Search results for: Chapter XIX - Injury - Bridge of Knowledge


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Search results for: Chapter XIX - Injury

  • A Concept of Modeling and Optimization of Applications in Large Scale Systems


    - Year 2013

    The chapter presents the idea that includes modeling and subsequent optimization of application execution on large scale parallel and distributed systems. The model considers performance, reliability and power consumption. It should allow easy modeling of various classes of applications while reflecting key parameters of both the applications and two classes of target systems: clusters and volunteer based systems. The chapter presents...

  • Mercury in Living Organisms: Sources and Forms of Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Determination Methods


    - Year 2021

    Mercury (Hg) is a heavy metal with well-known and broadly tested toxicity. Since Hg pollution and its impacts on human health are of global concern, it has become necessary to develop analytical methodologies that will provide tools to obtain reliable analytical information about the levels of Hg in samples, which very often have a complex matrix composition. This chapter summarizes key information on Hg and its chemical forms,...

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  • ICT and social development. Conceptual considerations.


    - Year 2020

    This chapter is intended to provide basic ideas and concepts related to technology, technological progress and society. It explains how and why technology and society are interrelated, forming a dynamic, complex and interdependent evolutionary system. It introduces the terms Digital (ICT) Revolution and information and communication technologies (ICTs), showing elementary features of new technologies. The chapter explains why ICTs...

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  • Multi-Stage Video Analysis Framework

    The chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the general structure of the proposed framework and a method of data exchange between system elements. Section 3 is describing the low-level analysis modules for detection and tracking of moving objects. In Section 4 we present the object classification module. Sections 5 and 6 describe specialized modules for detection and recognition of faces and license plates, respectively....

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  • Linking Fashion and Tourism: From Body to Clothing and Lifestyle


    - Year 2023

    There are many profound links between fashion and tourism. This chapter provides a critical reflection, mainly from a philosophical, historical, and linguistic perspective, on the dynamic relationship and parallel evolution between these two sectors. It explains how their intercon nectedness form and mirror contemporary society. This chapter classifies the connections between the two, starting with the person, her body, and the...

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  • I protagonisti della grande distribuzione in Europa


    - Year 2017

    The chapter outlines the main aspects of the history of some of the most important big European department stores (El Corte Ingles, Auchan, Carrefour, LeClerc, Aldi, Esselunga and the Finiper Group,

  • Patterns of Business Internationalisation in Poland: Empirical Results from the V4 Survey


    - Year 2014

    The chapter focuses on the specifics of internationalisation process among Polish businesses at post-slowdown period of the turn of 2013-2014. The main research method was the survey conducted among 216 firms.

  • Multispectral Imaging Using Fluorescent Properties of Indocyanine Green and Methylene Blue in Colorectal Surgery—Initial Experience

    • W. Polom
    • M. Migaczewski
    • J. Skokowski
    • M. Swierblewski
    • T. Cwalinski
    • L. Kalinowski
    • M. Pedziwiatr
    • M. Matuszewski
    • K. Polom

    - Journal of Clinical Medicine - Year 2022

    Introduction: Image-guided surgery is becoming a new tool in colorectal surgery. Intraoperative visualisation of different structures using fluorophores helps during various steps of operations. In our report, we used two fluorophores—indocyanine green (ICG), and methylene blue (MB)— during different steps of colorectal surgery, using one camera system for two separate near-infrared wavelengths. Material and methods: Twelve patients...

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  • W harmonii z przyrodą. Architektura małych elektrowni wodnych na Pomorzu


    - Year 2009

    Pomorze dzięki swej geograficznej specyfice jest miejscem gdzie wykorzystanie energetyczne rzek na przełomie XIX i XX przeżywało szczególny rozkwit. Proces ten zaowocował niezwykłym dziedzictwem kultury technicznej, które obecnie przeżywa swoisty renesans. Współcześnie bowiem elektrownie te, będące żywą ilustracją ewolucji myśli technicznej, nie tylko dają energię elektryczną (sa wciąż czynne mimo swej z górą wiekowej metryki),...

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  • Algorytmy przetwarzania widm Ramana w procesie detekcji substancji chemicznych


    - Year 2014

    Rozprawa przedstawia szczegółowo algorytmy, jakie są stosowane podczas przetwarzania widm Ramana, rejestrowanych przenośnym spektrometrem o skończonej rozdzielczości. Pracę podzielono na osiem rozdziałów. W pierwszym określono cel i tezy pracy. Rozdział drugi opisuje podstawowe pojęcia dotyczące zjawiska Ramana oraz zasady budowy urządzeń do pomiarów widm Ramana. W rozdziale trzecim scharakteryzowano błędy występujące podczas pomiarów...

