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Search results for: I-V Characteristics
Simulation of solid state ionic conductors I-V characteristics
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono sumulacje charakterystyk prądowo-napięciowych czujników elktrokatalitycznych. Zastosowano metode różnić skończonych.
An analytic approach to the conductance and I-V characteristics of polymeric chains
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Abandoned places I-V, akryl 100x70
PublicationMiędzynarodowa wystawa zbiorowa malarstwa, fotografii i tkaniny, zorganizowana pod egidą Ambasad: Brazylii, Bułgarii, Łotwy, Mozambiku, Meksyku, Panamy, Polski i Południowej Afryki.
Outdoor I-V measurements of air-cooled silicon solar cell
PublicationStosując radiator aluminiowy i przpływ powietrza z obu stron krystalicznego krzemowego ogniwa słonecznego osiągnięto skuteczne odprowadzanie ciepła i schłodzenie do temperatury otoczenia. Nową metodą (przy oświetleniu ogniwa i mniejszym napięciu) wyznaczono rezystancję szeregową i współczynnik nieidealności mierzonej charakterystyki I-V.
Struktury nanokrystaliczne w układzie V O: wytwarzanie i właściwości
PublicationTlenki wanadu charakteryzują się ogromną różnorodnością właściwości fizycznych i chemicznych, dzięki czemu w ciągu ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat były intensywnie badane. Właściwości te wynikają bezpośrednio z możliwych struktur jakie mogą przyjmować tlenki wanadu. W układzie V–O można otrzymać wiele różnych związków, przy czym do głównych tlenków wanadu zalicza się V2O5, VO2, V2O3 oraz VO, w których wanad znajduje się odpowiednio...
I-V, dielectric, antibacterial, and robust EMI shielding effectiveness properties of graphene/Fe3O4
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Wpływ długotrwałej eksploatacji na strukturę i własności mechaniczne stali Cr-Mo-V,
PublicationW artykule omówiono zagadnienie oceny stopnia degradacji stali Cr-Mo-V pracujących w warunkach pełzania. Przedstawiono wyniki badań diagnostycznych rury 273x32,0 mm głównego rurociągu parowego po eksploatacji w temperaturze 540C przez 168 000 godzin. Przeprowadzono badania metalograficzne za pomocą mikroskopu świetlnego oraz skaningowego i transmisyjnego mikroskopu elektronowego, a także badania własności mechanicznych materiału...
Electrical, dielectric, I-V and antimicrobial behavior of cobalt incapacitated Prussian blue graphene ferrites composite
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The Shadow of God in the Garden of the Philosopher. The Parc de La Villette in Paris in the Context of Philosophy of Chôra. Part I-V
PublicationThe book Shadow of God in the Philosopher's Garden. Parcde La Villette in Paris in the context of the philosophy of chôra presents the philosophical discussions that accompanied the design of the extensive park in the Parisian district of La Villette. The core of the park's theoretical framework were texts by Bernard Tschumi, in which he questioned the traditional ways of creating...
Charakterystyka, przyrządzanie i przechowywanie czynników oddechowych. Characteristics, preparation and storage of breathing mixtures
PublicationOmówiono klasyfikację i metody przygotowania typowych mieszanin gazowych stosowanych podczas nurkowania (tzw. czynniki oddechowe). Obszernie przedstawiono wymagania stawiane czynnikom oddechowym oraz sposoby ich przechowywania.
Absorbciâ vodoroda i povedenie vodoroda v slaâh titanovyh silavov s modificirovannoj poverhnost''û = Hydrogen absorption and hydrogen effects in the modified surface layers of Ti alloys
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badań absorpcji wodoru w stopach tytanu ze zmodyfikowaną za pomocą metod multipleksowych powierzchnią. W wyniku badań stwierdzono, iż po nadtapianiu laserowym w warunkach kriogenicznych, stopy tytanu wykazuja najwyższą zdolność absorpcji wodoru w wytworzonej warstwie wierzchniej.
