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Laser-assisted modification of titanium dioxide nanotubes in a tilted mode as surface modification and patterning strategy
PublicationElectrochemical anodization is regarded as a facile and easily scalable fabrication method of titania nanotubes (TiO2NTs). However, due to the extended duration of calcination and further modifications, much faster alternatives are highly required. As a response to growing interest in laser modification of nanotube arrays, a comprehensive investigation of pulsed-laser irradiation and its effect onto TiO2NT properties has been carried out....
The In-Depth Studies of Pulsed UV Laser-Modified TiO2 Nanotubes: The Influence of Geometry, Crystallinity, and Processing Parameters
PublicationThe laser processing of the titania nanotubes has been investigated in terms of morphology, structure, and optical properties of the obtained material. The length of the nanotubes and crystallinity, as well as the atmosphere of the laser treatment, were taken into account. The degree of changes of the initial geometry of nanotubes were checked by means of scanning electron microscopy, which visualizes both the surface and the cross-section....
Ordered titania nanotubes layer selectively annealed by laser beam for high contrast electrochromic switching
PublicationThe phase conversion from amorphous into crystalline one in the selected area of as-anodized titania nanotubes was achieved via laser treatment. The optimized processing parameters enable fast, one-minute crystallization of titania within an area limited by a shadow mask and without any morphology damage of ordered TiO2 tubular film. The laser annealed titania nanotubes could be easily overgrown by a conducting polymer without...
Laser induced formation of copper species over TiO2 nanotubes towards enhanced water splitting performance
PublicationWe proposed fast and scalable route where the ordered TiO2 nanotubes coated with thin copper layers were annealed by the laser beam of 355 nm wavelength at different fluencies in the range of 15–120 mJ/cm2. As a result, copper species are integrated with the titania substrate and the formed material exhibits unique optical absorption bands in the visible range. Moreover, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis reveals the formation...
The geometry of free-standing titania nanotubes as a critical factor controlling their optical and photoelectrochemical performance
PublicationTitanium dioxide nanotubes are regarded as one of the most important functional materials and due to their unique electronic properties, chemical stability and photocorrosion resistance, they find applications in, for example, highly efficient photocatalysis or perovskite solar cells. Nevertheless, modification of TiO2 nanotubes is required to overcome their main drawback, i.e. large energy bandgap (>3.2 eV) limiting their ability...
Visible light activity of rare earth metal doped (Er3+, Yb3+ or Er3+/Yb3+) titania photocatalysts
PublicationA series of Er3+-TiO2, Yb3+-TiO2 and Er3+/Yb3+-TiO2 photocatalysts were obtained via sol-gel method, using rare earth metal (RE) precursor ranging from 0.25 to 10 mol%. The experiments demonstrated that phenol in aqueous solutions was successfully degraded under visible light (> 450 nm) using RE3+-TiO2. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron emission spectroscopy (XPS), UV-Vis...
Spectacular Oxygen Evolution Reaction Enhancement through Laser Processing of the Nickel‐Decorated Titania Nanotubes
PublicationThe selective, laser‐induced modification of the nickel‐decorated titania nanotubes provides remarkable enhancement toward oxygen evolution reaction. Particularly, the irradiation of the laterally spaced crystalline TiO2 nanotubes, results in the formation of the tight closure over irradiated end, preserving their hollow interior. The shape of the absorbance spectra is modulated along with applied energy, and the new absorption...
Spectacular Oxygen Evolution Reaction Enhancement Through Laser Processing of the Nickel-Decorated Titania Nanotubes
PublicationThe selective, laser-induced modification of the nickel-decorated titania nanotubes provides remarkable enhancement toward oxygen evolution reaction. Particularly, the irradiation of the laterally spaced crystalline TiO2 nanotubes, results in the formation of the tight closure over irradiated end, preserving their hollow interior. The shape of the absorbance spectra is modulated along with applied energy, and the new absorption...
PublicationThis study investigates the optimization of light-to-heat conversion in gold nanoparticles under irradiation by continuous- and pulsed-wave laser sources. The conversion process relies on the absorption of electromagnetic energy and the subsequent generation of heat, a phenomenon that is integral to a variety of applications. The photothermal conversion model is based on the Rayleigh-Drude approximation, facilitating predictions...
