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Non-intrusive infrared-free eye tracking method
PublicationIn the paper a technique of eye tracking based on visible light is presented. The approach described does not require an additional hardware equipment used in the infrared eye tracking system. First, examples of existing eye tracking techniques were presented. Then, the proposed algorithm of image processing and the process of determining the eye position are described. The engineered eye tracking application was tested and the...
Monitoring of subarachnoid space and cerebrovascular pulsation with near-infrared transillumination/back scattering : new aspects of the method
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano nowe aspekty nieinwazyjnej metody NIRT-BS w zastosowaniu do zapisu zmian szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej (SAS) jako źródła informacji o amplitudzie tętnienia naczyń na powierzchni mózgu.
Determination of API content in a pilot-scale blending by near-infrared spectroscopy as a first step method to process line implementation
PublicationNear infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was used for estimation of powder blend homogeneity and manufacturing control of a medicinal product powder mixture containing active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Aiming at initiating a Process Analytical Technology (PAT) activity, the first step was a stationary mode atline evaluation. In this, the content of pharmaceutical active compound in the powder mixtures intended to the direct tabletting...
Spectral analysis of mechanical and respiratory influences on width of subarachnoid space assessed with non-invasive method of near-infrared transillumination/back scattering sounding
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie analizy widmowej do badania zmian szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej spowodowanych ruchami głowy i wysilonym oddechem w nieinwazyjnej metodzie transiluminacji w bliskiej podczerwieni.
Transiluminacyjne monitorowanie stanu przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej
PublicationTransiluminacja tkanek ludzkiego ciała w celach diagnostycznych jest stosowana od ponad stu lat. Metoda transiluminacji w bliskiej podczerwieni z rozpraszaniem zwrotnym (NIRT-BSS) umożliwia ciągłe, bezinwazyjne monitorowanie zmian szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej, które może być cennym narzędziem w ocenie zagrożenia obrzękiem mózgu. W rozprawie przedstawiono optyczny model rozchodzenia się promieniowania podczerwonego...
Magnetic and infrared thermography methods in detection of antipersonnel landmines
PublicationIn this paper the two alternative methods of antipersonnel landmine detection are shown: the magnetic method and the active infrared thermography. The experimental results of the detection of selected, plastic mines using both methods are also presented.
Modyfikacja kompozytów elastomerowych NR za pomocą ligniny i glicerolizatu
PublicationPrzedmiotem opisanych w niniejszym artykule badań są wulkanizaty kauczuku naturalnego. Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu ligniny oraz glicerolizatu na wybrane właściwości kompozytów zawierających kauczuk naturalny. Strukturę chemiczną przygotowanych materiałów potwierdzono, wykorzystując analizę spektroskopową w podczerwieni (FTIR). Zbadano również właściwości mechaniczne przy statycznym rozciąganiu, twardość, ścieralność oraz odbojność...
Application of the near-infrared spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical technology
PublicationNear-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is currently the fastest-growing and the most versatile analytical method not only in the pharmaceutical sciences but also in the industry. This review focuses on recent NIR applications in the pharmaceutical technology. This article covers monitoring, by NIR, of many manufacturing processes, such as granulation, mixing or drying, in order to determine the end-point of these processes. In this...
Theory and application of Near-infrared spectroscopy
PublicationIn recent years one can observe a significant increase in the requirements on quality control in all industrial sectors. The growing number of involved analyses makes the traditional, time consuming, requiring use of large quantities of reagents, thus expansive methods inconvenient especially for industrial applications. Fortunately, there is a very fast, cheap and not invasive analytical method that is increasingly used in qualitative...
Influence of pulse waves on the transmission of near-infrared radiation in outer-head tissue layers.
PublicationIn this study, we investigate the effect of pulse waves on the transmission of near-infrared radiation in the outer tissue layers of the human head. This effect is important in using optical radiation to monitor brain conditions based on measuring the transmission changes in the near-infrared radiation between the source and the detector, placed on the surface of the scalp. This is because the signal related to the changes in the...
Molecular level interpretation of excess infrared spectroscopy
PublicationInfrared (IR) spectroscopy is an invaluable tool in studying intermolecular interactions in solvent mixtures. The deviation of the IR spectrum of a mixture from the spectra of its pure components is a sensitive measure of the non-ideality of solutions and the modulation of intermolecular interactions introduced by mutual influence of the components. Excess IR spectroscopy, based on the established notion of excess thermodynamic...
