total: 467
filtered: 437
Odour Perception Using a Sniffing Team at a Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant: A Case Study
PublicationThe monitoring of odour intensity, generated by a landfill area, is a difficult activity since it is a multi-source problem with discontinuous odour emissions. A modified sniffing team method is described here and applied to determine the main odour sources in a landfill located in Pomerania, Poland. Four consecutive test sessions were performed during the following months: August, December, April, and June. It was found that the...
Harmful biological agents in municipal waste thermal treatment plants
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Antimicrobial resistance of fecal indicators in municipal wastewater treatment plant
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The effectiveness of the mechanical treatment of municipal waste using the example of a selected installation
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Examples of renewable and waste energy sources utilisation in municipal sewage treatment plants.
PublicationTematem pracy jest problem zaopatrzenia miejskich oczysczalni ścieków w energię elektryczną i cieplną. przedstawiono dwie polskie oczyszczalnie scieków: w Żywcu i Grudziądzu jako przykłądy zastosowania odnawialnych i odpadowych źródeł energii. Zamieszczone zostały informacje na temat ilości produkowanego biogazu, źródeł energii, systemów zaopatrzenia w ciepło, w tym agregatów kogeneracyjnych i pomp ciepła. Sformułowano wnioski...
Analysis of Potential Exposure to Components of Municipal Solid Waste in a Mechanical Biological Treatment
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Influence of landfill leachate on municipal wastewater treatment - model plant(WWTP-MP)
PublicationAbstract In the current study, wastewater treatment model plant (WWTP-MP) was used to investigate the possibilities of landfill leachate co-treatment together with municipal wastewater. The WWT-MP, designed as an A2O multiphase system, was fed with the raw municipal wastewater (from the WWTP Gdańsk "Wschód'', Qav.=82x103 m3/d) with increasing, from 1 to 5 % (vol.), quantity of landfill leachate (collected from Gdańsk landfill ''Szadółki")....
The Importance of the Microclimatic Conditions Inside and Outside of Plant Buildings in Odorants Emission at Municipal Waste Biogas Installations
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Characteristics of odors emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plant and methods for their identification and deodorization techniques
PublicationOdors emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plants belong to a group of pollutants, which is the main cause of people complaining about atmospheric air quality. The limitation of emissions of unpleasant odors generated by wastewater treatment plants by using appropriate deodorization methods is omitted on numerous occasions. This can have a negative inflence on public trust and the quality of atmospheric air. The article...
Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production by Municipal Wasted Activated Sludge: The Case Study of Marineo (ITALY) Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublicationPolyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biodegradable polymers with promising applications in various industries. The production of PHAs from sewage sludge represents an innovative and sustainable approach to both waste management and biopolymer synthesis. Sewage sludge, a by-product of wastewater treatment, contains a rich organic carbon source, making it an ideal substrate for producing PHA. This microbial synthesis of PHAs from sewage...
The effect of agro-waste co-digestion and sludge disposal on carbon footprint in municipal wastewater treatment plants
PublicationThe study presents analysis of the carbon footprint (CF) in 6 wastewater treatment plants in northern Poland with a special focus on the effect of co digestion of sewage sludge and food waste. Although co-digestion increases the on-site energy production, but it has a negative effect on the total CF. To overcome the negative effect, several sludge disposal scenarios were analysed and their effect on the CF reduction was determined....
Statistical description of influence of biogenic compounds on process reduction of organic substance from municipal sewage in functioning treatment plant
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Fate and significance of phthalates and bisphenol A in liquid by-products generated during municipal solid waste mechanical-biological pre-treatment and disposal
PublicationSamples of liquid by-products generated by municipal solid waste plants (MSWPs) were tested for the presence of phthalates (PAEs) and bisphenol A (BPA). The results indicated that the wastewater generated during mechanical (sorting unit - SU) and biological (composting unit - CU) pre-treatment (MBT) of residual (mixed) solid waste is a significant source of these compounds. The concentrations of PAEs (up to 32222 lg/L) and BPA...
Usuwanie struwitu z rurociągów w oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych = Struvite removal from pipelines in municipal wastewater treatment plant
PublicationStruwit MgNH4PO4 .6H2O jest minerałem występującym w przyrodzie. Minerał ten może powstawać również w organizmie człowieka oraz zwierząt jako kamień nerkowy. W wielu oczyszczalniach ścieków struwit wytrąca się podczas odprowadzania cieczy nadosadowej z komór fermentacyjnych. Powoduje to szybkie zmniejszanie się przekroju czynnego rurociągów i konieczność ich wymiany lub usuwania powstałego osadu. Ponadto, powstający osad...
Mater-Bi/Brewers’ Spent Grain Biocomposites—Novel Approach to Plant-Based Waste Filler Treatment by Highly Efficient Thermomechanical and Chemical Methods
PublicationThermoplastic starch (TPS) is a homogenous material prepared from native starch and water or other plasticizers subjected to mixing at a temperature exceeding starch gelatinization temperature. It shows major drawbacks like high moisture sensitivity, poor mechanical properties, and thermal stability. To overcome these drawbacks without significant cost increase, TPS could be blended with bio-based or biodegradable polymers and...
