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Search results for: wave energy
Wind wave variability in Hornsund fjord, west Spitsbergen
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Application of wave spectra to mathematical model of multihull vessel
PublicationDynamiczne układy mechaniczne reprezentujące obiekty pływające są ściśle związane z procesami stochastycznymi. Zmienne stanu i parametry wejścia w tych modelach mają charakter probabilistyczny. Modele matematyczne takich układów są reprezentowane przez układy stochastycznych równań różniczkowych tworząc układy równań ''Ito''. W artykule zostały wyznaczone współczynniki transmitancji dla wybranych trzech widm falowania: Kongresu...
Numerical modeling of the nonlinear wave propagation in a bubble layer
PublicationRozważano zagadnienie propagacji fali wewnątrz warstwy z pęcherzykami. Omówiono model matematyczny, przedstawiono przykładowe wyniki badań teoretycznych. Analizowano zmiany ciśnienia wewnątrz warstwy, falę odbitą i bieżącą w ośrodku otaczającym, badano gęstość widmową mocy. Badania teoretyczne przeprowadzono dla różnych grubości warstwy, koncentracji pęcherzyków i wartości parametrów fali padającej.
Dependence of harmonic generation on primary wave pressure distribution
PublicationPraca dotyczy numerycznego badania zagadnienia wytwarzania harmonicznych ciśnienia podczas rozchodzenia się fal o skończonej amplitudzie, promieniowanych przez źródła kołowe o różnych rozkładach. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Do numerycznego rozwiązania problemu zastosowano metodę bilansu harmonicznych i metodę różnic skończonych. Analizowano zmiany składowych harmonicznych ciśnienia w obrębie wiązki akustycznej....
Interaction of light with standing cylindrical ultrasonic wave in air
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Lamb wave propagation in a single lap adhesive joint
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Bolted Joint Monitoring Using the Elastic Wave Propagation
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Numerical analysis of elastic wave propagation in unbounded structures
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Wave propagation in a sensor/actuator diffusion bond model
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Influence of vortices on a progressive quasi-plane acoustic wave
PublicationMetoda separacji składowych przepływu ogólnego doprowadza do powstania układów równań dla wszystkich możliwych typów ruchu. Szczególny przypadek oddziaływań dotyczy rozpraszania fali akustycznej na wirach. W rezultacie separacji układu bilansu powstają równania pierwszego rzędu względem czasu dla fal akustycznych o przeciwnych kierunkach propagacji. Zasugerowane są ilustracje.
Theoretical Model of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Shallow Water
PublicationThe work is devoted to the propagation of low frequency waves in a shallow sea. As a source of acoustic waves, underwater disturbances generated by ships were adopted. A specific feature of the propagation of acoustic waves in shallow water is the proximity of boundaries of the limiting media characterised by different impedance properties, which affects the acoustic field coming from a source situated in the water layer “ deformed”...
Towards automated full-wave design of microwave structures
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia problematykę automatycznego projektowania układów mikrofalowych i jego znaczenie. przedstawia stan rynku narzędzi projektowania, pojawiąjące się rozwiązania i przyszłe trendy.
Elastic wave propagation software in structural health monitoring
PublicationW pracy omówiono program do analizy propagacji fal spręzytsych w lementach konstrukcji z uszkodzeniami, oraz omówiono mozliwości jego wykorzystania do monitorowania stanu konstrukcji.
Search for the fundamental solution to the vector acoustic wave equations
PublicationCzasowo-przestrzenna funkcja Greena pola swobodnego jest dobrze znanym rozwiązaniem podsta-wowym skalarnego niejednorodnego równania falowego. Wyraża ona odpowiedź ośrodka płynnego na punktowe zaburzenie o symetrii sferycznej. Odpowiedź ośrodka na zaburzenie wektorowe nie jest tak oczywista. Artykuł przedstawia oryginalne podejście do problemu, polegające na systematycznej, szcze-gółowej weryfikacji hipotetycznych rozwiązań skalarnych...
