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Search results for: gc
Photoinduced and thermal oxidation of rapeseed and sunflower oils
PublicationCelem prezentowanych badań było porównanie stabilności oksydatywnej olejów rzepakowych i słonecznikowych. Na etapie przyspieszania utleniania zastosowano promieniowanie UV. Po naświetlaniu lotne produkty utlenienia były izolowane z fazy nadpowierzchniowej przy pomocy mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej HS-SPME(włókno DVB/CAR/PDMS) i oznaczane z zastosowaniem chromatografii gazowej z detektorem płomieniowo-jonizacyjnym (GC/FID)....
Determination of isoprostanes in exhaled breath condensate samples by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationOxidative stress (OS) is a state of imbalance between continuously generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) during normal cell metabolism and mechanism of detoxifying oxygen radicals through a network of antioxidative enzymes. Isoprostanes are prostaglandin -like substances that are produced in vivo primarily by free radical-induced peroxidation of arachidonic acid. The measurement of isoprostanes in biological fluids and/or tissue...
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań klasyfikacji próbek powietrza atmosferycznego pobranych wokół miejskiego wysypiska śmieci pod kątem uciążliwości zapachowej. Badania przeprowadzono przy pomocy prototypu elektronicznego nosa i komercyjnego elektronicznego nosa typu Fast/Flash GC - HERACLES II. Prototyp był wyposażony w zestaw sześciu półprzewodnikowych czujników firmy FIGARO. Klasyfikację próbek powietrza w zależności od kierunku pobrania...
Elimination of excretion of ibuprofen and its metabolites in horses
PublicationAnalytical procedure based on application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) at the step of detection, identification and quantitation of ibuprofen (IBU) and detection of its metabolites – 1-hydroxyibuprofen (1-OH IBU) and carboxyibuprofen (CBX IBU) in horse urine by selected ion monitoring mode after sample preparation covering extraction at pH 3-4 and methylation has been used. The ions at m/z 161, 220 (methylated...
Bezpośrednia analiza próbek z wykorzystaniem techniki spektrometrii mas. Cz. II. Technika PTR – MS – ciekawe rozwiązanie metodyczne w zakresie spektrometrii mas
PublicationTechnika spektrometrii mas stanowi niezwykle istotne narzędzie badawcze, umożliwiające uzyskanie wielu cennych informacji, dotyczących składu chemicznego wielu próbek rzeczywistych pochodzenia biologicznego, farmaceutycznego i spożywczego. Spektrometr mas zazwyczaj pełni role detektora w przypadku stosowania połączenia z urządzeniami chromatograficznymi (GC, LC). Dzięki zastosowaniu pewnych modyfikacji aparaturowych i metodycznych,...
Analysis of arsenic species in environmental samples
PublicationMany analytical methods for determining arsenic in various forms in environmental samples have been developed in recent years. The main objective of this review article is the presentation and comparison of the three principal techniques for the determination arsenic compounds, namely: hydride generation (HG), voltammetry and chromatography (liquid chromatography including high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and gas...
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań klasyfikacji próbek powietrza atmosferycznego pobranych wokół miejskiego składowiska odpadów komunalnych w okresie zimowym i letnim pod kątem uciążliwości zapachowej. Badania przeprowadzono przy pomocy komercyjnego elektronicznego nosa typu Fast/Flash GC - HERACLES II. Klasyfikację próbek powietrza atmosferycznego pobranych z różnych kierunków względem wysypiska śmieci przeprowadzano przy użyciu dyskryminacyjnej...
Production of gaseous matrix-free reference materials. Application of thermoanalytical techniques
PublicationMateriały odniesienia są wykorzystywane w każdym laboratorium w celu zapewnienia jakości wyników pomiarów analitycznych. Produkcja materiałów odniesienia nie jest zadaniem łatwym, szczególnie w przypadku składników gazowych, toksycznych i o nieprzyjemnym zapachu. Termiczny rozkład związków powierzchniowych jest bardzo dogodnym sposobem sporządzania właśnie tego rodzaju mieszanin. Ważną rolę w procesie termicznego rozkładu związków...
