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Search results for: NITRATES
Impact of weeding methods on the content of nitrates in potato tubers
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Health Risk Assessment of Exposure to Nitrates in Drinking Water Depending on the Source of Its Origin
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Effect of foliar fertilization using micronutrient fertilizers on the content of nitrates(V), nitrites(III) in potato tubers
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Evaluation of Selected Heavy Metal Contaminants as Well as Nitrates and Nitrites in the Microgreens of Nigella (Nigella sativa L.), Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.), and Camelina (Camelina sativa L.) at Different Stages of Vegetation
PublicationMicrogreens are a new, rapidly growing group of foodstuffs. The decorative function of these is often accompanied by their use in traditional dishes. As microgreens are eaten at very early stages, when the development of the epidermis is at its minimum, the bioavailability of minerals will be found to be higher in microgreens then in mature vegetables. So, microgreens can be an excellent functional food, especially for mineral-deficient...
La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Co 0.2 Fe 0.8 O 3-δ oxygen electrodes for solid oxide cells prepared by polymer precursor and nitrates solution infiltration into gadolinium doped ceria backbone
PublicationInfiltration is a method, which can be applied for the electrode preparation. In this paper oxygen electrode is prepared solely by the infiltration of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3‐δ (LSCF) into Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ (CGO) backbone. The use a polymer precursor as an infiltrating medium, instead of an aqueous nitrate salts solution is presented. It is shown that the polymer forms the single-phase perovskite at 600 °C, contrary to the nitrates...
Evaluation of the content of inorganic anions in tree saps
PublicationTree saps were once commonly used in the countries of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. Although once almost forgotten, their popularity has been growing recently as part of an interest in organic food and traditional medicine. Tree saps, tapped mainly from birch and maple trees, are drunk both fresh and fermented or are used as raw material for the production of food products, e.g. syrups. The aim of this study was to determine...
Heterotrophic Anodic Denitrification in Microbial Fuel Cells
PublicationNowadays, pollution caused by energy production systems is a major environmental concern. Therefore, the development of sustainable energy sources is required. Amongst others, the microbial fuel cell (MFC) seems to be a possible solution because it can produce clean energy at the same time that waste is stabilized. Unfortunately, mainly due to industrial discharges, the wastes could contain nitrates, or nitrates precursors such...
Lower rim substituted p-tert-butyl-calix[4]arene. Part 17. synthesis, extractive and ionophoric properties of p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene appended with hydroxamix acid moieties
PublicationThe synthesis and characterization of four p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene-hydroxamic acidc are reported. The dependence of the metal ion binding, assessed by liquid extraction of the metal nitrates from water into dichloromethane in individual and competitive experiments, on the ligand structure, is presented. The results showed that those ligands could be successfully used in separation process of trnasition and heavy metals often...
Denitrifcation rate in the mainstream deammonification
PublicationThe conventional processes of biological nitrogen removal based on nitrification and denitrification does not fit properly into the concept of the circular economy. As the alternative one should consider the deammonification process, which is a combination of partial nitrification (nitritation) and Anammox processes. It consists of removing ammonium nitrogen from wastewater under anaerobic conditions by a group of autotrophic microorganisms....
Contamination of water in Oliwski Stream after the flood in 2016
PublicationIn the article pollution of stream waters with surface runoff from an urbanized area caused by an extremely high rainfall is discussed. The analyzes were carried out after the rainfall of the depth 152 mm which took place in Gdańsk on 14th and 15th July 2016. This extreme rainfall caused urban flooding, damage of several retention ponds and pollution of surface waters. In the article the results of physical and chemical analyzes...
Effect of culinary treatment on chnages in the contents of selected nutrients and non-nutrients in curly kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
PublicationKale has a great nutritive value, very high antioxidant activity and pro-healthypotential. The level of phytochemicals and related bioactive compounds arestrongly dependent on pre and postharvest stages of production chain (domestic orindustrial). The study investigated changes in the levels of vitamin C, b-carotene,total polyphenols, antioxidant activity, degradation products of glucosinolates aswell as nitrates and nitrites in...
Electrolytic deposition of reactive element thin films on Crofer 22 APU and evaluation of the resulting high-temperature corrosion protection properties at 700 °C–900 °C
PublicationThis article presents electrolytic deposition of thin Rare Earth (RE) coatings on Crofer 22 APU stainless steel substrates for high temperature applications, such as interconnects in solid oxide cell stacks. The deposition of coatings based on yttrium-, gadolinium-, lanthanum-, and cerium nitrates is discussed. The high temperature corrosion properties of surface-modified steels were examined using thermogravimetry and electrical...