PublicationMunicipal solid waste (MSW) contains mineral materials which are seldom considered as a potential resource. Currently, the waste management sector pays attention to recyclable parts, biodegradable material, waste-to-energy fraction, and residues after waste reuse and recycle. In contrast, this study focus as on the mineral matter in MSW. The aim was to analyze and discuss the sources of mineral matter in MSW, the impact which the...
Remediation of soils on municipal rendering plant territories using Miscanthus × giganteus
PublicationPhytoremediation, as a cost-effective, highly efficient, environmentally friendly, and green approach, gained attention to the removal of metals, including heavy metals, from contaminated soils. The toxic nature of heavy metals can have an adverse effect on human health and the ecosystem, and their removal remains a worldwide problem. Therefore, in this study, a field experiment was carried out to evaluate the potential of Miscanthus × giganteus...
Influence of alkaline and oxidative pre-treatment of waste corn cobs on biohydrogen generation efficiency via dark fermentation
PublicationStages of waste corn cobs processing leading to the production of biohydrogen via dark fermentation are presented and discussed in this paper. Firstly, the effects of pretreatment conditions i.e. alkaline, alkaline-oxidizing and Fenton oxidizing pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass on the removal of lignin were examined. The solid residue obtained in the first stage was subjected to saccharification by means of enzymatic hydrolysis....
A mixture of cellulose production waste with municipal sewage as new material for an ecological management of wastes
PublicationChemical contaminants present in cellulose production waste and municipal sewage sludge condition the necessity to treat these wastes before they are introduced into the environment. Environmental use of the these wastes appears to be justified owing to the content of organic substances as well as the considerable fertilising value. The aim of the study was to assess chemical composition and ecotoxicity of cellulose production...
Vulnerability of municipal solid waste: An emerging threat to aquatic ecosystems
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Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass and Municipal Waste into Useful Energy Using Advanced HiTAG/HiTSG Technology
PublicationAn advanced thermal conversion system involving high-temperature gasification of biomass and municipal waste into biofuel, syngas or hydrogen-rich gas is presented in this paper. The decomposition of solid biomass and wastes by gasification is carried out experimentally with a modern and innovative regenerator and updraft continuous gasifier, among others. A ceramic high-cycle regenerator provides extra energy for the thermal conversion...
Municipal Waste Management in Poland Compared to Other European Union Countries
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The Impact of Technological Processes on Odorant Emissions at Municipal Waste Biogas Plants
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Occupational exposure to anaerobic bacteria in a waste sorting plant
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The Use of Chemical Sensors to Monitor Odour Emissions at Municipal Waste Biogas Plants
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Methods of Assessing Odour Emissions from Biogas Plants Processing Municipal Waste
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Landfill leachates and wastewater of maritime origin as possible sources of endocrine disruptors in municipal wastewater
PublicationIn this study, wastewater from municipal services, such as a port wastewater reception facility (PRF-WW) and a municipal solid waste plant (MSWP), was tested for the presence of the suspected endocrine-disrupting compounds phthalates (PAEs) and bisphenol A (BPA). PAEs and BPA were found in this study in high concentrations in raw wastewater obtained from passenger ships (RMT-WWs) (up to 738 μg/L and 957 μg/L, respectively) collected...
Pilot- scale plant for material recycling of whole waste tires
PublicationContinously growing demad for all kinds of vehicles and general tendency to regular exchange of tires are causing growth of scrap tires which need management. A risings of large quantities of used rubber products, especially used tires has been increasing every year in Poland, in 2006 it was 160 thousand. The waste management and recycling of used tires become a major environmental problem. It is worth noticing that tires which...
Municipal soild waste settlement (MSWS) model with account for integrated creep and degradation processes.
PublicationModel oparto na superpozycji składowych osiadania zależnych od obciązenia i wpływu czasu, zgodnie z obserwowanym zachowaniem się odpadów komunalnych w warunkach polowych i laboratoryjnych. Składowe osiadania zależne od obciązenia, które przyrastają w miarę dokładania kolejnych warstw odpadów, oblicza się z uwzględnieniem modułu podatności zależnego od poziomu obciążenia. Składowe osiadania wynikające z upływu czasu obejmują osiadanie...
Water Demineralization by Membrane Distillation Utilizing Cooling Water From Municipal Waste Incinerator
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Effect of meteorological conditions on odour emission at biogas plants processing municipal waste – pilot research
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Odour Emissions of Municipal Waste Biogas Plants—Impact of Technological Factors, Air Temperature and Humidity
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Odour Nuisance at Municipal Waste Biogas Plants and the Effect of Feedstock Modification on the Circular Economy—A Review
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Efficiency of landfill leachate treatment in a MBR/UF system combined with NF, with a special focus on phthalates and bisphenol A removal
PublicationIn this study, a pilot-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) was operated at a municipal solid waste plant (MSWP) to treat a mixture of landfill leachates (LLs) obtained from modern (MP-LLs) and previous (PP-LLs) waste cells. The MBR unit combined anoxic and aerobic zones with external ultra- and nanofiltration (MBR/UF and MBR/UF/NF, respectively). In addition to the removal of macropollutants, special attention was given to phthalates...
