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Search results for: SHELL
Laminated shells in nonlinear six-parameter shell theory
PublicationW pracy proponowany jest związek konstytutywny dla powłoki warstwowej w ramach 6-paramatrowej nieliniowej teorii powłok z miarami odkształceń jak w ośrodku Cosseratów. Zaletą podejścia jest bezpośrednie zastosowanie inżynierskich stałych materiałowych.
Composite shells in 6-field nonlinear shell theory
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono równanie konstytutywne uwzględniające wielowarstwowość materiału powłoki. Równania wyprowadzono bazując na podejściu Equivalent Single Layer
A higher order shell element for wave propagation in isotropic shell structures
PublicationThe presents the new multi mode higher order shell element for wave propagation problems in shell structures.
On the FEM implementation of the large rotation shell theory for elasticanisotropic shells.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problemy implementacji MES teorii powłok o dużych obrotach w statycznej, geometrycznie nieliniowej analizie konstrukcji warstwowych. Zwrócono uwagę na właściwą interpretacje rotacyjnych stopni swobody w algorytmie MES. Omówiono wariant dużych i skończonych obrotów. Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń dla znanego w literaturze przykładu analizy paneli kompozytowej w zakresie dużych obrotów.
Junctions In Shell Structures: A Review
PublicationMany shell structures used in modern technology consist of regular shell parts joined together along their common boundaries. We review different theoretical, numerical, and experimental approaches to modelling, analyses and design of the compound shell structures with junctions. Several alternative forms of boundary, continuity and jump conditions at the singular midsurface curves modelling the shell junction are reviewed. We...
A Nonlinear Model of a Mesh Shell
PublicationFor a certain class of elastic lattice shells experiencing finite deformations, a continual model using the equations of the so-called six-parameter shell theory has been proposed. Within this model, the kinematics of the shell is described using six kinematically independent scalar degrees of freedom — the field of displacements and turns, as in the case of the Cosserat continuum, which gives reason to call the model under consideration...
On mechanics of piezocomposite shell structures
PublicationThis study presents an original and novel investigation into the mechanics of piezo-flexo-magneto-elastic nanocomposite doubly-curved shells (PFMDCSs) and the ability to detect the lower and higher levels of electro-magnetic fields. In this context, by utilizing the first-order shear deformation shell model, stresses and strains are acquired. By imposing Hamilton's principle and the von Kármán approach, the governing equations...
Buckling analysis of shell structures with stochastic imperfections using six parameter nonlinear shell theory
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ wstępnych losowych imperfekcji geometrycznych na wartość obciążenia krytycznego powłoki. W obliczeniach zastosowano autorski program MES wykorzystujący 6-cio parametrową nieliniową teorię powłok.
Nanoconfinement Induced Formation of Core/Shell Structured Mesoporous Carbon Spheres Coated with Solid Carbon Shell
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Analysis of the internal shell stability of the cylindrical vertical double-shell tank under the condition of the hydrostatic test
PublicationUtrata stateczności płaszcza wewnętrznego w pionowym stalowym zbiorniku może wystąpić jeżeli podczas próby wodnej słup wody w przestrzeni międzypłaszczowej będzie miał większą wysokość niż w zbiorniku wewnętrznym. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę jaka różnica poziomów wody podczas próby wodnej może zagrażać stateczności płaszcza wewnętrznego w zbiorniku o pojemności od 10000 m3 do 100000 m3.
Stability analysis of the internal cylindrical shell wall of a vertical double shell tank under a water test.
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę zagrożenia stateczności lokalnej płaszcza wewnętrznego przy różnicy poziomów wody w zbiorniku wewnętrznym i przestrzeni międzypłaszczowej podczas próby wodnej zbiornika. Podano krytyczne różnice poziomów wody dla typowych zbiorników o pojemności od 10 000 do 100 000 m3.
On dynamics of the question mark shell structure
PublicationW pracy prezentuje się problemy analizy dynamicznej nieregularnej konstrukcji powłokowej na przykładzie powłoki w kształcie znaku zapytania. Badania oparto na sześcioparametrowej nieliniowej teorii powłok, która pozwala na dyskretyzację modelu metodą elementów skończonych zawierających sześć stopni swobody w węźle. Ta teoria daje możliwość poprawnego modelowania nieregularności oraz rozgałęzień i ortogonalnych przecięć, jak również...