  • Photophysical processes in the selected white organic light-emitting diodes


    - Year 2017

    The first part discusses history of organic emitters, the scope of the work, phenomena in molecular systems, types of architectures in OLEDs, types of OLEDs emitting white light with examples from the literaturę and a description of the parameters chcracterizing LEDs. The second part describes materials, production of the samples, the measurement systems and results. In chapter 8.1 the results for the OLEDs based on emission from...

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  • AI-Driven Sustainability in Agriculture and Farming


    - Year 2025

    In this chapter, we discuss the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in promoting sustainable agriculture and farming. Three main themes run through the chapter. First, we review the state of the art of smart farming and explore the transformative impact of AI on modern agricultural practices, focusing on its contribution to sustainability. With this in mind, our analysis focuses on topics such as data collection and storage, AI...

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  • Essays on China's international trade - focus on One-Belt One-Road initiative


    - Year 2024

    This thesis explores China's international trade from trade, global value chains (GVCs) and export diversity, focusing on the "One-Belt One-Road" (OBOR) initiative proposed at the end of 2013. Specifically, I verify the potential association of OBOR with bilateral imports and exports in the first chapter. Then the relationship between OBOR and GVCs has been explored in Chapter 2. And I have extended the research in GVCs to China's...

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  • Evolution of End-User Participation in IT Projects.


    - Year 2013

    This chapter is aimed at presenting a review of evolutionary design paradigms which determine the end-user’s role in IT (Information Technology) projects across recent decades. This review covers different perspectives starting from technology-oriented sequential software development lifecycles, through user-centred approaches, ending finally in contemporary service design approaches supported by e-business and social media. Finally,...

  • Electrochemical Evaluation of Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitors via Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy


    - Year 2021

    Finding suitable measurement methods for the effective management of electrochemical problems is of paramount importance, particularly for improving efficiency in corrosion protection. The need for accurate measurement techniques specific to nonstationary conditions has long been recognized, and promising approaches have emerged. This chapter introduces dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a novel advancement in electrochemistry...

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  • Parallel Computations of Text Similarities for Categorization Task


    - Year 2013

    In this chapter we describe the approach to parallel implementation of similarities in high dimensional spaces. The similarities computation have been used for textual data categorization. A test datasets we create from Wikipedia articles that with their hyper references formed a graph used in our experiments. The similarities based on Euclidean distance and Cosine measure have been used to process the data using k-means algorithm....

  • Innovative strategies: Combining treatments for advanced wastewater purification

    • R. A. de Jesus
    • N. Łukasik
    • A. Kumar
    • L. F. R. Ferreira

    - Year 2024

    Water scarcity is a pressing global challenge, driving the urgent need for effective wastewater treatment solutions. With untreated wastewater extensively employed, particularly in agriculture, the significance of proper treatment becomes evident, as it presents a more practical and ecologically responsible alternative. This chapter explores the diverse treatment approaches encompassing chemical, physical, and biological methods,...

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  • [Chapter] 22. Application of physical modeling to study combustion process-es and flow patterns in large-scale boilers and furmaces. W: Optical me- thods and data processing in heat and fluid flow. Ed. C. Greated, J. Cos-grove, J.M. Buick. Bury St. Edmunds. London: Profess. Eng. Publ.**2002 s. 267-277, 4 rys. bibliogr. 6 poz. Zastosowanie modelowania fizycznego do badania procesów spalania pola prze- pływu w przemysłowych kotłach i piecach.


    - Year 2002

    Rozdział zawiera wyniki badań modelowania fizycznego dwuwymiarowego i trój-wymiarowego pola przepływu i procesów spalania w wybranych urządzeniachprzemysłowych.

  • Methodology of entrepreneurship teaching in tertiary education - experiences of the Faculty of Economics and Management on the Gdansk University of Technology


    The purpose of the chapter is an overview of the available methods and techniques of teaching entrepreneurship at the academic level, as well as the presentation of the methodology of the work with students within the framework of the Entrepreneurship course at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology.