Detection of apple in orange juice using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationThe determination of authenticity is an increasingly important issue for food quality and safety. The use of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique ensures rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food products. Due to the fact that this technique enables chemical profiling of agricultural products, it can be an effective tool for authentication when combined with chemometrics. In this article...
Kapilarna chromatografia gazowa fazy nad-powierzchniowej – HS-CGC w badaniach składu lotnych produktów hydrolizy biomasy ligno-celulozowej – BMLC
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono sposoby obróbki biomasy ligno-celulozowej, których celem jest rozpulchnienie struktury surowca i zwiększenie dostępności struktur dla czynników hydrolizujących. Na podstawie przeglądu literatury wskazano na możliwe do zidentyfikowania związki obecne w hydrolizatach z biomasy ligno-celulozowej. Opracowano metodykę oraz zbadano możliwość oznaczania lotnych produktów hydrolizy chemicznej z wykorzystaniem techniki...
Thermal degradation assessment of canola and olive oil using ultra-fast gas chromatography coupled with chemometrics
PublicationOil blending is often used to enhance the properties of vegetable oils. The admixture of a more thermally stable oil makes the resulting blend more suitable for use in frying. A new method of quality assessment of vegetable oils used in frying is presented in this paper. In this method, ultra-fast gas chromatography coupled with flame ionization detector and chemometrics is employed. Principal component analysis was used for data...
Emission Profiles of Volatiles during 3D Printing with ABS, ASA, Nylon, and PETG Polymer Filaments
PublicationIn this short communication we characterize the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from fused filament fabrication (FFF) 3D printing using four polymer materials, namely polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified (PETG), acrylonitrile styrene acrylate (ASA), Nylon, and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). Detailed emission profiles are obtained during thermal degradation of the polymers as a function of temperature...
Analiza składu fazy gazowej wytwarzanej podczas fermentacji ciemnej
PublicationFermentacja ciemna umożliwia otrzymywanie bio-wodoru z substratów pochodzenia biologicznego, np. z biomasy ligno-celulozowej. Kontrola i właściwe sterowanie przebiegiem procesu fermentacji ciemnej wymaga bieżącego monitoringu składu powstającej fazy gazowej. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono metodykę analizy składu fazy gazowej z wykorzystaniem techniki GC-TCD-FID. Zaproponowana metodyka umożliwia oznaczenie następujących gazów...
Wykorzystanie techniki mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej w analityce środowiskowej.**2002, 122 s. 25 rys. 31 tab. bibliogr. 465 poz. maszyn. Rozprawa doktorska /10.12.2002/ Wydz. Chem. PG Promotor: prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Namieśnik
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania obejmowały: opracowanie podstaw metodycznych oznacza-nia lotnych amin alifatycznych w powietrzu za pomocą GC ze wzbogacaniem te-chniką SPME; określenie warunków oraz parametrów pracy urządzenia do SPME wwarunkach badań modelowych; zbadanie wpływu temperatury, wilgotności i stę-żenia gazowej mieszaniny wzorcowej na efektywność procesu wzbogacania anali-tów z wykorzystaniem urządzenia do SPME; porównanie...
Sample preparation and chromatographic analysis of acidic herbicides in soils and sediments
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono różne techniki przygotowania próbek i oznaczania herbicydów z grupy pochodnych fenoli i pochodnych kwasów karboksylowych w próbkach gleby. Opisano wybrane metody wzbogacania i izolacji analitów, m. in.: ekstrakcję za pomocą wodnych roztworów zasad i rozpuszczalników organicznych płynem w stanie nadkrytycznym, wodą w stanie podkrytycznym, cieczą pod zwiększonym ciśnieniem, cieczą wspomaganą mikrofalami. Niski...
Degradation of 1,4-dioxane by sono-activated persulfates for water and wastewater treatment applications
PublicationThis paper presents a hybrid advanced oxidation process (AOP) based on sonocavitational activation of persulfate (PS) for degradation of 1,4-dioxane during wastewater treatment. Application of sono-cavitation effectively convert PS to radical species demonstrating synergistic effect by increasing the reaction rate and reducing the required energy for activation. It is economically feasible and deployed alternative to the direct...
