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Search results for: TIME
Usability attributes revisited: a time-framed knowledge map
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Entropy of Financial Time Series Due to the Shock of War
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A linear time algorithm for edge coloring of binomial trees
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A general approach to continuous time Gm-C filters.
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano ogólną strukturę filtrów Gm-C z odpowiednim opisem macierzowym. W odniesieniu do tej struktury podano formuły analizy wrażliwościowej dla dowolnego filtru Gm-C czasu ciągłego. Analiza oparta na opisie macierzowym była wykorzystana również do porównania właściwości filtrów Gm-Ctrybu napięciowego i prądowego. Zdefiniowano dwie kanoniczne transformacje dla klasy filtrów zmiennych stanu.
Tolerance Analysis of Continuous Time Gm-C Filters.
PublicationW pracy opisano metodę analizy tolerancji dla filtrów Gm-C dowolnego typu i rzędu. Opracowano odpowiednie formuły analityczne korzystając z ogólnego modelu filtrów tej klasy oraz zunifikowanego opisu macierzowego. W końcowej części pracy przedstawiono wybrane przykłady zastosowań proponowanej procedury z włączeniem analizy metody najgorszego przypadku dla filtrów Gm-C wysokiego rzędu.
Increasing the accuracy of time-varied-gain in digital echosounders
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono problematykę związaną z realizacją precyzyjnej korekcji kompensującej tłumienie dźwięku w wodzie w zastosowaniu do echosond cyfrowych. Pokazano również, że typowo stosowana korekcja prowadzi do kilku decybelowych błędów dla pomiarów realizowanych w wodach płytkich.
Performance optimization of continuous-time OTA-C filters.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analityczne podejśćie do optymalizacji właściwości filtrów OTA-C czasu ciągłego. Zaprezentowano efektywne metody analizy zniekształceń nieliniowych i szumów dla dowolnego filtru OTA-C wykorzystując ogólny model oparty na opisie macierzowym. Rezultaty teoretyczne odnoszące się do kaskadowego filtru typu Butterwotha były weryfikowane na drodze porównawczej z wynikami otrzymanymi na poziomie ''Transistor-Level''...
Noise performance of continuous-time active-RC filters.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę analizy właściwości szumowych filtrów aktywnych RC czasu ciągłego. Prezentowana procedura wykorzystuje model integratorowy, z odpowiednim dla tej klasy filtrów opisem macierzowym. Dokładność osiągniętych wyników teoretycznych dla przykładowego filtru potwierdzono rezultatami otrzymanymi przy pomocy symulatora SPICE.
Neural network breast cancer relapse time prognosis
PublicationPrzedstawiono architekturę i wyniki testowania sztucznej sieci neuronowej w prognozowaniu czasu nawrotu choroby u kobiet chorych na raka piersi. Sieć neuronowa uczona była na danych zgromadzonych przez 20 lat. Dane opisują grupę 439 pacjentów za pomocą 40 parametrów. Spośród tych parametrów wybrano 6 najistotniejszych: liczbę przerzutowych węzłów chłonnych, wielkość guza, wiek, skalę według Blooma oraz stan receptorów estrogenowych...
Time-domain prosodic modifications for text-to-speech synthesizer
PublicationAn application of prosodic speech processing algorithms to Text-To-Speech synthesis is presented. Prosodic modifications that improve the naturalness of the synthesized signal are discussed. The applied method is based on the TD-PSOLA algorithm. The developed Text-To-Speech Synthesizer is used in applications employing multimodal computer interfaces.
CMOS Low-Dropout Regulator With Improved Time Response
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową konfigurację regulatora o obniżonym spadku napięcia, w którym wykorzystano stopień wyjściowy z równoległym sprzężeniem napięciowym. Dzięki obniżonej rezystancji wyjściowej stopnia, uzyskano poprawę odpowiedzi impulsowej regulatora na szybką zmianę prądu wyjściowego.