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  • Polyurethanes for Coating, Adhesives, and Other Applications


    An interesting group of polyurethane (PU) materials are coatings, adhesives, sealants, and thickeners. A wide base of raw materials and various methods of PU synthesis allows production of materials with a wide range of properties that can be commonly used in many industries. This chapter describes the main types of PU coatings and adhesives and special application PUs and the methods of their production. The materials described...

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  • Agents in Simulation of Cyberattacks to Evaluate Security of Critical Infrastructures


    - Year 2013

    In the last years critical infrastructures have become highly dependent on the information technologies and exposed to cyberattacks. Because the effects of the attacks can be detrimental, it is crucial to comprehensively asses the security of the infrastructures' information systems. This chapter describes MAlSim - the simulator of malicious software based on software agents, developed for the needs of a testbed for critical infrastructures...

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  • Electronic Noses for Indoor Air Quality Assessment

    This chapter presents a proposal of the use of electronic noses in the monitoring of indoor air quality. The main focus is put on the detailed characteristics of today’s indoor air quality control methods, the types of pollution in the air, and the development of electronic noses for air testing. Currently, scientists seek methodological and structural solutions that would enable real-time online indoor air control. It has been...

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  • Credit default swaps and banks


    - Year 2023

    This chapter aims to explore the evolving role of credit default swaps (CDS) in managing and transferring default risk from the perspective of banks from a holistic perspective. This chapter examines credit default swaps (CDSs) as derivative financial instruments that transfer credit risk on debt securities. While CDSs offer benefits such as risk management and risk trading, they also introduce potential systemic risks, as evidenced...

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  • Żuławski dom podcieniowy - przykłady i skala współczesnych działań konserwatorskich


    - Year 2014

    Początki zainteresowania architekturą regionalną na terenach Prus Zachodnich sięgają przełomu XIX/XX wieku i związane są z osobą Bernharda Schmida. Koniec II wojny światowej przyniósł na Żuławach zniszczenie ponad 2 744 zagród chłopskich. Ze względu na priorytet ratowania zabytków Gdańska, historyczne obiekty z okolicznych wsi doczekały się szerszej uwagi służb konserwatorskich dopiero w połowie lat pięćdziesiątych. Opracowanie...

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  • Computational Simulation of the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning


    - Year 2023

    This chapter investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organisational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organisational learning, (2) Effective organisational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader’s behavior must align for the best learning...

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  • Transcriptomic responses to wounding: meta-analysis of gene expression microarray data


    - BMC GENOMICS - Year 2017

    Background A vast amount of microarray data on transcriptomic response to injury has been collected so far. We designed the analysis in order to identify the genes displaying significant changes in expression after wounding in different organisms and tissues. This meta-analysis is the first study to compare gene expression profiles in response to wounding in as different tissues as heart, liver, skin, bones, and spinal cord, and...

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  • Polyurethanes


    The chapter content is devoted to Polyurethanes and consists of the following items: general characteristics of polyurethanes, raw materials used in the synthesis of crosslinked polyurethanes, synthesis and crosslinking reactions of polyurethanes, morphology of liniear and branched PU, manufacturing methods and functional properties.

  • IoT protocols, architectures, and applications

    • C. Buratti
    • E. G. Ström
    • L. Feltrin
    • L. Clavier
    • G. Gardašević
    • T. Blazek
    • L. Berbakov
    • T. C. Balan
    • L. Orozco-Barbosa
    • C. Anton-Haro... and 2 others

    - Year 2021

    The proliferation of embedded systems, wireless technologies, and Internet protocols have enabled the IoT to bridge the gap between the virtual and physical world enabling the monitoring and control of the environment by data processing systems. IoT refers to the inter-networking of everyday objects that are equipped with sensing, computation, and communication capabilities. These networks can collaboratively interact and perform...

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  • Gdańskie ciekawostki ogrodowe początku XX wieku


    W XIX wieku drzewa egzotyczne stały się w Europie obiektem szczególnego zainteresowania. Nasilił się także proces wprowadzania ich do uprawy. W 1911 roku zagadnieniu temu poświęcony został doroczny, obradujący w Gdańsku zjazd Niemieckiego Towarzystwa Dendrologicznego. W tym samym roku, tygodnik Die Gartenwelt zamieścił szczegółową relację o towarzyszących obradom wycieczkach do okolicznych ogrodów. W oparciu o nią, autorka artykułu...

