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Gradient versus proper gradient homotopies
PublicationWe compare the sets of homotopy classes of gradient and proper gradient vector fields in the plane. Namely, we show that gradient and proper gradient homotopy classi cations are essentially different. We provide a complete description of the sets of homotopy classes of gradient maps from R^n to R^n and proper gradient maps from R^2 to R^2 with the Brouwer degree greater or equal to zero.
The relative cup-length in local Morse cohomology
PublicationLocal Morse cohomology associates cohomology groups to isolating neighborhoods of gradient flows of Morse functions on (generally non-compact) Riemannian manifolds M. We show that local Morse cohomology is a module over the cohomology of the isolating neighborhood, which allows us to define a cup-length relative to the cohomology of the isolating neighborhood that gives a lower bound on the number of critical points of functions...
Connected components of the space of proper gradient vector fields
PublicationWe show that there exist two proper gradient vector fields on Rn which are homotopic in the category of proper maps but not homotopic in the category of proper gradient maps.
Morse cohomology in a Hilbert space via the Conley index
PublicationThe main theorem of this paper states that Morse cohomology groups in a Hilbert space are isomorphic to the cohomological Conley index. It is also shown that calculating the cohomological Conley index does not require finite-dimensional approximations of the vector field. Further directions are discussed.
Proper gradient otopies
PublicationWe prove that the inclusion of the space of proper gradient local maps into the space of proper local maps induces a bijection between the sets of the respective otopy classes of these maps.
Proper gradient otopies
PublicationWe prove that the inclusion of the space of proper gradient local maps into the space of proper local maps induces a bijection between the sets of the respective otopy classes of these maps.
On the homotopy equivalence of the spaces of proper and local maps
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Homotopy invariance of the Conley index and local Morse homology in Hilbert spaces
PublicationIn this paper we introduce a new compactness condition — Property-(C) — for flows in (not necessary locally compact) metric spaces. For such flows a Conley type theory can be developed. For example (regular) index pairs always exist for Property-(C) flows and a Conley index can be defined. An important class of flows satisfying the this compactness condition are LS-flows. We apply E-cohomology to index pairs of LS-flows and obtain...
On relations between gradient and classical equivariant homotopy groups of spheres
PublicationWe investigate relations between stable equivariant homotopy groups of spheres in classical and gradient categories. To this end, the auxiliary category of orthogonal equivariant maps, a natural enlargement of the category of gradient maps, is used. Our result allows for describing stable equivariant homotopy groups of spheres in the category of orthogonal maps in terms of classical stable equivariant groups of spheres with shifted...
Classification of homotopy classes of equivariant gradient maps
PublicationNiech V będzie ortogonalną reprezentacją zwartej grupy Liego Gi niech S(V),D(V) oznaczają sferę jednostkową i kulę jednostkową V.Jeżeli F jest G-niezmienniczą funkcją rzeczywistą klasy C^1 na Vto mówimy, że grad F (gradient F) jest dopuszczalny, jeżeli(grad F)(x) jest różny od zera dla x należących do S(V). Pracapoświęcona jest homotopijnej klasyfikacji dopuszczalnychG-niezmienniczych odwzorowań gradientowych.
The homotopy type of the space of gradient vector fields on the two-dimensional disc
PublicationWe prove that the inclusion of the space of gradient vector fields into the space of all vector fields on D^2 non-vanishing in S^1 is a homotopy equivalence
The Hopf type theorem for equivariant gradient local maps
PublicationWe construct a degree-type otopy invariant for equivariant gradient local maps in the case of a real finite-dimensional orthogonal representation of a compact Lie group. We prove that the invariant establishes a bijection between the set of equivariant gradient otopy classes and the direct sum of countably many copies of Z.
Generalized Gradient Equivariant Multivalued Maps, Approximation and Degree
PublicationConsider the Euclidean space Rn with the orthogonal action of a compact Lie group G. We prove that a locally Lipschitz G-invariant mapping f from Rn to R can be uniformly approximated by G-invariant smooth mappings g in such a way that the gradient of g is a graph approximation of Clarke’s generalized gradient of f . This result enables a proper development of equivariant gradient degree theory for a class of set-valued gradient...