General Approach to Continuous-Time OTA-C Filters
PublicationW książce zaprezentowano podstawy analizy i projektowania filtrów aktywnych typu OTA-C. Podana została procedura zunifikowanego opisu macierzowego ogólnej struktury układowej filtrów OTA-C czasu ciągłego dla pracy w trybie napięciowym i prądowym. Przyjęty formalizm macierzowy jest dogodny do zastosowania w różnego rodzaju programowych narzędziach komputerowego wspomagania analizy i syntezy filtrów aktywnych tej klasy. Zaproponowana...
Dynamic inequalities and equations of Volterra type on time scales
PublicationPraca dotyczy całkowo-różniczkowych równań dynamicznych typu Volterry z warunkami początkowymi. Stosując twierdzenie Banacha o punkcie stałym pokazano istnienie jedynego rozwiązania liniowego równania dynamicznego. Stosując metodę iteracji monotonicznych pokazano istnienie rozwiązań ekstremalnych dla problemów nieliniowych. Badano też nierówności dynamiczne. Praca zawiera również uwagi dotyczące zagadnień różniczkowych i różnicowych.
Time sprawl: czy zagraża nam urbanizacja nocy?
PublicationMechanizmy działające w mieście zachodzą zazwyczaj z niezwykłą nieuchronnością, a przemiany cywilizacyjne stają się faktem niezależnie od woli mieszkańców. W ciągu ostatnich lat w polskich miastach poszczególne usługi coraz bardziej wydłużają czas funkcjonowania w ciągu doby starając się nadążyć za zmieniającymi się przyzwyczajeniami klientów. Wydaje się, że zjawisko rozciągania czasu aktywności miasta może być równie szkodliwe...
On ''cheap smoothing'' opportunities in identification of time-varying systems
PublicationIn certain applications of nonstationary system identification the model-based decisions can be postponed, i.e. executed with a delay. This allows one to incorporate into the identification process not only the currently available information, but also a number of ''future'' data points. The resulting estimation schemes, which involve smoothing, are not causal. Despite the possible performance improvements, the existing smoothing...
On the lower smoothing bound in identification of time-varying systems
PublicationIn certain applications of nonstationary system identification the model-based decisions can be postponed, i.e. executed with a delay. This allows one to incorporate in the identification process not only the currently available information, but also a number of ''future'' data points. The resulting estimation schemes, which involve smoothing, are not causal. Assuming that the infinite observation history is available, the paper...
A recursive multi-output dicrete-time sinusoidal oscillator
PublicationZaproponowano wielo-wyjściowy cyfrowy oscylator sinusoidalny. Przedstawiono performancję tego oscylatora. Oscylator generuje sinusoidy: o zadanych fazach początkowych i o jednostkowej amplitudzie, przy użyciu algorytmów rekursywnych. Wprowadzona tu macierz rotacji zespolonego oscylatora unifikuje różne struktury zespolonych oscylatorów i pozwala na wprowadzenie nowych struktur trójfazowych, cztero-fazowych i ogólnie wielo-fazowych...
Altruists will be altruists, but what about individualists? The role of future time perspective and social value orientation in volunteers’ declarations to continue engagement in three time horizons
PublicationVolunteering involves caring for the outcomes of others and typically long-term orientation so that one can achieve goals that are not always clearly visible in the short term. As with any activity, volunteering attracts people of different social value orientations – some rather individualistic, some rather altruistic. The aim of the study was to find out whether the future time perspective, which promotes thinking about future...
UAV Design and Construction for Real Time Photogrammetry and Visual Navigation
PublicationA unmanned aerial vehicles applications in photogrammetry have increased rapidly last years. A fast data gathering and processing in real time in some cases become crucial and desired in some application. In the paper, a real time solution is proposed. A real time photogrammetry from UAV is proposed, where image data are gathered and processed on board UAV and finally reconstructed 3D model and measurements are delivered. The paper...
