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Search results for: energy transition
Technological solutions for boosting hydrogen role in decarbonization strategies and net-zero goals of world shipping: Challenges and perspectives
PublicationFacing the problems concerning greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from international ocean shipping has meant that the latest regulations of the International Maritime Organization, issued on 1st January 2023, have come into force, with the aim of reducing GHG emissions from maritime activities. Hydrogen has been suggested as an alternative fuel to achieve decarbonization ambitions in the near future. Although hydrogen has been investigated...
Dissociation and fragmentation of furan by electron impact
PublicationDissociation and fragmentation processes that produce electronically excited atomic and molecular fragments, following electron impact excitation, have been studied in furan. The optical excitation technique has been employed over the electron incident energy range 15-95 eV. Formation of excited hydrogen atoms H(n) in the n = 4-10 states has been detected by observation of the Balmer series. The diatomic CH fragments are formed...
Microscopic 75^As NMR study of the effect of impurities on the first-order spin-density-wave transition in BaFe2As2
PublicationOpisane są wyniki badań NMR na 75^As w monokryształach i próbkach polikrystalicznych BaFe2As2. Zanieczyszczenia cyną wpływają na niskoenergetyczne fluktuacje spinowe i obniżają temperaturę krytyczną ze 138K do 85K.
Patients with type 1 diabetes transition from pediatric to adult care in Poland—an example from Silesia
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Chemical-vapor generation of transition metals through the reaction with tetrahydroborate in recent achievements in analytical atomic spectrometry
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Spectrum of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Phenotypes in Circulating Tumour Cells from Early Breast Cancer Patients
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Short clinically-based prediction model to forecast transition to psychosis in individuals at clinical high risk state
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International conference “Images of Europe in Transition”, Kiev/Ukraine, 25th-26th november 2016 Conference report
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Influence of transition metal ion concentration on near-infrared emission of Ho3+ in barium gallo-germanate glasses
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Solvation and partial molar volumes of some transition metal cations in N,N-dimethylacetamide, triethylphosphate and acetonitrile.
PublicationW oparciu o precyzyjne pomiary gęstości roztworów nadchloranów metali przejściowych szeregu Mn(II)-Zn(II) w DMA, TEP i AN wyznaczono pozorne molowe oraz graniczne wartości cząstkowych molowych objętości sole w temperaturach 293, 298 i 303,15 K. Wyznaczone wartości rozdzielono na udziały jonowe. Przeanalizowano czynniki decydujące o wielkości cząstkowych molowych objętości solwatowanych kationów.
Direction of Changes in the Settlements for Prosumers of Photovoltaic Micro-Installations: The Example of Poland as the Economy in Transition in the European Union
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Jurassic–Cretaceous transition in the Transdanubian Range (Hungary): integrated stratigraphy and paleomagnetic study of the Hárskút and Lókút sections
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On the electronic structure of methyl butyrate and methyl valerate
PublicationWe present novel results of the analysis of the electronic structure of two aliphatic esters: methyl butyrate and methyl valerate. High-resolution photoabsorption spectra were collected and analyzed over the energy range 4.0–10.8 eV and showed for both the molecules not only a clear band of the HOMO to LUMO transition, but also vibronic structure associated with the first Rydberg-valence transition. Photoelectron spectra recorded...
Valence and lowest Rydberg electronic states of phenol investigated by synchrotron radiation and theoretical methods
PublicationWe present the experimental high-resolution vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoabsorption spectra of phenol covering for the first time the full 4.3–10.8 eV energy-range, with absolute cross sections determined. Theoretical calculations on the vertical excitation energies and oscillator strengths were performed using time-dependent density functional theory and the equation-of-motion coupled cluster method restricted to single and double...
Does the low optical band gap of yellow Bi3YO6 guarantee the photocatalytical activity under visible light illumination?
PublicationBi3YO6, which is known as an ionic conductor, was tested here as an electrode and photoanode in contact with aqueous electrolytes. Bi3YO6 was deposited onto the Pt substrate and the such prepared electrode was polarized in various aqueous electrolytes. The optical energy band gap of the material equal to 1.89 eV was determined using the Kubelka-Munk function resulting from the UV-Vis spectrum (allowed indirect transition) and also...
Time-of-flight electron scattering from molecular hydrogen: Benchmark cross sections for excitation of the X1Σ+g→b3Σ+u transition
PublicationThe electron impact X1Σ+g to b3Σ+u transition in molecular hydrogen is one of the most important dissociation pathways to forming atomic hydrogen atoms, and is of great importance in modeling astrophysical and industrial plasmas where molecular hydrogen is a substantial constituent. Recently it has been found that the convergent close-coupling (CCC) cross sections of Zammit et al. [Phys. Rev. A 95, 022708 (2017)] are up to a factor...
New technologies for green hydrogen activation, storage, and transportation
PublicationDeveloping new green hydrogen activation, storage, and transportation technologies is a highly complex and multidisciplinary endeavor. This challenge arises from integrating various scientific, engineering, and environmental considerations. Effective evaluation of green hydrogen technologies involves a holistic approach that considers not only the technical aspects but also economic, environmental, and social factors. These criteria...
