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Search results for: GRAPH

  • Non-isolating 2-bondage in graphs

    A 2-dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. The non-isolating 2-bondage number of G, denoted by b_2'(G), is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges E' subseteq E such that delta(G-E') >= 1 and gamma_2(G-E') > gamma_2(G)....

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  • Dynamic F-free Coloring of Graphs



    A problem of graph F-free coloring consists in partitioning the vertex set of a graph such that none of the resulting sets induces a graph containing a fixed graph F as an induced subgraph. In this paper we consider dynamic F-free coloring in which, similarly as in online coloring, the graph to be colored is not known in advance; it is gradually revealed to the coloring algorithm that has to color each vertex upon request as well...

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  • On proper (1,2)‐dominating sets in graphs


    In 2008, Hedetniemi et al. introduced the concept of (1,)-domination and obtained some interesting results for (1,2) -domination. Obviously every (1,1) -dominating set of a graph (known as 2-dominating set) is (1,2) -dominating; to distinguish these concepts, we define a proper (1,2) -dominating set of a graph as follows: a subset is a proper (1,2) -dominating set of a graph if is (1,2) -dominating and it is not a (1,1) -dominating...

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  • Colorings of the Strong Product of Circulant Graphs

    • M. Jurkiewicz

    - Year 2012

    Graph coloring is one of the famous problems in graph theory and it has many applications to information theory. In the paper we present colorings of the strong product of several circulant graphs.

  • Interval Edge-Coloring of Graphs


    - Year 2004

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  • Greedy T-colorings of graphs


    Treścią artykułu są pokolorowania kontrastowe wygenerowane przez algorytm zachłanny. Zbadane zostały ich własności, obejmujące liczbę kolororów, rozpiętość i rozpiętość krawędziową.

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  • Super Dominating Sets in Graphs


    In this paper some results on the super domination number are obtained. We prove that if T is a tree with at least three vertices, then n2≤γsp(T)≤n−s, where s is the number of support vertices in T and we characterize the extremal trees.

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  • Correction to: Serialization for Property Graphs


    - Year 2021

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  • On efficient coloring of chordless graphs

    Artykuł omawia zagadnienie optymalnego, wielomianowego rozpoznawania i kolorowania grafów bezcięciwowych. Zawiera dowód tego, że takie grafy są zawsze 4-kolorowalne oraz opis wielomianowego algorytmu, który koloruje je minimalną możliwą liczbą kolorów.

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  • Total restrained bondage in graphs



    Podzbiór D zbioru wierzchołków grafu nazywamy zewnętrznie totalnym dominującym w grafie, jeśli każdy wierzchołek spoza D ma sąsiada zarówno w D jak i poza D. Moc najmniejszego zbioru o tej własności nazywamy liczbą dominowania zewnętrznie totalnego. W artykule badamy wpływ usuwania krawędzi na liczbę dominowania zewnętrznie totalnego, czyli liczbę zewnętrznego totalnego zniewolenie w grafach.

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  • Equitable vertex coloring of graphs


    - Year 2005

    W pracy podajemy wartości sprawiedliwej liczby chromatycznej dla niektórych klas grafów. Podajemy również dwa algorytmy heurystyczne dla sprawiedliwego kolorowania grafów z suboptymalna liczba koloru.

  • Interval edge-coloring of graphs.


    - Year 2004

    Rozdział poświęcony prezentacji modelu zwartego kolorowania krawędziowego grafów i jego znanych własności. Szczególny nacisk położono na opis klas grafów dających się pokolorować zwarcie w czasie wielomianowym. Omówiono także stratność jako miarę niepodatności grafu na kolorowanie zwarte.

  • Path Coloring and Routing in Graphs.


    - Year 2004

    W rozdziale omówione zostały problemy kolorowania ścieżek i routingu w grafach. Podano podstawowe definicje związane z tymi problemami, znane wyniki wraz z dyskusją złożoności obliczeniowej dla grafów ogólnych i dla kilku podstawowych klas grafów oraz zastosowania.

  • On Computational Aspects of Greedy Partitioning of Graphs


    - Year 2017

    In this paper we consider a problem of graph P-coloring consisting in partitioning the vertex set of a graph such that each of the resulting sets induces a graph in a given additive, hereditary class of graphs P. We focus on partitions generated by the greedy algorithm. In particular, we show that given a graph G and an integer k deciding if the greedy algorithm outputs a P-coloring with a least k colors is NP-complete for an infinite...