The influence of the Cu2O deposition method on the structure, morphology and photoresponse of the ordered TiO2NTs/Cu2O heterojunction
PublicationThe increased interest in highly ordered titania structures exhibiting tubular shape that could be directly formed onto the stable substrate is related with the intensive research on their modification enabling absorption of light within the wide solar spectrum and its further conversion into electric or chemical energy. Among others, formation of uniform 3D heterojunctions based on the TiO2 nanotubes attracts attention since porous...
Nanoparticles preparation using microemulsion systems
PublicationMetallic nanoparticles become of current interests because they exhibit unique properties compared with those of metal atoms or bulk metal due to the quantum size effect and their large surface area, which make them attractive for applications in optics, electronics, catalysis biology and medicine. TiO2 has been used for environmental remediation purposes such as in the purification of water and air and also solar-to chemical energy...
Enhanced photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic performance of iodine-doped titania nanotube arrays
PublicationThe paper discusses the synthesis and performance of iodine doped titania nanotube arrays exhibited under irradiation. The doping procedure was performed as an additional, electrochemical process carried out after formation of nanotube arrays via anodization of Ti substrate. The optical and structural properties were characterized using Raman, UV-vis, photoluminescence and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The surface morphology...
Wytwarzanie i modyfikacja powierzchni porowatych struktur tytanowych przeznaczonych na implanty
PublicationCelem pracy było wytworzenie stopu Ti-13Nb-13Zr z wykorzystaniem technologii selektywnego topienia laserowego (SLM) oraz jego biofunkcjonalizacja za pomocą utleniania mikrołukowego (MAO), a następnie określenie wpływu parametrów procesowych na właściwości otrzymanych materiałów pod kątem ich zastosowania na implanty. Oceniono wpływ napięcia, natężenia i czasu procesu MAO przeprowadzanego w elektrolicie zawierającym wapń i fosfor...
Effect of irradiation intensity and initial pollutant concentration on gas phase photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanotube arrays
PublicationWell-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays were fabricated via one-step anodization process. The as-prepared TiO2 nanotubes were characterized by X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Photocatalytic activity of obtained photocatalyst was studied in reaction of toluene degradation in the gas phase using low powered and low...
The interaction of the pulsed laser irradiation with titania nanotubes - Theoretical studies on the thermal effect
PublicationThis paper reports temperature dispersion simulations of titania nanotubes irradiated by the 355 nm, pulsed, nanosecond laser. The modelling with the use of Finite Elements Method concerns titania nanotubes of the length and the wall thickness in the range of 0.5–2 μm and 5–20 nm, respectively. The uniqueness of the morphology was preserved by ensuring the wall thickness variation along the height of the tube, which was determined...
Formation of the hollow nanopillar arrays through the laser-induced transformation of TiO2 nanotubes
PublicationIn the following article, we present a simple, two-step method of creating spaced, hollow nanopillars, from the titania nanotube arrays via pulsed laser-treatment. Due to the high ordering of the structure, the prepared material exhibits photonic properties, which has been shown to increase the overall photoefficiency. The optical and morphological changes in the titania nanotubes after pulsed laser-treatment with 532, 355, and...
The Effect of Laser Re-Solidification on Microstructure and Photo-Electrochemical Properties of Fe-Decorated TiO2 Nanotubes
PublicationFossil fuels became increasingly unpleasant energy source due to their negative impact on the environment; thus, attractiveness of renewable, and especially solar energy, is growing worldwide. Among others, the research is focused on smart combination of simple compounds towards formation of the photoactive materials. Following that, our work concerns the optimized manipulation of laser light coupled with the iron sputtering to...
Effect of synthesis method parameters on properties and photoelectrocatalytic activity under solar irradiation of TiO2 nanotubes decorated with CdS quantum dots
PublicationThe growing research interest on photoelectrocatalysis has encouraged the search for new materials with high activity and the development of methods for their synthesis. The successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method is an effective way to synthesize materials with photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) properties that are active under visible radiation. Therefore, studies on the impact of the parameters of the SILAR method...
Scalable Route toward Superior Photoresponse of UV-Laser-Treated TiO2 Nanotubes
PublicationTitanium dioxide nanotubes gain considerable attention as a photoactive material due to chemical stability, photocorrosion resistance, or lowcost manufacturing method. This work presents scalable pulsed laser modification of TiO2 nanotubes resulting in enhanced photoactivity in a system equipped with a motorized table, which allows for modifications of both precisely selected and any-large sample area. Images obtained from scanning...
