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Search results for: DYNAMIC THERMOGRAPHY
Active dynamic thermography in cardiosurgery
Active dynamic thermography in mammography.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zaproponowany numeryczny model termiczny piersi z nowotworem umiejscowionym na różnych głębokościach. Przedstawione są wyniki symulacji modelu dla różnych warunków zewnętrznego pobudzenia termicznego powierzchni piersi. Pokazano również wyniki przykładowego badania termograficznego piersi z nowotworem.
Dynamic thermography in diagnostics of onychomycosis.
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań grzybicy paznokci przy użyciu termografii dynamicznej. Przedstawione wyniki badań pokazują, że metoda ta może okazać się skuteczna przy określaniu stanu mikrokrążenia w tkance pod paznokciem, co pozwoliłoby określić stopień zaawansowania choroby grzybiczej, a więc także umożliwiałoby ocenę postępów leczenia tej przypadłości.
Active Dynamic Thermography in Medical Diagnostics
PublicationThis is an overview of active thermal imaging methods in medical diagnostics using external thermal stimulation. In this chapter, several clinical cases diagnosed using the active dynamic thermography method, ADT, are presented. Features of this technology are discussed and main advantages underlined. Applications in skin burn diagnostics and quantitative evaluation leading to modern classification of burned patients for further...
The influence of carbon dioxide on dynamic thermography results
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Implementation of Active Dynamic Thermography in medical diagnostics
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wdrożeniowych Aktywnej Termografii Dynamicznej w diagnostyce wybranych chorób.
Problems of Active Dynamic Thermography Measurement Standardization in Medicine
PublicationReliability of thermographic diagnostics in medicine is an important practical problem. In the field of static thermography, a great deal of effort has been made to define the conditions for thermographic measurements, which is now the golden standard for such research. In recent years, there are more and more reports on dynamic tests with external stimulation, such as Active Dynamic Thermography, Thermographic Signal Reconstruction...
Fourier based stabilization of thermal images in dynamic thermography
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Active Dynamic Thermography - Problems of implementation in medical diagnostics
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wybrane problemy implementacji aktywnej termografii termicznej w aplikacjach medycznych. Podano przykłady związane z diagnostyką raka piersi i głębokości oparzeń.
Optical excitation methods in active dynamic thermography in medical diagnostics.
PublicationArtykuł zawiera opis metod pobudzania cieplnego badanych obszarów ciała ludzkiego w technice aktywnej termografii dynamicznej. Jako źródła pobudzenia cieplnego mogą być stosowane lampy podczerwieni, lampy halogenowe dużej mocy, a także lasery. W artykule opisano również algorytmy obliczeń obrazów parametrycznych.
Active Dynamic Thermography imaging of wound healing processes in cardio surgery
PublicationThe surgery is a branch of medicine, that is integrally connected to wounds. Despite using sterile tools and compliance with aseptic rolls, some of the surgery wounds become infected. In clinical practice there is a lack of cheap, objective methods and tools for quantitative definition and estimation of the surgery wound healing progress. This paper presents preliminary results of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) parametric imaging...
Active dynamic thermography method for TRAM flap blood perfusion mapping in breast reconstruction
PublicationThis paper presents the new method of the transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap blood perfusion mapping based on the active dynamic thermography. The method is aimed at aiding a surgeon during breast reconstruction procedure. A pair of dTnorm and t90_10 parameters were used as parametric image descriptors of the flap blood perfusion. The method was tested on 38 patients that were subjected to breast reconstruction procedure....
Data processing methods for dynamic medical thermography.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia zastosowanie nowej metody syntezy obrazów w termografii dla potrzeb opisu ilościowego właściwości termicznych tkanek. Opis taki umożliwia różnicowanie przypadków medycznych. Metodę zastosowania dla licznych pomiarów fantomowych i in vitro w eksperymentach na zwierzętach (świnia domowa). Przedstawiono i omówiono rezultaty prac.
New perspective on the in vivo use of cold stress dynamic thermography in integumental reconstruction with the use of skin-muscle flaps
PublicationAmong the problems encountered by plastic surgeons is the reconstruction of defects following tumors. One of the reconstructive options is TRAM flap. Despite that anatomy is well-explored, marginal flap necrosis may develop. To minimize complications imaging examinations was designed to determine the degree of flap perfusion. One of them is the thermographic examination.