Bezpośrednia analiza próbek z wykorzystaniem techniki spektrometrii mas. Cz. I. Rozwiązania metodyczne w zakresie spektrometrii mas umożliwiające bezpośrednią analizę próbek
PublicationTechnika spektrometrii mas stanowi jedno z najważniejszych narzędzi analitycznych, wykorzystywanych do identyfikacji, określania struktury chemicznej oraz oznaczania stężeń wielu związków chemicznych. Aby zidentyfikować obecne w próbkach rzeczywistych anality, konieczne jest jednak z reguły ich wstępne rozdzielenie, toteż spektrometry mas pełnią najczęściej rolę detektora np. w przypadku technik łączonych, gdy na etapie rozdzielania...
PublicationPotentialities of ultrafast gas chromatography applied to periodical monitoring of odor nuisance originating from a municipal landfill have been examined. The results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during winter and summer season have been presented. The investigation was performed using ultrafast gas chromatography of Fast/Flash GC type HERACLES II by Alpha...
Application of passive sampling technique in monitoring research on quality of atmospheric air in the area of Tczew, Poland.
PublicationThis paper presents the results of atmospheric air quality research in Tczew (adjacent to the Vistula River) on the content of BTEX compounds. Analytical procedure applied during the sampling of the analytes from the air used the passive sampling technique (diffusive passive sampler, Radiello®). For determination of BTEX compounds in atmospheric air, two-stage thermal desorption technique combined with gas chromatography (TD-GC-FID)...
Surface sediments pollution due to shipwreck s/s “Stuttgart”: a multidisciplinary approach
PublicationShipwrecks may pose a serious source of pollution for marine ecosystems. For this reason, it is of great importance to perform a marine ecosystem risk assessment due to plausible wreck presence. One of elements of such an assessment is determining the state of the environment in the vicinity of the wreck. In the work presented, the results of studies on surface sediments samples collected around the s/s Stuttgart ship sunk during...
Application of single drop extraxtion (SDE) gas chromatography method for the determination of carbonyl compounds in spirits and vodkas
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę oznaczania związków karbonylowych w spirytusach i wódkach, wykorzystującą do izolacji i wzbogacania technikę mikroekstrakcji do pojedynczej kropli (SDE)po derywatyzacji analitów O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzylo)hydroksylaminą. Określono optymalne parametry izolacji i wzbogacania aldehydów z roztworów alkoholowych (objętość próbki, objętość kropli, zawartość alkoholu, temperaturę i czas ekstrakcji)....
The impact of cold plasma on the phenolic composition and biogenic amine content of red wine
PublicationThe effect of cold plasma (CP) on phenolic compound (PC) and biogenic amine (BA) contents of red wine was investigated for the first time. The influence of CP was compared with the effects of a wine preservation using potassium metabisulfite and a combined method. The PC profile was determined by UPLC-PDA-MS/MS while BAs using DLLME-GC–MS. Chemometric analysis also was used. The content of PCs was 3.1% higher in the sample preserved...
Profiling of polar ionogenic metabolites in Polish wines by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry
PublicationThe composition of wine is determined by a complex interaction between environmental factors, genetic factors (i.e., grape varieties), and winemaking practices (including technology and storage). Metabolomics using NMR spec-troscopy, GC-MS, and/or LC-MS has shown to be a useful approach for assessing the origin, authenticity, and quality of various wines. Nonetheless, the use of additional analytical techniques with complementary...
Solid Supports and New Advanced Materials used in Microextraction processes Metal-organic framework-based solid-phase microextraction for air samples analysis: a mini-review
PublicationSPME methods are now extremely popular. Recent advances in SPME have focused on the development of new materials as sorbent coatings capable of providing high extraction efficiencies, as well as high selectivity with high mechanical and chemical stability. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have become an extremely popular material due to their unique properties (large surface area, selective gas adsorption, tunable structures, high...
Studies on applicability of new solid-phase microextraction fibers for the selective extraction and determination of short - chain monocarboksylic acids
PublicationShort-chain monocarobxylic acids, sometimes referred to as volatile fatty acids (VFA), are a group of low molecular weight alkyl monocarboxylic acids that are widely distributed within the environment. These molecules contain any from 2 to 8 carbon atoms and originate from the anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. These compounds are commonly found in the effluents from animal farming,...