Investigations of Energy Conversion and Surface Effect for Laser-Illuminated Gold Nanorod Platforms
PublicationAchieving a quick temperature increase is a burning issue for biophysical applications, like germ inactivation and tumor ablation, and for energy performances, like solar collectors and steam generators. Based on the plasmon resonance phenomenon, noble metallic nanoparticles have emerged as promising weapons due to their very high biocompatibility, optical properties, and high surface-to-volume ratio, increasing energy conversion...
Model of optical phantoms thermal response upon irradiation with 975 nm dermatological laser
PublicationWe have developed a numerical model describing the optical and thermal behavior of optical tissue phantoms upon laser irradiation. According to our previous studies, the phantoms can be used as substitute of real skin from the optical, as well as thermal point of view. However, the thermal parameters are not entirely similar to those of real tissues thus there is a need to develop mathematical model, describing the thermal and...
Enhanced photocatalytic properties of lanthanide-TiO2 nanotubes: An experimental and theoretical study
PublicationA series of Er-, Yb-, Ho-, Tb-, Gd-, Pr-TiO2 nanotubes (RE-NTs) was prepared via an electrochemical method. The as-prepared photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV–vis absorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and luminescent spectroscopy. The experiments demonstrated that toluene in the gas phase was successfully degraded under visible light (LEDs λmax = 465...
Visible light photocatalysis employing TiO2/SrTiO3-BiOI composites: Surface properties and photoexcitation mechanism
PublicationA series of binary TiO2/SrTiO3 and ternary TiO2/SrTiO3_BiOI composites have been synthesized using multistep preparation method. Characterization of the obtained photocatalysts covered complex analysis including morphology + y (SEM), BET specific surface area, porosity, optical properties (DRS), chemical composition of surface (XPS), crystal structure and crystal size (XRD). UV–vis and Vis ligh induced photocatalytic activity was...
Rapid development of the photoresponse and oxygen evolution of TiO2 nanotubes sputtered with Cr thin films realized via laser annealing
PublicationRecently, earth abundant transition metal oxides have gained particular attention as potential catalyst candidates due to their availability and low-cost comparing to substrates containing precious Pt or Au species. Herein, we present characterization of morphology, structure and electrochemical properties of pulsed 532 nm laser treated TiO2 nanotubes (NT) sputtered by the thin film of chromium. Scanning electron microscopy enables...
Organic pollutants photodegradation increment with use of TiO2 nanotubes decorated with transition metals after pulsed laser treatment
PublicationAmong various titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2, titania) structures, 1D nanotubes (TiO2 NTs) produced during the two-electrode anodization process, are extensively utilized in sensors or supercapacitors as well as in photo(electro)catalytic water splitting. However, due to wide bandgap and fast electron-hole recombination additional modifications, mostly concerned on materials surface, are required. According to the recent research, TiO2...
The Influence of Laser Alloying of Ti13Nb13Zr on Surface Topography and Properties
PublicationThe laser alloying is a continually developing surface treatment because of its significant and specific structuration of a surface. In particular, it is applied for Ti alloys, being now the most essential biomaterials` group for load-bearing implants. The present research was performed on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy subject to laser modification in order to determine the treatment effects on surface topography and its some mechanical...
Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser surface-treated Ti13nb13zr alloy with MWCNTs coatings
PublicationLaser surface modification of titanium alloys is one of the main methods of improving the properties of titanium alloys used in implantology. This study investigates the microstructural morphology of a laser-modified surface layer on a Ti13Nb13Zr alloy with and without a carbon nanotube coating deposited by electrophoretic deposition. Laser modification was performed for samples with and without carbon nanotube coating for two...
The pulsed laser ablation synthesis of colloidal iron oxide nanoparticles for the enhancement of TiO2 nanotubes photo-activity
PublicationThe rapid, only a few minutes long synthesis of FeO, Fe3O4, and Fe2O3nanoparticles mixture utilizing the pulsedlaser ablation using simply pure iron target and water was demonstrated. The size and crystal phase of Fe-basedNPs were characterized using DLS and HR-TEM techniques, respectively. The metastable suspension of FeO,Fe3O4, and Fe2O3nanoparticles was used to the decoration of anodized TiO2nanotubes (TiO2-NTs) by means ofthe...
Linking optical and electronic properties to photoresponse of heterojunctions based on titania nanotubes and chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten oxides
PublicationThe development of photosensitization strategies for titanium dioxide is necessary for the enhancement of its optical and electronic properties towards its application potential in solar photoelectrochemistry. In this work, significant differences in the photosensitizing capability of the 6th group transition metal oxides applied on the surface of titania nanotubes are reported. For the first time, correlations between the experimentally...
