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Search results for: PRE-TREATMENT STEP
Fermentative Conversion of Two-Step Pre-Treated Lignocellulosic Biomass to Hydrogen
PublicationFermentative hydrogen production via dark fermentation with the application of lignocellulosic biomass requires a multistep pre-treatment procedure, due to the complexed structure of the raw material. Hence, the comparison of the hydrogen productivity potential of different lignocellulosic materials (LCMs) in relation to the lignocellulosic biomass composition is often considered as an interesting field of research. In this study,...
Pre-feasibility study for treatment wetland application for wastewater treatment in dispersed development
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to present the conducted analyses of pre-feasibility study of different approaches for wastewater management in a settlement of 180 persons. In the assessment both technical and economic aspects were analyzed. The costs were calculated for three different and, at the same time, most popular as well as possible technical solutions like: (i) construction of local wastewater treatment plant with gravitational...
Revisiting the pre-hypertension debate: Increasing evidence for treatment – or not?
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Pre-Treatment of Furniture Waste for Smokeless Charcoal Production
PublicationThe aim of this study was to assess the possibility of using furniture waste for smokeless fuel production using the pyrolysis process. Four types of wood-based wastes were used in the pyrolysis process: pine sawdust (PS), chipboard (CB), medium-density fiberboard (MDF), and oriented strand board (OSB). Additionally, the slow and fast types of pyrolysis were compared, where the heating rates were 15 C/min and 100 C/min, respectively....
Pre-treatment of bio fraction waste prior to fermentation processes
PublicationCurrent efforts are taken to increase resource efficiency, close material loops, and improve sustainable waste and by-products management. Thus, networking agro-food by-products and converting them into valuable products completely exhausting the potential of the raw material becomes significant. Model lignocellulosic and starch based biomass were subjected to pre-treatment with the application of acidic compounds, i.e. sulphuric...
Optimization of Saccharification Conditions of Lignocellulosic Biomass under Alkaline Pre-Treatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
PublicationPre-treatment is a significant step in the production of second-generation biofuels from waste lignocellulosic materials. Obtaining biofuels as a result of fermentation processes requires appropriate pre-treatment conditions ensuring the highest possible degree of saccharification of the feed material. An influence of the following process parameters were investigated for alkaline pre-treatment of Salix viminalis L.: catalyst concentration...
Hydrogen Production from Energy Poplar Preceded by MEA Pre-Treatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis
PublicationThe need to pre-treat lignocellulosic biomass prior to dark fermentation results primarily from the composition of lignocellulose because lignin hinders the processing of hard wood towards useful products. Hence, in this work a two-step approach for the pre-treatment of energy poplar, including alkaline pre-treatment and enzymatic saccharification followed by fermentation has been studied. Monoethanolamine (MEA) was used as the...
Impact of Plasma Pre-Treatment on the Tribological Properties of DLC Coatings on PDMS Substrates
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Impact of Pre-Sowing Red Light Treatment of Sweet Corn Seeds on the Quality and Quantity of Yield
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Influence of alkaline and oxidative pre-treatment of waste corn cobs on biohydrogen generation efficiency via dark fermentation
PublicationStages of waste corn cobs processing leading to the production of biohydrogen via dark fermentation are presented and discussed in this paper. Firstly, the effects of pretreatment conditions i.e. alkaline, alkaline-oxidizing and Fenton oxidizing pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass on the removal of lignin were examined. The solid residue obtained in the first stage was subjected to saccharification by means of enzymatic hydrolysis....
Nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent in a pilot study using two-step reject water treatment technology
PublicationThe aim of this study was to assess the possibility of phosphorus and nitrogen recovery from the liquid fraction of digestates (reject water) pilot study using a two-step technology, where the precipitation of biogenic compounds in the form of magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) will be preceded by a deammonification process. The tests confirmed the possibility of nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent. A removal...