Comparison of different techniques for extracting Polychlorinated Biphenyls from bottom sediment samples using Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry
PublicationIn this work, problems that may occur during determination of trace levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in sediment samples are described. The main error sources are connected with extraction of analytes prior to final determination. During model studies, polychlorinated biphenyls have been extracted from sediment reference material (METRANAL 2) with the use of different solvents (dichloromethane, hexane, and toluene); the process...
Comparison of oxidative stability of different edible oils
PublicationCelem prezentowanych badań było porównanie stabilności oksydacyjnej olejów roślinnych z Polski, Finlandii i Hiszpanii. Na etapie przyspieszania utleniania zastosowano promieniowanie ultrafioletowe (UV). Po naświetlaniu olejów powstałe związki lotne ekstrahowano z fazy nadpowierzchniowej za pomocą techniki mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej (HS-SPME) i analizowano z zastosowaniem chromatografu gazowego z detektorem płomieniowo-jonizacyjnym...
Experimental and theoretical studies on the photodegradation of 2-ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate in the presence of reactive oxygen and chlorine species
Publication2-Ethylhexyl 4-methoxycinnamate (EHMC) is one of the most commonly used sunscreen ingredient. In this study we investigated photodegradation of EHMC in the presence of such common oxidizing and chlorinating systems as H2O2, H2O2/HCl, H2O2/UV, and H2O2/HCl/UV. Reaction products were detected by gas chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector (GC-MS). As a result of experimental studies chloro-substituted 4-methoxycinnamic...
Novel analytical method for detection of orange juice adulteration based on ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationThe food authenticity assessment is an increasingly important issue in food quality and safety. The application of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique enables rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food samples. Due to the fact that this technique provides chemical profiling of natural products, it can be a powerful tool for authentication in combination with chemometrics. In this article,...
Transportable, Portable and Micro Gas Chromatographs
PublicationSignificant benefits can be obtained by miniaturization of conventional benchtop gas chromatographs. The attractive features arising from miniaturization include low-power requirements, low heat capacity of separation columns, low consumption of mobile phase, enhanced performance, higher portability, and easily coupling to detectors and secondary chromatographic systems. In separation sciences, including gas phase separations,...
Preparation, characterization and anti-colitis activity of curcumin-asafoetida complex encapsulated in turmeric nanofiber
PublicationUlcerative colitis (UC) is a main form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Asafoetida (ASF) and turmeric have traditionally been used for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases, including UC, because ASF is rich in sulfur compounds and turmeric contains curcumin (CUR). Turmeric nanofiber (TNF), the modified cell wall component of turmeric is considered to play important role in the human diet, health and can be used as...
Evaluation of headspace solid-phase microextraction for the analysis of volatile carbonyl compounds in spirits and alcoholic beverages
PublicationOpracowano metodę oznaczania C1-C6 związków karbonylowych w układzie GC-ECD w roztworach alkoholowych poprzez derywatyzację pentafluorobenzylohydroksy-aminą i mikroekstrakcję w fazie stacjonarnej z fazy nadpowierzchniowej. Zoptymalizowano warunki eksperymantalne: zawartość alkoholu, czas ekspozycji, temperaturę i sposób mieszania próbki. W metodzie tej najpierw przeprowadza się rozcieńczenie spirytusu lub napojów alkoholowych do...
Accelerated solvent extraction-gas chromatographic determination of acidic herbicides in soil
PublicationPrzyspieszona ekstrakcja rozpuszczalnikiem z wykorzystaniem wody jako ekstraktanta okazała się skutecznym sposobem izolacji herbicydów kwasowych (MCPP, MCPA, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, PCP, dinoseb, dinoterb) z próbek gleby. Wysoka zawartość substancji iłowych powodowała problemy techniczne, które udało się pokonać poprzez zwiększenie stosunku piasku do gleby w celce ekstrakcyjnej. Anality przenoszono z ekstraktu wodnego do rozpuszczalnika...