Linking optical and electronic properties to photoresponse of heterojunctions based on titania nanotubes and chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten oxides
PublicationThe development of photosensitization strategies for titanium dioxide is necessary for the enhancement of its optical and electronic properties towards its application potential in solar photoelectrochemistry. In this work, significant differences in the photosensitizing capability of the 6th group transition metal oxides applied on the surface of titania nanotubes are reported. For the first time, correlations between the experimentally...
Can Grand Design Doctrines Go Well with Locally Reinvented Urbanisms? Notes from Polish Cities in Transition
PublicationThe text explores how New Urbanism ideas, a comprehensive global design doctrine, transgress into the context of Polish planning practice. New Urbanism is considered through the perspective of the decentralization of a discussion on a planning policy and a modernization of a State, resulting form its post-Socialist urban change. In the text, New Urbanism is understood as a neotraditionalist movement i.e. drawing from the pre-modernist...
Effects of Segment Length and Crosslinking via POSS on the Calorimetric and Dynamic Glass Transition of Polyurethanes with Aliphatic Hard Segments
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Critical behaviour of the smectic A*–C* phase transition and electroclinic effect of ferroelectric liquid crystals with terphenyl rigid core
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Tuning of the phase transition between site selective SCO and intermetallic ET in trimetallic magnetic cyanido-bridged clusters
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The influence of transition metals (Fe, Co) on the structural, magnetic and optical properties of TiO2 nanoparticles synthesized by the hydrothermal method
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Discrimination of Selected Cold-Pressed and Refined Oils by Untargeted Profiling of Phase Transition Curves of Differential Scanning Calorimetry
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Molecular modelling of transition state analogue inhibitors of glucosamine-6-P synthase and glucose-6-P isomerase.
PublicationStruktura kompleksu 2-amino-2-deoksy-D-glucitolo-6-P (ADGP) z centrum aktywnym syntazy GlcN-6-P z E. coli została wykorzystAna jako punkt wyjścia do modelowania molekularnego analogów ADGP. Używając programu GROMOS96 wygenerowano konformacje analogów o najniższych energiach wewnętrznych, które następnie ''dokowano'' w centrum aktywnym enzymu. Dokonano syntezy wybranych związków i określono parametry kinetyczne i termodynamiczne...
O-substituted tetrahydroxamate derivatives of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene as receptors for transition and heavy metal cations
PublicationTetrasubstituted O-hydroxamate derivatives of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene were applied as active materials in ion-selective membrane electrodes and were tested towards Pb-selectivity. The electrodes gave near-Nernstian characteristics for Pb2+ cations. The selectivity coefficients were determined. The influence of plasticizer on the electrode behaviour was studied. The dependence of the chemical structure on selectivity coefficients...
Application of Open-Hardware-Based Solutions for Rapid Transition From Stationary to the Remote Teaching Model During Pandemic
PublicationWhile research indicates usefulness of remote laboratories in teaching of digital hardware systems, their main application is to complement stationary classes. This work presents a low-cost, scalable architecture that supports rapid transformation of teaching to a model based solely on remote access mechanisms. Background: Adaptation of online laboratory solutions from the literature to en-masse teaching of digital circuits is...
Influence of Sn and Pb Ions Substitutions on Dielectric Properties of Barium Titanate
PublicationThe results of the microstructural and dielectric measurements of (Ba1-xPbx)(Ti1-xSnx)O3 (BPTSx) (x = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.30) polycrystalline samples are presented. The samples were obtained by means of a high temperature synthesis and their expected stoichiometry was confirmed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) measurements. The dielectric properties of BPTSx were studied with the use of broadband dielectric spectroscopy. The...
Dynamic anaerobic digestion-based biorefineries for on-demand renewable energy and bioproducts in a circular bioeconomy
PublicationAnaerobic digestion (AD) is an important biotechnology for treating biodegrad- able residues and producing bioenergy, yet its full potential remains untapped. We investigate a two-phase AD system for biorefinery applications, producing valuable bioproducts, such as volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and biogas, from grass feedstock. We introduce a demand-driven operational approach to match mar- ket conditions, while minimising water...
Study of ZrS3-based field-effect transistors toward the understanding of the mechanisms of light-enhanced gas sensing by transition metal trichalcogenides
PublicationExtending knowledge of the properties of low-dimensional van der Waals materials, including their reactivity to the ambiance, is important for developing innovative electronic and optoelectronic devices. Transition metal trichalcogenides with tunable optical band gaps and anisotropic conductivity are an emerging class among low- dimensional structures with the possibility of gate tunability and photoreactivity. These properties...
From flow to jamming: Lattice Gas Automaton simulations in granular materials
PublicationWe introduce the first extension of a Lattice Gas Automaton (LGA) model to accurately replicate observed emergent phenomena in granular materials with a special focus on previously unexplored jamming transitions by incorporating gravitational effects, energy dissipation in particle collisions, and wall friction. We successfully reproduce flow rate evolution, density wave formation, and jamming transition observed in experiments....