Advantages of continuous Fenton reaction over the traditional batch process in wastewater treatment in a single and two-step mode
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Influence of the boron doping level on the electrochemical oxidation of raw landfill leachates: advanced pre-treatment prior to the biological nitrogen removal
PublicationThe electrochemical oxidative treatment of landfill leachates (LLs) containing high amounts of ammonia nitrogen and organic matter was used as a promising method, prior to biological processes, to achieve the final effluent quality that would be acceptable by current regulations. The deposited boron-doped diamond electrodes (BDDs) with different boron doping concentrations (10000, 5000 and 500 ppm of B) were applied as anodes....
Fate and significance of phthalates and bisphenol A in liquid by-products generated during municipal solid waste mechanical-biological pre-treatment and disposal
PublicationSamples of liquid by-products generated by municipal solid waste plants (MSWPs) were tested for the presence of phthalates (PAEs) and bisphenol A (BPA). The results indicated that the wastewater generated during mechanical (sorting unit - SU) and biological (composting unit - CU) pre-treatment (MBT) of residual (mixed) solid waste is a significant source of these compounds. The concentrations of PAEs (up to 32222 lg/L) and BPA...
Mathematical modelling of two-step nitrification-denitrification for treatment of sludge digester liquors: influence of nitrite (NO2-N) on the process kinetics
PublicationSeparate treatment of the sludge digester liquors is an alternative for expansion of the mainstream treatment line. In order to reduce the oxygen demand for nitrification and organic carbon demand for denitrification, a shortcut in the nitrogen conversion pathway has been promoted in recent years, i.e. nitrification-denitrification via NO2-N instead of NO3-N. Although NO2-N is a common intermediate product of nitrification and...
Pre-analytical aspects in metabolomics of human biofluids – sample collection, handling, transport, and storage
PublicationMetabolomics is the field of omics research that offers valuable insights into the complex composition of biological samples. It has found wide application in clinical diagnostics, disease investigation, therapy prediction, monitoring of treatment efficiency, drug discovery, or in-depth analysis of sample composition. A suitable study design constitutes the fundamental requirements to ensure robust and reliable results from the...
Ionic liquids-based microextraction techniques
PublicationIn recent years, the development of highly efficient analytical techniques is of great importance, however, the direct analysis of complex sample matrix is still impossible in many cases. Therefore, the step of sample preparation is commonly involved in an analytical procedure. Over the years, it has been realized that the major source of inaccuracy and imprecision on general analysis results from the operations associated to sample...
Targeting Candida albicans O-acetyl-L-homoserine sulfhydrylase (Met15p) in antifungal treatment
PublicationFungal infections are a serious threat to public health as they are becoming increasingly frequent. A major problem stems also from a rising fungal resistance to currently available antifungal therapies, therefore novel molecular targets are highly desirable. Exploration of enzymes participating in the biosynthesis pathways of essential amino acids such as L-methionine (L-Met) may provide new insights into pharmaceutical development....
Optical and electrical properties of boron doped diamond thin conductive films deposited on fused silica glass substrates
PublicationThis paper presents boron-doped diamond (BDD) film as a conductive coating for optical and electronic purposes. Seeding and growth processes of thin diamond films on fused silica have been investigated. Growth processes of thin diamond films on fused silica were investigated at various boron doping level and methane admixture. Two step pre-treatment procedure of fused silica substrate was applied to achieve high seeding density....
Comparison and Optimization of Saccharification Conditions of Alkaline Pre-Treated Triticale Straw for Acid and Enzymatic Hydrolysis Followed by Ethanol Fermentation
PublicationThis paper concerns the comparison of the efficiency of two-stage hydrolysis processes, i.e., alkaline pre-treatment and acid hydrolysis, as well as alkaline pre-treatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis, carried out in order to obtain reducing sugars from triticale straw. For each of the analyzed systems, the optimization of the processing conditions was carried out with respect to the glucose yield. For the alkaline pre-treatment,...
Green, simple analytical method for biogenic amines determination in fruit juice samples using salting-out assisted liquid-liquid microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
PublicationSalting-out assisted liquid-liquid microextraction (SALLME) was integrated with the derivatization procedure to establish a one-step sample pre-treatment approach for rapid analysis of 14 biogenic amines (BAs) in fruit juices. The methodology consists of salting-out of analytes, derivatization with ethyl chloroformate (ECF), extraction with ethyl acetate (EtAc), and the analysis of the derivatized BAs using gas chromatography-mass...
