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Search results for: urinary tract infections
Novel Nystatin A1 derivatives exhibiting low host cell toxicity and antifungal activity in an in vitro model of oral candidosis
PublicationOpportunistic oral infections caused by Candida albicans are frequent problems in immunocompromised patients. Management of such infections is limited due to the low number of antifungal drugs available, their relatively high toxicity and the emergence of antifungal resistance. Given these issues, our investigations have focused on novel derivatives of the antifungal antibiotic Nystatin A1, generated by modifications at the amino...
Enzymes of the lysine biosynthetic pathway as targets for antifungals ?
PublicationSystemic infections caused by human pathogenic fungi in immunocompromized patients continue to be one of the important clinical problems. Limited availability of safe and efficacious antifungal chemotherapeutics and emerging resistance to existing drugs stimulates search for novel molecular targets for antifungals. The α-aminoadipate pathway (AAP) of L-lysine biosynthesis is unique in fungi and thus has been so far considered...
Mechanisms of azole resistance among clinical isolates of Candida glabrata in Poland
PublicationCandida glabrata is currently ranked as the second most frequently isolated aetiological agent of human fungal infections, next only to Candida albicans. In comparison with C. albicans, C. glabrata shows lower susceptibility to azoles, the most common agents used in treatment of fungal infections. Interestingly, the mechanisms of resistance to azole agents in C. albicans have been much better investigated than those in C. glabrata....
Comparative analysis of mRNA transcripts of HT-29 cell line expressed in identical quantities for pathogenic E. coli strains UM146 and UM147 with control Escherichia coli Nissle 1917
PublicationAim of study was comparative analysis of mRNA transcripts of HT-29 cell line, expressed in identical quantities for the combination of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Escherichia coli strains. HT-29 confluent monolayers infection with two pathogenic E. coli strains UM146 and UM147 resulted in two sets of mRNA transcripts that were identical with RNA transcripts obtained for non-pathogenic one strain E. coli Nissle 1917. In this study...
Czynniki kształtujące środowisko pacjenta w szpitalu
PublicationSzpital jest miejscem szczególnym – z założenia przebywają w nim osoby, znajdujące się w sytuacji niekomfortowej. Możliwości adaptacji w nowym środowisku u osób chorych, osłabionych lub osób z niepełnosprawnościami są znacząco obniżone, a przecież szpital należy do budynków o najbardziej skomplikowanej strukturze funkcjonalno-przestrzennej. Stan emocjonalny pacjenta w środowisku szpitalnym jest uzależniony od relacji z lekarzami...
New Analogues of Mycophenolic Acid
PublicationMycophenolic acid (MPA) possesses antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunosuppressive and anticancer properties. It is a non-competitive and reversible inhibitor of dehydrogenase inosine-5'-monophosphate (IMPDH). This compound belongs to the immunosuppressive drugs used for the prevention of both acute and chronic transplant rejection. Until now, two derivatives of MPA have been used clinically: mycophenolate mofetil (MMF,...
Analogue CMOS ASICs in Image Processing Systems
PublicationIn this paper a survey of analog application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for low-level image processing, called vision chips, is presented. Due to the specific requirements, the vision chips are designed using different architectures best suited to their functions. The main types of the vision chip architectures and their properties are presented and characterized on selected examples of prototype integrated circuits (ICs)...
Approaches to Static Digestion Models
PublicationIt is not possible to look in detail at the wide range of static digestion methods that have been used to date. However, this section looks at some of the general approaches that have been used to look at the digestion of various nutrients and bioactives. I have focussed on the two main nutrients that undergo digestion in the upper GI tract, namely protein and lipid. In the case of protein, the research has largely been driven...
Progress in targeting tumor cells by using drug-magnetic nanoparticles conjugate.
PublicationTo limit the cytotoxicity of anticancer drugs against healthy cells, an appropriate carrier should be synthesized to deliver the drug to the tumor tissue only. A good solution is to anchor a magnetic nanoparticle to the molecule of the drug and to use a properly directed external magnetic field. We have shown that the improved by us synthesis of the conjugate of doxorubicin with iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles allows a substantial...
New Peptide Based Fluconazole Conjugates with Expanded Molecular Targets
PublicationInfections of Candida spp. etiology are frequently treated with azole drugs. Among azoles, the most widely used in the clinical scenario remains fluconazole (FLC). Promising results in treatment of dangerous, systemic Candida infections demonstrate the advantages of combined therapies carried out with combinations of at least two different antifungal agents. Here, we report five conjugates composed of covalently linked FLC and...
