total: 49
Search results for: GELATIN
Gelatin and gelatin/starch-based films modified with sorbitol for wound healing
PublicationGelatin-based films modified with sorbitol were produced from gelatin solution or gelatin/starch blends using a simple and low-cost solvent casting method, and subsequently, their physicochemical, mechanical, and biocompatibility properties were characterized. This work focused on developing and optimizing a biopolymeric blend to improve the pure biopolymers’ properties for potential biomedical applications such as wound dressing....
Effect of transglutaminase and EDC on biodegradation of fish gelatin and gelatin-chitosan films
PublicationCelem pracy było zbadanie podatności usieciowanych folii opakowaniowych z naturalnych polimerów na enzymatyczną hydrolizę. Niemodyfikowane folie żelatynowe były całkowicie hydrolizowane przez pepsynę i proteinazę N oraz w 60% przez pepsynę. Sieciowania przy użyciu transglutaminazy lub EDC zmiejszyło podatność folii na hydrolizę tylko przez pepsynę. Obecność chitozanu w dwuskładnikowych foliach modyfkownych EDC zmniejszyła stopień...
Carboxymethyl cellulose–gelatin complexes
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Gelatin-Modified Polyurethanes for Soft Tissue Scaffold
PublicationRecently, in the field of biomaterials, which are being designed for soft tissue scaffolding, is growing the interest of their modification with natural polymers. Synthetic polymers are often hard, not easy to process and they do not possess fine biodegradable profile. From the other hand natural polymers are biocompatible, but weak when used alone. The combination of natural and synthetic polymers gives the suitable properties...
Effect of transglutaminase on the solubility of chitosan-gelatin films
PublicationCelem pracy było zmniejszenie rozpuszczalności folii chitozanowo-żelatynowych w środowisku wodnym o różnym pH, poprzez usieciowanie składników przy użyciu transglutaminazy. Niemodyfikowane enzymatycznie folie rozpuszczały się w temperaturze pokojowej w 86 i 64% odpowiednio w buforze o pH 3 i 6. Ich rozpuszczalność została ograniczona do 19-23% po usieciowaniu polimerów enzymem w stężeniu 0.2mg/ml filmotwórczego roztworu. Enzymatycznie...
The effect of transglutaminase on the properties of salmon skin-gelatin films
PublicationCelem pracy była enzymatyczna modyfikacja folii otrzymanych z żelatyny rybnej. Źródłem żelatyny były surowe i wędzone skóry łososia. Stwierdzono, że czas żelowania roztworu żelatyny ulegał skróceniu w obecności transglutaminazy w badanym zakresie 0,1-0,2 mg/ml. Enzymatyczne modyfikacje prowadziły do obniżenia rozpuszczalności folii, jednakże w różnym stopniu zależnym od źródła białka. Obecność DTT lub cysteiny w mieszaninie reakcyjnej...
Chitosan, Collagen and Gelatin in the design of novel materials with antimicrobial acticity
PublicationMedical devices containing and releasing antiinfective agents directly on the site of injury are a common group of materials available and widely used in treating difficult to heal wounds. Sustained contact of the active agent to the damaged tissue, needed to inhibit infection and preservation of microbiological purity of the wound, is provided by the immobilization antimicrobial agents on the surface of the matrix material or...
Antibacterial activity of gelatin-based films incorporated with chitosan or silver
PublicationFolie żelatynowe z dodatkiem srebra jonowego powodowały redukcję komórek Escherichia coli i Staphylococcus aureus o 90% pod powierzchnią folii. Nie obserwowano natomiast strefy zahamowania wzrostu dookoła krążków folii. W przypadku filmów chitozanowych lub żelatynowo-chitozanowych ich przeciwdrobnoustrojowa aktywność zależała od stopnia deacetylacji chitozanu.