Flexural shera wave propagation in cracked composite beam.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono model i wyniki analizy wpływu peknięcia na propagacje fali gietno-scinajacej w belce kompozytowej.
Acoustic streaming caused by modulated sound and wave packets.
PublicationRozpatruje się powstanie pola wirowego na skutek nieliniowej propagacji fali akustycznej w środowiskach z lepkością. Teoria odwołuje się do fal akustycznych nieokresowych, w odróżnieniuod teorii klasycznej. Obliczenia numeryczne na podstawie nowych wzorów są porównywane z wynikami teorii klasycznej.
Testing oscillators by waveform comparison with the ideal sine-wave
PublicationW kontekście oscylacyjnej metody testowania zaproponowano prostą i mało kosztowną metodę testowania oscylatorów poprzez porównanie fragmentu generowanego przebiegu z wzorcowym przebiegiem sinusoidalnym. Metoda bazuje na odejmowaniu dwu sygnałów zmodulowanych techniką sigma-delta za pomocą subtraktora wykorzystujacego nadpróbkowanie i kształtowanie szumów. Sygnaturą uszkodzeń jest wartość średnia 1 bitowego strumienia danych, wyznaczana...
Instantaneous Heating and Cooling Caused by Periodic or Aperiodic Sound of Any Characteristic Duration in a Gas with Vibrational Relaxation
PublicationThermodynamic relaxation of internal degrees of a molecule's freedom in a gas occurs with some characteristic time. This makes wave processes in a gas behave differently depending on the ratio of characteristic duration of perturbations and the relaxation time. In particular, generation of the secondary non-wave modes by intense sound in a nonlinear flow dependens on frequency. These kinds of interaction are considered in this...
Waves Along Fractal Coastlines: From Fractal Arithmetic to Wave Equations
PublicationBeginning with addition and multiplication intrinsic to a Koch-type curve, we formulate and solve wave equation describing wave propagation along a fractal coastline. As opposed to examples known from the literature, we do not replace the fractal by the continuum in which it is embedded. This seems to be the first example of a truly intrinsic description of wave propagation along a fractal curve. The theory is relativistically...
An Efficient PEEC-Based Method for Full-Wave Analysis of Microstrip Structures
PublicationThis article introduces an efficient method for the equivalent circuit characterization and full-wave analysis of microstrip structures, leveraging the full-wave partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC). In particular, the multilayered Green's function is evaluated using the discrete complex-image method (DCIM) and employed to establish the mixed potential integral equations. The proposed strategy considers time delays for the...
Nonlinear Properties of Seawater as a Factor Determining Nonlinear Wave Propagation
PublicationTaking practical advantage of nonlinear acoustical interactions occurring in seawater [1, 2] requires knowledge of the parameter of nonlinearity B=A of this medium. The literature does not offer much reports on B=A parameter value for seawater. In the few papers concerning that address the issue, results concerning ocean waters with high salinity and at large depths are given [3], while studies concerning seawater with low salinity...
Charge density wave and crystalline electric field effects in TmNiC2
PublicationSingle crystals of TmNiC2 were grown by the optical floating-zone technique and were investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal expansion, electrical resistivity, specific heat, and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Single-crystal XRD reveals the formation of a commensurate charge density wave (CDW) characterized by a CDW modulation vector q2c = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), which is accompanied by a symmetry change from the orthorhombic...
Elastic wave propapagation in diagnostics of self-drilling system of grouted anchors
PublicationThe paper presents an experimental investigation of elastic wave propagation in a self-drilling hollow bar system, which is commonly used in geotechnical industry as the element of grouted ground anchors and soil nails. The single self-drilling hollow bar and self-drilling system of two bars connected by a coupler were considered. Longitudinal waves were excited at one end of the bar and registered at both ends, by means of PZT...
Fast Full-Wave Multilevel Zero-Pole Optimization of Microwave Filters
PublicationA new concept is proposed for the full-wave computer-aided design of microwave filters. The method consists of two stages and operates on the zeros and poles of the transfer function and their derivatives. These quantities are evaluated from the response computed by a full-wave electromagnetic solver with two levels of accuracy. The two stages make use of different models that are optimized using a low-accuracy electromagnetic...