Gradient otopies of gradient local maps
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The exponential law for partial, local and proper maps and its application to otopy theory
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E-cohomological Conley index
PublicationIn this thesis we continue with developing the E-cohomological Conley index which was introduced by A.Abbondandolo. In particular, we generalize the index to non-gradient flows, we show that it an possesses additional multiplicative structure and we prove the continuation principle. Then, using continuation principle, we show how the computation of the E-cohomological Conley index can be reduced to the computation of the classical...
Topological invariants for equivariant flows: Conley index and degree
PublicationAbout forty years have passed since Charles Conley defined the homotopy index. Thereby, he generalized the ideas that go back to the calculus of variations work of Marston Morse. Within this long time the Conley index has proved to be a valuable tool in nonlinear analysis and dynamical systems. A significant development of applied methods has been observed. Later, the index theory has evolved to cover such areas as discrete dynamical...
The cohomological span of LS-Conley index
PublicationIn this paper we introduce a new homotopy invariant – the cohomological span of LS-Conley index. We prove the theorems on the existence of critical points for a class of strongly indefinite functionals with the gradient of the form Lx+K(x), where L is bounded linear and K is completely continuous. We give examples of Hamiltonian systems for which our methods give better results than the Morse inequalities. We also give a formula...
Minimization of the number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of simply-connected manifolds with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers
PublicationLet f be a smooth self-map of m-dimensional, m ≥ 4, smooth closed connected and simply-connected manifold, r a fixed natural number. For the class of maps with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers of iterations the authors introduced in [Graff G., Kaczkowska A., Reducing the number of periodic points in smooth homotopy class of self-maps of simply-connected manifolds with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers, Ann. Polon. Math....
Equivariant Morse equation
PublicationThe paper is concerned with the Morse equation for flows in a representation of a compact Lie group. As a consequence of this equation we give a relationship between the equivariant Conley index of an isolated invariant set of the flow given by x˙ = − ∇f(x) and the gradient equivariant degree of ∇f. Some multiplicity results are also presented.
Path components of the space of gradient vector fields on the two dimensional disc
PublicationWe present a short proof that if two gradient maps on the twodimensional disc have the same degree, then they are gradient homotopic.
Otopy Classification of Gradient Compact Perturbations of Identity in Hilbert Space
PublicationWe prove that the inclusion of the space of gradient local maps into the space of all local maps from Hilbert space to itself induces a bijection between the sets of the respective otopy classes of these maps, where by a local map we mean a compact perturbation of identity with a compact preimage of zero.
Estimation of the minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of odd dimensional real projective spaces
PublicationLet f be a smooth self-map of a closed connected manifold of dimension m⩾3. The authors introduced in [G. Graff, J. Jezierski, Minimizing the number of periodic points for smooth maps. Non-simply connected case, Topology Appl. 158 (3) (2011) 276-290] the topological invariant NJD_r[f], where r is a fixed natural number, which is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of f. In this paper smooth...
Reducing the number of periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of a self-map of a simply-connected manifold with periodic sequence of Lefschetz numbers
PublicationLet f be a smooth self-map of an m-dimensional (m >3) closed connected and simply-connected manifold such that the sequence of the Lefschetz num- bers of its iterations is periodic. For a fixed natural r we wish to minimize, in the smooth homotopy class, the number of periodic points with periods less than or equal to r. The resulting number is given by a topological invariant J[f] which is defned in combinatorial terms and is...
Minimal number of periodic points of smooth boundary-preserving self-maps of simply-connected manifolds
PublicationLet M be a smooth compact and simply-connected manifold with simply-connected boundary ∂M, r be a fixed odd natural number. We consider f, a C1 self-map of M, preserving ∂M . Under the assumption that the dimension of M is at least 4, we define an invariant Dr(f;M,∂M) that is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points for all maps preserving ∂M and C1-homotopic to f. As an application, we give necessary and sufficient...