Sleep Apnea Detection by Means of Analyzing Electrocardiographic Signal
PublicationObstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition of cyclic, periodic ob-struction (stenosis) of the upper respiratory tract. OSA could be associated with serious cardiovascular problems, such as hypertension, arrhythmias, hearth failure or peripheral vascular disease. Understanding the way of connection between OSA and cardiovascular diseases is important to choose proper treatment strategy. In this paper, we present a method for integrated...
Warstwowa ocena epidemiologiczna architektury zakładów opiekuńczo-leczniczych i zakładów gieriatycznych = Layer based epidemiological quality assessment of architecture of care security and geriatric wards
PublicationW artykule opisano możliwość wykorzystania autorskiej metody warstwowej oceny epidemiologicznej (WOE) do oceny potencjalnego ryzyka zakażeń w obiektach przeznaczonych dla osób starszych. Materiał i metody: W celu weryfikacji możliwości użycia metody WOE do oceny zagrożeń w zakresie bezpieczeństwa epidemiologicznego środowiska zbudowanego poddano analizie dostępne źródła literatury związane z obowiązującymi w Polsce wymaganiami...
PCR-RFLP assays for species-specific identification of fungi belonging to Scopulariopsis and related genera
PublicationFungi of the Scopulariopsis genus, commonly found in the environment, are opportunistic pathogens that can cause various types of human infections. So far, no efficient molecular method has been developed for species differentiation among Scopulariopsis and related genera. In order to advance this field, we have evaluated performance of polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assays, based...
Electrophoretically Deposited Chitosan/Eudragit E 100/AgNPs Composite Coatings on Titanium Substrate as a Silver Release System
PublicationDue to the possibility of bacterial infections occurring around peri-implant tissues, it is necessary to provide implant coatings that release antibacterial substances. The scientific goal of this paper was to produce by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) a smart, chitosan/Eudragit E 100/silver nanoparticles (chit/EE100/AgNPs) composite coating on the surface of titanium grade 2 using different deposition parameters, such as the...
Rapid Assays for Specific Detection of Fungi of Scopulariopsis and Microascus Genera and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis Species
PublicationPurpose Fungi of Scopulariopsis and Microascus genera cause a wide range of infections, with S. brevicaulis being the most prevalent aetiological agent of mould onychomycosis. Proper identification of these pathogens requires sporulating culture, which considerably delays the diagnosis. So far, sequencing of rDNA regions of clinical isolates has produced ambiguous results due to the lack of reference sequences in publicly available...
Genotyping Techniques for Determining the Diversity of Microorganisms
PublicationTyping of microbial pathogens, or identifying bacteria at the strain level, is particularly important for diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiological surveillance of bacterial infections. This is especially the case for bacteria exhibiting high levels of antibiotic resistance or virulence, and those involved in nosocomial or pandemic infections. Strain typing also has applications in studying bacterial population dynamics. The part...
Sick building syndrome due to molds
PublicationThe term Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a combination of ailments occurring in a specific building. Building occupants complain of symptoms such as headaches and dizziness, fainting, nausea, irritation of the mucosal membranes, skin irritation and other nonspecific hypersensitivity reactions.One of the SBS causes can be molds, which are ubiquitous in the air (over 400 species). It is estimated that 30% of the health problems (related...
Cuticular lipids of insects as potential biofungicides
PublicationThe term ''lipids'' refers to fatty acids, their derivatives and substances related with them biochemically or by the functions in the body. Lipids include compounds with different chemical structure. There are lipids with structures based on long-chain carboxylic acids and their direct derivatives, namely: fatty acids, alkanes, some alkenes, aldehydes and long chain alcohols and their derivatives (esters). The variety of lipid...
Review on Current Status of Echinocandins Use
PublicationFungal infections are rising all over the world every year. There are only five medical compound classes for treatment: triazoles, echinocandins, polyenes, flucytosine and allylamine. Currently, echinocandins are the most important compounds, because of their wide activity spectrum and much lower sides effects that may occur during therapy with other drugs. Echinocandins are secondary metabolites of fungi, which can inhibit the...
Budesonide treatment of professional athletes and anti-doping testing- case studies
PublicationAccording to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List, glucocorticosteroids are prohibited in competition and only when administered by oral, intravenous, intramuscular or rectal routes. Up to now, in order to differentiate whether glucocorticosteroids were administered by one of the prohibited routes or not, a specific reporting limit for urinary concentrations of parent compounds and their metabolites was established...