Compensation of Dead Time Effects for Shunt Active Power Filters
PublicationThe paper presents a comprehensive approach to the compensation of the grid current distortion for shunt active power filter systems. Four different sources of current distortion are addressed: imperfect grid synchronization caused by the distortion in the grid voltages, time delays in the estimation of compensating currents and grid voltages, fluctuations of the dc bus voltage, and the distortion of inverter output voltages due...
Chirp-rate estimation of FM signals in the time-frequency domain
PublicationNovel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain including: a channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF), a complex local group delay (CLGD) and a channelized instantaneous chirp-rate (CICR) are introduced. The proposed approach is based on the use of the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. An interpretation of the newly-introduced distributions especially of the CICR...
Real-time speech streching for supporting hearing impaired schoolchildren
PublicationA study of time scale modification algorithms applied to support hearing impaired schoolchildren is presented. Variety of algorithms are considered, namely: overlap-and add, two variations of synchronous overlapand- add, and the phase vocoder. Their effectiveness as well as real-time processing capabilities are examined.
Time-frequency analysis of acoustic signals using concentrated spectrogram
PublicationThe paper presents improved method of time-frequency (TF) analysis of discrete-time signals. The method involves signal's local group delay (LGD) and channelized instantaneous frequency (CIF) to purposely redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) lines. Additionally, the energy concentration index (ECI) and some histogram-like statistics are used to evaluate readability of estimated TF distributions of the energy. Recorded...
Speech codec enhancements utilizing time compression and perceptual coding
PublicationA method for encoding wideband speech signal employing standardized narrowband speech codecs is presented as well as experimental results concerning detection of tonal spectral components. The speech signal sampled with a higher sampling rate than it is suitable for narrowband coding algorithm is compressed in order to decrease the amount of samples. Next, the time-compressed representation of a signal is encoded using a narrowband...
Method based on space-time perception in interior design education
PublicationIn this article, the authors discuss a didactic method based on the analysis of space in the architectural interior, according to the ideas of space-time by Kobro and Strzemiński. The Unistic concept of art has been featured in the course, Colour and Form in Interior Design, at the studies of Interior and Landscape Design (ILD) in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at West Pomeranian University of Technology (WPUT),...
On various modelling approaches to real-time visualisation of blood flow
PublicationThis paper reviews various modelling approaches to real-time visualisation of blood flow. These include classic, macroscale approach based on the momentum conservation equation together with a proper constitutive equation. Moreover, modern micro- and mesoscale approaches, such as molecular dynamics and dissipative particle dynamics, are discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of the discussed methods are highlighted with particular...
A new multi-process collaborative architecture for time series classification
PublicationTime series classification (TSC) is the problem of categorizing time series data by using machine learning techniques. Its applications vary from cybersecurity and health care to remote sensing and human activity recognition. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-process collaborative architecture for TSC. The propositioned method amalgamates multi-head convolutional neural networks and capsule mechanism. In addition to the discovery...
Influence of passive house technology on time and cost of construction investment
PublicationDue to the changes in the energy standards for housing in Poland there are many concerns. Is the standard required by the regulation achievable and if it is, then at what cost? There are many solutions to construct a building in line with the requirements of passive house technology. They are differentiated by price and time required for implementation. This study is based on the solution proposed by one of Polish companies, offering...
On–line Parameter and Delay Estimation of Continuous–Time Dynamic Systems
PublicationThe problem of on-line identification of non-stationary delay systems is considered. The dynamics of supervised industrial processes are usually modeled by ordinary differential equations. Discrete-time mechanizations of continuous-time process models are implemented with the use of dedicated finite-horizon integrating filters. Least-squares and instrumental variable procedures mechanized in recursive forms are applied for simultaneous...
FPGA Based Real Time Simulations of the Face Milling Process
PublicationThe article presents a successful implementation of the milling process simulation at the Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). By using FPGA, very rigorous Real-Time (RT) simulation requirements can be met. The response time of the FPGA simulations is significantly reduced, and the time synchronization is better than in a typical RT system implemented in software. The FPGA-based approach is characterized by enormous flexibility...
