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Search results for: SENSING
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing (FES): A Promising Sensing Technique
PublicationFluctuation-enhanced sensing (FES) is a very powerful odor and gas sensing technique and as such it can play a fundamental role in the control of environments and, therefore, in the protection of health. For this reason, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the state-of-the-art of the FES technique, highlighting potentials and limits. Particular attention is paid to the dedicated instrumentation necessary for the application of...
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing
PublicationFluctuation-enhanced sensing (FES) is an exciting and relatively new research field that promises to extend the range of information that can be extracted from a single sensor. In FES, the stochastic fluctuations of the sensor signal, rather than its average value, are recorded and analyzed. Typical components of such fluctuations are due to interactions at the microscopic level. Proper statistical analysis provides optimum sensory...
Recognition and sensing of anions
PublicationMolecular ion recognition is one of the most intensively studied areas of supramolecular technology. The reason for this is the essential role that ions play in many biological as well as industrial processes. On the other hand, however, it has been proved that ions can have a negative impact on human health and the environment. For these reasons, it is extremly important to develop rapid and simple methods allowing the determination...
Fluctuation-enhanced sensing
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Fluctuation-enhanced chemical sensing
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Fluctuation - enchanced chemical sensing
PublicationCzułość i selektywność sensorów gazu może ulec poprawie jednocześnie gdy wykorzysta się informację zawartą w szumach występujących w sensorze. W pracy opisano szczegółowo kilka metod stosowanych do analizy szumów sensorów gazu. Przedstawiono wyniki ostatnich eksperymentów przeprowadzonych na komercyjnych sensorach gazu Taguchi, sensorach SAW oraz MOS-FET.
Cation sensing by diphenyl-azobenzocrowns
PublicationMetal cations complexation and proton binding by 13- and 16-membered diphenyl-azobenzocrowns and diphenyl-hydroxyazobenzocrowns were studied in acetonitrile using spectroscopic methods: UV–vis spectroscopy, spectrofluorimetry, and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Phenyl moieties in benzene rings were found to affect binding strength alkali and alkaline earth metal cations and hydrogen ion, and affect tautomeric equilibrium of hydroxyazobenzocrowns....
Remote Sensing in Vessel Detection and Navigation
PublicationThe Special Issue (SI) “Remote Sensing in Vessel Detection and Navigation” highlighted a variety of topics related to remote sensing with navigational sensors. The sequence of articles included in this Special Issue is in line with the latest scientific trends. The latest developments in science, including artificial intelligence, were used. The 15 papers (from 23 submitted) were published.
Quantum dots in gas sensing a review
PublicationAir pollution becomes an increasing problem in the recent years. There is a need to develop more sensitive gas sensors. Much effort has been performed to develop different types of gas sensors, such as electrochemical sensors or polymer sensors. One of the most promising approaches to improve sensors performance is the application of the nanostructures as sensing materials. State of the art of quantum...
Novel applications of noise in sensing and communications
PublicationPrzedstawiono zaproponowane w ostatnich latach sposoby wykorzystania szumów do wykrywania gazów, jako źródła informacji o atmosferze otaczającej czujnik. Ponadto, przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania zjawisk losowych do bezpiecznej komunikacji.
Active structural waveguide for sensing application
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Fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing in practice
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Korzyści z zastosowania układów Load Sensing
PublicationW artykule porównano układy Load Sensing I i II rodzaju z układem z dwudrogowym regulatorem przepływu. Dokonano oceny mocy traconych oraz korzyści stosowania układów LS w stosunku do tradycyjnych rozwiązań
PublicationResistance gas sensors exhibit random phenomena (resistance noise) which can be utilized to improve gas sensitivity and selectivity. That new emerging technique has to be investigated to recognize optimal parameters for gas detection. It means that a measurement system has to have ability of numerous parameters adjustment (e.g., sampling frequency, heater voltage, polarization current, voltage noise amplification). That fact induced...
Advanced Electromagnetic Metamaterials for Temperature Sensing Applications
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Novel applications of noise measurements in technology and sensing.
PublicationPomiary szumów są źródłem informacji oraz rodzajem badań nieniszczących dotyczących jakości elementów elektronicznych oraz innych materiałów. Mogą one poprawić selektywność i czułość wykrywania gazów oraz pozwalają monitorować zjawiska korozji. W tym celu wyznacza się właściwości statystyczne fluktuacji prądu lub napięcia w zakresie małych częstotliwości. W artykule przedstawiono i przedyskutowano wybrane, ze względu na ich znaczenie...
