total: 234
filtered: 114
Rola its w poprawie bezpieczenstwa transportu
PublicationInteligentne systemy transportowe znajdują zastosowanie we wszystkich środkach transportu jednak największy udział mają w poprawie bezpieczeństwa transportu drogowego. Około 95% śmiertelnych ofiar w transporcie powodują wypadki na drodze. Na podstawie danych o wpywie urządzeń ITS na spadek ryzyka w ruchu drogowym możemy stwierdzić że zastosowanie ITS może w dużym stopniu poprawić bezpieczeństwo całego systemu transportu.
PublicationW referacie zaprezentowano znaczenie teorii procesów semi-Markowa w naukach technicznych, zwłaszcza w teorii niezawodności urządzeń technicznych, teorii bezpieczeństwa ich działania oraz statystycznej teorii podejmowania decyzji eksploatacyjnych. W referacie wyeksponowano także przydatność teorii procesów semi-Markowa w teorii i praktyce eksploatacji wspomnianych urządzeń technicznych na przykładzie tak istotnych urządzeń w transporcie...
Risk assessment for tram traffic on tramway bridges
PublicationMiejski transport szynowy wielu miastach stanowi istotny element systemu transportowego i jest przestrzennie rozwijającym się systemem zapewniającym mieszkańcom codzienną obsługę transportową. Bezpieczeństwo pasażerów transportu szynowego i użytkowników dróg jest jednym z najważniejszych czynników, który należy uwzględnić w trakcie projektowania infrastruktury oraz w ocenie operacyjnej systemu miejskiego transportu tramwajowego....
PublicationRecent advances in graphene-based supercapacitor technology for energy storage application were summarized. The comparison of different types of electrode materials in such supercapacitors was performed. The supercapacitors with graphene-based electrodes exhibit outstanding performance: high charge-discharge rate, high power density, high energy density and long cycle-life, what makes them suitable for various applications, e.g....
Deduplication of Tracked Objects Position Data at Single Observation Point of a Vessel Monitoring System
PublicationVessel Monitoring System (VMS) play a major role in safety navigation. In most cases they are based on two data sources, namely Automatic Identification System (AIS) and Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA). Integration of data obtained from these sources is an important problem, which needs to be solved in order to ensure the correct performance of a given VMS. In this paper basic functions which should be implemented in a tracked...
PublicationIn a classical approach to damage diagnosis, the technical condition of an analyzed machine is identified based on the measured symptoms, such as performance, thermal state or vibration parameters. In wheeled tractor the fundamental importance has monitoring and diagnostics during exploitation concerning technical inspection and fault element localizations. The main functions of a diagnostic system are: monitoring tractor components...
Determination of probabilities defining safety of a sea-going ship during performance of a transportation task in stormy weather conditions
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of applying the theory of semi-Markov processes to determine the limiting distribution for the process of changes of technical states being reliability states of the systems of sea-going ships significantly affecting safety of such ships, which include main engine, propeller and steering gear. The distribution concerns the probabilities of occurrence of the said states defined for a long time...
Analysis of catalitic reactors usefulness to reduce pollution generated by piston combustion engines with regard to ship main engines
PublicationThe article presents results which indicate that the use of catalytic reactors to reduce emissions of harmful compunds contained in the exhaust gas is important in the operation of vehicle motors operation. Efforts of the shipbuilding industry to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gas emitted by the main engines have been indicated and pointed to the desirability of the use of these catalysts in maritime transport. It has been pointed...
Forecasting of railway track tamping based on settlement of sleepers using fuzzy logic
PublicationThe sleepers in a railway track transfer vertical, transverse and longitudinal loads to the track ballast and subgrade. The sleepers allow for keeping the distance between the rails constant. The thickness of ballast should be between 16 and 35 cm depending on the design standard of the track, and it should be densified where the ballast supports the sleeper. The exploitation causes contamination of the ballast, crushing the material...
Features of load and wear of main propulsion devices on sea-going ships with piston combustion engines and their impact on changes in technical states of the systems
PublicationThe paper presents the specificity of operation of propulsion systems of seagoing ships which causes the need to control the load on them, especially on their engines called main engines. The characteristics of the load on the propulsion systems, especially on the main engines as well as on the shaft lines and propellers driven by the engines, along with the process of wear in tribological joints (sliding tribological systems)...
Assessing Tram Infrastructure Safety Using the Example of the City of Gdańsk
PublicationAnalysis of Gdańsk’s tram network statistics shows that incidents are quite frequent (about 650 within 5 years) and mostly involve collisions and crashes. As well as reducing the tram systems’ efficiency and reliability, incidents have a nega-tive effect on road safety. As Polish cities extend their tram networks, they must also ensure that their existing networks are safe. This is to be achieved by conducting safety assessments....
Fault diagnosing system of wheeled tractors
PublicationA defect of complex wheeled tractor assembles most frequently negative influence on exploitation efficiency, safety and exhaust gases emission. Structure complexity of wheeled tractors requires more and more advanced diagnostic methods for identification of their serviceable possibilities as well in manufacturing step as in exploitation. In classical diagnosing methods of wheeled tractor defects states mapping by measured diagnostic...
Problemy szacowania strat w wypadkach drogowych w Polsce
PublicationPrzegląd i analiza strat w wypadkach i kolizjach drogowych - straty osobowe, straty materialne , straty środowiskowe, straty ekonomiczne. Klasyfikacja obrażeń uczestników ruchu w skali AIS, MAIS i CABCO.
Polityka transportowa państwa.
PublicationMaterial tu przedstawiony jest syntezą projektu pt. ''Polityka Transportowa Państwa na lata 2005-2025'', opracowanego przez wielodyscyplinarny zespół specjalistów, który został powołany przez min. Ryszarda Krystka w październiku 2004. Projekt PTP został przyjęty przez kierownictwo Ministerstwa Infrastruktury w dniu 15 marca 2005 i skierowany do konsultacji środowiskowych i społecznych. Po zakończeniu konsultacji projekt będzie...