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Search results for: total station
Acoustic Processor of the Mine Countermeasure Sonar
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of an acoustic processor of the mine countermeasure sonar. Developed at the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, the acoustic processor is an element of the MG-89, an underwater acoustic station. The focus of the article is on the modules of the processor. They are responsible for sampling analogue signals and implementing the algorithms controlling the measurement...
Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using ESPAR Antenna
PublicationIn this paper a new single-anchor indoor localization concept employing Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antenna has been proposed. The new concept uses a simple fingerprinting algorithm adopted to work with directional main beam and narrow minimum radiation patterns of ESPAR antenna that scans 360° area around the base station, while the signal strength received from a mobile terminal is being recorded...
Sensor Position Estimation Method for IoT Using Mobile Reference Node
PublicationThe paper proposes an innovative method of locating objects for the Internet of Things (IoT). The proposed method allows the position of a fixed measuring sensor (MS) to be estimated using one mobile base station with a known position moving around the MS. The mathematical analysis of the method, and three algorithms — Newton’s (NA), gradient descent (GD) and genetic (GA) — for solving the system of non-linear positional equations...
The Use of Gravimetric Measurements to Determine the Orthometric Height of the Benchmark in the Port of Gdynia
PublicationThis paper contains a description of the technology used to make gravimetric measurements of the height of a reference point located in the Port of Gdynia, Poland. Measurements were made using a CG-5 gravimeter manufactured by LaCoste & Romberg Scintrex Inc., and determinations of position used a Leica Viva GS15 receiver integrated with a network of HxGN SmartNet GNSS reference stations. The measuring methodology required gravimeter...
Interline power flow controller - properties and control strategy in dynamic states
PublicationHigh-power electronic converter topologies, in such forms as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC), Static Compensators (STATCOM) and Interline Power Flow Controllers (IPFC), have been used to enhance and optimize the use of transmission facilities, under the concept of a flexible ac transmission system (FACTS). In Europe, the anticipated proliferation of distributed-generation (DG) in the near future, driven by governmental initiatives...
PublicationNowadays, more often than before, civil engineering designers are willing to use steel build-up members composed of single or doubled cold-formed chords interconnected using different mechanical connectors. This paper subject is an analysis of cooperation of a closely spaced built-up cold-formed chord interconnected with series of bolts that are located along the length of the member in a specific spacing. This distance along the...
Optimization of Energetic Train Cooperation
PublicationIn the article, possible ways of using energy recovered during regenerative braking of trains are presented. It is pointed out that the return of recovered electricity directly to the catenary and its use in the energy cooperation of vehicles can be a no-cost method (without additional infrastructure). The method of energy cooperation between trains and its main assumptions, that uses the law of conservation of energy, are described...
Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Model of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Dynamics in a Bioreactor at WWTP
PublicationThe importance of dissolved oxygen concentration controlinaerationtanksofabioreactoratflow-throughwastewater treatment plant (WWTP) can easily be justified by technological requirements as well as simple economics. Firstly, appropriate levels of dissolved oxygen concentration are essential for the vitality of microorganisms that comprise the bioreactor. Secondly, the costs of dissolved oxygen concentration control related to the...
Acoustic Processor of the MCM Sonar
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of an acoustic processor of the mine countermeasure sonar. Developed at the Department of Marine Electronics Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, the acoustic processor is an element of the MG-89, a modernised underwater acoustic station. The focus of the article is on the modules of the processor. They are responsible for sampling analogue signals and implementing the algorithms controlling...
Evaluation of the prediction ability of air pollutants based on the electronic nose responses
PublicationElectronic noses are able to perform on-line measurements of the toxic volatile compounds in air. Due to their low cost and compact size they can be placed in the areas exposed to pollution, outside the laboratory. Those advantages, on the other side, force the need for development of the reliable sensors data analysis procedures. One of the most important issues connected with electronic noses is the lack of stability of the gas...
Evaluation of the Electronic Nose Used for Monitoring Environmental Pollution
PublicationAir pollution is a one of the major concern of civilized world, which has a significant impact on human health and the environment. Recent studies highlight that the exposure to polluted air can increase the incidence of diseases and deteriorate the quality of life. Hence, it is necessary to develop tools for real-time air quality monitoring. Electronic-nose systems based on sensors are an interesting and promising technology in...