Concentration‐Induced Hetero‐Valent Partial‐Inverse Occupation of Infrared Phosphor
PublicationInfrared luminescent materials have evoked much attention from chemists and material scientists. Although substantial progress is made in materials design, the luminescent mechanism remains ambiguous in the complex structures, presenting major barriers to developing novel infrared luminescent materials. Herein, this study aims to deliberate a complete discussion on infrared phosphors with concentration-induced hetero-valent partial-inverse...
Mid-infrared spectroscopy for characterization of Baltic amber (succinite)
PublicationNatural Baltic amber (succinite) is the most appreciated fossil resin of the rich cultural traditions dating back to prehistoric times. Its unequivocal identification is extremely important in many branches of science and trades including archeology, paleontology, chemistry and finally mineralogical and gemological societies. Current methods of modification of natural succinite are more and more sophisticated making the identification...
Application of infrared thermoography to non-contact testing of varistors
PublicationTesting of varistors using thermography was carried out in order to assess their protective properties against possible overvoltage phenomena in the form of high-level voltage surges. An advantage of the thermography technique is non-contact temperature measurement. It was proposed to assess the properties of varistors workingin electronic devices as protective elements, on the basis of estimating temperature increments on varist...
Technology of infrared radiation polarizer
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Intense and wide mid-infrared luminescence in bismuth-germanate glass co-doped with Ho3+/Er3+/Yb3+ ions
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The influence of intermolecular correlations on the infrared spectrum of liquid dimethyl sulfoxide
PublicationDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is routinely applied as an excellent, water-miscible solvent and chemical reagent. Some of the most important data concerning its liquid structure were obtained using infrared (IR) spectroscopy. However, the actual extent of intermolecular correlations that connect the isolated monomer spectrum to the IR response of the bulk liquid is poorly studied thus far. Using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations,...
Visualizing spatially decomposed intermolecular correlations in the infrared spectra of aprotic liquids
PublicationInfrared (IR) spectroscopy is commonly used to study intermolecular interactions in the liquid phase, including solvation phenomena. On the other hand, ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations offer the possibility to obtain IR spectra from first principles. Surpassing the experiment, AIMD simulations can deliver additional information on the spatial intermolecular correlations underlying the IR spectrum of the liquid. Although...
PublicationTesting of AC/DC power supplies using the thermography was carried out in order to assess their assembly and operation correctness before launching them on the market. The investigation was carried out for 17 AC/DC power supplies which passed the standard tests (measurements of their basic parameters and characteristics). The investigation consisted of two steps. In the first step the dispersion of temperature on power supply boards...
Comparison of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and near-infrared transillumination-backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) methods
PublicationThe aim of the study was to compare simultaneously recorded a NIR-T/BSS and NIRS signals from healthy volunteers. NIR-T/BSS is a device which give an ability to non-invasively detect and monitor changes in the subarachnoid space width (SAS). Experiments were performed on a group of 30 healthy volunteers (28 males and 2 females, age 30.8 ± 13.4 years, BMI = 24.5 ± 2.3 kg/m2). We analysed recorded signals using analysis methods based...
Probing Local Structural Changes by Sharp Luminescent Infrared Nanophosphor for Application in Light-Emitting Diodes
PublicationCr3+-doped infrared phosphors are promising candidates for next-generation phosphor-converted infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) because they can, in principle, tune and convert the luminescence spectra from an LED chip. However, most studies focus on broad-band Cr3+-doped phosphors, and the control mechanism of Cr3+-doped phosphors with sharp line emissions remains ambiguous. Here, we report LiGa5(1–x)Al5xO8:Cr3+ phosphors...
Infrared response of multiwalled boron nitride nanotubes
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Active Dynamic Infrared Thermal Imaging in Burn Depth Evaluation
PublicationThe aim of this study was to find the relationship between active dynamic thermography (ADT) with cold excitation and burn depth. This new modality of evaluation of burns seems to be an attractive proposal for quantitative classification, allowing proper choice of burn wound treatment: conservative or surgical, especially compared with static thermography. The work was an in vivo experiment on domestic pigs, and a small number...