A higher order shell element for wave propagation in isotropic shell structures
PublicationThe presents the new multi mode higher order shell element for wave propagation problems in shell structures.
System setup and software for cyclic, staircase and square wave voltammetry measurements
PublicationHardware dedicated for electrochemical measurement sometimes does not allow performing certain voltammetry experiments. Staircase and square wave voltammetry, techniques which have many advantages comparing with standard voltammetric techniques, are rarely implemented in software controlling electrochemical measuring equipment. These methods, however, can be relatively easy realized with some addition...
An Experimental Investigation of Pressure Wave Celerity During the Transient Slurry Flow
PublicationTransportation of slurries in pressure pipelines is an example of a complex flow due to specific parameters of transported medium. For practitioners, the economy of designing and maintenance is usually the most important factor. For this reason, most of hydrotransport installations are fairly simple; however, they become more vulnerable to negative effects of the transient flow which can occur in pressure pipelines. As the consequence,...
Verification of algorithms determining wave loads on support structure of wind turbine
PublicationThe offshore wind turbines require determination of wave loads on their support structure. This structure is fixed and, therefore, this problem is reduced to solving only the diffraction problem, which is determined by Laplace equation and conditions on the following boundaries: on the support structure, on the sea free surface and on its bottom, and at infinity on free surface. The linear problem was applied to determine the wave...
Guided Wave Propagation in Detection of Partial Circumferential Debonding in Concrete Structures
PublicationThe following article presents results of investigating the damage detection in reinforced concrete beams with artificially introduced debonding between the rod and cover, using a non-destructive method based on elastic waves propagation. The primary aim of the research was to analyze the possible use of guided waves in partial circumferential debonding detection. Guided waves were excited and registered in reinforced concrete...
Application of the ISE Optimized Proportional Control of the Wave Maker in a Towing Tank
PublicationThis paper presents the improvement of the wave maker control system. The wave maker is a facility widely used in hydromechanics laboratories to generate waves in towing tanks. It is equipped with an electrohydraulic drive and an actuator submerged into water. The waves are generated to model the environmental conditions for physical experiments, performed on reduced-scale models of maritime objects. The physical experiments allow...
Ground anchors diagnostic process based on elastic wave propagation method
PublicationThe paper is focused on analysis of elastic wave propagation in the context of diagnostics of ground anchors. Numerical simulations were performed to assess the possibility of evaluation of the anchorage quality. It was assumed that the quality and the load capacity of the anchor system directly depend on the length, on which mortar and steel cooperate.
Giant Nernst effect in the incommensurate charge density wave state of P4W12O44
PublicationWe report the study of Nernst effect in quasi-low-dimensional tungsten bronze P4W12O44 showing a sequence of Peierls instabilities. We demonstrate that both condensation of the electronic carriers in the charge density wave state and the existence of high-mobility electrons and holes originating from the small pockets remaining in the incompletely nested Fermi surface give rise to a Nernst effect of a magnitude similar to that...
A novel formulation of 3D spectral element for wave propagation in reinforced concrete
PublicationThe paper deals with numerical simulations of wave propagation in reinforced concrete for damage detection purposes. A novel formulation of a 3D spectral element was proposed. The reinforcement modelled as the truss spectral element was embedded in the 3D solid spectral finite element. Numerical simulations have been conducted on cuboid concrete specimens reinforced with two steel bars. Different degradation models were considered...
Coherent-wave Monte Carlo method for simulating light propagation in tissue
PublicationSimulating propagation and scattering of coherent light in turbid media, such as biological tissues, is a complex problem. Numerical methods for solving Helmholtz or wave equation (e.g. finite-difference or finite-element methods) require large amount of computer memory and long computation time. This makes them impractical for simulating laser beam propagation into deep layers of tissue. Other group of methods, based on radiative...
