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Search results for: LAYERS
Measurements of Subnanometer Molecular Layers
PublicationSelected methods of formation and detection of nanometer and subnanometer molecular layers were shown. Additionally, a new method of detection and measurement with subnanometer resolution of layers adsorbed or bonded to the gate dielectric of the ion selective field effect transistor (ISFET) was presented.
The surface photoconductivity in molecular layers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty analizy fotoprądów powierzchniowych w cienkich warstwach tetracenu i pentacenu. W szczególności badano wpływ obecności defektów strukturalnych w warstwach na charakterystyki fotoprądów i transport nośników ładunku.
The silver layers in fiber-optic sensors
PublicationIn this paper a method of application of the silver layers on the surface of an optical fiber was proposed. The optical properties and surface quality of the silver layer was examined by optical microscopy. The reflection and transmission of the sample were investigated. To evaluate the silver mirror it was placed in a fiber optic Fabry-Perot interferometer and the quality of the spectra was analyzed. The commercial mirror was...
Terahertz Conductivity of Silver Nanowire Layers
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Photovoltaic properties of tetracene and pentacene layers.
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki badań zjawiska fotowoltaicznego w warstwach tetracenu i pentacenu naniesionych w tych samych warunkach na szklane podłoże, zaopatrzonych w ten sam układ elektrod.
Properties of Composite Oxide Layers on The Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy
PublicationThe development of composite oxide layers on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy, their structure and properties have been demonstrated. Two subsequent methods were applied to prepare the composite layers. During the first stage gas oxidation produced a solid oxide layer, and subsequently oxide nanotubes were produced by using an electrochemical method. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), chemical analysis, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy...
Multicomponent layers for aluminium alloys surface consolidation
PublicationThe main reason of the surface modification of the components such as pistons and cylinder blocks made of cast aluminium alloys is to obtain high hardness, wear and corrosion resistance of the working surface for larger lifetime of the motor-car and aircraft engines. In that aspect, the new conception of development - by hybrid method - of surface layers containing manganese, nitrogen, sulphur (Mn-N-S) and manganese, nitrogen,...
An integrated analysis of protection layers in hazardous systems
PublicationGłównym tematem niniejszej publikacji jest dyskusja nad wybranymi zagadnieniami związanymi z analizą bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego infrastruktury krytycznej oraz obiektów podwyższonego ryzyka. Problematyka bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego związana jest z międzynarodowymi normami IEC 61508 oraz IEC 61511. W artykule przedstawiono problematykę zintegrowanej oceny bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego wraz z uwzględnieniem analizy warstw zabezpieczeń...
Temperature distribution in laser-clad multi-layers
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Temperature distribution in laser-clad multi-layers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono porownanie rezultatów numerycznej symulacji rozkładu temperatur w warstwach nakładanych laserowo z wynikami pomiarów doświadczalnych. Otrzymano bardzo dobrą zgodność wyników co pozwala wnioskować, że przedstawiony model numeryczny może służyć jako efektywne narzędzie wstępnego doboru parametrów procesu laserowego nakładania warstw.
Photogeneration of charge carriers pairs in pentacene layers.
PublicationAnalizowano mechanizmy odpowiedzialne za powstawanie par nośników ładunku w polikrystalicznych warstwach pentacenu.
Thermal stability of the cobalt base clad layers
PublicationBadano wpływ długotrwałego oddziaływania temperatury na mikrostrukturę i własności mechaniczne warstw napawanych laserowo wykonanych ze stopów na bazie kobaltu zawierających chrom i wolfram. Stopy te są przewidywane do zastosoania na przylgnie zaworów wydechowych silników diesla.
Reactive deposition of TiNx layers in a DC-magnetron discharge
PublicationTiNx layers have been deposited in 'balanced mode' and 'unbalanced mode' of a reactive DC-magnetron plasma (carrier gas argon, reactive gas nitrogen) under different conditions. Discharge power and reactive gas flow have been varied. The layers have been examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray reflectometry (XR), and spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE). The results of the layer analyses were combined with plasma investigations...
Influence of compaction effectiveness on interlayer bonding of asphalt layers
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research on the interlayer bonding of asphalt layers compacted in the laboratory and in the field. To measure the interlayer bonding at a temperature of 20°C the Leutner test apparatus was used and load was applied at a rate of 50 mm/minute. Three types of interlayer interfaces were tested: no tack coat and tack coats made of two types of the pure bitumen emulsions. Four compaction techniques were...
