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Search results for: COMPARISON METHODS
Waveform relaxation and comparison methods for multistep boundary value problems
PublicationStosując metody o których mowa w tytule pracy, podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie i jednoznaczność rozwiązania układów równań różniczkowo-funkcyjnych z warunkami brzegowymi. Pokazano zbieżność tych metod do rozwiązania problemu. Otrzymane wyniki zilustrowano przykładami.
PublicationIn the paper dierent approaches of predicting blood pressure values are presented. Basically, two methods and theirs modifications are considered. In total, seven algorithms have been examined. Tests have been conducted using both synthetic and clinical data. From our study it follows that none of the examined methods is superior to other.
Comparison of selected electroencephalographic signal classification methods
PublicationA variety of methods exists for electroencephalographic (EEG) signals classification. In this paper, we briefly review selected methods developed for such a purpose. First, a short description of the EEG signal characteristics is shown. Then, a comparison between the selected EEG signal classification methods, based on the overview of research studies on this topic, is presented. Examples of methods included in the study are: Artificial...
Comparison of developed gaze point estimation methods
PublicationThis paper presents the software part of an inexpensive hands-free eye tracking system. The system works using infrared illumination like most of the available eye trackers. Two methods allowing estimation the gaze point on computer screen are compared. Research on effectiveness of these methods is discussed and the better one is indicated.
Comparison of various speech time-scale modificartion methods
PublicationThe objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the different time-scale modification (TSM) methods on the quality of the speech stretched up using the designed non-uniform real-time speech time-scale modification algorithm (NU-RTSM). The algorithm provides a combination of the typical TSM algorithm with the vowels, consonants, stutter, transients and silence detectors. Based on the information about the content and...
Ammonia Gas Sensors: Comparison of Solid-State and Optical Methods
PublicationHigh precision and fast measurement of gas concentrations is important for both understanding and monitoring various phenomena, from industrial and environmental to medical and scientific applications. This article deals with the recent progress in ammonia detection using in-situ solid-state and optical methods. Due to the continuous progress in material engineering and optoelectronic technologies, these methods are among the most...
Comparison of image pre-processing methods in liver segmentation task
PublicationAutomatic liver segmentation of Computed Tomography (CT) images is becoming increasingly important. Although there are many publications in this field there is little explanation why certain pre-processing methods were utilised. This paper presents a comparison of the commonly used approach of Hounsfield Units (HU) windowing, histogram equalisation, and a combination of these methods to try to ascertain what are the differences...
Comparison of Tracking Methods in Respect of Automation of Animal Behavioral Test
PublicationAutomation in experiments carried out on animals is getting more and more important in research. Computers take over laborious and time-consuming activities like recording and analysing images of experiment scene. The first step in an image analysis is finding and distinguishing between the observed animals, and then tracking all objects during the experiment. In this paper four tracking methods are presented. Quantitative and...
Comparison of Classification Methods for EEG Signals of Real and Imaginary Motion
PublicationThe classification of EEG signals provides an important element of brain-computer interface (BCI) applications, underlying an efficient interaction between a human and a computer application. The BCI applications can be especially useful for people with disabilities. Numerous experiments aim at recognition of motion intent of left or right hand being useful for locked-in-state or paralyzed subjects in controlling computer applications....
Comparison of Tire Rolling Resistance Measuring Methods for Different Surfaces
PublicationThe rolling resistance of car tires is one of the most important parameters characterizing tires today. This resistance has a very significant contribution to the energy consumption of wheeled vehicles. The climate crisis has forced tire and car manufacturers to place great emphasis on the environmental impact of their products. Paradoxically, the development of electric vehicles has led to an even greater importance of rolling...
Comparison of three methods of EPR retrospective dosimetry in watch glass
PublicationIn this article we present results of our follow-up studies of samples of watch glass obtained and examined within a framework of international intercomparison dosimetry project RENEB ILC 2021. We present three methods of dose reconstruction based on EPR measurements of these samples: calibration method (CM), added dose method (ADM) and added dose&heating method (ADHM). The study showed that the three methods of dose reconstruction...
