or identify by the enemy. The silent sonar concept was studied and developed at the Department of Marine Electronic Systems of the Gdansk University of Technology. The work included a detailed theoretical analysis, computer simulations and some experimental research. The results of the theoretical...
Investigation of the Frying Fume Composition During Deep Frying of Tempeh Using GC-MS and PTR-MS
PublicationThis study employed proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify and monitor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in frying fumes generated during the deep frying of tempeh. The research aimed to assess the impact of frying conditions, including frying temperature, oil type, and repeated use cycles, on the formation of thermal decomposition products. A total of 78...
PublicationThis paper presents a modelling of accumulation and dissipation energy in simple drive system. The simple drive system is presented by laboratory stand designed for calculate fatigue life of material for bending and rotation tests pieces. The laboratory stand was prepared to diagnosis of fatigue life of material by use energetic methods. This idea was submitted as utility model to Polish Patent Office. This laboratory stand gives...