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Search results for: INCOME
Surgical site infection after gastrointestinal surgery in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: a prospective, international, multicentre cohort study
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Harnessing digital technologies for poverty reduction. Evidence for low-income and lower-middle income countries
PublicationThis paper contributes to understanding the relationship between ICT deployment and poverty alleviation in developing countries. It assess the digital technologies contribution to poverty reduction, through different channels of impact, like education, labor market, income and ICTtrade related activities. Using the sample of 40 developing countries between 1990 and 2019, it relies on macro data extracted from the World Bank Development...
Share of the wage factor in national income – selected aspects
PublicationThe aim of this study is to examine changes in the share of the wage factor in national income, in selected EU countries against labour productivity and investment rates reflecting changes in capital-labour relations, indicated by researchers as determinants of change of the share of the wage factor in national income. The scope of the study includes a review of literature devoted to the issue of wage factor share in national income...
Political Sources of Government Redistribution in High-Income Countries
PublicationIn cross-national empirical work on income inequality and government redistribution, the greatest emphasis has been on the extremes of the income scale. Less work has been done on groups that are neither rich nor poor—the middle class. The lack of attention to this group is unfortunate for several reasons. Most obviously, the middle class, if defined as the three middle income quintile groups, is by far the largest income group,...
Cooperative multi-provider routing optimization and income distribution
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Pluralist View on Inequality from Luxemburg Income Study (LIS)
PublicationThe authors start by reviewing the history of the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), originating from an interdisciplinary project involving economists, sociologists, and political scientists, centered on the cross-country perspective in inequality analysis. They then conduct a meta-analysis of the papers produced by scholars who have taken advantage of the data availability, showing how the theme of income/wealth inequality has been...
Harmonization and Quality Assurance of Income and Wealth Data: The Case of LIS.
PublicationComparability of concepts in survey data harmonization is essential for scientific analyses. LIS – also known as the Luxembourg Income Study or LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg – acquires and harmonizes income and wealth microdata to provide the scientific community with a comparable database that is unique in the world in its growing temporal and geographic breadth. Over many decades, scholars worldwide have used the...
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to examine the changes in the share of labour in the domestic income in the years 1995-2010 in the Visegrád Group states, taking into account the level of development of the domestic labour markets. The study involves a review of the literature relating to the labour market issues, collecting sources and their use in the empirical part. The study used the induction method, the elements of descriptive...
Physical activity of working age Wroclaw residents with reference to their income
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Physical activity of men from Wroclaw compared with their discretionary income
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Physical Activity of Working-Age People in View of Their Income Status
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Próba pomiaru rozwoju społecznego za pomocą wskaźników ''non - income''
PublicationArtykuł analizuje dotychczasowe próby pomiaru rozwoju społecznego. Przedstawione są w nim najczęściej spotykane indeksy rozwoju społecznego takie jak: PQLI, ISP, WISP oraz najnowsze - opracowane przez ONZ - HDI, HPI-1, HPI-2, GDI, GEM.
PublicationIn this paper, we estimate aversion to rank inequality (ATRI) underlying selected Italian income inequality indices, I, notably the Pietra index, the Bonferroni index and the “new” Zenga index. We measure ATRI by the parameter v of the generalised Gini index G(v). ATRI is distinct from aversion to income inequality, as measured by parameter ε of Atkinson’s index A(ε). We propose eliciting v from the equation I = GE(v). As, in general,...
A Panel Analysis of the Impact of Green Transformation and Globalization on the Labor Share in the National Income
PublicationThis study aims to examine the impact of green transition and globalization processes on changes in the labour share. The study covers 76 national economies diversified in development, global production share and energy transition stage from 2000 to 2018. Based on the Total Economy Database data, panel models of the relationship between green transition, globalization and the labour share in the national income were estimated....
National income and economic development level - do these two go along together?
PublicationRozdział w monografii stanowi syntetyczną próbę oceny związków statystycznych zachodzacych pomiędzy poziom dochodu narodowego na 1 mieszkańca a poziom rozwoju gospodarczo-społecznego mierzonego wskaźnikiem HDI oraz PQLI. W analizie ujęto wszystkie te gospodarki świata dla których uzyskano kompletne dane statystyczne.
