total: 874
filtered: 784
TiO2 nanotube arrays-based reactor for photocatalytic oxidation of parabens mixtures in ultrapure water: Effects of photocatalyst properties, operational parameters and light source
PublicationSelf-organized TiO2 nanotubes as immobilized photocatalysts were evaluated in detail for the photocatalytic degradation of parabens mixtures from ultrapure water. This kind of approach can be a very suitable option for emerging contaminants degradation considering the possibility of the catalyst reuse and recovery which will be simpler than when catalytic powders are used. The anodization method was applied for the TiO2 nanotubes...
Linking optical and electronic properties to photoresponse of heterojunctions based on titania nanotubes and chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten oxides
PublicationThe development of photosensitization strategies for titanium dioxide is necessary for the enhancement of its optical and electronic properties towards its application potential in solar photoelectrochemistry. In this work, significant differences in the photosensitizing capability of the 6th group transition metal oxides applied on the surface of titania nanotubes are reported. For the first time, correlations between the experimentally...
The interaction of the pulsed laser irradiation with titania nanotubes - Theoretical studies on the thermal effect
PublicationThis paper reports temperature dispersion simulations of titania nanotubes irradiated by the 355 nm, pulsed, nanosecond laser. The modelling with the use of Finite Elements Method concerns titania nanotubes of the length and the wall thickness in the range of 0.5–2 μm and 5–20 nm, respectively. The uniqueness of the morphology was preserved by ensuring the wall thickness variation along the height of the tube, which was determined...
Chapter 31. Preparation of silver doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles in microemulsion system
PublicationNanocząstki TiO2 domieszkowanego srebrem przygotowano w mikroemulsji woda-AOT-cykloheksan. Zbadano wpływ zawartości srebra (od 1,5 do 8,5% mol.) na aktywność fotokatalityczą oraz właściwości bakterio- i grzybobójcze. Stwierdzono, że TiO2 modyfikowany za 6,5% mol. Ag wykazuje najwyższą aktywność w reakcji degradacji fenolu oraz najwyższą aktywność mikrobiologiczną. Aktywność mikrobiologiczną wyznaczano jako minimalne stężenie hamujące...
The Effect of Calcination Temperature on Structure and Photocatalytic Properties of WO3/TiO2 Nanocomposites
PublicationSeries ofWO3/TiO2 nanocompositeswere obtained by hydrothermal method followed by calcination in the temperature range from 400∘C to 900∘C. The characteristics of photocatalysts by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) showed that increasing the calcination temperature from 400 to 900∘C resulted in change of photocatalytic activity under UV-Vis light.Moreover,...
Oxygen biosensor based on carbon nanotubes directly grown on graphitic substrate
PublicationFilms of carbon nanotubes were synthesized on the graphitic substrates by CVD method in the presence of catalyst. Two different catalysts were used, that is nickel and iron, supported on graphitic substrates. The as-obtained nanotubes were analyzed by SEM imaging with EDX and Raman spectroscopy. The results revealed their multi-walled morphology. Free radical reaction was carried out in order to chemically functionalize synthesized...
Photocatalytic and Antimicrobial Properties of Ag2O/TiO2 Heterojunction
PublicationAg2O/TiO2 heterojunctions were prepared by a simple method, i.e., the grinding of argentous oxide with six different titania photocatalysts. The physicochemical properties of the obtained photocatalysts were characterized by diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The photocatalytic activity was...
Electrodes consisting of PEDOT modified by Prussian Blue analogues deposited onto titania nanotubes – Their highly improved capacitance
PublicationIn this work we present the outstanding energy storage of prepared inorganic-organic heterojunction where hydrogenated ordered titania nanotubes (H-TiO2NT) were modified by the hybrid made of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (pEDOT) and iron hexacyanoferrate centres (Fehcf, Prussian Blue). The material TiO2NT/pEDOT:Fechf was obtained electrochemically by means of: anodization, hydrogenation and finally, electropolymerization of...
