total: 417
filtered: 397
Elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings. The proposed solution is based on vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals. On-line tracking of signal model parameters is performed using the stability-preserving Whittle-Wiggins-Robinson algorithm with exponential data weighting. Detection of noise pulses and model-based interpolation of the irrevocably distorted samples...
Elimination of Impulsive Disturbances From Archive Audio Signals Using Bidirectional Processing
PublicationIn this application-oriented paper we consider the problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances, such as clicks, pops and record scratches, from archive audio recordings. The proposed approach is based on bidirectional processing—noise pulses are localized by combining the results of forward-time and backward-time signal analysis. Based on the results of specially designed empirical tests (rather than on the results of theoretical analysis),...
Sparse vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals and its application to the elimination of impulsive disturbances
PublicationArchive audio files are often corrupted by impulsive disturbances, such as clicks, pops and record scratches. This paper presents a new method for elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio signals. The proposed approach is based on a sparse vector autoregressive signal model, made up of two components: one taking care of short-term signal correlations, and the other one taking care of long-term correlations. The method...
Elimination of impulsive disturbances from archive audio files – comparison of three noise pulse detection schemes
PublicationThe problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances (such as clicks, pops, ticks, crackles, and record scratches) from archive audio recordings is considered and solved using autoregressive modeling. Three classical noise pulse detection schemes are examined and compared: the approach based on open-loop multi-step-ahead signal prediction, the approach based on decision-feedback signal prediction, and the double threshold approach,...
Elimination of Impulsive Disturbances From Stereo Audio Recordings Using Vector Autoregressive Modeling and Variable-order Kalman Filtering
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsive disturbances from stereo audio recordings. The proposed solution is based on vector autoregressive modeling of audio signals. Online tracking of signal model parameters is performed using the exponential ly weighted least squares algo- rithm. Detection of noise pulses an d model-based interpolation of the irrevocably distorted sampl es is realized using an adaptive, variable-order...
Detection of impulsive disturbances in archive audio signals
PublicationIn this paper the problem of detection of impulsive disturbances in archive audio signals is considered. It is shown that semi-causal/noncausal solutions based on joint evaluation of signal prediction errors and leave-one-out signal interpolation errors, allow one to noticeably improve detection results compared to the prediction-only based solutions. The proposed approaches are evaluated on a set of clean audio signals contaminated...
Active feedback noise control in the presence of impulsive disturbances
PublicationThe problem of active feedback control of a narrowband acoustic noise in the presence of impulsive disturbances is considered. It is shown that, when integrated with appropriately designed outlier detector, the proposed earlier feedback control algorithm called SONIC is capable of isolating and rejecting noise pulses. According to our tests this guarantees stable and reliable operation of the closed-loop noise cancelling...
Localization of impulsive disturbances in audio signals using template matching
PublicationIn this paper, a new solution to the problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances from audio signals, based on the matched filtering technique, is proposed. The new approach stems from the observation that a large proportion of noise pulses corrupting audio recordings have highly repetitive shapes that match several typical “patterns”. In many cases a representative set of exemplary pulse waveforms can be extracted from the...
Localization of impulsive disturbances in archive audio signals using predictive matched filtering
PublicationThe problem of elimination of impulsive disturbances from archive audio signals is considered and its new solution, called predictive matched filtering, is proposed. The new approach is based on the observation that a large percentage of noise pulses corrupting archive audio recordings have highly repetitive shapes that match several typical “patterns”, called click templates. To localize noise pulses, click templates can be correlated...
New semi-causal and noncausal techniques for detection of impulsive disturbances in multivariate signals with audio applications
PublicationThis paper deals with the problem of localization of impulsive disturbances in nonstationary multivariate signals. Both unidirectional and bidirectional (noncausal) detection schemes are proposed. It is shown that the strengthened pulse detection rule, which combines analysis of one-step-ahead signal prediction errors with critical evaluation of leave-one-out signal interpolation errors, allows one to noticeably improve detection results...