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  • Equitable coloring of corona products of graphs

    • H. Furmańczyk
    • K. Kaliraj
    • M. Kubale
    • J. Vernold Vivin

    - Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics - Year 2013

    In this paper we consider an equitable coloring of some corona products of graphs G and H in symbols, G o H). In particular, we show that deciding the colorability of G o H is NP-complete even if G is 4-regular and H is K_2. Next, we prove exact values or upper bounds on the equitable chromatic number of G o H, where G is an equitably 3- or 4-colorable graph and H is an r-partite graph, a path, a cycle or a complete graph.

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  • Computational aspects of greedy partitioning of graphs

    In this paper we consider a variant of graph partitioning consisting in partitioning the vertex set of a graph into the minimum number of sets such that each of them induces a graph in hereditary class of graphs P (the problem is also known as P-coloring). We focus on the computational complexity of several problems related to greedy partitioning. In particular, we show that given a graph G and an integer k deciding if the greedy...

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  • Weakly connected Roman domination in graphs


    A Roman dominating function on a graph G=(V,E) is defined to be a function f :V → {0,1,2} satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v)=2. A dominating set D⊆V is a weakly connected dominating set of G if the graph (V,E∩(D×V)) is connected. We define a weakly connected Roman dominating function on a graph G to be a Roman dominating function such that the set...

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  • 2-outer-independent domination in graphs


    We initiate the study of 2-outer-independent domination in graphs. A 2-outer-independent dominating set of a graph G is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)\D has at least two neighbors in D, and the set V(G)\D is independent. The 2-outer-independent domination number of a graph G is the minimum cardinality of a 2-outer-independent dominating set of G. We show that if a graph has minimum degree at least two,...

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  • Distributed Evacuation in Graphs with Multiple Exits


    We consider the problem of efficient evacuation using multiple exits. We formulate this problem as a discrete problem on graphs where mobile agents located in distinct nodes of a given graph must quickly reach one of multiple possible exit nodes, while avoiding congestion and bottlenecks. Each node of the graph has the capacity of holding at most one agent at each time step. Thus, the agents must choose their movements strategy...

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  • The Backbone Coloring Problem for Small Graphs

    In this paper we investigate the values of the backbone chromatic number, derived from a mathematical model for the problem of minimization of bandwidth in radio networks, for small connected graphs and connected backbones (up to 7 vertices). We study the relationship of this parameter with the structure of the graph and compare the results with the solutions obtained using the classical graph coloring algorithms (LF, IS), modified...

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  • Some Progress on Total Bondage in Graphs



    The total bondage number b_t(G) of a graph G with no isolated vertex is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges E'⊆E(G) for which (1) G−E' has no isolated vertex, and (2) γ_t(G−E')>γ_t(G). We improve some results on the total bondage number of a graph and give a constructive characterization of a certain class of trees achieving the upper bound on the total bondage number.

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  • On Symmetry of Uniform and Preferential Attachment Graphs



    Motivated by the problem of graph structure compression under realistic source models, we study the symmetry behavior of preferential and uniform attachment graphs. These are two dynamic models of network growth in which new nodes attach to a constant number m of existing ones according to some attachment scheme. We prove symmetry results for m=1 and 2 , and we conjecture that for m≥3 , both models yield asymmetry with high...

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  • The hat problem on a union of disjoint graphs


    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player...

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  • Silicon Oxycarbide-Graphite Electrodes for High-Power Energy Storage Devices


    - Materials - Year 2020

    Herein we present a study on polymer-derived silicon oxycarbide (SiOC)/graphite composites for a potential application as an electrode in high power energy storage devices, such as Lithium-Ion Capacitor (LIC). The composites were processed using high power ultrasound-assisted sol-gel synthesis followed by pyrolysis. The intensive sonication enhances gelation and drying process, improving the homogenous distribution of the graphitic...

