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Search results for: STRAINS
A comprehensive study on nonlinear hygro-thermo-mechanical analysis of thick functionally graded porous rotating disk based on two quasi three-dimensional theories
PublicationIn this paper, a highly efficient quasi three-dimensional theory has been used to study the nonlinear hygro-thermo-mechanical bending analysis of very thick functionally graded material (FGM) rotating disk in hygro-thermal environment considering the porosity as a structural defect. Two applied quasi three-dimensional displacement fields are assumed in which the strain along the thickness is not zero unlike most of the other plate...
Free Vibration of Flexomagnetic Nanostructured Tubes Based on Stress-driven Nonlocal Elasticity
PublicationA framework for the flexomagneticity influence is here considered extending the studies about this aspect on the small scale actuators. The developed model accommodates and composes linear Lagrangian strains, Euler-Bernoulli beam approach as well as an extended case of Hamilton’s principle. The nanostructured tube should subsume and incorporate size effect; however, for the sake of avoiding the staggering costs of experiments,...
Fracture prediction in flat PMMA notched specimens under tension - effectiveness of the equivalent material concept and fictitious material concept
PublicationThe fracture of notched elements under mode I loading (tension) remains an inexhaustible research topic, especially when it comes to the fracture of thermoplastic materials such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), which experience considerable plastic strains under tension. The paper points out that traditional brittle fracture criteria such as mean stress (MS) or maximum tangential stress (MTS) criteria used to predict this phenomenon do...
M-integral for finite anti-plane shear of a nonlinear elastic matrix with rigid inclusions
PublicationThe path-independent M-integral plays an important role in analysis of solids with inhomogeneities. However, the available applications are almost limited to linear-elastic or physically non-linear power law type materials under the assumption of infinitesimal strains. In this paper we formulate the M-integral for a class of hyperelastic solids undergoing finite anti-plane shear deformation. As an application we consider the problem...
Retained features of embryonic metabolism in the adult MRL mouse
PublicationThe MRL mouse is an inbred laboratory strain that was derived by selective breeding in 1960 from the rapidly growing LG/J (Large) strain. MRL mice grow to nearly twice the size of other commonly used mouse strains, display uncommonly robust healing and regeneration properties, and express later onset autoimmune traits similar to Systemic Lupus Erythematosis. The regeneration trait (heal) in the MRL mouse maps to 14-20 quantitative...
The occurrence of heavy metals and metal-resistant bacteria in water and bottom sediments of the Straszyn reservoir (Poland)
PublicationThe aim of this study is investigate the distribution of selected heavy metals (zinc, copper, lead, cadmium) and metal-resistant bacteria in water and bottom sediments of drinking water reservoir for Gdańsk (Poland). The research area - Straszyn Lake is a dam reservoir on Radunia river, of the total volume of 3 mln m3. Sediment and water sampling took place between May and October 2013 (eight series). Regarding metal concentration...
Genetic and biochemical characterization of yeasts isolated from Antarctic soil samples
PublicationThe Polish Arctowski Station is situated in the maritime Antarctic on the western shore ot' Admiralty Bay and encompasses terrestrial habitats which are not perma-nently covered by ice, in contrast to morę than 90% of the island's surface area. Over the past several decades, stud-ies exploring the soils of those habitats have revealed a considerable diversity of bacteria, filamentous fungi, and, to a lesser extent, yeasts; however,...
Monitoring system of the road embankment
PublicationThe paper presents the monitoring system of the embankment supported on concrete columns and overlaid by a load transfer platform (LTP) with the embedded steel grid. This field investigation was to study the complex inter-action between the columns, the LTP layer, and steel reinforcement via full-scale in situ measurements during erection of the embankment. The study was focused on the behaviour of steel reinforcement and the behaviour...
Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Shell Footbridge for Its Design Validation
PublicationThe paper presents the structural health monitoring system of the composite bridge for pedestrians and cyclists. The footbridge was designed and manufactured within the FOBRIDGE project. It is the first bridge in the world, which is classified as a consistent single element structural girder, made of sandwich shells, entirely produced in a single cycle. The developed structural health monitoring system, supported design process,...
Flexural behaviour of concrete slabs reinforced with FRP bars in experiments and according to aci ACI 440.1R guide
PublicationThe paper presents research conducted on two concrete slabs reinforced with the carbon composite bars and two other concrete slabs reinforced with basalt composite bars. The carbon bars were plain, while the basalt ones were ribbed. The slabs were experimentally investigated in the flexural state of effort with the concentrated forces applied. The results are compared with the analytical solution proposed in the guide ACI 440.1R-06...
Urinary Tract Infections Caused by K. pneumoniae in Kidney Transplant Recipients – Epidemiology, Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance
PublicationUrinary tract infections are the most common complication in kidney transplant recipients, possibly resulting in the deterioration of a long-term kidney allograft function and an increased risk of recipient’s death. K. pneumoniae has emerged as one of the most prevalent etiologic agents in the context of recurrent urinary tract infections, especially with multidrug resistant strains. This paper discusses the epidemiology and risk...
Ellipticity in couple-stress elasticity
PublicationWe discuss ellipticity property within the linear couple-stress elasticity. In this theory, there exists a deformation energy density introduced as a function of strains and gradient of macrorotations, where the latter are expressed through displacements. So the couple-stress theory could be treated as a particular class of strain gradient elasticity. Within the micropolar elasticity, the model is called Cosserat pseudocontinuum...
Deep eutectic solvent enhances antibacterial activity of a modular lytic enzyme against Acinetobacter baumannii
PublicationIn this study, we evaluated the combined effect between MLE-15, a modular lytic enzyme composed of four building blocks, and reline, a natural deep eutectic solvent. The bioinformatic analysis allowed us to determine the spatial architecture of MLE-15, whose components were bactericidal peptide cecropin A connected via a flexible linker to the cell wall binding domain (CBD) of mesophilic 201ϕ2 − 1 endolysin and catalytic domain...
A New Double Digestion Ligation Mediated Suppression PCR Method for Simultaneous Bacteria DNA-Typing and Confirmation of Species: An Acinetobacter sp. Model
PublicationWe have designed a new ddLMS PCR (double digestion Ligation Mediated Suppression PCR) method based on restriction site polymorphism upstream from the specific target sequence for the simultaneous identification and differentiation of bacterial strains. The ddLMS PCR combines a simple PCR used for species or genus identification and the LM PCR strategy for strain differentiation. The bacterial identification is confirmed in the...
Host and pathogen factors in Klebsiella pneumoniae upper urinary tract infections in renal transplant patients
PublicationPurpose . To analyse the role of virulence factors (VFs) and host in Klebsiella pneumoniae upper urinary tract infections (UTIs) in renal transplant (RTx) recipients. Methodology. Clinical and demographic data were registered prospectively. Phylogenetic background of K. pneumoniae isolates was analysed by PCR melting profiles (MP) and the following VFs genes: fimH-1, uge, kpn, ycfM, mrkD, rmpA, magA, hlyA, cnf-1, irp-1, irp-2,...
Importance of sign conventions on analytical solutions to the wave-induced cyclic response of a poro-elastic seabed
PublicationThis paper discusses the influence of different sign conventions for strains and stresses, i.e. the solid mechanics sign convention and the soil mechanics sign convention, on the form of governing partial differential equations (the static equilibrium equations and the continuity equation) used to describe the wave-induced cyclic response of a poro-elastic seabed due to propagation of a sinusoidal surface water-wave. Some selected...