PublicationThe paper presents a new approach to elimination of broadband noise and impulsive disturbances from archive audio recordings. The proposed adaptive Kalman-like algorithm, based on a sparse autoregressive model of the audio signal, simultaneously detects noise pulses, interpolates the irrevocably distorted samples and performs signal smoothing. It is shown that bidirectional (forward-backward) processing of the archive signal improves...
PublicationThe possibility of using a hydroacoustic channel for digital data transmission is very limited. This is due to the effect of multipath propagation of the emitted acoustic wave and the damping of the mechanical wave in this medium, which increase with frequency. The first of these phenomena results in inter-symbol interference disturbances in data transmission systems, including even hundreds of symbols. Due to the number of reflections...
Ionospheric scintillations computation using real-time GPS observations
PublicationThe following paper presents the results of quasi-real-time determination of the values of phase scintillations indices at the period of ionospheric disturbances that occurred as a consequence of the Sun flares observed on March 7 and 9, 2012. Double-frequency observations with 1-second measurement interval from the EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) network sites located at high latitudes were used for the analysis. To determine the phase...
Post-Effort Changes in Autophagy- and Inflammation-Related Gene Expression in White Blood Cells of Healthy Young Men
PublicationAcute, strenuous physical exertion requiring high levels of energy production induces the production of reactive oxygen species and metabolic disturbances that can damage the mitochondria. Thus, selective autophagic elimination of defective mitochondria may improve resistance to oxidative stress and potentially to inflammation. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the impacts of intense effort on changes in the expression...
Positive solutions to boundary value problems for impulsive second-order differential equations
PublicationIn this paper, we discuss four-point boundary value problems for impulsive second-order differential equations. We apply the Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem to obtain sufficient conditions under which the impulsive second-order differential equations have positive solutions. An example is added to illustrate theoretical results.
EMC disturbances in connection of driving system
PublicationIt is known the steep voltage changes caused by IGBT frequency inverters may cause some electromagnetic problems in driving system. Special dU/dt type as well as sinusoidal filters are used in order to limit the level of the disturbances. The paper presents investigation results of EMC disturbances in inverter supplied induction motor. Experiments have proved that disturbances in current connection differ essentially. Important...
Disturbances of magnetic field of plane caused by eddy currents
PublicationResults of the numerical analysis of the magnetic disturbances of a plane caused by eddy currents induced in conducting elements of the plane were presented in this paper. Magnetic disturbances of the object's model were carried out in Opera 3D.
Analysis of magnetic disturbances of air platform caused by induced magnetisation
PublicationMagnetometric systems installed on air platforms like airplanes or helicopters are equipped in compensators of magnetic disturbances. Time changes of the platform's position caused generation of magnetic disturbances. The permanent and induced magnetization of ferromagnetic elements and eddy currents induced in conducting parts of the platform are sources of these disturbances. The linear model of magnetic disturbances of platforms...
Blackout initial disturbances in electric Power System searching
PublicationThe paper contains short survey of the blackouts that took place in the last few years. The sources and initial disturbances are discussed. The typical scenario of the disturbance, leading to blackout in the electrical power system are presented.Next, models of a power system eligible to considered topic are discussed. Finally the algorithm of the blackout initial disturbances in power system searching is presented.The consideration...
Magnetic disturbances caused by magnetic contamination of plastics
PublicationIn the study of low magnetic fields precision magnetometers working in a differential system are used. Two optically pumped magnetometers working in a differential system allow for precise measuring of disturbances in the magnetic field. In order to attain high accuracy of magnetic field measurement, it is necessary to use appropriate materials for the construction of a magnetometric system, particularly of those located closely...
Automated Diagnostics of Current Pick-Up Disturbances in Electric Traction Networks
PublicationThe present work defines the basic causes of bow disturbances of current pick-up, sets a task of establishing a system of automated control of bow disturbances at feeder zones of electric traction networks, proposes structural variants of the technical system implementation, describes the algorithm of detection of bow disturbances of current pick-up.