Preparation and characterisation of visible light responsive iodine doped TiO2 electrodes
PublicationPraca przedstawia charakterystykę domieszkowanego jodem ditlenku tytanu (I-TiO2) otrzymanego na drodze hydrotermicznej syntezy, gdzie prekursor stanowiły komplesy tytanu (IV) z ligandami zawierającymi atom jodu. Struktura nowego materiału została opisana za pomocą technik XPS, XRD, UV-vis i FT-IR-ATR. Badania te potwierdziły, że otrzymany proszek I-TiO2 ma zmniejszoną przerwę energetyczną. Praca prezentuje również badania elektrochemiczne...
Tuning Carbon Nanotubes Through Poor Metal Addition to Iron Catalysts in CVD
Publication -
Zastosowanie metod spektroskopowych do charakterystyki nanokompozytów Ag-TiO2
PublicationNanocząstki Ag-TiO2 zawierające od 1,5 do 8% mol. srebra otrzymano poprzez hydrolizę tetraizopropylo tytanianu w mikroemulsji woda-AOT-cykloheksan, zawierającej w fazie wewnętrznej prekursor cząstek srebra i następnie redukcję jonów srebra. Charakterystyka otrzymanych fotokatalizatorów Ag-TiO2 obejmowała, wyznaczenie właściwości absorpcyjnych, energii pasma wzbronionego (Eg), powierzchni właściwej BET, badanie aktywności fotokatalitycznej...
Otrzymywanie i charakterystyka TiO2 modyfikowanego metalami ziem rzadkich
PublicationW ostatnich latach wzrosło zainteresowanie bardziej wydajnym pozyskiwaniem energii promieniowania słonecznego, dlatego celem badań było opracowanie nowych, funkcjonalnych nanokompozytów na bazie TiO2, charakteryzujących się wysoką aktywnością fotokatalityczną. Metale ziem rzadkich to substancje o właściwościach luminescencyjnych, które mogą absorbować promieniowanie z zakresu widzialnego i emitować promieniowanie z zakresu ultrafioletowego....
Optimization of carbamazepine photodegradation on defective TiO2-based magnetic photocatalyst
PublicationIn this work, carbamazepine (CBZ) degradation over defective Fe3O4@SiO2/d-TiO2/Pt photocatalyst was studied. Within the titania structure, Ti vacancies and Pt nanoparticles were introduced to enhance the photocatalyst’s light absorption and influence charge carriers’ mobility. For the carbamazepine degradation, process parameters, e.g., temperature, flux intensity, photocatalyst loading, aeration, pH, and addition of H2O2, were optimized...
TiO2 and Reducing Gas: Intricate Relationships to Direct Reduction of Iron Oxide Pellets
PublicationIn response to the imperative for sustainable iron production with reduced CO2 emissions, this study delves into the intricate role of TiO2 in the direct reduction of iron oxide pellets. The TiO2-dependent reducibility of iron oxide pellets utilizing H2 and CO gas across varied temperatures and gas compositions is thoroughly investigated. Our findings unveil the nuanced nature of the TiO2 effect, underscored by its concentration-dependent...
Chemiresistive gas sensors based on carbon nanotubes - fabrication and application
PublicationMany types of sensors have been invented to identify and quantify chemical contamination in the gas phase. Sensors based on carbon nanotubes are particularly attractive because of their wide range of applicaions and potential use in electronic nose that can be controlled using algorithms of Artificial Intelligence. Sensor functions, fabrication and selected applications are reviewed and discussed with focus on chemiresistors. Drawbacks...
The potential of imogolite nanotubes as (co-)photocatalysts: a linear-scaling density functional theory study
PublicationWe report a linear-scaling density functional theory (DFT) study of the structure, wall-polarization absolute band-alignment and optical absorption of several, recently synthesized, open-ended imogolite (Imo) nanotubes (NTs), namely single-walled (SW) aluminosilicate (AlSi), SW aluminogermanate (AlGe), SW methylated aluminosilicate (AlSi-Me), and double-walled (DW) AlGe NTs. Simulations with three different semi-local and dispersion-corrected...