Income situation of rural households in Poland between 2007 and 2014 and its effects
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Labour share and income inequalities in the European Union, taking into account the level of development of economies
Publicationesearch background: The relationship between labour share and income inequality is a complex and multifaceted problem. Despite ongoing discussions among economists, there is still no consensus on the direction of the relationship between labour share and income ine-quality. Purpose of the article: The article aims to assess the impact of labour share on income inequal-ity, which is measured in three ways: the Gini index...
Reasons behind changes in the share of labour in national income in the Polish economy: Selected aspects
PublicationAim/purpose – The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of structural changes taking place in the Polish economy on the share of labour in national income. Design/methodology/approach – The scope of this study includes a review of the literature dedicated to the issue and an empirical analysis of data available on this topic. The study uses elements of descriptive statistics and the method of induction. Findings – The conducted...
Fuel price, income and road safety as determinants of the level of the population’s economic well-being in Poland
PublicationThe opportunity to travel is one of the most favorite human activities, given that on a trip a person gets new knowledge, impressions and positive emotions. Recreational trips occupy a prominent place in the concept of the economics of happiness, and the study of factors that influence decision-making regarding travel is important for forecasting the number of tourists, infrastructure development, income and expenses of businesses...
Perspective Chapter: Reducing the Social Inequality Gaps in Older Ages in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
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The atlas of inequality aversion: theory and empirical evidence on 55 countries from the Luxembourg Income Study database
PublicationResearch background: In the distributive analysis, the constant relative inequality aversion utility function is a standard tool for ethical judgements of income distributions. The sole parameter ε of this function expresses a society’s aversion to inequality. However, the profession has not committed to the range of ε. When assessing inequality and other welfare characteristics, analysts assume an arbitrary level of ε, common...
Reducing income inequalities through government expenditures on education. Evidence for European countries Piotr PłatkowskiORCID Icon &Ewa LechmanORCID Icon
PublicationThis study examines the role of government spending on education in mitigating income inequalities. The study uses dynamic panel regressions to assess the evolution of education expenditures and income inequality in the sample of 30 European countries between 1995 and 2018. Our findings show that increases in government spending on education positively affect income inequality reduction. The impact was more substantial in case...
The boundaries for inequality aversion and certain measures of income inequality = Granice dla awersji do nierówności i pewnych miar nierówności dochodów
PublicationW srtykule wykazano, że istnieją granice dla awersji do nierówności przy zastosowaniu miar nierówności dochodów Atkinsona i uogólnionej entropii. Wyznaczono te granice dla rozkładu dochodów uogólnionego Beta drugiego rodzaju GB2
Common model of stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms in pregnant women from seven high-income Western countries at the COVID-19 pandemic onset
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Exploring the cost-effectiveness of high versus low perioperative fraction of inspired oxygen in the prevention of surgical site infections among abdominal surgery patients in three low- and middle-income countries
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Estimating the parameter of inequality aversion on the basis of a parametric distribution of incomes
PublicationResearch background: In applied welfare economics, the constant relative inequality aversion function is routinely used as the model of a social decisionmaker’s or a society’s preferences over income distributions. This function is entirely determined by the parameter, ε, of inequality aversion. However, there is no authoritative answer to the question of what the range of ε an analyst should select for empirical work. Purpose...
Corporate social responsibility practices incomes and outcomes: Stakeholders' pressure, culture, employee commitment, corporate reputation, and brand performance. A Polish–German cross‐country study
PublicationThis study aims to compare employee perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practice incomes and outcomes in the construction industry in Poland and Germany. It proposes a model that examines the influence of stakeholder pressure, culture, and CSR practices on company brand performance, reputation, and employee identification. The findings suggest that the structure of relationships varies for project‐managed construction...
Estimating inequality aversion from subjective assessments of the just noticeable differences in welfare
PublicationResearch background: In Economics, the concept of inequality aversion corresponds with the concept of risk aversion in the literature on making decision under uncertainty. The risk aversion is estimated on the basis of subjective reactions of people to various lottery prospects. In Economics, however, an efficient method of estimating inequality aversion has not been developed yet. Purpose of the article: The main aim of this paper...
