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Search results for: SEPARATION
Bilge water separation by membrane distillation
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Separation of Droplets in the Field of a Boundary Layer
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Automatic evaluation of sound separation quality
PublicationW publikacji tej opisano problem oceny efektywności algorytmów separacji dźwięków muzycznych. Standardowa procedure służąca do takiej oceny nie istnieje. Najbardziej uzasadnionym podejściem wydają się być odsłuchowe testy subiektywne. Niemniej, aby taka ocena była wartościowa, niezbędna jest porządna walidacja statystyczna wyników, co oznacza iż grupa ekspertów powinna być duża oraz właściwości akustyczne pomieszczenia. Ponadto...
Ongoing Progress on Pervaporation Membranes for Ethanol Separation
PublicationEthanol, a versatile chemical extensively employed in several fields, including fuel production, food and beverage, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, and chemical manufacturing, continues to witness expanding applications. Consequently, there is an ongoing need for cost-effective and environmentally friendly purification technologies for this organic compound in both diluted (ethanol-water–) and concentrated solutions (water-ethanol–)....
Evaluation of the separation algorithm performance employing ANNs
PublicationCelem niniejszego rozdziału jest przedstawienie metodyki separacji dźwięków muzycznych bez informacji a priori o dźwiękach zawartych w muzycznym miksie. W pracy pokazano, że prawidłowo wytrenowana sztuczna sieć neuronowa (SNN)jest w stanie w sposób automatyczny poprawnie sklasyfikować dźwięki zawarte w zmiksowanym sygnale. Skuteczność klasyfikacji SNN jest porównywalna z oceną subiektywną ekspertów.
Application of ionic liquids for gas separation processes
PublicationNowym kierunkiem w procesach separacji dwutlenku węgla stało się w ostatnich latach zastosowanie cieczy jonowych. Niemierzalna prężność par i możliwość dostosowania ich właściwości czyni je idealnymi mediami zastępującymi lotne, korozyjne i toksyczne rozpuszczalniki. Ponadto ciecze jonowe wykazują niską współabsorpcję innych gazów. Dlatego też, możliwe jest selektywne odseparowanie dwutlenku węgla z mieszanin gazowych
Separation of saline oily wastewater by membrane distillation
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The influence of frequency separation on imaging properties in DFEIT
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wpływ wyboru składowych częstotliwościowych dla różnicowej tomografii impedancyjnej na wynik i własności obrazowania w dwuczęstotliwościowej różnicowej tomografii impedancyjnej.A Dual Frequency EIT is an extension of a traditional EIT that uses two sinusoidal signals for imaging. Appropriate selection of signals' frequency allows to achieve reasonable contrast of imaged structure. It has already been shown...
Deep Eutectic Solvents: Properties and Applications in CO2 Separation
PublicationNowadays, many researchers are focused on finding a solution to the problem of global warming. Carbon dioxide is considered to be responsible for the “greenhouse” effect. The largest global emission of industrial CO2 comes from fossil fuel combustion, which makes power plants the perfect point source targets for immediate CO2 emission reductions. A state-of-the-art method for capturing carbon dioxide is chemical absorption using...
Liquid chromatography techniques for separation of flavonoids from Droseraceae
PublicationFlavonoids which are presented in insectivorous plants of the Droseraceae family have wide range of advantageous properties i.e. an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities, antitumor activity was reported as well.The purpose of the research was to develop the most favourable conditions for liquid chromatographic separation and identification of myricetin and quercetin in extracts of insectivorous plants. In...
Inorganic membrane: a game changer for gas separation and purification
PublicationThis review explores the advancements and remaining challenges in inorganic membrane science, particularly focusing on their potential for industrial applications. It delves into the fundamental principles of inorganic membrane design, fabrication, and characterization techniques. The review also critically analyzes key challenges faced by inorganic membranes, such as physical aging, plasticization, defective formation, and fouling....
Phase Separation and Electrical Properties of Manganese Borosilicate Glasses
PublicationThe structure and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses of a composition of xMnO-(0.8-x)SiO2-(0.2)B2O3 (x=0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 in mol) were investigated by impedance spectroscopy, SEM, XRD and confocal microscopy methods. The influence of composition on the glass structure and electrical properties was discussed. A separation of two amorphous phases was observed and it was concluded that one phase is SiO2-rich and...