Synthesis and photoelectrochemical behaviour of hydrogenated titania nanotubes modified with conducting polymer infiltrated by redox active network
PublicationIn this work, we show preparation of ordered inorganic-organic composite electrode material where hydrogenated titania nanotubes H-TiO2 with tubularly developed surface modified with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) matrix permeated by Prussian Blue (PB) inorganic redox network in order to reach highly photoactive heterojunction. The polymer deposition was realized via two subsequent processes covering: i) potentiostatic polymerization...
Visible light photoactivity and structure of doped TiO2
PublicationOmówiono strukturą i właściwości TiO2 domieszkowanego siarką, węglem oraz borem. Aktywność fotokatalityczna zbadano w reakcji degradacji fenolu pod wpływem światła z zakresu widzialnego (l > 400 nm). Aktywność fotokatalizatorów odniesiono do ich właściwości takich jak powierzchnia właściwa, struktura krystaliczna oraz charakter chemiczny domieszki. Stwierdzono, że fotokatalizatory o najwyższej aktywności mają strukturę anatazu...
Facet effect of TiO2 nanostructures from TiOF2 and their photocatalytic activity
PublicationIn this study, special attention is focused on the design of TiO2 morphology and microstructure in the two-step preparation procedure using TiOF2 as a precursor to study their photodegradation mineralization efficiency. Firstly, TiOF2 was synthesized by a simple solvothermal method using titanium(IV) tetrafluoride, which was further used as a precursor in preparation of anatase 2D nanosheets, octahedral, decahedral, and rectangular prisms...
Derivatization of single-walled carbon nanotubes with redox mediator biocatalytic oxygen electrodes
PublicationSingle-walled carbon nanotubes were covalently modyfied with a redox mediator derived from 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazole)-6-sulfonic acid.
NOx Photooxidation over Different Noble Metals Modified TiO2
PublicationWe compared the activity enhancement effect of noble metal deposited on TiO2 in photocatalytic nitrogen oxides oxidation. Titanium dioxide was decorated with Ag, Au, Pt or Pd in the sol-gel process. Synthesized catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller measurement (BET), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX)....
Defective TiO2 for CO2 photoreduction: Influence of alkaline agent and reduction temperature modulation
PublicationThis study investigates the synthesis and characterization of Black TiO2 photocatalyst (TiO2-x) through the sol-gel method combined with NaBH4 reduction at different temperatures (350 °C, 500 °C, and 650 °C). The photocatalytic performance for CO2 reduction was evaluated, revealing that TiO2-x_500°C sample exhibited the highest efficiency. This enhanced performance is mainly attributed to a higher concentration of oxygen vacancies...
Boron-doped TiO2: Characteristics and photoactivity under visible light
PublicationOtrzymano TiO2 domieszkowany borem aktywny w reakcjach fotodegradacji pod wpływem światła widzialnego (λ>400 nm). Fotokatalizatory otrzymano poprzez hydrolizę tytanianu(IV) izopropylu w obecności związków boru lub poprzez ucieranie TiO2 (ST-01, P25 i A11) z prekursorami B i następnie kalcynację w zakresie temperatur 200-600oC. Jako źródło boru zastosowano kwas borowy lub ester trietylowy kwasu borowego. Najwyższą aktywność pod...
Ultrasonic-assisted Electrodeposition of Cu-Sn-TiO2 Nanocomposite Coatings with Enhanced Antibacterial Activity
PublicationCopper-based coatings are known for their high antibacterial activity. In this study, nanocomposite Cu–Sn–TiO2 coatings were obtained by electrodeposition from an oxalic acid bath additionally containing 4 g/dm3 TiO2 with mechanical and ultrasonic agitation. Ultrasound treatment was performed at 26 kHz frequency and 32 W/dm3 power. The influence of agitation mode and the current load on the inclusion and distribution of the TiO2...
On stability of iodine doped TiO2 electrodes in pH varied aqueous electrolytes
PublicationW pracy przedstaiono charakterystykę elektrochemiczną warstwy domieszkowanego jodem TiO2 na podłożu platynowym. Wyniki badań prowadzone w elektrolitach o różnym pH pozowoliły na określenie właściwości na granicy faz elektroda - elektrolit. Wyznaczono zależność potencjału pasma płaskiego od pH elektrolitu, a charakter otrzymanej funkcji potwirdził stabilność proszku I-TiO2 w kontakcie s roztworem.
