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Search results for: GAMMA-RAY ABSORPTION
3D X-ray Micro-CT Analysis of Rebar Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Subjected to a Chloride-Induced Environment
PublicationThe paper presents experimental investigations of the concrete cover protective ability to coun-teract rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete cubes. To study and quantify the consequences of corrosion a reinforced concrete sample was subjected to chloride-induced environment in order to get corroded and combined with un-corroded sample. Chloride-accelerated technique can in-duce a high degree of corrosion within at a controlled...
Both activating and inhibitory Fc gamma receptors mediate rituximab-induced trogocytosis of CD20 in mice
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Immobilization technique for enhanced production of the immunosuppressant mycophenolic acid by ultraviolet and gamma-irradiated Penicillium roqueforti
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Application of gamma densitometry and statistical signal analysis to gas phase velocity measurements in pipeline hydrotransport
PublicationThe work presents selected methods of signal analysis used in the processing of data obtained from radiometric probes. The used data came from an exemplary study of a two-phase liquid-gas flow at the laboratory installation. In such rigs many possible transport types may be observed, i.e. slug, plug and bubble flow, and each of them gives different signal-to-noise ratio of recorded data. Therefore, available radiometric methods...
Application of gamma densitometry and statistical signal analysis to gas phase velocity measurements in pipeline hydrotransport
PublicationThe work presents selected methods of signal analysis used in the processing of data obtained from radiometric probes. The used data came from an exemplary study of a two-phase liquid-gas flow at the laboratory installation. In such rigs many possible transport types may be observed, i.e. slug, plug and bubble flow, and each of them gives different signal-to-noise ratio of recorded data. Therefore, available radiometric methods...
Combining X-ray tomogrpahy imaging and DEM simulations to investigate granular material flow during silo discharging
PublicationEven after few decades of research, the study of particle motion taking place during silo discharging hasn’t been fully addressed, both experimentally and numerically, because of nontrivial behaviors that occur during associated flow patterns. For instance, discrete element method (DEM) has shown good qualitative prediction potential of velocity profile, but, on the other hand, frequently failed to match quantitatively experimental...
X-Ray Computer Tomography Study of Degradation of the Zircaloy-2 Tubes Oxidized at High Temperatures
PublicationThe investigations of high-temperature oxidation of zirconium alloys, applied for fuel pellets in nuclear power plants, are usually limited to oxidation kinetics, phase transformations and microstructural characterization. The purpose of this research was to characterize the degradation phenomena occurring within oxide layer and at the interface oxide/metal, on internal and external Zircaloy-2 tube...
Improving operating efficiency of a gas turboset via cooperation with an absorption refrigerating machine
PublicationThe analysis of increase of ambient air temperature entering the compressor on reduction in power output from the turbine and increase fuel use was conduced. For medium size gas turbine operates in winter and summer conditions elementary power and economical values was calculated. Conditions of the determination of turbine inlet air cooling solution (using thermal storage for reduce equipment size) are presented
Post-impact moisture absorption in hybrid glass, aramid, carbon/epoxy composites
PublicationZbadano chłonność wody i własności po udarze i absorpcji wody w laminatach hybrydowych aramidowo-szklano-węglowych. Badania porównawcze dla laminatów szklano-epoksydowych wykazały 18% i 33% spadek wytrzymałości na ściskanie odpowiednio w wyniku udaru o energii 10J oraz udaru i absorpcji wody.
Conceptual design report of the MPD Cosmic Ray Detector (MCORD)
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Commissioning and performance of the CMS pixel tracker with cosmic ray muons
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Response of thermoluminescence dosemeters statically exposed to X-ray radiation
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High-pressure X-ray Diffraction Study of SrSi2O2N2:Eu2+
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Two-dimensional simulations of concrete fracture at aggregate level with cohesive elements based on X-ray lCT images
PublicationThe paper presents results of two-dimensional meso-scale simulations of fracture in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending test. Concrete was assumed as a 4-phase material composed of aggregate grains placed in the cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and macro-voids. The particle distribution was taken from real concrete beams on the basis of X-ray lCT images. Comprehensive numerical analyses were carried...