Asynchronous Networked Estimation System for Continuous Time Stochastic Processes
PublicationIn this paper we examine an asynchronous networked estimation system for state estimation of continuous time stochastic processes. Such a system is comprised of several estimation nodes connected using a possibly incomplete communication graph. Each of the nodes uses a Kalman filter algorithm and data from a local sensor to compute local state estimates of the process under observation. It also performs data fusion of local estimates...
Hopf bifurcation in time‐delayed gene expression model with dimers
PublicationWe study a mathematical model of gene transcription and protein synthesis with negative feedback. We consider a system of equations taking into account the formation of dimers (i.e., complex formed by two protein monomers), the way in which dimers bind to DNA and time delay in translation process. For the model consisting of three ordinary differential equations with time delay, we derive conditions for stability of the positive...
On the Peano Theorem for Some Functional Differential Equations on Time Scale
PublicationThe Peano Theorem for some functional differential equations on time scale is proved. Assumptions are of Caratheodory type. Two counter examples for false Peano theorems in the literature are presented.
Electronic structure and time-dependent description of rotational predissociation of LiH
PublicationThe adiabatic potential energy curves of the ^1Sigma+ and ^1Pi states of the LiH molecule were calculated. They correlate asymptotically to atomic states, such as 2s + 1s, 2p + 1s, 3s + 1s, 3p + 1s, 3d + 1s, 4s + 1s, 4p + 1s and 4d + 1s. A very good agreement was found between our calculated spectroscopic parameters and the experimental ones. The dynamics of the rotational predissociation process of the 1^1Pi state were studied...
Specific detection of Alternaria alternata by PCR and real-time PCR
PublicationFungi of Alternaria genus are cosmopolitan organisms, which spores can be found in the air, soil, water, clothing and food. They commonly occur as saprotrophs on the plant remains, contributing to the decomposition of organic matter. Additionally, they are components of the normal human and animal skin flora. Alternaria spp. are also known human allergens, causing hay fever and allergic reactions that can lead to the development...
Time-current tripping characteristics of RCDs for sinusoidal testing current
PublicationLow-voltage electrical installations are verified initially – before being put into operation, as well as periodically – during their utilization. According to the IEC standards, the scope of the verification includes measurements of both the tripping current and the disconnection time of residual current devices (RCDs). Experiences in RCDs testing show that disconnection times of two or more similar RCDs can be quite different....
On time-dependent nonlinear dynamic response of micro-elastic solids
PublicationA new approach to the mechanical response of micro-mechanic problems is presented using the modified couple stress theory. This model captured micro-turns due to micro-particles' rotations which could be essential for microstructural materials and/or at small scales. In a micro media based on the small rotations, sub-particles can also turn except the whole domain rotation. However, this framework is competent for a static medium....
Real-Time Volatilomics: A Novel Approach for Analyzing Biological Samples
PublicationThe use of the ‘omics techniques in environmental research has become common-place. The most widely implemented of these include metabolomics, proteomics, genomics, and transcriptomics. In recent years, a similar approach has also been taken with the analysis of volatiles from biological samples, giving rise to the so-called ‘volatilomics’ in plant analysis. Developments in direct infusion mass spectrometry (DI-MS) techniques have...
Effect of oxygenation time on signal of a sensor based on ionic liquids
PublicationThe paper presents an oxygen sensor based on ionic liquids and solid electrodes. The following ionic liquids have been employed: [BMIM][BF4], [HMIM][Cl], [BMIM][N(CN2)]. Minimum time of the sensor exposure to analyte, after which the signal (current intensity) was stable, has been evaluated. An impact of volumetric flow rate of analyte on the sensor exposure time and signal has been determined. A product of permeability coefficient...