Mechanism of phenol photodegradation in the presence of pure and modified-TiO2: A review
PublicationW publikacji został przedstawiony przegląd i podsumowanie literaturowe na temat fotokatalitycznego utleniania fenolu w obecności TiO2. Opisano mechanizm rozkładu fenolu i tworzenia się rodników OH.
The new method of ZnIn2S4 synthesis on the titania nanotubes substrate with enhanced stability and photoelectrochemical performance
PublicationThe new method of ZnIn2S4 synthesis on the titania nanotubes substrate with enhanced stability and photoelectrochemical performance
Protective properties of Al2O3 + TiO2 coating produced by the electrostatic spray deposition method
PublicationMechanical resistance of Al2O3 + TiO2 nanocomposite ceramic coating deposited by electrostatic spray deposition method onto X10CrAlSi18 steel to thermal and slurry tests was investigated. The coating was produced from colloidal suspension of TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in 3 wt% solution of Al2(NO3)3, as Al2O3 precursor, in ethanol. TiO2 nanoparticles of two sizes, 15 nm and 32 nm, were used in the experiments. After deposition,...
Preparation and Characterization of Defective TiO2. The Effect of the Reaction Environment on Titanium Vacancies Formation
PublicationAmong various methods of improving visible light activity of titanium(IV) oxide, the formation of defects and vacancies (both oxygen and titanium) in the crystal structure of TiO2 is an easy and relatively cheap alternative to improve the photocatalytic activity. In the presented work, visible light active defective TiO2 was obtained by the hydrothermal reaction in the presence of three different oxidizing agents: HIO3, H2O2, and...
The effect of nanoparticles size on photocatalytic and antimicrobial properties of Ag-Pt/TiO2 photocatalysts
PublicationAg-Pt-modified TiO2 nanocomposites were synthesized using the sol–gel method. Bimetallic modified TiO2 nanoparticles exhibited improved photocatalytic activity under visible-light irradiation, better than monometallic Ag/TiO2 and Pt/TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs). All modified powders showed localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in visible region. The photocatalysts’ characteristics by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning transmission...
Transparent thin films of Cu-TiO2 with visible light photocatalytic acitivity
PublicationThin films of Cu–TiO2 with a high level of transparency were prepared by a dip-coating procedure on the glass surface. CuCl2 was used as a copper precursor added during sol – gel synthesis of TiO2. The extension of optical absorption into the visible region of as-prepared thin films was indicated by UV/Vis spectroscopy. Only the anatase phase was detected by X-ray di ffraction analysis (XRD). The presence of copper in the structure...
Preparation and characterization of Pt–N/TiO2 photocatalysts and their efficiency in degradation of recalcitrant chemicals
PublicationSeries of Pt–N/TiO2 photocatalysts were synthesized using the sol–gel method. The photocatalysts’ characteristics by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed that sample with the molar ratio Ti:N equal 1:4 and platinum nanoparticles size of about 3 nm had anatase structure, about 94 m2/g specific surface area...
Otrzymywanie i charakterystyka TiO2 modyfikowanego nanocząstkami Au oraz Pd
PublicationDitlenek tytanu jest intensywnie badany od wielu lat, ze względu na jego właściwości fotokatalityczne, nietoksyczność oraz niski koszt. Ograniczeniem w zastosowaniu TiO2 jest jego niska wydajność kwantowa konwersji energii słonecznej, ze względu na szybką rekombinację nośników oraz konieczność zastosowania promieniowania UV. TiO2 absorbuje tylko 3-4% promieniowania słonecznego, ponieważ może być wzbudzony tylko promieniowaniem...
Preparation and characterization of TiO2 nanostructures for catalytic CO2 photoconversion
PublicationThe titanium dioxide target (99.7%) of 1 cm in dia was ablated in vacuum by laser pulses(6 ns) at 266 nm and at repetition rate of 10 Hz. During deposition the laser fluence between 1 and 3.5 J/cm2 and the O2 pressure from the range of 10-2 - 1 Pa were applied. The thin TiO2 films were deposited on glass substrate (1 × 1 cm2) heated up to 500 °C. The chemical composition of the film and samples produced by annealing were investigated...