Erroneous GNSS Strain Rate Patterns and their Application to Investigate the Tectonic Credibility of GNSS Velocities
PublicationThe paper concerns investigation of the credibility of tectonic interpretation of GNSS strain rates. The analysis was focused on stable regions, where the crustal deformations are small and the reliability of GNSS velocities is questionable. We are showing how the unreliable motion of stations affects calculated strains around them. We expressed distribution of local principal strains by a sinusoidal function and used them to investigate...
Development of Local IDF-formula Using Controlled Random Search Method for Global Optimization
PublicationThe aim of the study is to present the effective and relatively simple empirical approach to rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency-formulas development, based on Controlled Random Search (CRS) for global optimization. The approach is mainly dedicated to the cases in which the commonly used IDF-relationships do not provide satisfactory fit between simulations and observations, and more complex formulas with higher number of parameters...
Seashore sediment and water chemistry at the Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Maritime Antarctica) – geochemical analysis and correlations between the concentrations of chemical species
PublicationThis study covers water and sediment chemical characteristics by the western shore of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica) in 2016. Chemical processes between sediment and water have been described based on the determination of ions, metals, non-metals, and TOC concentrations. Rock weathering is an important source of Fe, Ni, Co, Al in the seashore area. The PCA shows the impact of acidification in the release metals...
PublicationEarth Observation (EO) products are widely used by geospatial society. Over the last years a number of new applications of satellite imagery were proposed. This led to an increased interest in EO products, not only from researchers but also from companies and individuals. The authors constitute the essential part of the team that created the marine, web-GIS system - SafeCity GIS - for dissemination of data obtained from a 1.5 metre...
PublicationEarth Observation (EO) products are widely used by geospatial society. Over the last years a number of new applications of satellite imagery were proposed. This led to an increased interest in EO products, not only from researchers but also from companies and individuals. The authors constitute the essential part of the team that created the marine, web-GIS system - SafeCity GIS - for dissemination of data obtained from a 1.5...
Multiobjective Water Distribution Systems Control of Pumping Cost, Water Quality, and Storage-Reliability Constraints
PublicationThis work describes a multiobjective model for trading-off pumping cost and water quality for water distribution systems operation. Constraints are imposed on flows and pressures, on periodical tanks operation, and on tanks storage. The methodology links the multiobjective SPEA2 algorithm with EPANET, and is applied on two example applications of increasing complexity, under extended period simulation conditions and variable energy...
Wpływ mikrosfer-frakcji odpadów paleniskowych na mikrostrukturę i wybrane właściwości uzytkowe
PublicationIn this study, the microspheres samples were collected from national power station „Dolna Odra”. In this study, the following materials were used: Portland cement class 32,5R and aggregates of 2-8 and 8-16 fractions and natural sand with a maximum grain size of 2 mm and water. Concrete mixtures were made with microspheres additions of 15%, 25% and 40%. A constant water to binder ratio (w/b) of 0,52 was used throughout the investigation....
Innovative Web-Based Geographic Information System for Municipal Areas and Coastal Zone Security and Threat Monitoring Using EO Satellite Data
PublicationThe paper presents a novel design of a Web-based Safe City & Coastal Zone GIS (SCCZ-GIS). The system integrates data acquired from different remote sensing and geospatial data sources for the purpose monitoring the security of the coastal zone, its inhabitants and Critical Infrastructure. The system utilises several innovative technologies and solutions, and is capable of direct co-operation with different remote sensing data sources...
Architektura pomników poświęconych ofiarom ataków terrorystycznych jako kontynuacja realizacji komemoratywnych kształtowanych w postpamięci
Publicationarchitecture of Memorials Dedicated to the Victims of terrorist attacks as a continuation of commemorative Structures created within Post-memory Having the rich art of commemorating events of the Second World War as a key reference, this article will try to show how contemporary architectural interven- tions in public space make attempts to respond to the social need of dealing with traumatic events and formulating a new attitude...
