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Search results for: STABILITY CONTROL
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Stability of truss with side - supports. The case of linear and rotational elastic supports
PublicationThe research is devoted to study lateral buckling of truss with linear and rotational elastic side-supports. Geometrically nonlinear analysis of example truss with linear and rotational elastic sidesupports is carried out. The limit normal force in compressed chord of the truss due to stiffness of side supports is calculated. The elastic support reaction in relation to force in compressed chordand coefficient of buckling length...
Influence of Drainage on Peat Organic Matter: Implications for Development, Stability, and Transformation
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Slope Stability Analysis of Zoned Earth Dam with RCC Overtopping Protection
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Stability of Diodes with Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and Polyazomethines Thin Organic Layer
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Enhancement of the structure stability of MOF‐5 confined to multiwalled carbon nanotubes
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Analysis of differences in the stability of proteins encoded in mitochondrial DNA of model organisms
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Liposomal Nanoformulation as a Carrier for Curcumin and pEGCG—Study on Stability and Anticancer Potential
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Seed-Roasting Process Affects Oxidative Stability of Cold-Pressed Oils
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Stability of liquid film formed due to impingement of a two-phase jet
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę teoretyczną i badania eksperymentalne zjawiska rozrywania się warstwy cieczy powstałej na powierzchni ciała stałego z uderzającej strugi.
Fluorinated Boronic Acids: Acidity and Hydrolytic Stability of Fluorinated Phenylboronic Acids
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Amphenicols stability in medicated feed – development and validation of liquid chromatography method
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Liquid-liquid separation in petroleum production: ultrasonic characterization of emulsion stability.
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowe urządzenie pozwalające monitorować rozdział emulsji za pomocą ultradźwięków. Wykonano kalibrację, dzięki której można sygnał szybkości rozchodzenia się dźwięków przekształcać na stężenie fazy wewnętrznej emulsji oraz otrzymywać wykres rozdziału faz w czasie. Wyniki otrzymano dla modelowej emulsji typu O/W, w której fazę olejową stanowił bitumen oraz dla emulsji W/O, gdzie fazą olejową była ropa naftowa
Physicochemical Characteristics of Chitosan–TiO2 Biomaterial. 1. Stability and Swelling Properties
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Chemical and thermal stability of core-shelled magnetite nanoparticles and solid silica
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Experimental and numerical study on stability loss of innovative geometry steel girder
PublicationThis paper presents the experimental and numerical analysis of an innovative plate girder geometry with variable web thicknesses. An idea proposed in this research is to increase the stability of the girder web by increasing its thickness in the compressed zone. This solution can replace commonly used longitudinal stiffeners which are designed to prevent web local loss of stability. Moreover, such an innovative approach requires...
Geotechnical Analysis and Stability Assessment of a Landslide Event in Gera Woreda, Ethiopia
PublicationThis study investigates the geotechnical factors influencing a recent landslide event in Gera Woreda, Ethiopia. The primary objective was to identify the soil properties contributing to landslide occurrence and understand the triggering mechanisms. Field investigations, soil sampling from both affected and unaffected areas, and subsequent laboratory characterization were conducted. The analysis revealed a dominance of fine-grained...
On stability of iodine doped TiO2 electrodes in pH varied aqueous electrolytes
PublicationW pracy przedstaiono charakterystykę elektrochemiczną warstwy domieszkowanego jodem TiO2 na podłożu platynowym. Wyniki badań prowadzone w elektrolitach o różnym pH pozowoliły na określenie właściwości na granicy faz elektroda - elektrolit. Wyznaczono zależność potencjału pasma płaskiego od pH elektrolitu, a charakter otrzymanej funkcji potwirdził stabilność proszku I-TiO2 w kontakcie s roztworem.
Thermal Stability of Multicomponent Layers Created with the Hybrid Method on Aluminium Base
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono skład fazowy, mikrostrukturę oraz graficzny i matematyczny opis kinetyki utleniania wieloskładnikowych warstw powierzchniowych wytworzonych na aluminiowym podłożu.