Formation of Protein Networks between Mucins: Molecular Dynamics Study Based on the Interaction Energy of the System
PublicationMolecular dynamics simulations have been performed for a model aqueous solution of mucin. As mucin is a central part of lubricin, a key component of synovial fluid, we investigate its ability to form cross-linked networks. Such network formation could be of major importance for the viscoelastic properties of the soft-matter system and crucial for understanding the lubrication mechanism in articular cartilage. Thus,the inter- and...
Quenching of bright and dark excitons via deep states in the presence of SRH recombination in 2D monolayer materials
PublicationTwo-dimensional (2D) monolayer materials are interesting systems due to an existence of optically non-active dark excitonic states. In this work, we formulate a theoretical model of an excitonic Auger process which can occur together with the trap-assisted recombination in such 2D structures. The interactions of intravalley excitons (bright and spin-dark ones) and intervalley excitons (momentum-dark ones) with deep states located...
Glass transition temperatures of polyurethane-urea elastomers based on N, N′-ethylenethiourea and N, N′-ethyleneurea as chain extenders
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Water-polymer interactions and mechanisms of water-driven glass transition decrease in non-isocyanate polyhydroxyurethanes with varying hydration sites
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ICT for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies: Economic, Cultural, and Social Innovations for Human Capital in Transition Economies
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DSC Phase Transition Profiles Analyzed by Control Charts to Determine Markers for the Authenticity and Deterioration of Flaxseed Oil during Storage
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Expression of selected epithelial–mesenchymal transition transcription factors in serous borderline ovarian tumors and type I ovarian cancers
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Tideless estuaries in brackish seas as possible freshwater‐marine transition zones for bacteria: the case study of the Vistula river estuary
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The Jurassic–Cretaceous transition in the High-Tatric succession (Giewont Unit, Western Tatra Mts, Poland): integrated stratigraphy and microfacies
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Group-9 Transition-Metal Suboxides Adopting the Filled-Ti2Ni Structure: A Class of Superconductors Exhibiting Exceptionally High Upper Critical Fields
PublicationTi2Ni and the related η-carbide structure are known to exhibit various intriguing physical properties. The Ti2Ni structure with the cubic space group Fd3̅m is surprisingly complex, consisting of a unit cell with 96 metal atoms. The related η-carbide compounds correspond to a filled version of the Ti2Ni structure. Here, we report on the structure and superconductivity in the η-carbide-type suboxides Ti4M2O with M = Co, Rh, and Ir....
Smart Asset Management for District Heating Systems in the Baltic Sea Region.
PublicationThe purpose of this review is to provide insight and a comparison of the current status of district heating (DH) systems for selected Baltic Sea countries (Denmark, Germany, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden), especially from viewpoints of application and solutions of novel smart asset management (SAM) approaches. Furthermore, this paper considers European projects ongoing from 2016, involving participants from the...
Mathematical model to assess energy consumption using water inflow-drainage system of iron-ore mines in terms of a stochastic process
PublicationPurpose is to develop a unified mathematical model to assess energy efficiency of a water inflow-drainage process as the real variant of stochastic method for water pumping from underground workings of iron-ore mines. Methods. The research process was based upon the methods of probability theory as well as stochastic modelling methods. The stochastic function integration has been reduced to summation of its ordinates and further...
Thermodynamic Properties of Inorganic Salts in Nonaqueous Solvents. VI. Apparent Molar Volumes, Expansibilities, and Compressibilities of Divalent Transition Metal Ions in Methanol and Dimethylsulfoxide
PublicationThe temperature dependence of the density of divalent transition metal perchlorates in dimethylsulfoxide as well as cobalt(II), nickel(II) perchlorates, and copper(II) trifluoromethanesulfonate in methanol was determined. Moreover, sound velocities for solutions of cobalt(II), nickel(II) perchlorates, and copper(II) trifluoromethanesulfonate in methanol have been measured at 298.15 K. From these data, the partial molar volumes,...
Dissociative Electron Attachment to 5-Iodo-4-thio-2′-deoxyuridine: A Potential Radiosensitizer of Hypoxic Cells
PublicationIn the search for effective radiosensitizers for tumor cells, halogenated uracils have attracted more attention due to their large cross section for dissociation upon the attachment of low-energy electrons. In this study, we investigated dissociative electron attachment (DEA) to 5-iodo-4-thio-2'-deoxyuridine, a potential radiosensitizer using a crossed electron-molecule beam experiment coupled with quadrupole mass spectrometry....
Expression of epithelial to mesenchymal transition-related markers in lymph node metastases as a surrogate for primary tumor metastatic potential in breast cancer
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Interaction of Ionomers and Polyelectrolytes with Divalent Transition Metal Cations (Cu2+ and VO2+): A Study by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Spectroscopy and Viscosimetry
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Soft modes of the dielectric response in the twist–bend nematic phase and identification of the transition to a nematic splay bend phase in the CBC7CB dimer
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Functionalization of the transition metal oxides FeO, CoO, and NiO with alkali metal atoms decreases their ionization potentials by 3–5 eV
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The transition from HIF-1 to HIF-2 during prolonged hypoxia results from reactivation of PHDs and HIF1A mRNA instability