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Search results for: GAS
Hazardous gases detection by fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono układ pomiarowy oraz metodę za pomocą której można jednym rezystancyjnym czujnikiem gazów wykrywać dwa gazy: amoniak i siarkowodór. Podano wskaźnik jaki pozwala dokonać detekcji tych gazów już przy stężeniach rzędu pojedynczych ppm. Przebadano także powtarzalność wyników pomiarów w kilku egzemplarzach czujników.
Efficiency of gas mixtures detection by resistive gas sensors
PublicationResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Theeir main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environenmental applications requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent results of gas detection improvement by utilizing a single gas sensor and additional measurements to...
PublicationResistive gas sensors are very popular and are commonly used to detect various gases and their mixtures. Their main disadvantage is very limited selectivity. Practical use of gas sensors in environmental applications (e.g., in sewage systems to protect workers, in air conditioning systems to monitor atmosphere quality) requires determination of concentration of a few mixed gases at the same time. We would like to present recent...
Selectivity of amperometric gas sensors in multicomponent gas mixtures
PublicationIn recent years smog and poor air quality became a growing environmental problem. There is a need to continuously monitor the quality of air. The lack of selectivity is one of the most important problems limiting the use of gas sensors for this purpose. In this study, a selectivity of the six amperometric gas sensors is being investigated. Calibration of sensors has been performed in order to find a correlation between concentration...
Gas sampling system for matrix of semiconductor gas sensors
PublicationSemiconductor gas sensors are popular commercial sensors applied in numerous gas detection systems. They are reliable, small, rugged and inexpensive. However, there are a few problem limiting the wider use of such sensors. Semiconductor gas sensor usually exhibits a low selectivity, low repeatability, drift of response, strong temperature and moisture influence on sensor properties. Sample flow rate is one of the parameters that...
Problems of gas detection by resistance fluctuations in gas sensors
PublicationPrzedstawiono problemy budowy dystrybutora gazów oraz próbek zapachowych do badań sensorów gazu. Podano układ elektroniczny wykorzystywany do rejestracji fluktuacji rezystancji obserwowany w czujnikach gazu. Załączono przykładowe wyniki obserwacji sygnałów losowych.
The Measurement Setup for Gas Detection by Resistance Fluctuations of Gas Sensors
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A Comparison of Ammonia Emission Factors from Light-Duty Vehicles Operating on Gasoline, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
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Application of Thermo-chemical Technologies for Conversion of Associated Gas in Diesel-Gas Turbine Installations for Oil and Gas Floating Units
PublicationThe paper considers the issue of thermo-chemical recovery of engine’s waste heat and its further use for steam conversion of the associated gas for oil and gas floating units. The characteristics of the associated gas are presented, and problems of its application in dual-fuel medium-speed internal combustion engines are discussed. Various variants of combined diesel-gas turbine power plant with thermo-chemical heat recovery are...
On Accuracy Modeling of Gas Turbine Cycles by the In-house COM-GAS Code
PublicationIn this paper, a comparison of accuracy modeling of gas turbine cycles between the basic (classical) model and the in-house COM-GAS code has been presented. The basic model uses a semi-perfect gas and well known projecting assumption. On the other hand, the computational flow mechanics (CFM) basis on a real gas by using thermodynamic tables. The thermodynamic analysis of thermal cycles, simply gas cycle GT8C and gas turbine cycle...
Gas selectivity enhancement by sampling-and-hold method in resistive gas sensors
PublicationCommercial resistive gas sensors exhibit various sensitivity to numerous gases when working at different elevated temperatures. That effect is due to a change in velocity of adsorption and desorption processes which can be modulated by temperature. Thus, to reach better selectivity of gas detection, we propose to apply a known method (called the sampling-and-hold method) of cooling down the gas sensor in the presence of the investigated...
PublicationThe DC resistance of a Taguchi gas sensor is influenced by the ambient gas. To improve the selectivity and sensitivity of a sensor the fluctuation enhanced sensing (FES) was used. The paper proposes a novel methodology of utilizing FES technique that sample composition of an ambient atmosphere and hold it for further processing (sample-and-holding technique). The method uses the heated gas sensor to sample an ambient atmosphere...
Model of a telecommunication system for monitoring gas leaks from gas pipelines
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PublicationGraphene has a range of unique physical properties which could be exploited in gas sensing. Every atom of graphene may be considered as a surface atom, able to interact even with single molecule of the target gas or vapour species resulting in the ultrasensitive sensor response. In this paper the potential of graphene as a nanomaterial for fabricating chemiresistors was described. Recent development in graphene sensors was considered...