Sample preparation procedure for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in petroleum vacuum residue and bitumen
PublicationThis paper describes a novel method of samplepreparation for the determination of trace concentrations ofpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in high-boilingpetroleum products. Limits of quantitation of the investigatedPAHs in materials of this type range from tens ofnanograms per kilogram to <20 μg/kg. The studies revealedthat in order to separate most of interferences from theanalytes without a significant loss of PAHs, it...
Contamination of Runoff Water at Gdańsk Airport (Poland) by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
PublicationAirport runoff can contain high concentrations of various pollutants, in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), the environmental levels of which have to be monitored. Airport runoff water samples, collected at the Gdańsk-Rębiechowo Airport from 2008 to 2009, were analysed for PAHs and PCBs by gas chromatography. The aromatic fractions were separated by liquid-liquid extraction...
Characterization of home-made and regional fruit wines by evaluation of correlation between selected chemical parameters
PublicationSince the last decade of the 20th century, there has been rising interest in the production of fruit wines, as evidenced by the high number of published papers and books covering this matter. When aiming to produce quality fruit wines, it is essential to evaluate the analytical parameters of the beverage. In this context, there are a large number of analyses for the evaluation of wines and fruit wines. This article characterizes...
Interaction of human serum albumin with volatiles and polyphenols from some berries
PublicationHeadspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GC GCeTOFMS) identified 19 and quantified 6 monoterpenes in gooseberries, blueberries and cranberries. As a protein model human serum albumin (HSA) was used in interaction with terpenes. Specific binding of terpenes to HSA under the physiological conditions was a result of the formation...
Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Air in Nemoral Scots Pine Forests and Submountainous Beech Forests: The Potential Region for the Introduction of Forest Therapy
PublicationStudies show that forests are one of the main recreational destinations. This can be explained by their beneficial effects on the health of their visitors, which can be attributed to compounds from the terpene group. The aim of this research was to determine the chemical composition of air in the interiors of Nemoral Scots pine forests and submountainous beech forests, with the determination of compounds of the terpene group. Samples...
The Sonocatalytic Activation of Persulfates on Iron Nanoparticle Decorated Zeolite for the Degradation of 1,4-Dioxane in Aquatic Environments
PublicationIn the chemical industry, 1,4-diethylene dioxide, commonly called dioxane, is widely used as a solvent as well as a stabilizing agent for chlorinated solvents. Due to its high miscibility, dioxane is a ubiquitous water contaminant. This study investigates the effectiveness of catalyst- and ultrasound (US)-assisted persulfate (PS) activation with regard to degrading dioxane. As a first step, a composite catalyst was prepared using...
Fuzyjne polimerazy DNA – otrzymywanie, charakterystyka i zastosowanie
PublicationObecnie reakcje PCR (ang. Polymerase Chain Reaction) wykazują bardzo szerokie zastosowanie w diagnostyce medycznej, biologii molekularnej czy inżynierii genetycznej. Efektywność tych reakcji rozumiana jako wydajność i wierność przeprowadzonej amplifikacji jest nieodłącznie związana ze stosowaną polimerazą DNA i warunkami prowadzenia reakcji PCR. Aby sprostać wymaganiom stawianym przez nowoczesne metody diagnostyczne oraz współczesną...
Determination of volatile organic compounds in water samples using membrane-solid phase microextraction (M-SPME) (headspace version)
PublicationThe results of a study on the use of membrane-solid phase microextraction (M-SPME) for sampling volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the headspace above the liquid medium are presented. The sampled VOCs were subsequently quantified by gas chromatography (GC). Two systems were compared in this study, i.e. a novel two-phase sorption system (M-SPME), and a commercial fibre. Headspace sampling using SPME was optimized with respect...
The extended version of restriction analysis approach for the examination of the ability of low-molecular-weight compounds to modify DNA in a cell-free system
PublicationOne of the primary requirements in toxicology is the assessment of ability of chemicals to induce DNA covalent modification. There are several well-established methods used for this purpose such as 32P-Postlabeling or HPLC-MS. However, all of these approaches have difficult to overcome limitations, which prevents their use in genotoxin screening. Here, we describe the simple protocol exploiting specificity of restriction enzymes...