Selective Harmonic Elimination PWM For a Cascaded Multi-level Inverter
PublicationThis paper deals with the selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHE-PWM) technique. This technique is used for the elimination of selected dominant low order harmonics in the multi-level inverter output voltage. The presence of these harmonics is the essential drawback of such kind of inverters; especially when it is used for the control of different AC drivers. The SHE-PWM is based...
Parametric impulsive noise detector for corrupted audio signals based on hidden Markow model
PublicationThe paper addresses the problem of impulsive noise detection for audio signals. A structure of threshold parameter detectors using modelingof signals was introduced. the algorithm of the noise detection, based on discrete-time hidden Markow model (HMM)of whitened audio signal is elaborated
Elimination and migration of hydrogen in the vacuum-ultraviolet photodissociation of pyridine molecules
PublicationElimination of the excited hydrogen atoms H(n), n = 4–7, and hydrogen migration in formation of the excited NH(A 3Π) free radicals in the photodissociation of pyridine, C5H5N, molecules have been studied over the 17.5–70 eV photon energy range. In the measurements the photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy technique has been applied. Both fragments are produced through excitation of pyridine molecules into higher-lying superexcited...
Disturbances of magnetic field in surrounding of mobile, metalic plate
PublicationThe uniform magnetic field of the Earth in the surrounding of a mobile, metalic object undergoes deformation by eddy currents. The influence of the moving conducting object on total magnetic field of the Earth depends on the object's shape, position and speed of the changes relative to the magnetic field's vector of the Earth as well as the electric conductivity and the relative magnetic permeability of the material. The disturbances...
Robust local basis function algorithms for identification of time-varying FIR systems in impulsive noise environments
PublicationWhile local basis function (LBF) estimation algorithms, commonly used for identifying/tracking systems with time-varying parameters, demonstrate good performance under the assumption of normally distributed measurement noise, the estimation results may significantly deviate from satisfactory when the noise distribution is of impulsive nature, for example, heavy-tailed or corrupted by outliers. This paper introduces a computationally...
Propagation of initially sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals in a quasi-isentropic magnetic gas
PublicationThe characteristics of propagation of sawtooth periodic and impulsive signals at a transducer are analytically studied in this work. A plasma under consideration is motionless and uniform at equilibrium, and its perturbations are described by a system of ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations. Some generic heating/cooling function, which in turn depends on equilibrium thermodynamic parameters, may destroy adiabaticity of a flow and...
Disturbances of Earth magnetic field caused by eddy currents of airplane
PublicationThe uniform magnetic field of the Earth in the surrounding of a mobile, metallic object undergoes deformation by eddy currents. The influence of the moving, conducting object on the Earth's total magnetic field depends on the object's shape, position and speed of the changes relative to the magnetic field vector of the Earth, as well as the electric conductivity and the relative magnetic permeability of the material. Disturbances...
Analysis of the influence of ferromagnetic contaminations in plastics on the measurements of disturbances of magnetic field of the Earth
PublicationPlastics can be contaminated with small particles or filings with ferromagnetic properties. These contaminations cause significant disturbances in the magnetic field in the case of taking measurements of very low magnetic fields. The analysis of the influence of contaminated plastics on magnetic measurements is presented in this paper.
Elimination of clicks from archive speech signals using sparse autoregressive modeling
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to elimination of impulsivedisturbances from archive speech signals. The proposedsparse autoregressive (SAR) signal representation is given ina factorized form - the model is a cascade of the so-called formantfilter and pitch filter. Such a technique has been widelyused in code-excited linear prediction (CELP) systems, as itguarantees model stability. After detection of noise pulses usinglinear...
Positive solutions to second order four-point impulsive problems with deviating arguments
PublicationStosując tw. Leggetta-Williamsa, podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie dodatnich rozwiązań dla czteropunktowych problemów brzegowych dla równań różniczkowych rzędu drugiego z odchylonymi argumentami. Dyskutowane były problemy gdy argument odchylony był typu opóźnionego lub wyprzedzonego.