Physical properties of homogeneous TiO2 films prepared by high power impulse magnetron sputtering as a function of crystallographic phase and nanostructure
PublicationOptical, photo-electrochemical, crystallographic and morphological properties of TiO2 thin films prepared by high power impulse magnetron sputtering at low substrate temperatures (<65 ◦C) without post-deposition thermal annealing are studied. The film composition-anatase, rutile or amorphous TiO2-is adjusted by the pressure (p ∼ 0.75-15 Pa) in the deposition chamber. The different crystallographic phases were determined with grazing...
Influence of laser melting on surface layer properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V
PublicationIn time of rapid technology and medicine progress, implants are becoming more widely used in the human body, ranging from dental implants, stabilizing plates, screws, orthopaedic prostheses. For example, there are many types of hip prostheses used for hip replacement as well as various types of materials used for these orthopaedic prostheses. Properties of titanium alloys used in hip prostheses combined with good strength properties,...
Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of Laser Surface-Treated Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy with MWCNTs Coatings
Publication: Titanium and its alloys is the main group of materials used in prosthetics and implantology. Despite their popularity and many advantages associated with their biocompatibility, these materials have a few significant disadvantages. These include low biologic activity—which reduces the growth of fibrous tissue and allows loosening of the prosthesis—the possibility of metallosis and related inflammation or other allergic reactions,...
A new simple approach to prepare rare-earth metals-modified TiO2 nanotube arrays photoactive under visible light: Surface properties and mechanism investigation
PublicationApplication of Ti90RE10 alloys (RE = Ho, Er, Nd, Y, Ce, Tm) as a working electrode, instead of Ti pure foil in anodic oxidation in a fluoride-based electrolyte, resulted in formation of well-ordered nanotubes made of TiO2 and RE2O3 mixture, which could be efficiently used for pollutant removal from water and air phase upon UV and visible irradiation and easily separable from the reaction mixture to recycle. The as-prepared NTs...
Optical properties of thin TiO2 film deposited on the fiber optic sensor head
PublicationThe presented study was focused on investigation of the titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin film deposited on the fiber tip. The intention of this investigation was using TiO2 film in the construction of the optical fiber sensor head. In the demonstrated construction TiO2 thin layer was deposited on the tip of a commonly used telecommunication single mode optical fiber (SMF-28) by means of the Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD). Thickness...
Properties of surface layers of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V after laser melting processes
PublicationThe article presents the investigation results of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V surface layer after laser melting process. The process of laser melting was performed using Nd-YAG laser. The evaluation of structure of the alloy as well as hardness and chemical composition was performed. It was shown that laser melting changes the structure and properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and process parameters as scanning speed affects the thickness...
Influence of Surface Laser Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Residual Stresses of Titanium and its Alloys
PublicationSurface modification of the titanium and its alloys used in implantology with a long-pulse laser can change the surface topography, but it also leads to changes in the stress sign and magnitude in the resulting subsurface layer. The presented research was aimed at evaluating the state of stress after laser remelting with the Nd:YAG laser of pre-etched titanium alloys Ti6Al4V and Ti13Nb13Zr and pure titanium. The obtained surface...
Antibacterial properties of laser-encapsulated titanium oxide nanotubes decorated with nanosilver and covered with chitosan/Eudragit polymers
PublicationTo provide antibacterial properties, the titanium samples were subjected to electrochemical oxidation in the fluoride-containing diethylene glycol-based electrolyte to create a titanium oxide nanotubular surface. Afterward, the surface was covered by sputtering with silver 5 nm film, and the tops of the nanotubes were capped using laser treatment, resulting in an appearance of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) of around 30 nm in diameter...
Enhanced photocatalytic, electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2 nanotubes arrays modified with Cu, AgCu and Bi nanoparticles obtained via radiolytic reduction
PublicationTiO2 nanotubes arrays (NTs), obtained via electrochemical anodization of Ti foil, were modified with monometallic (Cu, Bi) and bimetallic (AgCu) nanoparticles. Different amounts of metals’ precursors were deposited on the surface of NTs by the spin-coating technique, and the reduction of metals was performed via gamma radiolysis. Surface modification of titania was studied by EDS and XPS analysis. The results show that AgCu nanoparticles...