Eksploatacja napędów hydraulicznych w niskich temperaturach otoczenia. Część V. Metody określania parametrów prawidłowego rozruchu zespołów i układów hydraulicznych w warunkach szoku termicznego
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metody określania parametrów prawidłowego rozruchu zespołów i układów hydraulicznych w warunkach szoku termicznego. Zasadniczym czynnikiem konstrukcyjnym, decydującym o dopuszczalnych parametrach uruchomienia zespołu hydraulicznego w warunkach szoku termicznego jest efektywny luz określający wielkość szczelin między powierzchniami współpracujących elementów. Tego typu luz dla dowolnego zespołu można określić...
Thermodynamic properties of inorganic salts in nonaqueous solvents. V. Apparent molar volumes and compressibilities of divalent transition metal bromides in N,N-dimethylformamide
PublicationZmierzono gęstości i szybkości rozchodzenia się dźwięku roztworów bromków dwuwartościowych metali przejściowych w N,N-dimetyloformamidzie. W oparciu o uzyskane parametry wyznaczono pozorne objętości i ściśliwości molowe. Dokonano analizy oraz zbadano wpływ kompleksowania na wyznaczone wielkości.
Charakterystyka, procesy chemicznej modyfikacji oraz zastosowanie krzemionki i jej zmodyfikowanych postaci = Characteristics, processes of chemical modification as ell as the application of silica and its modified forms
PublicationRóżnorodność chemicznych modyfikacji krzemionki i jej zmodyfikowanych postaci powodują, iż materiały te znajdują coraz szerszy zakres wykorzystania. W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę krzemionki, żelu krzemionkowego, aerożelu oraz kserożelu. Omówiono otrzymywanie, zastosowanie, a także właściwości tych materiałów. Przedstawiono sposoby chemicznej modyfikacji struktur powierzchniowych z użyciem różnych związków chemicznych....
Wspólnota semantyczno-leksykalna języków europejskich. O monografii: А. А. Кретов, О. М. Воевудская, И. А. Меркулова, В. Т. Титов, Единство Европы по данным лексики (Воронеж: Издательский дом ВГУ, 2016, ss. 413, [1]) [Semantic and lexical unity of European languages. About the monograph: “The Unity of Europe in the Light of Lexis” by А. А. Kretov, О. М. Voevudskaya, I. А. Merkulova, V. Т. Titov. (Voronezh: VSU, 2016. 413 p. [1])]
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Solving the Problem of Dynamic Adaptability of Artificial Intelligence Systems that Control Dynamic Technical Objects
PublicationThis paper investigates the increase in the response speed and stability of artificial intelligence systems that control dynamic technical objects. The problem of calculating the optimal time of switching an artificial intelligence system between software classes by the criterion of the rigidity degree of the model of a control object is considered. The solution of this problem is proposed for the general case of the control object...
Quality assessment of ZnO-based varistors by 1/f noise
PublicationNoise has been used as a diagnostic tool of surge arrester varistor structures comprising of ZnO grains of various type and size. The physical and electrical properties of the measured samples have been described. In the experimental study, the applied measurement system and the results of noise measurements for the selected structures of varistors designed for the continuous working voltage 280 V, 440 V and 660 V have been presented....
An Optimal Power Point Tracking Algorithm in a Solar PV Generation System
PublicationThe non-linearity in I-V characteristics of a PV panel requires to be operated at knee point to extract maximum power. In order to operate the panel at optimal point, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm is employed in the control structure. The main objective of MPP tracking is to keep the operation at knee point of I-V characteristics under varying condition of temperature and solar insolation. Under non uniform solar...
Enhanced gas sensing by graphene-silicon Schottky diodes under UV irradiation
PublicationThe effect of ultraviolet (UV) or blue irradiation on graphene/n-doped silicon Schottky junctions toward gas sensing was investigated. Schottky diodes were subjected to oxidizing nitrogen dioxide (NO2, 1–3 ppm) and reducing tetrahydrofuran (THF, 50–200 ppm), showing significantly different responses observed on the currentvoltage (I-V) characteristics, especially under UV light (275 nm). NO2 affected the resistive part of the forward region...