Social development and ICT adoption. Recent evidence from developing world
PublicationThis paper is designed to provide empirical evidence on the relationship between the process of ICT diffusion and social development across selected low-income and lowermiddle- income countries during the period of 2000 and 2014. It main target it so identify whether in low-income and lower-middle-income economies, ICT development and social development (social empowerment) are correlated.
Electoral Turnout and State Redistribution: A Cross-National Study of Fourteen Developed Countries
PublicationThis study explores the relationship between electoral participation and income redistribution by way of social transfers, using data from the European Social Survey, the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, and the Luxembourg Income Study. It extends previous research by measuring the income skew of turnout rather than using average turnout as a proxy for its income bias. We find that, controlling for a number of other variables,...
PublicationThe paper contributes by providing new insights into relationship between female labor force and economic growth in 162 world countries over the period 1990-2012. It is anticipated uncovering U-shaped relationship between female labor force participation and economic growth. The analysis is run in two different perspectives – first the relationship is examined for sample encompassing 162 countries; and second – the evidence is...
Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth: A One-Way or Two-Way Relationship?
PublicationThe Global Competitiveness Index is treated as a standard to measure the competitiveness of countries. Leaders look at it to make policy and resource allocation decisions because global competitiveness is expected to be related to economic growth. However, studies which analyze the empirical relationship between these two economic categories are very rare. It is still an open question in the literature whether economic growth can...
''Povery islands'' - a study on poverty concentration across nations
PublicationPoverty problems, its definition and measurement aspects, constitute a broadly identified discussion. However, there are some widely recognized poverty definitions and statistics, but the detailed overview still remains not clearly visible. There are many economies where the poverty problems lie in the very centre of policy makers` strategies. Also there exist many international statistic databases where some poverty data are reviled....
Global and regional economic inequality: Methods of measurement and evidences
PublicationThe lack of countries’ statistical income data, comparable across countries and years, seems to be the main reason of controversial conjectures concerning global inequality and its evolution over time. In the databases, which purport to collect income data on a worldwide scale, only some summary statistics (quantile income shares, means, Gini indices) are presented. Therefore, the development of efficient methods of extracting...
New Technologies Adoption and Diffusion Patterns in Developing Countries. An Empirical Study for the Period 2000-2011
PublicationIn recent years, enormous changes are noted worldwide when broad adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). These unique technologies – often perceived as economic development incentives – have a great ability to spread at high pace and low cost in world countries, bringing to people opportunities to contribute to economic development and growth. New Technologies play a special role in developing countries, where...
Technological content of export diversification—Evolution along the economic growth process
PublicationExports from high-income countries are three times more diversified than those from low-income economies. We provide a new tech-based interpretation of the stages of diversification accompanying the economic growth paths of countries. Using the decomposition properties of the relative Theil index in a sample of 160 countries (1996–2018), we reveal that export diversification is driven mainly by changes in the variety of non-tech...
Export Diversification and Development - Empirical Assessment
PublicationThis paper assesses the role played by country specific factors as determinants of exports' diversification process. Using a panel data-set for 60 countries and twenty years (1985-2004) we confirm that even after clearing out differences in income per capita, cross section variability in the degree of exports' diversification is significant. In general, apart from per capita income, variables influencing the size of accessible...
What determines export diversification in the development process? Empirical assessment.
PublicationThis paper assesses the role played by country-specific factors as determinants of relative export diversification. Using a panel data set for 60 countries and 20 years (1985–2004), we confirm that even after clearing out differences in income per capita, cross-country variability in the degree of export diversification is significant. In general, apart from per capita income, features influencing the size of accessible markets...
Social development – a multidimensional approach to social development analysis. Country level evidence.
PublicationThe paper constitutes an extensive analysis of level of social development in multidimensional and complex way. The study covers 144 world countries. Each country is analyzed in from the perspective of 8 non-income variables in 2011.