Detection and size estimation of crack in plate based on guided wave propagation
PublicationThe paper presents results of the comprehensive theoretical and experimental investigation of crack detection in metallic plate using guided wave propagation. The main aim of the paper is to develop the novel method which would allow for linear crack size estimation with the use of minimal number of the transducers. In general, there exists the relation between length of the propagation path and the wave amplitude value. However,...
Impact of radio wave polarisation on off-body communications in indoor environments
PublicationThis paper describes the measurements and the analysis of the impact of radio wave polarisation on off-body communications in Body Area Networks in indoor environments. Measurements on polarisation impact are briefly described. Five investigated scenarios with different body postures and different antenna placements are characterised. The difference between the vertical and horizontal components of the received radio signal are...
Elastic wave propagation for condition assessment of steel bar embedded in mortar
PublicationThis study deals with experimental and numerical investigations of elastic wave propagation in steel bars partially embedded in mortar. The bars with different bonding lengths were tested. Two types of damage were considered: damage of the steel bar and damage of the mortar. Longitudinal waves were excited by a piezoelectric actuator and a vibrometer was used to non-contact measurements of velocity signals. Numerical calculations...
Sensorless induction motor drive with voltage inverter and sine-wave filter
PublicationThis paper presents a speed sensorless control system of an induction motor with an output LC filter. It is known that the parameters design of the filter gives sine wave motor supply voltage but complicates control and estimation process. The reason is that the voltage drop and phase shift between filter input and output signals are imposed, and hence the motor voltages and currents differ from the inverter output waveforms. To...
Baseline-free debonding detection in reinforced concrete structures by elastic wave propagation
PublicationThe article presents the results of the numerical and experimental analysis concerning wave propagation in reinforced concrete (RC) beams with various extent of debonding between the steel rod and concrete cover. The main aim of the paper was to consider the unsolved research gaps, which considerably limit the application of wave-based methods in practice. The propagation of the flexural wave modes excited and registered on the...
Numerical investigation of the core eccentricity effect on wave propagation in embedded waveguide
PublicationThe paper presents results of theoretical and numerical investigation of guided wave propagation in two-layer bars with geometric imperfections in the form of eccentric location of steel core. Steel rod of diameter equal to 1 cm embedded in composite mortar-type cover with external diameter equal to 5 cm has been taken into consideration. Several different rods with variable size of eccentricity are analysed. Results for rods with...
Guided wave propagation for assessment of adhesive bonding between steel and concrete
PublicationAdhesive bonding is becoming more increasingly important in joining of structural elements. In civil engineering, there is a growing interest in connection by adhesive bonding in steel-concrete flexural members. This study concerns the guided wave propagation technique applied to condition assessment of an adhesive connection between a steel member and a concrete beam. Various states of degradation were considered by producing...
Lamb wave-based monitoring of shear failure of an adhesive lap joint
PublicationThe paper presents a study on the elastic wave propagation in adhesive joints of steel plates subjected to tensile loading. A single lap joint was chosen for analysis because of its simplicity and plurality of applications. Experimental investigations consisted of the uniaxial extension of prepared specimens. Force and displacement values were recorded by a testing machine. Simultaneously, guided Lamb waves were excited and signals...
Nonlinear Excitation of the Non-Wave Perturbations by the Magnetoacoustic Waves in the Non-Isentropic Plasma
PublicationNonlinear excitation of slow modes by the planar magnetosonic perturbations in a plasma is discussed. Plasma is an open system due to radiation and external heating. This may stipulate enhancement of wave perturbations and hence the acoustical activity of plasma. Plasma is assumed to be a homogeneous ideal gas with infinite electrical conductivity. The straight magnetic field is orthogonal to the velocity of fluid’s...
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Radio wave propagation conditions for terrestrial radiocommunications in the EHF band
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Numerical modelling of conical wave formation in multimode optical fibers
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AlGaN/GaN HEMTs for THz Plasma Wave Detection and Emission
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Scattering of the plane wave from a periodically perforated dielectric slab
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Longitudinal wave propagation. Part I—Comparison of rod theories
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Longitudinal wave propagation. Part II—Analysis of crack influence