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  • Modern era fortifications as public places = Fortyfikacje nowożytne jako miejskie przestrzenie publiczne


    Fortyfikacje nowożytne tworzyły systemy budowli ziemnych oraz szerokich fos. Ich powierzchnia przekraczała często powierzchnię otoczonego nimi miasta. Utrata znaczenia obronnego oraz tendencje do wzrostu terytorialnego miast spowodowały konieczność zmiany funkcji fortyfikacji. W XIX i XX wieku były one rozbierane, a ich tereny zabudowywane lub przekształcane w przestrzeń publiczną. Zagospodarowanie i konserwacja tych obiektów...

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  • Affect aware video games


    - Year 2022

    In this chapter a problem of affect aware video games is described, including such issue as: emotional model of the player, design, development and UX testing of affect-aware video games, multimodal emotion recognition and a featured review of affect-aware video games.

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  • Application of Electronic Nose to Ambient Air Quality Evaluation With Respect to Odour Nuisance in Vicinity of Municipal Landfills and Sewage Treatment

    This chapter contains information about application of the electronic nose type instruments to evaluation of ambient air odour quality connected with such sectors of human activity as municipal landfills or sewage treatment plants. The authors present potential sources of emission from these sectors, characterize the chemical compounds responsible for presence of unpleasant odours, describe the influence of those compounds on human...

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  • Nonlinear Viscoelastic Properties of Polyurethane Nanocomposites


    - Year 2017

    In recent years, the nonlinear viscoelastic behaviors of elastomeric nanocomposites have been examined, especially for a wide range of rubbery composite (including natural rubber) materials. This chapter describes the influence of fillers and nanofillers on the nonlinear viscoelastic properties of elastomeric polyurethane systems. These filled elastomers (similar to the classic natural rubber reinforced elastomers), also exhibit...

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  • Virtual immersive environments


    - Year 2022

    Yet a higher level of active systems may be achieved when users are fully immersed in an interface which is a 3D computer generated virtual world and can interact with surrounding objects of that world as they were in a real one. This is the issue covered by Chapter 7. Interaction in such a world is both multidimensional and multimodal, with the possibility of free movement of the user in any direction and the simultaneous stimulation...

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  • How non-technological innovation saved the day by using ICT


    - Year 2022

    Certainly, the current pandemic situation provides a lot of evidence of the need for non-technological innovations, both in the area of company organization and marketing. Socio-cultural innovations are not less important. Therefore, the role of non-technological innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic is discussed in the sixth chapter. Innovations supported by digital solutions have become a silent heroes for many companies as...

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  • Can unequal distributions of wealth influence vote choice? A comparative study of Germany, Sweden and the United States.


    - Year 2019

    It is widely accepted that income influences voting behavior. Does wealth? Is the effect similar across countries? Studies of wealth and voting behavior have not existed until recently, in part because of the absence of data on wealth holdings. The findings in this chapter indicate that wealth is related to voting behavior in some countries but not in others. The chapter models the effects of wealth on one form of voting behavior,...

  • The Impact of Organizational Culture on Bicycle Commuting Frequency: The Research Based on Example of Three IT companies


    - Year 2015

    This chapter describes a study on work-related factors affecting employees’ decision on bicycle commuting. Employees’ transport choices are related to organizational culture. This chapter refers to E. Schein’s definition of organizational culture model. The study was made in order to determine the impact of specific levels of organizational culture on the transport behavior of employees. It is based on a survey performed in three...

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  • Challenges and future prospectives of MXenes

    • A. Akhlaq
    • S. Latif
    • M. Imran
    • A. Javaid
    • G. Boczkaj

    - Year 2024

    In the context of nanotechnology, MXenes gained considerable attention as two-dimensional (2D) materials derived from layered transition metal carbides, nitrides, and carbonitrides. These materials display distinct characteristics with promising implications for a variety of practical applications. This book chapter provides an extensive exploration into MXenes’ fundamental concepts, such as how they are classified based on various...

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  • Decision-Making Models of the Human-Operator as an Element of the Socio-Technical Systems


    - Year 2016

    The authors of the chapter proved that the fundamental intellectual processes, which lie on the basis of decision-making behavior of the human-operator, could be identified on the bases on the analogies with the devices (elements). The basic intellectual processes of the Rational decision-making models can be adequately identified by the transient processes of the PID-controller; the intellectual processes of the Bounded Rationality...