Comparison of perforator location in dynamic and static thermographic imaging with Doppler ultrasound in breast reconstruction surgery
PublicationThis paper co mpares the effectiveness of the dTnorm and t90_10 parametrizations in dynamic thermography for imaging location of perforators in TRAM flaps in the intraoperative period. The results were compared with the location detected in a Doppler ultrasound examination. Cold and heat stimulation was used in dynamic thermography. Additionally, these results were compared with static...
Active Dynamic Infrared Thermal Imaging in Burn Depth Evaluation
PublicationThe aim of this study was to find the relationship between active dynamic thermography (ADT) with cold excitation and burn depth. This new modality of evaluation of burns seems to be an attractive proposal for quantitative classification, allowing proper choice of burn wound treatment: conservative or surgical, especially compared with static thermography. The work was an in vivo experiment on domestic pigs, and a small number...
FFT spectrum based matching algorithm for activedynamic thermography
PublicationIn Active Dynamic thermography (ADT) sequences of consecutive temperature distributions are analyzed. In biomedical applications of ADT, the problems of a patient's movements in front of a thermal camera should be eliminated before data analysis. Complete mechanical stabilization of the patients is impossible due to natural voluntary and involuntary moves caused by pulse breathing, etc. This paper presents a simple and efficient...
PublicationA method for monitoring the state of the myocardium during cardiosurgical interventions based on thermal IR imaging is presented. These methods called Static Thermography and Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) uses information about distribution of temperature on the surface and an external excitation source to induce thermal transient processes in a tested object. Recording time series of thermograms allows to calculate parametric...
A new diagnostic IR-thermal imaging method for evaluation of cardiosurgery procedures
PublicationTwo methods for monitoring the state of the myocardium during cardiosurgical interventions based on thermal IR imaging are presented below. These methods, called static thermography and active dynamic thermography (ADT), use information about the distribution of temperature on the surface, and an external excitation source to induce thermal transient processes in a tested object. Recording the time series of thermograms allows...
Active IR-Thermal Imaging in Medicine
PublicationIn this paper we summarize results of several research projects devoted to development of new diagnostic methods and procedures based on quantitative infrared thermography in medical applications. First, basics of active dynamic thermography are presented. Described are both, instrumentation and software comprising measurement procedures including collection of series of IR-images after external excitation, data treatment with...
A new diagnostic method for evaluation of cardiosurgery wound healing
PublicationOne of important and still unsolved problems in medicine is the question of objective and quantitative evaluation of post-surgery wound healing. The aim of this research is to analyse possibility and value of using the newly elaborated infrared imaging procedure – Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) – for quantitative description of wound healing processes in cardiosurgery. Both, classical thermal figures of merit as well as ADT...
Tools for Automatic Wound Healing Evaluation
PublicationFinal results of the research project devoted to development of a new objective and quantitative method of post cardiosurgery wound healing diagnostics, already preliminary discussed at the QIRT 2014 Conference, is presented. We assumed that thermal processes should be effective in subtle description of temporal changes of tissue thermal properties after surgical interventions. To prove this assumption more than 400 patients after...
Thermal sequences database of the skin flaps in breast reconstruction and burns
PublicationThis paper presents a database of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) thermal sequences gathered throughout 6 year study on ADT application in skin flap blood perfusion monitoring and burn wounds diagnosis. For skin flap monitoring the database comprises of data collected during three different breast reconstruction procedures. The patients were monitored pre, intra and post surgically within 90 days period. The sequences were used...
Thermal sequences database of the skin flaps in breast reconstruction and burns
PublicationThis paper presents a database of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) thermal sequences gathered throughout 6 year study on ADT application in skin flap blood perfusion monitoring and burn wounds diagnosis. For skin flap monitoring the database comprises of data collected during three different breast reconstruction procedures. The patients were monitored pre, intra and post surgically within 90 days period. The sequences were used...
Comparison of the exponential thermal transient parameterization methods with the SMTP method in the unipedicled DIEP flap computer modelling and simulation
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to compare the spatial contrast of the image descriptors obtained via three different thermal transient parameterization methods in Active Dynamic Thermography. The thermal constants and amplitude values of the one- and two- exponential parametrization are compared to the Simplified Magnitude-Temporal Parametrization method (SMTP). The comparison is performed using the data obtained by simulating the cold...
ADT in mammography
PublicationWe discuss limitations of the known methods of IR imaging in diagnostics of breast cancer. In conclusion we show that for practical reasons one requires new approaches because the known methods based on simple observation of external temperature distribution are not fully effective. Even advanced pattern recognition could not help too much for static images. We ask the question: may active dynamic thermography, known in nondestructive...