Algebraic periods and minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of 1-connected 4-manifolds with definite intersection forms
PublicationLet M be a closed 1-connected smooth 4-manifolds, and let r be a non-negative integer. We study the problem of finding minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of a given map f: M-->M. This task is related to determining a topological invariant D^4_r[f], defined in Graff and Jezierski (Forum Math 21(3):491–509, 2009), expressed in terms of Lefschetz numbers of iterations and local fixed point indices of...
Magnetic field gradient as the most useful signal for detection of flaws using MFL technique
PublicationThe magnetic flux leakage (MFL) technique is extensively used for detection of flaws as well as for evaluation of their dimensions in ferromagnetic materials. However, proper analysis of the MFL signal is hindered by the MFL sensor velocity causing distortions of this signal. Traditionally measured components of the MFL signal are particularly sensitive to the scanning velocity. In this paper, an another signal – the gradient of...
Sea surface temperature distribution during upwelling along the Polish Baltic coast
PublicationAmong over 150 maps of sea surface temperature in the Polish Baltic coastal region derived from satellite data during the warm period of the year (April-October) in 2000-2002, 41 cases were noted where its distribution showed characteristic features indicating the occurrence of coastal upwelling. The fundamental parameters of range, probability of occurrence and temperature modification caused by water from deeper sea layers...
Leveraging Activation Maps for Improved Acoustic Events Detection and Classification
PublicationThis paper presents a novel approach to enhance the accuracy of deep learning models for acoustic event detection and classification in real-world environments. We introduce a method that leverages activation maps to identify and address model overfitting, combined with an expert-knowledge-based event detection algorithm for data pre-processing. Our approach significantly improved classification performance, increasing the F1 score...
FEM and experimental investigations of concrete temperature field in the massive stemwall of the bridge abutment
PublicationThe paper deals with the prediction of early-age concrete temperature of cast-in-place stemwall of the bridge abutment. The considered object is an arch bridge located in Gda´nsk. In the case of massive structures, it is particularly important to not exceed the temperature difference between the core and the concrete surface. Too high temperature gradient generates an increase in thermal stresses, what could be the reason of exceeding...
Flooding Extent Mapping for Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series Using River Gauge Observations
PublicationThe flooding extent area in a river valley is related to river gauge observations such as discharge and water elevations. The higher the water elevations, or discharge, the larger the flooding area. Flooding extent maps are often derived from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images using thresholding methods. The thresholding methods vary in complexity and number of required parameters. We proposed a simple thresholding method that...
Fast Low-fidelity Wing Aerodynamics Model for Surrogate-Based Shape Optimization
PublicationVariable-fidelity optimization (VFO) can be efficient in terms of the computational cost when compared with traditional approaches, such as gradient-based methods with adjoint sensitivity information. In variable-fidelity methods, the directoptimization of the expensive high-fidelity model is replaced by iterative re-optimization of a physics-based surrogate model, which is constructed from a corrected low-fidelity model. The success...
Application of passive sampling techniques as a usable tool in the field of environmental quality monitoring
PublicationAnalysis of literature data published for the past 20 years leads to the conclusion, that passive sampling technique has been developing very quickly and is commonly used in the field of monitoring pollutants in air, water and soil environment. The popularity of application of passive sampling techniques in analytical and environmental chemistry results from its many advantages e.g.: Simplicity in use, low costs of exploitation,...
A perfect hashing incremental scheme for unranked trees using pseudo-minimal automata
PublicationWe describe a technique that maps unranked trees to arbitrary hash codes using a bottom-up deterministic tree automaton (DTA). In contrast to other hashing techniques based on automata, our procedure builds a pseudo-minimal DTA for this purpose. A pseudo-minimal automaton may be larger than the minimal one accepting the same language but, in turn, it contains proper elements (states or transitions that are unique) for every input...