Creation and properties of the (Mn-N-O) layers on aluminium
Publicationprzedstawiono metodę wytwarzania warstw powierzchniowych zawierających mangan, azot i tlen na stopie Al-Si-Mg-Cu-Ni. Określono ich mikrostrukturę, mikrotwardość, wlaściwości tribologiczne oraz korozyjne w roztworze 0,01M H2SO4. Stwierdzono wielokrotny wzrost odporności na ścieranie stopu aluminium z wytworzoną warstwą wierzchnią we współpracy ciernej z żeliwem szarym perlitycznym.
High temperature corrosion of the cobalt base clad layers
PublicationNapawane warstwy wykonane ze stopu kobaltu poddano utlenianiu w temperaturach 650 stopni C i 750 stopni C oraz korozji w spalinach. Proces utleniania był prowadzony 2 sposobami, izotermicznie przez 100 godzin i cyklicznie pzez 200 godzin. Korozja w spalinach przebiegała cyklicznie przez 200 godzin w temperaturze 650stopni C. Warstwy napawano metodą laserową i plazmową (PTA). Badano stabilność termiczną procesu utleniania warstw...
Characterization of Silver Nanowire Layers in the Terahertz Frequency Range
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Optoelectronic system for monitoring of thin diamond layers growth
PublicationDevelopment of the optoelectronic system for monitoring of diamond/DLC (Diamond-Like-Carbon) thin films growth during mu PA ECR CVD (Microwave Plasma Assisted Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapour Deposition) process is described. The multi-point Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) and Raman spectroscopy were employed as non-invasive optoelectronic tools. Dissociation of H-2 molecules, excitation and ionization of hydrogen...
Oxide Layers Fabricated by Spray Pyrolysis on Metallic Surfaces
Publicationw pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad opracowaniem optymalnych warunków przygotowania warstwy stabilizowanego itrem cyrkonu jako prekursora na stali 316L jako podłoża za pomocą pirolizy aerozolowej.
The Examination of the Upper Layers of the Seabed by the Means of the Acoustic Methods
PublicationPropagation of acoustic waves in the sea, in particular in shallow sea, depends on several factors. The basic of them are source power and frequency of acoustic waves, spatial distribution inhomogeneous medium in which acoustic wave propagates, and distributions of speed of sound and density of seawater. The coastal conditions, which limit water medium from above (free surface of the sea) and from bottom (the seabed), are no less...
Review of the Application of Graphene-Based Coatings as Anticorrosion Layers
PublicationDue to the excellent properties of graphene, including flexibility that allows it to adjust to the curvature of the substrate surface, chemical inertness, and impermeability, graphene is used as an anticorrosion layer. In this review, we present the current state-of-the-art in the application of graphene in the field of protective coatings. This review provides detailed discussions about the protective properties of graphene coatings...
Ion Capacity of Siliceous Sorbents with Surface Polymer Layers Composed of Different Dextran—Triethylenetetraamine Mixtures (Ion Capacity of Sorbents with Surface Polymer Layers)
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PublicationWidespread commercialization of solid oxide fuel cells requires lowering its cost. It is generally accepted that to lower the cost of solid oxide fuel cells it is necessary to use metal alloys as interconnectors and, consequently, lower its operating temperature to slow down interconnectors degradation. As a result the area specific resistance of the cathodes should be lowered to sustain the performance of the cells. In order to...
Effect of interlayer bonding quality of asphalt layers on pavement performance
PublicationThe quality of interlayer bonding at the interfaces between the asphalt layers in flexible pavements affects the overall pavement performance. Lack or partial lack of interlayer bonding between asphalt layers can cause pavement's premature failures such as rutting, slippage of the wearing course, cracking or simply a reduction in the calculated fatigue life of the pavement structure. This paper shows the case studies of investigation...
The low coherence Fabry-Pérot interferometer with diamond and ZnO layers
PublicationThe authors present a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer built with the application of diamond and zinc oxide (ZnO) thin layers. Thin ZnO films were deposited on the tip of a standard telecommunication single-mode optical fiber (SMF- 28) while the diamond layer was grown on the plate of silicon substrate. Investigated ZnO layers were fabricated by atomic layer deposition (ALD) and the diamond films were deposited using Microwave...
The effect of depth of surface layers constituted by vacuum technologies on pitting
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a study of the effect of vacuum technologies of formation of surface layers on pitting of associated elements in a lubricated, heavy-load rolling contact. The study has shown that increase in a PVD coat depth is accompanied by decrease in the fatigue friction pair.