Short-range order structure and free volume distribution in liquid bismuth: X-ray diffraction and computer simulations studies
PublicationThe structure of liquid bismuth was studied by X-ray diffraction and computer simulation methods. The contraction of the atomic structure within the first coordination sphere in the temperature interval of 575- 1225 K is reported. The temperature dependencies of the coordination numbers and of the free volume are analysed. On the basis of the temperature dependencies of the free volume, the temperature dependencies of viscosity...
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of COVID-19 from Chest X-ray Images Using Hybrid-Features and Random Forest Classifier
PublicationIn recent years, a lot of attention has been paid to using radiology imaging to automatically find COVID-19. (1) Background: There are now a number of computer-aided diagnostic schemes that help radiologists and doctors perform diagnostic COVID-19 tests quickly, accurately, and consistently. (2) Methods: Using chest X-ray images, this study proposed a cutting-edge scheme for the automatic recognition of COVID-19 and pneumonia....
Evaluation of mercury content in combustible tobacco products by employing cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy and considering the moisture content: a comprehensive study
PublicationPlants are mainly made up of water, which constitutes between 80 and 90% of their weight. Moisture factor comes across as one of the most important in tobacco products. Rapid determination of moisture content in tobacco products comes at neces- sity in any tobacco management plants (before and after production). Therefore, the concern has been raised in this study to evaluate the moisture content in four kinds of combustible tobacco...
Discovery of the anticancer drug vinblastine from the endophytic Alternaria alternata and yield improvement by gamma irradiation mutagenesis
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PublicationThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale numerical results of fracture in notched concrete beams under quasi-static three-point bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and air voids. As a numerical approach, the discrete element method (DEM) was used. The concrete micro-structure in calculations was directly...
Comparative X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy studies of BiFeO3 ceramics prepared by conventional solid-state reaction and mechanical activation
PublicationThe aim of this work was to prepare BiFeO3 by modified solid-state sintering and mechanical activation processes and to investigate the structure and hyperfine interactions of the material. X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy were applied as complementary methods. In the case of sintering, BiFeO3 phase was obtained from the mixture of precursors with 3 and 5 % excess of Bi2O3 during heating at 1023 K. Small amounts of...
Microwave absorption study on (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O granular superconductors
PublicationNadprzewodniki granulaste są bardzo ciekawymi materiałami dzięki temu, że zawierają dużą ilość złącz Josephsona. W pracy przedstawiono absorpcję mikrofalową w granulastych nadprzewodnikach (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O zawierających granule 2201, 2212 i 2223 umieszczone w matrycy dielektrycznej. Obserwowano dwustopniowe przejście do stanu nadprzewodzącego. Sygnał MMMA obserwowano poniżej temperatury T1.
Different Aspects of the Elemental Analysis of Honey by Flame Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectrometry: A Review
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Photoacoustic and optical absorption spectroscopy studies of luminescentCr3+andCr4+centers in yttrium aluminum garnet
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Single‐walled carbon nanotubes modified by PFO: An optical absorption and Raman spectroscopic investigation
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Determination of total mercury in fish and cormorant using cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry
PublicationW pracy opisano technikę CV-AAS do oznaczania zawartości rtęci całkowitej w tkankach ryb i kormorana. Przedstawiono proces walidacji zastosowanej procedury analitycznej, w ramach którego wyznaczono takie parametry walidacyjne jak:- selektywność,- liniowość (r>0,993),- zakres pomiarowy (0,29-100 ng),- poprawność (odzysk 98%),- powtarzalność (CV <10%).Wartość rozszerzonej niepewności <13%.Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów dla 8 gatunków...