Stesses in tank shell with shape deformation
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów naprężeń w płaszczy stalowego, rzeczywistego zbiornika. Pomiary przeprowadzono przy pomocy tensometrii elektrooporowej. Obiektem badań był stalowy zbiornik pionowy z dachem pływającym o pojemności nominalnej 12.000 m3. Defermacje płaszcza stalowego badanego obiektu wynoszą od -170 do +150 mm.
Damage repair of the double shell tank
PublicationPłaszcz wewnętrzny stalowego zbiornika dwupłaszczowego o pojemności 10000 m3 został zdeformowany w wyniku błędu popełnionego podczas próby wodnej przy odbiorze zbiornika. W referacie omówiono technologię naprawy silnie zdeformowanego płaszcza zbiornika. Stosowano roztłaczanie hydrauliczne, prostowanie mechaniczne i termiczne oraz wymianę najbardziej uszkodzonych blach.
Core/shell structured silica spheres with controllable thickness of mesoporous shell and its adsorption, drug storage and release properties
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PublicationWithin the framework of the six-parameter nonlinear resultant shell theory we consider the axially symmetric deformations of a cylindrical shell linked to a circular plate. The reinforcement in the junction of the shell and the plate is taken into account. Within the theory the full kinematics is considered. Here we analyzed the compatibility conditions along the junction and their in uence on the deformations and stressed state.
PublicationA ferromagnetic object, located in the Earth’s magnetic field, changes its distribution. Through measuring such disturbances, one can locate the object and destroy it. To conceal the object, a special winding is placed inside its ferromagnetic shell, and its task is to eliminate the disturbances in the distribution of the Earth’s magnetic field.
Laser Scanning of a Soil-Shell Bridge Structure
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Propagation of elastic waves in shell-like structures
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Laminated plates and shells - first ply failure analysis within 6-parameter shell theory
PublicationThis work describes Tsai-Wu and Hashin criteria modifications, dictated by nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with asymmetric strain measures and drilling rotation. The material law is based on standard orthotropic elastic constants for a non-polar continuum, under plane state of stress. First ply failure loads of cylindrical panel subjected to pressure and flat compressed plate are estimated by means of Finite Element Analysis....
Torsional stability capacity of a nano-composite shell based on a nonlocal strain gradient shell model under a three-dimensional magnetic field
PublicationThis paper considers a single-walled composite nano-shell (SWCNS) exposed in a torsional critical stability situation. As the magnetic field affects remarkably nanostructures in the small size, a three-dimensional magnetic field is assessed which contains magnetic effects along the circumferential, radial and axial coordinates system. Based on the results of the nonlocal model of strain gradient small-scale approach and the first-order...
4-Node combined shell element with semi-EAS-ANS strain interpolationsin 6-parameter shell theories with drilling degrees of freedom
PublicationW pracy sformułowano 4-węzłowy powłokowy element skończony klasy C0, w ramach nieliniowej 6-parametrowej teorii powłok. W celu uniknięcia zjawiska blokady (locking effect) wykorzystano technikę EAS do niesymetrycznych odkształceń membranowych i ANS do odkształceń poprzecznych.Przedstawiono przykłady potwierdzające poprawność sformułowania.
On the generalized model of shell structures with functional cross-sections
PublicationIn the present study, a single general formulation has been presented for the analysis of various shell-shaped structures. The proposed model is comprehensive and a variety of theories can be used based on it. The cross-section of the shell structure can be arbitrarily analyzed with the presented equations. In other words, various types of shell structures, including cylindrical, conical, spherical, elliptical, hyperbolic, parabolic,...
The point estimate method in a reticulated shell reliability analysis
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present an application of the point estimate method (PEM) that can determine the probabilistic moments for engineering structures. The method is reasonably robust and adequately accurate for a wide range of practical problems. It is a special case of numerical quadrature based on orthogonal polynomials. The main advantage of this method is that, unlike FORM or SORM, it is not necessary to carry...
TiO2-based magnetic nanocomposites with core-shell structure
PublicationThe main aim of the doctoral dissertation was preparation and characterization of photocatalysts, with particular emphasis on modified titanium (IV) oxide photocatalysts, which can be applied for the degradation of organic pollutants not susceptible to biodegradation. A particularly important aspect of the work was the development of preparation method of nanocomposites with the magnetic core-shell and photocatalyst shell (TiO2)...
The Point Estimate Method in a Reticulated Shell Reliability Analysis
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present an application of the point estimate method (PEM) to determine the probabilistic moments for engineering structures. Reliability analysis is illustrated by two examples: an estimation of the critical force in linear elastic buckling analysis and a reticulated shell limit load determinations. Calculations were also made using Monte Carlo method. It has been shown the practical usefulness...