Preparation and characterization of porous scaffolds from chitosan-collagen-gelatin composite
PublicationNovel porous scaffolds composed of chitosan, collagen and gelatin were prepared and characterized. For preparing scaffolds gelatin and collagen isolated from fish skins with various physicochemical properties were used. In order to reduce preparation solubility glutaraldehyde in the amount of 1%, w/w relative to the total biopolymers weight in solution was used. All obtained biomaterials showed a homogeneous porosity. Protein polymer...
Molecular and structural characteristics of cod gelatin films modifiedwith EDC and TGase
PublicationCod gelatin films before and after cross-linking of gelatin with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) or transglutaminase (TGase) have been characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy and DSC analysis. For comparison, a film prepared from unmodified pig gelatin has been also analysed. The difference spectra showed that cod gelatin during the film formation involved first of all water-to-amide hydrogen bonds, and the film...
Antimicrobial properties of chitosan solutions, chitosan films and gelatin-chitosan films
PublicationThe antimicrobial properties of chitosan solutions and films against selected bacteria and the effect of chitosan incorporation into gelatin films were studied. The bactericidal effect of chitosan solutions increased with time and temperature of sample incubation. Two psychrotrophic strains Pseudomonas fluorescens and Listeria innocua were more sensitive to chitosan than mesophilic strains Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus....
Evaluating Gelatin-Based Films with Graphene Nanoparticles for Wound Healing Applications
PublicationIn this study, gelatin-based films containing graphene nanoparticles were obtained. Nanoparticles were taken from four chosen commercial graphene nanoplatelets with different surface areas, such as 150 m2/g, 300 m2/g, 500 m2/g, and 750 m2/g, obtained in different conditions. Their morphology was observed using SEM with STEM mode; porosity, Raman spectra and elemental analysis were checked; and biological properties, such as hemolysis...
Gelatin nanofibers: Recent insights in synthesis, bio-medical applications and limitations
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Modification of the properties of gelatin from skins of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) with transglutaminase.
PublicationCelem pracy było ustalenie optymalnych warunków otrzymywania żelatyny ze skór dorsza bałtyckiego oraz modyfikacja enzymatyczna właściwości tego białka. Rybna żelatyna usieciowana przy użyciu transglutaminazy tworzy żele, które nie topią się nawet podczas ogrzewania w temperaturze 100C.
Effect of extracting time and temperature on yeild of gelatin from different fish offal
PublicationCelem pracy było określenie optymalnych warunków otrzymywania żelatyny z różnych rodzajów odpadów powstających podczas obróki wstępnej lub przetwarzania surowców rybnych. Wydajność ekstrakcji żelatyny w 45°C z surowych skór łososia i kręgosłupów wynosiła 71-75% oraz 86% ze skór łososia wędzonego. W przypadku skór z marynowanego i solonego śledzia przemianie do żelatyny ulegało w tych warunkach około 100% kolagenu. Optymalny czas...
Polyurethane Composite Scaffolds Modified with the Mixture of Gelatin and Hydroxyapatite Characterized by Improved Calcium Deposition
PublicationThe skeleton is a crucial element of the motion system in the human body, whose main function is to support and protect the soft tissues. Furthermore, the elements of the skeleton act as a storage place for minerals and participate in the production of red blood cells. The bone tissue includes the craniomaxillofacial bones, ribs, and spine. There are abundant reports in the literature indicating that the amount of treatments related...
Interactions of fish gelatin and chitosan in uncrosslinked and crosslinked with EDC films: FT-IR study
PublicationFilms based on fish gelatin, chitosan and blend of fish gelatin and chitosan before and after cross-linking with EDC have been characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy. The FT-IR spectrum of fish gelatin film showed the characteristic amide I, amide II and amide III bands, and the FT-IR spectrum of chitosan film confirmed that the polymer was only a partially deacetylated product, and included CH3-C=O and NH2 groups, the latter both...
Fish gelatin films containing aqueous extracts from phenolic-rich fruit pomace
PublicationThe aim of the work was to study the feasibility of using aqueous extracts from rowanberry, blue-berried honeysuckle, and chokeberry pomace for the formulation of fish gelatin films with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity as well as improved mechanical and water barrier properties. The predominant phenolic components in rowanberry and chokeberry extracts were hydroxycinnamates, and in blue-berried honeysuckle extract antho cyanins. Although...