Clinical characteristics of patients with resistant hypertension: the RESIST-POL study
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Research of chitosan coatings deposited by electrophoretic deposition method at various voltage and time parameters
PublicationThe aim of this research is to estimate the electrophoretic deposition main parameters, such as voltage and time duration, that will provide optimal characteristics of the surface layer. Chitosan coatings were synthesized on biomedical Ti13Zr13Nb alloys at 20 V and 30 V and with deposit times of 2min, 5 min, 10 min, and 15 min. Evaluation of the coating was performed by using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy-Dispersive...
Corrosion fatigue crack propagation rate characteristics for weldable ship and offshore steels with regard to the influence of loading frequency and seawater temperature
PublicationAfter Vosikovsky (1975), the corrosion fatigue crack growth rate (CFCGR) characteristics have been divided into three regions. The region-III rates are very close to mechanical fatigue crack growth rates. CFCGR formulae, including the long-crack length effect (in region I only), the loading frequency effect (in region II only), and the saltwater temperature effect, have been proposed. It has been assumed that CFCGR is proportional...
Electrocatalytic Gas Sensor with Reference Layer
PublicationThis paper presents studies of gas sensors prepared in ceramic technology with Nasicon as a solid electrolyte. Sensors work in the voltammetric mode thus based on the excitation of a sensor with a periodic potential signal while current response is recorded. The main aim is to investigate a Bi8Nb2O17 reference layer influence on sensor properties. Sensors I-V characteristics in different concentration of nitrogen dioxide have been...
A 1-nS 1-V Sub-1-µW Linear CMOS OTA with Rail-to-Rail Input for Hz-Band Sensory Interfaces
PublicationThe paper presents an operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with low transconductance (0.62–6.28 nS) and low power consumption (28–270 nW) for the low-frequency analog front-ends in biomedical sensor interfaces. The proposed OTA implements an innovative, highly linear voltage-to-current converter based on the channel-length-modulation effect, which can be rail-to-rail driven. At 1-V supply and 1-Vpp asymmetrical input driving,...
A Series-Inclined-Slot-Fed Circularly Polarized Antenna for 5G 28-GHz Applications
PublicationThis letter presents the design of a single-point-fed, geometrically simple circularly polarized (CP) antenna for 28 GHz Ka-band applications. The proposed antenna is based on a straight microstrip line printed on one side and coupled with the nearly square patches through a 45-degree inclined V-shape slot aperture on the other side. In order to generate circular polarization, the fundamental radiating mode is degenerated at a...
Design of M2M Communications Interfaces in Transport Systems
PublicationIn the paper the principle of M2M communications in transport systems is presented. The concept of M2M system architecture is considered. Characteristics of M2M communications for example data transmission, monitoring and other services for transport applications are presented. The problem of communications interfaces design for M2M applications is analysed. Next, the proposal of M2M communication interface for transport applications...
Self-organized multilayered graphene-boron doped diamond hybrid nanowalls for high performance electron emission devices
PublicationCarbon nanomaterials like nanotubes, nanoflakes/nanowalls and graphene have been used as electron sources due to their superior field electron emission (FEE) characteristics. Nevertheless, these materials show poor stability and a short lifetime, preventing them from being used in practical device applications. The intention of this study was to find an innovative nanomaterial, possessing both high robustness and reliable FEE behavior....
Hydration of urea and its derivatives - Volumetric and compressibility studies
PublicationThe densities and sound velocities at T = (288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15) K have been measured for aqueous solutions of urea, N,N-dimethylurea, N,N-diethylurea, N-propylurea, N-butylurea. From these data the apparent molar volumes, V the apparent molar isentropic compressions, KS,, and the Passynski solvation numbers of solutes have been determined. The concentration dependencies of the calculated quantities, their...
Spectroelectrochemical characteristics of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) / iron hexacyanoferrate film-modified electrodes
PublicationPraca dotyczy pomiarów spektroelektrochemicznych materiałów hybrydowych złożonych z polimeru elektroaktywnego poli(3,4-etylenodioksytiofenu) i Błękitu Pruskiego. Dla porównania badano również filmy polimerowe z wybranymi przeciwjonami: heksacyjanożelazowym (Fe(CN)63-/4-), chlorkowym (Cl-) i polistyrenosulfonowym (PSS-). Materiały w postaci cienkich filmów otrzymano na elektrodzie szklanej pokrytej tlenkiem indowo-cynowym. Widma...