Standard gas mixtures- indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
PublicationIn recent years the need for the quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results has been particularly strongly emphasised. Certified reference materials play an invaluable role in this process. The article characterises the basic types of reference materials, focusing in particular on those in the gaseous state. It also reviews the literature on the techniques of preparing standard gas mixtures over the last ten...
Standard gas mixtures- indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
PublicationIn recent years the need for the quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results has been particularly strongly emphasised. Certified reference materials play an invaluable role in this process. The article characterises the basic types of reference materials, focusing in particular on those in the gaseous state. It also reviews the literature on the techniques of preparing standard gas mixtures over the last ten...
Standard gas mixtures – indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
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Negative carbon dioxide gas power plant integrated with gasification of sewage sludge
PublicationOne of the primary objectives of the negative carbon dioxide gas power plant (nCO2PP) is to develop an innovative technology confirming the possibility of the use of sewage sludge to produce electricity while having a positive impact on the environment. In this paper, a mathematical model is presented to estimate thermodynamic parameters of the system in relation to the gasification process and changes in such parameters in the...
A New Approach to Generation of Standard Gas Mixtures used in the Calibration of Gas Analysers
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Flicker Noise in Resistive Gas Sensors—Measurement Setups and Applications for Enhanced Gas Sensing
PublicationWe discuss the implementation challenges of gas sensing systems based on low-frequency noise measurements on chemoresistive sensors. Resistance fluctuations in various gas sensing materials, in a frequency range typically up to a few kHz, can enhance gas sensing by considering its intensity and the slope of power spectral density. The issues of low-frequency noise measurements in resistive gas sensors, specifically in two-dimensional...
Gas Detection Using Resistive Gas Sensors And Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
PublicationWe present a use of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks and Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing (FES) method in gas detection system utilizing a prototype resistive WO3 gas sensing layer with gold nanoparticles. We investigated accuracy of gas detection for three different preprocessing methods: no preprocessing, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and wavelet transformation. Low frequency noise voltage observed in resistive gas...
Gas mixtures recognition using an array of amperometric gas sensors with drifting or faulty sensors
PublicationIn this study, the possibility of using selected methods for diagnostics of performance of matrix composed with six amperometric electrochemical gas sensors is investigated. Measurements of sensor responses in selected concentrations of single toxic gases or gas mixtures were performed and were repeated over time to show sensor drift. Additionally, the studies on the sensors’ drift were performed. The drift has been recognized...
Efficiency of linear and non-linear classifiers for gas identification from electrocatalytic gas sensor
PublicationElectrocatalytic gas sensors belong to the family of electrochemical solid state sensors. Their responses are acquired in the form of I-V plots as a result of application of cyclic voltammetry technique. In order to obtain information about the type of measured gas the multivariate data analysis and pattern classification techniques can be employed. However, there is a lack of information in literature about application of such...
Hydrogen rich gas production from high temperature air/steam gasification of biomass
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono nowoczesną technikę konwersji biomasy oraz stałych odpadów komunalnych w celu produkcji paliwa gazowego bogatego w wodór. Opisany proces gazyfikacji przebiega w wysokiej temperaturze przy obniżonej koncentracji tlenu i udziale pary wodnej. Dzięki temu możliwa jest produkcja gazów palnych, w szczególności H2, który można wykorzystać do produkcji energii elektrycznej i cieplnej.
High temperature air/steam gasification of biomass in view of hydrogen rich gas production.
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia opis nowej i zaawansowanej metody konwersji termochemicznej biomasy i miejskich odpadów stałych w paliwo gazowe, bogate w wodór. W porównaniu z tradycyjnym procesem gazyfikacji, w metodzie tej wykorzystuje się powietrze/parę wodną przegrzane do wysokiej temperatury (powyżej 1300 st. C). Przegrzanie powietrza lub pary wodnej odbywa się z zastosowaniem ceramicznego przegrzewacza wysokotemperaturowego. W celu...
Sulfur compounds: Gas chromatography
PublicationSulfur compounds, due to their properties, are responsible for the damage of our environment. For this reason sulfur containing compounds are of constant concern in many fields. Gas chromatography (GC), due to combination of separation capability and sensitive detection is a prime technique for the analysis of thes compounds in various matrices. The chapter rewies general problems of the determination of these compounds by GC and...