Edible films made from blends of gelatin and polysaccharide-based emulsifiers - A comparative study
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Properties of New Composite Materials Based on Hydroxyapatite Ceramic and Cross-Linked Gelatin for Biomedical Applications
PublicationThe main aim of the research was to develop a new biocompatible and injectable composite with the potential for application as a bone-to-implant bonding material or as a bone substitute. A composite based on hydroxyapatite, gelatin, and two various types of commercially available transglutaminase (TgBDF/TgSNF), as a cross-linking agent, was proposed. To evaluate the impacts of composite content and processing parameters on various...
Changes in the Mechanical Properties of Alginate-Gelatin Hydrogels with the Addition of Pygeum africanum with Potential Application in Urology
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Polyurethanes modified with natural polymers for medical application. Part II. Polyurethane/gelatin, polyurethane/starch, polyurethane/cellulose
PublicationThis paper is a literature overview of biomedical PUR modifications with natural polymers such as starch, cellulose and gelatin. Properties like biodegradability and biocompatibility of modified PUR cause that these materials may be used as wound dressings, tissue scaffolds, tissue implants and also vascular grafts.
Preparation and characterization of genipin cross-linked porous chitosan–collagen–gelatin scaffolds using chitosan–CO2 solution
PublicationNovel porous scaffolds composed of chitosan, collagen and gelatin were prepared by the multistep procedure involving final freeze-drying and characterized. To eliminate the need for residual acid removal from the material after drying, carbon dioxide saturation process was used for chitosan blend formulation. The use of CO2 for chitosan dissolution made the scaffold preparation process more reproducible and economically sustainable....
Release kinetics and antimicrobial properties of the potassium sorbate-loaded edible films made from pullulan, gelatin and their blends
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Influence of transglutaminase or 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) on the properties of fish-skin gelatin films
PublicationBadano wpływ sieciowania żelatyny przy użyciu transglutaminazy (TG) lub EDC na rozpuszczalność oraz mechaniczne i barierowe właściwości wytworzonych folii. Rozpuszczalność sieciowanych enzymatycznie folii w buforach o pH 3 i 6 obniżyła się ze 100% do 30%, a folii modyfikowanych TG w obecności ditiotreitolu lub cysteiny, odpowiednio, do 5 i 15%. Rozpuszczalność folii modyfikowanych EDC wynosiła 10%. Sieciowanie enzymatyczne nie...
Cold plasma treatment of tannic acid as a green technology for the fabrication of advanced cross-linkers for bioactive collagen/gelatin hydrogels
PublicationTannic acid (TA) is a natural compound studied as the cross-linker for biopolymers due to its ability to form hydrogen bonds. There are different methods to improve its reactivity and effectiveness to be used as a modifier for biopolymeric materials. This work employed plasma to modify tannic acid TA, which was then used as a cross-linker for fabricating collagen/gelatin scaffolds. Plasma treatment did not cause any significant...
Gelatin-chitosan interactions in edible films and coatings doped with plant extracts for biopreservation of fresh tuna fish products: A review
PublicationThe preservation of tuna fish products, which are extremely perishable seafood items, is a substantial challenge due to their instantaneous spoilage caused by microbial development and oxidative degradation. The current review explores the potential of employing chitosan-gelatin-based edible films and coatings, which are enriched with plant extracts, as a sustainable method to prolong the shelf life of tuna fish products. The article...
Intelligent and active furcellaran-gelatin films containing green or pu-erh tea extracts: Characterization, antioxidant and antimicrobial potential
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Fish gelatin-nanoclay films. Part I: Effect of a kind of nanoclays and glycerol concentration on mechanical and water barrier properties of nanocomposites
PublicationThe aim of work was the improvement of the mechanical and water barrier properties of nanocomposites prepared from fish gelatin and nanoclays (5–15%), plasticized with glycerol at different concentrations. The effect of hydrophilic Cloisite Na1 and Nanomer®PGV was compared with that exerted by organically modified more hydrophobic Nanofil®2 and NanoBent ZR-1. Antimicrobial activity of nanocomposites containing hydrophobic nanoclays...