Determination of the Major By-Products of Citrus hystrix Peel and Their Characteristics in the Context of Utilization in the Industry
PublicationKaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) is a popular citrus in Southeast Asia. Despite the growing interest in the peel of the fruit, the leaves are the most frequently used part of the fruit. The aim of the study was to determine the main by-products of the peel, such as pectins, minerals, essential oil, and bioactive compounds, and to evaluate the possibility of using them in various branches of industry. In the study of the essential oil...
Deterministic Rendezvous in Restricted Graphs
PublicationIn this paper we consider the problem of synchronous rendezvous in which two anonymous mobile entities (robots) A and B are expected to meet at the same time and point in a graph G = (V;E). Most of the work devoted to rendezvous in graphs assumes that robots have access to the same sets of nodes and edges, where the topology of connections may be initially known or unknown. In our work we assume the movement of robots is restricted...
Effect of Electron Beam Power Density on the Structure of Titanium Under Non-Vacuum Electron-Beam Treatment
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The features of steel surface hardening with high energy heating by high frequency currents and shower cooling
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Effects of Micro-Arc Oxidation Process Parameters on Characteristics of Calcium-Phosphate Containing Oxide Layers on the Selective Laser Melted Ti13Zr13Nb Alloy
PublicationTitania-based films on selective laser melted Ti13Zr13Nb have been formed by micro-arc oxidation (MAO) at different process parameters (voltage, current, processing time) in order to evaluate the impact of MAO process parameters in calcium and phosphate (Ca + P) containing electrolyte on surface characteristic, early-stage bioactivity, nanomechanical properties, and adhesion between the oxide coatings and substrate. The surface...
The hydration of selected biologically relevant molecules – the temperature effect on apparent molar volume and compression
PublicationThe densities and sound velocities at T = (288.15, 293.15, 298.15, 303.15 and 308.15) K were measured for aqueous solutions of glycine, trimethylamine-N-oxide, taurine and N-methylacetamide. From these data, the apparent molar volumes, V the apparent molar isentropic compressions, KS,, and the Passynski hydration numbers of solutes were determined. The concentration dependencies of the calculated quantities, their limiting values...
Operational Performance and Weld Bead Characteristics of Experimental Tubular-Wires for Underwater Welding
PublicationAiming to evaluate new formulations and their operational behavior underwater, two experimental tubular wires with different chemical compositions in their internal flux were initially manufactured, employing a pilot machine and a unique manufacturing process. Weld beads were deposited on a plate placed in a flat position inside a tank using a mechanized system and the IMC 300 welding power source. The work was done at a depth...
Cylindrical orifice testing in laminar flow with the orifice diameter ratio β = 0.5
PublicationThe paper presents the results of an experimental study of a cylindrical orifice with the orifice diameter ratio β = 0.5 and the flow opening length‑to‑diameter ratio L/d = 1, with hydraulic oil flowing in the DN50 measuring channel. The measurements of the values characterising the oil flow were made in the laminar flow regime, for the Reynolds numbers ranging between Re = 100 to 950. Based on the experimental tests, standard...
Sustainable utilization of copper post-flotation waste in cement composites
PublicationThe current way of managing the copper ore flotation waste is by placing it in waste neutralization facilities. However, flotation waste has great potential in application in cement composites. The article presents the detailed characteristics of post-flotation waste (PFW) and three types of cements: CEM I, CEM II/B-V, and CEM III/A, 42.5 MPa class. The post-flotation waste added for 20% of the cement mass increase the water demand...
The structure of Al-Cu and Al-Si eutectic melts
PublicationStrukturę ciekłych stopów eutektycznych Al_{83}Cu_{17} i Al_{88}Si_{12} zbadano metodami dyfrakcyjnymi i RMC. Przeanalizowano uzyskane całkowite i cząstkowe funkcje korelacyjne i parametry strukturalne.
