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Search results for: PP-G-GMA
An investigation on the role of GMA grafting degree on the efficiency of PET/PP-g-GMA reactive blending: morphology and mechanical properties
PublicationGlycidyl methacrylate (GMA) has been grafted on polypropylene (PP) with the aid of styrene (St) comonomer, by changing dicumyl peroxide initiator content, GMA level, and St concentration. The performance of the resulting PP-g-GMA reactive material towards static and dynamic mechanical properties of poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) was monitored in terms of grafting reaction variables and compatibilizer content. Fourier transform...
Synergistic effect of MWCNTs and MA-g-PP on the thermal and viscoelastic properties of immiscible PTT/PP blends
PublicationThe properties of immiscible blends of PTT and PP were modified by grafting and nanoparticle inclusion. The observed synergistic effect of MWCNTs and MA-g-PP on the thermal and viscoelastic properties of PTT/PP blends was studied in detail and the properties of the composites were compared with those of ungrafted PP.
Morphology and mechanical properties of polyamide/clay nanocomposites toughened with NBR/NBR-g-GMA: A comparative study
PublicationThis work highlights the importance of nanoclay dispersion state in the nanocomposites containing polyamide 6 (PA6), nanoclay and elastomers as well as clay localization at the interface of thermoplastic/elastomer. Morphology and mechanical properties of a series of nanocomposites containing acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), glycidyl methacrylate-grafted NBR (NBR-g-GMA), and combined NBR/NBR-g-GMA were compared and discussed...
Some remarks on the Euler ring U(G)
PublicationNiech G będzie zwartą grupą Liego i niech U(G) oznacza pierściń Eulera G skonstruoawany przez tom Diecka w [5,6]. Główny wynikpracy (Twierdzenie 4.1) opisuje homomorfizm pierścienia U(SO(3)) w pierścień U(SO(2))indukowany przez włożenie grupy SO(2) w grupę SO(3).
Modified monopole ring antennas as a solution for HiperLAN1/2 and IEEE 802.11b/g standard devices
PublicationZaprojektowano, wykonano i przebadano pierścieniową antenę planarną przeznaczona do aplikacji multisystemowych. Zastosowano system zasilania poprzez linie mikropaskową oraz dobrano wymiary i kształty pierścieni (promienników) w taki sposób, aby odpowiednio ''ulokować'' podzakresy pracy anteny. Zrealizowany prototyp anteny pracuje w zakresie standardów IEEE 802.11b/g oraz HiperLAN1/2.
Compact-planar monopole loop antennas for 802.11b/g WLAN systems
PublicationZaproponowano planarne anteny monopolowe dla systemów komunikacji bezprzewodowej WLAN pracujących w pasmach 2.45GHz i 5.25GHz. W strukturze radiatorów zasilanych poprzez linię mikropaskową wykorzystano krzywe fraktalne: pętlę Kocha oraz pętlę Minkowskiego. W obu przypadkach uzyskano dwuzakresową pracę anten dzięki wprowadzeniu nowej konfiguracji zminiaturyzowanych transformatorów impedancji w układzie zasilania.
Preparation of Well-Compatibilized PP/PC Blends and Foams Thereof
PublicationThe performance of polypropylene-poly(ethylene brassylate) block and graft copolymers and a polypropylene-polycaprolactone graft copolymer as compatibilizers for polypropylene-rich polypropylene/bisphenol A polycarbonate (PP/PC, 80/20 wt/wt) blends was elucidated. The copolymers were synthesized either by metal-catalyzed ring-opening polymerization or transesterification of a presynthesized polyester, initiated by hydroxyl-functionalized...
Differential cross section for electron impact excitation of the a1 δ g state of molecular oxygen in the 15-180° angular range.
PublicationZmierzono absolutne różniczkowe przekroje czynne na wzbudzeniu drobin tlenu do poziomu oscylacyjnego v=0 stanu a1 δ g. Pomiary wykonano dla energii elektronów równej 10eV w zakresie kątów rozproszenia od 15° do 180°.