Advanced Agent Identification With Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki szeregu zaawansowanych algorytmów przetwarzania sygnałów losowych obserwowanych w sensorach gazu typu Taguchi Gas Sensors. Stwierdzono, że proponowane metody pozwalają wykrywać bardziej efektywnie obecność wielu różnych gazów. W celu detekcji zastosowano głównie funkcje spektrum i bispektrum.
Low-coherence sensors with nanolayers for biomedical sensing
PublicationIn this paper, we describe the fiber optic low-coherence sensors using thin film. We investigated their metrological parameters. Presented sensors were made with the use of standard telecommunication single mode optical fiber (SMF28). Different materials were applied to obtain thick layers, such as boron doped diamond, silver and gold. The thickness of layers used in the experiments ranged from 100 nm to 300 nm. Measurements were...
Sensing of anesthetic drugs in blood with Raman spectroscopy
PublicationA proof-of-concept study of a Raman spectroscopy-based approach for measuring the content of anesthesia drugs in blood is presented. Spectra of spiked blood from several patients exhibit prominent changes in regions associated with the drug.
PublicationThe great interest in graphene is caused by its potential for constructing various sensors exhibiting excellent parameters. The high carrier mobility and the unique band structure of graphene makes it promising especially in the field-effect transistors (GFET) applications. In this article, recent advances of the selected graphene-based sensor applications were presented and the possible directions for further investigations were...
Nitrogen dioxide sensing properties of PEDOT polymer films
PublicationThis work presents a simple and fully electrochemical route for the polymerization of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxytiophene) (PEDOT) films for fabricating a NO2 gas sensor prepared by electropolymerization of 3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) monomer in lithium perchlorate/acetonitrile solution. The main aim of this study is to determine the sensing properties of conductive polymer at elevated temperatures. The effects of the humidity,...
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing for Biological Agent Detection and Identification
PublicationPrzedstawiono wcześniejsze wyniki badań dotyczące trzech różnych sposobów wykrywania obecności substancji biologicznych za pomocą zjawisk fluktuacyjnych: 1) wirusów wnikających do komórek, 2) zapachów emitowanych przez mikroby, 3) rozkładu widma i wartości chwilowych szumów podczas rozpraszania światła używanego do wykrywania zarodników na podstawie wyznaczenia współczynnika dyfuzji opisująceo ich ruch.We survey and show our earlier...
Graphene field-effect transistor application for flow sensing
PublicationMicroflow sensors offer great potential for applications in microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip systems. However, thermal-based sensors, which are commonly used in modern flow sensing technology, are mainly made of materials with positive temperature coefficients (PTC) and suffer from a self-heating effect and slow response time. Therefore, the design of novel devices and careful selection of materials are required to improve the overall...
Acoustic Sensing Analytics Applied to Speech in Reverberation Conditions
PublicationThe paper aims to discuss a case study of sensing analytics and technology in acoustics when applied to reverberation conditions. Reverberation is one of the issues that makes speech in indoor spaces challenging to understand. This problem is particularly critical in large spaces with few absorbing or diffusing surfaces. One of the natural remedies to improve speech intelligibility in such conditions may be achieved through speaking...
Analytical fluctuation enhanced sensing by resistive gas sensors
PublicationResistance fluctuations across polarised resistive gas sensors were studied in detail to evaluate sensor working conditions for detecting methane and ammonia at various concentrations. The 1/f noise component typically dominates other noise sources up to a few kHz and can be utilised to improve gas selectivity when compared with measurements of the sensor DC resistance. The Arrhenius plot was created and the activation energy for...
3D polypyrrole structures as a sensing material for glucose detection
PublicationIn this work, 3D polypyrrole (PPy) structures as material for glucose detection is proposed. Polypyrrole was electrochemically polymerized on platinum screen-printed electrode from an aqueous solution of lithium perchlorate and pyrrole. The growth mechanism of such PPy structures was studied by ex-situ scanning electron microscopy. Preliminary studies show that studied here PPy film is a good candidate as a sensing material for...