Developments in Miniaturization of Gas Chromatography
Investigation of the Combustion Processes in the Gas Turbine Module of an FPSO Operating on Associated Gas Conversion Products
PublicationIn this paper, we consider the issue of thermo-chemical heat recovery of waste heat from gas turbine engines for the steam conversion of associated gas for offshore vessels. Current trends in the development of offshore infrastructure are identified, and the composition of power plants for mobile offshore drilling units and FPSO vessels is analyzed. We present the results of a comparison of power-to-volume ratio, power-to-weight...
Limited selectivity of amperometric gas sensors operating in multicomponent gas mixtures and methods of selectivity improvement
PublicationIn recent years, smog and poor air quality have became a growing environmental problem. There is a need to continuously monitor the quality of the air. The lack of selectivity is one of the most important problems limiting the use of gas sensors for this purpose. In this study, the selectivity of six amperometric gas sensors is investigated. First, the sensors were calibrated in order to find a correlation between the concentration...
Energy requirements for methods improving gas detection by modulating physical properties of resistive gas sensors
PublicationAbstract. One of the most important disadvantage of resistive gas sensors is their limited gas selectivity. Therefore, various methods modulating their physical properties are used to improve gas detection. These methods are usually limited to temperature modulation or UV light irradiation for the layers exhibiting photocatalytic effect. These methods cause increased energy consumption. In our study we consider how much energy...
Extraction and evaluation of gas-flow-dependent features from dynamic measurements of gas sensors array
PublicationGas analyzers based on gas sensors are the devices which enable recognition of various kinds of volatile compounds. They have continuously been developed and investigated for over three decades, however there are still limitations which slow down the implementation of those devices in many applications. For example, the main drawbacks are the lack of selectivity, sensitivity...
PublicationT his article is devoted to the investigation of the characteristics of a low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber, which can be used in Floating Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels and operates on a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen. A new approach is proposed for modelling the processes of burning out a mixture of natural gas with hydrogen under preliminary mixing conditions in gaseous fuel with an oxidizer...
Comparison of effectiveness of gas sensing by low frequency fluctuations in resistance and microbalance quartz gas sensors
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Influence of gas parameters alteration on the form of gas-flow-impact appearing in long transportation pipelines
PublicationPrzy szybkich zamknięciach przepływu w długich liniach transportowych gazu, obserwuje się znaczne przesterowania ciśnienia, towarzyszące zjawiskom udarowym, wywołane zarówno falą uderzeniową jak i odbitą. Głównym czynnikiem wpływającym na postać fali uderzeniowej i jej amplitudy, jest szybkość zamykania zaworu odcinającego określona stałą czasową serwomotoru sterującego zaworem. Ponieważ obserwuje się zmiany właściwości chemicznych...
Portable exhaled breath analyzer employing fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing method in resistive gas sensors
PublicationThis paper presents a portable exhaled breath analyser, developed to detect selected diseases. The set-up employs resistive gas sensors: commercial MEMS sensors and prototype gas sensors made of WO3 gas sensing layers doped with various metal ingredients. The set-up can modulate the gas sensors by applying UV light to induce physical changes of the gas sensing layers. The sensors are placed in a tiny gas chamber of a volume...
Determination of carbon monoxide, methane and carbon dioxide in refinery hydrogen gases and air by gas chromatography
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę oznaczania śladowych zawartości tlenku węgla, metanu oraz dwutlenku węgla w rafineryjnych gazach wodorowych oraz powietrzu; granica oznaczalności metody wynosi odpowiednio 0,15, 0,15 oraz 0,20 mikro-gram/litr. Zaprezentowano w pracy prostą modyfikację chromatografu gazowego wyposażonego w detektor płomieniowo-jonizacyjny (FID). Zastosowano kolumnę typu PorapakQ, dodatkowo połączono szeregowo z krótką...
Hydrogen sulphide electrocatalytic gas sensor
PublicationIn this article measurement results of the electrocatalytic gas sensor in different concentrations of hydrogen sulphide are presented. Working principle of such sensor is based on electric current acquisition, while voltage ramp is applied to the sensor. During voltage sweep oxidation and reduction reactions occurs on the sensor electrodes. Obtained current-voltage plot has unique shape connected...