Stability and initial post-buckling behaviour of frame system with vertical bracings
PublicationStalowe hale są budowane jako układ ram płaskich połączonych stężeniami dachowymi i stężeniami pionowymi w postaci krzyżujących się prętów. W pracy przedstawiono analizę stateczności i zachowania pokrytycznego takiego układu poddanego działaniu obciążeń pionowych. Korzystając z warunków stacjonarności całkowitej energii potencjalnej wykazano, że punkt bifurkacji utraty stateczności jest niesymetryczny i niestateczny. Oznacza to,...
Stability and limit load analysis of a cold-formed channel section column
PublicationThe paper presents stability and limit load analysis of a steel column 1440 mm high of a cold-formed channel section, subjected to a combination of compression and bending. Experimental results were compared to the resistance of a code procedure and to the outcome of numerical non-linear analysis. Comparison was made of numerical solutions by means of static (Riks) and dynamic (Explicit and Implicit) methods. Perfectly elastic...
PublicationThe paper presents results of experimental research and numerical simulations of the sloshing phenomenon. The research was focused on computation of the heeling moment affecting stability of a vessel. The proposed linearisation enables application of the results to the assessment of the ship's stability. The dependence of the heeling moment upon localisation of a tank in the ship's hull is analysed. The heeling moment obtained...
Stability of delay induced oscillations in gene expression of Hes1 protein model
PublicationW pracy prezentowana jest matematyczna analiza modelu ekspresji genu białka Hes1. Rozważamy układ równań z dwoma opóźnieniami - w produkcji białka Hes1 oraz jego mRNA. Dowodzimy istnienia i jednoznaczności oraz nieujemności rozwiązań. Pokazujemy istnienie dokładnie jednego dodatniego stanu stacjonarnego. Wykazujemy, że stabilność stanu stacjonarnego zależy od sumy opóźnień. Podajemy warunek dostateczny na wystąpienie bifurkacji...
Effect of vehicle motion stability after impact/crash on traffic safety
PublicationThe article presents the application of general stability theory to the study of road traffic stability immediately after an impact (crash, collision). It turns out that when modelling a collision, vehicles can be treated as colliding masses and dynamical systems can be assigned to this phenomenon.
Stability analysis of a road scarp in the Carpathian Mountains and methods of its protection
PublicationThe purpose of the study was to analyse the stability of a road scarp endangered by a landslide and to consider some measures for its stabilization. The potential landslide could unfavourably alter the shape of the slope, thus a religious sanctuary situated above the slope. The present research has resulted in suggestions of possible protection methods, namely, drainage, soil nailing, installation of piles, supporting the scarp...
Reliability Analysis of Sea Cliff Slope Stability by Point Estimate Method
PublicationThe paper presents a reliability analysis of a sea cliff slope. The cliff, located in Jastrzębia Góra, is characterised by a complicated geological structure. Although currently stable, it is in fact close to the limit state. The objective of this paper is to present the point estimate method (PEM) of determining the mean value and standard deviation of the safety factor of the slope. Assuming its normal distribution, these statistical...
Reliability Analysis of Sea Cliff Slope Stability by Point Estimate Method
PublicationThe paper presents a reliability analysis of a sea cliff slope. The cliff, located in Jastrzębia Góra, is characterised by a complicated geological structure. Although currently stable, it is in fact close to the limit state. The objective of this paper is to present the point estimate method (PEM) of determining the mean value and standard deviation of the safety factor of the slope. Assuming its normal distribution, these statistical...
On thermal stability of piezo-flexomagnetic microbeams considering different temperature distributions
PublicationBy relying on the Euler–Bernoulli beam model and energy variational formula, we indicate critical temperature causes in the buckling of piezo-flexomagnetic microscale beams. The corresponding size-dependent approach is underlying as a second strain gradient theory. Small deformations of elastic solids are assessed, and the mathematical discussion is linear. Regardless of the pyromagnetic effects, the thermal loading of the thermal...