Vibro-Electrical Behavior of a Viscoelastic Piezo-Nanowire in an Elastic Substrate Considering Stress Nonlocality and Microstructural Size-Dependent Effects
PublicationThis research deals with dynamics response of a Pol/BaTiO3 nanowire including viscosity influences. The wire is also impressed by a longitudinal electric field. Hamilton's principle and Lagrangian strains are employed in conjunction with a refined higher-order beam theory in order to derive equations of motion. By combining nonlocality and small size...
Corrigendum to “Fatigue life improvement using low transformation temperature weld material with measurement of residual stress” [Int. J. Fatigue 164 (2022) 107137]
PublicationWelding processes often produce high levels of tensile residual stress. Low transformation temperature (LTT) welding wires utilise phase transformation strains to overcome the thermal contraction of a cooling weld. In this paper, the residual stress within each weld was quantified using the milling/strain gauge method, being the strain change measured as the weldment was milled away. The fatigue tests were conducted under uniaxial...
Experimental and numerical studies on the mechanical response of a piezoelectric nanocomposite-based functionally graded materials
PublicationThis work presents an experimental study of piezoelectric structures reinforced by graphene platelets, based on the concept of the functionally graded materials (FGMs). The assumed model is a rectangular beam/plate and the composition is due to the Halpin-Tsai rule. The model is also simulated in the Abaqus software which is the first time that such a structure has been modelled in an FEM package. In addition, a mathematical model...
Phenotypic consequences of LYS4 gene disruption in Candida albicans
PublicationA BLAST search of the Candida Genome Database with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae LYS4 sequence known to encode homoaconitase (HA) revealed ORFs 19.3846 and 19.11327. Both alleles of the LYS4 gene were sequentially disrupted in Candida albicans BWP17 cells using PCR-based methodology. The null lys4Δ mutant exhibited lysine auxotrophy in minimal medium but was able to grow in the presence of L-Lys and α-aminoadipate, an intermediate...
Genotyping of clinical isolates of fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans
PublicationThe aim of the study was to compare the discriminatory power of RAPD-PCR method with using RSD10 primer and microsatellite analysis with using (GACA)4 primer for genotyping clinical isolates of fluconazole-resistant C. albicans. Isolates were received from patients of Children's Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw. However in the case of both tested methods low number of amplified fragments was generated, nine and six different...
Examination of selected failure criteria with asymmetric shear stresses in the collapse analysis of laminated shells
PublicationThe paper is concerned with failure analysis of composite shells performed with the usage of the nonlinear 6‐parameter shell theory with drilling rotation degree of freedom. This special theory embodies naturally unlim-ited translations and rotations and is suitable for analysis of irregular shells for instance with various, partic-ularly orthogonal, intersections. The presence of the drilling rotation is inherently accompanied...
Fatigue life improvement using low transformation temperature weld material with measurement of residual stress
PublicationWelding processes often produce high levels of tensile residual stress. Low transformation temperature (LTT) welding wires utilise phase transformation strains to overcome the thermal contraction of a cooling weld. In this paper, the residual stress within each weld was quantified using the milling/strain gauge method, being the strain change measured as the weldment was milled away. The fatigue tests were conducted under uniaxial...
Buckling Analysis of a Micro Composite Plate with Nano Coating Based on the Modified Couple Stress Theory
PublicationThe present study investigates the buckling of a thick sandwich plate under the biaxial non-uniform compression using the modified couple stress theory with various boundary conditions. For this purpose, the top and bottom faces are orthotropic graphene sheets and for the central core the isotropic soft materials are investigated. The simplified first order shear deformation theory (S-FSDT) is employed and the governing differential...
Differential Quadrature Method for Dynamic Buckling of Graphene Sheet Coupled by a Viscoelastic Medium Using Neperian Frequency Based on Nonlocal Elasticity Theory
PublicationIn the present study, the dynamic buckling of the graphene sheet coupled by a viscoelastic matrix was studied. In light of the simplicity of Eringen's non-local continuum theory to considering the nanoscale influences, this theory was employed. Equations of motion and boundary conditions were obtained using Mindlin plate theory by taking nonlinear strains of von Kármán and Hamilton's principle into account. On the other hand, a...