A Comparison of Methods for Identifying Enterobacterales Isolates from Fish and Prawns
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Comparison of Pteridine Normalization Methods in Urine for Detection of Bladder Cancer
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Experimental verification and comparison of mode shape-based damage detection methods
PublicationThis paper presents experimental verification and comparison of damage detection methods based on changes in mode shapes such as: mode shape curvature (MSC), modal assurance criterion (MAC), strain energy (SE), modified Laplacian operator (MLO), generalized fractal dimension (GFD) and Wavelet Transform (WT).
Comparison of Methods for Real and Imaginary Motion Classification from EEG Signals
PublicationA method for feature extraction and results of classification of EEG signals obtained from performed and imagined motion are presented. A set of 615 features was obtained to serve for the recognition of type and laterality of motion using 8 different classifications approaches. A comparison of achieved classifiers accuracy is presented in the paper, and then conclusions and discussion are provided. Among applied algorithms the...
Comparison of GC–MS and MEKC methods for caffeine determination in preworkout supplements
PublicationIn this study, GC–MS- and MEKC-based methods for determination of caffeine (CAF) in preworkout supplements were developed and validated. The proposed protocols utilized minimal sample preparation (simple dilution and syringe filtration). The developed methods achieved satisfactory validation parameters, i.e. good linearity (R2 0.9988 and R2 0.9985 for GC–MS- and MEKC-based method, respectively), satisfactory intraand interaccuracy...
Comparison of Selected Reduction Methods of Bathymetric Data Obtained by Multibeam Echosounder
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Standards Conformity Framework in comparison with contemporary methods supporting standards application
PublicationAchieving and assessing conformity with standards and compliance with various sets of requirements generates significant costs for contemporary economies. Great deal of this is spent on fulfilment of safety and security requirements. However, standards application is not supported sufficiently by the tools available on the market. Therefore, Standards Conformity Framework (SCF) containing methods and tools which provide support...
Comparison of various flow maldistribution quantification methods in mini heat exchangers
PublicationThe aim of study is to compare various flow maldistribution quantification methods, using velocity, mass flow rate, pressure, and temperature. An experimentally validated numerical study has been prepared and a heat exchanger with 34 semi-circular channels with a diameter of 3.1 mm has been tested. The minichannels were heated from the bottom with a heat flux of 50, 60, 70, and 80 kW/m2. The cases for various inlet velocities of...
Experimental verification and comparison of mode shape-based damage detection methods
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wynik badań eksperymentalnych dotyczących oceny dokładności znanych z literatury metod detekcji uszkodzeń konstrukcji wykorzystujących zmiany jej parametrów modalnych. Pomiary wykonano wykorzystując skaner laserowy firmy Polytec. Omówiono sposoby poprawy jakości uzyskiwanych wyników, oraz zaproponowano własną metodę detekcji uszkodzeń wykorzystującą pomiar postaci i częstości drgań własnych konstrukcji.
Comparison of a tribological model and real component test methods for lubricated contacts
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Comment on "Quantitative comparison of analysis methods for spectroscopic optical coherence tomography"
PublicationIn a recent paper by Bosschaart et al. [Biomed. Opt. Express 4, 2570 (2013)] various algorithms of time-frequency signal analysis have been tested for their performance in blood analysis with spectroscopic optical coherence tomography sOCT). The measurement of hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation based on blood absorption spectra have been considered. Short time Fourier transform (STFT) was found as the best method for...
Comparison of Two Methods for the Determination of Selected Pesticides in Honey and Honeybee Samples
PublicationDeveloped and validated analytical methods for the determination of a wide spectrum of pesticide residues in honey and honeybee samples after the modification of QuEChERS extraction in combination with gas chromatography–tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) and liquid chromatography–tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) were discussed and compared. The developed methods were evaluated regarding the utilized equipment...
Comparison of two methods of sound extraction from guitar string video recordings
PublicationA comparison of two sound extraction methods from guitar string video recordings is presented in the paper. A brief overview of highframe rate camera technology and possible applications are included. The method using the image analysis from two such cameras is presented. The cameras are placed at the angle of 90 degrees for recording the image in three planes. The results achieved...
Comparison of AHP and Numerical Taxonomy Methods Based on Biogas Plant Location Analysis
PublicationThe paper presents a comparison of the multi-criteria Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and numerical taxonomy in biogas plant location selection. Biogas plants are sources that will significantly contribute to the implementation of the provisions of the energy and climate package for Poland by 2030. Increasing the share of energy produced from renewable sources, e.g. biogas plants, will increase the country’s energy security....