PublicationThe influence of stabilizers – hydrogen donors – on the processes of thermooxidative destruction of pitch-based polymer has been investigated. It is shown that Irganox has not stabilizing effect on pitch-based polymer and melamine slightly retards the destructive process. A mixture of melamine and Irganox exhibits synergetic stabilizing effect and at the optimum ratio it can be used to prevent unwanted thermooxidative processes...
Testing Stability of Digital Filters Using Optimization Methods with Phase Analysis
PublicationIn this paper, novel methods for the evaluation of digital-filter stability are investigated. The methods are based on phase analysis of a complex function in the characteristic equation of a digital filter. It allows for evaluating stability when a characteristic equation is not based on a polynomial. The operation of these methods relies on sampling the unit circle on the complex plane and extracting the phase quadrant of a function...
Simplified numerical model for global stability of corrugated silos with vertical stiffeners
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki stateczności globalnej silosów z blachy falistej z pionowymi usztywnieniami. Zaproponowano uproszczony model numeryczny metody elementów skończonych do określenia stateczności. Wyniki numeryczne były bardziej dokładnie niż metody zaproponowane w Eurokodzie.
Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model
PublicationThis paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...
Stable indirect adaptive control based on discrete-time T-S fuzzy model
PublicationThis paper presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy control scheme for uncertain nonlinear asymptotically stable plants.A discrete-time T-S fuzzy input-output model is employed to approximate the unknown plant dynamics. The T-S fuzzy model is fed with its own states, which are indeed its past outputs, rather than the measurements from the plants. Entirely based on this model, a feedback linearization control law is designed by using...
PublicationDesign of an accurate and robust controller is a challenging topic in an underwater manipulator control. This is due to hydrodynamic disturbances in underwater environment. In this paper a sliding mode control (SMC) included a PID sliding surface and fuzzy tunable gain is designed. In this proposed controller robustness property of SMC and fast response of PID are incorporated with fuzzy rules to reduce error tracking. In the...
Stabilization Method for Speed Observer of Induction Machine
PublicationThis article proposes the speed estimation principles dedicated to the observer structures based on the machine mathematical model. The rotor speed is reconstructed based on the mathematical model of a machine by using both adaptive and nonadaptive schemes. The presented principle is generalized to the classical nonlinear system in the vector form and can be applied to induction machines. The proposed rotor speed reconstruction...
State Observer for Doubly-fed Induction Generator
PublicationIn the paper a new state observer for doubly-fed generator has been proposed. In the new approach an extended mathematical model of the doubly fed generator is used to form equations of the introduced z type observer. Stability of the observer has been verified through poles placement analyses. The active and reactive powers of the generator are controlled by a nonlinear multiscalar control method. Simulation and experimental results...
Rigid polyurethane foams with different flame retardants and their physical and mechanical properties
PublicationRigid polyurethane foams (PUFs) containing 3, 6 or 9 % of one of of two selected fire retardants (FR): oligomeric ethyl ethylene phosphate (Fyrol PNX) and expandable graphite (EG) were prepared, inspected and compared to foam without that fillers as the control. The thermal stability of PUFs was described by horizontal test according to norm: UL 94 HB. Compressive strength and physical properties (density, fragility and water absorption)...
Dynamics of a simplified HPT model in relation to 24h TSH profiles
PublicationWe propose a simplified mathematical model of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in an endocrine system. The considered model is a modification of the model proposed by Mukhopadhyay and Bhattacharyya in [10]. Our system of delay differential equations reconstructs the HPT axis in relation to 24h profiles of human in physiological conditions. Homeostatic control of the thyroid-pituitary axis is considered by using...
Performance and Stability in H2S of SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δ as Electrode in Proton Ceramic Fuel Cells
PublicationThe H2S-tolerance of SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3-δ (SFM) electrodes has been investigated in symmetric proton ceramic fuel cells (PCFC) with BaZr0.8Ce0.1Y0.1O3-δ (BZCY81) electrolyte. The ionic conductivity of the electrolyte under wet reducing conditions was found to be insignificantly affected in the presence of up to 5000 ppm H2S. The fuel cell exhibited an OCV of about 0.9 V at 700 °C, which dropped to about 0.6 V and 0.4 V upon exposure...