Vehicle detector training with labels derived from background subtraction algorithms in video surveillance
PublicationVehicle detection in video from a miniature station- ary closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera is discussed in the paper. The camera provides one of components of the intelligent road sign developed in the project concerning the traffic control with the use of autonomous devices being developed. Modern Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based detectors need big data input, usually demanding their manual labeling. In the presented...
Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapour Fluxes of a Alkaline Fen and Their Dependence on Reflectance
PublicationThis study shows results of parallel measurements of greenhouse gases fluxes (carbon dioxide and water vapour) and canopy reflectance of alkaline fen. Fluxes were measured using eddy-covariance technique on micrometeorological station located in the Upper Biebrza Basin (NE Poland) in Rogożynek Village. Study site is located in the Biebrza National Park which was established to protect one of the biggest coherent lowland wetland...
System supporting behavioral therapy for children with autism
PublicationIn this paper, a system supporting behavioral therapy for autistic children is presented. The system consists of sensors network, base station and a brooch indicating person's emotional states. The system can be used to measure values of physiological parameters that are associated with changes in the emotional state. In the future, it can be useful to inform the autistic child and the therapist about the emotional state of the...
Further developments of parameterization methods of audio stream analysis for secuirty purposes
PublicationThe paper presents an automatic sound recognition algorithm intended for application in an audiovisual security monitoring system. A distributed character of security systems does not allow for simultaneous observation of multiple multimedia streams, thus an automatic recognition algorithm must be introduced. In the paper, a module for the parameterization and automatic detection of audio events is described. The spectral analyses...
Multidecadal (1960-2011) shoreline changes in Isbjornhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard)
PublicationAsection of a gravel−dominated coast in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard) was analysed to calculate the rate of shoreline changes and explain processes controlling coastal zone development over last 50 years. Between 1960 and 2011, coastal landscape of Isbjørn− hamna experienced a significant shift from dominated by influence of tide−water glacier and protected by prolonged sea−ice conditions towards storm−affected and rapidly...
Vehicular Communication Environments
PublicationCommunication to and between road vehicles (cars, truck, buses, trains, etc.) are of growing interest. This is partly due to the attractive services that cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITSs) provides, mainly in the areas of traffic safety and traffic efficiency. An enabler for C-ITS is wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, collectively referred to as vehicle-to-X (V2X)...
Multi-Objective Water Distribution Systems Control of Pumping Cost, Water Quality, and Storage-Reliability Constraints
PublicationThis work describes a multi-objective model for trading-off pumping cost and water quality for water distribution systems operation. Constraints are imposed on flows and pressures, on periodical tanks operation, and on tanks storage. The methodology links the multi-objective SPEA2 algorithm with EPANET, and is applied on two example applications of increasing complexity, under extended period simulation conditions and variable...
„Eulerian – Eulerian” versus ,,Eulerian –Lagrangean” models of condensation
PublicationLiquid phase in the flowing vapor through stages of the steam turbine is the cause of a lot of failures. Nowadays, due to work of steam turbines at partial load, process of homogeneous and heterogeneous condensation still is current. The formation of drops of condensate under conditions other than nominal operation of turbine is a process still unknown. Engineers and designers involved in the development of power station machines...
Fading Modeling in Maritime Container Terminal Environments
PublicationIn this paper, an analytical model for slow and fast fading effects in maritime container terminals is derived, from fitting distributions to the results of measurements performed in an actual operational environment. The proposed model is composed of a set of equations, enabling to evaluate fading statistical distribution parameters for different system and environments conditions, as a function of frequency, base station antenna...
The impact of the AC922 Architecture on Performance of Deep Neural Network Training
PublicationPractical deep learning applications require more and more computing power. New computing architectures emerge, specifically designed for the artificial intelligence applications, including the IBM Power System AC922. In this paper we confront an AC922 (8335-GTG) server equipped with 4 NVIDIA Volta V100 GPUs with selected deep neural network training applications, including four convolutional and one recurrent model. We report...