Multivariate Assessment of Procedures for Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Synthesis for Pesticides Determination in Environmental and Agricultural Samples
PublicationIn the case of quantitative and qualitative analysis of pesticides in environmental and food samples, it is required to perform a sample pre-treatment process. It allows to minimalize the impact of interferences on the final results, as well as increase the recovery rate. Nowadays, apart from routinely employed sample preparation techniques such as solid-phase extraction (SPE) or solid-phase microextraction (SPME), the application...
Treatment of landfill leachate by constructed wetlands: three case studies
PublicationThe performance of three CW systems treating landfill leachate, two located in northern Poland (Szadółki near Gdańsk and Gatka near Miastko) and one in southern Sweden (Örebro), is discussed. The CWs differ in size, hydraulic regime, type of hydrophytic plants and type of leachate pre-treatment before discharging to the CW. The CW in Szadółki consists of two parallel beds with sub-surface, horizontal flow of leachate (HSSF) planted...
Effect of modified soybeen oil amount on rheological characteriza-tion of polyurethane pre-polymers
PublicationPolyurethanes (Pu’s) are the polymeric materials which have got urethane groups in the structure. The properties of Pu’s depend both on the method of preparation and monomers used. Polyurethanes are produced by two methods known as one step or two step method called as “pre-polymers method”, especially for the case of segmented polyurethanes (SPU’s). These materials are thermoplastic block copolymers of the (AB)n type consisting...
Nanotechnology meets radiobiology: Fullerenols and Metallofullerenols as nano-shields in radiotherapy
PublicationDespite significant advances in the development of radioprotective measures, the clinical application of radioprotectors and radiomitigators remains limited due to insufficient efficacy and high toxicity of most agents. Additionally, in oncological radiotherapy, these compounds may interfere with the therapeutic effectiveness. Recent progress in nanotechnology highlights fullerenols (FulOHs) and metallofullerenols (Me@FulOHs) as...
Nanoporous TiO2 electrode grown by laser ablation of titanium in air at atmospheric pressure and room temperature
PublicationRecently, fabrication of the nanoporous TiO2 photoelectrode on metal foils by means of sputtering of the Ti film on preheatedmetal substrate followed by the TiO2 deposition (doctor blade technique) and sintering represents the frequently applied technique. This is despite the relatively complicated procedure and number of parameters to be controlled in order to fabricate films of required properties. In this work an approach is...
Effects of the preheating laser treatment on microstructure and corrosion resistance of Ti6Al4V bioalloy
PublicationThe laser remelting of the Ti6Al4V alloy was made on specimens pre-heated at elevated temperatures. The laser treatment effected in change of microstructures of surface layers and an appearance of blisters and numerous cracks. The corrosion tests demonstrated the decrease in corrosion resistance for each preheating temperature. The observed effects were attributed to negative influence of excessive compressive stresses with no...
Operational problems of constructed wetland for landfill leachates treatment: case study
PublicationIn the paper the quality fluctuations of leachate from municipal landfill in Gdansk (Poland) over the last 5 years and evaluation of a wetland system designed for treatment of the leachate are discussed.The research has been conducted during the 5 years period. The constructed wetland for leachate treatment, consisting of 2 horizontal subsurface flow reed beds, working in parallel was built in 2001. In the period 2005-06 it underwent...
PublicationThe present paper discusses the quality fluctuations of leachate from municipal landfill in Gdansk (Poland) over the last 5 years and the evaluation of a wetland system designed for treatment of the leachate. The research has been conducted during a 5-year period. The constructed wetland for leachate treatment was built in 2001; it consists of 2 horizontal subsurface flow reed beds, working in parallel. In the period 2005–2006...
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial wastewater
PublicationConstructed wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This is the result of specific environment for the growth of microorganisms and hydro-phytes (aquatic and semiaquatic plants) which are capable of living in aerobic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions. Their interaction contributes to the intensification of oxidation and reduction responsible...