Formation of High Corrosion Resistant Nanotubular Layers on TitaniumAlloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationThis paper presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr performed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed by electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0.3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1 h at 20 V constantvoltage. The corrosion tests have been made by potentiodynamic method in Ringer`s solution at pH ranged between 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films,...
Formation of High Corrosion Resistant Nanotubular Layers on TitaniumAlloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationThis paper presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr performed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed by electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0.3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1 h at 20 V constantvoltage. The corrosion tests have been made by potentiodynamic method in Ringer`s solution at pH ranged between 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films,...
Preparation of nano-tubular oxide layers on titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationThe article presents results of oxidation tests and corrosion investigations of titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr preformed at different conditions. The oxide layers have been formed using electrochemical method in 2M H3PO4 + 0,3% HF solution for 30 min. and 1h at 20V constant voltage. The corrosion tests heve been made with poteniodynamic method in Ringer's solution at pH ranged 3 and 7. It has been shown that the nano-oxide films, which...
Setups for measurement of thermal time constant of bolometers and resistive layers
PublicationPrzedstawiono dwa układy do pomiaru termicznej stałej czasowejbolometrów i warstw rezystywnych, umożliwiające pomiar wartości tego parametru w zakresie od pojedynczych milisekund do kilku sekund. Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów termicznej stałej czasowej wybranych warstw rezystywnych wykonanych w technologii LTCC z niestechiometrycznych tlenków lantanowo-strontowo-żelazowych oraz bolometru cienkowarstwowego wykonanego w tej samej...
Comparison of Z-E isomerization in Langmuir-Blodgett layers and in solution
PublicationPorównano izomeryzację Z-E w monowarstwie Langmuira-Blodgett i w roztworze. Badanymi cząsteczkami były etery koronowe z elektro- i fotoaktywną resztą azobenzenu jako częścią makrocyklu. Szybkość fotoindukowanej izomeryzacji E-Z i spontanicznej termicznej reakcji Z-E była obliczana na podstawie pomiarów elektrochemicznych i spektroskopowych. Stwierdzono, że izomeryzacja jest szybsza w monowarstwie niż w roztworze.
Characterization of the Co-base layers obtained by laser cladding technique.
PublicationBadano zawory wydechowe napawane dwoma stopami kobaltu, w tym mikrostrukturę strefy wierzchniej i strefy w pobliżu podłoża. Badano także rozkład pierwiastków w warstwie napawanej. Stwierdzono podobny skład chemiczny warstw i proszków.
Characterization of the Co-base layers obtained by laser cladding technique.
PublicationBadano zawory wylotowe pokrywane stopami kobaltu: mikrostrukturę warstw w strefie wierzchniej i przy granicy napoina - metal. Badano rozkład pierwiastków w warstwach. Zarówno mikrostruktura, jak i skład chemiczny warstw były podobne w przypadku dwóch stosowanych stopów kobaltu.
Manganese-nitrogen-sulphur surface layers produced on aluminium alloys
PublicationPodano metodę wytwarzania warstw powierzchniowych zawierających mangan, azot i siarkę na odlewniczym stopie aluminium. Przedstawiono mikrostrukturę przekroju i powierzchni wytworzonych warstw, ich twardość oraz wlaściwości tribologiczne i korozyjne.
Self-Organized Nanotubular Oxide Layers on Ti and Ti Alloys
PublicationTo improve bioactivity of titanium and titanium, the implant surface modification by formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays with electrochemical techniques is presented. The influence of electrolyte composition and deposition parameters during anodization is characterized. The enhancement of phosphates deposition by titanium nanotubular structure is discussed. The calcium phosphate ceramics is shown to be uniformly deposited...
Layers of protection analysis in teh context of functional safety management
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Evaluation of conductive-to-resistive layers interaction in thick-film resistors
PublicationSpektroskopia szumowa w zakresie małych częstotliwości jest używana do badania oddziaływania warstwy rezystywnej i przewodzącej w wytwarzanych rezystorach grubowarstwowych. Wprowadzono dwa parametry szumowe do określania stopnia tego oddziaływania. Opisano wyniki przeprowadzonych badań oddziaływania warstw z dwutlenku rutenu, rutenku bizmutu z kontaktami ze złota, platyna-złoto, pallad-srebro, od różnych producentów.
Optoelectronic system for investigation of cvd diamond/DLC layers growth
PublicationDevelopment of the optoelectronic system for non-invasive monitoring of diamond/DLC (Diamond-Like-Carbon) thin films growth during μPA ECR CVD (Microwave Plasma Assisted Electron Cyclotron Resonance Chemical Vapour Deposition) process is described. The system uses multi-point Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) and long-working-distance Raman spectroscopy. Dissociation of H2 molecules, excitation and ionization of hydrogen atoms...