Actual and reference evapotranspiration for a natural, temperate zone fen wetland – Upper Biebrza case study
PublicationEvapotranspiration is the key and predominant component of the water balance in wetlands. Direct evapotranspiration measurements are challenging in wetlands due to their remoteness and high surface water level. This article describes the actual (ETa and reference evapotranspiration (ET0) from a cultivated wet meadow located in the Biebrza National Park – the largest national park in north-east Poland, Central Europe. The data were...
Discouraging Traffic Remapping Attacks in Local Ad Hoc Networks
PublicationQuality of Service (QoS) is usually provided in ad hoc networks using a class-based approach which, without dedicated security measures in place, paves the way to various abuses by selfish stations. Such actions include traffic remapping attacks (TRAs), which consist in claiming a higher traffic priority, i.e., false designation of the intrinsic traffic class so that it can be mapped onto a higher-priority class. In practice, TRAs...
Cellular network quality evaluation at a university campus on the eve of 5G
PublicationThanks to the availability of mobile devices and the spread of broadband access around the world, the number of network users continues to grow. This has raised user awareness when it comes to the quality of content they consume. Many service providers and operators focus on monitoring QoN (Quality of Network) and QoS (Quality of Service) parameters, particularly those influenced by bandwidth and latency. However, for most end-users,...
Improving Accuracy of Respiratory Rate Estimation by Restoring High Resolution Features With Transformers and Recursive Convolutional Models
PublicationNon-contact evaluation of vital signs has been becoming increasingly important, especially in light of the COVID- 19 pandemic, which is causing the whole world to examine people’s interactions in public places at a scale never seen before. However, evaluating one’s vital signs can be a relatively complex procedure, which requires both time and physical contact between examiner and examinee. These re- quirements limit the number...
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and other organic pollutants in freshwaters on the western shore of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Maritime Antarctica).
PublicationOrganic contamination in freshwater samples has never been investigated at the western shore of Admiralty Bay. Therefore, the presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in five different sites distributed along a shore running from the Arctowski Station to the Baranowski Glacier was studied. Moreover, organic compounds such as n-alkanes, toluene and ethylbenzene were also noted. Increased ΣPAHs in late Austral summer 2016...
PublicationThe change of some of the engine’s structural parameters affects the change of toxic compound emission in exhaust gases. It mainly applies to the damage sustained by the charge exchange system as well as the fuel system and the engine supercharging system. These changes are definitely higher during dynamic states and the related transient states. As such, it is possible to speak of a diverse sensitivity of the diagnostic parameters...
Investigation of Noise Threats and Their Impact on Hearing in Selected Schools
PublicationNoise measurements conducted in selected schools in Gdansk area are presented in this paper. The main aim of this research was to determine noise threats at schools. Some objective measurements of the acoustic climate were performed employing a noise monitoring station engineered at the Multimedia System Department, Gdansk University of Technology. Simultaneously, subjective noise annoyance examinations were carried out among pupils...
Investigation of noise threats and their impact on hearing in selected schools - a pilot study.
PublicationNoise measurements conducted in selected schools in Gdansk area are presented in this paper. The main aim of this research was to determine noise threats at schools. Some objective measurements of the acoustic climate were performed employing a noise monitoring station engineered at the Multimedia System Department, Gdansk University of Technology. Simultaneously, subjective noise annoyance examinations were carried out among pupils...
Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources in a Young Glacial Multi-Aquifer System
PublicationThe aim of this study was to evaluate the trends of climate change on the Kashubian Lake District and to determine the impact of expected trends on groundwater resources. The analysis of trends in temperature and precipitation was conducted for the six-decade history of meteorological measurements at the weather station in Koscierzyna. The analysis shows the trend of temperature increase of +0.0182ºC/year. The highest increase...
Estimation of Average Speed of Road Vehicles by Sound Intensity Analysis
PublicationConstant monitoring of road traffic is important part of modern smart city systems. The proposed method estimates average speed of road vehicles in the observation period, using a passive acoustic vector sensor. Speed estimation based on sound intensity analysis is a novel approach to the described problem. Sound intensity in two orthogonal axes is measured with a sensor placed alongside the road. Position of the apparent sound...