Impact of a Bio-Cross-Linking Agent Obtained from Spent Coffee Grounds on the Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Gelatin/Κ-Carrageenan Hydrogels
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Double-Layered Films Based on Furcellaran, Chitosan, and Gelatin Hydrolysates Enriched with AgNPs in Yerba Mate Extract, Montmorillonite, and Curcumin with Rosemary Essential Oil
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The influence of hydrophobic substances on water vapor permeability of fish gelatin films modified with transglutaminase or 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC)
PublicationFolie z niemodyfikowanej, a także usieciowanej enzymatycznie (transglutaminazą) lub chemicznie (EDC) żelatyny rybnej wykazują nadmierną przepuszczalność pary wodnej. Polepszenie właściwości barierowych w stosunku do wody uzyskano poprzez wprowadzenie w struktury folii substancji hydrofobowych. Dodatek oleju z amarantusa lub wosku pszczelego spowodował zmniejszenie WVP folii o ok. 20-90% w zależności od stężenia tych substancji...
The effect of transglutaminase or 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethyl amino propyl) carbodimide (EDC) on the properties of two-component films fromfish-skin gelatin and other natural polymers
PublicationBadania dotyczą wpływu transglutaminazy na rozpuszczalność, właściwości mechaniczne oraz przepuszczalność pary wodnej dwuskładnikowych folii z żelatyny rybnej z dodatkiem kazeiny, białek soi, białek jaja kurzego lub pektyn. Dla porównania przeprowadzono równolegle modyfikacje chemiczne przy użyciu EDC.
Przydatność białka rybiego w postaci kolagenu lub żelatyny oraz polisacharydu - kapa-karagenu do wytwarzania aktywnych opakowań biodegradowalnych = Usefulness of fish collagen, gelatin and carrageenan for preparation of active biodegradable packages
PublicationSummary - The possibility of use of protein films made of fish collagen or gelatin as well as polysaccharide carrageenan films as carriers of enzymes (lysozyme or lysostaphyne), for preparation of microbiologically active packages, was investigated. It was found that crosslinking of such systems with N-[3(dimethylamino)propyl]-N'-ethylcarboimide (EDC) does not influence the activity of lysozyme immobilized in the films (Table 1)....
Electrochemical Characterization of Gelatine Derived Ceramics
PublicationNew materials obtained by pyrolysis of gelatine (G) and poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) (weight ratio: G/PSN 70/30) at temperatures 700 and 900 °C were characterized by SEM and Raman spectroscopy. The presence of ceramics influences on the cluster size of the materials. Electrochemical tests were performed by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic cyclic polarization. The capacity of G/PSN was 464 and 527 mAh/g for materials pyrolysed...
Kinetics and mechanism of the chemically modified starches during gelatinization.
PublicationNative starch was silicated by means of microwave-assisted reactions with varying doses of reagents. Resulting products were characterized by DSC and HMR-relaxation methods. It was observed that the hydratation of the silicated starches during gelatinization decreases when compared to that of the native potato starch. The amount of unfrozen water for ungelitinizated silicated starches are less than in control samples. At the same...
Polyester-urethanes modified with gelatine for tissue scaffolds
PublicationNovel aliphatic PU foams, modified with gelatine, were obtained in a one-step polymerization process. Hard segments were obtained from 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) and chain extenders 1,4-butanediol (BDO) or 2-(2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethoxy)ethanol (TG), soft segments were obtained from poly(ethylene-buthylene adipate) (EBO) polyol. We examined the PU foams for their sorption capability in canola oil, saline (0.9% NaCl water...