Comparison of direct and inverse methods of satellite observations downscaling for the coastal zone area
PublicationThe Earth observation satellite imaging systems have known limitations, especially regarding their spatial and temporal resolution. Therefore, approaches which aim to combine data retrieved from sensors of higher temporal and lower spatial resolution with the data characterized by lower temporal but higher spatial resolution are of high interest. This allows for joint utilization of the advantages of both these types of sensors....
Comparison of Ozonation and Evaporation as Treatment Methods of Recycled Water for Bioethanol Fermentation Process
PublicationThe paper compared the performance of the ethanol yield after alcoholic fermentation with samples of rejected (RW) and permeate water (PW), RW and PW treated by oxidation with ozone (O3) (5 and 15 min) and evaporation, aiming the recirculation back to the bioethanol process. RW and PW were collected after an anaerobic bioreactor (AnBR) used for stillage treatment. Nine types of fermentations were made, where one used 100% tap...
Comparison of modal and finite-element methods in the vibrational analysis of marine propulsion systems
PublicationW okrętowych układach napędowych występują dwa typy części składowych. Pierwszym z nich są odcinki wałów, które należą do elementów o ciągłym rozkładzie własności masowych, sprężystych i tłumiących oraz elementy o parametrach skupionych, do których można zaliczyć śrubę napędową, tarcze sprzęgieł i inne. W pracy porównano dwie metody modelowania takich układów. Pierwsza z nich związana jest z tworzeniem modeli przybliżonych w oparciu...
Comparison of Doppler Effect Estimation Methods for MFSK Transmission in Multipath Hydroacoustic Channel
PublicationUnderwater wireless communication remains a challenging topic, particularly for applications such as wreck penetration where multipath and Doppler effects are very intense. These effects are becoming even more difficult to mitigate for fast data transmission systems that utilize wideband signals. Due to the low propagation speed of acoustic wave in the water, there is a significant difference between the Doppler shift for lower...
A comparison of indexing methods to evaluate quality of soils: the role of soil microbiological properties
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Comparison of conductivity averaging methods for one-dimensional unsaturated flow in layered soils
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono numeryczne rozwiązania równania Richardsa, opisującego nieustalony przepływ wody w uwarstwionym gruncie nienasyconym. Przeanalizowano różne metody obliczania średniej przewodności hydraulicznej między węzłami siatki numerycznej oraz różne możliwości położenia węzłów względem granic warstw gruntu. Najlepsze wyniki otrzymano stosując metodę uśredniania stanowiącą adaptację wcześniejszej propozycji jednego...
Comparison of the tests for equivalence of the measurement methods for measurement of PM10 dust in ambient air
PublicationThe paper presents the motives for conducting the equivalence tests and the reasons of discrepancies between the results of PM10 dust concentration obtained via the reference method and the methods based on 'on-site' measurement. The reference and non-reference methods of measurement of PM10 dust concentration in air have been discussed. Field tests for equivalence, following the Polish standard and the European Union (EU) guidelines,...
A Comparison of ABTS and DPPH methods for assessing the total antioxidant capacity of human milk
PublicationCałkowitą zdolność przeciwutleniająca (TAC) mleka ludzkiego odzwierciedla zawartość i aktywność w mleku składników, które zapobiegają degradacji tłuszczów i białek na drodze utlenienia. Celem badania było porównuje testu ABTS i DPPH w odniesieniu do odzysku, precyzji i czułości (granica wykrywalności i oznaczalności) obu metod służących do oznaczania wartości TAC mleka ludzkiego. Wartości TAC zostały określone dla dwudziestu pięciu...
PublicationThe article presents numerical simulations of the dynamic wind loads on the structure of a building designed on a cliff in Gdynia. The results obtained from the two methods: Davenport’s and Karman’s are compared. The results allowed a comparison of the two methods, and they provided an answer to the question how a construction, designed in such an unusual condition of a cliff behaves under the influence of the gusting wind. The...
