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Study on polymer elements for mitigation of earthquake-induced pounding between buildings in complex arrangements
PublicationPounding between neighbouring buildings during earthquakes has been identified as one of the reasons for substantial damage or even total collapse of colliding structures, so it has been the subject of numerous studies in the recent years. A major reason leading to interactions between adjacent, insufficiently separated structures results from the differences in their dynamic properties. The problem is much more complicated for...
Rheology and Processing of Polymer/ POSS Nanocomposites
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Hybrid hydrophilic polymer/montmorillonite systems
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The ring propeller with conical electromagnetic bearings and magneto fluid sealing system.
PublicationW przedstawionej koncepcji nowego zespołu napędowego najbardziej znamiennym rozwiązaniem jest zastosowanie nowoczesnych łożysk elektromagnetycznych dla pędnika śrubowego w prototypowej wersji silnika pierścieniowego synchronicznego z magnesami z ziem rzadkich. W artykule przedstawiono konstrukcję stożkowych łożysk magnetycznych. Technika uszczelniania cieczami magnetycznymi jest nową koncepcją pozwalającą na rozwiązywanie wielu...
Model of process of wear sidle bearings of self ignition combustion engine
PublicationW artykule została podjęta próba przeanalizowania praktycznej przydatności modelu procesu zużycia głównych łożysk ślizgowych silnika spalinowego o ZS, opisującego zmienną szybkość ich zużycia. Analizie został poddany problem częstych zatrzymań i rozruchów silnika, gdyż z badań statystycznych wynika, że w tym czasie występuje największe zużycie łożysk ślizgowych.
Study on Polymer Elements for Mitigation of Earthquake-Induced Pounding Between Buildings in Complex Arrangements
PublicationPounding between neighboring structures during seismic events has been revealed as one of the most commonly observed reasons for severe damage or even total collapse of the adjacent buildings. Therefore, pounding effects have recently become an issue of great interest of many numerical and experimental investigations in many earthquake-prone regions of the world. It has also been observed that the differences in dynamic characteristics...
Poly(ethylene oxide) bis(cyclic carbonate) based hydrophilic non-isocyanate polyhydroxyurethanes: Polymer-water interactions and glass transition behavior
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Preventing of earthquake-induced pounding between steel structures by using polymer elements – experimental study
PublicationPounding between two, or more, adjacent buildings during earthquakes has been identified as one of the reasons for substantial damage or even total collapse of colliding structures, so it has been the subject of numerous studies in the recent years. A major reason leading to interactions between adjacent, insufficiently separated structures results from the differences in their dynamic properties. A number of different methods...
Progress. Journal of Young Researchers. Tom 2. Dział: Wieloznaczność w języku i tekście (redakcja)
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Low-strain sensor based on the flexible boron-doped diamond-polymer structures
PublicationA free-standing high boron-doped diamond nanosheet (BDDNS) has been fabricated for the development of a flexible BDDNS strain senor. High boron-doped diamond was initially grown on a tantalum substrate in a microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition method, and was then transferred to a Kapton polymer substrate to fabricate the flexible BDDNS/Kapton device. Before performing the transfer process, the thin BDDNS’s morphology...
Evaluation of occupational exposure in a slide bearings factory on the basis of urine and blood sample analyses
PublicationZbadano wpływ pracy w zakładach łożysk ślizgowych na zdrowie pracowników. Przeprowadzono analizę próbek moczu i krwi pobranych od 42 pracowników i 6 osób zatrudnionych w administracji przedsiębiorstwa, stanowiących grupę kontrolną. Oznaczono zawartość Al, Cu, Pb i Zn we krwi i moczu pracowników dwukrotnie, przed i po terapii za pomocą chelatowania, stosując ICP-MS oraz metodę dodatku wzorca. Istotność różnic w zawartości pierwiastków...
By-Products from Food Industry as a Promising Alternative for the Conventional Fillers for Wood–Polymer Composites
PublicationThe present paper describes the application of two types of food-industry by-products, brewers’ spent grain (BSG), and coffee silverskin (ŁK) as promising alternatives for the conventional beech wood flour (WF) for wood–polymer composites. The main goal was to investigate the impact of partial and complete WF substitution by BSG and ŁK on the processing, structure, physicochemical, mechanical, and thermal properties of resulting...
Experimental investigation of Steel–Concrete–Polymer composite barrier for the ship internal tank construction
PublicationTransportation of dangerous cargo by ships demands ensuring an appropriate protection level in case of an accident. Two of the most dangerous accident types resulting in an oil spill are grounding and ship to ship collision. The article presents results of research on a new composite construction for a ship hull that increases structural safety during collision. The concept of semi-elastic Steel–Concrete–Polymer structure is presented....
Water Footprint Assessment of Selected Polymers, Polymer Blends, Composites, and Biocomposites for Industrial Application
PublicationThis paper presents a water footprint assessment of polymers, polymer blends, composites, and biocomposites based on a standardized EUR-pallet case study. The water footprint analysis is based on life cycle assessment (LCA). The study investigates six variants of EUR-pallet production depending on the materials used. The system boundary included the production of each material and the injection molding to obtain a standardized...