Study of Cloud Water Samples Collected over Northern Poland
PublicationThe paper gives the results of the first studies on the chemistry of cloud water collected during 3 mo (Aug.–Oct. 2010) in the free atmosphere over the area to the south of the Tri-City (Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia) conurbation on the Gulf of Gdansk, Poland. Taken from cumulus, stratus, and stratocumulus clouds by means of an aircraft-mounted collector, the water samples were analyzed for the following contaminants: anions (chlorides,...
Metabolic activity of tree saps of different origin towards cultured human cells in the light of grade correspondence analysis and multiple regression modeling
PublicationTree saps are nourishing biological media commonly used for beverage and syrup production. Although the nutritional aspect of tree saps is widely acknowledged, the exact relationship between the sap composition, origin, and effect on the metabolic rate of human cells is still elusive. Thus, we collected saps from seven different tree species and conducted composition-activity analysis. Saps from trees of Betulaceae, but not from...
Ocena stanu chemicznego i zagrożeń wód podziemnych oraz powierzchniowych w rejonie Zalewu Wślanego
PublicationThe purpose of the research was to examine how factors such as land use and land management affect the quality of groundwater and surface water. These studies were possible thanks to funding from the IDUB Technetium Talent Management Grants project titled “Assessment of Anthropogenic Threat to Groundwater and Surface Water in the Region of the Vistula Lagoon”. The research area included a section of the Vistula Spit, ¯u³awy Wielkie...
Seasonal changes of the concentrations of mineral forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in watercourses in the agricultural catchment area (Bay of Puck, Baltic Sea, Poland)
PublicationThe Baltic Region countries are obliged to meet the stringent limits of N and P discharge set by HELCOM for 2021. Area sources of pollution, including agriculture, are considered the main contributors of biogenic compounds. The Bay of Puck as an inner part of the Baltic Sea is particularly sensitive to eutrophication caused by nutrient in flow from agricultural lands. Rivers and streams inflowing to the Bay of Puck transport nitrogen...
The Influence of the Electrodeposition Parameters on the Properties of Mn-Co-Based Nanofilms as Anode Materials for Alkaline Electrolysers
PublicationIn this work, the influence of the synthesis conditions on the structure, morphology, and electrocatalytic performance for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) of Mn-Co-based films is studied. For this purpose, Mn-Co nanofilm is electrochemically synthesised in a one-step process on nickel foam in the presence of metal nitrates without any additives. The possible mechanism of the synthesis is proposed. The morphology and structure...
Drinking water safety evaluation in the selected sub-Saharan African countries: A case study of Madagascar, Uganda and Rwanda
PublicationIn the sub-Saharan region of Africa, access to safe drinking water remains limited in many countries. This study provides an overview of the quality of surface water and groundwater in rural and peri-urban areas of Madagascar, Uganda, and Rwanda. Selected physico-chemical parameters, inorganic species (including inorganic ions), and organic pollution indicators, such as total organic carbon, non-ionic surfactants, cationic surfactants, anionic...
Modelling the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters with an innovative and interdisciplinary toolkit
PublicationThe changes taking place in the marine coastal zones are extremely important, as about 40% of the human population currently lives in the coastal areas (within 100 kilometres of the coastline) increasing anthropogenic pressure on the marine ecosystems. Agriculture is a significant source of nutrients to the marine environment that increase hypoxia, eutrophication and may pose a threat to the services provided by ecosystems. In...
Removal of VOCs from air and assessment of dominant species in a peat-perlite biotrickling filter
PublicationAir pollution has become a major concern because it is inevitably connected with the rapid development of both industrial and residential areas. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted from various anthropogenic sources e.g. transportation, factories or landfills as well as recycling factories. It is problematic not only because of the direct impact on humans and environment but also from economy viewpoint as it increases...
Wstępna ocena wielkości stężeń związków azotu i fosforu odprowadzanych z wodami powierzchniowymi do Zatoki Puckiej z terenu gminy Puck
PublicationThe ferilizers used in agriculture negatively affect the surface and groundwater quality. The Bay of Puck is a semi-closed part of the Gulf of Gdańsk, which is particularly vulnerable to eutrophication caused by the inflow of nutrient substances. The Bay is surrounded by the lands intensively used in agriculture. Also a number of touristic resorts is located on its coast. The streams and rivers carry the load of nitrogen and phosphorus...