Ciprofloxacin-modified degradable hybrid polyurethane-polylactide porous scaffolds developed for potential use as an antibacterial scaffold for regeneration of skin
PublicationThe aim of the performed study was to fabricate an antibacterial and degradable scaffold that may be used in the field of skin regeneration. To reach the degradation criterion for the biocompatible polyurethane (PUR), obtained by using amorphous α,ω-dihydroxy(ethylene-butylene adipate) macrodiol (PEBA), was used and processed with so-called “fast-degradable” polymer polylactide (PLA) (5 or 10 wt %). To meet the antibacterial requirement...
Virulence of Clinical Candida Isolates
PublicationThe factors enablingCandidaspp. infections are secretion of hydrolytic enzymes, adher-ence to surfaces, biofilm formation or morphological transition, and fitness attributes. The aim of thisstudy was to investigate the correlation between known extracellular virulence factors and survivalofGalleria mellonellalarvae infected with clinicalCandida. The 25 isolates were tested and the activityof proteinases among 24/24, phospholipases...
Virulence, antifungal susceptibility and molecular mechanisms of echinocandin resistance among Candida isolates recovered from clinical specimens
PublicationFungi of the genus Candida belong to the natural microflora of healthy individuals. However, they can also be a cause of opportunistic infections especially among patients with an impaired immune system. The first line therapy of Candida infections is based on triazoles. However, in recent years there an increase of azole resistant Candida spp., in particular C. glabrata and C. krusei, has been observed. For this reason, echinocandin...
Bacteriophages as potential tools for use in antimicrobial therapy and vaccine development
PublicationThe constantly growing number of people suffering from bacterial, viral, or fungal infections, parasitic diseases, and cancers prompts the search for innovative methods of disease prevention and treatment, especially based on vaccines and targeted therapy. An additional problem is the global threat to humanity resulting from the increasing resistance of bacteria to commonly used antibiotics. Conventional vaccines based on bacteria...
Contour Analysis of Bleeding Regions in Endoscopic Images
PublicationThis paper investigates the problem of detecting bleeding regions in images acquired from endoscopic examinations of gastrointestinal tract. The purpose is to identify the characteristic features of bleeding areas' contours in order to develop an accurate method for discriminating between true bleeding regions and missed detections, which could lead to a significant reduction of the false alarm rate of existing blood-detection...
Cząsteczki mikroRNA - nowy biologicznie aktywny składnik mleka kobiecego
PublicationCząsteczki mikroRNA są krótkimi, niekodującymi oligonukleotydami odpowiadającymi za potranskrypcyjną regulację ekspresji genów. W wyniku ich aktywności kontrolowanych jest wiele procesów komórkowych oraz szlaków sygnalizacyjnych. Od 2010 roku wiadomo, że wchodzą one w skład mleka kobiecego, które obecnie uznaje się za jedno z najbogatszych pokarmowych źródeł mikroRNA. Funkcje tych cząsteczek w organizmie karmionego mlekiem matki...
Biofilm formation and its regulation in Staphylococcus aureus
PublicationInfections caused by the major human and animal pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus are becoming an important problem due to its emerging resistance mechanisms and variety of virulence factors. Biofilm formation is considered to be one of the most important factor attributed to high pathogenicity of S. aureus. Described in the literature methods used in identification of biofilm forming abilities of bacteria consist of phenotypic and...
Toxoplasma gondii recombinant antigens as tools for serodiagnosis of human toxoplasmosis: current status of studies
PublicationToxoplasma gondii is a parasitic protozoan which is the cause of toxoplasmosis. Although human toxoplasmosis in healthy adults is usually asymptomatic, serious disease can occur in the case of congenital infections and immunocompromised individuals. Furthermore, despite the exact recognition of its etiology, it still presents a diagnostic problem. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is mainly based on the results of serological tests detecting...
Self-Association of Amphotericin B: Spontaneous Formation of Molecular Structures Responsible for the Toxic Side Effects of the Antibiotic
PublicationAmphotericin B (AmB) is a lifesaving antibiotic used to treat deep-seated mycotic infections. Both the pharmaceutical activity and highly toxic side effects of the drug rely on its interaction with biomembranes, which is governed by the molecular organization of AmB. In the present work we present detailed analysis of self-assembly of AmB molecules in different environments, interesting from the physiological standpoint, based...