Separation of CO2 from biogas using absorption columns
PublicationBiogaz zawiera ok. 50-70% metanu, 30-40% di tlenku węgla oraz niewielkie ilości innych związków jak siarkowodór czy amoniaku. Dla uzyskania wysokokalorycznego gazu konieczne jest usunięcie ze strumienia di tlenku węgla. Praca opisuje potencjał użycia do tego celu kolumn absorpcyjnych oraz cieczy jonowych jako absorbenta
Techniques of preparing plant material for chromatographic separation and analysis
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia dyskusję na temat technik wykorzystywanych podczas przygotowywania próbek materiału roślinnego do rozdzielania chromatograficznego i analizy. Opisane techniki to: suszenie, homogenizacja, ługowanie, ekstrakcja. Przedstawiono także techniki ekstrakcyjne tj. ekstrakcja z wykorzystaniem ultradźwięków, przyśpieszona ekstrakcja rozpuszczalnikiem, ekstrakcja z wykorzystaniem mikrofal, ekstrakcja z wykorzystaniem rozpuszczalnika...
The recovery and the separation of metal ions from galvanic wastewaters
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The application of membrane extraction in the separation of zinc and cadmium ions
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The application of ultrafiltration for separation of glycerol solution fermented by bacteria
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A study of separation by the direct-contact membrane distillation process
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Studies of the separation performance of silanized silica gel for simulated distillation
PublicationWe present the results of investigations of the chromatographic (sorptive) properties of silanized silica gel as a stationary phase for gas chromatography used for simulated distillation. Commercially available silanized sorbent (particle diameter range 63–200 m, average pore size 60 Å) was sieved to obtain the 80–100 mesh fraction (180–150 m). The obtained results revealed that silanized silica gel allows the complete separation...
Graphene oxide aerogels for adsorptive separation of aromatic hydrocarbons and cycloalkanes
PublicationEfficient separation of benzene and cyclohexane has critical importance for production of commodity chemicals, and is one of the most challenging separations in the industry. Physisorption by recyclable, porous solids has a significant potential in substituting energy-intensive azeotropic or extractive distillation methods. Reduced graphene oxide aerogels (rGOAs) are emerging materials holding great promise for connecting unique...
Production of hydrogen from biomass and its separation using membranetechnology
PublicationHydrogen is an important raw material for chemical industry and feasible renewable energy carrier that could replace fossil fuels. However, the specie seldom exists in a form of pure H2. Therefore, to obtain hydrogen in volumes suitable to be used as a raw material it is necesary to decompose hydrogen-rich compounds. The carbohydrate-rich biomass can be an important source of hydrogen by applying the process of dark fermentation....
Capillary electrophoretic separation of cationic constituents of imidazolium ionic liquids
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Fouling of nanofiltration membranes used for separation of fermented glycerol solutions
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The ultrafiltration ceramic membrane used for broth separation in membrane bioreactor
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The study of membrane distillation used for separation of fermenting glycerol solutions
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Membrane processes used for separation of effluents from wire productions
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Separation of effluents from regeneration of a cation exchanger by membrane distillation
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Effect of flow-rate on ethanol separation in membrane distillation process
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Separation of volatile compounds from fermentation broth by membrane distillation
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Molecular interaction sensors: a new detector platform for separation methods
PublicationPotencjometria jest nową metodą detekcji dla chromatografii cieczowej (LC)i elektroforezy kapilarnej (CE). Zastosowanie potencjometrii dla chromatograficznych technik wynika z faktu, że sygnał z detektora jest zależny od stanu rozdzielenia analitów nad pokryciem sensora i od rodzaju eluentu. Rozdzielenie analitu powoduje zmiany potencjału, a zmiany te można zaklasyfikować jako potencjometryczne. Do opisu ilościowego potrzebny jest...
Potentiometric detection of organic ionics in separation methods: a critical evaluation
PublicationCzujniki potencjometryczne są w tej chwili stosowane głównie w połączeniu ze wstrzykową analizą przepływową. Badano membranowe czujniki potencjometryczne pod względem zastosowania w połączeniu z wysokosprawną chromatografią cieczową i elektroforezą kapilarną. Stosowano anality takie jak środki powierzchniowo czynne i proste leki. Zauważono, że czujniki potencjometryczne dają dobre odpowiedzi na małe i duże jony z ładunkiem wielokrotnym...
Wetting of supports by ionic liquids used in gas separation processes
PublicationCiecze jonowe są stosowane w procesach separacji gazów jako selektywne rozpuszczalniki. Są szeroko stosowane w technologii immobilizowanych membran ciekłych, głównie w procesach oczyszczania strumieni gazowych. Praca ta charakteryzuje komercyjnie dostępne membrany porowate używane we wspomnianych procesach. Określenie właściwości nośników i fazy membranowej ma na celu wyznaczenie czynników mających wpływ na stabilności takich układów...
Membrane separation processes for the extraction and purification of steviol glycosides: an overview
PublicationSteviol glycosides (SGs), as natural sweeteners from Stevia rebaudiana, are currently employed for replacing sugar and its derivatives in several food products and formulations. Such compounds play an essential role in human health. Their usage provides a positive effect on preventing diseases related to sugar consumption, including diabetes mellitus, cancer, and lipid metabolism disorders. The traditional extraction of SGs is...