Investigations On Water Circulation in Animal Sea-Water Basins – On the Example of Seals′ Breeding Pools
PublicationThis paper presents general comments concerning investigations on water circulation in animal breeding pools containing sea water. As an example are given results of computer simulation of water circulation in seals’ breeding pools situated in Marine Station at Hel, belonging to Oceanographic Institute, Gdansk University. A mathematical model of three main pools was prepared with taking into account their inflow and outflow water...
Usage of parametric echosounder with emphasis on buried object searching.
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to present the results of investigation to search for buried objects. The paper will contain echograms and other means of visualization from buried pipe placed between area of W?adys?awowo and gas platform and interesting in terms of the number of small and medium-sized unidentified objects found in the muddy bottom at different depths localized in the Gulf of Puck - results will be presented also...
Methodology of research on the impact of ITS services on the safety and efficiency of road traffic using transport models
PublicationThe current assessment of the impact of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) services on the level of traffic safety and efficiency is based mainly on expert assessments, statistical surveys or several traffic safety models requiring development. There is no structured, uniform assessment method that would give the opportunity to compare the impact of ITS services and their different configurations. The paper presents the methodology...
A Surrogate-Assisted Measurement Correction Method for Accurate and Low-Cost Monitoring of Particulate Matter Pollutants
PublicationAir pollution involves multiple health and economic challenges. Its accurate and low-cost monitoring is important for developing services dedicated to reduce the exposure of living beings to the pollution. Particulate matter (PM) measurement sensors belong to the key components that support operation of these systems. In this work, a modular, mobile Internet of Things sensor for PM measurements has been proposed. Due to a limited...
Active Diagnostic Experimentation on Wind Turbine Blades with Vibration Measurements and Analysis
PublicationPaper deals with the key operational problems of wind turbosets, especially offshore, where vibrations are generated by rotor blades, as a consequence of erosive wear or icing. The primary causes of the imbalance of wind turbine rotors have been characterised, the observable symptoms of which include various forms of vibrations, transmitted from the turbine wheel to the bearing nodes of the power train components. Their identification...
Interannual Variability of the GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor in the Global Tropics
PublicationThis paper addresses the subject of inter-annual variability of the tropical precipitable water vapor (PWV) derived from 18 years of global navigation satellite system (GNSS) observations. Non-linear trends of retrieved GNSS PWV were investigated using the singular spectrum analysis (SSA) along with various climate indices. For most of the analyzed stations (~49%) the GNSS PWV anomaly was related to the El Niño Southern Oscillation...
Public art in the era of urban transformations. A case study of Eduardo Paolozzi’s artistic output in Edinburgh and in London
PublicationUrban space dedicated to cultural life, entertainment or business is currently exposed to dynamic urbanistic transformations. Monumental works of art within the boundaries of cities, for years embedded in the urban landscape and awareness of viewers, are moved to other places or even destroyed. Decisions about a change of their location and context, which are fundamental aspects for the impression made by a given work of art, cause...
Theoretical modelling of efficient fire safety water networks by certified domination
PublicationThis paper explores a new way of designing water supply networks for fire safety using ideas from graph theory, focusing on a method called certified domination. Ensuring a good water supply is crucial for fire safety in communities, this study looks at the rules and problems in Poland for how much water is needed to fight fires in different areas and how this can be achieved at a lowest possible cost. We present a way to plan...
Sub‐Nanometer‐Scale Cu9S5 Enables Efficiently Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia
PublicationThe sub-nanometer is a key feature size in materials science. Unlike single-atom and nanomaterials, size effects and inter-component cooperative actions in sub-nanomaterials will effective on its performance is more significant. Here, 0.95 nm ordered arrangement Cu9S5 sub-nanowires (Cu9S5 SNWs) are synthesized through the co-assembly effect of inorganic nuclei (Cu9S5) and clusters (phosphotungstic acid-PTA), achieving a significant...
Chemical denudation and the role of sulfide oxidation at Werenskioldbreen, Svalbard
PublicationThis study aims to determine the rate of chemical denudation and the relationships between dominant geochemical reactions operating in the proglacial and subglacial environments of the polythermal glacier Werenskioldbreen (SW Svalbard) during an entire ablation season. Water sampling for major ion chemistry was performed at a proglacial hydrometric station and from subglacial outflows from May to September 2011. These data were...