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  • Exfoliated Graphite as a New Sorbent for Removal of Engine Oils from Wastewater



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  • Direct synthesis of fine boron carbide powders using expanded graphite

    • A. Gubernat
    • W. Pichór
    • D. Zientara
    • M. Bućko
    • Ł. Zych
    • D. Kozień


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  • Determination of percolation threshold in cement composites with expanded graphite by impedance spectroscopy



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  • Exfoliated graphite with spinel oxide as an effective hybrid electrocatalyst for water splitting

    • M. Skorupska
    • K. Kowalska
    • M. Tyc
    • A. Ilnicka
    • M. Szkoda
    • J. P. Lukaszewicz

    - RSC Advances - Year 2023

    The aim of the conducted research was to develop hybrid nanostructures formed from MnCo2O4 and exfoliated graphite. Carbon added during the synthesis allowed for obtaining a well-distributed MnCo2O4 particle size with exposed active sites contributing to the increased electric conductivity. The influence of the weight ratios of carbon to a catalyst for hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions was investigated. The new bifunctional...

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  • Graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and composite thin films NO2 sensing properties


    - Year 2016

    A graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (RGO) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene)-reduced graphene oxide (PEDOT-RGO composite) gas sensors were successfully fabricated using an electrodeposition method. The electrodeposition was carried out in aqueous GO dispersions. To obtain RGO and PEDOT-RGO, the electrochemical reduction of GO and PEDOT-GO was carried out in 0.1 M KCl at a constant potential of −0.85 V. The GO, RGO and PEDOT-RGO...

  • Graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and composite thin films NO2 sensing properties



    A graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (RGO) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene)- reduced graphene oxide (PEDOT-RGO composite) gas sensors were successfully fabricated using an electrodeposition method. The electrodeposition was carried out in aqueous GO dispersions. In order to obtain RGO and PEDOT-RGO, the electrochemical reduction of GO and PEDOT-GO was carried out in 0.1 M KCl at constant potential of −0.85 V. The GO, RGO...

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  • Template-based textural modifications of polymeric graphitic carbon nitrides towards waste water treatment

    • U. Azhar
    • M. Bashir
    • M. Babar
    • M. Arif
    • A. Hassan
    • A. Riaz
    • R. Mujahid
    • M. Sagir
    • S. Suri
    • P. Show... and 3 others

    - Chemosphere - Year 2022

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  • Heterostructure based on exfoliated graphitic carbon nitride coated by porous carbon for photocatalytic H2 evolution



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  • Polymer and graphitic carbon nitride based nanohybrids for the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment – A review

    • M. Rohan Khizer
    • Z. Saddique
    • M. Imran
    • A. Javaid
    • S. Latif
    • D. Mantzavinos
    • M. Momotko
    • G. Boczkaj


    Pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, have been frequently detected in water reservoirs, in concentrations ranging from ng/L to μg/L, owing to their wide use in treatment of human and animal disease. Their uncontrolled use results in their increased release into the environment which is harmful for humans, animals, aquatic life and aquatic system. To remove these pollutants from water bodies, various...

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  • Graphene Reinforced Phenolic Foams


    - Year 2022

    Phenolic foams (PF) belong to the polymeric materials, which are very attractive from the point of many possible applications such as insulation or fire protection materials. This chapter attempts to explain the influence of graphene and graphene derivatives on the phenolic foams. This work briefly presents different graphene nanoparticles introduced to the phenolic foams matrix, in terms of impact on the thermal, mechanical, and...

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  • A Framework for Searching in Graphs in the Presence of Errors


    - Year 2019

    We consider a problem of searching for an unknown target vertex t in a (possibly edge-weighted) graph. Each vertex-query points to a vertex v and the response either admits that v is the target or provides any neighbor s of v that lies on a shortest path from v to t. This model has been introduced for trees by Onak and Parys [FOCS 2006] and for general graphs by Emamjomeh-Zadeh et al. [STOC 2016]. In the latter, the authors provide...

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  • On extremal sizes of locally k-tree graphs



    A graph G is a locally k-tree graph if for any vertex v the subgraph induced by the neighbours of v is a k-tree, k>=0, where 0-tree is an edgeless graph, 1-tree is a tree. We characterize the minimum-size locally k-trees with n vertices. The minimum-size connected locally k-trees are simply (k + 1)-trees. For k >= 1, we construct locally k-trees which are maximal with respect to the spanning subgraph relation. Consequently, the...

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  • Progress on Roman and Weakly Connected Roman Graphs


    - Mathematics - Year 2021

    A graph G for which γR(G)=2γ(G) is the Roman graph, and if γwcR(G)=2γwc(G), then G is the weakly connected Roman graph. In this paper, we show that the decision problem of whether a bipartite graph is Roman is a co-NP-hard problem. Next, we prove similar results for weakly connected Roman graphs. We also study Roman trees improving the result of M.A. Henning’s A characterization of Roman trees, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 22 (2002)....