High-performance method of carbon nanotubes modification by microwave plasma for thin composite films preparation
PublicationIn this work we present a simple and efficient method of nitrogen plasma modification of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The process allows for treatment of the nanotubes in the form of powder with quite a high yield (65 mg of CNTs per hour). The modified carbon nanotubes contain approx. 3.8% of nitrogen, mostly in the pyridinic form. Plasma treated CNTs exhibit better dispersibility in water and higher electric capacitance than pristine...
Optimalization of TiO2 nanotube geometry using fuzzy reasoning approach
PublicationThe geometry of TiO2 nanotube layer on titanium, obtained by electrochemical anodization, has been determined by using fuzzy reasoning approach. A proposed method showed the possibility of nanotube array architecture optimization by choosing an appropriate anodization condition. A fuzzy logic controller (FLC) was utilized using Matlab Software.
Cienkie warstwy TiO2: metoda otrzymywania, charakterystyka oraz zastosowania
PublicationGłównym celem naukowym badań było lepsze poznanie mechanizmu tworzenia cienkich warstw fotokatalitycznych w postaci nanorurek TiO2 oraz zrozumienie wpływu ich morfologii oraz struktury na aktywność oraz stabilność w procesie fotodegradacji zanieczyszczeń organicznych zarówno w fazie wodnej jak i gazowej. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono syntezie nowych typów fotokatalizatorów w oparciu o matryce nanorurek TiO2 (nanorurki modyfikowane...
Capacitance Enhancement by Incorporation of Functionalised Carbon Nanotubes into Poly(3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene)/Graphene Oxide Composites
PublicationThis paper reports on the role of oxidised carbon nanotubes (oxMWCNTs) present in poly-3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene (PEDOT)/graphene oxide (GOx) composite. The final ternary composites (pEDOT/GOx/oxMWCNTs) are synthesised by an electrodeposition process from the suspension-containing monomer, oxidised carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide. Dissociated functional groups on the surface of graphene oxide play a role of counter-ions for the...
Silver-doped TiO2 prepared by microemulsion method: surface properties, bio- and photoactivity
PublicationOtrzymane fotokatalizatory typu Ag-TiO2 wykazywały wyższą aktywność w reakcjach fotodegradacji fenolu w obecności promieniowania z zakresu UV oraz światła widzialnego w porównaniu z komercyjnym katalizatorem Degussa P25 oraz czystym niedomieszkowanym TiO2, otrzymanym w mikroemulsji woda-AOT-cykloheksan. Powierzchnia właściwa (BET) otrzymanych katalizatorów wynosiła od 100 do 160 m2/g. Na podstawie analizy rentgenowskiej (XRD) stwierdzono,...
On electrical and photoconductive properties of mixed Nb2O5/TiO2 sol-gel thin films
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki przewodnictwa elektrycznego i fotoprzewodnictwa cienkich warstw TiO2 i Nb2O5/TiO2 otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. Pomiary przeprowadzono w funkcji temperatury i natężenia oświetlenia zarówno w próżni jak i w powietrzu. Struktura warstw została zbadana metodami XRD oraz AFM. W pracy zaobserwowano zaobserwowano spadek fotoprzewodnictwa wraz z zawartością Nb2O5
On the mechanism of photocatalytic reactions on CuxO@TiO2 core–shell photocatalysts
PublicationTitania (titanium(IV) oxide) is a highly active, stable, cheap and abundant photocatalyst, and is thus commonly applied in various environmental applications. However, two main shortcomings of titania, i.e., charge carrier recombination and inactivity under visible-light (vis) irradiation, should be overcome for widespread commercialization. Accordingly, titania has been doped, surface modified and coupled with various ions/compounds,...
Synthesis, characterization, and interactions of single-walled carbon nanotubes modified with doxorubicin with Langmuir–Blodgett biomimetic membranes
PublicationThe synthesis, characterization, and the influence of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) modified with an anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOx) on the properties of model biological membrane as well as the comparison of the two modes of modification has been presented. The drug was covalently attached to the nanotubes either preferentially on the sides or at the ends of the nanotubes by the formation of hydrazone bond. The efficiency...