A Comparison of STI Measured by Direct and Indirect Methods for Interiors Coupled with Sound Reinforcement Systems
PublicationThis paper presents a comparison of STI (Speech Transmission Index) coefficient measurement results carried out by direct and indirect methods. First, acoustic parameters important in the context of public address and sound reinforcement systems are recalled. A measurement methodology is presented that employs various test signals to determine impulse responses. The process of evaluating sound system performance, signals enabling...
Experimental study and comparison with predictive methods for flow boiling heat transfer coefficient of HFE7000
PublicationThis article describes an experimental study of flow boiling of HFE7000 inside a smooth vertical channel. The investigation has been carried out in a circular stainless-steel tube with an inner diameter of 2.3 mm. The data have been collected for the applied heat fluxes q ranging from 61 to 205 kW/m2, the mass flux G ranging from 214 to 1006 kg/(m2 s), the saturation temperature Tsat ranging from 30 to 54 °C and the full range...
Comparison the Accuracy of the Extrapolation Methods of the Time Phase Coincidence in Synchronization of Power Generating Units
PublicationW artykule opisano metody ekstrapolacji chwili zgodności fazowej napięć łączonych obiektów elektroenergetycznych. Przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą wybranych metod ekstrapolacji w równych warunkach pracy oraz przedstawiono najistotniejsze wyniki badań.
Comparison of protein precipitation methods for various rat brain structures prior to proteomic analysis
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Comparison of different digestion methods for proteomic analysis of isolated cells and FFPE tissue samples
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Comparison of berry quality in highbush blueberry cultivars grown according to conventional and organic methods
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Ontologies vs. Rules — Comparison of Methods of Knowledge Representation Based on the Example of IT Services Management
PublicationThis text provides a brief overview of selected structures aimed at knowledge representation in the form of ontologies based on description logic and aims at comparing them with their counterparts based on the rule-based approach. Due to the limitations on the length of the article, only elements associated with the representation of concepts could be shown, without including roles. The formalisms of the OWL language were used...
Comparison of two methods for parameters selection of the proportional observer of induction motor state variables
PublicationArtykuł opisuje problemy odtwarzania prędkości obrotowej wału maszyny indukcyjnej przy wykorzystaniu estymatorów MRAS. Porównano dwie metody doboru wzmocnień obserwatora, analityczną i bazującą na algorytmach genetycznych
PublicationDifferent methods for the empirical determination of the natural frequencies of circular saw blades are presented. Stationary methods, such as the harmonic and impulse tests, are discussed and the results of related comparison are given. The comparison of the methods revealed their degree of practical usefulness and their accuracy in determining natural frequencies. A combination of specific methods is proposed, which should allow...
Comparison of Fluoride Ion-Selective Electrode Based Potentiometric Methods of Fluoride Determination in Human Urine
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Comparison of Gold Nanoparticles Deposition Methods and Their Influence on Electrochemical and Adsorption Properties of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes
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Comparison between methods for determining the effective vertical yield stress of intermediate fine-grained soils
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Comparison between methods for determining the effective vertical yield stress of intermediate fine-grained soils
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Comparison of noise reduction methods in radiometric correlation measurements of two-phase liquid-gas flows
PublicationTwo-phase liquid-gas flows occur frequently in the mining, energy, chemical, and petrochemical industries. One of non-contact methods used to analyse these flows is the gamma ray absorption method. However, the signals received from radiation detectors contain a significant stochastic noise, which makes them difficult to analyse. The article describes four methods of noise reduction in cross-correlation measurements of water-air...
Comparison of the characteristics of journal bearings determined according to ISO 7902:2020 and obtained by other methods
PublicationThe article presents selected characteristics of journal bearings calculated with the use of various methods and compared to the results obtained with application of the basic bearing characteristics calculation procedure, as described in the ISO 7902:2020 standard. Additionally, the presented calculation results were compared with the parameters measured during experimental tests of the sliding bearings, working under loads and...
Experimental Comparison of Straight Lines and Polynomial Interpolation Modeling Methods in Ship Evolutionary Trajectory Planning Problem
PublicationPaper presents the application of evolutionary algorithms and polynomial interpolation in ship evolutionary trajectory planning method and its comparison to classic approach, where trajectory is modeled by straight lines. Evolutionary algorithms are group of methods that allows\ to find a collision free trajectory in real time, while polynomial interpolation allows to model smooth trajectory, which keeps continuity of velocity...