Comprehensive determination of flavouring additives and nicotine in e-cigarette refill solutions. Part II: Gas-chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis
PublicationFlavouring compounds are an essential part of e-liquid products for cigarettes. In general, they are regarded as safe for ingestion, but they may have unrecognized risks when they are inhaled. In some cases, manufactures do not currently abide by the Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU) and do not declare the detailed contents of e-liquids on their labels. To help evaluate the health impact of flavouring substances, there is...
Determination of phenol biodegradation pathways in three psychrotolerant yeasts, Candida subhashii A011, Candida oregonensis B021 and Schizoblastosporion starkeyi-henricii L012, isolated from Rucianka peatland
PublicationIn this study, three psychrotolerant phenol-degrading yeast strains Candida subhashii (strain A011), Candida oregonenis (strain B021) and Schizoblastosporion starkeyi-henricii (strain L012) isolated from Rucianka peatland were examined to determine which alternative metabolic pathway for phenol biodegradation is used by these microorganisms. All yeast strains were cultivated in minimal salt medium supplemented with phenol at 500,...
Evaluation of the Impact of Storage Conditions on the Biogenic Amines Profile in Opened Wine Bottles
PublicationA survey of biogenic amine (BA) profiles in opened wine bottles has been established to monitor the level of biogenic amines (BAs) in opened bottles against time and other conditions. Bottles of red and white wine were submitted to different temperatures, stopper type (screw cap, cork), and use of vacuum devices. A total of six wines made from a variety of grapes were obtained from vineyards from regions across Poland. Dispersive...
Evaluation of Terpene Decomposition in Kaffir Lime Juice during Storage Using Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry and Proton Transfer Reaction–Mass Spectrometry
PublicationKaffir lime juice, often treated as production waste, can be a good source of terpenes. These compounds undergo various decomposition processes under the influence of external factors, especially during transportation and storage. In this paper, it was possible to monitor changes in the terpene profile of kaffir lime juice under different storage conditions, namely, 4 ◦C, 20 ◦C, and 35 ◦C. The identification of key decomposition...
Mass Spectrometric Identification of 13C-Labeled Metabolites DuringAnaerobic Propanoic Acid Oxidation
PublicationBiowaste digestion is a possibility to gain biogas as a renewable fuel source. However, the anaerobic food chain may be disrupted by, e.g., substrate overload or by inhibitors, leading to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), predominantly of propanoic acid (PA). VFA Accumulation may cause a rapid pH decrease, less biogas production, or even a total inhibition. To maintain high biogas productivity or to prevent a collapse...
An in situ derivatization – dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with gas-chromatography – mass spectrometry for determining biogenic amines in home-made fermented alcoholic drinks
PublicationA novel dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction (DLLME) gas chromatography mass-spectrometry(GC–MS) method was developed for the determination of 13 biogenic amines in home-made wine sam-ples. The method allows to simultaneous extraction and derivatization of the amines providing a simpleand fast mode of extract enrichment. During the study, two different procedures were examined. Sta-tistical analysis was performed to choose...
Mass spectrometric identification of 13C-Labeled metaboloites during anaerobic propanoic acid oxidation
PublicationBiowaste digestion is a possibility to gain biogas as a renewable fuel source. However, the anaerobic food chain may be disrupted by, e.g., substrate overload or by inhibitors, leading to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), predominantly of propanoic acid (PA). VFA Accumulation may cause a rapid pH decrease, less biogas production, or even a total inhibition. To maintain high biogas productivity or to prevent a collapse...
Occurence volatile halogenoorganic compounds in precipitation in an urban area in Tricity (Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot). Występowanie lotnych związków fluorowcoorganicznych w opadach atmosferycznych na terenie miejskim.
PublicationSzczególne znaczenie wśród zanieczyszczeń występujących w wielkomiejskim powietrzu atmosferycznym, mają lotne związki chlorowcoorganiczne, ze względu na powszechność stosowania i trwałość (od 77 dni - CH2Cl2 do 67 lat - CCl4). Większość związków chlorowcoorganicznych stanowi zagrożenie dla życia ludzkiego przez swoje kancerogenne, mutagenne i teratogenne działanie. Związki chlorowcoorganiczne obecne w środowisku są w większości...