Pre-oxidation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr alloys for lifespan extension at high-temperature
PublicationPre-oxidation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr alloys was extensively studied in this paper. Weight gain measurements and SEM analysis revealed that pre-oxidation performed at 900◦C for 40 min increased the lifespan of the alloy. A Cr evaporation study did not disclose any significant influence of the pre-oxidation process on the Cr content in the alloy. For a more detailed assessment, TEM imaging and X-ray tomography measurements of...
Metody oczyszczania odcieków z procesów przeróbki osadów w komorach fermentacji
PublicationOdcieki z beztlenowych procesów przeróbki osadu w komorach fermentacji (tzw. wody poosadowe) są istotnym źródłem azotu dopływającego do części biologicznej oczyszczalni ścieków. Odpowiednie oczyszczanie tych wód może więc, w bardzo istotny sposób wpłynąć na warunki eksploatacji oczyszczalni. Konwencjonalny proces usuwania amoniaku za pomocą dwóch faz, tj. nitryfikacji i denitryfikacji, są coraz częściej zastępowane przez jednoetapowy...
Single-Family Treatment Wetlands Progress in Poland
PublicationLong distances from one farm to another as well as unfavourable terrain configuration in rural areas in Poland result in high investment and operation costs of sewerage systems. Treatment wetlands (TWs) can be an alternative solution to sewage treatment in rural communities, schools, at campsites and for single houses. In this paper the results of 4 years monitoring of single-family treatment plants (SFTWs) in Kaszuby Lake...
Synergistic effect of TiO2 photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes in the treatment of refinery effluents
PublicationDifferent types of photolytic and photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) were used for treatment of refinery effluents from bitumen production. The treatment efficiency was evaluated by analyzing chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulfide ions concentration. The studies revealed a synergistic effect of application of external oxidants (O3, H2O2, O3/H2O2)...
Seaweed utilization issues in biogas production
PublicationMacroalgae can be seen as a renewable feedstock for the production of biofuels in many coastal areas around the World and especially in Baltic Sea region where the eutrophication is particularly troublesome. The investigation of anaerobic digestion technologies for extracting inexhaustible bioenergy from seaweed was conducted in many research institutions mainly in laboratory scale. Although seaweeds seem to have a great potential...
Effects of CO2 and Nd:YAG Laser Remelting of the Ti6Al4V Alloy on the Surface Quality and Residual Stresses
PublicationThe titanium alloys are materials susceptible to tribological wear and the laser treatment can be applied in surface treatment processes to obtain for example higher hardness level. From the other side, it is important to take into consideration, that hardness increase that can be connected with cracks . The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of different lasers and the process parameters on the form and level...
Treatment of bitumen post oxidative effluents by sulfate radicals based advanced oxidation processes (S-AOPs) under alkaline pH conditions
PublicationSulfate radicals based Advanced Oxidation Processes (S-AOPs), namely Persulfate and peroxymonosulfate, were used for the treatment of post oxidative effluents from a production of petroleum bitumens under alkaline pH. Studies on the identification and monitoring of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) along with COD, BOD and sulfide ions reduction were performed. Persulfate with a ratio between the oxygen from the oxidant and...
Electrode-based floating treatment wetlands: Insights into design operation factors influencing bioenergy generation and treatment performance
PublicationExponential increases in energy consumption and wastewater have often irreversible environmental impacts. As a result, bio-electrochemical devices like microbial fuel cells (MFCs), which convert chemical energy in organic matter to electricity using exoelectrogenic bacteria, have gained interest. However, operational factors affecting efficiency and energy output need further study. This research investigated bioenergy production...
Accelerometer signal pre-processing influence on human activity recognition
PublicationA study of data pre-processing influence on accelerometer-based human activity recognition algorithms is presented. The frequency band used to filter-out the accelerometer signals and the number of accelerometers involved were considered in terms of their influence on the recognition accuracy.
Key issues in modeling and optimization of lignocellulosic biomass fermentative conversion to gaseous biofuels
PublicationThe industrial-scale production of lignocellulosic-based biofuels from biomass is expected to benefit society and the environment. The main pathways of residues processing include advanced hydrolysis and fermentation, pyrolysis, gasification, chemical synthesis and biological processes. The products of such treatment are second generation biofuels. The degree of fermentation of organic substances depends primarily on their composition...