Fluctuation-Enhanced Gas Sensing by Two-Dimensional Materials
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On properties of visual quality metrics in remote sensing applications
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Gas sensing by resistance fluctuations in PdxWO3 nanoparticle films.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań sensorów gazu wykonanych z nanocząstek WO3 z dodatkiem Pd. Stwierdzono, że badanie fluktuacji rezystancji tych sensorów może istotnie zwiększyć czułość wykrywania gazu w porównaniu z obserwacją wyłącznie rezystancji stałoprądowej.
Higher-Order Statistics for Fluctuation-Enhanced Gas-Sensing.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych wykrywania wybranych mieszanin gazów za pomocą analizy fluktuacji rezystancji obserwowanych w sensorach gazu. Do analizy obserwowanych fluktuacji wykorzystano gęstość widmową mocy oraz funkcję bispektrum.
Application of CDMA modulated signals in seafloor remote sensing
PublicationW artykule omowiono zastosowanie modulacji CDMA w procesie detekcji echa od dna. Wyniki badan przedstawone zostaly dla symulacji z wykorzystaniem symulatora BORIS.
Noise measurement setups for fluctuations enhanced gas sensing
PublicationObserwacje zjawisk fluktuacyjnych w sensorach gazów pozwala zwiększyć czułość i selektywność detekcji gazów. Problemem jest budowa prostego i taniego systemu do obserwacji tych zjawisk. W artykule przedstawiono dwa systemy pozwalające na obserwacje szumów w rezystancyjnych sensorach gazów dostępnych na rynku i prototypowych, wykonanych z warstwy nanocząstek o zbliżonych wymiarach.
Hazardous gases detection by fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono układ pomiarowy oraz metodę za pomocą której można jednym rezystancyjnym czujnikiem gazów wykrywać dwa gazy: amoniak i siarkowodór. Podano wskaźnik jaki pozwala dokonać detekcji tych gazów już przy stężeniach rzędu pojedynczych ppm. Przebadano także powtarzalność wyników pomiarów w kilku egzemplarzach czujników.
Liquid crystalline optical components for application in optical sensing
PublicationW artykule opisano proces wytwarzania pryzmatów Wollastona na bazie roztworu ciekłokrystalicznego ZLI-1957 i płytek falowych na bazie prekursora polimeru ciekłokrystalicznego RMS03-001. Przedstawiono uzyskane parametry optyczne elementów pod kątem ich potencjalnych aplikacji
An odor-sensing system - powerful technique for foodstuff studies
PublicationThis work examines gas sensor array technology combined with multivariate data processing methods and demonstrates a promising potential for rapid, non-destructive analysis of food. Main attention is focused on detailed description of sensor used in e-nose instruments, construction, and principle of operation of these systems. Moreover, this paper briefly reviews the progress in the field of artificial olfaction and future trends...
Remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques in diagnostics of concrete structures
PublicationRecently laser scanning technologies become widely used in many areas of the modern economy. In the following paper authors show a potential spectrum of use Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements. Based on modes of failure analysis of reinforcement concrete beam authors describe downsides and advantages of adaptation of terrestrial laser scanning to this purpose, moreover reveal under which...
Embedded gas sensing setup for air samples analysis
PublicationThis paper describes a measurement setup (eNose) designed to analyze air samples containing various volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The setup utilizes a set of resistive gas sensors of divergent gas selectivity and sensitivity. Some of the applied sensors are commercially available and were proposed recently to reduce their consumed energy. The sensors detect various VOCs at sensitivities determined by metal oxide sensors’ technology...
Perspectives of Fluctuation-Enhanced Gas Sensing by Two-Dimensional Materials
PublicationWe present the results of gas sensing using the fluctuation-enhanced sensing method in selected two-dimensional materials (2DMs). We claim that gas sensing selectivity can be improved further by considering semiconducting two-dimensional materials doped by noble metal nanoparticles. The 2DMs' structures exhibit some imperfections defined by their structure, occurring repeatedly there. These imperfections are adsorption-desorption...
Plasma-Based Deposition and Processing Techniques for Optical Fiber Sensing
PublicationPlasma-based techniques are widely applied for well-controlled deposition, etching or surface functionalization of a number of materials. It is difficult to imagine fabrication of novel microelectronic and optoelectronic devices without using plasma-enhanced deposition of thin films, their selective etching or functionalization of their surfaces for subsequent selective binding of chemical or biological molecules. Depending on...