Antimicrobial molecular nanocarrier–drug conjugates
PublicationMany antimicrobial drugs are poorly active against pathogenic microbes causing intracellular infections, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Plasmodium falciparum. On the other hand, several known antimicrobial agents are not effective enough because of their limited cellular penetration. A common feature of both challenges is the inability of an active agent to cross the biological membrane(s). One of the possible approaches...
The Many Faces of Enterococcus spp.—Commensal, Probiotic and Opportunistic Pathogen
PublicationEnterococcus spp. are Gram-positive, facultative, anaerobic cocci, which are found in the intestinal flora and, less frequently, in the vagina or mouth. Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are the most common species found in humans. As commensals, enterococci colonize the digestive system and participate in the modulation of the immune system in humans and animals. For many years reference enterococcal strains have...
Antimicrobal and ostheointegration activity of bone cement contains nanometals
PublicationPurpose: One of the major problems in bone surgery are infections – especially thoseoccurring in the course of the operating on the patients with lowered immunity system,because they carry the danger of complications. In the Mechanical Department of TechnicalUniversity of Gdansk, there has been carried the research with the use of bone cement andmetal nanoparticles.Design/methodology/approach: The bone cement was used without supplement...
Wireless Body Area Network for Preventing Self-Inoculation Transmission of Respiratory Viral Diseases
PublicationThis paper proposes an idea of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) based on Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) standards to recognize and alarm a gesture of touching the face, and in effect, to prevent self-inoculation of respiratory viral diseases, such as COVID-19 or influenza A, B, or C. The proposed network comprises wireless modules placed in bracelets and a necklace. It relies on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurements...
Metal nanoparticles-assisted early diagnosis of diseases
PublicationEarly diagnosis is essential for the effective illness treatment, but traditional diagnostic approaches inevitably have major downsides. Recent advancements in nanoparticle-based biosensors have created new opportunities for accelerating diagnosis. High surface area, exceptional sensitivity, high specificity, and optical characteristics of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles have made it possible to detect a variety of health conditions...
Drug-resistant and hospital-associated Enterococcus faecium from wastewater, riverine estuary and anthropogenically impacted marine catchment basin.
PublicationEnterococci, ubiquitous colonizers of humans and other animals, play an increasingly important role in health-care associated infections (HAIs). Acquisition of resistance determinants not only seriously limits available therapeutic options but also increases available gene pool for other species. It is believed that the recent evolution of two clinically relevant species, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium occurred...
Photoinactivation of Staphylococcus aureus using protoporphyrin IX: the role of haem-regulated transporter HrtA
PublicationLight- and photosensitiser-based antimicrobial photodynamic therapy is a very promising approach to the control of microbial infections. How the phenotypic features of a microorganism affect its response to photosensitiser-based photokilling represents an area of substantial research interest. To understand the mechanisms governing the phenomenon of a strain-dependent response to photodynamic inactivation (PDI), we analysed the...
Can the Pandemic Be a Catalyst of Spatial Changes Leading Towards the Smart City?
PublicationThe worldwide spread of Covid‐19 infections has had a pervasive influence on cities and the lives of their residents. The current crisis has highlighted many urban problems, including those related to the functionality of urban structures, which directly affect the quality of life. Concurrently, the notion of “smart cities” is becoming a dominant trend in the discourse on urban development. At the intersection of these two phenomena,...
Targeting DNA Topoisomerase II in Antifungal Chemotherapy.
PublicationTopoisomerase inhibitors have been in use clinically for the treatment of several diseases for decades. Although those enzymes are significant molecular targets in antibacterial and anticancer chemotherapy very little is known about the possibilities to target fungal topoisomerase II (topo II). Raising concern for the fungal infections, lack of effective drugs and a phenomenon of multidrug resistance underlie a strong need to expand...
Ergonomic Aspects of Transport of Patient through the Operating Theatre
PublicationOne of the most crucial decisions to be made while designing and re-modernizing an operating theatre is selecting a method of transporting the patient through the hospital’s spatial arrangement. This decision, while irrelevant at first thought, implies numerous project and functional consequences. Designing an operating theatre within a hospital is related to numerous specialist requirements with an aim of minimizing the risk of...
Clinical anatomy of the spatial structure of the right ventricular outflow trac
PublicationBackground. The right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) is located above the supraventricular crest and reaches the level of the pulmonary valve. Detailed knowledge of the RVOT spatial structure and its morphology is extremely important for cardiac invasive therapeutic procedures. Objectives. To examine the spatial structure of the RVOT using virtual models of the right ventricle (RV) interior obtained post mortem. Material and...