PP popularny
PublicationArtykuł opisuje rodzaje polipropylenu stosowanego w instalacjach wodociągowych i grzewczych oraz sposoby wykonywania połączeń tego materiału.
Analysis of IMS/NGN call processing performance using G/G/1 queuing systems approximations
PublicationThe paper concerns the Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for distribution of multimedia services based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). To guarantee quality, accurate traffic models of IMS/NGN should be proposed. In the paper we compare results obtained with our analytical and simulation model of a single IMS/NGN domain, where various queuing systems are used in the analytical model (M/G/1 and approximations...
Analysis of structure and properties of DVB–GMA based porous polymers
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NMR-Based Structural Insight into DNA G-Quadruplex
PublicationEmerging as a promising area in anticancer research, noncanonical DNA structures such as G-quadruplexes are studied using NMR spectroscopy. NOESY spectra reveals crucial interactions between ligands and G-quadruplexes, helping to understand non-covalent binding mechanisms. This knowledge is essential for rational drug design targeting these structures.
Why Are Left-Handed G-Quadruplexes Scarce?
PublicationG-quadruplexes (G4s) are nucleic acid structures crucial for the regulation of gene expression and genome maintenance. While they hold promise as nanodevice components, achieving desired G4 folds requires understanding the interplay between stability and structural properties, like helicity. Although right-handed G4 structures dominate the experimental data, the molecular basis for this preference over left-handed helicity is unclear....
Solving nonlinear programming problems by using O&G software.
PublicationPraca opisuje pakiet optymalizacyjny oprogramowania O&G. Umożliwia on rozwiązywanie problemów programowania nieliniowego. Użytkownik może w wygodny sposób formułować rozwiązywane zadanie i dobierać metody obliczeniowe używając interaktywnego interfejsu.
On the Fenchel–Moreau conjugate of G-function and the second derivative of the modular in anisotropic Orlicz spaces
PublicationIn this paper, we investigate the properties of the Fenchel–Moreau conjugate of G-function with respect to the coupling function c(x, A) = |A[x]2 |. We provide conditions that guarantee that the conjugate is also a G-function. We also show that if a G-function G is twice differentiable and its second derivative belongs to the Orlicz space generated by the Fenchel–Moreau conjugate of G then the modular generated by G is twice differentiable...
Modern power-electronics installations in the Polish electrical power network
PublicationThe paper discusses the most important areas of application of power electronics arrangements in the Polish electrical power system; especially in the distribution system. The examples presented demonstrate both the need for and the purpose of further research and its applications in these fields, as well as indicating the direction of future research, with special consideration given to the research required in Poland. The proposed...
Minimal Sets of Lefschetz Periods for Morse-Smale Diffeomorphisms of a Connected Sum of g Real Projective Planes
PublicationThe dataset titled Database of the minimal sets of Lefschetz periods for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms of a connected sum of g real projective planes contains all of the values of the topological invariant called the minimal set of Lefschetz periods, computed for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms of a non-orientable compact surface without boundary of genus g (i.e. a connected sum of g real projective planes), where g varies from 1 to...
Organizational IT Competency, Knowledge Workers and Knowledge Sharing
PublicationIT competency plays a vital role in knowledge management processes. Information technology affects an organization’s ability to store and recall knowledge that has been made explicit through codification, including different forms such as written documents, reports, presentations, patents, formulas, etc. This study aims to measure the influence of a company’s IT competency dimensions such as IT-knowledge,...
The influence of IT-competency dimensions on job satisfaction, knowledge sharing and performance across industries
PublicationPurpose – Technology makes knowledge management easier. Knowledge sharing is essential for organizational development. Job satisfaction fosters knowledge sharing. Hence, this study aims to develop an understanding of the mutual relationship between knowledge sharing and job satisfaction when both are predicted by information technology (IT)-competency dimensions such as IT-operations, IT-knowledge and IT-infrastructure in the context...