Solid state versus fiber picosecond infrared lasers applied to two-photon vision tests
PublicationDevelopment of new microperimetric tools dedicated for imaging of early functional changes in the retina may help in the monitoring of various ocular diseases progression e.g. Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Recently described two-photon vision may be applied to microperimetric devices. Many subjects with well-known disease history could be investigated with newly developed instrumentation that tests ability of human eye to perceive...
Hydration of Carboxylate Anions: Infrared Spectroscopy of Aqueous Solutions
PublicationHydratacja anionów karboksylanowych w roztworach wodnych ich soli sodowych została zbadana przy wykorzystaniu spektroskopii FTIR z zastosowaniem cząsteczki HDO jako sondy molekularnej. Do wyznaczenia widm wody zaburzonej przez rozpuszczalnik wykorzystano ilościową wersję metody widm różnicowych. Widma te wykazują dwa pasma składowe przy ok. 2550 i ok. 2420 cm-1. Pasma te przypisano grupie -COO- anionu R-COO- (R = H, CH3, C2H5),...
Application of Infrared Thermography to Non-Contact Testing of Varistors
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Infrared Stimulated Luminescence of Ce3+ Doped YAG Crystals
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Ultrahigh Quantum Efficiency Near-Infrared-II Emission Achieved by Cr3+ Clusters to Ni2+ Energy Transfer
PublicationIncreasing demand for near-infrared-II (NIR-II) light sources requires improved NIR-II phosphors. We present a series of phosphors codoped with Cr3+ and Ni2+ that possess NIRII emission with an unprecedented internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of 97.4%. Our study reveals an energy transfer mechanism involving clusters of Cr3+ where luminescent centers are closely matched in energy and where the Ni2+ emission intensity can be tuned...
Non contact multiband method for emissivity measurment.
PublicationW pracy omówiona została metoda bezkontaktowego wielopasmowgo pomiaru emisyjności. W oparciu o opracowany algorytm zbadany został wpływ poszczególnych elementów systemu i czynników zakłócających na dokładność wyznaczania emisyjności. Wyniki modelowania umożliwiają także ocenę dokładności całego systemu pomiarowego.
Selected perowskite type LSFO thin films for the infrared detectors
PublicationPrzedstawiono technologię wytwarzania cienkich warstw ceramicznych tlenków lantanowo-strontowo-żelazowych (LSFO). Zaprezentowano konstrukcję bolometrycznych detektorów podczerwieni wykonanych z opracowanych warstw. Przedstawiono charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowe wybranych detektorów, wyniki pomiaru ich szumów i termicznej stałej czasowej. Przedstawione detektory były w stanie wykryć obiekt o temperaturze 38 stopni Celcjusza znajdujący...
Higly efficient near-infrared organic excimer electrphosphorescent diodes
PublicationW pracy opisano konstrukcję diody elektrofosforescencyjnej z emiterem w postaci organicznego kompleksu platyny (II). Dioda wysyła promieniowanie w bliskiej podczerwieni (705-720nm) pochodzące od ekscymerów trypletowych. Maksymalna użyteczna wydajność kwantowa diody wynosi 9.8-10.7%.
Ionic hydration behavior derived from infrared spectra in HDO
PublicationNa podstawie widm HDO w zakresie podczerwieni scharakteryzowano hydratacjejonów o różnym charakterze. Zastosowana analiza danych widmowych opierała się na metodzie widm różnicowych. Wyniki prowadzą do wniosku, że kationy i aniony wywierają jakościowo bardzo różny wpływ na strukturę wody. Energia wiązań wodorowych cząsteczek wody oddziaływającej z anionem zmienia się proporcjonalnie z siłą polaryzującą anionów. W przeciwieństwie...
The Quantum Efficiency Roll-Off Effect in Near-Infrared Organic Electroluminescent Devices with Iridium Complexes Emitters
PublicationThe electroluminescence quantum efficiency roll-off in iridium(III)-based complexes, namely Ir(iqbt)2(dpm) and Ir(iqbt)3(iqbt=1 (benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)-isoquinolinate, dpm=2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionate) utilized as near-infrared emitters in organic light emitting diodes with remarkable external quantum efficiencies, up to circa 3%, 1.5% and 1%, are measured and analyzed. With a 5–6 weight % of emitters embedded...