Efficiency of gas detection algorithms using fluctuation enhanced sensing
PublicationEfficiency of various gas detection algorithms by applying fluctuation enhanced sensing method was discussed. We have analyzed resistance noise observed in resistive WO3- nanowires gas sensing layers. Power spectral densities of the recorded noise were used as the input data vectors for two algorithms: the principal component analysis (PCA) and the support vector machine (SVM). The data were used to determine gas concentration...
Modelling of Graphene Field-Effect Transistor for lectronic sensing applications
PublicationA top-gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistor (GFET) suitable for electronic sensing applications was modelled. The applied simulation method reproduces correctly the output transfer GFET characteristics and allows to investigate doping effect caused by different physical, chemical or biological factors. The appearance of additional charge in the system results in the shift of the current-voltage characteristic. This feature could...
Fluctuation-enhanced scent sensing using a single gas sensor
PublicationScent or aroma sensing during aromatherapy can be carried out by applying only a single resistance gas sensor (TGS - Taguchi Gas Sensors). This paper considers the efficiency of detection of essential oils by DC resistance and its fluctuations observed in TGS sensors. A detailed study has been conducted for scents emitted by five popular essential oils using three sensor types (TGS 2600, TGS 2602, TGS 823). The research was focused...
The Concept of a Measurement Data Acquisition Platform Based on Compressive Sensing
PublicationThe paper introduces the concept of a modern software-hardware platform for data acquisition and analysis, capable of efficiently handling vast amounts of measurement data in real time with minimal energy consumption. The current methodologies for information acquisition are predicated upon traditional sampling techniques, which frequently yield redundant data necessitating subsequent compression. The novel approach is based on...
Light-improved glucose sensing on ordered Au-Ti heterostructure
PublicationNon-enzymatic electrochemical platforms sensitive towards glucose presence have attracted a worldwide attention during last decades. We report on influence of solar light onto response of gold-titanium heterostructures prepared via controllable approach. The material based on Au nanoparticles orderly distributed over the structured titanium foil was obtained by electrochemical anodization followed by chemical etching, magnetron...
Compressive Sensing Approach to Harmonics Detection in the Ship Electrical Network
PublicationThe contribution of this paper is to show the opportunities for using the compressive sensing (CS) technique for detecting harmonics in a frequency sparse signal. The signal in a ship’s electrical network, polluted by harmonic distortions, can be modeled as a superposition of a small number of sinusoids and the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) basis forms its sparse domain. According to the theory of CS, a signal may be reconstructed...
Regulated assembly of lipopolysaccharide and sensing of its alterations in Escherichia coli
PublicationThis thesis describes mechanism of the regulation of the transcription of the rpoE gene encoding an essential RNA polymerase subunit in Escherichia coli. The RpoE regulates extracytoplasmic stress response regulon and is required to initiate transcription of genes, whose products are involvedin the folding of periplasmic proteins and synthesis and transport of outer membrane components. The transcriptional regulation of the rpoE...
Luminescence Sensing Method for Degradation Analysis of Bioactive Glass Fibers
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Gas sensing by thermoelectric voltage fluctuations in SnO2 nanoparticle films
PublicationPrzedstawiono eksperymentalne wyniki wykrywania gazów za pomocą badania fluktuacji napięcia termoelektrycznego w warstwie SnO2 przygotowanej z jednorodnych ziaren o średnicy 20 nm. Obserwowano fluktuacje napięcia bez zewnętrznej polaryzacji warstwy SnO2. Intensywność obserwowanych fluktuacji przekraczała 1000-krotnie intensywność szumów termicznych. Obserwowane zjawisko może byc wykorzystane do zwiększenia czułości wykrywania...
Fluctuation-enhanced scent sensing using a single gas sensor
PublicationWykrywanie zapachów podczas aromaterapii może być przeprowadzone za pomocą pojedynczego sensora gazów. W pracy rozważono efektywność detekcji zapachów olejków eterycznych za pomocą rezystancji DC oraz zjawisk fluktuacyjnych w tych sensorach, typu TGS2600,TGS2602,TGS823. Badania koncentrowały się na praktycznym zastosowaniu w aromaterapii do określania intensywności emitowanego zapachu. Opisano szczegółowo system do emisji zapachów.
Skill of remote sensing snow products for distributed runoff prediction