OECD Guidelines for Micro Statistics on Household Wealth
PublicationThis report reflects the contributions of members of the OECD Expert Group on Micro Statistics on Household Income, Consumption and Wealth. Members of the Expert Group included representatives from National Statistical Offices – Bob McColl (Chair, Australia); Alison Hale (Canada); Andre Bustamante and David Niculcar (Chile); Henrik Sejerbo Soerensen (Denmark); Yafit Alfandari (Israel); Shinji Yoshioka (Japan); Sinho Kim...
Evaluation of Professional Demands and Financial Reward Through the Perception of Police Managers
PublicationThe aim of the study was to examine the relationship between job demands and salary in the subjective perception of mid-level police managers. An occupational stress model in which effort spent on job demands are not balanced by the received reward, was adopted. The study comprised 51 police officers (4 women). The partial least squares method was used for the analysis, and the SmartPLS 2.0 program was applied. The income and...
Can unequal distributions of wealth influence vote choice? A comparative study of Germany, Sweden and the United States.
PublicationIt is widely accepted that income influences voting behavior. Does wealth? Is the effect similar across countries? Studies of wealth and voting behavior have not existed until recently, in part because of the absence of data on wealth holdings. The findings in this chapter indicate that wealth is related to voting behavior in some countries but not in others. The chapter models the effects of wealth on one form of voting behavior,...
PublicationA worldwide event like the 2020 Coronavirus outbreak can only reinforce the interest in modelling trade diversification as a key factor in countries’ vulnerability to external shocks. This paper adopts a detailed relative framework to study the determinants of product-level export variety in a large bilateral panel of developing and developed economies (16,770 country pairs in the period 1988–2014). We find that country pairs characterized...
The impact of ICTs on women’s economic empowerment
PublicationIt is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...
The Impact of ICTs on Women’s Economic Empowerment
PublicationIt is widely argued that ICTs enable the inclusion of low-skilled and traditionally marginalized groups, such as women, people with disabilities, and workers at the base of the pyramid (BoP), in the labor market. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of female participation in the labor market in developing countries with a focus on the impact of the use of ICTs on female labor force participation. We conduct a panel study...
Udział pracy w dochodzie narodowym w Polsce z uwzględnieniem województw
PublicationW literaturze przedmiotu wskazuje się na liczne przyczyny występowania zmian udziału pracy w dochodzie narodowym. Zróżnicowanie udziału pracy w dochodzie narodowym można badać nie tylko w skali światowej, ale również odnosząc się do poszczególnych gospodarek i regionów. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zbadanie zróżnicowania udziału czynnika pracy w dochodzie narodowym w poszczególnych województwach w Polsce. Zakres opracowania...
Determinants of export diversification: an empirical investigation
PublicationEmpirical findings confirm that relatively high specialisation of economic structures tends to be associated with low levels of income per capita, but countries diversify their export structures along their path of growth. However, usually only per capita income, and eventually, country-specific fixed effects are the sole explanatory variables taken into consideration in the estimation of specialisation curves. We extend the analysis...
Zmiany udziału pracy w dochodzie narodowym a nierówności społeczne na przykładzie państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej
PublicationDokonująca się liberalizacja handlu, rynków pieniężnych i kapitałowych, umiędzynaro-dowienie produkcji oraz szybkie i szerokie wykorzystanie technologii stanowiące siłę napędową globalizacji włączyły, transformującą się gospodarkę polską w ten proces. Globalizacja określa rozprzestrzenianie się charakterystycznych trendów światowej ekonomii, polityki, życia społecznego i kultury na całym świecie, niezależnie od stopnia zaawansowania...
PublicationW większości krajów o rozwiniętej gospodarce rynkowej, udział pracy w dochodzie narodowym stale obniża się. W literaturze światowej wskazuje się różne przyczyny występowania tego zjawiska. Jedną z przy-czyn obserwowanej tendencji są nasilające się procesy globalizacji. Mają one wpływ na poziom dochodów osiąganych z tytułu świadczenia pracy, tym samym wpływają na udział pracy w dochodzie narodowym. Poza tym wśród czynników determinujących...
PublicationThe following article describes and discusses the theoretical aspects of taxation including its functions, mechanisms and in particular income taxes and progression system. The author analysed the literature both historical and modern to research the topic. The idea of progressive taxation has been present in modern tax system for several ages together with its positive and negative consequences. The article summarises with several...