In situ study of a composition of outlet gases from biogas fuelled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell performed by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
PublicationThe purpose of this study was to develop a method and software based on the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for the in-situ, quantitative analysis of the composition of outlet gases from Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The calibration procedure performed at the beginning of the experiment indicated a polynomial dependence between the concentration of a calibrating gas (CO, CO2, CH4) and the corresponding integrated absorbance in...
Unique agreement of experimental and computational infrared spectroscopy: a case study of lithium bromide solvation in an important electrochemical solvent
PublicationInfrared (IR) spectroscopy is a widely used and invaluable tool in the studies of solvation phenomena in electrolyte solutions. Using state-of-the-art chemometric analysis of a spectral series measured in a concentration-dependent manner, the spectrum of the solute-affected solvent can be extracted, providing a detailed view of the structural and energetic states of the solvent molecules influenced by the solute. Concurrently,...
Infrared study of the orientational order of the mesogen in discotic phases of hexapentyloxytriphenylene and hexaheptyloxytriphenylene
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Formation and Near-Infrared Emission of CsPbI3 Nanoparticles Embedded in Cs4PbI6 Crystals
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Near infrared luminescence in Yb3+/Ho3+: co-doped germanate glass
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Methylene Blue Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging in Breast Cancer Sentinel Node Biopsy
PublicationIntroduction: Fluorescence-based navigation for breast cancer sentinel node biopsy is a novel method that uses indocyanine green as a fluorophore. However, methylene blue (MB) also has some fluorescent properties. This study is the first in a clinical series presenting the possible use of MB as a fluorescent dye for the identification of sentinel nodes in breast sentinel node biopsy. Material and methods: Forty-nine patients with...
Ultra-high-efficiency near-infrared Ga2O3:Cr3+ phosphor and controlling of phytochrome
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Mid-infrared luminescence in HMO glass co-doped with Ho3+/Yb3+ ions
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Tm3+/Ho3+-Doped ASE Fibre Source for Mid-Infrared Sensor Applications
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Near-Infrared Fluorescence Image-Guided Surgery in Esophageal and Gastric Cancer Operations
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Donor properties of water in organic solvents derived from infrared spectraof HDO
PublicationPrzedyskutowano niektóre ilościowe aspekty kooperatywności wiązań wodorowych wody. Zaproponowano skalę własności elektronodonorowych wody w środowisku aprotycznych rozpuszczalników organicznych, pochodną w stosunku do skali liczb donorowych Gutmanna.
Raman and infrared investigation of ferroelectric ceramics. IV Workshop on Atomic and Molecular Physics.
PublicationZastosowano spektroskopię absorbcyjną w podczerwieni i spektroskopię Ramana do badania ceramik ferroelektrycznych o kompozycji Ba(Ti1-xZrx)O3. Ceramiki te charakteryzują się możliwością przestrajania przenikalności elektrycznej za pomocą pola elektrycznego.
Hydration of Simple Carboxylic Acids from Infrared Spectra of HDOand Theoretical Calculations
PublicationBadanie hydratacji kwasów karboksylowych w rozcieńczonych roztworach wodnych ma duże znaczenie dla zrozumienia ich funkcji biologicznych. Metodą stosowaną w badaniach była spektroskopia oscylacyjna FTIR z zastosowaniem techniki rozcieńczenia izotopowego wody półciężkiej HDO w roztworze wody zwykłej. Do analizy danych widmowych wykorzystano ''metodę widm różnicowych''. Widma HDO zaburzonej przez kwasy: mrówkowy, octowy i propionowy...
A new diagnostic method for evaluation of cardiosurgery wound healing
PublicationOne of important and still unsolved problems in medicine is the question of objective and quantitative evaluation of post-surgery wound healing. The aim of this research is to analyse possibility and value of using the newly elaborated infrared imaging procedure – Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) – for quantitative description of wound healing processes in cardiosurgery. Both, classical thermal figures of merit as well as ADT...
Chromium(III)-Doped Fluoride Phosphors with Broadband Infrared Emission for Light-Emitting Diodes
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Ultraviolet to near-infrared down-conversion in Bi3+–Yb3+ co-doped YAM phosphor
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High Performance Liquid chromatography - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Coupling: A Comprehensive Review