Stability and load bearing capacity of a braced truss under upward wind loading
PublicationThe paper is focused on the numerical and experimental investigation of stability of a steel truss under upward wind loading. The structure was stiffened by elastic braces situated at the top and bottom chord. Usually the lateral (translational) brace stiffness is considered. However, the rotational stiffness of braces caused by interaction between torsional stiffness of the truss top chord and bending stiffness of the roof elements...
Stability and load bearing capacity of a braced truss under upward wind loading
PublicationThe paper is focused on the numerical and experimental investigation of stability of a steel truss under upward wind loading. The structure was stiffened by elastic braces situated at the top and bottom chord. Usually the lateral (translational) brace stiffness is considered. However, the rotational stiffness of braces caused by interaction between torsional stiffness of the truss top chord and bending stiffness of the roof elements...
Failure of cold-formed beam: How does residual stress affect stability?
PublicationIn machine industry, stresses are often calculated using simple linear FEM analysis. Occasional failures of elements designed in such a way require recomputation by means of more sophisticated methods, eg. including plasticity and non-linear effects. It usually leads to investigation of failure causes and improvement of an element in order to prevent its unwanted behavior in the future. The study presents the case where both linear...
Stability Assessment of Coastal Cliffs Incorporating Laser Scanning Technology and a Numerical Analysis
PublicationWe investigated the cli coast in Jastrzebia Gora, Poland. The measurements that were taken between 2014 and 2018 by applying terrestrial, mobile, and airborne laser scanning describe a huge geometric modification involving dislocations in a 2.5 m range. Dierential maps and a volumetric change analysis made it possible to identify the most deformed cli’s location. Part of the monitoring of coastal change involved the measurement...
Banking stability during the economic transformation process in selected countries of the Western Balkans
PublicationEconomic transformation is still an ongoing process in many European countries. Despite common economic roots, the current economic situations are developing differently in different countries. This article will consider the process of economic transformation in terms of the banking sector. It aims to assess the level of banking stability throughout the transformation process in the Western Balkan region, and to assess the determinates...
Implementation of Non-Probabilistic Methods for Stability Analysis of Nonlocal Beam with Structural Uncertainties
PublicationIn this study, a non-probabilistic approach based Navier’s Method (NM) and Galerkin Weighted Residual Method (GWRM) in term of double parametric form has been proposed to investigate the buckling behavior of Euler-Bernoulli nonlocal beam under the framework of the Eringen's nonlocal elasticity theory, considering the structural parameters as imprecise or uncertain. The uncertainties in Young’s modulus and diameter of the beam are...
Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents as Agents for Improving Solubility, Stability and Delivery of Curcumin
PublicationPurpose Study on curcumin dissolved in natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) was aimed at exploiting their beneficial properties as drug carriers. Methods The concentration of dissolved curcumin in NADES was measured. Simulated gastrointestinal fluids were used to determine the concentration of curcumin and quantum chemistry computations were performed for clarifying the origin of curcumin solubility enhancement in NADES. Results NADES...
Model tests and stability calculations of shallow foundations resting on non-cohesive subsoil
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodykę i charakterystyczne wyniki własnych badań modelowych przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem techniki PIV. W analizach numerycznych przeanalizowano trzy kryteria wytrzymałości gruntu na ścinanie i ich wpływ na wyniki ilościowe i jakościowe. Obliczenia analityczne oparto na koncepcji ESE. Zestawiono i przeanalizowano zgodność wyników badań modelowych, analiz numerycznych i obliczeń analitycznych.
Li–Si phase diagram: Enthalpy of mixing, thermodynamic stability, and coherent assessment
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Turning maneuver as a potential cause of the next stability failure mode for a ship in operation
PublicationThe only formal stability-related requirement referring to a turning maneuver of a ship results from the IS Codeand its application is limited to passenger ships only. The goal of the adopted criterion is to prevent an excessiveangle of heel in turn. Likewise, the remaining prescriptive criteria, this one is simply based on the concept ofa threshold that must not be exceeded. In this case, the angle of heel...
Rheological properties and stability of shear thickening fluids based on silica and polypropylene glycol