Escherichia coli K-12 suppressor-free mutants lacking early glycosyltransferases and late acyltransferases. Minimal lipopolysaccharide structure and induction of envelope stress response.
PublicationTo elucidate the minimal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structure needed for the viability of Escherichia coli, suppressor-free strains lacking either the 3-deoxy-d-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid transferase waaA gene or derivatives of the heptosyltransferase I waaC deletion with lack of one or all late acyltransferases (lpxL/M/P) and/or various outer membrane biogenesis factors were constructed. Δ(waaC lpxL lpxM lpxP) and waaA mutants exhibited...
Short and Long Term Measurements in Assessment of FRP Composite Footbridge Behavior
PublicationThe paper presents application of different sensors for the purpose of short and long term measurements, as well as a structural health monitoring (SHM) system to assess the behavior of a novel fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) composite footbridge. The aim is to present a thorough and concise description of these sensors networks and results gathered with their aid during in situ measurement of strains, displacements, and vibrations,...
Strain sequence effect on fatigue life and fracture surface topography of 7075-T651 aluminium alloy
PublicationThe paper studies the effect of strain-loading sequence on fatigue lifetime and fracture surface topographies in 7075-T651 aluminum alloy specimens. Fatigue tests were performed in two ways: (i) constant-amplitude loading and (ii) two series of variable amplitude loading with non-zero mean strain values. The topography of the fatigue fractures was measured over their entire surfaces with the help of an optical confocal measurement...
Phage therapy as a novel strategy in the treatment of urinary tract infections caused by E. coli
PublicationUrinary tract infections (UTIs) are regarded as one of the most common bacterial infections affecting millions of people, in all age groups, annually in the world. The major causative agent of complicated and uncomplicated UTIs are uropathogenic E. coli strains (UPECs). Huge problems with infections of this type are their chronicity and periodic recurrences. Other disadvantages that are associated with UTIs are accompanying complications...
Microwave heat treatment application to pasteurization of human milk
PublicationA prototype of microwave pasteurizer has been proposed as an alternative for holder pasteurization (HP) routinely used in Human Milk Bank (HMB), ensuring microbiological safety of human milk (HM). It was shown that the time of heat generation was about 15–16 min shorter by applying the microwave than in HP. Total inactivation of heat-sensitive bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus...
UNRES-GPU for Physics-Based Coarse-Grained Simulations of Protein Systems at Biological Time- and Size-Scales
PublicationThe dynamics of the virus like particles (VLPs) corresponding to the GII.4 Houston, GII.2 SMV, and GI.1 Norwalk strains of human noroviruses (HuNoV) that cause gastroenteritis was investigated by means of long-time (about 30 μs in the laboratory timescale) molecular dynamics simulations with the coarse-grained UNRES force field. The main motion of VLP units turned out to be the bending at the junction between the P1 subdomain (that...
SimLE Stardust: How an experiment evolved from student tinkering to a stratospheric research platform
PublicationStratospheric balloons are one of the most accessible methods of near space exploration. Their applications include capturing of extreme living organisms whose existence in the stratosphere has been suggested in the literature. These potential microorganisms would have evolved to survive the unique environment of low temperature, low pressure and high solar radiation. This makes the development of...
Does the chemical modification of Nystatin A1 affect the drug's ability to overcome the multidrug resistance of fungi?
PublicationAlthough the contemporary medicine keeps moving forward, disseminated infections caused by fungal pathogens are an emerging challenge. The dramatic rise of fungal diseases, especially the most life-threatening systemic mycoses is associated with a permanently growing number of immunodeficient patients. Undoubted difficulties in the treatment of fungal infections are caused by lack of highly effective and selective antifungal drugs,...