Social Capital, Human Capital, Tacit Knowledge, and Innovations: A Polish-US Cross-Country Study
PublicationThis study measures the relationship between human and social capital (internal and external) and tacit knowledge sharing's influence on innovativeness among knowledge workers employed in Polish (n=1050) and US (n=1118) organizations. The structural equation modeling method revealed that internal social capital matters more for organizational innovativeness in the US. In Poland, both external and internal were important. Specifically,...
Tacit knowledge acquisition & sharing, and its influence on innovations: A Polish/US cross-country study
PublicationThis study measures the relationship between tacit knowledge sharing and innovation in the Polish (n=350) and US (n=379) IT industries. Conceptually, the study identifies the potential sources of tacit knowledge development by individuals. That is, the study examines how “learning by doing” and “learning by interaction” lead to a willingness to share knowledge and, as a consequence, to support process and product/service innovation....
A multi‐industry and cross‐country comparison of technology contribution to formal and informal knowledge sharing processes for innovativeness
PublicationThe study explores the impact of organizational information technology (IT) competency on knowledge sharing, both explicit and tacit, in the context of innovativeness of products and processes. Knowledge sharing is then assessed in terms of tacit-to-explicit conversion and the impact of both types of knowledge on organizational innovation. Both process (internal) and product/service (external) innovation are included. As an extension,...
Problemy planowania rozwoju systemu transportowego w obszarach metropolitalnych – przykład Obszaru Metropolitalnego G-G-S
PublicationProblemy rozwoju systemów transportowych w metropoliach wynikają ze specyfiki tych obszarów, ich skali i struktury przestrzennej. Obszary te charakteryzują się dużą wewnętrzną integracją funkcjonalną oraz dobrze rozwiniętą siecią transportową. Dynamicznie rozwijające się obszary metropolitalne mają odrębne systemy zarządzania finansami, rozwią- zania prawne oraz administrację, a także własne organy planowania i zarządzania, które...
Tuning of microstructure in engineered poly (trimethylene terephthalate) based blends with nano inclusion as multifunctional additive
PublicationImmiscible blends and their composites are heterogeneous and have variable morphology due to variation in mesophase regions. Tuning, i.e. controlling the phase dimension is important, thereof we report a “super-combo” effect of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in poly (trimethylene terephthalate)/polypropylene (PTT/ PP) blend system. MWCNTs act as a good reinforcing agent and compatibilizer in the otherwise immiscible PTT/...
Spiral Search Grasshopper Features Selection with VGG19-ResNet50 for Remote Sensing Object Detection
PublicationRemote sensing object detection plays a major role in satellite imaging and is required in various scenarios such as transportation, forestry, and the ocean. Deep learning techniques provide efficient performance in remote sensing object detection. The existing techniques have the limitations of data imbalance, overfitting, and lower efficiency in detecting small objects. This research proposes the spiral search grasshopper (SSG)...
g-C3N4 for Photocatalytic Degradation of Parabens: Precursors Influence, the Radiation Source and Simultaneous Ozonation Evaluation
PublicationGraphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) is a promising catalyst for contaminants of emerging concern removal applications, especially as a visible-light-driven material. In this study, g-C3N4 catalysts were effectively synthesized through a simple thermal polymerization method, using melamine, urea, and thiourea as precursors to elucidate the influence of these compounds on the final product’s photocatalytic performance. The degradation...
New potent cathepsin G phosphonate inhibitors
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Minimization of label usage in (G)MPLS networks
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Application of g-C3N4/ZnO nanocomposites for fabrication of anti-fouling polymer membranes with dye and protein rejection superiority
PublicationPolysulfone (PSf) membranes are privileged for water and wastewater treatment, but because of their hydrophobic nature, they suffer from fouling, which lowers their performance and lifetime. In this work, g-C3N4 and g-C3N4/ZnO nanomaterials were synthesized via a hydrothermal method to modify the PSf membrane for effective dye separation and reduction of organic fouling. Since g-C3N4/ZnO possesses –OH and –NH reactive groups, g-C3N4/ZnO/PSf...