Real-Time PCR: molecular technique of many applications
PublicationReal-Time PCR is a sensitive DNA amplification technique initially applied in genetics and molecular biology. It enables in vivo copying of the selected DNA fragment (flanked by two primers) by the thermostable polymerase (in the presence of magnesium ions and deoxynucleotide triphosphates) and simultaneous measurement of the fluorescence. For one or more specific sequences in a DNA sample, real-time PCR enables both detection...
Comparative Assessment of Bacteriophage and Antibiotic Activity against Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms
PublicationProblems connected with biofilm-related infections and antibiotic resistance necessitate the investigation and development of novel treatment strategies. Given their unique characteristics, one of the most promising alternatives to conventional antibiotics are bacteriophages. In the in vitro and in vivo larva model study, we demonstrate that phages vB_SauM-A, vB_SauM-C, and vB_SauM-D are effective antibiofilm agents. The exposure...
Lipidomics of Staphylococcus aureus – a new insight into the antibiotic resistant phenotype
PublicationStaphylococcus aureus is an aggressive pathogen responsible for a variety of diseases, in cluding life-threatening sepsis. Many strains of these bacteria are resistant to multiple classes of antibiotics, which is a substantial clinical problem in the treatment of S. aureus infections. We developed a comprehensive untargeted lipidomic workflow, including sample preparation, liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry...
INFOGEST static in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal food digestion
PublicationDeveloping a mechanistic understanding of the impact of food structure and composition on human health has increasingly involved simulating digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract. These simulations have used a wide range of different conditions that often have very little physiological relevance, and this impedes the meaningful comparison of results. The standardized protocol presented here is based on an international consensus...
Unraveling the Interplay between DNA and Proteins: A Computational Exploration of Sequence and Structure-Specific Recognition Mechanisms
PublicationMy PhD dissertation focused on DNA-protein interactions and the recognition of specific DNA sequences and structures. I discovered that acidic amino acid residues (Asp/Glu) play a crucial role by exhibiting a preference for cytosine. Their contribution to binding affinity depends on nearby cytosines, balancing electrostatic repulsion with specific interactions. Acidic residues act as negative selectors, discouraging non-cytosine...
The Influence of Different Hydrothermal Processes Used in the Preparation of Brussels Sprouts on the Availability of Glucosinolates to Humans
PublicationCruciferous vegetables represent a valuable source of bioactive compounds. However, there is currently a deficiency of information regarding the extent to which these compounds remain bioaccessible to the body following thermal treatment and digestion processes within the digestive tract. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of heat treatment and in vitro digestion on the level of selected bioactive compounds...
Factors determining accumulation of bisphenol A and alkylphenols at a low trophic level as exemplified by mussels Mytilus trossulus
PublicationThe aim of the study was to investigate abiotic and biotic factors influencing the accumulation of endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) such as bisphenol A (BPA), 4-tert-octylphenol (OP) and 4- nonylphenol (NP) in mussels Mytilus trossulus from the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic). The key abiotic factor influencing BPA, OP and NP accumulation in mussels is their hydrophilicity/lipophilicity, which affects their main assimilation...
Selected adipocytokines in patients with an incidentally discovered pheochromocytoma
PublicationBACKGROUND: Adipose tissue secretes many adipokines and cytokines, which may be an additional risk factor of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in patients with an incidentally discovered pheochromocytoma (PHEO). The aim of the study was to investigate levels of selected adipocytokines in these patients. METHODS: This prospective study included 12 patients with an incidentally discovered PHEO and 18 healthy participants. In...
Antibacterial Activity and Cytocompatibility of Bone Cement Enriched with Antibiotic, Nanosilver, and Nanocopper for Bone Regeneration
PublicationBacterial infections due to bone replacement surgeries require modifications of bone cement with antibacterial components. This study aimed to investigate whether the incorporation of gentamicin or nanometals into bone cement may reduce and to what extent bacterial growth without the loss of overall cytocompatibility and adverse effects in vitro. The bone cement Cemex was used as the base material, modified either with gentamicin...
Antimicrobial and Antiproliferative Coatings for Stents in Veterinary Medicine—State of the Art and Perspectives
PublicationMicrobial colonization in veterinary stents poses a significant and concerning issue in veterinary medicine. Over time, these pathogens, particularly bacteria, can colonize the stent surfaces, leading to various complications. Two weeks following the stent insertion procedure, the colonization becomes observable, with the aggressiveness of bacterial growth directly correlating with the duration of stent placement. Such microbial...