On phase equilibrium of an elastic liquid shell with wedge disclination
PublicationBased on the six-parameter shell theory we consider the phase equilibrium of a two-phase liquid membrane containing a wedge disclination. The considered problems are related to modelling of phase transitions in biological or lipid membranes. In order to capture the membrane behaviour we consider a special case of elastic shells which energy is invariant under major transformations of a reference configuration and can be treated...
Isogeometric Shell FE Analysis of the Human Abdominal Wall
PublicationIn this paper a nonlinear isogeometric Kirchhoff-Love shell model of the human abdominal wall is proposed. Its geometry is based on in vivo measurements obtained from a polygon mesh that is transformed into a NURBS surface, and then used directly for the finite element analysis. The passive response of the abdominal wall model under uniform pressure is considered. A hyperelastic membrane model based on the Gasser-Ogden-Holzapfel...
Shell with random geometric imperfections simulation-based approach
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę powłok z losowymi imperfekcjami. Zastosowano nieliniowe geometrycznie i materiałowo modele. Geometryczne imperfekcje opisano za pomocą pojedynczych zmiennych oraz pól losowych. Wykorzystano metodę Monte Carlo i metodę elementów skończonych. Zbadano wpływ różnych rozkładów prawdopodobieństwa imperfekcji geometrycznych na probabilistyczny rozkład nośności granicznej powłok. Zastosowane rozkłady ekstremalne imperfekcji...
Implemetation of the measured shell geometric imperfections to the numerical model
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Discrete random variables in reliability calculations of a reticulated shell
PublicationImplementation of the Point Estimation Method (PEM) in the reliability analysis of a three-dimensional truss structure is presented in the paper. The influence of geometric and material random parameters on the truss load-carrying capacity was investigated. The analysis was performed for different combinations of basic variables. Symmetric and asymmetric cases of snow load were taken to assess the structural reliability. Sensitivity...
Subcritical bifurcation of free elastic shell of biological cluster
PublicationIn this paper we will investigate symmetry-breaking bifurcation of equilibrium forms of biological cluster. A biological cluster is a two-dimensional analogue of a gas balloon. The cluster boundary is connected with its kernel by elastic links. The inside part is filled with compressed gas or fluid. Equilibrium forms of biological cluster can be found as solutions of a certain second order ordinary functional-differential equation...
Numerical analysis of cylindrical shell subjected to explosive load
Dynamic and tomography analysis of granular flow in cylindrical shell
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań ekperymentalnych dotyczących efektów dynamicznych występujących podczas przepływu materiałów sypkich w silosie cylindrycznym.
Amphiphilic core-shell nanoparticles with dimer fatty acid-based aliphatic polyester core and zwitterionic poly(sulfobetaine) shell for controlled delivery of curcumin
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Nonlinear FEM 2D failure onset prediction of composite shells based on 6-parameter shell theory
PublicationWithin the framework of the nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the drilling rotation and asymmetric stress measures, the modifications of Tsai-Wu and Hashin laminate failure initiation criteria are proposed. These improvements enable to perform first ply failure estimations taking into account the non-symmetric stress measures. In order to check the validity of the proposed criteria, finite element analyses are performed with...
Elastoplastic material law in 6-parameter nonlinear shell theory
PublicationWe develop the elastoplastic constitutive relations for nonlinear exact 6-parameter shell theory. A J2-type theory with strain hardening is formulated that takes into account asymmetric membrane strain measures. The incremental equations are solved using implicit Euler scheme with closest point projection algorithm. The presented test example shows the correctness of the proposed approach. Influence of micropolar material parameters...
The Impact of Contemporary Technology on Shell Structures: Material and Light Solutions
PublicationWith the development of technology and the materials used, shell structures have developed into more complex forms. This article is a comparison between contemporary and historical shell structures. The change is an effect of the evolution in the design process that is the result of parametric design thinking. The study aims to investigate the impact of new technologies on the architectural form of shell structures. Was there any...
PublicationIn the paper authors presented their own constructions of shell and tube heat exchangers with intensified heat transfer. The shell and coils heat exchangers are in common use in heat ventilations and air conditioning systems. Those types of recuperators are quite simple constructions, the low value of pressure drops and good conditions of heat transfer. The present study shows an experimental investigation of the heat transfer...