Application of time-frequency methods for analysis of dynamic silo flow
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwość stosowania metod czasowo-częstotliwościowych w analizie dynamicznego przepływu materiału sypkiego w silosie. W pracy omówiono wyniki FT (Fourier Transform), STFT (Short Time Fourier Transform) oraz WT (Wavelet Transform)
Real-Time Gastrointestinal Tract Video Analysis on a Cluster Supercomputer
PublicationThe article presents a novel approach to medical video data analysis and recognition. Emphasis has been put on adapting existing algorithms detecting le- sions and bleedings for real time usage in a medical doctor's office during an en- doscopic examination. A system for diagnosis recommendation and disease detec- tion has been designed taking into account the limited mobility of the endoscope and the doctor's requirements. The...
Overhead wires detection by FPGA real-time image processing
PublicationThe paper presents design and hardware implementation of real-time image filtering for overhead wires detection divided on image processing and results presentation blocks. The image processing block was separated from the whole implementation, and its delay and hardware complexity was analysed. Also the maximum frequency of image processing of the proposed implementation was estimated.
Survival time prognosis under a Markov model of cancer development
PublicationIn this study we look at a breast cancer data set of women from Pomerania region collected in year 1987-1992 in the Medical University of Gdańsk. We analyze the clinical risk factors in conjunction with Markov model of cancer development. We evaluate Artificial Neural Network (ANN) survival time prediction via a simulation study.
Ionospheric scintillations computation using real-time GPS observations
PublicationThe following paper presents the results of quasi-real-time determination of the values of phase scintillations indices at the period of ionospheric disturbances that occurred as a consequence of the Sun flares observed on March 7 and 9, 2012. Double-frequency observations with 1-second measurement interval from the EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) network sites located at high latitudes were used for the analysis. To determine the phase...
Crystallization of space: Space-time fractals from fractal arithmetic
PublicationFractals such as the Cantor set can be equipped with intrinsic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) that map the fractal into itself. The arithmetics allows one to define calculus and algebra intrinsic to the fractal in question, and one can formulate classical and quantum physics within the fractal set. In particular, fractals in space-time can be generated by means of homogeneous spaces associated...
Blood Pressure - Pulse Transit Time Relationships: Comparative Studies
PublicationA non-invasive and continuous blood pressure estimation could allow a better diagnosis and an earlier detection of various diseases. It could be performed using a photoplethysmography. However, it requires that a relation between blood pressure and pulse transit time is known. Eleven theoretical formulas were used in obtaining the simulated and noise free synthetic data. Then, they were utilized in validation of three, commonly...
On bidirectional preestimates and their application to identification of fast time-varying systems
PublicationWhen applied to the identification of time-varying systems, such as rapidly fading telecommunication channels, adaptive estimation algorithms built on the local basis function (LBF) principle yield excellent tracking performance but are computationally demanding. The subsequently proposed fast LBF (fLBF) algorithms, based on the preestimation principle, allow a substantial reduction in complexity without significant performance...
On the influence of the acceleration recording time on the calculation of impact severity indexes
PublicationThe paper concerns with the analysis of normative requirements pertaining to experimental setup of a crash test and its numerical modelling. An overview of parameters describing the collision of a vehicle with a road restraining system is presented. A short description of a concrete road safety barrier is presented. A brief description of numerical modelling procedures for crash tests is given as well. The parametric influence...
Finding small-width connected path decompositions in polynomial time
PublicationA connected path decomposition of a simple graph $G$ is a path decomposition $(X_1,\ldots,X_l)$ such that the subgraph of $G$ induced by $X_1\cup\cdots\cup X_i$ is connected for each $i\in\{1,\ldots,l\}$. The connected pathwidth of $G$ is then the minimum width over all connected path decompositions of $G$. We prove that for each fixed $k$, the connected pathwidth of any input graph can be computed in polynomial-time. This answers...
An Overview of the Development of a Real-Time System for Endoscopic Video Classification
PublicationThe article presents the results of improving endoscopic image classification algorithms in an effort towards applying them in a real-time diagnosis supporting system. Methods for the detection and removal of personal data are presented and discussed. The currently developed recognition algorithms have been improved in terms of accuracy and performance to make them suitable for a real-life implementation. Their test results are...