The Effect of Laser Re-Solidification on Microstructure and Photo-Electrochemical Properties of Fe-Decorated TiO2 Nanotubes
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Studies on novel BiyXz-TiO2/SrTiO3 composites: Surface properties and visible light-driven photoactivity
PublicationA series of novel BiyXz-TiO2/SrTiO3 composites were prepared by multistep synthesis route. The asprepared photocatalysts were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Raman spectra and BET analysis. The photocatalytic activity test was performed in aqueous solution of phenol under...
The effect of Ag, Au, Pt, and Pd on the surface properties, photocatalytic activity and toxicity of multicomponent TiO2-based nanomaterials
PublicationMulticomponent TiO2-based nanomaterials (MC-NMs) show better physicochemical properties than their individual components or bulk materials. However, the same unique properties that offer innovative applications might also pose unknown risks to human health and the environment. In this context, TiO2- based nanomaterials with a mixture of noble metal precursors (Ag, Au, Pt, and Pd) for large-scale technological applications in air...
Facile formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotubes in electrolyte containing ionic liquid - ethylammonium nitrate and their remarkable photocatalytic properties
PublicationThe oriented TiO2 nanotube arrays (NTs) are identified as a stable, active and recyclable photocatalytic surface. However, their photoactivity is strictly depended on morphology (especially length), which could be controlled by anodic oxidation parameters, including electrolyte properties. To control the morphology, were successfully synthesized a series of NTs by a novel approach where ionic liquid (IL), ethylammonium nitrate...
The Effect of AgInS2, SnS, CuS2, Bi2S3 Quantum Dots on the Surface Properties and Photocatalytic Activity of QDs-Sensitized TiO2 Composite
PublicationThe eect of type (AgInS2, SnS, CuS2, Bi2S3) and amount (5, 10, 15 wt%) of quantum dots (QDs) on the surface properties and photocatalytic activity of QDs-sensitized TiO2 composite, was investigated. AgInS2, SnS, CuS2, Bi2S3 QDs were obtained by hot-injection, sonochemical, microwave, and hot-injection method, respectively. To characterize of as-prepared samples high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), scanning...
Lanthanide co-doped TiO2: the effect of metal type and amount on surface properties and photocatalytic activity
PublicationPreparation of new rare earth metal-containing TiO2 nanocomposites (Nd3+/Er3+, Nd3+/Eu3+, Eu3+/Ho3+-TiO2) using sol–gel route and their photoactivity under visible and ultraviolet light is reported. The obtained photocatalysts were subsequently characterized by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method, UV–Vis diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), luminescence spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray powder diffraction...
Noble metal modified TiO2 microspheres: Surface properties and photocatalytic activity under UV-vis and visible light
PublicationComposite photocatalysts that consist of TiO2and noble metal nanostructures have been considered tobe the promising and pivotal material for accessible enhancement of the efficiency in the photocatalyticprocess carried out in the aqueous and gas phases. In this work we fabricated porous TiO2microspheresthrough a hydrothermal process followed by photochemical reduction of noble metal nanoparticles atthe TiO2surface. The morphology...
The effect of preparation route on structure and photocatalytic properties of bimetallic nanoparticles (Au/Pd, and Au/Pt) deposited at TiO2 surface
PublicationNoble metal nanoparticles have often been used to enhance the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and to extend the absorption wavelength from the ultraviolet to visible region. Bimetallic nanoparticles, composed of two different metal elements, can exhibit peculiar electronic, optical, and catalytic or photocatalytic properties that are absent in the corresponding monometallic nanoparticles. In this work we show the effect kind and...
Impact of TiO2 Surface Defects on the Mechanism of Acetaldehyde Decomposition under Irradiation of a Fluorescent Lamp
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Manufacturing and investigation of surface morphology and optical properties of composite thin films reinforced by TiO2, Bi2O3 and SiO2 nanoparticles
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The electrical, morphological and optical properties of heavily boron-doped diamond sheets as a function of methane concentration in the gas phase
PublicationBoron-doped diamonds (BDD) are known for their excellent properties such as high thermal conductivity, high mobility, low absorption in visible light, and biocompatibility. In this work, we investigated the electrical, morphological and optical properties of heavily boron-doped diamond thin sheets as a function of methane concentration in the gas phase. Free-standing diamond sheets were fabricated using a microwave plasma-assisted...
Tailoring of Magnetic Properties of NiO/Ni Composite Particles Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Irradiation