Pilot-Scale Studies of WO3/S-Doped g-C3N4 Heterojunction toward Photocatalytic NOx Removal
PublicationDue to the rising concentration of toxic nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the air, effective methods of NOx removal have been extensively studied recently. In the present study, the first developed WO3/S-doped g-C3N4 nanocomposite was synthesized using a facile method to remove NOx in air efficiently. The photocatalytic tests performed in a newly designed continuous-flow photoreactor with an LED array and online monitored NO2 and NO system...
Pomiary naprężeń w warstwie wierzchniej stali duplex metodą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego g-sin2Ψ = Residual stress measurements in duplex steel surface layers by g-sin2Ψ x-ray diffraction method
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki pomiarów naprężeń w warstwie wierzchniej z wykorzystaniem metody dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego g-sin2. Wyjaśniono zasady przeprowadzania pomiarów naprężeń na próbkach walcowych o małej średnicy. Badania prowadzono na próbkach okrągłych ze stali duplex, poddanych procesom nagniatania. Stwierdzono występowanie naprężeń ściskających w warstwach powierzchniowych wszystkich badanych próbek oraz istotne...
Heterojunction of (P, S) co-doped g-C3N4 and 2D TiO2 for improved carbamazepine and acetaminophen photocatalytic degradation
PublicationNovel photocatalysts of phosphorus and sulfur co-doped graphitic carbon nitride incorporated in 2D TiO2 structure were successfully fabricated and applied for solar-driven degradation of emerging pollutants from the group of pharmaceuticals not susceptible to biodegradation. The hybrid photocatalysts with different loadings of (P, S)-doped g-C3N4 were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),...
Potentiation of the anti-tumour effects of Photofrin®-based photodynamic therapy by localized treatment with G-CSF
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Lactoferrin Is an Allosteric Enhancer of the Proteolytic Activity of Cathepsin G
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Low-Molecular-Weight Aldehyde Inhibitors of Cathepsin G
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Inhibitors of cathepsin G: a patent review (2005 to present)
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Fixed point index for $G$-equivariant multivalued maps
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Molecular dynamics simulations reveal the balance of forces governing the formation of a guanine tetrad—a common structural unit of G-quadruplex DNA
PublicationG-quadruplexes (G4) are nucleic acid conformations of guanine-rich sequences, in which guanines are arranged in the square-planar G-tetrads, stacked on one another. G4 motifs form in vivo and are implicated in regulation of such processes as gene expression and chromosome maintenance. The structure and stability of various G4 topologies were determined experimentally; however, the driving forces for their formation are not fully...
Wstępne badania technologii spawania złączy narożnych ze stali niskoweglowej i nierdzewnej o grubości g=6mm i g=10mm
PublicationCelem pracy był dobór parametrów spawania dla spoin narożnych o grubości 6mm i 10mm próbek wykonanych ze stali niskowęglowej S355 i stali nierdzewnej - typu 304 (X6CrNI18-10). Złącza były spawane laserowo, jednostronnie z pełnym przetopem a powierzchnie lica i grani zapewniają uzyskanie szczelności przylegającego elementu uszczelniającego. Próbki zostały dostarczone przez Zleceniodawcę. Próby zostały przeprowadzone na stanowisku...
Testbed analysis of video and VoIP transsmission performance in IEEE 802.11 b/g/n networks
PublicationThe aim of the work is to analyze capabilities and limitations of different implementations of IEEE 802.11 technologies (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n), utilized for both video streaming and VoIP calls directed to mobile devices. Our preliminary research showed that results obtained with currently popular simulation tools can be drastically different than these possible in real-world environment, so, in order to correctly evaluate performance...
Mechanism of recognition of parallel G-quadruplexes by DEAH/RHAU helicase DHX36 explored by molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationBecause of high stability and slow unfolding rates of G-quadruplexes (G4), cells have evolved specialized helicases that disrupt these non-canonical DNA and RNA structures in an ATP-dependent manner. One example is DHX36, a DEAH-box helicase, which participates in gene expression and replication by recognizing and unwinding parallel G4s. Here, we studied the molecular basis for the high affinity and specificity of DHX36 for parallel-type...