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  • Morphology, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Containing Reduced Graphene Oxide and Graphene Nanoplatelets


    - Materials - Year 2018

    Polyurethane/graphene nanocomposites were synthesized using commercial thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU, Apilon 52DE55), and two types of graphene derivatives: graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO). Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy, TEM, and SEM microscopy and XRD techniques were used to chemically and structurally characterize GNP...

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  • Edge and Pair Queries-Random Graphs and Complexity



    We investigate two types of query games played on a graph, pair queries and edge queries. We concentrate on investigating the two associated graph parameters for binomial random graphs, and showing that determining any of the two parameters is NP-hard for bounded degree graphs.

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  • On the size of identifying codes in triangle-free graphs



    In an undirected graph G, a subset C⊆V(G) such that C is a dominating set of G, and each vertex in V(G) is dominated by a distinct subset of vertices from C, is called an identifying code of G. The concept of identifying codes was introduced by Karpovsky, Chakrabarty and Levitin in 1998. For a given identifiable graph G, let gammaID(G) be the minimum cardinality of an identifying code in G. In this paper, we show that for any connected...

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  • Domination-Related Parameters in Rooted Product Graphs

    Abstract A set S of vertices of a graph G is a dominating set in G if every vertex outside of S is adjacent to at least one vertex belonging to S. A domination parameter of G is related to those sets of vertices of a graph satisfying some domination property together with other conditions on the vertices of G. Here, we investigate several domination-related parameters in rooted product graphs.

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  • On domination multisubdivision number of unicyclic graphs


    The paper continues the interesting study of the domination subdivision number and the domination multisubdivision number. On the basis of the constructive characterization of the trees with the domination subdivision number equal to 3 given in [H. Aram, S.M. Sheikholeslami, O. Favaron, Domination subdivision number of trees, Discrete Math. 309 (2009), 622–628], we constructively characterize all connected unicyclic graphs with...

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  • Consecutive colorings of the edges of general graphs

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  • Paired domination and doubly domination in graphs


    - Year 2007

    W rozprawie poruszane są zagadnienia związane z dominowaniem parami w grafach oraz domiowaniem totalno - powściągniętym w grafach. Ponadto omawiane są zagadnienia związane ze złożonością obliczeniową różnych problemów dominowania w grafach.

  • Distance paired domination numbers of graphs


    W pracy przedstawione są pewne własności liczb k-dominowania parami w grafach. Wykazane jest, że problem decyzyjny liczby k-dominowania parami jest problemem NP-zupełnym nawet dla grafów dwudzielnych. Przedstawione są ograniczenia górne i dolne dla liczby k-dominowania parami w drzewach i scharakteryzowane drzewa, w których te ograniczenia są osiągnięte.

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  • Weakly connected domination critical graphs

    Praca dotyczy niektórych klas grafów krytycznych ze względu na liczbę dominowania słabo spójnego.

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  • Compact cyclic edge-colorings of graphs


    Artykuł jest poświęcony modelowi zwartego cyklicznego kolorowania krawędzi grafów. Ten wariant kolorowania jest stosowany w modelowaniu uszeregowań w systemach produkcyjnych, w których proces produkcyjny ma charakter cykliczny. W pracy podano konstrukcje grafów, które nie zezwalają na istnienie pokolorowania w rozważanym modelu. Wykazano także kilka własności teoretycznych, takich jak ograniczenia górne na liczbę kolorów w optymalnym...

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  • The complexity of equitable vertex coloring graphs


    - Year 2005

    W artykule podajemy wzory na sprawiedliwą liczbę chromatyczną niektórych produktów grafowych. Ponadto przedstawiamy dwa algorytmy wielomianowe dla sprawiedliwego kolorowania grafów suboptymalną liczba kolorów.

  • On the metric dimension of corona product graphs

    • I. G. Yero
    • D. Kuziak


    We give several results on the metric dimension of corona product graphs.

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  • Interval incidence coloring of bipartite graphs

    In this paper we study the problem of interval incidence coloring of bipartite graphs. We show the upper bound for interval incidence coloring number (χii) for bipartite graphs χii≤2Δ, and we prove that χii=2Δ holds for regular bipartite graphs. We solve this problem for subcubic bipartite graphs, i.e. we fully characterize the subcubic graphs that admit 4, 5 or 6 coloring, and we construct a linear time exact algorithm for subcubic...

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