Dielectric Properties of BiNbO<sub>4</sub>-Based Ceramic-Polymer Composites with 0-3 Connectivity
PublicationIn the present study two-phase BiNbO4//PVDF composites with 0-3 connectivity were studied by impedance spectroscopy within the frequency range Δν=100Hz-1MHz at room temperature. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) acted as a matrix whereas bismuth niobate (BiNbO4) powder acted as a dispersed phase. The volume fraction of the ceramic phase was cV=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 and 20vol%. Analysis of the impedance data registered for composites...
Insights into the Thermo-Mechanical Treatment of Brewers’ Spent Grain as a Potential Filler for Polymer Composites
PublicationThis paper investigated the impact of twin-screw extrusion parameters on the properties of brewers’ spent grain. The chemical structure, antioxidant activity, particle size, and color properties, as well as the emission of volatile organic compounds during extrusion, were investigated. The main compounds detected in the air during modifications were terpenes and terpenoids, such as α-pinene, camphene, 3-carene, limonene, or terpinene....
Experimental and numerical investigation of mercury removal from flue gas by sorbent polymer composite
PublicationThis paper presents an experimental and numerical investigation of the performance of a sorbent polymer composite (SPC) material used for removing mercury from the flue gases in a full-scale industrial installation. The investigated material is an attractive alternative to activated carbon, which is commonly used for this purpose. While the application of the SPC is characterized by high capital expenditures, this technology offers...
Characterization of various drinking waters by new potentiometric taste sensor with lipid, lipid-like polymer membranes
PublicationA new sensing system comprising five all-solid-state electrodes with lipid, lipid like-polymer membranes was applied for rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of various drinking waters. The results elaborated by chemometric methods revealed sensitivity to CO2 content in drinking water, suggesting that this sensing system could be used as a taste sensor. The ability of taste sensor to perform quantitative analysis of minerals...
Application of g-C3N4/ZnO nanocomposites for fabrication of anti-fouling polymer membranes with dye and protein rejection superiority
PublicationPolysulfone (PSf) membranes are privileged for water and wastewater treatment, but because of their hydrophobic nature, they suffer from fouling, which lowers their performance and lifetime. In this work, g-C3N4 and g-C3N4/ZnO nanomaterials were synthesized via a hydrothermal method to modify the PSf membrane for effective dye separation and reduction of organic fouling. Since g-C3N4/ZnO possesses –OH and –NH reactive groups, g-C3N4/ZnO/PSf...
Fatigue resistance investigation of the mb46 plain bearings under conditions of dynamic loadings
PublicationOdporność materiału łożyskowego MB46 na pęknięcia zmęczeniowe badano na stanowisku SMOK, w którym generowane jest zmienne jednokierunkowe obciążenie badanego łożyska. Materiał łożyskowy MB46 składa sie z warstwy brązu CuPb22Sn 3 spiekanego na taśmie stalowej, stanowiącej podłoże. Na warstwę brązu nałożona jest galwanicznie cienka warstwa stopu SnCu6 stanowiąca powłokę. Każde z badanych łożysk poddawane było 20-godzinnemu testowi...
Klocki samopompujące w łożyskach hydrodynamicznych = Self-pumping pads in the hydrodynamic bearings
PublicationWe współpracy z firmą ALSTOM HYDRO (Szwajcaria), zespół Katedry Konstrukcji i Eksploatacji Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej przeprowadził symulacje przepływowe kilku rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych mających na celu zwiększenie niezawodności turbin wodnych. W artykule opisano jedno z takich rozwiązań - tak zwane łożysko z klockami samopompującymi. Głównym celem jest uzyskanie przepływu oleju w układzie smarowania łożyska hydrodynamicznego...
Conducting Polymer Microelectrodes Anchored to Hydrogel Films
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje wytwarzanie organicznych hydrożeli z mikroelektrodami poli(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene, PEDOT), które wykazują obniżoną rezystywność 100 Ω/□. Proces przygotowania rozpoczyna się elektroosadzania przewodzącego PEDOT (ok. 20 S/cm) na mikroelektrodach Pt. Elektrolityczne wiąże się film PEDOT z hydrożelem. Tak wytworzona struktura jest odrywana elektrycznie pd podłoża.
Mechanism for sonocoating a polymer surface with nano-hydroxyapatite
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Manufacturing of metal-polymer composites for medical applications
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Electrical properties of polymer coatings modified with nanoadditives
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono właściwości elektryczne (antystatyczne, rezystancję powierzchniową) polimerowych powłok. Pokazano wpływ różnych domieszek na czasy rozładowania się warstwy oraz na jej rezystancję powierzchniową.
Investigations of a new humidity sensor with polymer film
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań impedancyjnych nowego czujnika wilgotności z filmem polimerowym. Jako polimer wykorzystano chemicznie modyfikowaną polietylenoiminę.