Correlation between natural frequencies and buckling load in a stiffened shell
PublicationThe paper deals with correlation between natural frequencies and buckling load of a stiffened shell composed of corrugated sheets and vertical stiffeners (columns). The simplified shell segment represents the buckling behaviour of a whole silo with sparsely distributed columns. The paper covers variants of linear buckling anal-yses, dynamic eigenvalue analyses and geometrically non-linear analyses of a segment modelled with shell...
On rotational instability within the nonlinear six-parameter shell theory
PublicationWithin the six-parameter nonlinear shell theory we analyzed the in-plane rotational instability which oc- curs under in-plane tensile loading. For plane deformations the considered shell model coincides up to notations with the geometrically nonlinear Cosserat continuum under plane stress conditions. So we con- sidered here both large translations and rotations. The constitutive relations contain some additional mi- cropolar parameters...
Elastoplastic law of Cosserat type in shell theory with drilling rotation
PublicationWithin the framework of six-parameter non-linear shell theory, with strain measures of the Cosserat type, we develop small-strain J2-type elastoplastic constitutive relations. The relations are obtained from the Cosserat plane stress relations assumed in each shell layer, by through-the-thickness integration employing the first-order shear theory. The formulation allows for unlimited translations and rotations. The constitutive...
Thermal Energy Storage with PCMs in Shell-and-Tube Units: A Review
PublicationThe paper presents a survey of the experimental and numerical studies of shell-and-tube systems in which phase change material (PCM) is used. Due to the multitude of design solutions for shell-and-tube systems, the emphasis is placed on double-tube (DT), triplex-tube (TT), and multitube (MT) units. Additionally, only single-pass systems are considered. Particular attention is paid to the method of heat transfer intensification....
Launching of steel bridge girder. Application of nonlinear shell models
PublicationThe paper describes the final technology of launching the steel bridge superstructure. The original technology failed in the first construction stage. Local damage of steel webs caused by plastic buckling stopped the procedure. In the effect of damage a new consulting team was employed to solve the problem and redesign a technology of constructing. The key element of the new solution was developed with great help of non-linear...
On the mechanism of photocatalytic reactions on CuxO@TiO2 core–shell photocatalysts
PublicationTitania (titanium(IV) oxide) is a highly active, stable, cheap and abundant photocatalyst, and is thus commonly applied in various environmental applications. However, two main shortcomings of titania, i.e., charge carrier recombination and inactivity under visible-light (vis) irradiation, should be overcome for widespread commercialization. Accordingly, titania has been doped, surface modified and coupled with various ions/compounds,...
Core-Shell Nanoparticles with Hyperbranched Poly(arylene-oxindole) Interiors
PublicationCore-shell type star polymers composed of poly(tert-butyl acrylate) (poly(t-BuA)) arms and 100% hyperbranched poly(arylene-oxindole) interiors were synthesized via the "core-first" method. Atom transfer radical polymerization of t-BuA initiated by 2-bromopropionyl terminal groups of the hyperbranched core was applied for the synthesis of the stars. The resultant star structures were characterized by gel permeation chromatography...
Thermal-Hydraulic Studies on the Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger with Minijets
PublicationIn this paper a patented design of a heat exchanger with minijets, with a cylindrical construction is presented. It is followed by the results of its systematic experimental investigations in the single-phase convection heat transfer mode. Based on these results, validation of selected correlations (coming from the literature) describing the Nusselt number was carried out. An assessment of the heat exchange intensification level...
Design and numerical testing of 5-box gfrp shell footbridge
PublicationThe paper formulates new design conditions for composite footbridges, taking into account the material and structural specificity of these objects, i.e. the strength condition, the serviceability condition and the frequency condition. A GFRP composite footbridge labelled with CFB2 code has been designed, with the original superstructure in the form of an opened-closed 5-box girder. The foot and cycle track bridge is simply supported,...
On the non-linear dynamics of torus-shaped and cylindrical shell structures
PublicationIn this study, the non-linear dynamic analysis of torus-shaped and cylindrical shell-like structures has been studied. The applied material is assumed as the functionally graded material (FGM). The structures are considered to be used for important machines such as wind turbines. The effects of some environmental factors on the analysis like temperature and humidity have been considered. The strain field has been calculated in...
Theoretical Auger and photoionization studies for open shell atoms andions.
PublicationWykorzystano program komputerowy RATIP do badań własności atomów i jonów o dowolnej konfiguracji. Położono nacisk na obliczenia szeregu własności elektronów Augera i fotojonizacji, aby dokonać porównań z ostatnio wykonywanymi doświadczeniami.