Emerging contaminants and pathogenic microorganisms elimination in secondary effluent by graphitic carbon nitride photocatalytic ozonation processes
PublicationThe complexity of water contaminants, both chemical and biological requires an efficient and feasible treatment alternative. Herein, the photocatalytic ozonation treatment using graphitic carbon nitride catalysts was effectively applied for the elimination of a mixture of targeted chemical contaminants, and both Escherichia coli bacteria and Human polyomavirus JC (JC virus) in real secondary wastewater. The exfoliation treatment...
A new index for statistical analyses and prediction of travelling ionospheric disturbances
PublicationTravelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) are signatures of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) observed in changes in the electron density. The analysis of TIDs is relevant for studying coupling processes in the thermosphere–ionosphere system. A new TID index is introduced, which is based on an easy extension of the commonly used approach for TID detection. This TID activity index, which can be applied for individual Global Navigation...
Elimination of excretion of ibuprofen and its metabolites in horses
PublicationAnalytical procedure based on application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) at the step of detection, identification and quantitation of ibuprofen (IBU) and detection of its metabolites – 1-hydroxyibuprofen (1-OH IBU) and carboxyibuprofen (CBX IBU) in horse urine by selected ion monitoring mode after sample preparation covering extraction at pH 3-4 and methylation has been used. The ions at m/z 161, 220 (methylated...
First-order impulsive functional differential equations
PublicationPraca dotyczy problemów istnienia rozwiązań i kwazi-rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych rzędu pierwszego z impulsami i nieliniowymi warunkami brzegowymi. Operator występujący w zagadnieniu jest typu opóźnionego. Badano również nierówności różniczkowe z impulsami związane z zagadnieniem wyjściowym. Otrzymane wyniki zilustrowano na przykładach.
Propagation of Acoustic Disturbances in Shallow Sea
PublicationPropagation of acoustic waves in shallow sea differs fundamentally from the same phenomenon occurring in deep sea in view of non-negligible distance from the sea bottom in the first case, where presence of two regions limiting the water layer results in the acoustic pressure distribution induced by a harmonic source has an interferential nature as a result of multi-path propagation of the acoustic signal. These interferential properties...
The laboratory kit of EMC disturbances sources
PublicationPrzedstawiono podstawowe przyczyny powstawania zakłóceń w urządzeniach elektrycznych i elektronicznych oraz metody i sposoby ich analizy. Przedstawiono również koncepcje układów elektronicznych mających być wzorcowymi źródłami zaburzeń stosowanymi podczas ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych. Jako źródła zaburzeń małych i wysokich częstotliwości wybrano układy mogące być łatwo sterowane i zmieniane w celu wskazania konieczności stosowania rozwiązań...
Elimination of dominated partial schedules in scheduling deteriorating jobs
Publicationw artykule rozważany jest problem szeregowania zadań uwarunkowanych czasowo, w notacji trójpolowej opisywany przez 1 | pi = a + bisi | ?ci. wprowadzona jest koncepcja zdominowanych częściowych harmonogramów oraz przedstawiony jest niewielomianowy algorytm dla problemu, który bazuje na eliminacji zdominowanych częściowych harmonogramów. przedstawione są wyniki eksperymentów obliczeniowych, porównujących zaprezentowany algorytm oraz...
Analysis of electromagnetic disturbances in DC network of grid connected building-integrated photovoltaic system
PublicationThis paper focuses on conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions and propagation in the DC network of grid connected building integrated photovoltaic (PV) system. The investigated PV system, consists of ten solar panels, cabling and the grid-connected one phase inverter. The EMI simulation model of the real PV system has been developed with the aid of impedance analyzer measurements of solar panels and the DC network...
The Disturbances of the Zinc Concentration in the Blood in Selected Neoplasms
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Reproductive Consequences of Electrolyte Disturbances in Domestic Animals
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Active Suppression of Nonstationary Narrowband Acoustic Disturbances
PublicationIn this chapter, a new approach to active narrowband noise control is presented. Narrowband acoustic noise may be generated, among others, by rotating parts of electro-mechanical devices, such as motors, turbines, compressors, or fans. Active noise control involves the generation of “antinoise”, i.e., the generation of a sound that has the same amplitude, but the opposite phase, as the unwanted noise, which causes them to interfere...