Modeling of damage interaction due to uniaxial creep and subsequent LCF pure torsional loading
PublicationThis paper presents experimental results of creep-rupture, preliminary creep and low-cycle torsional fatigue of 2024 aluminum alloy. It analyzes the effect of pre-deformation on fatigue life under pure, cyclic torsion loading conditions. Two different pre-deformation levels were considered in the creep process at 200 ◦C and 300 ◦C. A significant influence of creep predeformation on the cyclic properties of the tested material was...
On dynamic modeling of piezomagnetic/flexomagnetic microstructures based on Lord–Shulman thermoelastic model
PublicationWe study a time-dependent thermoelastic coupling within free vibrations of piezomagnetic (PM) microbeams considering the flexomagnetic (FM) phenomenon. The flexomagneticity relates to a magnetic field with a gradient of strains. Here, we use the generalized thermoelasticity theory of Lord–Shulman to analyze the interaction between elastic deformation and thermal conductivity. The uniform magnetic field is permeated in line with...
Polymer biodegradable coatings as active substance release systems for urological applications
PublicationCatheter-associated urinary tract infections are the result of catheterization of the bladder. The risk of infection is directly proportional to the length of the bladder catheterization. Bacteria cells have the ability to adhere and create the biofilm on the surface of catheter materials. Bacteria’s biofilm is an extremely beneficial environment of existence for microorganisms. Microorganisms that are an integral part of the biofilm...
Post-critical buckling of truncated conical carbon nanotubes considering surface effects embedding in a nonlinear Winkler substrate using the Rayleigh-Ritz method
PublicationThis research predicts theoretically post-critical axial buckling behavior of truncated conical carbon nanotubes (CCNTs) with several boundary conditions by assuming a nonlinear Winkler matrix. The post-buckling of CCNTs has been studied based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam model, Hamilton’s principle, Lagrangian strains, and nonlocal strain gradient theory. Both stiffness-hardening and stiffness-softening properties of the nanostructure...
On the Dynamics of a Visco–Piezo–Flexoelectric Nanobeam
PublicationThe fundamental motivation of this research is to investigate the effect of flexoelectricity on a piezoelectric nanobeam for the first time involving internal viscoelasticity. To date, the effect of flexoelectricity on the mechanical behavior of nanobeams has been investigated extensively under various physical and environmental conditions. However, this effect as an internal property of materials has not been studied when the...
Electro-mechanical shear buckling of piezoelectric nanoplate using modified couple stress theory based on simplified first order shear deformation theory
PublicationThis paper studies the electro-mechanical shear buckling analysis of piezoelectric nanoplate using modified couple stress theory with various boundary conditions.In order to be taken electric effects into account, an external electric voltage is applied on the piezoelectric nanoplate. The simplified first order shear deformation theory (S-FSDT) has been employed and the governing differential equations have been obtained using...
PublicationMastic containing asphalt in its composition is an example of a viscoelastic material. It is an effective binder in asphalt. It consists of a filler (<0.063 mm) and asphalt mixed in the right proportions. Just like in asphalt, its response depends on the temperature level, the load and stress time. Changing the stress stiffness of the mastic affects the non-linear course of the stress-strain relationship. Modelling of the non-linear...
Quantitative Analysis of Biofilm Formed on Vascular Prostheses by Staphylococcus Epidermidis with Different ica and aap Genetic Status
PublicationOBJECTIVES: This study aims to examine biofilm formed on vascular prostheses by Staphylococcus epidermidis with different ica and aap genetic status, and to evaluate the effect of antibiotic-modified prostheses on bacterial colonization. METHODS: Biofilm formation was determined using fluorescence microscopy imaging. Quantitative analysis was conducted using the biofilm coverage ratio (BCR) calculations. RESULTS: Our investigations...