A universal NDT method for examination of low energy impact damage in CFRP with the use of TLC film
PublicationThe article presents an attempt to use a sheet of laminated thermochromic liquid crystal film (TLC film) for non-destructive testing of the impact damage (energy values: 1J, 2J, 3J and 4J) in carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP). This is a new, alternative NDT approach based on the thermo-optical effect. The main advantages of this method are a) the low cost of TLC film, b) the low cost of recording devices due to the usage of...
Application of infrared thermoography to non-contact testing of varistors
PublicationTesting of varistors using thermography was carried out in order to assess their protective properties against possible overvoltage phenomena in the form of high-level voltage surges. An advantage of the thermography technique is non-contact temperature measurement. It was proposed to assess the properties of varistors workingin electronic devices as protective elements, on the basis of estimating temperature increments on varist...
Magnetic and infrared thermography methods in detection of antipersonnel landmines
PublicationIn this paper the two alternative methods of antipersonnel landmine detection are shown: the magnetic method and the active infrared thermography. The experimental results of the detection of selected, plastic mines using both methods are also presented.
Reliability of acicular grindable thermocouples for transient temperature measurements at sliding contacts
PublicationAcicular grindable thermocouples represent an interesting and prospective technique of temperature measurements at sliding contacts. This study aimed at the investigation of their reliability and accuracy as applied to the friction materials of various classes in contact with steel. The tests were conducted on a pin-on-disc tribometer under stationary and transient regimes. The experimental results were validated by comparing the...
The use of the static thermography in monitoring flap perfusion in breast reconstruction with TRAM flap
PublicationThis paper shows results of the static thermography for intraoperative and postoperative imaging of TRAM flap perfusion. The results were compared with the clinical examination of flap perfusion. The study was conducted on a group of 38 female patients who underwent breast reconstruction.
Performance of acicular grindable thermocouples for temperature measurements at sliding contacts
PublicationThe present study investigates the performance of acicular grindable thermocouples based on a constantan wire / steel hollow cylinder construction. The experiments showed that the measuring junction electrical resistance, temperature–voltage characteristic, measuring junction rise time and signal noise standard deviation of the acicular thermocouples are comparable to those of conventional J-type thermocouples with bare wire diameter...
Impact resistance of plain and twill fabric in GFRP measured by active thermography
PublicationThis paper discusses the impact resistance of glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites depending on the type of reinforcement – plain or twill weave. The values of impact energy were: 3J, 10J and 15J. Specimens featuring twill weave transferred higher force during the impact as compared with plain weave specimens. It was observed that an increase of impact energy was accompanied by an increase of the disproportion in...
Diagnostics of thermal processes in antenna systems of broadcast stations
PublicationDiagnostics is an important element associated with the operation of a radio antenna systems, allowing earlier detection of potential damage. Thermography is one of the diagnostic tools, which allows for non-invasive assessment of technical condition. It brings together both financial savings associated with the removal of the damage and the potential effects caused by it. The article presents an example of using a thermal imaging...
The Use of Liquid Crystal Thermography an Image Processing in Heat and Fluid-Flow Research
PublicationLiquid crystal thermography (LCT) have been used in many technical, industrial and biomedical applications [1]. During over 20 years it has been successfully applied in Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus at Gdansk University of Technology for visualization of steady-state and transient temperature fields. In order to demonstrate feasibility of LCT techniques in practical heat transfer contexts, the authors have performed...
Face detection in image sequences using a portable thermal camera
PublicationFace detection is often a first step in quantitative analysis of face images. It is an important research area for visible images and recently also for thermography. Due to technological developments thermal cameras may be embedded into wearable devices to provide remote healthcare. In this paper, we compared three algorithms for face detection in thermal images by testing execution time, accuracy, symmetry ratio and false-positives....
Analysis of the influence of external conditions on temperature readings in thermograms and adaptive adjustment of the measured temperature value
PublicationMeasuring human temperature is a crucial step in preventing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. For the proper operation of an automatic body temperature measurement system throughout the year, it is necessary to consider outdoor conditions. In this paper, the effect of atmospheric factors on facial temperature readings using infrared thermography is investigated. A thorough analysis of the variation of facial temperature...