In vitro dissolution test of ketoprofene: development and evaluation of release from soft and hard gelatine capsules
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Variability in gelatinase expression in the walls of vessels used as aortocoronary conduits may impact long-term graft patency
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Urinary Kidney Injury Molecule-1 but Not Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin Is Increased after Short Maximal Exercise
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Marine polymers in tissue bioprinting: Current achievements and challenges
PublicationBioprinting has a critical role in tissue engineering, allowing the creation of sophisticated cellular scaffolds with high resolution, shape fidelity, and cell viability. Achieving these parameters remains a challenge, necessitating bioinks that are biocompatible, printable, and biodegradable. This review highlights the potential of marine-derived polymers and crosslinking techniques including mammalian collagen and gelatin along...
Proposal of New Starch-Blends Composition Quickly Degradable in Marine Environment
PublicationThe aim of this paper was to obtain a quickly degradable in seawater polymer blend as an alternative proposal for classical polymer packaging. For preliminary studies: poly(lactic acid) (PLA), starch, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), gelatin and glycerol were chosen. PLA was pointed out due to its biodegradability and comparable properties to polyethylene or polypropylene. Whereas starch was chosen as abundant, renewable and cheap polymer...
Determiantion of optimal conditions for the isolation of oil from the fishing industry offal
PublicationFish processing generates significant amounts of offal, which usually is converted into fodder meal or is stored into landfills. However, some part of this offal could serve as a source of valuable products, such as fish oil, collagen or gelatin. the aim of the study was to determine the conditions of oil isolation from salmon skins ensuring high yield and quality of the product.
Biopolymer based nanomaterials in drug delivery systems: A review
PublicationDrug delivery systems (DDS) are used to achieve a higher therapeutic effects of a pharmaceutical drug or natural compound in a specific diseased site with minimal toxicological effect and these systems consists of liposomes, microspheres, gels, prodrugs and many. Nanotechnology is a rapidly developing multi-disciplinary science that ensures the fabrication of the polymers to nanometer scale for various medical applications. Uses...
Novel ABTS-dot-blot method for the assessment of antioxidant properties of food packaging
PublicationThe new ABTS-dot-blot method for the direct determination of antioxidant activity of active packaging that is in contact with foodstuffs has been developed. The usefulness of the new method was verified with the use of agarose, pork gelatin, bacterial cellulose and cellulose-chitosan films with incorporated standard antioxidant – Trolox or plant phytochemicals derived from three types of berry juices (chokeberry, blue-berried honeysuckle,...
On the origin of surfaces-dependent growth of benzoic acid crystal inferred through the droplet evaporation method
PublicationCrystal growth behavior of benzoic acid crystals on different surfaces was examined. The performed experiments documented the existence of very strong influence introduced by polar surfaces as glass, gelatin, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on the growth of benzoic acid crystals. These surfaces impose strong orientation effect resulting in a dramatic reduction of number of faces seen with x-ray powder diffractions (XPRD). However,...
On the origin of surfaces-dependent growth of benzoic acid crystal inferred through the droplet evaporation method
PublicationCrystal growth behavior of benzoic acid crystals on different surfaces was examined. The performed experiments documented the existence of very strong influence introduced by polar surfaces as glass, gelatin, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on the growth of benzoic acid crystals. These surfaces impose strong orientation effect resulting in a dramatic reduction of number of faces seen with x-ray powder diffractions (XPRD). However,...
On the origin of surfaces-dependent growth of benzoic acid crystal inferred through the droplet evaporation method
PublicationCrystal growth behavior of benzoic acid crystals on different surfaces was examined. The performed experiments documented the existence of very strong influence introduced by polar surfaces as glass, gelatin, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) on the growth of benzoic acid crystals. These surfaces impose strong orientation effect resulting in a dramatic reduction of number of faces seen with x-ray powder diffractions (XPRD). However,...
Novel Research on Biomedical Polyurethanes
PublicationThe variety of mechanical properties characterizes properly designed PURs. They may be biocompatible and reveal compatibility with blood, making them attractive materials for the fabrication of tissue scaffolds; however, like all synthetic materials, PURs don’t reveal sufficient biocompatibility. PURs may undergo certain chemical modifications (e.g., 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-sorbitol, ascorbic acid (AA), growth factors, covering with...