LCF behavior of 2024AA under uni- and biaxial loading taking into account creep pre-deformation
PublicationThis study presents the results of experimental low-cycle fatigue (LCF) tests of aluminum 2024 alloy T3511 temper in uni- and biaxial loading states. Tests were carried out on both the as-received material (hardened extruded rods) and material with different pre-deformation histories. These deformations were carried out in the creep process at 200 °C and 300 °C for two different levels of at each temperature. The pre-deformed material’s...
Advantageous conditions of saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuels generation via fermentation processes
PublicationProcessing of lignocellulosic biomass includes four major unit operations: pre-treatment, hydrolysis, fermentation and product purifcation prior to biofuel generation via anaerobic digestion. The microorganisms involved in the fermentation metabolize only simple molecules, i.e., monosugars which can be obtained by carrying out the degradation of complex polymers, the main component of lignocellulosic biomass. The object of this...
PublicationAn experiment conducted to validate a possibility of use a single active electrode EEG device for detecting Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) is shown. A LED stimulator was applied to stimulate patients with two different frequencies - 13 Hz and 17 Hz. First, EEG signals were recorded and pre-processed using MATLAB software. In the next step recordings were analysed and classified employing the WEKA software. As indicated...
Pre-swirl energy saving device in marine application
PublicationThis paper covers topics of energy saving device (ESD) with application to marine propulsors. The form of ESD, considered in this paper, consists of fixed lifting foils mounted in front of the screw propeller (the pre-swirl stator/guide vanes). An algorithm for designing propulsion systems, consisting of guide vanes and screw propeller, is presented. The proposed method relies on hybrid lifting line (guide vanes)-lifting surface...
Influence of Surface Laser Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Residual Stresses of Titanium and its Alloys
PublicationSurface modification of the titanium and its alloys used in implantology with a long-pulse laser can change the surface topography, but it also leads to changes in the stress sign and magnitude in the resulting subsurface layer. The presented research was aimed at evaluating the state of stress after laser remelting with the Nd:YAG laser of pre-etched titanium alloys Ti6Al4V and Ti13Nb13Zr and pure titanium. The obtained surface...
Depth Images Filtering In Distributed Streaming
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a distributed system for point cloud processing and transferring them via computer network regarding to effectiveness-related requirements. We discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their usage for streaming optimization. For the filtering step of the stream pipeline processing we evaluate four filters: Voxel Grid, Radial Outliner Remover, Statistical Outlier Removal and Pass Through....
Influence of accelerometer signal pre-processing and classification method on human activity recognition
PublicationA study of data pre-processing influence on accelerometer-based human activity recognition algorithms is presented. The frequency band used to filter-out the accelerometer signals and the number of accelerometers involved were considered in terms of their influence on the recognition accuracy. In the test four methods of classification were used: support vector machine, decision trees, neural network, k-nearest neighbor.
The role of biodegradable particulate and colloidal organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThe efficiency of denitrification and enhanced biological phosphorus removal in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems is strongly dependent on the availability of appropriate carbon sources. Due to high costs of commercial compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, etc.) and acclimation periods (usually) required, the effective use of internal substrates is preferred. The aim of this study was to determine...
Simplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to bow slamming load
PublicationSimplified approach to assess the dynamic response of a container ship subjected to the bow slamming load, resulting in a transient vibratory response, typically called a 'whip-ping', is presented. The accurate numerical modelling is very complex and involves cou-pling of the hydrodynamic and structural solution at every time step, leading to huge com-putational and workload cost. Thus, the one-way coupling methodology is adopted,...
PublicationThe pressure on the world’s water resources is rapidly increasing due to population growth and climatic changes. Valorisation of stormwater as a water resource for non-potable reuse can reduce high-quality water demands and save it for potable uses. In this context, not only roof runoff but also drained stormwater outflow, representing considerably higher pollution levels, should be considered as a potential resource. We analysed...