Comparative analysis of preliminary identification and characteristic of odour sources in biogas plants processing municipal waste in Poland
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Using the MultiRAEPro Gas Detector to Monitor Odour Emissions from Biogas Plants Processing Municipal Waste
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Chemical pollution and toxicity of water samples from stream receiving leachate from controlled municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill
PublicationThe present study was aimed to determine the impact of municipal waste landfill on the pollution level of surface waters, and to investigate whether the choice and number of physical and chemical parameters monitored are sufficient for determining the actual risk related to bioavailability and mobility of contaminants. In 2007–2012, water samples were collected from the stream flowing through the site at two sampling locations,...
Double-stage ORC system based on various temperature waste heat sources of the negative CO2 power plant
PublicationAnalysed is the modification of the thermodynamic cycle with the negative CO2 power plant concept by its combination with the organic Rankine cycle. The analysed power plant operates on a gas produced from the gasification of sewage sludge. The negative emission term comes from the aggregated CO2 balance resulting from the capture of the CO2, while the sewage sludge is one of the inevitable environmental sources of CO2 to be avoided....
Utilisation of waste heat from the power plant by use of the ORC aided with bleed steam and extra source of heat
PublicationUtilization of waste heat recovered from the exhaust gases of the power generation unit by means of ORC (organic Rankine cycles) installation is considered. The waste heat is available in the form of a stream of hot water having temperature of 90 stC in the amount of 200 MWt. To increase evaporation temperaturę of ORC working fluid the heat of steam from the extraction points from the low-pressure part of steam turbine is used....
Concentration and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface soil near a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill
PublicationDue to a continuous demand of land for infrastructural and residential development there is a public concern about the condition of surface soil near municipal solid waste landfills. A total of 12 surface (0–20 cm) soil samples from a territory near a landfill were collected and the concentration of 16 PAHs and 7 PCB congeners were investigated in these samples. Limits of detection were in the range of 0.038–1.2 μg/kg for PAHs...
Influence of a municipal waste landfill on the spatial distribution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDDs/Fs) in the natural environment
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Across-Shift Changes in Viable Nasal Bacteria among Waste-Incineration Plant Workers—A Pilot Study
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Assessment of Odour Impact Range of Selected Waste Management Plant with the Use of Mathematical Tools (Model Tools)
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Processing and characterization of reinforced polyethylene composites made with lignocellulosic fibres isolated from waste plant biomass such as hemp
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Managment of low grade waste heat from the supercritical power plant using the ORC cycle aided by bleed steam
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono oryginalną koncepcję dogrzewu obiegu ORC za pomocą pary upustowej z nadkrytycznego bloku energetycznego.
Zastosowanie testu biologicznego Microtox do oceny skuteczności działania oczyszczalni ścieków bytowo-przemysłowych
PublicationOcena efektywności procesu oczyszczania ścieków z zastosowaniem biotestu Microtox® na przykładzie wybranej oczyszczalni Powszechnie praktykowanym sposobem wprowadzania ścieków oczyszczonych do środowiska jest ich punktowy zrzut do wód powierzchniowych. Różnorodność działalności prowadzonej w ramach współczesnej gospodarki sprawia, że do oczyszczalni docierają nie tylko substancje, których oznaczanie jest wymagane przez przepisy...
Zagospodarowanie ciepła odpadowego z biogazowych agregatów kogeneracyjnych w oczyszczalni ścieków = Waste heat utilisation from cogeneration set in sewage plant
PublicationW pracy opisano koncepcję współpracy biogazowych modułów kogeneracyjnych z niskotemperaturowym obiegiem parowym. Proponowana modernizacja pozwoliłaby na wykorzystanie entalpii fizycznej spalin, tym samym zwiększając sprawność urządzeń wytwarzających ciepło i energię elektryczną. Tego typu rozwiązanie umożliwiłoby częściowe pokrycie zapotrzebowania własnego na energię elektryczną, generując oszczędności w przedsiębiorstwie. W artykule...
A fast start-up of the organotrophic anammox process inoculated with constructed wetland sediment
PublicationOrganotrophic anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) bacteria can utilize small volatile fatty acids with nitrate as electron acceptors with less energy consumption and no biomass production. To achieve a faster and stable start-up of organotrophic anammox process, in this study, the growth of organotrophic anammox bacteria seeded from hybrid constructed wetland (CW) sediment under different TOC/TN ratios and different chloramphenicol...
Small wood waste fired combined heat and power plant. Possible use of wood biomass for the generation of electric and heat energy as an alternative to fossil fuels
PublicationThis article discusses the possibility of burning wood biomass instead of fossil fuels in boilers. It describes the properties of wood biomass, including the variation of its calorific value depending on the moisture content of wood. The article proposes several variants of a combined heat and power plant (CHP) system burning wood biomass for the generation of electric and heat energy, using the energy contained in exhaust gases...