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  • Detection, identification and determination of resveratrol in wine. Problems and challenges

    Resveratrol is a compound synthesized by plants in response to unfavorable conditions of growth like mechanical injury, siege of bacteria or fungi and UV exposure. It is concentrated mostly in grapes skin and further more in the products made from grapes especially red wines. Each wine is characterized by different amount of given stilbene since its occurrence is affected by many factors like: types of grapes, environment (climate,...

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  • Knowledge management in SMEs - theoretical considerations.


    - Year 2010

    The purpose of this chapter is to present an analysis of knowledge management concept with regard to small and medium-sized enterprises. It is aimed to propose an overview for SMEs to apply this above-mentioned concept. This overview can be used by managers and owners of SMEs to introduce knowledge management into their organizational structures.

  • The new concept of product. Cooling band


    - Year 2012

    The chapter below presents the innovative solution consist in applying the cooling band to help holding the hot object. The solution was found through substitute inputs analysis and brain storm method. The new product was submitted in Polish Patent Office under the No. W.120905.

  • Overcoming Phobias: Harnessing the Power of Immersive Virtual Reality Therapy


    - Year 2024

    The goal of the chapter was to review the different therapeutic techniques used in the treatment of various forms of phobias, with particular emphasis on virtual reality treatment. We define different types of phobias, including social ones. We also describe treatment techniques – adopted from behavioral therapy – which have been developed to aid the treatment of phobias. Particular emphasis has been placed on the flooding, implosive...

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  • Historyczne próby stworzenia fasady wydajnej energetycznie jako inspiracje dla rozwiązań współczesnych

    W referacie przedstawiono ewolucję fasad wydajnych energetycznie od przełomu XIX i XX w. po czasy współczesne. Ukazano kluczowe koncepcje mur neutralisant Corbusiera, idei wykorzystania efektu szklarniowego uzyskiwanego na fasadzie południowej, tworzenia warstwowych fasad ze szkła oraz prób włączania w nie systemów żaluzji, systemów ogrzewania i klimatyzacji, aż po rozwiązania ostatnich lat oparte na osiągnięciach inżynierii materiałowej....

  • Language Models in Speech Recognition


    - Year 2022

    This chapter describes language models used in speech recognition, It starts by indicating the role and the place of language models in speech recognition. Mesures used to compare language models follow. An overview of n-gram, syntactic, semantic, and neural models is given. It is accompanied by a list of popular software.

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  • The innovations services in Scania company


    - Year 2013

    This chapter shows us the service innovations in Scania company. Current research were based on actual situation on market and were supported by tools which help to generate innovative ideas. The new product will not only benefit the company and its clients, but also improve the situation on the market.

  • Application of spatial neural simulators of turbine blade rows to fluid flow diagnostics


    - Year 2014

    This chapter presents the results of neural modelling of fluid flow in steam turbine row. In modelling working conditions of the flow channel varied, thus the aim of the work was to reconstruct the reference state - distributions of velocity, pressure, and losses in flow channel - with high accuracy for fluid flow diagnostics.

  • Knowledge Risks in the Sharing Economy


    - Year 2018

    This chapter presents a theoretical analysis of potential risks connected with knowledge that organizations operating in the sharing economy might potentially face. Nowadays, it can be stated that an increasing amount of individuals and organizations participate in sharing and exchanging data, information, and knowledge, as well as physical goods and services (Botsman & Rogers, 2011). The development of the sharing economy has...

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  • Graphene Reinforced Phenolic Foams


    - Year 2022

    Phenolic foams (PF) belong to the polymeric materials, which are very attractive from the point of many possible applications such as insulation or fire protection materials. This chapter attempts to explain the influence of graphene and graphene derivatives on the phenolic foams. This work briefly presents different graphene nanoparticles introduced to the phenolic foams matrix, in terms of impact on the thermal, mechanical, and...

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  • Optimization of Wireless Networks for Resilience to Adverse Weather Conditions

    • M. Pióro
    • E. Fitzgerald
    • I. Kalesnikau
    • D. Nace
    • J. Rak

    - Year 2020

    In this chapter, we consider how adverse weather conditions such as rain or fog affect the performance of wireless networks, and how to optimize these networks so as to make them robust to these conditions. We first show how to analyze the weather conditions in order to make them useful for network optimization modelling. Using an example realistic network, we show how to optimize two types of wireless networks: free-space optical...

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