Unraveling a novel microwave strategy to fabricate exposed {001}/{101} facets anatase nanocrystals: Potential for use to the elimination of environmentally toxic metronidazole waste
PublicationThis study present a novel microwave strategy to fabricate highly active anatase particles, exposing {101} and {001} facets. Microwave treatment time was shown to determine the growth of crystals in a certain direction. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first report revealing that the contact time of TiO2 crystals with fluorine ions during the microwave process affects the formed morphology, in particular exposed facets ratio....
Application of Peracetic Acid for Biological Foam Elimination in the SBR Bioreactor
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań nad zastosowaniem kwasu nadoctowego (PAA) do likwidacji piany biologicznej, spowodowanej przez bakterię nitkowatą Microthrix parvicella. Wykazano, że okresowe zraszanie powierzchni piany małymi dawkami kwasu nadoctowego (rzędu kilkudziesięciu ml 1% roztworu PAA/na 1 m2 piany o grubości 1 cm) powoduje niemal natychmiastwy zanik piany, wytworzonej na powierzchni osadu czynnego w bioreaktorze...
Sulphate-reducing bacteria, their properties and methods of elimination from groundwater
PublicationRutynowa kontrola jakości bakteriologicznej wód podziemnych przeznaczonych do spożycia nie obejmuje badania pod względem obecności bakterii charakterystycznych dla tego środowiska tj. bakterii redukujących siarczany (BRS), które mogą mieć negatywny wpływ na jakość wody. Stwierdzono obecność tych bakterii w wodach podziemnych rejonu Gdańska. Wyizolowano konsorcja BRS, które wykazywały preferencję do wykorzystywania mleczanu sodu...
Packing Incubation and Addition of Rot Fungi Extracts Improve BTEX Elimination from Air in Biotrickling Filters
PublicationThe removal of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) from air was investigated in two similar biotrickling filters (BTFs) packed with polyurethane (PU) foam, differing in terms of inoculation procedure (BTF A was packed with pre-incubated PU discs, and BTF B was inoculated via the continuous recirculation of a liquid inoculum). The effects of white rot fungi enzyme extract addition and system responses to variable VOC...
First-order impulsive ordinary differential equations with advanced arguments
PublicationPraca dotyczy problemów istnienia rozwiązań dla równań różniczkowych z impulsami i nieliniowymi warunkami brzegowymi. Są to równania z argumentami wyprzedzonymi. Podano warunki dostateczne na istnienie rozwiązań. W pracy są również dyskutowane nierówności różniczkowe z impulsami. Podano też przykłady ilustrujące otrzymane wyniki.
Two-stage method of impulsive noise detection for audio signals
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowa dwuetapową metodę detekcji zakłóceń impulsowych opartą na analizie funkcji gęstości rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa zakłóconego sygnału. Opisano algorytm określania poziomu wyzwalania detektora progowego.
Viscoelastic lubrication on spherical slide bearing in impulsive unsteady motion.
PublicationNiniejsza praca przedstawia numeryczne i semi-analityczne wyznaczanie składowych wektora prędkości lepkosprężystego oleju, oraz wartości ciśnienia hydrodynamicznego i sił nośnych w sferycznym łożysku ślizgowym o zmieniającej się w czasie niesymetrycznej szczelinie smarnej podczas nieustalonego impulsywnego smarowania. Łożyska ślizgowe o czopach kulistych występują w maszynach transportowych w celu lepszego manewrowania ustawieniem...
Periodic and impulsive lubrication of hip joint with stochastic rough surface.
PublicationNiniejsza praca przedstawia porównanie wartości nośności uzyskanych numerycznie dla niestacjonarnego smarowania impulsywnego oraz niestacjonarnego smarowania periodycznego sferycznego stawu biodrowego człowieka. W obu przypadkach przyjęto, że smarująca ciecz synowialna ma własności lepkosprężyste a występy chropowatych powierzchni chrząstki stawowej zmieniają się losowo. Charakterystyki zmiennych w czasie rozkładów wartości ciśnienia...