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Green Polymer Nanocomposites for Skin Tissue Engineering
PublicationFabrication of an appropriate skin scaffold needs to meet several standards related to the mechanical and biological properties. Fully natural/green scaffolds with acceptable biodegradability, biocompatibility, and physiological properties quite often suffer from poor mechanical properties. Therefore, for appropriate skin tissue engineering and to mimic the real functions, we need to use synthetic polymers and/or additives as complements...
Raman investigation of hybrid polymer thin films
PublicationPrzestawiono problemy diagnostyki ramanowskiej transparentnych struktur cienkowarstwowych wykonanych metodą zol-żel z polimerów hybrydowych. Analizowano możliwości badania struktury molekularnej i grubości, a także określania jakości wykonania struktur falowodowych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań wykonanych mikroskopem ramanowskim dla polimerowych struktur cienkowarstwowych osadzonych na podłożach szklanych i krzemowych.
Recycled rubber wastes-based polymer composites with flame retardancy and electrical conductivity: Rational design, modeling and optimization
PublicationPolymer recycling techniques experience a maturity period of design and application. Rubbers comprise a high proportion of polymer wastes, highly flammable and impossible to re-melt. Polymer composites based on ground tire rubber (GTR) and ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) containing carbon black (CB) (1–50 phr), with variable EVA/GTR weight composition (10/90, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 and 90/10), and processing temperature (Low:...
Copper-based 2D-coordination polymer as catalyst for allylation of aldehydes
PublicationA copper-tartrate, [Cu2(Tart)2(H2O)2]·4H2O, was synthesized at room temperature in aqueous media using copper chloride and D-tartaric acid. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system P21 space group and was characterized by infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, X-ray powder diffraction and the results are in good agreement with the single crystal...
Fatigue resistance investigation of the IC engine MB11 bearings, working under conditions of dynamic unidirectional loadings
PublicationThe slide bearing material MB11 fatigue resistance has been investigated with the application of SMOK - test stand in which dynamic unidirectional loadings to the test bearing is generated. Slide bearing layer consists of the bronze MB11 ( Cu Pb22 Sn 3 ) sintered to the steel shell. Each of the tested bearing has been subject to the standard 20-hour test, under conditions of the full fluid lubrication. Methodology of the experiments,...
A facile approach to fabricate load-bearing porous polymer scaffolds for bone tissue engineering
PublicationBiodegradable porous scaffolds with oriented interconnected pores and high mechanical are load-bearing biomaterials for bone tissue engineering. Herein, we report a simple, non-toxic, and cost-effective method to fabricate high-strength porous biodegradable scaffolds, composed of a polymer matrix of polycaprolactone (PCL) and water-soluble poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO) as a sacrificial material by integrating annealing treatment,...
Wastes from Agricultural Silage Film Recycling Line as a Potential Polymer Materials
PublicationThe recycling of plastics is currently one of the most significant industrial challenges. Due to the enormous amounts of plastic wastes generated by various industry branches, it is essential to look for potential methods for their utilization. In the presented work, we investigated the recycling potential of wastes originated from the agricultural films recycling line. Their structure and properties were analyzed, and they were...
On the Anomalous Behavior of Alcohol Adsorption on Polymer-Coated Siliceous Materials
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Multichannel taste sensors with lipid, lipid like – polymer membranes
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The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of the anode material based on polymer and starch derived ceramic for lithium ion batteries
PublicationThe anode materials derived of preceramic polymer poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) and starch was study. Commercially available polysilazane (poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane (PSN 2M01 Gelest) was mixed with commercially available starch (POCH Gliwice). The ratio polymer/starch (PSN/starch) was 1/1 or 3/7. The polysialazane/starch blend was cross-linked at 230 ºC for 2 h followed by heating to the final temperature (500 ºC, 700 ºC and...
Cognitive and Psychological Reverberations of Remote Learning on Students at the University of Saida
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Assessing the Training of Translation Students on Translation Technologies at the Algerian University
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Digital Transformation and AI Applications in Analyzing the Play A Journey in a Coma
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Artificial Intelligence versus Human Intelligence in the Analysis of Context during the Translation Process: An Applied Study
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Teachers’ Feedback Contribution to the Reinforcement of Students’ Writing Competence in Light of AI Widespread: Third-Year EFL Student at Saida University as a Case Study
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Drifting from the Earth towards Death: A Study of Stephen Kekeghe’s Rumbling Sky
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Artificial Intelligence and Human Cognition: A Systematic Review of Thought Provocation through AI ChatGPT Prompts
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الفعل الكلامي وما ينطوي عليه من أفعال في الخطاب الشعري. مقاربة تداولية في لامية أبي الطيب المتنبي في رثاء والدة سيف الدولة الحمداني
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Algerian Researchers' Attitudes Towards Employing Artificial Intelligence Applications in Scientific Research: A Survey Study on a Sample of Algerian Researchers
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قلق الانفصال وعلاقته بالإدمان على الألعاب الالكترونية لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية
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الأنساق الثقافية في رواية الطرحان لعبد الله كروم مقاربة تحليلية
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Embracing ChatGPT for Enhanced English as a Foreign Language Learning and Teaching: Teachers’ Attitudes
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La construction sémantique de la covid-19 en technodiscours : Cas des pure players d’information algériens