Comparison of the effectiveness of automatic EEG signal class separation algorithms
PublicationIn this paper, an algorithm for automatic brain activity class identification of EEG (electroencephalographic) signals is presented. EEG signals are gathered from seventeen subjects performing one of the three tasks: resting, watching a music video and playing a simple logic game. The methodology applied consists of several steps, namely: signal acquisition, signal processing utilizing z-score normalization, parametrization and...
Experimental and numerical identification of separation zones in the cent-rifugal compressor
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę przepływu w obszarze koła wirnikowego oraz dyfuzora bezłopatkowego sprężarki powietrza. Wyniki obliczeń w ramach modelu 3D (FLUENT 5.5) porównano z wynikami badań laboratoryjnych na stanowisku sprężarkowym Katedry Sprężarek w Sankt Petersburgu. Celem porównania jest ocena możliwości identyfikacji stref przepływu z oderwaniem, w ramach modeli dostępnych w wykorzystanym programie obliczeniowym. W wyniku...
Numerical analysis of CO2-water separation in a horizontal double T-junction
PublicationCarbon dioxide is considered one of the main factors leading to global warming. Considering the significant impacts of CO2 on climate change, various technologies have been developed in recent decades to control carbon emission, such as for example CO2 capture and storage. The developed cycle of a negative CO2 emission power plant includes some devices, out of which, separator plays an indispensable role. To this end, T-junction...
Evolutionary approach to ship's trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes
PublicationThe paper presents the continuation of the author's research on evolutionary approach to ship trajectory planning. While the general problem of the evolutionary trajectory planning has already been solved, no one has yet touched one of its specific aspects: evolutionary trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes. Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) is a traffic-management route-system complying with rules of the International...
Application of polypropylene microfiltration membranes for separation of wastewater from car wash
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Determination of SCFAs in water using GC-FID. Selection of the separation system
PublicationIn the present study, an analytical procedure was developed for the determination of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in landfill leachate and municipal wastewater employing injection of aqueous samples to gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Chromatographic conditions such as a separation system, injection volume, oven temperature program were investigated and selected. With two columns, one with a polar (polyethylene...
Composite 2D Material-Based Pervaporation Membranes for Liquid Separation: A Review
PublicationToday, chemistry and nanotechnology cover molecular separations in liquid and gas states by aiding in the design of new nano-sized materials. In this regard, the synthesis and application of two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials are current fields of research in which structurally defined 2D materials are being used in membrane separation either in self-standing membranes or composites with polymer phases. For instance, pervaporation...
Separation of C6 hydrocarbons on sodium dithionite reduced graphene oxide aerogels
PublicationThe ability of reduced graphene oxide aerogels (rGOAs) for challenging gas-phase separation was investigated with hexane isomers and benzene (C6 hydrocarbons) using inverse gas chromatography (IGC). For the first, rGOAs were synthesized with sodium dithionite (DTN) as a reductant. Experiments revealed that the most optimal DTN to graphene oxide mass ratio was 2:1, resulting in the highest specific surface area of 432.3 m2 g−1 and...
Computed aided system for separation and classification of the abnormal erythrocytes in human blood
PublicationThe human peripheral blood consists of cells (red cells, white cells, and platelets) suspended in plasma. In the following research the team assessed an influence of nanodiamond particles on blood elements over various periods of time. The material used in the study consisted of samples taken from ten healthy humans of various age, different blood types and both sexes. The markings were leaded by adding to the blood unmodified...
Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories Within Traffic Separation Schemes
PublicationThe paper presents the continuation of the author's research on Evolutionary Sets of Safe Ship Trajectories (ESoSST) methodology. In an earlier paper (Szlapczynski, 2011) the author described the foundations of this methodology, which used Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) to search for an optimal set of safe trajectories for all the ships involved in an encounter. The methodology was originally designed for open waters or restricted...
Al(III) and Cu(II) simultaneous foam separation: Physicochemical problems
PublicationSimultaneous removal of Al(III) and Cu(II) from dilute aqueous solutions by ion and precipitate flotation methods is investigated. Influence of the pH of the initial solution, the surface active collector concentration and the gas flow rate on the final removal ratio and the course of ion and precipitate flotations is presented. Results show that simultaneous flotations of Al(OH)3 and Cu(OH)2 insoluble species occur allowing to...
POSS along the Hard Segments of Polyurethane. Phase Separation and Molecular Dynamics
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Separation of variables in molecular-dynamics simulations: A criterion to estimate the quality of the approximation
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Separation of zinc from aqueous samples using a molecular imprinting technique
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Studies on the separation of some transition metals using trialkylimidazole as selective extractant
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Application of Polymeric Tubular Ultrafiltration Membranes for Separation of Car Wash Wastewater
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Separation of post-fermentation glycerol solution by nanofiltration membrane distillation system