Stable Field Electron Emission and Plasma Illumination from Boron and Nitrogen Co‐Doped Edge‐Rich Diamond‐Enhanced Carbon Nanowalls
PublicationSuperior field electron emission (FEE) characteristics are achieved in edge-rich diamond-enhanced carbon nanowalls (D-ECNWs) grown in a single-step chemical vapor deposition process co-doped with boron and nitrogen. The structure consists of sharp, highly conductive graphene edges supplied by a solid, diamond-rich bottom. The Raman and transmission electron microscopy studies reveal a hybrid nature of sp3-diamond and sp2-graphene...
Study of ZrS3-based field-effect transistors toward the understanding of the mechanisms of light-enhanced gas sensing by transition metal trichalcogenides
PublicationExtending knowledge of the properties of low-dimensional van der Waals materials, including their reactivity to the ambiance, is important for developing innovative electronic and optoelectronic devices. Transition metal trichalcogenides with tunable optical band gaps and anisotropic conductivity are an emerging class among low- dimensional structures with the possibility of gate tunability and photoreactivity. These properties...
Boron doped Nanocrystalline Diamond-Carbon Nanospike Hybrid Electron Emission Source
PublicationElectron emission signifies an important mechanism facilitating the enlargement of devices that have modernized large parts of science and technology. Today, the search for innovative electron emission devices for imaging, sensing, electronics, and high-energy physics continues. Integrating two materials with dissimilar electronic properties into a hybrid material is an extremely sought-after synergistic approach envisioning a...
Defining efficient modes range for plasma spraying coatings
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Electromodulation of photoluminescence in vacuum-evaporated films of bathocuproine
PublicationElectric field-modulated photoluminescence (EML) was measured in vacuum-evaporated films of bathocuproine (BCP), electron-transporting material commonly used in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). The external electric field of 106 V/cm strength decreases long-wavelength photoluminescence (PL) up to 10% but the same effect on short-wavelength PL is above one order of magnitude smaller. The distinctive difference between the...
Performance Evaluation of a 650V E-HEMT GaN Power Switch
PublicationGaN power switches have better characteristics compared to the state-of-the-art Si power transistors. These devices offer high operating temperature and current densities, fast switching and low on-resistance. However, currently only a few producers offer technology of high voltage GaN transistors. Immaturity of this technology is the reason why experimental evaluation of GaN parameters must be performed to properly exploit their...
Photocatalytic properties of Nafion membranes containing graphene oxide/titania nanocomposites
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Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded Dissimilar Joint of P91 Steel and INCOLOY 800HT Nickel Alloy
PublicationThis investigation attempts to explore the weld characteristics of a laser welded dissimilar joint of ferritic/martensitic 9Cr-1Mo-V-Nb (P91) steel and Incoloy 800HT austenitic nickel alloy. This dissimilar joint is essential in power generating nuclear and thermal plants operating at 600–650 °C. In such critical operating conditions, it is essential for a dissimilar joint to preserve its characteristics and be free from any kind...
Deep slot effect in the squirrel-cage induction motors with scalar (V/F) control
PublicationQualitative characteristics of the electrical drive considerably depend on identification accuracy of math model parameters. In particular, it is depend on detection accuracy of stator active resistance r1 that is used in calculation of flux linkages, rotary speed in sensorless control systems. Paper provides analysis of influence of stator deep slot effect to stator active resistance value
A new type of (TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN nanocomposite coating: Microstructure and properties depending on energy of incident ions
PublicationA novel (TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN nanocomposite coatings, which consist of the nitride of the high-entropy alloy and the binary nitride, were synthesized by vacuum-arc deposition at various substrate biases. The elemental composition, chemical bonding state, phase structure, microstructure and mechanical properties of the coatings were studied by high-resolution experimental methods: SIMS, GDMS, XPS, XRD, HR-TEM and nano-indentation. It...
Comparison of simplified sum-over-state expressions to calculate resonance Raman intensities including Franck-Condon and Herzberg-Teller effects
PublicationSum-over-state (SOS) expressions to simulate absorption spectroscopy and resonance Raman (RR) scattering including Franck-Condon (FC) and Herzberg-Teller (HT) effects are described. Starting from the general SOS method, several simplified SOS formulae are derived. In particular, within the so-called independent mode displaced harmonic oscillator model, it is shown that including the vibronic structure in the absorption and RR spectra...