Why do G-quadruplexes dimerize through the 5’-ends? Driving forces for G4 DNA dimerization examined in atomic detail
PublicationG-quadruplexes (G4) are secondary structures formed by guanine-rich nucleic acid sequences and shown to exist in living cells where they participate in regulation of gene expression and chromosome maintenance. G-quadruplexes with solvent-exposed guanine tetrads show the tendency to associate together through cofacial stacking, which may be important for packaging of G4-forming sequences and allows for the design of higher-order...
Degradation of tetracycline antibiotic utilizing light driven-activated oxone in the presence of g-C3N4/ZnFe LDH binary heterojunction nanocomposite
PublicationIn the present study, a binary heterojunction nanocomposite composed of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and Zn/Fe-contained layered double hydroxide (ZnFe LDH) was employed as heterogeneous catalyst for the decomposition of tetracycline (TC) antibiotic utilizing Oxone and UV light irradiation. The sole use of g-C3N4/ZnFe LDH as adsorbent led to the negligible elimination of TC. In addition, the sole use of Oxone or UV (photolysis)...
Performance Analysis of Multicast Video Streaming in IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Testbed Environment
PublicationThe aim of the work is to analyse capabilities and limitations of different IEEE 802.11 technologies (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n), utilized for both multicast and unicast video streaming transmissions directed to mobile devices. Our preliminary research showed that results obtained with currently popular simulation tools can be drastically different than these possible in real-world environment, so, in order to correctly evaluate performance...
The effect of impacted third molars on second molar external root resorption, a cross-sectional cone beam computed tomography study
PublicationBackground: Third molars have the highest prevalence of impaction in teeth and can cause pathological damage on the adjacent second molars. This study aims to evaluate the effects of factors related to impacted third molars on external root resorption (ERR) in adjacent second molars using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Material and Methods: In CBCTs, the effect of impacted third molars on the root surface of adjacent second...
Cavitation erosion of some laser-produced iron-base corrosion-resistance alloys
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania kawitacyjne stali C45, X20Cr13 oraz X5CrNi18-10 po laserowym stopowaniu ich warstwy wierzchniej proszkami Mn, Cr, Ni, Si, Ti, Co, Al, Mo, B. Badania kawitacyjne prowadzono na stanowisku z wirującą tarczą. Zniszczenia powierzchni w okresie inkubacji oceniano metodą optyczną. Przedstawiono związek pomiędzy uzyskaną mikrostrukturą obrabianej warstwy i jej odpornością kawitacyjną.
Induction Assisted Hybrid Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Materials AA5052 Aluminium Alloy and X12Cr13 Stainless Steel
PublicationThis research aimed to study the induction in-situ heated hybrid friction stir welding (IAFSW) method to join AA5052 aluminium alloy with X12Cr13 stainless steel (SS) to enhance joint strength. The potency of this method on the mechanical properties and microstructural characterizations were also investigated. The results show that the transverse tensile strength gained was 94% of the AA5052 base metal that is 229.5 MPa. This superior...
Real estate investment trusts in Turkey: Structure, analysis, and strategy
PublicationPurpose-Aim of this study is to make the determinations related to the problems mentioned in the REIT sector in Turkey, to offer a solution for this issue, and to ensure the classification in the sector by adhering to the financial data of the REITsMethodology-Financial data set of the REITs was firstly standardized by using median instead of mean. Then, the scoring was performed according to defined coefficients....
Cathepsin G activity lowers plasma LDL and reduces atherosclerosis
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Effect of Chitosan Solution on Low-Cohesive Soil’s Shear Modulus G Determined through Resonant Column and Torsional Shearing Tests
PublicationIn this study the effect of using a biopolymer soil stabilizer on soil stiffness characteristics was investigated. Chitosan is a bio-waste material that is obtained by chemical treatment of chitin (a chemical component of fungi or crustaceans’ shells). Using chitosan solution as a soil stabilizer is based on the assumption that the biopolymer forms temporary bonds with soil particles. What is important is that these bonds are biodegradable,...