Insight into (Electro)magnetic Interactions within Facet-Engineered BaFe12O19/TiO2 Magnetic Photocatalysts
PublicationA series of facet-engineered TiO2/BaFe12O19 composites were synthesized through hydrothermal growth of both phases and subsequent deposition of the different, faceted TiO2 nanoparticles onto BaFe12O19 microplates. The well-defined geometry of the composite and uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of the ferrite allowed alternate interfaces between both phases and fixed the orientation between the TiO2 crystal structure and the remanent...
Microwave-assisted synthesis of a TiO2-CuO heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic activity against tetracycline
PublicationA microwave method was used for the synthesis of TiO2-CuO oxide systems. A detailed investigation was made of the effect of the molar ratio of components (TiO2:CuO=9:1, 7:3, 5:5, 3:7, 1:9) on the crystalline structure and morphology. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed the presence of octahedral and rod-shaped titania particles and sheet copper(II) oxide particles; moreover, HRTEM analysis indicated the presence of...
Preparation and properties of composite coatings, based on carbon nanotubes, for medical applications
PublicationThe coatings based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are increasingly developed for their applications, among others, in medicine, in particular for implants in implantology, cardiology, and neurology. The present review paper aims at a detailed demonstration of diferent preparation methods for such coatings, their performance, and relationships between deposition parameters and microstructure and material, mechanical, physical, chemical,...
Theoretical and Experimental Studies on the Visible Light Activity of TiO2 Modified with Halide-Based Ionic Liquids
PublicationFormation of a surface complex between organic molecules and TiO2 is one of the possible strategies for the development of visible light-induced TiO2 photoactivity. Herein, three ionic liquids (ILs) with the same cation and dierent anions (1-butylpirydynium chloride/bromide/iodide) have been applied for the surface modification of TiO2 and to understand the role of anions in visible light-induced activity of ILs-TiO2 systems. Photocatalytic...
Solvent Selection as a Key Factor in the Performance of Semitransparent Heterojunctions Composed of Hydrogenated Nanotubes and Bismuth Sulfides
PublicationResearch on titanium nanotubes modified with metal sulfides, particularly bismuth sulfide (Bi2S3), aims to create heterostructures that efficiently absorb sunlight and then separate photogenerated charge carriers, thereby enhancing the energy conversion efficiency. This study shows a key role of solvent used for sulfide and bismuth salt solutions used during successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) onto the morphology,...
Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 microspheres decorated by bimetallic nanoparticles
PublicationComposite photocatalysts that consist of TiO2and noble metal nanostructures have been considered tobe the promising and pivotal material for accessible enhancement of the efficiency in the photocatalyticprocess carried out in the aqueous and gas phases. In this work we fabricated porous TiO2microspheresthrough a hydrothermal process followed by photochemical reduction of noble metal nanoparticles atthe TiO2surface. The morphology...
Towards spectroscopic monitoring of photoelectrodes: In-situ Raman photoelectrochemistry of a TiO2/prussian blue photoanode
PublicationHere, novel in-situ Raman photoelectrochemical measurements are performed. The obtained results have proved that it is possible to track the progress of a photoelectrochemical reaction that takes place on a semiconducting electrode using the spectroscopic method. As an exemplary system, the Ti/TiO2/Prussian blue electrode is investigated. Since TiO2 is an n-type semiconductor, it cannot act as an efficient anode in dark conditions....
Opis metody określania stopnia zwilżalności powierzchni cienkich warstw na przykładzie TiO2
Publicationrozdział opisuje sposób określania stopnia zwilżalności powierzchni cienkich warstw tio2. badane warstwy wytworzono za pomocą zmodyfikowanej metody rozpylania magnetronowego. zwilżalność określono za pomocą specjalistycznego stanowiska do pomiaru kąta zwilżania metodą tak zwanej siedzącej kropli. wyniki pokazały, że badane warstwy tio2 posiadały właściwości hydrofilowe.