Comparison of LaCl3:Ce and NaI(Tl) scintillators in γ-ray spectrometry
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CMS data processing workflows during an extended cosmic ray run
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Alignment of the CMS muon system with cosmic-ray and beam-halo muons
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Commissioning and performance of the CMS silicon strip tracker with cosmic ray muons
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European X-Ray Free Electron Laser (EXFEL): local implications
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K X-ray line energies as diagnostics of warm dense plasma
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Relativistic calculations of X-ray photoelectron spectra and the accuracy of the IOTC method*
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The K X-ray line structures for a warm dense copper plasma
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Proton transfer and hydrogen bonds in supramolecular, self-assembled structures of imidazolium silanethiolates. X-ray, spectroscopic and theoretical studies
PublicationThe reaction of 1-methylimidazole, 2-ethyl-4-methylimidazole and 2-ethylimidazole with tris(2,6- diisopropylphenoxy)silanethiol (TDST) leads to the formation of three new salts, which have been characterized by elemental analyses, thermogravimetric analyses, FTIR spectroscopy, and their structures were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Structural analyses indicate that in all three compounds a proton transfer has...
Application of vibrational spectroscopy, thermal analyses and X-Ray diffraction in the rapid evaluation of the stability in solid-state of ranitidine, famotidine and cimetidine
PublicationThis paper reports the study on applicability of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), near-infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) for the estimation of the chemical stability and photostability of histamine H2-receptor antagonist substances. Ranitidine hydrochloride (RAN), famotidine (FAM) and cimetidine (CIM) were tested and differences in sensitivity were measured...
Water absorption and blistering of glass fibre-reinforced polymer marine laminates with nanoparticle-modified coatings
PublicationMacro and microstructural damage was studied in typical glass fibre-reinforced polymer laminates with two types of coating systems – (a) isophtalic gel coat: pure or mixed with SiO2 nanoparticles 5 wt% (5%N) or 10 wt% (10%N) and (b) a two-layer coating system: urethane-modified vinyl ester-based gel coat and additional polyester barrier coat layer. Accelerated tests were performed at 50C for 50 days for specimens with nanoparticle-modified...
Anomalous diffraction approach to the visible spectra of absorption by marine particles with power-law size distributions
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Highly efficient absorption of THz radiation using waveguide-integrated carbon nanotube/cellulose aerogels
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Periodicity-induced effects in the scattering and absorption of light by infinite and finite gratings of circular silver nanowires
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Determination of butyltin stabilizers in PVC using Liquid-Phase microextraction with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry
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Inner-shell fragmentation of molecules into neutral fragments in high-Rydberg states induced by soft X-ray excitation with pulsed-field ionization
PublicationIn the present communication, we will show the results of measurements probing the production of neutral high-Rydberg fragments at the K edges of the molecules containing oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The experiments were performed at the Gas Phase beamline of the Elettra synchrotron radiation laboratory (Trieste, Italy), exploiting a combined soft X-ray excitation with pulsed-field ionization and ion time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry...
Study of microstress state of P91 steel using complementary mechanical Barkhausen, magnetoacoustic emission, and X-ray diffraction techniques
PublicationThe paper deals with assessment of microstress state of martensite P91 steel using three complementary techniques: mechanical Barkhausen emission, magnetoacoustic emission (MAE), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) profile analysis. Magnetic coercivity Hc and microstructure were investigated with inductive magnetometry and magnetic force microscopy (MFM), respectively. Internal stress level of P91 steel was modified by heat treatment....
Mechanical and fracture properties of concrete reinforced with recycled and industrial steel fibers using Digital Image Correlation technique and X-ray micro computed tomography
PublicationPaper presents investigation of fracture phenomenon in plain concrete and in concrete reinforced with both recycled steel fibers (RSF) and industrial steel fibers (ISF). The wedge splitting test (WST), which enables stable crack propagation for quasi-brittle materials, was carried out on 75 75 75 mm cube samples. Initially, fracture process zone development was investigated only on the surface of samples using Digital Image Correlation...
Use of X-Ray Computed Tomography for Ice Detection Applied to Organ Cryopreservation
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Ovarian tissue cryopreservation by stepped vitrification and monitored by X-ray computed tomography
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Detection of Chest X-ray Abnormalities Using CNN Based on Hyperparameter Optimization
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Performance of the CMS hadron calorimeter with cosmic ray muons and LHC beam data
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Structure of Kα1,2 - and Kβ1,3 -emission x-ray spectra for Se, Y, and Zr
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Precise x-ray energies of gadolinium determined by a combined experimental and theoretical approach
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X-ray and NMR structural studies of the series of porphyrazines with peripheral pyrrolyl groups