Inverse determination of sliding surface temperature based on measurements by thermocouples with account of their thermal inertia
PublicationThis study developed an inverse heat conduction algorithm to determine temperature at a sliding surface taking account of thermocouple thermal inertia. The direct heat conduction problem was solved analytically based on the Laplace integral transform approach. The inverse algorithm was applied to the problem of friction of a brake material against a steel. The experiments were conducted on a pin-on-disc tribometer for three short-time...
PublicationTesting of AC/DC power supplies using the thermography was carried out in order to assess their assembly and operation correctness before launching them on the market. The investigation was carried out for 17 AC/DC power supplies which passed the standard tests (measurements of their basic parameters and characteristics). The investigation consisted of two steps. In the first step the dispersion of temperature on power supply boards...
The Influence of External Additional Loading on the Muscle Activity and Ground Reaction Forces during Gait
PublicationAsymmetrical external loading acting on the usculoskeletal system is generally considered unhealthy. Despite this knowledge, carrying loads in an asymmetrical manner like carrying on one shoulder, with one hand, or on the strap across the torso is a common practice. This study is aimed at presenting the effects of the mentioned load carrying methods on muscle activity assessed by using thermal field and ground reaction forces....
Deterioration of masonry structure investigated by a thermal camera with a qualitative assessment of thermal image processing
PublicationThermal imaging is contemporary remote sensing measurement technique, which provides an image of the temperature distribution in the measured object. The method is widely used, due to its mobility as well as the non-destructive character of the measurement. Infrared thermography is especially relevant in the inspection of insulation, what is more, it is a suitable device for detecting thermal bridges and structural changes, which...
The use of liquid crystal thermography TLC and particle image velocimetry PIV in selected technical applications
PublicationNowadays, the energy cost is very high and this problem is carried out to seek techniques for improvement of the aerothermal and thermal (heat flow) systems performances in different technical applications. The transient and steady-state techniques with liquid crystals for the surface temperature and heat transfer coefficient or Nusselt number distribution measurements have been developed. The flow pattern produced by transverse...
Impact damage in SiO2 nanoparticle enhanced epoxy – Carbon fibre composites
PublicationLow velocity impact behaviour of nano-SiO2 enhanced carbon fibre/epoxy composites for naval applications is reported. Epoxy resin matrix was enhanced by 1- 8 wt% SiO2 nanoparticles, based on industrial surface-modified nanosilica. Impact parameters: force, deformation, energy, damage size were recorded. The most pronounced effect was damage size decrease; e.g. ∼28% recorded by infrared thermography and X-ray computed radiography...
Deep Features Class Activation Map for Thermal Face Detection and Tracking
PublicationRecently, capabilities of many computer vision tasks have significantly improved due to advances in Convolutional Neural Networks. In our research, we demonstrate that it can be also used for face detection from low resolution thermal images, acquired with a portable camera. The physical size of the camera used in our research allows for embedding it in a wearable device or indoor remote monitoring solution for elderly and disabled...
The Use of Liquid Crystal Thermography in Selected Technical and Medical Applications—Recent Development
PublicationThermochromic liquid crystals (TLC) and true-colour digital image processing have been successfully used in non-intrusive technical, industrial and biomedical studies and applications. Thin coatings of TLC at surfaces are utilized to obtain detailed temperature distributions and heat transfer rates for steady or transient processes. Liquid crystals also can be used to make the temperature and velocity fields in liquids visible...
Thermal Images Analysis Methods using Deep Learning Techniques for the Needs of Remote Medical Diagnostics
PublicationRemote medical diagnostic solutions have recently gained more importance due to global demographic shifts and play a key role in evaluation of health status during epidemic. Contactless estimation of vital signs with image processing techniques is especially important since it allows for obtaining health status without the use of additional sensors. Thermography enables us to reveal additional details, imperceptible in images acquired...
Real-time facial feature tracking in poor quality thermal imagery
PublicationRecently, facial feature tracking systems have become more and more popular because of many possible use cases. Especially in medical applications location of the face and facial features are very useful. Many researches have presented methods to detect and track facial features in visible light. However, facial feature analysis in thermography may also be very advantageous. Some examples of using infrared imagery in medicine include...
Influence of Thermal Imagery Resolution on Accuracy of Deep Learning based Face Recognition
PublicationHuman-system interactions frequently require a retrieval of the key context information about the user and the environment. Image processing techniques have been widely applied in this area, providing details about recognized objects, people and actions. Considering remote diagnostics solutions, e.g. non-contact vital signs estimation and smart home monitoring systems that utilize person’s identity, security is a very important factor....