Devices for the production of reference gas mixtures
PublicationFor many years there has been growing demand for gaseous reference materials, which is connected with development in many fields of science and technology. As a result, new methodological and instrumental solutions appear that can be used for this purpose. Appropriate quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) must be used to make sure that measurement data are a reliable source of information. Reference materials are a significant...
Transportable, Portable and Micro Gas Chromatographs
PublicationSignificant benefits can be obtained by miniaturization of conventional benchtop gas chromatographs. The attractive features arising from miniaturization include low-power requirements, low heat capacity of separation columns, low consumption of mobile phase, enhanced performance, higher portability, and easily coupling to detectors and secondary chromatographic systems. In separation sciences, including gas phase separations,...
Quantum dots in gas sensing a review
PublicationAir pollution becomes an increasing problem in the recent years. There is a need to develop more sensitive gas sensors. Much effort has been performed to develop different types of gas sensors, such as electrochemical sensors or polymer sensors. One of the most promising approaches to improve sensors performance is the application of the nanostructures as sensing materials. State of the art of quantum...
PublicationAlthough different methods of improving semiconductor gas sensor properties have been proposed, a technique involving temperature modulation seems to be the most promising. Semiconductor gas sensors working with modulated temperature can be more stable and are more selective comparing with sensor working at one temperature. In this paper, various approaches to temperature modulation are reviewed.
Perforating systems in shale gas recovery
PublicationHydraulic fracturing is common method of shale gas recovery. Due to environmental, economical and technological problems many alternative technologies have been developed. One of the most promising group of technologies is based on perforating systems. This paper describes theoretical and practical aspects of best known technologies used to create perforations. New perforating/fracturing technologies which can replace hydraulic fracturing...
Electrocatalytic gas sensor with reference layer
PublicationIn recent years electrochemical gas sensors based on solid state electrolytes have been intensively developed. They are easy to obtain, use and relative durable. Nasicon is one of the most promising materials, which have been used in construction of gas sensors. Most of these devices work in potentiometric or amperometric mode. However, some works are dedicated to sensors working in electrocatalytic mode. Principle of operation...
Electrocatalytic Gas Sensor with Reference Layer
PublicationThis paper presents studies of gas sensors prepared in ceramic technology with Nasicon as a solid electrolyte. Sensors work in the voltammetric mode thus based on the excitation of a sensor with a periodic potential signal while current response is recorded. The main aim is to investigate a Bi8Nb2O17 reference layer influence on sensor properties. Sensors I-V characteristics in different concentration of nitrogen dioxide have been...
Noise related to gas bottles explosions
PublicationModern industrialized world is in a never ending danger of accidents and catastrophes of technical nature. Some of them may involve fires and explosions of gas storage bottles or containers. Technical University of Gdansk, Poland performed numerous tests where bottles containing acetylene, oxygen, hydrogen, CO2, LPG, LNG or CNG were blown due to excessive temperature caused by fire. Although those experiments were not focused on...
Electrocatalytic gas sensor response analysis
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono i porównano metody analizy odpowiedzi elektrokatalitycznych czujników gazów toksycznych. Opisane metody pozwalają na ekstrakcje z odpowiediz czujników informacji o rodzaju gazu oraz o jego stężeniu.
Fluctuation phenomena in semiconductor gas sensors
PublicationCzujniki gazu mogą być wytwarzane z cienkiej warstwy półprzewodnika, która po podgrzaniu do odpowiedniej temperatury staje się czuła na gaz. Zjawisko to jest dobrze znane i szeroko opisane w literaturze. Jako wskaźnik detekcji gazu wykorzystuje się zmianę rezystancji stałoprądowej czujnika. Zwiększenie czułości i, co najważniejsze z praktycznego punktu widzenia, selektywności dyskryminacji można uzyskać jeśli warstwa półprzewodnika...
Tools for signal analysis of gas sensors
PublicationStatystyki drugiego rzedu oraz jklasyczna analiza widmowa są zwykle stosowane do badania sygnałów losowych o rozkładzie gaussowskim. Są one jednak często nieodpowiednie w przypadku analizy niestacjonarnych sygnałów niegaussowskich. Pewne narzędzia do analizy takich sygnałów sa dostępne w bibliotekach środowiska MATLAB. Zostały one wykorzystane do do analizy fluktuacji sygnałów czujników gazów. W artykule przedstawiono system do...
On the selectivity of nanostructured semiconductor gas sensors
Fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing in practice