Compliance tests of the polymer layers used as hydrodynamic bearing coatings
PublicationOperational experience and scientific investigations results showed that polymer lined hydrodynamic bearings can withstand more severe operating conditions compared than white metal bearings. PTFE and PEEK-based coatings are the most frequently used as Babbitt alternatives. Both polymers differ significantly from the each other in material properties. According to catalogue data compression modulus of PTFE, it is about an order...
Properties of surface layers of duplex stainless steel after burnishing processes
PublicationStress corrosion cracking resistance of cold worked layers of 25 Cr duplex stainless steel grade UR52N+ has been investigated. The surface layers were performed through burnishing treatment. The residual stresses at surface layers were determined using grazing angle incidence X-ray diffraction method (g-sin2 Ψ). Corrosion tests were performed with the use of Slow Strain Rate Test technique in boiling 35% MgCl2 solution. It has...
Thermal boundary conditions to simulate friction layers and coatings at sliding contacts
PublicationA brief review of the thermal boundary conditions specified at sliding interfaces was performed. New thermal boundary conditions were derived aimed at solving problems of sliding with account of surface layers representing friction layers and tribological coatings. Based on the assumption of linear temperature distributions in the surface layers, the proposed conditions enable one to simplify simulations by eliminating the surface...
The Usage of the BP-Layers Stereo Matching Algorithm with the EBCA Camera Set
PublicationThis paper is concerned with applying a stereo matching algorithm called BP-Layers to a set of many cameras. BP Layers is designed for obtaining disparity maps from stereo cameras. The algorithm takes advantage of convolutional natural networks. This paper presents using this algorithm with a set called Equal Baseline Camera Array. This set consists of up to five cameras with one central camera and other ones aground it. Such a...
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr
PublicationThe surface condition of an implant has a significant impact on response occurring at the implant-biosystem border. The knowledge of physical-chemical and biological processes allows for targeted modification of biomaterials to induce a specified response of a tissue. The present research was aimed at development of technology composing of obtaining the nanotube oxide layers on a porous titanium alloy Ti13Nb13Zr, followed by the...
Nanotubular Ti Oxide Layers for Enhancement of Bone-Implant Bonding and Bioactivity
PublicationAbstrakt artykułu pt. ''Nanotubular Ti Oxide Layers for Enhancement of Bone-Implant Bonding and Bioactivity''. The paper describes techniques to improve the bioactivity of titanium and ehnahnce the bone-implant bonding ability by the electrochemical anodization to fabricate titania nanotubular oxide layer.
Seeding enhancement for microcrystaline diamond layers growth on non-diamond substrates
PublicationThe present paper gives an overview on the possible methods of seeding substrates for diamond layers growth. Diamond in reason of his properties is very desirable material in microelectronic, biomedical and waste treatment sensors. Microcrystalline diamond for these applications must be grown on silicon substrate in microwave plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (MPACVD). To grow diamond on non-diamond surface pre-growth...
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on ‘Ti–13Zr–13Nb’ alloy
PublicationThe presented research was aimed to determine the mechanical properties of the nanotubular oxide layer covered with hydroxyapatite coating. The Ti–13Zr–13Nb alloy was oxidised in 1M phosphoric acid with an addition of 0?5% HF for HF solution at 20 V voltage. The electrochemically assisted deposition of hydroxyapatite was performed at cyclic polarisation in NH4H2PO4 and CaCl2 solution at 80uC. The mechanical properties were determined...
Evaluation of Thermal Stresses in Asphalt Layers in Comparison with TSRST Test Results
PublicationThe paper presents the results of calculations and laboratory determination of thermal stresses at low temperatures. The modified Hills and Brien's method was used to calculate the thermal stresses in asphalt layers of pavements and the results were compared against the values obtained at a laboratory with the Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test (TSRST) method. The laboratory investigations were conducted using plain grade...
Creation and characteristics of the (Mn-N-O) surface layers on aluminium alloy
PublicationPrzedstawiono koncepcję tworzenia warstw powierzchniowych zawierających mangan, azot i tlen. Warstwy wykazują twardość powierzchniową 358 HV0,01, zwiększoną odporność na korozję w kwasie siarkowym oraz odporność na zużycie ścierne w skojarzeniu z żeliwem szarym.
ADCP Observations of Diel Vertical Migration of Biological Layers in Gulf of Gdańsk
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Effect of concentration boundary layers on mechanical pressure in a double-membrane system