Powikłania po rekonstrukcji piersi: problem zakażeń i strategii prewencyjnej - przegląd literaturowy
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące powikłań po rekonstrukcji piersi. Manuskrypt ma na celu usystematyzowanie wyników badań z ostatnich lat wraz z aspektami, takimi jak: częstotliwość występowania powikłań oraz ich rodzaj, czynniki predysponujące, a także możliwości profilaktyki. Przeanalizowano dane literaturowe z ogólnie dostępnych artykułów z okresu ostatnich pięciu lat, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zakażeń. Do...
Essential oils as potential anti-staphylococcal agents
PublicationAntibiotic therapy of staphylococcal mastitis is characterized by significantly lower cure rates compared to infections caused by other microorganisms. Thus, it is necessary to search for new, alternative, non-antibiotic agents that are effective in the eradication of these bacteria. The aim of our research was to investigate the antimicrobial, especially anti-staphylococcal potential of a large collection (n=36) of essential oils...
Epigenetic regulation and regeneration: the search for differentially methylated genes in the MRL mouse
PublicationThe MRL mouse is an inbred laboratory strain, which was developed in the 60’s of the 20th century and has been extensively used as a model of lupus erythematosus. The regenerative abilities of the strain were discovered in the 90' when the MRL mouse was shown to close 2 mm hole punches made in the ear pinnae four weeks after injury without scarring. The phenomenon has not been observed in other mouse strains, where the holes...
Drug-resistant and hospital-associated Enterococcus faecium from wastewater, riverine estuary and anthropogenically impacted marine catchment basin.
PublicationEnterococci, ubiquitous colonizers of humans and other animals, play an increasingly important role in health-care associated infections (HAIs). Acquisition of resistance determinants not only seriously limits available therapeutic options but also increases available gene pool for other species. It is believed that the recent evolution of two clinically relevant species, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium occurred...
Recent Achievements in Constitutive Equations of Laminates and Functionally Graded Structures Formulated in the Resultant Nonlinear Shell Theory
PublicationThe development of constitutive equations formulated in the resultant nonlinear shell theory is presented. The specific features of the present shell theory are drilling rotation naturally included in the formulation and asymmetric measures of strains and stress resultants. The special attention in the chapter is given to recent achievements: progressive failure analysis of laminated shells and elastoplastic constitutive relation...
Hydrogen production from biomass using dark fermentation
PublicationHydrogen applicability in the power, chemical and petrochemical industries is constantly growing. Efficientmethods of hydrogen generation from renewable sources, including waste products, are currently being de-veloped, even though hydrogen is mainly produced through steam reforming or thermal cracking of natural gasor petroleum fractions. In paper alternative methods of hydrogen production with a particular emphasis on darkfermentation...
The problem of infections associated with implants – an overview
PublicationImplant-associated infections are serious and relatively common complication that leads to implant loss. The purpose of this paper is to gather knowledge about this issue. A literature review of the epidemiology, risk factors and pathogenesis of infections related to implants was carried out. This position collects data on commonly used implants and infections associated with them from various fields of medicine and contains classifications...
Antibacterial evaluation of bioactive modifiers of bone cements: antibiotics, nanometals and chitosan
PublicationModern biomaterials in addition to their basic tasks, can serve as carriers of active substance. The release of a bioactive particles allows to locally fight infection or its prevent it. Bone cements additionally to their basic applications in orthopedic surgery can also serve to deliver locally active substances. Currently, only antibiotics are routinely used as modifiers for bone cements. Bioactive bone cements constitute...
Assessment of the impact of bacteria Pseudomonas denitrificans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis and yeast Yarrowia lipolytica on commercial poly(ether urethanes)
PublicationThe assessment of the impact of the bacteria Pseudomonas denitrificans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis and yeast Yarrowia lipolytica on commercial poly(ether urethanes) Tecoflex® and Tecothane® is presented. The polyurethane samples were incubated with pure cultures of the microorganisms at 30 °C for five months. The changes in the chemical structure of the polymers were evaluated using loss of weight and contact angle...